HomeMy WebLinkAboutDownstream Analysis of the Sheldrake River Summer 1982 044 DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS OF THE SHELDRAKE RIVER SUMMER 1982 I 1114 A Limnology Study By Robert P. Hohberg B.S. , M.A. , P.D. Ism Introduction : I110, During the summer of 1982, the author conducted a limnological study of the Sheldrake River, New York. The purpose of this study was to afford the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont with the most appropriate chemical and biological data for determining both point and non point sources of pollution. In addition, comparison to the qualify of the Larchmont Reservoir waters could be drawn. Accordingly, the main thrust of the following investigations was to provide data on Nitrogen content; Dissolved Oxygen, Coliform and Oil concentration. The project was to duplicate the number of analyses performed in the Larchmont Reservoir Study (Sumuuer of 1979) . As indicated in Standard Methods , the forms of Nitrogen of greatest interest are, in order of decreasing oxidation state, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia and organic Nitrogen. Nitrate generally occurs in trace quantities in surface water but may attain high levels in some ground- water. High levels of nitrate in water indicate biological wastes in the final stages of stabilization or run-off from heavily fertilized fields . Nitrate-rich effluents discharged into receiving waters can degrade water quality by encouraging excessive growth of algae. Nitrites are not often found in surface waters where they are readily oxidized to nitrates . The presence of large quantities of nitrites indicates partially decomposed organic wastes in the waters being tested. - 1 - Introduction : (Continued) Dissolved Oxygen levels in natural wastewaters are dependent on the physical, chemical and biochemical activities prevailing in the water body. Testing for dissolved oxygen is one of the most important analyses in determining the quality of natural waters . It is a key test in water pollution control activities and waste treatment process control. The effect of oxidation wastes on streams , the suitability of water for fish and other organisims , and the progress of self-purification can all be measured or estimated from the dissolved oxygen content. Generally, 4-5 mg/1 dissolved oxygen content is a borderline concentration if considering an extended time period. For adequate game fish population, the dissolved oxygen content should be in the 8 - 15 mg/1 range. Dissolved oxygen concentration will vary with water depth, sludge deposits , temperature, clarity, flow rate, etc. ; thus a single water sample will rarely prove representative of the overall condition of a body of water. Oil may be present in natural waters from the decomposition of plankton or higher forms of aquatic life. Most oils and greases are insoluble in water but can be emulsified or saponified by akalis , detergents and other chemical. Some lighter petroleum fractions evidence a slight water solubility and may form a slick on the water surface. Oil or grease in water generally indicated pollution from industrial wastes . - 2 - Introduction (Continued) Many of the micro organisms that cause serious disease, such as Typhoid Fever and dysentery, can be traced directly to polluted drinking water. Although these disease carriers are difficult to detect in water supplies , human sewage contains an abundance of harmless bacteria which travel along with the disease germs and are much easier to spot. These are known as Coliform Bacteria. Coliforms live in the intestines of man and other animals and are always present even in healthy persons . The presence of Coliforms in water is a warning signal that other dangerous Pathogens may be present . ' 411 - 3 • Methods and Materials : Generally, as little time as possible elapsed between collecting the sample and making the analysis . This was accomplished by using a Dr-2 Spectophotometer, Hach Chemical Company . With the exception of the last three, sampling stations are located 33 meters apart starting with number one (1) (at the outfall of the Upper Lake) and ending at number 46 (at Garden Lake) . All stations are numbered coded and identified in the filed notes accompanying this report . The following identifies the code letters used: 11 = lower lake ; ns = near shore (Larchmont side) ; fs = far shore (New Rochelle side) ; bb = Bonnie Briar Golf Course . A diagram indicating the layout of some stations is included in this report . Testing Procedures : Nitrogen, Ammonia Nessler Method, APHA Standard Methods 14th ed Nitrogen, Nitrate Cadmium Reduction Method Nitrogen, Nitrite Ferrous Sulfate Method, Prescott & Johnson Qualitative Chemical Analysis Oil in Water, range 0-60 ppm 1, 1, 1 Trichloroethane Extraction Method Colorimetric Coliform, Presumptive, Confirmed & Fecal Green Lactose Bile - 4 - Testing Procedures : (continued) Oxygen Dissolved, Modified Azide- Winkler APHA Standard Methods 14th ed. 443 (1975) • • • - 5 Larchmont Reservoir Study Downstream Analysis of Sheldrake River rilliMM Dissolved Oxygen (mg/1) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/1) Range 12.0 Range 17.0 (17.0 - 5.0) (19.0 - 2.0) Median 12.0 Median 10.5 Mean 11.25 Mean 10.5 Mode 12.0 Bi modal 12.0 + 10.0 Fecal Coliform (mpn/100 ml) Fecal Coliform (mpn/100 ml) Range 70.0 Range >16.0 (70.0 - 0.0) (>16.0 - 0.0) Median 2.0 Median 9.2 Mean 7.0 Mean 9.0 Mode 0.0 Mode 9.2 Nitrite (mg/1) Nitrite (mg/1) Range 0.165 Range 11.96 (0.165-0.0) (12.0 - 0.04) Median 0.049 Median 2.25 Mean 0.05 Mean 3.62 Mode 0.049 Mode 1.5 Nitrate (mg/1) Nitrate (mg/1) Range 12.76 Range 59.4 (12.76 - 0.0) (61.6 2.2) Median 6.6 Median 7.92 Mean 6.1 Mean 11.7 Mode 8.8 Mode 4.4 Emulsified Oil (ppm) Emulsified Oil (ppm) Range 0.5 Range ?60.0 (0.5 -0.0) (760.0 - 0.0) Median 0.0 Median 1.1 Mean 0.07 Mean 7. 1 Mode 0.0 Bimodal 1.0 = 0.5 Summary • As mentioned in the introduction, this project was proposed to duplicate the number of analyses in the Larchmont Reservoir Study. The following is a comparative tabulation of the numbers of tests performed: Larchmont Reservoir Study Downstream Analysis of Sheldrake River Dissolved Oxygen 28 tests Dissolved Oxygen 46 tests Nitrite 39 tests Nitrite 46 tests Nitrate 37 tests Nitrate 46 tests Emulsified Oil 7 tests Emulsified Oil 46 tests Coliform 38 tests Coliform 46 tests Total: 149 analyses Total: 230 analyses In addition, the investigator extended the work of the project beyond the summer months into October. A comparison of the statistical results of both studies is as follows: - 6 - Conclusions The data in this report indicate: 4110 1 . An area of Clear Water in stations # 1 and 2. 2. An area of Pollution in stations #3 through 12 with point pollution at or about station #9. 3. An area of Decomposition in stations #13 through 27. { 4. An area of Recovery in stations #28 through 39. 5. An area approaching Clear Water in stations #45 and 46. Since these areas conform very closely to the model of a Self Purifying Water System, close attention must be paid to the area of Recovery. These stations are all within the Bonnie Briar Golf Course. This provides strong data that this land should remain undeveloped so that the water shed continues to naturally purify itself. Recommendations I 4140 1. Point pollution at or about station #9 must be corrected. 2. Further coliform analysis should be performed at all stations with a count '716 organisms/100 ml. 3. Downstream analysis should be executed from station #46 (Garden Lake) to provide more complete data on the Sheldrake River water shed. 7 - Fecal Coliforms Ada MPN `' Organisms/100 ml Date Station >16.0 6/29/82 3 > 16.0 7/26/82 13 16.0 8/11/82 27 16.0 8/30/82 38 16.0 7/27/82 14 16.0 7/29/82 15 16.0 8/12/82 28 16.0 8/19/82 32 16.0 8/20/82 33 16.0 8/31/82 39 16.0 8/27/82 37 16.0 9/6/82 42 ::) 9.2 8/18/82 31 9.2 7/30/82 16 9.2 8/1/82 18 9.2 8/17/82 30 9.2 8/16/82 29 I9.2 8/10/82 26 i 9.2 8/24/82 35 " 9.2 8/26/82 36 9.2 8/7/82 24 9.2 8/4/82 21 9.2 8/2/82 19 9.2 9/1/82 40 9.2 10/11/82 46 - 8 - Fecal Coliforms MPN Organisms/100 ml Date Station 9.2 10/3/82 45 9.2 9/11/82 44 9.2 9/7/82 43 5.1 9/4/82 41 5.2 8/21/82 34 5.1 7/12/82 12 5.1 7/11/82 11 5.1 7/10/82 10 5.1 6/28/82 1 5.1 6/29/82 4 5.1 7/1/82 5 5.1 8/3/82 20 5.1 8/9/82 25 5.1 8/6/82 23 5.1 7/7/82 7 5.1 7/8/82 8 2.2 6/28/82 2 2.2 7/31/82 17 2.2 8/5/82 22 0.0 7/6/82 6 0.0 7/9/82 9 Range ->16.0 Mean- 9.0 (>16.0-0.2) Median- 9.2 Mode-9.2 (:) - 9 - it t z„,.. 0,./_,),..s, rc c/cti(, e 6 s 1t sus lis 6i' er sr re /F 4° fr si• a• /r 6/ 4' ..c/ /4 dk of o s IT 7r �r r£ of fr 9r 4• re op &' ,i ,s,Fl tl 0/dr 6 d G s rs r v I I • • • • • • • 1I t • I t• I • i 7 , • i ' • } • • j l , • 1 t I t t i l i t i i , t ! i ' i , ; I ci 1 ' i : ; . ._.......-.......4-,..,_....._'1''+_r . .., ,. i L , t I 1 -drew Nitrite mg/1 Date Station 12.0 7/10/82 CIO I0 11.7 7/12/82 12 11.4 7/11/82 191 11. 1 7/26/82 13 10.5 7/9/82 10.5 7/27/82 14 10.5 7/29/82 15 9.6 9/4/82 41 7.5 10/11/82 46 6.3 9/6/82 42 4.8 8/24/82 35 3.6 8/6/82 23 3.6 8/27/82 37 • 3.6 8/30/82 38 3.0 8/3/82 20 3.0 9/7/82 43 3.0 9/11/82 44 2.7 8/12/82 28 2.7 8/19/82 32 2.7 10/3/82 45 2.4 8/11/82 27 2.4 8/18/82 31 2.4 8/31/82 39 2.1 8/7/82 24 2.1 8/26/82 36 2.1 9/1/82 • 40 1.8 7/30/82 16 - 11 - Nitrite mg/1 Date Station 1.8 8/2/82 19 ::› 1.8 8/17/82 30 1.8 8/20/82 33 1.5 7/31/82 17 1.5 8/5/82 22 1.5 8/9/82 25 1.5 8/10/82 26 1.5 8/16/82 29 1.5 8/21/82 34 0.9 8/4/82 21 0.6 8/1/82 18 0.42 7/8/82 8 0.18 6/29/82 4 0. 16 6/28/82 1 0.16 6/28/82 2 0.16 6/29/82 3 0.12 7/1/82 5 0.1 7/7/82 7 0.04 7/6/82 6 Range -11.96 Mean- 3.62 (12.0 -0.04) Median - 2.25 Mode- 1.5 - 12 - 1 j j • . 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Sr/ $1 yS '.i .` • S2qmrer--), 5ta 1• • 3 ' : !- 13 =I. ; , i ., , i I - 1 Nitrate Date Station 61.6 7/26/82 13 52.8 ::)7/29/82 15 37.4 7/27/82 14 33.0 7/9/82 9 18.04 8/19/82 32 17.6 8/27/82 37 17. 16 8/12/82 28 16.72 9/7/82 43 15.4 7/30/82 16 15.4 8/24/82 35 14.1 7/10/82 10 13.2 8/5/82 22 12.8 7/12/82 12 12.32 7/8/82 8 12.32 9/4/82 41 11.0 10/11/82 46 11.0 8/21/82 34 9.68 8/30/82 38 8.8 7/11/82 11 8.8 6/28/82 2 8.8 8/7/82 24 7.92 8/6/82 23 7.92 8/9/82 25 7.92 9/11/82 44 7.04 8/4/82 21 6.6 6/28/82 1 - 14 - Nitrate Date Station 6.6 7/1/82 5 6.6 8/20/82 33 6.6 10/3/82 45 6.16 8/2/82 19 5.28 8/10/82 26 4.84 8/3/82 20 4.8 6/29/82 4 4.4 6/29/82 3 4.4 7/31/82 17 4.4 8/1/82 18 4.4 8/11/82 27 4.4 8/16/82 29 4.4 8/26/82 36 i • 4.4 9/1/82 40 4.4 9/6/82 42 3.96 8/31/82 39 3.52 7/7/82 7 3.52 8/17/82 30 3.52 8/18/82 31 2.2 7/6/82 6 Range- 59.4 Mean - 11.7 (61.6-2.2) Median- 7.92 Mode- 4.4 - 15 - • J ,I .i.. . • . • 1 a } • uo14-e,725 1, �/ S a -5S4I/3 .6,r' ZS" S-£ GI-E.t 94 �s� 2'6" c.)4 ,p 1-- 'F As-, el" a 6e Ate .SC' l" /l• 6� Li _s♦ E., // • 1 • tel" o 9 ;4,, / of 6 - F • • il ._,• 'i .: if : : 1, 1 ,', ,• •,;: ,,, , n, .1:,1 /.i •,. :,....; r,.! : ; : , • ,,-, , , • • • ; , : • t _ t..1 j t • , ; I ; 1 • • I i. • 1} a i i ' t ! 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I r 1 , . • j : ; 3 S 7 .,?(Ird 6 .7J' 3'0 3a 3y 3C .38' Sia Y.? fefi ; fe6 9 /1 /.3 /.t` /7 /2 .2/ .73 „91- •77 J9 3/ 33 ,.7S J; ►?P /ft SI Str, F.. J ! dam y/ S fa-t, �,. ... ik ! + 4 1 1 i. l Oil Date Station 760.0 7/11/82 11 "mink ) 60.0 7/12/82 12 35.0 7/9/82 9 15.0 7/8/82 8 14.0 7/10/82 10 8.5 7/27/82 14 7.0 7/26/82 13 5.0 8/6/82 23 5.0 7/7/82 7 4.5 7/31/82 17 4.5 8/26/82 36 3.0 8/1/82 18 2.5 7/29/82 15 2.5 8/18/82 31 2.5 8/20/82 33 2.5 8/24/82 35 2.0 7/30/82 16 2.0 8/27/82 37 1.5 8/30/82 38 1.5 8/31/82 39 1.5 9/1/82 40 1.5 10/11/82 46 1.2 9/4/82 41 1.0 8/21/82 34 1.0 8/4/82 21 1.0 8/19/82 32 '"t Nuo - 20 - NNW Oil Date Station 1.0 8/17/82 30 1.0 8/5/82 22 1.0 8/3/82 20 1.0 10/3/82 45 1.0 8/9/82 25 0.5 8/12/82 28 0.5 8/11/82 27 0.5 8/10/82 26 0.5 8/7/82 24 0.5 8/2/82 19 0.5 7/1/82 5 0.5 6/29/82 4 0.5 6/29/82 , 3 0.0 6/28/82 ® 2 0.0 9/7/82 43 0.0 9/11/82 44 0.0 9/6/82 42 0.0 8/16/82 29 0.0 7/6/82 6 0.0 6/28/82 1 Range: > 60.0 Mean: 7.1 (7`60.0-0.0) Median: 1.1 Bimodal: 1.0 0.5 0 - 21 - • .._. t .._. _ ...___il . { t ' � . a ( _ . M ^7 Q • rir a T g h. 41 rd N:.. 1 n dew r),- \ N 1 tll r • bn } SD - _ . x N 0 _ _ a V O i { id /2.t.�/ Station: ii 1 11 Date: 6/28/82 f.s. Depth: Surface Time: 3:20 P.M. (:: Conditions: Sunny Water Temperature: 24 Air Temperature: 25 Tests: Nitrite: 0.16 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 6.6 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 0.0 ppm Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 2+ fecal MPN = 5. 1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 12 mg/1 ' • Station: #2 11 Date: 6/28/82 f.s. Depth: 0.5m Time: 4:00 P.M. Conditions: Sunny Water Temperature: 24 C Air Temperature: 25 C Tests: Nitrite: 0.16 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 8.8 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 0.0 pm Coliform: 3+ presumptive 1+ confirmed 1+ fecal MPN= 2.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 12 mg/1 - 23 - Station: #3 11 Date: 6/29/82 f.s. Depth: Surface Time: 9:20 a.m. Conditions: Overcast Water Temperature: 21 Air Temperature: 22 Tests: Nitrite: 0.16 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 4.4 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 0.5 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 5+ fecal ESPN = 16 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 10 mg/1 Station: #4 11 Date: 6/29/82 f.s. • Depth: 0.5 m Time: 9:45 a.m. Conditions: Overcast Water Temperature: 21 C Air Temperature: 22 C Tests: Nitrite: 0.18 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 4.8 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 0.5 ppm Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 2+ fecal MPN= 5.1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 10 mg/1 - 24 - Station: #5 1.1 Date: 7/1/82 n.s. Depth: 1 m gime: 2:30 p.m. Conditions: Sunny Water Temperature: 22 C Air Temperature: 28 C Tests: Nitrite: 0.12 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 6.6 mg/1 NO 3 Oil: 0.5 ppm Coliform: 2+ presumptive 2+ confirmed 2+ fecal MPN = 5.1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 10 mg/1 111 Station: #6 11 Date: 7/6/82 n.s. Depth: 0.5 m Tine: 3:30 p.m. Conditions: Sunny Water Temperature: 22 C Air Temperature: 25 C Tests: Nitrite: 0.04 mg/1 NO2 • Nitrate: 2.2 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 0.0 ppm Coliform: 5 negative presumptive MPN= Dissolved Oxygen: 15 mg/1 - 25 - Station: #5 11 Date: 7/1/82 n.s. Depth: l m Time: 2:30 p.m. Conditions: Sunny Water Temperature: 22 C Air Temperature: 28 C Tests: Nitrite: 0.12 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 6.6 mg/1 N0 3 Oil: 0.5 ppm Coliform: 2+ presumptive 2+ confirmed 2+ fecal MPN = 5.1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 10 mg/1 Station: #6 11 Date: 7/6/82 n.s. Depth: 0.5 m Tine: 3:30 p.m. Conditions: Sunny Water Temperature: 22 C Air Temperature: 25 C Tests: Nitrite: 0.04 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 2.2 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 0.0 ppm Coliform: 5 negative presumptive MPN= Dissolved Oxygen: 15 mg/1 3 - 2S - Station: #t7 1.1 Date: 7/7/82 n.s. Depth: Surface Time: 9:40 a.m. QConditions: Overcast Water Temperature: 22 C Air Temperature,: 23 C Tests: Nitrite: 0.1 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 3.52 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 5.0 ppm Coliform: 3+ presumptive 2+ confirmed 2+ fecal xipN = 5. 1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 11 mg/1 Station: ##8 11 Date: 7/8/82 ® n.s. Depth: Surface Time: 7:45 a.m. Conditions: Sunny Water Temperature: 22 C Air Temperature: 25 C Tests: Nitrite: 0.42 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: .12.32 mg/1 NO 3 Oil: 15 ppm Coliform: 3+ presumptive 2+ confirmed 2+ fecal MPN= 5.1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 13 mg/1 - 26 - Station: ##9 11 Date: 7/9/82 f.s. Depth: 0.5 m Time: 12:15 p.m. Conditions: Cloudy Water Temperature: 26 C ✓ fish jumping Air Temperature: 29 C duck weed growth • Tests: Nitrite: 10.5 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 33 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 35 ppm Coliform: 5 negative presumptive MPN = Dissolved Oxygen: 17 mg/1 Station: #10 11. Date: 7/10/82 f.s. ,meor Depth: 1 in. Time: 9:20 a.m. Conditions: Sunny Water Temperature: 23 C fish jumping;brownish haze to water Air Temperature: 26.5 C no duck weed Tests: Nitrite: 12.0 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 14. 1 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 14.0 ppm Coliform: 2+ presumptive 1+ confirmed 2+ fecal MPN= 5. 1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 10 mg/1 - 97 _ Station: #11 11. Date: 7/11/82 f.s. Depth: 1 m Time: 3:05 p.m. • Conditions: Cloudy Water Temperature: 25 C fish jumping some duck weed Air Temperature,: 30 C Tests: Nitrite: 11.4 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 8.8 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 60 ppm Coliform: -2+ presumptive 2+ confirmed 2+ fecal MPN = 5.1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 6 mg/1 Station: #12 11 Date: 7/12/82 Q m/s/ Depth: 1.5 m Time: 7: 17 a.m. Conditions: Cloudy Water Temperature: 23 C some drizzle Air Temperature: 25 C Tests: Nitrite: 11.7 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 12.8 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 60 ppm Coliform: 2+ presumptive 2+ confirmed 2+ fecal MPN= 5.1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 2 mg/1 0 - 28 - Station: #13 Date: 7/26/82 Depth: Surface Time: 1:05 p.m. Conditions: Sunny • Water Temperature: 26 C Humid, evidence of land fill or dumping along shore Air Temperature: 31 C • Tests: Nitrite: 11.1 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 61.6 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 7.0 ppm Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 5+ fecal MPN = 16 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 7 mg/1 Station: #14 Date: 7/27/82 AIN Depth: .5 m Tie: 11:40 a.m. Conditions: Water Temperature: 23 C Air Temperature: 28 C Tests: Nitrite: 10.5 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 37.4 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 8.5 ppm Coliform: 4+ presumptive 4+ confirmed 4+ fecal MPN= 16 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 5. mg/1 - 29 - diiiiininm•p4abow • Station: #15 Date: 7/29/82 Depth: Surface Time: 9:55 a.m. ® Conditions: Sunny Water Temperature: 21 C previous day heavy rainfall Air Temperature: 22 C Tests: Nitrite: 10.5 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 52.8 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 2.5 ppm Coliform: 4+ presumptive 4+ confirmed 4+ fecal MPN = 16 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 5 mg/1 Station: 016 Date: 7/30/82 S Depth: •25 m Time: 11:15 a.m. • Conditions: Overcast Water Temperature: 22 C Air Temperature: 23 C Tests: Nitrite: 1.8 mg/1 NO2 • Nitrate: 15.4 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 2.0 ppm Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN= 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 7 mg/1 C - 30 - Station: ##17 Date: 7/31/82 Depth: .25 m Time: 12: 10 p.m. Conditions: Cloudy Water Temperature: 24 C :17) Fungus nodulis on bottom- numerous Air Temperature: 21 C Tests: Nitrite: 1.5 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 4.4 mg/1 NO 3 Oil: 4.5 ppm Coliform: 3+ presumptive 2+ cofirmed 1+ fecal MPN = 2.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen:7 mg/1 Station: #18 Date: 8/1/82 ,4101.4 Depth: .25 m Time: 12:15 p.m. Conditions: partly cloudy; Water Temperature: 24 C slight foam on surface; downstream from samll waterfall: slight odor Air Temperature: 26 C Tests: Nitrite: .6 mg/1 NO2 • Nitrate: 4.4 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 3.0 ppm Coliform: 3+ presumptive 3+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN= 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 10mg/1 - 31 - Station: #19 Date: 8/2/82 Depth: Surface Time: 9:00 a.m. Conditions: Sunny; surface foam; . Water Temperature: 23 C slight odor Air Temperature: 22 C Tests: Nitrite: 1.8 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 6.16 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 0.5 ppm Coliform: 4+ presumptive 3+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN - 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 9 mg/1 ,01., Station: #20 Date: 8/3/82 Depth: Surface Time: 11:50 a.m. Conditions: Sunny Water Temperature: 23 C slight odor, after small water fall Air Temperature: 20 C Tests: Nitrite: 3.0 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 4.84 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 1.0 ppm Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 2+ fecal MPN- 5. 1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 10 mg/1 - 32 - Station: #21 Date: 8/4/82 Depth: Surface Time• 8:55 a.m. Conditions: nater Temperature: 23 C Air Temperature: 23 C Tests: Nitrite: 0.9 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 7.04 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 1.0 ppm Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN = 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 9.0 mg/1 Station: 1/22 Date: 8/5/82 Depth: .25 m Time: 8:40 a.m. Conditions: Overcast; eel & ;tater Temperature: 24 C fish visible Air Temperature: 25 C Tests: Nitrite: 1.5 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 13.2 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 1.0 ppm Coliform: 3+ presumptive 3+ confirmed 1+ fecal MPN= 2.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 7 mg/1 - 33 - , Station: #23 Date: 8/6/82 Depth: Surface Time: 8:40 a.m. IIIConditions: Overcast, Water Temperature: 23 C evidence of dumping along shore Air Temperature;: 22 C Tests: Nitrite: 3.6 mg/1 NO 2 Nitrate: 7.92 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 5.0 p.p.m. Coliform: 2+ presumptive 2+ confirmed 2+ fecal MPN = 5:1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 7 mg/1 • Station: #24 III Date: 8/7/82 Depth: Surface Time: 9:06 a.m. Conditions: Sunny; evidence Water Temperature:_ of dum ping;; drainage ditch dug at 22 C south bank Air Temperature: 19 C Tests: Nitrite: 2.1 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 8.8 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 0.5 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN- 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 8 mg/1 G - 34 - Station: #25 8/9/82 Date: Depth: Surface Tine: 12:30 p.m. 410+6 Conditions: After a shower; Water Temperature: 23 C overcast; drainage pipe visible at Bonnie Briar side of Air Temperature: 29 C Weaver Street Tests: Nitrite: 1.5 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 7.92 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 1.0 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 4+ confirmed 2+ fecal MPN = 5.1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 8 mg/1 Station: #26 bb Date: 8/10/82 . New Depth: Surface Ti=e: 11:07 a.m. Conditions: Sunny; day after Water Temperature: 24 C a heavy rain Air Temperature: 26 C Tests: Nitrite: 1.5 mg/1 NO 2 Nitrate: 5.28 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 0.5 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 4+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN= 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 9 mg/1 - 35 - Station: #27 bb Date: 8/11/82 Depth• Surface Time: 1:46 p.m. Conditions: Drizzle; Water Temperature: 22 C Elodea growth Air Temperature: 21 C Tests: Nitrite: 2.4 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 4.4 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 0.5 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 5+ fecal MPN = 16 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 10 mg/1 Station: #28 bb Date: 8/12/82 Depth; .25 m 12:32 p.m. Time: Conditions: Cloudy; Water Temperature: rain previous day; pipes across 23 C stream:elodea present Air Tem erature• 20 C Tests: Nitrite: 2.7 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 17.16 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 0.5 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 4+ fecal MPN= 16 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 12 mg/1 - 36 - Station: #29 bb Date: 8/16/82 Depth: Surface Time: 10:16 a.m. Conditions: Sunny; Water Temperature: 24 C large elodea growth Air Temperature: 26 C Tests: Nitrite: 1.5 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 4.4 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 0.0 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN = 9.2. organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 14 mg/1 Station: #30 bb Date: 7/17/82 Depth: .25 m Time: 8:37 a.m. Conditions: Hazy sun; algae Water Temperature: 22 C present; verified also microscopically Air Temperature: 24 C Tests: Nitrite: 1.8 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 3.52 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 1.0 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN= 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 11 mg/1 ' Station: #31 bb Date: 8/18/82 Depth: Surface Time: 8:19 a.m. Conditions: Sunny; large bull frogs Water Temperature: 21 C evident; increased water flow- perhaps open reservoir valve Air Temperature: 19 C • Tests: Nitrite: 2.4 ,g/1 NO2 Nitrate: 3.52 mg A NO3 0i1: 2.5 Z.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN = 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 13 mg/1 • /11.6Station: #32 bb Date: 8/19/82 Sew Depth: Surface Time: 8:24 a.m. Conditions: Hazy sun; decreased Water Temperature: 20 C water flow from previous day; some elodea Air Temperature: 20 C Tests: Nitrite: 2.7 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 18.04 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 1.0 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 4+ fecal MpN= 16 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 10 mg/1 - 38 - Station: #33 bb Date: 8/20/82 Depth: Surface Time: 10:03 a.m. r"'1a Conditions: Sunny; reduced flow Water Temperature: 23 C in stream; broken pipe just upstream; elodea & spyrogyra present also fish fry Air Temperature: 23 C Tests: Nitrite: 1.8 mg/I NO2 Nitrate: 6.6 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 2.5 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 4+ fecal MPN = 16 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 12 mg/1 ikk Station: #34 bb Date: 8/21/82 .Arn Depth: Surface Time: 8:59 a.m. Conditions: Sunny; slow flow; sperogyra & elodea present; fish Water Temperature: 22 C fry present Air Temperature: 19 C Tests: Nitrite: 1.5 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 11.0 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 1.0 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 4+ confirmed 2+ fecal MPN= 5. 1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 14 mg/1 - 39 - Station: #35 bb Date: 8/24/82 Depth: Surface 1:21 III Time: p.m. Conditions: Sunny; after a previous Water Temperature: 27 C day of heavy showers, spirogyra present Air Temperature: 21 C Tests: Nitrite: 4.8 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 15.4 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 2.5 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN = 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 15 mg/1 1 ® Station: #36 bb Date: 8/26/82 Depth: Surface Time: 8:10 a.m. Conditions: Sunny; previous day Water Temperature: 19 C heavy rain; spirogyra present Air Temperature: 15 C Tests: Nitrite: 2.1 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 4.4 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 4.5 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN= 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 12 mg/1 0 Station: #37 bb Date: 8/27/82 Depth: . 1 m Time: 7:34 a.m. Conditions: Overcast; Water Temperature: 20 C .rf', spirogyra present, some elodea and fish fry Air Temperature: 17 C Tests: Nitrite: 3.6 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 17.6 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 2.0 p.p.m. Coliform: 4+ presumptive • 4+ confirmed 4+ fecal MPN = 16 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 11 mg/1 Station: #38 bb Date: 8/30/82 Depth: Surface Time: 8:40 a.m. Conditions: Overcast; spirogyra, Water Temperature: 18 C elodea & surface algae present. Evidence of eutrophism; no flow evident Air Temperature: 17 C Tests: Nitrite: 3.6 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 9.68 mg/1 NO3 • Oil: 1.5 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive • 5+ confirmed 5+ fecal MPN= 16 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 13 mg/1 Station: #39 bb Date: 8/31/82 Depth: Surface Time: 7:32 a.m. Conditions: overcast; no flow, Water Temperature: 18 C no underwater plants Air Temperature: 17 C Tests: Nitrite: 2.4 mg/1 NO Nitrate: 3.96 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 1.5 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 4+ fecal MPN = 16 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 8 mg/1 Station: #40 bbl Date: 9/1/82 Sat 23 Bonnie Briar Lane private property Depth: Time: Surface 7:49 a.m. Conditions: Water Temperature: 22 C Cloudy, slow flow, no underwater plants, small waterfalls Air Temperature: 21 C Tests: Nitrite: 2.1 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 4.4 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 1.5 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN= 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 12 mg/1 a - 42 - ._ __ _ ... _ _.,,... ��..,a._,..,,�^:�-.•. .tea. Station: #41 bbl Date: 9/4/82 downstream from #23 Bonnie Briar Lane Depth: Surface Time: 8:32 a.m. Conditions: Sunny; froth on the Water Temperature: 19 C surface slow flow, after small waterfall Air Temperature: 17 C Tests: Nitrite: 9.6 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 12.32 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 1.2 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 4+ confirmed 2+ fecal MPN = 5.1 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 12 mg/1 / Station: #42 Date: 96/82 4.1140, Bonnie Briar Lane & Weaver Street after bridge Depth: Surface Time: 11:45 a.m. Conditions: Sunny, good flow, signs of Water Temperature: 18 C dumping, brackish looking side pools Air Temperature: 19 C Tests: Nitrite: 6.3 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 4.4 mg/i NO3 Oil: 0.0 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 4+ fecal MPN= 16 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 11 mg/1 - 43 - Station: #43 Date: 9/7/82 Rockland Ave & Weaver St. Depth: Surface Time: 6:50 a.m. SConditions: Cloudy, evidence of Water Temperature: 19C dumping, small waterfall Air Temperature: 16C Tests: Nitrite: 3.0 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 16.72 mg/1 NO 3 Oil: 0.0 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN = 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen: 12 mg/1 Allik Station: #44 Date: 9/11/82 Forest Ave & Weaver St. under bridge Depth: Surface Time: 8:46 a.m. Conditions: Sunny, evidence of Water Temperature: 19 C dumping, some film on surface, slow flow over small waterfall Air Temperature: 17 C Tests: Nitrite: 3.0 mg/1 NO2 Nitrate: 7.92 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 0.0 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN= 9.2 organisms/100 ml 11 mg/1 Dissolved Oxygen: C Station: #45 Date: 10/3/82 D_ epth: Surface Time: 11:00 a.m. Conditions: Sunny, cool, slow flow Water Temperature: 14 C Air Temperature: 11 C Tests: Nitrite: 2.7 mg/1 NO 2 Nitrate: 6.6 mg/1 NO 3 Oil: 1.0 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive • 5+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN = 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen• 13 mg/1 Station: #46 Date: i0/11/82 Garden Lake Depth: Surface Time: 2:23 p.m. Conditions: Sunny, much elodea Water Temperature: 17 C Air Temperature: 15 C Tests: Nitrite: 7.5 mg/1 NO Nitrate: 2 11.0 mg/1 NO3 Oil: 1.5 p.p.m. Coliform: 5+ presumptive 5+ confirmed 3+ fecal MPN= 9.2 organisms/100 ml Dissolved Oxygen:19 mg/1 45 - . - S ,-.,......----( V. • • t i ; - - i ..L.i4 - jeer,. . . . 1 Ott ,�, �-•4100 \ i r 3 l j • r • .�:, - •, .. 1?-1 ---r- P t _. , , ._ ..... :_i_-_, .. 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