HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920_05_17 Town Board Minutes Minutes of a meeting of the Town Board TOWN OF MAMARONECK heLD MvT 17th , 1920o The meeting was caiied to order by Supervisor Burtor kt 9 . 00 PY. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton , Justices, Boyd, Collins, Deputy Clerk Sherman . Ralph A. Gamble, Counsel. The minutes of the meeting of April 29th, were read. and upom motion approved. A communication from the Westchester Street Railway Company was received and read in relation to the extension of the of the Extra fare zone. It was Voted to lay the matter over for the meeting of the Joint Town Board. The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of April 1920 was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows: TOWN OF MAMARONECK Office of the Receiver of Taxes. Sir: Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax Law I hereby respectfully report the amount of State, County, Town School Highway, and Special District taxes , together with the interest and penalties thereon, collected by me during the month of April 1920 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Arrears Total State & County 30,328.93 563.15 30,892.08 Town 23,046.17 242.68 23,288.85 Highway 9,864.33 6.54 9,870.87 Sch. Dis. #1 552.08 552.08 " " #2 1.13 1.13 Arrears 123.53 92.42 113.91 478.91 807.77 Int. & Pen. 166.15 16.93 25.57 46.10 488.90 703.65 Total $66,117.43 Deposited with the 1st Natl. Bank, Mamaroneck $66,117.43 Renjectfully submitted, Sgn. T. Palmer Howell To Geo W. Burton, Supervisor, Receiver of Taxes Town of Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck , New York. The Receiver of Taxes also presented a report of monies collected and deoosited on May 8th & May 13th, 1920 as follows: 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Total State & County 19,499.84 261.45 19,761.29 Town 14,621.26 147.43 14,768.69 Highway 4,912.56 43.45 4,956.01 Sch. Dist. #1 624.28 624.28 " " #2 Arrears 129.23 34.22 19.15 182.60 Int. & Pen. 2.67 131.41 15.93 9.38 8.25 167.64 Total $40,460.51 Deposited with 1st Natl. Bank, Mamaroneck $40,460.51 Respectfully submitted, Sgn T. Palmer Howell Receiver of Taxes. The report of the Supervisor for the Month ending April 30th,1920 was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows, TOWN OF MAMARONECK Office of the Supervisor. May 1st, 1920 Gentlemen: Permit to submit herewith my financial statement for the month ending April 30th, 1920 to wit: Balance on hand April 1st, 1920 , $18,199.29 Deposited by the Receiver of Taxes $ 66,117.33 Received from Bailey & Bailey, for sale of Typewriter desk, 10.00 Received from Town Clerk, fees, 30.32 Received from State Excise Dep 't Volue Tax, 5.47 Received from Wm.A.Boyd, Justice fines 45.00 Received from Barrett Mfg. Company, refund for empty barrels 28.08 66,235.30 Total amount received, $84,435.59 PAYMENTS: Audited Claims, $3,591.66 Bond account , 1,000.00 Garbage contract account 266.66 Highway account Item #1 1,309.92 " " Item #3 39.18 Interest acount 175.00 Salary account 2 ,230.02 School Treasurers acct. Dist #1 5,348.66 " " " Dist #2 14.12 $13,975.22 Balance on hand this day, $70,460.37 Respectfully submitted , Sgn.Geo T,Burton, Supervisor. To the Honorable , The Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck N.Y. The report of the Town Clerk for the month of April, 1980 was received ,read ,ordered placed on file and is as f0lows , Town Clerk's Office . Town of MAmaroneck, N.Y. May 1st ,1920 Hon. Geo. W. Burton , Supervisor, Town of Mamaroneck Mamaroneck, New York, Dear Sir: I hereby respectfully report the amount of fees collected in the office of the Town Clerk for the month of April 1920 to wit: Dog Licenses issued 45 $11.25 Hunting Licenses " 2 .20 Marriage Licenses " 11 11. 00 Chattels filed 33 3.96 Total amount of fees, $26.41 Respectfully submitted, Sgn. John C. Fairchild Town Clerk. Check covering amount by Frederick M. Sherman made to the order of Deputy. the Supervisor. A communication was received from Isidor Saskill tendering his resignation as Constable of the Town of Mamaroneck, to take effect immediately. Upon motion duly seconded it was Upon ROLL CALL, VOTED that the resignation of Isidor Saskill as Constable of the Town of Mamaro- neck be accepted. A communication was received from the Automatic Registering Machine Corporation offering to sell to the Town of Mamaroneck, voting machines at a net price of $920.00 fob cars Jamestown N.Y. Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Collins, the following resolution was adopted upon ROLL CALL: Be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and empowered to purchase from the Automatic Registering Machine Corporation, of Jamestown N .Y. 8 Voting machines for the Town of Mamaro- neck, at acost not to exceed $920.00 each F.O.B. Factory, Jameston N.Y. to be paid in equal annual installments upon such terms as may be agreed upon in his discretion, and be it further, RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and empowered to make, sign , execute and deliver on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck such agreement with said Automatic Registering Machine Corporation, for the purchase of said voting machines as he may deem advisable, and be it further, RESOLVED, that the supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to employ such means as he may dee Advisable for the purpose of securing the prompt and timely delivery of said voting machines, and be it further, RESOLVED, that there be levied and - assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck, and collected a sum necessary to pay the first ann- ual installment for the said voting machines and necessary expenses of delivery. The following resolution was presented by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Collins, which upon ROLL CALL was duly adopted, RESOLUTION FAVORING WAGE INCREASE FOR POSTAL EMPLOYEES? WHEREAS, The marked decline in the efficiency and dependability of the Postal Service can be directly attributed to the low postal wage and working standards, resulting in the resig- nations of thousands of trained pos- tal employees, whose places cannot be filled at the present rates of postal compensations, and WHEREAS, the lack of sufficient help to properly man the Postal Service inflicts a great economic loss on the business and commercial interests of the Nation, whieh suffer by reason of delayed and uncertain mail dispatches and deliveries , and WHEREAS, a policy that impairs postal service is not only unwise from a business standpoint, but is unjust to the thousands of faithful employees whose wages have dwindled with rapid increase of living costs; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, urge the Congress of the United States to take immediate action to grant substantial wage increases to postal employees and thereby insure a restoration of service efficiency so necessary to the public interest and welfare. And be it further, RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Hon. Charles E. Townsend, Chairman Comm. on Post Offices and Post Roads, U.S .Senate. Hon Halver Steenerson, Chairman , Comm on post Off- ices and Post Roads, House of Represent- atives, Hon. William Y. Calder,Hon James W. Wadsworth, Jr. and Hon James W. Hunted. Counsellor Gamble presented the agreement between the Larchmont National Bank and the Town of Mamaroneck for the rental of office of Justice Collins and stated that same is approved by him. The Supervisor reported progress in the matters of the New York Inter Urban Water Company and stated that the ex- tension on Valley Road is under way. The Supervisor reported the receipt of a letter in relation to the wall of Town Cemetery and reported that he had investigated the matter and that the wall needed repairing. Upon motion duly seconded, it was upon ROLL CALL, Voted, that the Supervisor be authorized and em- powered to have the wall repaired and put in proper condition at a cost not to exceed $500.00 Counsellor Garble reported that the erroneous assessment in relation to the Stanley Avenue tax ratter should be waived and that the interest and penalties should not be deducted Upon motion duly seconded it was moved that the report of the Coun- sellor be received spread upon the minutes and that Counsel be dir- ected to prepare the res- olution for the adjustment of the proper assessment. Therebeing no further business the meeting adjourned at 12.00 P.M. Town Clerk Deputy Town Clerk