HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920_04_29 Town Board Minutes Minutes of Meeting of theTown Board Town of Mamaroneck held April 29th,1920 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8.45 P.M. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins, Dudley and Shafer Clerk Sherman. The minutes of the meeting of March 31st were read and upon motion approved. The report of the Receiver of Taxes the month of March was received, read, ordered filed and is as follows: TOWN OF MAMARONECK Office of Receiver of Taxes . April 10th, 1920 Sir: Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax Law 1 hereby respectfully report the amount of State, County, Town, School, Highway and Special District taxes, to gether with the interest and penalties thereo, collected by me during the month of March 1920 Cur. Taxes 1918 1917 1916 Arrears Total State and County. 493.56 84.04 577.64 State, County and Town. 97.20 16.58 113.78 Town 254.61 37.88 292.49 Highway 80.50 1.66 13.13 95.29 School Dist. #1 1,973.09 146.54 75.85 97.90 2,293.38 School Dist. #2 All Arrears 295.47 87.33 78.80 69.42 125.80 125.80 Int. & Penalties 112.78 643.80 TOTAL $4,142.18 Deposited with 1st Nat'l Bank of Mamaroneck $4,142.18 Respectfully submitted, To Geo. W. Burton T .Palmer Howell Supervisor ,Town of Receiver of Taxes Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck N.Y. The report of the Supervisor for the month ending March 31st ,1920 was received , read, ordered placed on file and is as follows: TOWN OF MAMARONECK Office of the Supervisor, April First , Nineteen twenty. Gentlemen:- Permit me to submit herewith my financial statement for the month ending March 31st ,1920 , to wit:- Balance on hand ,larch lst ,1920 w 19 ,868.62 Deposited by Receiver of Taxes $4 ,142,18 Received from Excise Dept . Volume Tax_. 7.50 Received from Town Clerk ,fees 16.76 Received from F®'P .Shafer,fines 50.00 Received from County Treasurer, mortage tax, 20288,12_ Amount received during the month, 7 ,504:76 TOT L 27 ,373.38 PAY!'fiENT S . Audited Claims .$93,464.35 Bonds ,Tnterest account 922.50 Garbage contract account 229.24 Highway account Stern 1 139,50 H H ,® 4 463.50 Refund, La.rchmont Yacht Club 76.25 Salary account 2 ,224.98 School treasurer ,Distriet #1 1,673®'7? 9 ,174.09 Balance on hand this day $ 18 ,199. 29 Respectfully submitted® SGN. Geo.W.Burton , Supervisor. To the Honorable , Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck , Mamaroneck N.Y. . . ® . . . . x . . . . The report of the Town Clerk for the month of April 19920 was received , read ,ordered placed on file and is as follows: - -- Hon.Geo,W.Burton , Supervisor Town of Mamaroneck Mamaroneck N.Y. Dear Sir: 1 hereby respectfully report the amount of fees collected in thix office of the Town Clerk_ for the month of April 1920 , to wit: Dog Licenses issued 98 $ 24.70 Hurting " " 1. 10 Marriage " " 2 2 .00 Chattels filed 31 3.72 TOTAL $ 30.32 Respectfully submitted. John C. Fairchild Town Clerk. By Frederick H. Sherman. Enclosure: Deputy. Check covering amount made to order of Supervisor. A. communication with resolution from the Board of Supervisors was received from Clerk Fred L. Merritt setting forth the apportionment of Motor Vehicle fees for the Town of Mamaroneck which is $ 2,035.86 was received, read ordered filed and amount set forth in the minutes. The agreement from the Larchmont National Bank for the leasing of Justice Collins' office was received and Upon motion by Justice Dudley, seconded by Justice Boyd, it was VOTED, that this Board approve the leasing of the office of Justice Collins at the price set forth of $ 25.00 per month for a period of one year and that the lease presented be referred to Counsel and if found correct as to form, the Supervisor be auth- orized and empowered to execute the same. Upon ROLL CALL all present voted in the affirmative. Negative, none. The Chair thereupon declared the motion adopted. A communication from the State Department of Education at Albany New York was received in relation to the appointment of a local Historian and Upon motion duly seconded it was Voted that the matter be left in his hands and the communication be filed with him. A communication from the State Department of Health was received relation to Clean-Up Week. The Supervisor stated that action had been taken in this matter and with the consent of the Board same was approved. The Supervisor spoke in relation to the WIfare Station at Larchmont and stated that a Committee had waited upon him asking for additional help to defray expenses. Upon motion by Justice Dudley, seconded by Justice Collins it was RESOLVED, that the monthly allowance of $ 25.00 heretofore granted th the Larchmont Public Health Association be and the same is hereby increased to $ 50.00 per month, from May 1st, 1920 to March 31st , 1921, and the Sup- ervisor is authorized and empowered to pay the same accordingly. Upon ROLL CALL the following voted in the affirmative: Burton, Boyd, Collins, Dudley, Shafer and Clerk negative, None. The Supervisor thereupon declared the resolution adopted. Supervisor Burton stated that he had taken up the water question with the New York Inter Urban Water Company and he reported progress in the matter. The Chairman of the committee on Dean Place reported the sense of the meeting held by the Village of Larchmont and stated that the matter would again be brought up at a meeting to be held on May 3rd, 1920. The Committee on the new sewer district reported progress and stated that they will be in attendance at a meeting of the Sewer Commissioners to be held on April 30th 1920. The Committee on the Stanley Avenue tax matter requested that the Committee be continued for further report in order to take the matter up with Counsel. The Clerk reported the condition of the ballot boxes and also that additional boxes were needed. Upon ROLL CALL it was VOTED, that the Clerk be instructed to have the ballot boxes re- paired and to obtain the re- quired new boxes. Voting in the Affirmative, Burton, Boyd, Collins, Dudley Shafer and Clerk. Negative, none. The Supervisor thereupon declared the .motion adopted. Upon motion by Justice Dudley , seconded by Justice Boyd, it was VOTED, that the printing of the tax sales notice be given to the Richbell Press with the under- standing that the notice appear also in the newspapers in the Town. Upon ROLL CALL the following VOTED in the affirmative, Burton, Boyd, Collins, Dudley, Shafer and Clerk. Negative, none. The Supervisor thereupon declared the motion adopted. In the matter of publishing the entire assessment roll, it was Regularly moved and seconded that the Supervisor be appointed a com- mittee of one to inquire into the estimated cost of printing and circulating the same. The Clerk reported that the records and books in the Town Hall our in bad shape and he requested that assistance be given him in putting same in proper con- dition. Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Shafer it was VOTED, that the Clerk be authorized to secure the assistance required for the work at the Town Hall and that the same be a Town Charge. Upon ROLL CALL the following VOTED, in the affirmative, Burton, Boyd , Collins , Dudley, Shafer and Clerk Negative, none. The Supervisor thereupon declared the motion adopted. A communication from Mr. P. Hughes was received and read in the relation to the wall at the Town Burying ground and Upon motion duly seconded, it was moved that the Sup- ervisor be authorized to make an inspection of the condition of the wall and report back to the Board at its next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11.15 P.M. Town Clerk. Deputy.