HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978_04_19 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M.
Present: Supervisor Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman McMillan
Councilman Perone
Absent: Councilman DeMaio
Also Present: Mrs. Miller - Town Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Superintendent of Highways
Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller
Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer
Mr. Kronenberger - Superintendent of Recreation
The Minutes of the regular meeting of October 19, 1977 were
presented and on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by
Councilman Bloom, approved as submitted.
1. Decision on Bids - Highway Department Street Sweeper
Supervisor Vandernoot reviewed the reason for the delaying of
the decision on the bids of this rather expensive piece of
highway equipment and noted the difference of opinion between
the Town Engineer and the Town Superintendent of Highways and
asked Mr. Aitchison to voice his opinion since he had not been
present at the last meeting due to illness.
Following Mr. Aitchison's brief explanation of why he prefers
the Elgin, quite a lengthy discussion ensued in which represent-
atives of both Trius Equipment Sales and Service Company and
Theodore J. Burke and Son, Inc. spoke relative to various
features of their respective machines. Questions were posed
by individual members of the Board and following the explanations,
Councilman Perone made a motion to accept the bid of Theodore J.
Burke & Son, Inc. which was the recommendation of the Highway
Superintendent, but his motion failed due to the lack of a second.
Thereupon, on motion by Councilman Bloom, who stated that the
Board should accept the low bid, seconded by Councilman McMillan,
who echoed Councilman Bloom's statement about the low bid and
pursuant to a Roll Call by the Clerk, the following resolution was
adopted by majority vote with Councilmen Bloom and McMillan and
Supervisor Vandernoot voting in the affirmative and Councilman
Perone voting in the negative:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts
the bid of the low bidder for the Highway
Department Street Sweeper namely, Trius
Equipment Sales and Service in the amount
of $35,552.00.
At this time, with the unanimous consent of the Board, Supervisor
Vandernoot changed the order of the agenda and took up Item 2
2. Letter, Recreation Commission
Supervisor Vandernoot reviewed the discussion which took place
at the last meeting after the presentation of the petition relative
to the pool hours-and presented a letter addressed to him under
date of April 11, 1978 by the Recreation Commission, herewith
ordered received and filed. He then acknowledged the presence
of a contingent of residents requesting the opening of Hommocks
Pool earlier than 7:00 p.m. Mr. `Kronenberger, Superintendent
of Recreation, in noting his reaction to the request, reiterated
that the time for cleaning the pool and the matter of staffing
are problems.
During the lengthy discussion that followed, Mrs. Macky Bennett,
2 Beverly Place, Larchmont; Mrs. George Carl, 76 North Chatsworth
Avenue, Town; Bud Sherak, 5 York Road, Town; and Mrs. Reuben Abel,
17 Monroe Avenue, Larchmont spoke and urged the Board to look
into the matter of increasing the hours of residents' use of the
pool prior to the usual seven o'clock opening.
It was unanimously so ordered that the Supervisor and the
Superintendent of Recreation would meet and work out certain
details relative to the recommendations and thereafter the
Supervisor would meet with officials of the School District to
discuss a renegotiation of the contract governing the use of
the pool in order that a trial period may be set up.
In answer to a question posed by Ellie Berlin, Councilman Bloom
answered that the Committee studying the Manager Form of Government
last met on April 12th and although they are not ready to submit
a formal report, they are continuing to make progress.
The Supervisor at this time reverted the meeting back to the
regular order of business.
2. Authorization - Supervisor to Sign Easement
_ Pursuant to the request for execution of an Easement Agreement,
prepared by the Town Attorney and herewith submitted, between
the Town of Mamaroneck and Don Zappavigna for a sanitary sewer
improvement, on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by
Councilman Perone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized to execute on behalf
of the Town of Mamaroneck the Easement
Agreement between the Town and Mr. Don
Zappavigna, owner of the premises known as
the Larchmont Diner at 2399 Boston Post
Road, Larchmont (Block 505 Parcel 433).
3. Report of Bids - Sanitary Sewer Improvements
A memorandum addressed to the Town Board by Charles Elfreich,
Town Engineer, under date of April 18, 1978 enumerating the
bids and recommending award thereof was herewith presented
and ordered received and filed. Thereupon, on motion by
Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Perone, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts
the bid of the low bidder, namely Manny
Equipment Corp. in the amount of $44,924.00
for Sanitary Sewer Improvements on the Boston
Post Road in front of the Larchmont Diner.
4. Follow-up Report - Urban County
The Town Engineer reported to the Board for informational
purposes that the Year Two Urban County Contract between
the Town of Mamaroneck and the County of Westchester has been
prepared and the grant of $20,000 is slated for use in clearing
the Sheldrake River from the Duck Pond to the New England
Thruway. He further noted that approximately $3,000 of the
grant will be used for drafting and field work and that
Mark Mustacato will be hired at a salary of $150.00 per week
to perform such work. It was noted that no action was
necessary by the Board relative to the hiring of Mr. Mustacato
since he will be hired on a contractual basis and it was
also noted that he has worked previously in the Engineer's
1. Request for Use of Voting Machines - Mamaroneck School District
Pursuant to the request of J. J. Barbieri, District Treasurer of
Mamaroneck Public Schools, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
Perone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants
the request of the Mamaroneck Union Free
School District for the use of eleven (11)
voting machines (with one additional
machine in reserve) for the school district
vote on May 24, 1978.
2. Request for Use of One Voting Machine - Principal, High School
A letter addressed to the Town Clerk under date of April 12, 1978
by Joseph T. Downey, Principal, Mamaroneck High School, was
herewith presented and ordered received and filed and thereupon,
on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Perone,
it was unanimously so ordered that Mr. Downey's request be granted
for the use of one voting machine for the High School student
body election on May 1, 1978.
3. Salary Authorizations:
a) Community Beautification
Following presentation of a memorandum addressed to the Board
by P. T. Leddy, Conservation Director, under date of March 31,
1978, herewith ordered received and filed, and pursuant to a
notation that the salary requested is to be paid with anti-
recession funds, on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded by
Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the hiring of Richard Young, Seasonal Laborer,
effective April 19, 1978, and Brian R. Soriano,
Seasonal Laborer, effective April 12, 1978, both
to be compensated at the rate of $5.13 per hour.
b) Recreation
In accordance with two memoranda addressed to the Town Board by
the Recreation Superintendent under dates. of April _12 •arid`.19, 1.1928,
herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by
Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1978
Town Budget, this Board hereby authorizes
that La Rue Best, Recreation Attendant at
Memorial Park be compensated at the rate
of $3.00 per hour, effective April 1, 1978;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1978
Town Budget, this Board hereby authorizes
that the following persons be hired for
the Spring Vacation Program, all to be
effective April 17, 1978 and to be
compensated at the rates set forth below:
Name Position Compensation Rate
Dennis Ahearn Sr. Rec. Leader
Hommocks Pool $300.00 Total
Thomas Auchterlonie Sr. Rec. Leader
Tumbling $300.00 Total
Clem Cappara Sr. Rec. Leader
Field Games $300.00 Total
Kenneth Demas Sr. Rec. Leader
Field Games $300.00 Total
Gale Dunlap Sr. Rec. Leader
Tumbling $300.00 Total
Name Position Compensation Rate
Wayne Pollack Sr. Rec. Leader
Hommocks Pool $300.00 Total
William Reilly Program Director $300.00 Total
Suzanne Rutledge Sr. Rec. Leader
Field Games $300.00 Total
JosephcVillarosa Sr. Rec. Leader
Tumbling $300.00 Total
Ford Winter Sr. Rec. Leader
Hommocks Pool $300.00 Total
Margaret Brown Life Guard
Hommocks Pool $ 75.00 Total
Cindy Ferro Life Guard
Hommocks Pool $ 75.00 Total
Laura Goldsmith Rec. Assistant
Tumbling $ 75.00 Total
Terri Kelleher Life Guard
Hommocks Pool $ 75.00 Total
Michelle Parini Life Guard
Hommocks Pool $ 75.00 Total
John Piccaro Rec. Assistant
Tumbling $ 75.00 Total
Wendi Werber Rec. Assistant
Field Games $ 75.00 Total
Richard Wilks Rec. Assistant
Field Games $ 75.00 Total
Sherry Auchterlonie Rec. Assistant
Tumbling $ 40.00 Total
Denise Haviland Rec. Assistant
Tumbling $ 40.00 Total
David Katz Rec. Assistant
Projectionist $ 40.00 Total
c) School Crossing Guard
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Chief of
Police under date of April 5, 1978, herewith presented and ordered
received and filed, on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded by
Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Police
Chief, this Board hereby authorizes that
Rose Suppa, 611 Second Street, Mamaroneck,
be engaged as School Crossing Guard to replace
George Mulcahy, effective April 10, 1978, to
be compensated at the rate of $18.00 per day.
4. Authorization - Solicit Proposals for a Consultant to Update Zoning
Some discussion followed the presentation of a memorandum addressed
to the Board by the Town Engineer and the Building Inspector under
date of April 18, 1978 and herewith ordered received and filed for
the record. During the discussion, clarifications were made as
III to how to approach this solicitation for proposals and it was
unanimously so ordered that a report with recommendations be
forthcoming at the May 17, 1978 Town Board meeting.
1 -5-
5. Authorization - Advertise for Bids
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Town Board by the Town
Engineer under date of April 19, 1978, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Perone,
seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
publication in the official newspaper of the
Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, of a
Notice of Bids for the resurfacing of the
Hommocks Tennis Courts, said bids to be
returnable on May 1, 1978 and reported to
the Board on May 3, 1978.
1. Public Notice - Village of Larchmont Zoning Board of Appeals
The aforementioned Notice was herewith presented and ordered
received and filed. The Supervisor noted that the Roy Rogers
Restaurant would once again be one of the topics for consideration.
2. Letter, Recreation Commission
This item was taken up earlier in the meeting.
3. Letter, Westchester Jewish Conference
The above-mentioned letter was presented and herewith ordered
received and filed. The Supervisor urged all who can to attend
this first county-wide observance in Commemoration of the Warsaw
Ghetto Uprising on Sunday, April 30, 1978.
4. Letter, Olympiad Gymkhana/Motorama
A letter addressed to the Supervisor under date of March 13, 1978
by Maxine Bergman, President of the Children's Service League,
notifying him of the first inter-school Driver Safety Olympiad-
Gymkhana & Motorama and asking him to proclaim the week of May
1st as High School Driver Safety Week was herewith presented
and ordered received and filed. Thereupon, with the unanimous
consent of the Board, the Supervisor declared that the Town of
Mamaroneck observe the week of May 1st as High School Driver
Safety Week and stated that he would so notify Ms. Bergman.
5. Letter, Larchmont Public Library
Supervisor Vandernoot presented a letter addressed to him by
Honora Dougherty, Director of the Larchmont Public Library
under date of April 18, 1978, herewith ordered received and
filed and noted that the letter refers to the project started
a few years ago by Former Supervisor Christine K. Helwig.
Pursuant to his description of the kinds of records located in the
Town Clerk's office and the work being done by Dr. Mary English,
on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants
permission to the Board of Trustees of
the Larchmont Public Library to apply
for funding in order to publish the
historical town records that have been
carefully gathered and reproduced by
Dr. Mary English;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor on behalf
of the Town Board express to the Library
Board its thanks and appreciation for its
innovative idea.
NOT ON AGENDA - Mr. McMillan
Councilman McMillan called to attention the unkempt condition of
stores in the Larchmont business district and asked the liaisons_,
(Councilmen Bloom and DeMaio) to Larchmont Village to discuss
that matter at their next meeting, specifically in relation to
the need for strict enforcement. Nancy Hartford added that
debris has been deposited in the lot near Tung Hoy, to which
the Board replied that will be referred to the Building
Inspector for enforcement.
Regular Reports
The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered
received and filed:
Report of the Town Clerk for the month of
March, 1978.
Report-of the:-Building & Plumbing Inspector
for the month of March 1978.
1978 First Quarterly Report of the Westchester
Shore Humane Society, Inc
1. Resolution - Tribute to Touuuy Aitchison
Pursuant to Mr. Vandernoot's reference to Mr. Aitchison's long
and devoted service to the Town and his recent retirement, and
because of his inability to be in attendance at this meeting for
the presentation, with the unanimous consent of the Board, the
Supervisor offered the following resolution:
A Tribute to Tommy Aitchison
WHEREAS Thomas M. Aitchison, who retired on
April 1st, marked the 44th anniversary
of his service with the Town of
Mamaroneck on February the 19th,
WHEREAS, his efficient and exemplary operation
of the Park Department and his
knowledgeable planning and meticulous
care of the Town's Parks during all
of these years made him an invaluable
member of our Town staff,
WHEREAS, his absolute devotion to the development
and preservation of our Parks and
"Parklets" contributed so much to the
beauty of our community and the pleasure
of its residents,
RESOLVED, that we, the members of this Board,
do hereby adopt this resolution to be
spread upon the minutes of this meeting
as a public and permanent tribute to ---
Thomas M. Aitchison
Superintendent of the Park Department
of the Town of Mamaroneck from
February 19th, 1934 to April the 1st
of 1978,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be
forwarded to him with the deep
appreciation, gratitude, sincere
thanks and very best wishes of the
Board, the staff, and all of those
residents whom he served with such
rare and unique distinction.
Mr. Bloom
1. V.A.C. - Annual Fund Raising Drive
Councilman Bloom pointed out that the members of V.A.C. have indicated
to him that the contributions to their annual fund raising drive are
lagging in spite of the impressive letter sent out to Larchmont
Village and Unincorporated residents. He also noted that they are
in need of another ambulance and urged residents to send in their
contributions generously and as promptly as possible to aid this
very vital and desperately needed service.
2. Liaison Committee
Councilman Bloom reported that the Liaison Committee met on April
13th and that he, Councilman DeMaio, Larchmont Village Trustee
Scheffler, who attended in the absence of Trustee Barry, and
Trustee Quigley reviewed a number of items of common interest
and agreed to meet again in about a month and noted that from
various matters brought before this Board, there are now many
matters that the group can focus upon.
Mr. Perone
1. Proposal - Senior Citizen Advisory Committee
Councilman Perone suggested to the Board that a proposal be studied
to formulate an-advisory committee on senior citizens with members
being appointed by the Town Board and Larchmont Village Board and
explained his reason for submitting such a proposal. He emphasized
that the group would maintain an advisory capacity and would only
recommend policy and that the proposal will be formally presented
to the Town Board for action at a subsequent meeting.
2. Larchmont-Mamaroneck Youth Council
Councilman Perone referred to his position as liaison to the
Teen Center Committee and proposed the formation of an eleven-
member Larchmont-Mamaroneck Youth Council, separate from the Family
& Youth Committee, with four (4) members from the Unincorporated
Area together with the Town Youth Officer and three (3) members
from the Village of Larchmont and similar membership of their
Youth Officer, with the remaining two being one boy and one girl
from the Teen Center being duly elected by members of the Youth
Thereupon, following some discussion in which clarifications were
made by the Town Attorney, on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded
by Councilman McMillan, the following resolution was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves
the formation of the 11-member Larchmont-
Mamaroneck Youth Council to serve as a
policy-making body for the Teen Center and
appoints Mrs. Mickey Megroz, 85 West Brookside
Drive, Norman Wilson, 69 Rockland Avenue,
William Reilly, 23 Myrtle Boulevard and Walter
Lowman, 8 Woody Lane to serve as members of
said Youth Council together with the Town of
Mamaroneck Police Department's Youth Officer;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution is subject to
approval and similar appointments by the
Village of Larchmont.
1. Authorization to Institute Proceedings Against Bonnie Briar
Country Club
Following Mr. Johnston's review of the fire-code violations as
noted by the Fire Chief and pursuant to his request that legal
proceedings be instituted to force the Club to correct the
violations, on motion by Councilman McMIllan, seconded by
Councilmna Perone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the
Town Attorney to commence legal proceedings
against the Bonnie Briar Country Club, Weaver
Street, Town of Mamaroneck, in order that the
Club will correct the fire-code violations
cited by Fire Chief Perciasepe.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at
10:04 P.M. to reconvene on May 3, 1978.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1. Claims
Pursuant to the memorandum addressed to the Commission by the
Deputy Comptroller under date of April 19, 1978, herewith
presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by
Commissioner Bloom, seconded by Commissioner McMillan, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes
payment of the following Fire Department claims
as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the
Comptroller's Office:
AAA Emergency Supply Co. $ 1,507.98
R. G. Brewer Inc. 14.84 -
Cartridge Counter 242.90
Con Edison 27.25
Dri-Chem Extinguisher Corp. 39.25
Exterminating Services Co. 10.78
Excelsior Garage & Machine Works Inc. 4,402.51
Exxon Co. , U.S.A. 184.00
Helmut Kappelmann 60.00
Larchmont Hardware, Inc. 11.53
Larchmont Auto Parts Dist. , Inc. 81.31
Anthony N. Librandi 148.50
Motorola C & E Inc. 970.00
Portronix Communications Inc. 764.00
Ritacco Service Center Inc. 28.00
William Smith Supplies Inc. 65.95
Westchester Joint Water Works 35.61
$ 8,594.41
2. Reports
There were no reports to come before the Commission.
3. Other Business
Commissioner Perone commended Chief Perciasepe on the recent
exhibition and impressive demonstration of the Jaws of Life
Tool. Commissioner Bloom commented that at present there is
only one manufacturer of that tool and that a proposal will be
forthcoming from the Fire Council relative to the purchase of
that piece of equipment.
Commissioner Bloom pointed out as he had done at a previous meeting
that the Fire Council wishes to remind everyone that December 18,
1982 will be the 75th or Diamond Anniversary of our Volunteer Fire
Company and noted that the Department has received approval to host
the County Convention that year at which time a special parade will
be held. He noted further that even though the Town does not have
the authority to expend money for such events, as was requested
by the Fire Council, the Board is seeking ways within reason to
be of help in the celebration.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion
duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 10:10 P:M. to
reconvene on May 3, 1978.
Town Clerk