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Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes
January 15, 2020
A regular meeting of the Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee was held on January 15,
2020 at 7 PM at the Town of Mamaroneck Court Room, 740 West Boston Post Road,
Mamaroneck, NY.
Doris Shaw Block, Chair Abby Katz, Town Board Member
Stephen Bartell Connie Green O’Donnell, Deputy Town Administrator
Robert Herbst Lindsey Luft, Assistant to the Town Administrator
Arthur Katz Lt. James Maher, Mamaroneck Police Department
Kimberly Larsen
Request for a no parking zone on Forest Avenue:
The Committee acknowledged that enhancements had been made to address the traffic issue.
Signs were installed on Forest Avenue, including chevron street arrows that indicate the turn.
Request for parking permits on Plymouth Road for residents without driveways:
Residents from five (5) homes on Plymouth Road, who do not have driveways, appeared at the
Traffic Committee meeting held in November. They were seeking parking accommodations
for a total of ten (10) vehicles, two (2) per home. Doris Block informed the Committee that this
request is being tabled due to the Town not being supportive of submitting an application to
the State for residential parking permits at this time. Abby Katz stated she would have a
further discussion with Steve Altieri, Town Administrator, to find out if there are other
residences in Town that do not have driveways.
Request for crosswalk at the intersection of Myrtle Boulevard and Preston Street:
A resident requested, in an effort to enhance pedestrian safety, that a crosswalk be placed at
the intersection of Myrtle Boulevard and Preston Street. In order for residents to walk on the
Myrtle Boulevard sidewalk, if coming down from Preston Street, they must cross the street. It
is believed to be unsafe to cross the street at that intersection, especially during the early
morning hours as people are driving to the train station. If there was a crosswalk, Doris Block
stated there would need to be a stop sign or a stop light to make drivers aware that they are
approaching the crosswalk. Kim Larsen agreed that signage would be appropriate, given
those walking in the crosswalk, especially children, might feel a false sense of security. Abby
Katz suggested installing a pedestrian activated device with flashing lights or advanced
warning signs of “pedestrian crossing” posted in both directions on Myrtle Boulevard. In
addition, Abby Katz suggested that Steve Altieri, Town Administrator, be consulted. Connie
Green O’Donnell responded that he had already been advised of the request and was in
support of the crosswalk. The Committee agreed that a crosswalk and appropriate signage
should be installed at the intersection of Myrtle Boulevard and Preston Street.
Request for review of Burton Road parking, including handicapped parking and
possible crosswalk:
Currently there are parking restrictions on both sides of Burton Road. The restrictions are due
to driveways on the opposite sides of the street. The Committee discussed the request for
handicapped parking and felt that adding a space on Burton Road would not be practical,
since the street is not in close proximity to the individual’s apartment entrance. Since the
individual was not in attendance at the meeting, the Committee agreed that the request should
be deferred to the February meeting for further discussion and the individual who submitted
the request should be asked to attend.
Request for crossing guard at the intersection of Colonial Avenue and Daymon Terrace
near Murray Avenue School:
Doris Block began the discussion by inquiring who employs school crossing guards. In
response, Connie Green O’Donnell stated the Town employs the crossing guards and the cost
is approximately $11,000 annually for each crossing guard. Arthur Katz asked how many are
currently employed. Lt. Maher responded that there are twelve (12). A resident from
Colonial Avenue was present and expressed his concern with speeding vehicles, especially in
the mornings, the blind spot at the intersection and the lack of sidewalks. Kim Larsen
suggested a “no left turn” from Daymon Terrace. Doris Block asked Lt. Maher to have a Police
Officer present in the mornings when school is in session, for the purpose of identifying traffic
related issues and concerns. Stephen Bartell stated that parents should be held more
accountable by the Murray Avenue School and the PTA. Kim Larsen said the Safe Routes to
School Committee is faced with the same issue. She mentioned the PTA has done some
outreach to address pedestrian safety at the schools, however, more could be done by
creating a district wide campaign. Doris Block asked the Traffic Committee members to visit
the site in the mornings to observe the traffic issue. Abby Katz suggested installing crosswalk
signage and stricter enforcement of the “no parking” restriction near the intersection. In
addition, street lighting at the school during the evening hours should be evaluated to
determine whether it is sufficient. Stephen Bartell requested that a representative of the PTA
be invited to attend the next Traffic Committee meeting, since it was decided that the request
would be placed on the February agenda for further review and discussion. On a related
topic, Kim Larsen asked whether the Town is able to accept donations for the purpose of
constructing sidewalks on Colonial Avenue.
Normandy Road:
Connie Green O’Donnell advised the Committee that there is a proposed amendment to the
Commuter Parking Law which is being considered by the Town Board, that would include
Normandy Road to the list of streets having parking restrictions.
Next Traffic Committee Meeting Scheduled for February 26, 2020