HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport to Town of Mamaroneck Board Town of Mamaroneck Resident Survey 2012 Summary Results 10/2/2012 \14RA S PERFORMANCE GROUP Report to Town of Mamaroneck Board Town of Mamaroneck Resident Survey 2012 Summary Results October 2, 2012 7 f .. . .e -� .r.+ ,/I�f.. 'a _ , te N. vs \1/4 - T [1: ----"*..1,- . ._ --1-,:: • . _ ' _ t. .. _.-..r. ..... ,.. . •:. .._ , . - \\ , \\ ©2012 Aras Performance Group,LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 1 Contents I. Purpose 3 II. Process and Methods 3 III. Response Rate and Demographics 4 IV. Executive Summary and Observations 6 V. Cumulative Results 9 VI. Results by Area of Residence 28 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 2 I. Purpose The Town of Mamaroneck engaged Aras Performance Group, LLC, of Troy, New York,to assist with a strategic planning process. The Town Board decided to survey residents as part of the process, in order to: • Gain a better understanding of residents'values regarding their community; • Learn what residents envision for their community in the future; • Solicit input that is germane to strategic planning for the town, for the next three to five years; • Solicit input that can be used in budgeting for the town,beginning as soon as 2013. II. Process and Methods The Town of Mamaroneck's 2012 Resident Survey was designed and conducted by independent consulting firm Aras Performance Group, LLC,of Troy, New York. Aras consultants worked in accordance with the direction provided by the Town Board under Supervisor Nancy Seligson. The survey was available electronically from the Town's web site, and was also made available on paper. Survey results were collected with SurveyMonkey online survey software, configured to track responses per computer IP address. The survey was open for an extended period,from July 18, 2012 through September 10, 2012,to enable residents who vacationed during the summer to have ample opportunity to complete the survey. The survey was publicized via: • Local press coverage; • E-mail notifications; • An automated phone call ("robocall"); • Postcards distributed by Town Board members and staff; • Signs displayed around town; • Discussions at televised Town Board meetings; • The web sites of the Town of Mamaroneck,Village of Mamaroneck, and Village of Larchmont. Responses were collected and tabulated by Aras Performance Group. Results were not shared with Town Board or staff members until the survey was closed and tabulated. ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 3 III. Response Rate and Demographics Overall Response Rate The response rate is based on the 2010 census,which reported 29,156 people residing in the Town of Mamaroneck,with 21,280 of age 18 or older.' A total of 1,012 surveys were collected, for a response rate of 4.8 percent of the population aged 18 or older. According to mass media research experts Roger Wimmer, PhD and Joseph Dominick, PhD, authors of Mass Media Research:An Introduction, a valid sample size for this population,at a 99% confidence level,and 5% confidence interval is 645.2 Responses came in steadily throughout the survey period. 1200 -1 - - — — 1000 —..__ 2 894 800 — — — — — ._._.. •� 06 600 — —507 400 •Ti 29 200 35 52 0 0 18-Jul 25-Jul 1-Aug 8-Aug 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 5-Sep 1 Source: http://2010.census.gov/2010census/popmap/ipmtext.php?fl=36 2 Source: http://www.rogerwimmer.com/mmr9e/samplesizecalculator.htm "Confidence level indicates a degree of certainty(as a percentage) that the results of a study fall within a given range of values. Typical confidence levels are 95%and 99%. The confidence interval (margin of error) is a plus-or-minus percentage that is a range within the confidence level. For example, if a 5%confidence interval is used,and 50% of the sample gives a specific answer for a question,the actual result for that question falls between 45% and 55% (50 ± 5). When using confidence level and confidence interval together, researchers using a 95% confidence level with a ±5% confidence interval can say that they are 95%sure their results are accurate within ±5 percent. ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 4 Most surveys, 983,were completed on-line,with 29 submitted on the paper form. Responses by Area of Residence Unincorporated area of Town of Mamaroneck 57.2% 579 Village of Mamaroneck 16.6% 168 Village of Larchmont 13.6% 138 Other/Unsure/Skipped Question 12.5% 127 Responses by Length of Residence % # Over 20 years 37.4% 378 11 — 20 years 21.1% 224 6— 10 years 12.6% 128 Skipped Question 12.1% 122 2 - 5years 10.1% 102 Less than 2 years 5.7% 58 Responses by Age 45 — 54 23.3% 236 35 —44 21.7% 220 55 —64 16.7% 169 Skipped Question 12.4% 125 65 - 74 12.2% 123 75 or older 7.1% 72 25 — 34 5.7% 58 19 - 24 0.6% 6 Under 19 0.1% 3 Responses by Gender Female 48.7% 493 Male 38.2% 387 Skipped Question 13.0% 132 Anonymity Anonymous 80.2% 812 Identified themselves 19.7% 200 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 5 IV. Executive Summary and Observations Full survey results are contained in sections V and VI of this report. Aras Performance Group offers the following observations. These are intended to highlight key findings only. Aras Performance Group has not attempted to interpret the meaning of the results, nor does Aras Performance Group make any recommendations to the Town of Mamaroneck based on these results. Key findings These items received 50% or more of the responses to each question. • The majority of respondents live in the town due to its proximity to New York City, its schools, community character,and low crime rate. • Respondents rate the top way for town government to improve living conditions as reducing flooding risks. Fewer than 10% of respondents indicated that"things are fine the way they are." • Most respondents would like to see the number of single-family homes and nursing homes remain the same. Most respondents live in a single-family home. • The top recreational opportunities that respondents would like are walking and biking trails,bike lanes on the roads,and greater access to Long Island Sound. They would like the same amount of access to theaters,the conservation areas,parks, sports teams to join,and activities for young children. • Most respondents would like more small,local retailers and more outdoor dining. They would like to see the same number of grocery stores,spas and fitness studios, coffee shops,bars/taverns, antique shops,medical facilities, restaurants,specialty stores,and variety stores. Over 35% of respondents would like fewer chain and national retailers and fewer outlet shops. • Most respondents would like the town to handle the growing financial pressures by pursuing alternate forms of energy (wind,solar,etc.). Over 30%would like the town to pursue partnerships with private entities,and to reduce garbage collection to one time per week. The least favored options,with interest from less than 15% of respondents, are to charge for sewer services based on usage,to charge for fire department services based on usage,and to encourage tourism. Respondents are split about the property tax levy cap. 32.8 percent of respondents would like the town to maintain existing services even if it means going above the property tax levy cap of 2%,while 29.9%would like the town to reduce services and stay within the 2% cap. ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 6 • Most respondents would like the town and its villages to share more functions without commissioning an impact study,and would like to know which services are currently shared. The least favored option, indicated by 14.1% of respondents, is for"things to remain as they are." • The majority of respondents would like town officials to communicate with them via e-mail,automated phone calls for emergencies,and the town web site. Less than 10% of respondents would like to receive information from traditional media outlets (newspapers,TV and radio stations),and there is virtually no interest (1.1%) in podcasts. • Most respondents plan to live in the town for the foreseeable future,with no plans to leave,and another 10.8%plan to stay over 20 more years. Just 3.1% plan to leave in under two years,while 12.7% plan to leave in two to five years. Other Observations • The top three visions that respondents have for the town are to be better known as a great place to live,be cleaner and greener,and be a leader in environmental responsibility. The least favored visions are to become a tourist destination,a tourist stopover to New York City,and more cosmopolitan. • Over 30% of respondents would like more parking near shopping areas,and a local shuttle service. • Over 30% of respondents would like to see police services shared among the town and its villages. The next most favored options are to have police services provided by whoever can provide current service levels most efficiently (22.3%),by whoever can respond to a situation the fastest (21.7%), and by the Town of Mamaroneck (15.5%). • Over 30% of respondents would like to see fire services shared among the town and its villages. The next most favored options are to have fire services provided by whoever can respond to a situation the fastest (28.4%),by whoever can provide current service levels most efficiently (19.2%), and by the Town of Mamaroneck (14.3%). • The top three ways in which respondents would like to have access and input to the town are via town hall meetings in which residents participate; more publicity of town meetings, events,and notices; and surveys. To 10.8% of respondents,this is not an important issue. • Over 30% of respondents work in New York City. 16.3% of respondents are retired, and the others work locally, in other parts of Westchester County, in their homes, or in other areas such as Connecticut and New Jersey. 1.6% are unemployed and 1.5% are in school. ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 7 • Responses on most questions are quite consistent among residents of the unincorporated area of the town and the villages. Two questions that show some variation regard the provision of police and fire services. Most respondents in the unincorporated area of the town and in the Village of Mamaroneck would like to see these services shared. Most respondents in the Village of Larchmont would like to see police services provided by whoever can provide current service levels most efficiently,and fire services provided by whoever can respond fastest. ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 8 V. Cumulative Results The results in this section represent all responses received for each question. Respondents added a total of 1,468 open-ended comments. Most of these were quite specific in nature,and many covered multiple topics. The comments were grouped into categories to facilitate result analysis. If five or more responses were similar,they were grouped together; other comments are tabulated as "other." Question 1. I live in my town because of(check all that apply): I I p Yotl w N ew c Cay 76.3 schools 61.5 4 community character 57.8 low crime rate 51.2 sense of security 6.0% scenic beauty 44.3 IaY access to Long 30.8 nd Sound community size 25.7% reaeationienteronment 25.4% opportunities for options young children 24.3 family roots 23.0% open space -16.5% community services -13.0% shopping options -12.3 houses of worship 11.9% government services -11.9 Other reason -11.0% •ooess to amass specify) 10.2 conservation areas opportunities Jot teens -10.0% good sailing -9.1% bowl clubs and moos 7.5'!. associetions opportunities for adults -7.4% climate -7.1% opportunities _7.0% for seniors employment opportunities 6.7% lend use decisions _5.2 acceptable taxes NI 4.9% cost of lung •3.3% good fishing •2.2 0 200 400 600 800 Open-Ended Comments Friends/Family/Roots/ 39 Community Character 21 Location 17 Other 13 Schools ■ 12 Housing MI 7 Restaurants/Stores 5 Recreation/Activities I= 5 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 9 Question 2. By 2026, I would like my town to be(check all that apply): better known as a 7. great place to live 423 HIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIII cleaner and greener 412% a leader in environmental 40.9 responsibility more like a small town��-.�■■29.3 Z just as it is today 28.8 i more hospitable to 232 people of all ages more ethnically diverse 174% in its population Other future vision 171 (please specify) more cosmopolitan 6.2% a tourist stopover"161 to New York City a tourist destination—I 1.1% 0 100 200 300 400 500 Open-Ended Comments Other ' 51 A place with lower taxes/more affordable 1 49 A place with better/vibrant/occupied retail spaces 12 A place that has maintained its beauty/character 12 A place with improved schools 9 A place with friendlier/more respectful people 8 A place with good roads/sidewalks/public spaces 8 Well kept/clean 7 A place with more/better water access mom 7 Pedestrian friendly l■ 5 Bike friendly 5 A place with better/slower traffic flow 5 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 10 Question 3. I would like my town government to improve living conditions by(check all that apply): reducing flooding nsks - _ ;.._,_- .eu 54.7% helping older residents 473 afford to stay here promoting cleaner 421'/. and greener Wing beautifying the town 41.8'7. npmvng traffic 41.2 S: conditions encouraging economic 34.9 development encouragng young 33.0 7 adults to stay here increasing open space 27.0 7. increasing restrictions 26.2 on house site Other way to inprwe Wing conditions 20.4 (please specify) increasing zoning and 19.5 land d use restrictions appointing a residential Board of 15.3% Architectural Review things are Mel=9.37. the way they are relexng zoning and 5.9 lend use restrictions slowing eoonorrtic 3.7 G development 0 200 400 600 Open-Ended Comments Other 76 Lowering taxes 50 Improving roads MINIM 10 Facilitating bike transportation MEE 10 Consolidating/reducing government =Ma 10 Improving retail Nom 9 Improving parking 8 Improving schools l■ 7 Facilitating walking IN= 7 Reducing noise I= 6 Protecting housing character/restricting UM 6 Planting more trees/enforcing tree removal Elm 6 Providing access to the water 5 Making it safer MI S Maintaining beauty/character/cleanliness MN 5 Improving traffic I• 5 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 11 Question 4. For transportation,I would like my town to have(check all that apply): I I I I I I more perking near shopping areas 33.1 a local shuttle service 30.9 i more commuter parking near the train 26'0 no changes to the existing transportation... 215 fewer cars in the area 16.3 information available on .1417 transportation options Other transportation 14.4 7. change(please specify) I. more parking near 14.0 recreational areas more parking is�■.�122 residential areas public transportation 10.0 to upper Westchester I 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Open-Ended Comments Other 43 More parking options/hours 35 Bike lanes/paths/racks 31 More parking options at rail station 12 More/improved sidewalks 11 Better school bussing 10 Improved traffic conditions 9 Better train/bus service to NYC III 5 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 12 Question 5. For housing.my town needs: single-family homes ■Y. two-family homes— ' � I rental units co-ops and condos I ,. senior —winommme assisted hying housing nursing homes �1 fair and .... affordable housing 1 entry-level housing— 0 200 400 600 Open-Ended Comments Other 39 To limit/stop development 7 More affordable housing 5 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 13 Question 6. For recreation,I would like my town to have: access to Long Island Sound I access to the conservation areas I I boating and fishing .., _ opportunities kayaking and bird-watching access access to swimming pools walking and biking trails I I bike lanes on the roads I I sidewalks . parks dance venuesfor More young adults _Same Amount dance venuesfor .— older adults Less bowling lanes outdoor events(concerts. No Opinion ~ I I � festivals,runs,etc., activities for ---_°°- young children I activities for teens i• I activities for adults activities for seniors sports teams to pint spectator sports teams i ` theater _. I: museums ■ I I n istonoa I sites and marker 0 100 200 3CC ACC Open-Ended Comments Other 47 More/different theaters/arts 8 More/different pools 8 Better/more sidewalks 8 More activities for teens 7 Bike lanes 7 More/less costly tennis _ 6 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 14 Question 7. For services,I would like my town to have: restaurants— outdoor dining— farmers'markets--r small local retailers— grocery stores ti _ I specialty sho ps� coffee shops 1� r More MEI bars/taverns Same Amount NM Less sporting goods stores— MN No Opinion medical facilities ti chain and national_ retailers variety stores antique shops .. �..._ i spas and fitness studios outlet shops— hotels/motels/B&Bs— 0 200 400 60C Open-Ended Comments Other 26 Different types of shops 21 Fewer banks 14 Different types of restaurants 13 More/different food stores 11 Fill vacant retail spaces 6 B&Bs 6 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 15 Question 8. Please note:the town collects taxes for the town, schools, and county. Only 20%of your taxes are used to run the town,and provide services such as police and fire protection, ambulance services,recreation,the town court,garbage collection,highway maintenance, snow removal, community and senior services, conservation,assessment and tax collection, building services, public water and sewer,code enforcement and permitting,planning and zoning. The town is now facing increased state mandates,reduced revenue, and high worker pension and health care costs. Given this financial reality and the environment in which I want to live—as indicated by my prior answers—I would like my town to (check all that apply): pursue alternate forms of energy— 55.2% (wind,solar.etc r pursue partnerships with prorate entities 34.4 reduce garbage ti collection week 34.3% to one e time per week maintain existing services even if it means going 32.8% above the property _ reduce services and stay within the property 29.9 charge for yard taxkvy cap of2% debris collection ���26.0 based on actual use Other solution 20,4'/. (please specify) develop more l recreational areas and 20.0 charge for their use I charge for garbage collection 17.5 based on actual use charge town homeowners to repadreplace sidewalks 15.5 adjoining their pr_. charge for sewer services 13.6 7. based on actual use charge for fire department services 12.6 based on actual use t encourage tourism 12.4 to the area 0 100 200 300 400 500 Open-Ended Comments Other IIINNIMMEINIMIUM 51 Consolidate governments/services MINEMMINIMI 48 Reduce govt employee pay/benefits 29 Charge for certain services 111111=11111111=111111 21 Reduce/modify certain services MINIMMII 19 Retain services 10 Privatize certain services 10 Have govt employees contribute to benefits l■ 10 Not raise taxes 9 Improve efficiency of government NMI 6 Enhance business/commerce 5 2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 16 Question 9. Regarding collaboration among the Town of Mamaroneck,Village of Mamaroneck,and Village of Larchmont,I would like(check all that apply): the three governments to share more functions. .- ..,, 565'. without commissioning... to know which services are currently shared 53.0 an independent study on shared/consolidated 32.4% functions,giving predict. . the three governments to work together on these 24.6 area-wide issues(pie... things to remain 141 7 as they are 0 200 400 600 Open-Ended Comments Consolidated government/services 153 Other 50 No more studies 12 Improved efficiency 5 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 17 Question 10. I would like my police services to be provided by: 21.7 X(198) / Mae a police kxce shared among the three entities whoever can provide NE current service levels 15.5 X(141] most efficiently ►; 22.3 X 1 / whoever can respond to a mil situation the fastest EN the Town of Mamaroneck _- the Village of Larchmont the Village asa of Mamaroneck 369%(31I) Question 11. I would like my fire services to be provided by: 19.2 X(176) a fire department shared among the three entities whoever can respond to a situation the fastest 28.4 X(261) whoever can provide 14.3 X(131] current service levels jmoist efficenly the Town of Mamaroneck -- - the Village of Mamaroneck 21 X(19) mot the Village of Larchmont 329 X(30?) ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 18 Question 12. I would like my town officials to communicate with me as follows (check all that apply): by e-mail— 75.2% I I I by automated phone calls for emergencies 71.8 through the town web site 57.0 r in a newsletter 31.i<• by automated phone calls for important 31 5 general information through social media 11111 10.8 7 (facebook,twitter.etc.) through these newspapers. TV/radio stations,web 8.3 i sites.etc.(please... this is not 1 25% important to me through podcasts 1 1.1% 0 200 400 600 800 Open-Ended Comments Other 40 Sound and Town 11111 15 Journal News 11 Patch 10 Loop 6 Local newspapers 6 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 19 Question 13. I would like to have access and input to the town as follows(check all that apply): town hall meetings in which 41.0 residents participate more publicity of 40.8 town meetings,._ surveys 34.1 continuance of the 33.5 televised Board meetings town officials are 324 currently accessible public hearings 29 live Intemetwebcasb� 24.8'. of Board meetings in-person participation 22.5% in Town Board meetings interactive video 11.7 participation in._ this is not 10.8 important to me Other(please specify) 4.6% t I 0 50 100 150 200 25C 3:: Open-Ended Comments Other: 38 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 20 Question 14. Other suggestions for the town. Other 233 Consolidate government 76 This is a great place to live/like things as they 70 Lower taxes =MN 42 Improve traffic conditions 35 Beautify/maintain charm 32 Thanks for this survey MEM 30 Improve/modify schools MN 22 Improve parking NEI 16 Add/improve sidewalks - 14 Add bike lanes IN 14 Maintain roads • 12 Reduce flooding risk I 6 Open-Ended Comments across All Questions When considering all open-ended comments, in response to question 14 and all other questions that allowed for comments,certain themes emerge. The number of comments made regarding each theme is quantified below. Note: These numbers reflect all comments. Repetitive comments made by a single respondent are all counted here. For example, if a single respondent stated five times throughout the survey that taxes should be lowered, that would account for five responses under"lower taxes"below. These counts are offered to quantify recurring themes only, and should be understood in the context of this note. #Open-Ended Comments Consolidate/reduce government 249 Lower taxes 120 Improve retail/small business 61 Improve parking 58 Facilitate bicycling 57 Maintain/improve community character 43 Reduce/modify/privatize services 42 Maintain/improve schools 28 Maintain/improve recreation 24 Maintain/improve housing 23 Charge for certain services 22 Improve sidewalks 22 Improve traffic 19 Improve roads 15 Facilitate walking 14 Retain services 13 Maintain/improve safety/security 12 Improve water access 9 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 21 Question 15. I live in: Note:if you are not sure.please go to www.townofma maroneck.orgtasses sor!a ssetsistreet_li st.pdf the un n pprated Town dMamarpwck the Vlispe d Mamxo—k EMETE1 —the Vliege d lmchmpnt oat Other(please speedy) 1 (15)_ Unsure/Unanswered/Other 10 Town of Mamaroneck 6 Multiple Areas 3 Question 16. I have lived here: 14.4%(128) 25.2%(224) WV 20 years nom i1Sx(102) 11-20 years on 6-10 years - MN 2-5 years MN less than 2 years 4111100„ ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 22 Question 17. I plan to live here: MEM 10.8%(95) for the foreseeable 93%(82) future no plans to leave ONI another 2-5 years —over 20 more years ME another 6-10 years 6.5 X(75) NM another 11-20 years or less than 2 years (7n ,, �:M 3.1'G ,,+a ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 23 Question 18. I live ina: 4 � a;! single-family home(detached 136 X(120) from other banes) ti apartment Other(please specify) duplex or town 4.3 X(38) tri have(attached to 773 X(04) other cwellirpe) �., 25 X(22) um multiple-family home 24X 21 Open-Ended Comments Co-op 20 Condo 14 Other 4 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 24 Question 19. I work: 129%(114) SW in New Yak City 152%(134) NM I am retired elsewhere in '= �Westchester County in the Town of Mamaroneck, ttm Village of Mamaroneck. or Village of Larch. arEn `..r_MI) _I am a hmernaker/stay-at-horse Parma MSM Other(pease specify) (13) En I am unemployed ha I am in school 333%(294) Open-Ended Comments CT 28 Self-employed/from home 27 Other 21 NJ 5 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 25 Question 20. My age is: M 119 R(123) 45-54 —35-44 am 55-64 81%(72) X 65-74 MN 75 or alder 25-34 24.8 R(220) a1 Under 19 26.6:.1226■ Question 21. For service planning purposes,please tell us how many people live in your household in these age groups(please enter number of people in each age range,including yourself). Chart shows average numbers of people in each age range. 3-5— under 3111111 35-44 55-64 45-54 6-11 25-34 65-74 75 or older 19-24 12-15 16-18 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 26 Question 22. My gender is 44.0 X(387) —female NM male ®2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 27 V. Results by Area of Residence The results in this section show the responses categorized by the respondent's answer regarding place of residence: the unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck,the Village of Mamaroneck, or the Village of Larchmont. Surveys from those who did not answer this question or chose a different place of residence are excluded. Question 1. I live in my town because of(check all that apply): • Other reason(please specify) acceptable taxes Mill land use decisions sense of security INNIIIINNIIIINIm low crime rate government services community services • opportunities for seniors opportunities for adults J opportunities for teens opportunities for young children climate access to conservation areas good fishing good sailing -11 access to Long Island Sound scenic beauty open space ■ houses of worship local clubs and associations shopping options recreation/entertainment options community character community size cost of living employment opportunities proximity to New York City schools family roots 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% i Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 28 Question 2. By 2025,1 would like my town to be(check all that apply): Other future vision(please specify) just as it is today cleaner and greener a tourist stopover to New York City a tourist destination more cosmopolitan more like a small town more hospitable to people of all ages more ethnically diverse in its population =I better known as a great place to live a leader in environmental responsibility 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents Question 3. I would like my town government to improve living conditions by(check all that apply): Other way to improve living conditions(please specify) things are fine the way they are -J relaxing zoning and land use restrictions increasing zoning and land use restrictions increasing restrictions on house size __ appointing a residential Board of Architectural Review slowing economic development Mi� encouraging economic development _ improving traffic conditions increasing open space beautifying the town reducing flooding risks promoting cleaner and greener living _ encouraging young adults to stay here helping older residents afford to stay here 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 29 Question 4. For transportation,I would like my town to have(check all that apply): Other transportation change(please specify) no changes to the existing transportation structure information available on transportation options more parking in residential areas MIIIIM1111111111111111111111 more parking near recreational areas ■■■ more parking near shopping areas fewer cars in the area more commuter parking near the train MN=11111•111111117 public transportation to upper Westchester I■11- a local shuttle service 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% •Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 30 Question 5. Unincorporated Area Residents For housing,my town needs: entry-level housing fair and affordable housing nursing homes assisted living housing -�- senior housing all and condos rental units two-family homes single-family homes 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 •More •Same Amount •Less •No Opinion Village of Mamaroneck Residents For housing,my town needs: entry-level housing '- fair and affordable housing nursing homes assisted living housing -- senior housing ill co-ops and condos J rental units """-711111111111111111111a two-family homes single-family homes 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 •More •Same Amount •Less •No Opinion ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 31 Village of Larchmont Residents For housing,my town needs: I i entry-level housing —� fair and affordable housing nursing homes assisted living housing ,- I senior housing —'- co-ops and condos rental units two-family homes single-family homes 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 •More Same Amount •Less •No Opinion Question 6. Unincorporated Area Residents For recreation,I would like my town to have: historical sites and markers museums theaters spectator sports teams sports teams to join activities for seniors . activities for adults 1 activities for teens 1 activities for young children lb outdoor events(concerts,festivals,runs,etc.) bowling lanes dance venues for older adults dance venues for young adults IMMIPIIIIIMMIMP parks � sidewalks A bike lanes on the roads walking and biking trails h access to swimming pools kayaking and bird-watching access 1 boating and fishing opportunities 1 access to the conservation areas access to Long Island Sound 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 •More •Same Amount •Less •No Opinion ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 32 Village of Mamaroneck Residents For recreation,I would like my town to have: historical sites and markers 1 museums l theaters spectator sports teams sports teams to join lob activities for seniors lb activities for adults a• activities for teens activities for young children Ooutdoor events(concerts,festivals,runs,etc.) dance venues for older adults dance venues for young adults parks sidewalks L bike lanes on the roads walking and biking trails access to swimming pools !kayaking and bird-watching access !boating and fishing opportunities access to the conservation areas access to Long Island Sound I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 •More z,Same Amount •Less •No Opinion Village of Mamaroneck Residents For recreation,I would like my town to have: historical sites and markers museums theaters • spectator sports teams _ sports teams to join 10•Mmilli• activities for seniors l activities for adults l activities for teens activities for young children Ooutdoor events(concerts,festivals,runs,etc.) dance venues for older adults dance venues for young adults parks sidewalks L bike lanes on the roads walking and biking trails access to swimming pools !kayaking and bird-watching access !boating and fishing opportunities access to the conservation areas access to Long Island Sound 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 •More a Same Amount •Less •No Opinion ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 33 Question 7. Unincorporated Area Residents For services,I would like my town to have: hotels/motels/B&Bs chain and national retailers small local retailers medical facilities spas and fitness studios variety stores sporting goods stores outlet shops antique shops grocery stores farmers'markets specialty shops coffee shops I bars/taverns - outdoor dining restaurants 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 "'More Same Amount •Less •No Opinion Village of Mamaroneck Residents For services,I would like my town to have: hotels/motels/B&Bs chain and national retailers small local retailers medical facilities spas and fitness studios variety stores ,-- sporting goods stores grocery stores farmers'markets specialty shops outdoor dining �-- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 •More Same Amount •Less •No Opinion ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 34 Village of Larchmont Residents For services,I would like my town to have: hotels/motels/B&Bs chain and national retailers JIM small local retailers mum medical facilities spas and fitness studios variety stores .r sporting goods stores iniumm' outlet shops + antique shops grocery stores farmers'markets specialty shops coffee shops w bars/taverns outdoor dining restaurants 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 •More •Same Amount •Less •No Opinion ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 35 • Question 8. Given this financial reality and the environment in which I want to live— as indicated by my prior answers—I would like my town to(check all that apply): Other solution(please specify) MEM maintain existing services even if it means going above - the property tax levy cap of 2% reduce services and stay within the property tax levy cap of 2% pursue partnerships with private entities encourage tourism to the area develop more recreational areas and charge for their use 11� pursue alternate forms of energy(wind,solar,etc.) charge town homeowners to repair/replace sidewalks adjoining their property charge for fire department services based on actual use charge for sewer services based on actual use charge for yard debris collection based on actual use charge for garbage collection based on actual use reduce garbage collection to one time per week 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% t Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 36 Question 9. Regarding collaboration among the Town of Mamaroneck,Village of Mamaroneck,and Village of Larchmont,I would like(check all that apply): the three governments to work together on these area- wide issues(please specify) things to remain as they are the three governments to share more functions,without commissioning an impact study an independent study on shared/consolidated functions, giving predicted changes in cost,service quality,and service timeliness to know which services are currently shared 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% fr Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 37 Question 10. I would like my police services to be provided by: whoever can provide current service levels most efficiently whoever can respond to a situation the fastest f>•1111111111111I7- a police force shared among the three entities MIME MEMIt• the Village of Larchmont the Village of Mamaroneck the Town of Mamaroneck ■� 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents Question 11. I would like my fire services to be provided by: whoever can provide current service levels most efficiently whoever can respond to a situation the fastest MINIM= a fire department shared among the three entities the Village of Larchmont the Village of Mamaroneck the Town of Mamaroneck 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% •Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 38 Question 12. I would like my town officials to communicate with me as follows(check all that apply): through newspapers,TV/radio stations,web sites,etc. this is not important to me podcasts social media(facebook,twitter,etc.) automated phone calls for important general information NMI �- automated phone calls for emergencies e-mail ∎:11 newsletter -- town web site 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents Question 13. I would like to have access and input to the town as follows(check all that apply): Other(please specify) this is not important to me emonin surveys more publicity of town meetings,events,and notices live Internet webcasts of Board meetings continuance of the televised Board meetings mionimiennomie public hearings •■•zinteractive video participation in Town Board meetings in-person participation in Town Board meetings town hall meetings in which residents participate town officials are currently accessible 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% ■Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 39 Question 14. Other suggestions for the town. ■ Improve/modify schools Improve parking I Reduce flooding risk Add/improve sidewalks I Add bike lanes I Thanks for this survey = This is a great place to live/like things as they are I Consolidate govt • Lower taxes = • Improve traffic conditions = Beautifymaintain charm = Maintain roads I Other 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents Question 15. I live in Analysis by area of residence not applicable. ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 40 Question 16. I have lived here: over 20 years 11-20 years 6-10 years nommumn ' wmemmommem 2-5 years less than 2 years 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% 45.0% 50.0% Village of Larchmont Resdients •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents Question 17. I plan to live here: over 20 more years another 11-20 years another 6-10 years another 2-5 years less than 2 years 16 for the foreseeable future,no plans to leave 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 41 Question 18. I live in a: Other(please specify) apartment duplex or town house(attached to other dwellings) multiple-family home single-family home(detached from other houses) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents Question 19. I work: Other(please specify) I am a homemaker/stay-at-home parent -oZ. I am retired I am in school I am unemployed in New York City elsewhere in Westchester County in the Town of Mamaroneck,Village of Mamaroneck,or Village of Larchmont 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporate Area Residents — ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 42 • Question 20. My age is: 75 or older 65-74 55-64 45-54 35-44 25-34 19-24 r Under 19 t. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents Question 21. Average Number in Each Age Group For service planning purposes,please tell us how many people live in your household in these age groups(please enter number of people in each age range,including yourself): 75 or older 65-74 55-64 45-54 35-44 25-34 19-24 16-18 12-15 6-11 3-5 under 3 .00 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 43 Question 22. My gender is: female male 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Village of Larchmont Residents •Village of Mamaroneck Residents •Unincorporated Area Residents ©2012 Aras Performance Group LLC. All rights reserved. 10.2.12 44