HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920_03_02 Town Board Minutes Minutes of a meeting of the Town Board Town of MAMARONECK held March 2nd, 1920 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8.30 P .M. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton Justices , Boyd, Collins, Dudley and Shafer. Deputy Clerk, Sherman Ralph A. Gamble. The minutes of the meeting of Deember 12th, 1919 were read, and Upon motion, were approved to be amended as to the Deputy Town Clerk' s salary. Same to be referr- ed to Counsel. The minutes of the meeting of December 29th , 1919 were read, and Upon motion, were approved to be amended as to the Auditor's res- olution. The minutes of the meeting of January 26th, were read , and Upon motion , were approved. Mr. M. Hannan was present and presented a communication which was received , read , ordered entered in the minutes and is as follows. Larchmont N.Y. March 2nd, 1920. Honorable Supervisor and Members of the Town Board. Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y. Gentlemen: To meet present day advanced prices, I find it necessary to charge a rental of $ 25.00 per month, Dillon Park Fire House. Trusting this change will meet with your approval, Very respectfully yours, Michael Hannan. The following resolution was offered by Justice Shafer. RESOLVED, that the rent for the Dillon Park Firehouse be increase to $ 25.00 per month for the en- sueing year. Be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay the same upon the presentation of the proper vouchers . Upon ROLL CALL , the following voted in the affirmative: Supervisor Burton, Justices, Boyd , Collins , Dudley and Shafer and Deputy Clerk Sherman. Voting in the negative: None. The Supervisor thereupon declared the resolution adopted. The report of the Town Clerk of fees collected for the month of February was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows: Office of the Town Clerk Town of Mamaroneck N.Y. March 1st ,1920 Hon. Geo W. Burton, Supervisor, Town of Mamaroneck Mamaroneck New York, Dear Sir: I hereby respectfully report the amount of fees collected in the office of the Town Clerk, for the month of February, 1920 to wit: Dog licenses issued 36 $ 9.00 Hunting License " 12 1.20 Marriage " 5 5.00 Chattels filed 13 1.56 Total 16.76 Respectfully submitted, John C. Fairchild Town Clerk Enclosure: Check covering amount made to the order By Frederick M.Sherman of the Supervisor. Deputy. A communication from the Lawyers Westchester Mortgage and Title Company was received, read, ordered placed on file and Upon motion, duly seconded, it was VOTED, that the matter be referred to the Receiver of Taxes , T .Palmer Howell and that he report back to this Board at its next meeting. The Supervisor presented a communication from the New York a Stanford Railway Company which was read, and Upon motion, duly seconded, was ordered filed with the Supervisor. A communication from the Westchester Street Rail- way Company was received, read and Upon notion, duly seconded, was ordered filed with the Supervisor. A communication was received from the New York Inter - Urban Water Company and Upon motion, duly seconded, it was VOTED, that the matter be referr- ed to Counsellor Gamble. Communications from the Westchester Lighting Company were received, read, and Upon motion , duly seconded it was VOTED, that they be noted in the minutes and placed on file with the Supervisor. A communication and petition from Mrs. L.G. Olsey was received, read and Upon motion, was referred to the Supervisor to reply to same and that the petition be presented to the Joint Town Board. A communication from the Board of Supervisors in relation to the apportionment of the motor vehicle fees was received read, noted in the minutes and ordered filed with the Clerk. A communication from the Board of Elections, White Plains N.Y, was received, read, and Upon motion, duly seconded the following resolution was adopted. RESOLVED, that pursuant Section 74 of the Election Law, the following are designated as polling places for the Official Spring Primary to be held April 6th, 1920 and the Primary districts are accordingly divided as follows, to wit: 241 1st Primary district to comprise the 1st Election district and the polling place shall be the office of Justice of the Peace Dudley at 390 S;Samaroneck Ave , Mamaroneck N.Y. All parties , 2nd Primary district to comprise the 2nd and Ird Election district and the polling places are designated as follows: Democratic party, McMahons Garage , West Boston Post Road , Mamaroneck , N.Y. Republican and all other parties, Town Hall , Prospect Avenue, Mamaroneck, N.Y. 4th Primary district to comprise the 4th Election district, Weaver St, firehouse Edgewood Road, Larchmont, N.Y. All parties. 5th Primary district to comprise the 5th Election district Larchmont Athletic Club , Post Road, Larchmont , N.Y. All parties. 6th Primary district to comprise the 6th Election district northerly side of Post Road, Larchmont Park, Larchmont , N.Y. All parties . The Supervisor presented his financial report for the fiscal year 1919 and Upon motion , duly seconded, it was VOTED, that the report be received, filed with the Clerk and that the Supervisor be authorized to publish same in the Mamaroneck Paragraph. The Supervisor presented the Budget for the year 1920, upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried it was, RESOLVED, that the Budget for the year 1920 as presented by the Supervisor, be and the same is hereby approved, and it was further - RESOLVED, that said Budget be spread upon the minutes and is as follows: BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK FOR THE YEAR 1920. First:- RESOLVED , that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck, and collected, the following amounts for the purposes hereinafter set forth, to wit:- a. To pay the salary of the Supervisor under the Westchester County Tax Act. $ 2,500.00 b. For compensation of the Supervisor under the Highway Law. 1,000.00 c. To pay the salary of the Clerk to the Supervisor. 1,200.00 d. To pay the salary of the Receiver of Taxes 4,200.00 e. To pay the salary of the 3 Assessors 4,700.00 f. To pay the salary of the Overseer of the Poor 1,200.00 i g. To pay the salary of the Janitress 600.00 h. To pay the salary of the Town Clerk 3 ,000.00 i. To pay the salary of the Supt.of Highways . 1,525.00 j . To pay rent of Court Rooms of the Justices of the Peace. 1,140. 00 k. To pay rent of Town Offices . 960.00 l. To pay for the temporary support of poor 5,500.00 m. To pay Assessment Map bond #6 1,000.00 n. To pay interest on $ 5,000.00 assessment Map bonds @ 5 % 250.00 o. To pay Town's share of the construction of Winfield Ave bridge. 1,324.00 \ p. To pay allowances to Larchmont Public Health Association and Child's Welfare Station. 600.00 Total, Town at large, 30,699.00 Outside of Villages of Larchmont & Mamaroneck. Second:- RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck lying outside of the corporate limits of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, and col- lected, the following amounts for the purpose here- inafter set forth, to wit:- a. To pay Boston Post Road bond All issue of May 1st, 1907. $1,000.00 b. To pay interest on $ 3,000.00 Boston Post Road Highway improvement bonds ,@ 5% 150.00 c. To pay Murray Ave. improvement bond #3, issue of September 1st ,1910. 3 ,000.00 d. To pay interest on $ 6 ,000.00 Murray Ave . completion bonds, @ 5% 300.00 e, To pay Murray Ave. completion bond #5 1,000.00 f. To pay interest on $ 11,000.00 Murray Ave, completion bonds, @ 4 1/2% 495.00 g. To pay Boston Post Road improvement bond #6 issue of June 1st, 1912. 2 ,000.00 h. To pay interest on $ 22 ,000.00 Boston Post Road improvement bonds, @ 4 1/2% 990.00 i , To pay interest on Chatsworth Ave. improve- ment bonds, $10.000.00 @ 5% issue of September 1st ,1913, 500.00 j . To pay sidewalk bond #3, issue of September 1st ,1913. 1 ,000.00 k. To pay interest on $8,000.00 sidewalk improvement bonds, @ 5% 400.00 l. To pay sidewalk bond #2, issue of September 1st, 1914. 1,000.00 m. To pay interest on $3,000.00 sidewalk bonds, issue of September, 1914 at 5% 150.00 n. For compensation peace officers, 3,000.00 o. For compensation Health Officer, 500.00 p. To pay audited claims for culverts & drains 2,773.00 TOTAL, outside of Villages $16,258.00 Lighting District. THIRD:- RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck, lying within the said lighting district of said Town, and collected, the sum of a $ 4500.00 to pay for the rental of street lights for the year 1920. TOTAL, $ 4,500.00 Fire District No. 1 FOURTH:- RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck, lying within Fire District No.1 and collected, the following amounts for the purposes hereinafter set forth, to wit:- a. To pay Fire District bonds #3 and #4, issue of July 1st, 1918. $ 2,000.00 b. To pay interest on $ 8,000.00 Fire District bonds, @5% 400.00 c . To pay for rentals of Fire Hydrants , 1,500.00 d. For compensation Special Peace Officers, 3,000.00 e. For the collection and disposal of ashes, garbage and swill, 3,200.00 f. To pay for repairs, equipment and maintenance of fire apparatus and fire house, 500.00 TOTAL„ Fire District No. 1 10,600.00 Fire District No. 2 FIFTH:- RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck, lying within Fire District No. 2 , and collected, the following amounts for the purposes herein after set forth, to wit:- a. To pay rental of Fire hydrants, $ 90.00 b. To pay rental of Fire house and for repairs, maintenance and equipment of Fire apparatus, 350.00 TOTAL, Fire District #2 $ 440.00 i Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11.25 P.M. John C. Fairchild Town Clerk Deputy.