HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck 9/24/2014 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck . v•A' nof -• .--...n le, .4.• , ,li.' . ' '' .1 -'".1. 4e k. '• . • A . • •,,. .......Nft . till: .. . • - ,_ 4111114"9 SIIIII:' - Ait .4.' , , •4,...-, _ . .- 1- . • - -ea. '-0*11111a ... . . . • 4•{).4 IcIr d`w 411W4it. ' ••• .... '- , , e...• . . , : ••• -.r, - .11: - 4 e .- , L • •••,,_.. lir • --. •• '110*-, , ....__ :'-'. .1111111.40-- - i,..' .,,•••• , ,,, „..atoirc • .--..., „ 4 IN:l .-. .•-.--- 41iff ..'.4 :- 1‘ ' - -.• !;-•ii •,;- .: :. • . 4011010 . i. ' '.■:'..• • . 0.1t.i; A;.' . - '''. ••'1 -.% ,.--,-.- ....qh, . - -.• ..-. ...........1- - . ,,,,..- ••ii:.., ..,-..--.7.- 4,1.,,,,...i..,-.... - ,... - — , t,'1 1 r'i '„..4.,147.• -,--..e.e -4....,,1„:. •4,-., -,4... - --- ... -if. vrif,i-.: _ . Allhimop : ., . -.nr. '"":411,51- ■!rm.' rs .. ..tkir ,.. .,,_ Ar :-4,:!.. - - , . 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Septemb Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative September 24,2014 RE:The Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Town of Mamaroneck—Draft Dear Town of Mamaroneck Supervisor Seligson and Board Members Odierna,Katz,Elkind Eney and Murphy: The Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative,comprised of volunteers,would like to thank you for your support as we have worked to develop "The Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Town of Mamaroneck,addressing Quality of Life,Resilience and Sustainability"(The Plan).Over the past two years,we have admired your leadership and thank you for helping us define how to improve the Mamaroneck community.Our focus has been to save the Town money and reduce taxes while participating in the global effort to reduce our carbon footprint. We would like the Plan to become the roadmap to enhance the Quality of Life,Resilience(ability to minimize impacts and bounce back faster from severe weather)and Sustainability(living within our means)of the Town of Mamaroneck.We gathered a wealth of information from the Collaborative, neighborhood representatives and charrette participants. We attended seminars,acquired data and researched success stories from other communities across the country.We anticipate a Mamaroneck community less dependent on aging infrastructure,more connected with our neighbors,a community that will reduce energy consumption,save money,reduce flooding and better able to deal with the challenges of extreme weather. We plan to accomplish this through helping the Town and its residents move to:renewable energy sources;reduced energy use;more collaborations with community,regional and state efforts;implement green infrastructure;reduce solid waste;upgrade sewer infrastructure;and educate the public. We have attached a draft Plan and ask that you review it and provide us your comments.We look forward to meeting with you to discuss the Plan on October 1,2014.We will use your comments to improve the document.Based on feedback from you and the community,we hope to finalize the Plan and submit it for your approval in November,2014. Moving forward,we recommend a formal process and budget to implement the Plan actions,based on the needs of projects that are already on-going or were strongly endorsed by the community workshops held at the beginning of the year. The Plan focuses on three goals,ten priorities,and twenty-five initiatives to make Mamaroneck more resilient and sustainable while improving our quality of life.The Plan is ambitious,but achievable,its success is based on projects that can be realized through our collective energy and commitment. Sincerely, The Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative Andrea Boyar Tony Gelber Mitch Green Marc Karel! Michele Lewis Stephen Moser Frank Owens Elisabeth Radow George Roniger Lesley Seymour Cc: Nancy Seligson Steve Alfieri Andrea Grenadier September 2014 2 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Table of Contents Section 1 Overview Page 5 Background Why a Resilience and Sustainability Plan Goals Top Ten Priorities for 2015 Goals,Topics and Initiatives Implementation Measuring Plan Success Section 2 Goals and Initiatives Page 13 Goal 1 Improve Our Already Good Quality of Life Page 14 Goal 2 Increase Our Resilience to Storms and Supply Chain Interruptions Page 25 Goal 3 Enhance Our Long-Term sustainability Page 31 Section 3 Appendices Page 36 Previous and On-going Initiatives and Achievements Contact Information Divider photos courtesy Quinn Fluet September 2014 3 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Section 1 Overview 111. 4.. —V ..�.,.os„�...�;...r.,. 1f 1 1,14*; I"� +1 ir�f�;s t� a� a y September 2014 4 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Background The Town of Mamaroneck is located just north of New York City and New Rochelle in southeastern Westchester County along the shores of Long Island Sound.The Town includes the Village of Larchmont,a portion of the Village of Mamaroneck,and the unincorporated portion of the Town of Mamaroneck.The Town was chartered in 1661 and extends over approximately 5 square miles.The overall Town's population is approximately 25,000.The Unincorporated part of the Town(not including the Villages)approximately 11,00 people. Historically the Town of Mamaroneck has been a leader in conservation efforts preserving open spaces like the Sheldrake Reservoir and the Duck Pond,rezoning golf courses to protect open space and in the 1990's began regulating storm water to control flooding. More recently,the Town has undertaken several initiatives relative to climate change such as becoming a member of ICLEI(International Communities for Local Environmental Initiatives)and joining the NYS Dept.of Environmental Conservation's Climate Smart Community program.Much work has been done to reduce energy use in Town facilities and fleets to make them more energy efficient while saving the taxpayers money. In 2012,Town Supervisor Nancy Seligson formed a volunteer Sustainability Committee with five members.The charge of the committee was to identify and plan environmental initiatives for the Town as related to energy and storm water,and to assess future needs related to the challenges of climate change. The Sustainability Collaborative met regularly in 2012,2013 and 2104,beginning work on initiatives including a greenhouse gas inventory and an energy performance contract with an ESCO(Energy Services Company)for the Hommocks Ice Rink,Town Center,Fire House and street lighting. The Town subsequently bid and awarded the ESCO Contract,which will reduce Town energy costs for the covered areas by more than 60%, and save approximately$2 million over the next ten years. In September of 2013,the Collaborative reviewed the many actions taken by the Town and,after considerable discussion and thought, concluded that the best way to proceed was to develop a Resilience and Sustainability Plan so that a systematic approach could be taken to identify,quantify and formulate solutions to solve our environmental challenges. Developing the Plan—Selecting an Approach,Focusing on Fiscal Benefit The Collaborative considered alternative strategies for plan development.Reviewing the Sustainability Plans of neighboring communities including New Rochelle,the City of Rye,New York City and Long Island,it seemed that the process could be either a grass-roots,"bottom-up" approach or a"top-down"effort.A bottom-up approach seemed much more in tune with our Town's character.Collaborating with the Town Supervisor we held two community workshops to gather ideas and understand community interests. September 2014 5 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck In developing this Draft Plan,a wide variety of initiatives was considered;the potential savings,or cost,of each initiative was a major consideration in narrowing the focus to the ideas presented here.Wherever possible,initiatives that could save residents money at home,or reduce net government expenditures,were preferred.Some initiatives may require an initial investment,but experience in other communities has shown that the payback can be rapid and the results long-lasting.Other initiatives,particularly those related to resiliency against extreme weather,are priorities as"an ounce of prevention"that will benefit all of us more than the"pound of cure"we spend every time there is a major storm.We can learn from other towns that have found that"emergency preparedness"projects save lives,reduce damage,and contain public sector costs(and taxes). Based on the workshops and Collaborative meetings we have developed this draft Plan.In the fall of 2014 we are scheduling two additional workshops to review this Plan with our neighbors.The Plan will be further amended,and then presented to the Town Board for approval. Why a Resilience and Sustainability Plan? Resilience Many communities across the globe,nation and state have been hit hard by storms.Our area was spared until we experienced storms Irene, Lee and Sandy in 2012 and 2013.These three storms impacted us severely and showed us that as a coastal community and one at the base of a large watershed,we are at risk from severe storm events. The term resilience,the ability to prepare for,respond to and bounce back from severe weather events,has become the single definitive term describing this process.Our Collaborative believes that resilience is needed to help prepare and protect Mamaroneck. FEMA,the Federal Emergency Management Agency,has been promoting development of All Hazard Mitigation Plans to help communities be better prepared.The Town has been proactive and recently completed the Town of Mamaroneck All Hazard Mitigation Plan. We believe that resilience and sustainability go hand in hand in protecting our quality of life and that our"Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck"should be closely aligned with the All Hazard Mitigation Plan. Sustainability The term sustainability had its origins in the 1970's and 80's in Europe.Several studies,books and conferences such as a study by the Club of Rome and the book"Small is Beautiful"discussed the planet's carrying capacity.They discussed whether the remaining resources could support a growing population and the increasing amounts of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. The Bilateral Commission and then the Kyoto Treaty confirmed the notions scientists had promulgated about the relationship between climate,greenhouse gasses and the burning of fossil fuels.Terms such as global warming,climate change and sustainability began to appear with respect to these issues.The Town has joined ICLEI and more recently The NY State Initiative-Climate Smart Communities,to combat these challenges. September 2014 6 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Goals We have designed this Plan to be practical,simple,cost-effective and implementable within a five-year time frame. The Plan aims to preserve and enhance the long-term livability of our Mamaroneck Community through advocacy,education,actions and projects that promote three objectives:Quality of Life,Resilience and Sustainability. Goal 1: Improve Our Already Good Quality of Life Help Mamaroneck become an even cleaner,quieter,safer place to live and work while protecting and enhancing our natural resources,open spaces and public amenities. Goal 2: Increase Our Resilience to Storms and Supply Chain Interruptions Increase Mamaroneck's ability to prepare for,respond to,and rebuild from severe weather events. Improve the reliability of our infrastructure(streets,utilities,power and communications),and daily life supply chain minimizing disruptions. Goal 3:Enhance Our Long Term Sustainability Sustainability means living within our means today and maintaining resources and the environment for those that come after us.This includes reducing,re-using and recycling resources,goods and waste products as a means to reduce greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions while saving money,promoting a green economy and increasing the efficiency of local government.Sustainability can be enhanced by eliminating the pollution and cost of transporting things we need from a distance,including food and fuel. September 2034 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Top Ten Priorities for 2015 Improve Our Already Good Quality of Life 1 Increase community awareness of how resilience and sustainability affect our quality of life 2 Protect natural resources including surface and ground waters,Long Isladn Sound,parks,trees and open spaces 3 Reduce air and noise pollution 4 Make Mamaroneck a leader in bike-able,walk-able communities Increase Our Resilience to Storms and Supply Chain Interruptions 5 Improve community preparedness for storms and supply chain interruptions 6 Improve the reliability and resilience of our infrastructure,including electrical supply and solar energy 7 Amend local codes to reduce flooding risks and energy use 8 Develop initiatives to reduce flood risks and the cost of flood insurance premiums Enhance Our Long Term Sustainability 9 Promote sustainable local economic development of green businesses,employment,food&fuel 10 Become a near-zero solid waste community Goals,Topics and Initiatives The Top Ten Priorities for 2015 will be the focus of our efforts,but they are not the limit of the issues to be addressed and the progress to be made.There are twenty-five initiatives that support the Plan's three goals.The initiatives were developed and selected based on feedback from the community workshops held in early 2014.The workshops generated many potential topics that were the basis for the Plan. September 2014 8 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Summarizing the Plan:Goals,Topics&Initiatives Goal Topic Initiative Quality of Life Outreach and Education Increase awareness of how resilience and sustainability impact quality of life Landscaping Promote green landscaping and gardening practices Natural Resources Increase Mamaroneck's tree cover by 20%in 10 years Identify and protect critical open spaces for habitat and migration Redevelop key streetscapes to increase beauty and connectivity Air and Noise Pollution Reduce air and noise pollution from landscape equipment and vehicles Transportation Make Mamaroneck a leader in walk-able,bike-able communities Decrease by 10%vehicle miles traveled by fossil fueled vehicles Drinking Water Conserve water to reduce costs and protect water sources Surface Waters Improve water quality in Town rivers,streams and Long Island Sound Storm Water Reduce storm water flooding,use storm water as a resource Waste Water Meet government mandates for sanitary and storm water Reduce contamination of ground and surface waters Resilience Preparedness Improve community preparedness for emergencies Identify risks from all types of community hazards Flooding Amend local codes to reduce flooding and energy use Develop initiatives to reduce flood risks and flood insurance premiums Buildings&Housing Improve resilience of homes and businesses against storms Infrastructure Improve the reliability and resilience of our infrastructure systems Electric Power Increase local renewable power,including solar,geothermal,microgrids Sustainability Energy,GHGs Reduce greenhouse gases and use of non-renewable energy sources Solid Waste Become a near-zero solid waste Community Businesses Promote sustainable local businesses to address environmental issues Development Green the zoning and building Codes Promote green buildings September 2014 9 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Strategies for Implementation We intend the Plan to be a living document,guiding us in our actions today and into the future.To make this happen,we propose a three pronged implementation strategy: • Use the Sustainability Collaborative as an organizer and clearinghouse, with task forces to implement each initiative • Create an outreach and education program to help the community understand what needs to be done and how to do it • Develop partnerships with businesses,educational organizations,not-for-profits and houses of worship to make things happen Making Progress Now—expanding the Collaborative,starting Task Forces Mamaroneck's resilience and sustainability effort has combined projects and policy development since the Collaborative began.Community outreach and education,green Infrastructure promotion and work on the ESCO have complemented developing the Plan.The Collaborative's original five members have expanded to ten as residents join because they want to work on initiatives.Two community organizations,The Howell Park Association and the Larchmont Gardens Civic Association have agreed to work with us.Task forces have started work on the three of the 2015 Top Ten Priorities including Solid Waste,Noise Pollution and Bike-Friendly Communities.We plan to expand the task forces as we get additional volunteers. Monitoring Progress-An Annual Review When adopted by the Town Board,the Plan will require annual updates to the Town Board on progress toward the goals and initiatives.This will establish accountability and continuity during implementation,as well as a venue for adjusting goals and actions. Funding The projects we have pursued to date and the Plan development have all been accomplished on a voluntary basis by Collaborative members and extra effort by Town of Mamaroneck staff.Reducing utility bills,reducing the cost of solid waste management,and reducing the cost of clean-up from storms and flooding are all goals of the Plan that will help the Town and its residents save money.Many projects will require funding.We need help to implement outreach and education,buy printing supplies,stage events and begin pilot projects. We have structured the goals and actions in this Plan on an annual basis with the idea that there will be a small base budget annually with specific budget requests tied to specific goals and initiatives. For 2015,we are working on a base budget request of approximately$25,000,for items such as community outreach,education,workshops, education,training,printing and supplies.In addition,we will propose several modest capital improvements such as bike racks that we will submit together with the relevant Town Departments during the Town's budget process later this Fall. September 2014 10 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Partnerships and Grants The Collaborative will look for partnerships,grants and funding opportunities form both government and non-government sources.The Town is participating in a New York State Grant with other Westchester communities to help green the zoning and building codes.The Town is collaborating with Columbia University's Sustainability Master's program,on the Net-Zero Solid Waste effort to evaluate a series of alternatives and formulate a cost-effective,implementable strategy.We will strengthen our links to local community organizations such as the Rotary Club,which has offered to kick-start our bike rack installation program, Leveraging private sector interest to advance benefit for all There are initiatives with three-to seven-year paybacks that the Town and or businesses may want to consider.The ESCOs currently underway in the Mamaroneck School District and for Town facilities have not exhausted the potential for energy savings.Solar power,co- generation,or even geothermal installations with capital expense pre-funded by private sector specialists,all have potential.The New Rochelle School system is saving money and reducing solid waste by contracting with a private composting company.This may be a possibility for Mamaroneck as well.Rain gardens,rain barrels,and increased tree cover to reduce demand on our storm sewer system can help the Town reduce flooding.These types of returns on investment will be encouraged wherever possible. Taxes One of the overriding goals of this Plan is to preserve the long term viability of Mamaroneck.A significant risk to our long-term viability is the cost of government,often driven by unfunded mandates,preparing for and recovering from storms,and paying for commodities sourced from places out of our control.This Plan hopes to inform the Town and residents of emerging challenges and help develop solutions that are cost effective over the long run.Identifying and seizing these opportunities will help plan and maintain tax levels. 61 ( i� • i al NM 01111 lailitj it L .rile L tlaMPI A Ping al' Hommocks Marsh cleanup volunteers,2014 September 2014 11 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Plan Success—Participation, Partnerships and Timeframe We define success of this Plan in two ways: 1.Achieving an identifiable level of advocacy and education throughout the community 2. Accomplishing the initiatives set for each of our goals. We have set up this Plan to promote and enhance partnerships and collaboration.We believe partnerships,collaboration and innovation makes the whole bigger and better for us all. Engaging our community is essential.Each of us has an important part to play;we can do this better together.We will do this through education.The community needs to know what should be done(Advocacy),why it should be done(Education)and finally how to get it done (Actions/Projects). A Great Future-Doing Well by Doing Good This concept,much publicized recently,is at the core of this Plan.We hope to create a better community—more resilient and more sustainable,with a better,safer quality of life in an affordable framework. How we heat our homes,light our lights,get to work,find a job,attend a religious service,and live in this community is highly dependent on non-renewable resources.Moving forward,we can achieve a Mamaroneck that has cleaner air and water,is less dependent on fossil fuels, and is more resilient to storms even while keeping a focus on cost-effective action. We are excited about the future.We challenge the"business as usual"model of everyday lifestyles,and ask that each one of us look for innovative ideas that are more resilient,sustainable and contribute to the health and welfare of our entire community.The benefits of achieving the goals of the Plan will be good for all. Contact Information: Andrea Grenadier,Sustainability Coordinator Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck,NY 10543 agrenadier @townofmamaroneck.org (914)381-7805 September 2014 12 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Section 2—Overall Goals and Initiatives . I ,. ` f p I --. t it / . _ . _ "t September 2014 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Goal 1—Improve our already good Quality of Life Our Collaborative believes,as do most residents of Mamaroneck,that we have a good quality of life.How do we define quality of life?We have arrived at'living in a beautiful community with abundant natural and built resources with an infrastructure system that supports a lifestyle rich in communication athletics,arts and cultures,all provided within an equitable tax structure. We see several challenges to this lifestyle including severe weather events,supply chain disruptions,and unfunded government mandates that can drive up taxes.The initiatives we focus on in this chapter are ways to overcome these challenges and also respond to the requests we heard at the community workshops.We focus on air and noise pollution,protection of our natural and built resources,making Mamaroneck a safer place to walk,bike,ride and drive,and maintaining and improving our infrastructure. The goals,topics and initiatives for Goal 1 are: Goal Topic Initiative Quality of Life Outreach and Education Increase awareness of how resilience and sustainability impact quality of life Landscaping Promote green landscaping and gardening practices Natural Resources Increase Mamaroneck's tree cover by 20%in 10 years Identify and protect critical open spaces for habitat and migration Redevelop key streetscapes to increase beauty and connectivity Air and Noise Pollution Reduce air and noise pollution from landscape equipment and vehicles Transportation Make Mamaroneck a leader in walk-able,bike-able communities Decrease by 10%vehicle miles traveled by fossil fueled vehicles Drinking Water Conserve water to reduce costs and protect water sources Surface Waters Improve water quality in Town rivers,streams and Long Island Sound Storm Water Reduce storm water flooding,use storm water as a resource Waste Water Meet government mandates for sanitary and storm water Reduce contamination of ground and surface waters September 2014 1 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Topic—Outreach&Education A community that is well-informed is a community better able to make thoughtful,meaningful decisions.What do"resilience"or "sustainability"mean for everyday life—how might being more"resilient"change the way we get to school or the train,where we shop, what happens to our basement during a big rain,when the lights go out?What might being more"sustainable"mean for how we take out the garbage,or what sort of police cars the Town buys?Quality of life,resilience and sustainability are inter-related at many levels—what benefits one of these goals may benefit other goals as well. Our top initiatives for 2015 include outreach,education,discussion,brainstorming,and community feedback..In order to succeed,we must all participate.Only if we understand the challenges,the relationships,the opportunities and the benefits will each of us be ready to act. Initiative:Expand Outreach,Education,Understanding and Participation through a Communications and Events Program We are a busy community,with too many competing priorities already—work,family,school,interests and associations.Each of us gets our information differently.To build community awareness and commitment,we will communicate in several different ways. Actions • Collaborate with the Town to add a resiliency and sustainability tab to the Town website • Develop content for each goal and each of our top ten priorities for 2015 • Work with local media(newspapers,radio,TV,websites,blogs)to provide content and notice of events • Take advantage of existing events to get related information to participants and sponsors • Make presentations to local associations and clubs about the 2015 Priorities and how they can help • Outreach to local businesses,restaurants and houses of worship about the 2015 Priorities and how they can help Topic—Landscaping Reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers on lawns and in landscaping in the Town of Mamaroneck will improve water quality in local streams,rivers and Long Island Sound.During rain events,pesticides and fertilizers run off of properties into our streets,storm drains and finally into Long Island Sound.Those pesticides and fertilizers cause a decrease in oxygen levels in Long Island Sound harming fish and plants and affecting our enjoyment of the water.These chemicals affect life in the Sound.Minimizing their everyday use will reduce adverse impacts,making the Sound a better resource to enjoy and improving quality of life in the Town. September 2014. 15 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Initiative:Promote Green Landscaping and Gardening Practices Use of lawn products,including fertilizers,weed killers and pesticides is a major source of pollution to Long Island Sound.Healthier and less- harmful alternatives exist;promoting their use will benefit everyone. Actions • Benchmark best local practices in green landscaping and gardening • Develop lists of lawn,garden,fertilizer and pesticide and products that are either recommended or strongly discouraged • Educate our community on green landscaping and gardening practices,including use of healthier and safer fertilizers and pesticides • Encourage mulching leaves to reduce organic material collection and enrich lawns Funding: • Local government cost impact:funding required for benchmarking study,otherwise minimal Topic-Natural Resources We are blessed with beautiful trees,conservation areas,great streams and rivers and the Long Island Sound shoreline.How we restore, preserve and enhance these resources for our children should be a major focus of our efforts. Initiative:Increase Mamaroneck's Tree Cover by 20%in 10 Years Increasing tree cover will reduce the"heat island"effect of concrete and asphalt which raises the ground-level temperature during the hot summer.Increasing tree cover will make walking and bicycling more comfortable in Mamaroneck and decrease the need for air conditioning in homes and businesses.Plus,more tree cover is aesthetically pleasing and will improve property values and quality of life. Actions • Develop a task force on natural resource protection • Maintain existing trees • Map current public sector trees on streets,parks,schools,etc. • Encourage neighborhood-by-neighborhood tree inventories • Develop stronger tree species selection criteria based on best practices and with climate change in mind • Develop 20%increase plan considering public and private potential September 2014 l Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck • Implement annual tree cover updates for public and private sector • Improve scope and enforcement of tree replacement legislation,including businesses and utility providers such as ConEd • Initiate a Town Tree Cover Volunteer Team to promote and assist the tree cover expansion program,coordinate philanthropy and fund-raising,and encourage neighborhood participation. Funding: • Local government cost impact:public-private partnership envisioned between individuals,neighborhoods and local government Initiative:Identify and Protect Critical Open Spaces for Habitat and Migration Retaining and protecting open spaces improves the quality of life in any municipality.Open space provides green space,park areas,habitat,a place to recreate,and flood mitigation.Municipalities that haven't maintained open spaces report a decrease in satisfaction among residents and businesses and decrease in property values. Mamaroneck is home to or an important way station for a variety of wildlife whose presence strengthens our sense of nature.Preserving the habitat these species need will continue to enrich our quality of life. Actions • Develop map of all Town open spaces • Develop maps of critical habitat • Identify potential sites for conservation easements • Identify sites for green infrastructure on public land Funding: • Local government impact:funding required for initial mapping;partnership between neighborhoods and government for site identification;collaboration between government and a partner for site identification(such as Cornell University Agricultural Extension,or Audubon Society) September 2014 17 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Initiative:Redevelop key Streetscapes to increase beauty and connectivity Mamaroneck's identity is defined,in part,by our major streets.Whether these"streetscapes"are seen as positive-or otherwise-helps determine our community's"sense of place"and"curb appeal"helping drive real estate values and quality of life.Better streetscapes which highlight our community's best attributes will benefit all of us. Actions • Identify streetscapes that are major contributors to Mamaroneck's identity,such as Boston Post Road,Palmer Avenue,, Weaver Street,Murray Avenue,Fenimore Road,and Old White Plains Road. • For each Streetscape,define enhancement goals to include Complete Streets concepts for pedestrians and bicyclists, increased tree cover for shading,redevelopment/replacement of power and utility infrastructure,and implementation of permeable paving and sidewalks to decrease storm water flows(green infrastructure) • For each Streetscape,create a Volunteer Team to create a streetscape plan;partner with government for implementation Funding: • Local government cost impact:minimal cost for departmental collaboration with Volunteer Teams in planning;project implementation costs will vary Topic-Air and Noise Pollution Air and noise pollution,mainly from landscape equipment,was one of the top five issues expressed at the workshops and subsequent discussions with community members.Community members are furious over the noise coming from landscape equipment every day in every season except winter.In particular leaf blowers although banned from June 1 to September 30 are used continuously and enforcement is difficult. Initiative:Reduce Air and Noise Pollution from Landscaping Equipment and Vehicles Improving the health and well-being of residents,businesses,and visitors is very important. We all breathe our local air.We need to ensure that it is of the highest quality and minimize ambient pollutant levels.Noise also affects quality of life and well-being.While equipment inevitably emits noise,we wish to minimize it,particularly during critical times of the day. A Noise Task Force has been created to develop ways to combat this noise.Several ideas have already surfaced including recommending quieter equipment already on the market,developing a quiet landscaping standard that would be voluntarily used by landscapers to differentiate their services„and encourage landscapers to bid for an entire block of work in return for use of the quiet standard. September 2014 18 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Actions • Expand existing task force • Identify equipment that is quieter and promote adoption through websites,notices,education programs • Research and review existing legislation and enforcement and compare with legislation in similar communities • Develop a quiet standard • Meet with landscapers;Improve enforcement through issuing violations • Limit times such equipment can be used;Post compliance signage • Consider a pilot project to test these concepts • Review truck brake laws and enforcement • Pollution from vehicles:Promote green fleet selection for public sector vehicles • Pollution from vehicles:Reward private sector green vehicles with priority parking at Metro-North stations,public facilities, parks,schools,and commercial areas • Enforce and encourage existing No Idling Laws Funding: • Considerable amounts of time and research required. Funding will be required for signs,green vehicles Topic-Transportation Transport is vital to our quality of life.Traffic congestion on the other hand can be very frustrating to drivers,riders,walkers and bikers. Making our streets safer and more easily travelled by all—pedestrians,bicyclists,people with mobility aids—will reduce automobile traffic while encouraging exercise and individual health. Initiative:Make Mamaroneck a leader in bike-able,walk-able communities Responding to community needs and votes from the workshops,we have looked at communities around the world and found that walkable bike able communities enjoy a better quality of life and preserve or enhance property values.A transportation taskforce has been created. Actions • Expand our existing task force • Work with groups such as Safe Routes to School for walking to school etc. • Implement Complete Streets recommendations,including priority routes such as Palmer,Weaver,Murray and the Post Road September 2014 19 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck • Create and publicize comprehensive walking and biking paths to promote connectivity between train stations,schools, commercial areas,parks,public facilities • Join recognized groups to promote alternate transport systems • Apply to become and work toward achieving designation as Westchester County's first Bicycle Friendly Community • Identify community standards for walkable bike able streets and roads • Increase availability of bike racks at key locations through public-private partnerships and philanthropy,add new bike racks at five locations or more in 2015 • Research a local system to provide transport to key locations at key time periods Funding: • Various amounts of funding to implement Complete Streets initiatives,to buy bike racks Initiative:Decrease by 10%miles travelled in fossil-fueled vehicles within 5 years Driving many miles in automobiles using gasoline with a poor miles per gallon rating has many adverse effects on Town residents,including air pollution(more toxic emissions entering the atmosphere at ground level where people are more likely to inhale it),traffic congestion, haze,noise,greenhouse gas emissions(precursor for climate change),heat islands,cost,and dependence on foreign-produced oil.Reducing miles travelled in such automobiles improves air quality,reduces gasoline usage and combustion,reduces traffic congestion,reduces noise and saves money.Green vehicles are ones that are electric(do not combust a fossil fuel at all)or do combust a fossil fuel(such as gasoline, diesel,propane or natural gas)very efficiently,such as a hybrid. Actions • Perform GHG/energy audit and determine vehicle miles travelled in Mamaroneck—private and public sectors • Promote green fleet for public sector vehicles • Promote green commuting for private sector,including priority parking for green vehicles,van pools at Metro North stations, schools,public facilities,parks and commercial areas • Identify possible solutions and costs/paybacks • Review existing public transport routes • Investigate Jitney service for routes with substantial volumes but only periodic activity Funding: • Local government cost impact:funding required for GHG study;minimal costs for Green Fleet and Green Commuting promotion September 2034 20 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Topic—Drinking Water Currently,there is sufficient water supply to serve the needs of Town residents and businesses.Managing our use of water is critical in times of drought,loss of power,and severe storms.It is also critical to the associated costs of our water.Irrigation demands threaten our water pressure in the summer.Reducing water use saves money,reduces sanitary and storm water sewer flows and helps reduce the need for expanded infrastructure. In most of the world,water is a precious commodity;here in Mamaroneck as well we must conserve it to prepare for a future where water will be more scarce and expensive. Initiative:Conserve water to reduce cost and protect water sources Fresh,clean and high quality drinking water is one of Mamaroneck's most important resources.Each of us pays for the water we drink as part of our monthly expenses.Our drinking water supply system is getting older;maintenance costs are increasing. The effect of climate change on rainfall in our watershed is not yet clear;we want our children,and theirs,to enjoy the same benefits we do today.Finding opportunities to substitute storm water for fresh water supply for residences,schools and public facilities will reduce consumption of a precious resource while reducing water supply costs. Actions • Compare current Town water usage against local,national and international benchmarks • Analyze current public sector and private sector water usage for landscape,other exterior use,bathrooms,cooking • Set goals for public sector water use and implement through education,conservation,repairs,and capital improvements • Set goals for water use by land use:single family residential,multi-family residential,retail,restaurant,educational,religious • Promote water conservation efforts • Promote use of storm water for irrigation • Enact alternate-day irrigation regulations • Promote landscape design that minimizes water use • Promote water harvesting(rain barrels)for non-drinkable uses such as irrigation,toilet flushing and HVAC operations • Collaborate with neighborhoods on block-by-block review of existing water supply distribution systems • Based on neighborhood reviews,develop strategy for water supply system repair and/or replacement • Collaborate with local companies to promote reduced-cost implementation of green infrastructure Funding: • Significant time will be required for research.Funding will be needed for outreach and education. September 2014 21 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Topic—Surface waters Long Island Sound is a defining feature of Mamaroneck's identity.Although the Sound is in better shape than a generation ago,it is far from the high-quality resource it was a century ago.Improving the health and water quality in the Sound depends on the quality of the waters that feed it,including our rivers,streams and storm sewer system.Together with other Sound Shore communities,and our neighbors in Connecticut and Long Island,we need to improve our efforts to restore Long Island Sound. Initiative:Improve water quality in Town rivers,streams,and in Long Island Sound Reducing pollutants in storm water will improve the water quality of local rivers and streams and Long Island Sound. Actions • Eliminate the use of pesticides and fertilizers on public property • Reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers on private property • Clean catch basins on regular basis(consider an"Adopt a Catch Basin"program with neighbors) • Retrofit catch basins to catch and hold pollutants(coordinate with street repaving where possible) Funding: • Local government impact:minimal costs related to consideration of revised regulations;catch basin replacement coordinated with street repaving Topic—Storm Water Managing storm water will mitigate flooding risks and reduce polluted runoff. The high level of development and aging infrastructure in the Town require changes to storm water management.We need to prevent flood damages to property and infrastructure and safeguard our residents.Impervious surfaces do not allow for drainage. In addition,government mandates to reduce flows to sewage treatment plants require us to remove storm water from sanitary sewers. Initiative:Reduce storm water flooding;use storm water as a resource Actions • Develop history of flood patterns based on discussions with residents • Work with Town Engineer to develop comprehensive flood water risk and flow diagrams September 2014 22 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck • Based on new"design rainfall"data,revise existing guidelines for street slopes,crown-to-curb slopes,minimum curb heights, and maximum distance between catch basins • Promote green infrastructure such as rain barrels,rain gardens and green roofs as an alternative to expanding storm water sewer lines • Collaborate with neighborhoods to clean catch basins more frequently(Create an Adopt-a-Catch-Basin program) • Revise zoning and building codes regarding lot coverage,impervious surface coverage,tree canopy coverage and detention tank requirements as an alternative to expanding storm water sewers • Increase tree cover to increase absorption of storm water • Repair and maintain sanitary and storm water sewer pipes Funding: • Local government cost impact:departmental costs for collaboration on flood pattern maps and revised rainfall criteria; government mandates require investment to separate storm water and waste water;project costs may decrease as"green infrastructure"features are employed Topic—Waste Water Our waste water system is a critical component of our health,our lifestyles,and our quality of life.Our community's waste water system was installed almost a century ago.This aging infrastructure is imposing increasing maintenance costs.In some places,where the storm water system and the waste water system are not adequately separated,these comingled flows increase the burden on our waste water plants, increase our costs,and violate federal mandates.Finding ways to repair our waste water system is a major challenge over the next decade. Initiative:Meet Government mandates for sanitary water Repairing and maintaining Town-owned wastewater sewer pipes will improve water quality in Long Island Sound.The sanitary sewer infrastructure in the region is old including the Town and resident—owned pipes.The pipes have cracks,leaks and holes.This allows storm and ground water to enter the pipes causing excess flows into the County-owned sewage treatment plants causing reduced treatment and overflows into Long Island Sound.Federal,State and County mandates require repairs of the sewer pipes. Actions • Repair damaged or broken Town-owned sanitary sewer pipes • Compare current Town wastewater generation against local,national and international benchmarks • Analyze current public sector and private sector waste water flows September 2014 23 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck • Set goals for public sector waste water flows and implement through education,repairs,and capital improvements • Consider goals for private waste water flows by land use(single family residential,multi-family residential,commercial,etc) • List govt mandates with time frames and compare with current flows and goals • Explore alternative solutions,as may be required,to rebuild wastewater sewer pipe system,with pricing Funding: • Local government cost impact:government mandates require expensive investment;funding for benchmarking study may identify alternative solutions that can reduce total project costs Initiative:Reduce contamination of ground and surface waters Fixing our storm water and waste water systems,and keeping them separate,will not eliminate the flow of pollutants into our surface waters and Long Island Sound.We must also reduce the contamination in our ground water by identifying sources of pollutants and then eliminating them to the greatest extent possible. Actions • Network with Save the Sound • Promote landscaping practices which do not use herbicides or pesticides • Promote green infrastructure to retain and clean runoff before it enters the water bodies ,+ fir/ 41 .vo lalti' C •lf_ a • Superstorm flood damage to open space,Mamaroneck September 2014 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Goal 2—Increase resilience to storms and supply chain interruptions Resilience,the ability of a community to prepare for,respond to and recover from storms is especially important to coastal communities and those impacted by riverine flooding.Our Town has experienced and continues to be at risk from coastal and river flooding and therefore it is vital to improve our resilience. In this chapter we focus on our community's ability to prepare for,respond to and recover from all types of hazards.As mentioned in the introduction,recent storms have shown us how vulnerable we are as a coastal community.FEMA(the Federal Emergency Management Association)has identified and is recommending best practices for coastal communities.A major initiative is the development of All Hazard Mitigation Plans and the adoption of modifications to zoning and codes. The Town,taking direction from both FEMA and the state has recently completed an all hazard mitigation plan.This document,available at www.townofmamaroneck.org,is a major step forward in improving resilience. The following goals and actions are aimed at improving our community's overall preparation for,response to and recovery from storms. Goal Topic Initiative Resilience Preparedness Improve community preparedness for emergencies Identify risks from all types of community hazards Flooding Amend local codes to reduce flooding risks Develop initiatives to reduce flood risks Develop initiatives to reduce flood insurance premiums Buildings&Housing Improve resilience of our homes and businesses against storms Infrastructure Improve the reliability and resilience of our infrastructure systems Electric Power Increase local renewable power,including solar,geothermal and micro-grids September 2014 25 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Topic—Preparedness We all need to be prepared for emergencies.As a Sound shore community,weather-related emergencies are a significant concern.Our Town,our neighborhood,our family,each of us need to understand potential hazards,assess the risks they pose,and develop plans to mitigate those risks. Initiative:Improve community preparedness for emergencies Preparing in advance for weather-related emergencies is common sense;our building,our block,our street,our neighborhood can help us meet the challenges together. Actions • Form a task force to work with the Town for outreach and education on emergency planning • Identify individual and neighborhood-based emergency plans developed elsewhere,how might they fit local needs • Develop neighborhood groups to communicate and cooperate at the block level prior to and during emergencies Funding: • Research required and training for neighborhood groups Initiative:Identify risks from all types of community hazards Preparing in advance for hazards will reduce property damage and harm to people.It will also allow for residents to better manage and bounce back quicker from hazardous events. Actions • Town of Mamaroneck has already submitted its All Hazard Mitigation Plan to FEMA • Promote education and outreach related to the Hazard Plan • Form a task force to coordinate with the Town on the implementation of the All Hazard Plan • Develop specific action plans and submit for FEMA funding to implement • Review hazards related to flooding with related residents in community forums • Review hazards related to utilities with Westchester Joint Water Works,ConEd,etc. • Collaborate with neighborhoods to recruit and train CERT teams within neighborhoods and neighborhood associations Funding: • Local government cost impact:Mitigation Plan already prepared;neighborhood outreach and CERT training costs minimal September 2014 26 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Topic—Flooding Efforts to reduce the risk and severity of flooding will save money and reduce injuries,property damage,infrastructure damage,and damage to our transportation systems(trains,roads,etc.).Being a community at the bottom of a drainage area and surrounded by water,the Town of Mamaroneck is particularly at risk for flooding. Initiative:Amend local codes to reduce flooding risks Flooding risks have changed;our local codes have not.In the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy,FEMA has re-drawn our community's flood risk maps and changed requirements for protection,habitable floor elevations,replacement of key systems and building resilience.Our local codes for zoning and building need to catch up. Actions • Promote"green infrastructure"such as permeable paving,water harvesting and rain gardens to absorb flood waters • Work with the Town on a grant received to analyze zoning and codes • Review FEMA recommendations and see how they apply • Review new FEMA flood maps to identify at-risk areas • Develop history of flood patterns based on discussions with residents and Town Engineer • Identify risks and probability of different types of catastrophic rain,wind,snow storms,etc. • Consult with climate change experts to select future models for"design rainfall"in terms of intensity,length of rainfall, frequency of rainfall • Develop a plan to deal with these occurrences • Promote best practices for residents and businesses to help themselves prevent minor flooding • Increase tree cover to increase absorption of storm water • Review the elevation of structures in at-risk areas Funding: • Local government cost impact:departmental costs for mapping,risk assessment,code review;"green infrastructure"and tree cover increase costs addressed in other initiatives September 20111 27 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Initiative:Develop initiatives to reduce flood risks and flood insurance premiums FEMA's new regulations and flood-risk maps pose new challenges.We know the challenges that come with heavy rains and high water.We need to understand how post-Sandy requirements impact our ability to get flood insurance,and its cost.We also need to protect and enhance property values and find ways to reduce flooding risks. Actions • Implement recommendations in the All Hazard mitigation Plan • Work with the Town and residents to identify frequently flooded areas and develop solutions to alleviate the conditions • Promote green infrastructure to reduce storm water flows • Develop initiatives that reduce flood control premiums as outlined by FEMA programs • Hold Outreach and Education Programs on"green infrastructure"as an cost-saving alternative to storm drains Topic—Buildings&Housing - _ - Do our houses and buildings have the resilience they need to withstand today's and tomorrow's weather-and flood-related challenges?Are they equipped to help us live safely during emergencies if telephone is interrupted,the power is out,and the heat may be off?Are there simple adjustments we can make to reduce our risks at home? Initiative:Improve resilience of our buildings and housing against storms Actions • Coordinate with the Town in adapting zoning and building codes to new FEMA requirements • Outreach and education to local businesses and residents on the upcoming impact of these changes • Consider code enhancements that will help older adults or mobility-challenged residents move about and live in their homes more safely in times of flooding,power outages,utility interruptions or supply chain disruption September 2014 28 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Topic—Infrastructure Infrastructure such as roads,streets,pipes and wires support our daily lifestyle.Our current systems serve our needs but are in some cases 100 years old.Maintaining the current system,planning for upgrades and analyzing the risks due to storms is a daunting task but critical if we are to maintain services and costs at reasonable levels. Initiative:Improve the reliability and resilience of our infrastructure systems The infrastructure that affects our daily life—our roads,bridges,electrical grid,sewer system,drinking water supply,and storm water systems —is many decades old,showing signs of age,and not necessarily optimal for our 21'`century lifestyles.Smartly upgrading our infrastructure to meet future needs in a reliable,cost-effective manner will help us be more resilient in the face of severe storms and droughts. Our community has an aged and impaired electrical and communications distribution system that is not resilient.Participants in the 2014 Workshops considered"burying the wires"the top priority. Actions • Start an infrastructure task force to work with the Town and the utilities to plan infra repairs,maintenance and upgrades • Develop a plan to assess conditions,performance,mandates,opportunities for innovation and short and long term costs • Meet with the Town and the electric utilities to determine strategies to increase reliability • Develop public-private partnerships combining street repaving with replacement of electrical/communications distribution • Develop an open process to identify short and long term problems,solutions and costs • Make the planning and design process for infrastructure repair and replacement more transparent • Coordinate current and planned work on systems with the goals and actions listed in other sections of this Plan. • ljMS � Electrical/communications infrastructure at risk,Howell Park September 2014 29 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Topic—Electric Power Our electric power system,and the rules regulating it,is changing rapidly.Restrictions on new power sources,particularly renewable and localized are giving way to new possibilities for alternative energy,localized power production,and the ability of the existing electrical distribution system to accommodate"reverse flows"from these sources. Tomorrow's picture of the electrical power generation and distribution system for our community will be significantly different from today's. New York State is promoting a wide range of programs to reduce dependence on existing power generation stations.Westchester County is promoting"Solarize Westchester"to significantly expand solar power for homes,businesses and government facilities. Initiative:Increase local renewable power,increase acceptance of renewable power by infrastructure Increasing our community's renewable and localized power sources is essential if we are to maintain our quality of life and resilience. Actions • Coordinate with the recommendations in the All Hazard Mitigating Plan • Identify opportunities to develop local power that is clean,efficient and reliable • Work with Westchester County's"Solarize Westchester"to maximize community benefit for homes,businesses and government buildings • Work with Sustainable Westchester and NYS programs,including NYSERDA,to maximize the renewable power at our schools • Work with private companies on localized power solutions such as geothermal,co-generation,solar and micro-grids Funding: • Funding needs will be based on plans that may evolve September 2014 30 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Goal 3—Enhance our Long-Term Sustainability Sustainability is living within our means today without compromising the future generation's ability to prosper.How can we adjust our lifestyles to preserve resources for our children and grandchildren and develop systems that allow them to be productive? We see as opportunities for our community to produce and buy more local and regional products and services which would provide opportunities for business and employment. Goal Topic Initiative Sustainability Energy,GHGs Reduce greenhouse gases and use of non-renewable energy sources Solid Waste Become a near-zero solid waste community Businesses Promote sustainable local businesses to address environmental issues,including food and fuel Development Green the zoning and building codes Promote green buildings September 2014 31 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Topic—Energy&Greenhouse Gases(GHGs) Increased Greenhouse Gases(GHG)in our atmosphere are major drivers of extreme weather and our community's increased risks from storms,flooding,power outages and supply chain interruptions.Our Mamaroneck community has possibilities given our location,geography, street system,transit network and density that create opportunities for us to reduce our production of GHGs. Initiative:Reduce greenhouse gases and our dependence on non-renewable energy sources Different energy sources make larger,or smaller,contributions to greenhouse gases.We can reduce our community's production of greenhouse gases from our homes,cars,schools,public facilities and commercial areas by switching to energy sources that produce fewer greenhouse gases.Decreasing combustion of fossil fuels will reduce our contribution to climate change,reduce emissions of other toxic compounds,and save money for the Town,residents and businesses. Actions • Perform a baseline GHG inventory for all residents,businesses,and industry • Develop"GHG by energy source"data for residences,businesses,schools and public facilities • Prioritize fuel types to reduce,and identify potential lower-GHG substitutes • Conduct an annual GHG inventory update,including updates on energy source mix • Develop a plan to reduce GHG by 80%in 2050 • Promote conservation of energy • Promote renewable energy • Amend zoning and codes to encourage energy savings • Streamline approval process for those who plan to install renewable energy systems • Local government cost impact:funding required for community-wide GHG studies,on-going GHG update cost requirements to be determined;2009—2013 experience suggests that fuel source replacement may be cost-neutral September 2014 >' Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Topic—Solid Waste Reducing the amount of solid waste generated and increasing recycling rates reduces Town expenses for disposal and could reduce the associated tax burden for residents.Reductions in solid waste would also reduce incineration and air pollution in the County.Increasing recycling rates reduces the cost of disposing of solid waste and reduces the amount of mining and other activities to produce virgin products. Initiative:Become a Near-Zero Solid Waste Community The Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont are already leaders in recycling within Westchester County,but more can be done. We have engaged with Columbia University's Master's in Sustainability program to work with its Capstone students on identifying initiatives to bring us closer to a Near-Zero Solid Waste Community. Actions • Expand existing task force on solid waste • Work with Columbia University to identify and quantify methods to achieve near zero waste • Continue to run Town events that promote the zero waste concept • Compare current Town data against Sound shore communities,towns of similar size,national and international benchmarks • Develop goals for solid waste generation in the private sector by land use such as single family residential,multi-family residential,retail,restaurants,religious,other • Develop guidelines for solid waste generation by the public sector,including government and schools for various waste streams • Expand the existing cooking oil recycling program to more restaurants and include residences • Identify waste streams and products that may have recycle value. Identify systems and vendors that use waste as resource • Promote"love'em and leave'em"leaf mulching programs to reduce yard waste disposal costs • Evaluate food composting to reduce costs of garbage disposal • Consider"pay as you throw"garbage programs to reduce homeowner garbage disposal costs by promoting individual responsibility • Reduce packaging waste through regulations on plastic bags,others September 2014 33 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Topic—Businesses Businesses should benefit from this Plan..Matching local businesses to Plan initiatives can improve business opportunities. Initiative:Promote local sustainable businesses that address environmental issues Promote local and regional sustainable economic development while reducing our dependence onilmported fuels and foods Actions • Start a business task force • Work with local chambers of commerce to promote Plan goals,initiatives and opportunities • Conduct a needs analysis to determine what products and services are needed • Identify and publicize existing providers • Identify types of businesses that can help achieve Plan goals • Match needs with vendors,encourage partnerships and collaboration • Promote products and services which either source or produce local and regional products • Promote conservation of energy in businesses and homes • Promote the purchasing and production of local food and fuels • Green exist businesses Topic—Development Our community's housing and building stock is not static;significant percentages of our houses and businesses undergo construction activity each year as times change and needs change.Going forward,some of that construction activity will be driven by the need to make our community and its buildings more resilient.If"tuned"to environmental concerns,our local rules and regulations for building can help save residents and businesses money and reduce consumption of natural resources and production of greenhouse gases. Initiative:Green Town Zoning and Building Codes Bringing our zoning and building codes into alignment with sustainable objectives can save residents and businesses money while promoting a more sustainable,healthier lifestyle. September 2014 34 Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Actions • Collaborate with the Town in their PACE University grant to green the zoning and building codes • Identify best practices from other Westchester or nearby communities in consideration for local adoption Initiative:Promote Green Buildings In a community where many building projects occur each year,promoting green building technologies can help homeowners and businesses even for small renovations Actions • Promote the construction and retrofit of green buildings • Community Outreach and Education on simple ways to save energy,reduce household expenses and improve indoor air quality • Promote green building technologies to save money and reduce resource consumption and greenhouse gases September 2074 35 . . Plan for a Resilient and Sustainable Mamaroneck Section 3—Appendices "III . 7")1-'''. ‘i 4.1,,' 10. 1( •••..../ ill - -r- . ■-- . . — ^,.... 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Energy Performance Contract Project Outline,Town of Mamaroneck,2014 7. January-February 2014 Sustainability Workshops—issues and priorities 8. PACE Grant for Greening Mamaroneck Codes,2014 9. Town of Mamaroneck All Hazard Mitigation Plan,2014 10. Making Mamaroneck a Bicycle-Friendly Community—joint application by Town of Mamaroneck,Village of Larchmont,Village of Mamaroneck,Larchmont-Mamaroneck School District,2014 11. A Near-Zero Waste Strategy for Mamaroneck—in collaboration with the Capstone Program,Columbia University Sustainability Master's Program,2014 12. 2013—2014 Green Events Summary Contact Information: Please contact Andrea Grenadier with your thoughts,comments,questions and suggestions. Thank you;we look forward to hearing from you! Andrea Grenadier,Sustainability Coordinator Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck,NY 10543 agrenadier @townofmamaroneck.org (914)381-7805 September 2014. 37