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2019_09_18 Town Board Meeting Packet
TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, September 18, 2019 TOWN CENTER COURTROOM 5:OOPM THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE IN CONFERENCE ROOM ATO DISCUSS: 1. Proposed 2020 Town Budget Format 2. Discussion - Proposed Operating Permits 3. Discussion - Comprehensive Plan 4. Commuter Parking Law 5. Food Waste Reduction Grant 6. 2020 Census 7. Update - Community Solar 8. New Business 9. Request for Executive Session 8:OOPM CALL TO ORDER— COURTROOM Presentation - Proposed Memorial of Enslaved Persons in Mamaroneck Township Supervisor's Report Citizen Comments Board of Fire Commissioners 1. Fire Claims 2. Other Fire Department Business Affairs of Town of Mamaroneck 1. Authorization -Agreement - Greenburgh Nature Center - Food Waste Grant 2. Authorization -Agreement -Adam Kaye - Food Waste Grant 3. Declaration of Surplus Fleet Equipment 4. Declaration of Surplus Computer Equipment 5. Authorization -Agreement Westchester County - Senior Nutrition Center/Meals on Wheels 6. Authorization — Westchester Joint Water Works — Capital Project A-1360 7. Consideration of Certiorari Report of Minutes Reports of the Council Town Clerk's Report Next Regularly Scheduled Meetings - October 2, 2019 & October 16, 2019 Meeting Adjournment Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should call the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description D Proposed Format Change - 2020 Town Budget Memorandum D Proposed 2020 Town Budget Format Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Proposed Format Change- 2020 Town Budget Date: September 12, 2019 TEL 914-381-7810 FAX 914-381-7809 saltieri@townofmamaroneckny.org www.townof mamaro neck ny.o rg The Comptroller has drafted a new format for the Town Budget. Since her preliminary draft was submitted, we have been editing the document. We both feel it is now acceptable for review by the Town Board. A copy of the proposed budget is attached. The attached draft has many blanks as we have not yet begun to review 2020 revenues and expenses. Our sole emphasis in reviewing this with the Board is to determine if the format is informative and helpful to the Town Board. The introduction provides information about the Town, its organization, officials, mission and a budget guide. Fallowing the introduction is a budget overview that provides a summary, outlines the fund structure of the Town and includes a narrative with highlights of the budget. Tax levies and budget summaries by fund follow and then a more detailed analysis of the major revenue and expenditures. Various charts and graphs provide historical information and trends throughout this section. The new format focuses on a departmental view of the Town and presents the major expense categories for each department so that the Board can focus on the bigger picture when considering budget adjustments. The line item budget detail for each department that you are used to seeing will be behind each departmental summary. The format for each department is the same- summary of revenues and expenditures, Departmental Mission, Operating Environment, 2019 Accomplishments, 2020 Goals, Performance Measures and a Schedule of Positions. Supplemental schedules follow the department budgets and includes additional Town financial information including Town policies. A consolidated salary summary schedule is provided in this section as well. For this initial review, we have included the Town Justice Department and Community Services so that you can review a simple department that has revenue and expenses in one fund and a department that has multiple Ends. 12 -/7 Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator t,* Primed on Recycled Paper m�Ar�' • � ..,yam ``� "a� � +�I"L r fi. w „ fi� .F. �' .,� �,'1 ;� y. ` �y� '"' �,�. �+.' . ;� r "A^ _ y .'. MW` • SLS• � C iC '� *.Y t ��$'_� A7 ,Y.�•� w1'�+. r . p a r ale. 0 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TENTATIVE BUDGET 2020 Do ,ii r'• ' �` - "�,•'*' �`+,. 'rte ot i ' N C~ FOUNDED 1 GG1 i ,A TENTATIVE BUDGET- 2020 TOWN SUA*RVISOR£` 1 Ya v Seligso ,4 TOWN BOARD`EMBERS ne__Elkih,d;,Eney AbM Katz Sa-, Pa Fiddelman Jeffrey King TOWN ADMINISTRATOR/CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Stephen Altieri TOWN COMPTROLLER/DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Tracy Yogman, CPA 1 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. BUDGET MESSAGE................................................................................................ XX II. BUDGET GUIDE..................................................................................................... XX III. INTRODUCTION a. TOWN OFFICIALS.......................................................................................... XX b. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART........................................................................... XX c. MISSION & VISION....................................................................................... XX d. COMMUNITY PROFILE................................................................................ XX e. BUDGET STRATEGY..................................................................................... XX f. BUDGET CALENDAR..................................................................................... XX IV. BUDGET OVERVIEW............................................................................................. XX V. TAX LEVIES & RATES............................................................................................. XX VI. FINANCIAL SUMMARIES....................................................................................... XX a. FUND BUDGETS.............................................................................................. XX b. EXPENDITURES............................................................................................... XX c. REVENUES....................................................................................................... XX VII. BUDGET OVERVIEW............................................................................................. XX VIII. REVENUES.............................................................................................................. XX IX. FUND BUDGETS..................................................................................................... XX X. DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET SUMMARIES..................................................... XX LEGISLATIVE.................................................................................................... XX .EXECUTIVE....................................................................................................... XX .-'C0'NIPTRQLLER................................................................................................ XX LEGAL.......................................................................................................... XX ASSESSOR............................................................................................... XX `.. . TOWN CLERK.'.:.............................................................................................. XX `YCOMMUNTIY SERVI,CES............................ ....... XX CONSERVATIONG a':..................................................................................... XX TOWNJUSTICE z ....................... .. XX W f ENGINEERING;, ..... :............. ... XX RECREATION; ................................................................................................. XX HIGHWAY.......................................................................................................... XX HUMAN RESOURCES....................................................................................... XX INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY....................................................................... XX BUILDINGS......................................................................................................... XX AMBULANCE..................................................................................................... XX POLICE............................................................................................................... XX FIRE..................................................................................................................... XX OTHER GOVERNMENT SUPPORT................................................................... XX 2 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TABLE OF CONTENTS XI. SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES A. BUDGETED POSITIONS SUMMARY. ........................................................ XX B. TAX LEVY SCHEDULES............................................................................... XX C. SAMPLE TAX BILL...................................................................................... XX D. ASSESSED VALUATIONS........................................................................... XX E. TAX RATE SCHEDULES............................................................................. XX XII. FINANCIAL POLICES................................................................................................. XX XIII. CAPITAL BUDGET....................................................................................................... XX XIV. DEBT SERVICE FUND..........................................................................................11.1.1 XX XV. GLOSSARY................................................................................................................. XX XVI. APPENDIX a. Budget Line Detail by Fund.............................................................................. XX TOWN OF MAMARONECK ' TOWN CENTER .. P 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINSITRATOR December_, 2019 Honorable Supervisor Nancy Seligson Honorable Members of the Town Board Re: Presentation of the 2020 Preliminary We present to the Supervisor and Town Board, beginning January 1, 2020. The budget is prese m 4020 Preliminary Town BlUdg d`on;!behalf of a. -professional June of this year began the process of pr�,eparing the 2020 Tentative Budget was submitted to the�Board, there have discuss individual departmental budgets`"aloiig�with.revie% proposed for the coming year. The 2020 Preliminary 0ud1 Wednesday, December 4, 2019.,at which time{the pu6lic'.1! comment on its content TheSupervisor and Town Board f^11 I t "tn n" D ml3 "r 20th 1 Tel: 914-381-7850 Fax: 914-381-2110 for the fiscal year k tive staff that in ager �slnce mid-uctoue rtymhen the �n�,_alseries of public work sessions to n`onstax revenues and capital projects will`be'the subject of a public hearing on Jcome`to Iearn about the budget and ;required toladopt a budget for the 0 owing year no a er a ece re,.; The Town Budget presented;',here w8 ---d -pygloped in a continued setting of financial strength. Our reliance on conservative finaneiaj pi=ojectioras for_both expenditures and revenues avoids large fluctuations n'Towh1b'di dgets and ultimately the property1taxes levied in the community. Our surplus management policy proteOtteserve balances and avoids misapplication of reserve funds that can be problematic for future budgets `Town budgets reflect a thoughtful balance of reserve applications and tax levies to accomplish the missions of the,Town government. Strong reserve positions allow us to have funds available for unexpected events and projects while providing a means of avoiding large year to year fluctuations in"ou;r�pnnual buogets. The 2020 Tentative Budgetvo4osed a tax rate of _%, representing the maximum allowable tax increase under the New York`State Cap legislation. It is important to point out that this budget proposed maintenance and enhancement of basic Town services within the allowable tax cap despite annual cost increases to health insurance, salaries and The following services will be funded within the tax cap in addition to the use of fund balances and other revenue streams. Engineering New junior engineering position 4 Capital Budeet The 2020 Budget includes funding for capital projects that are either in progress or are new initiatives. These projects have been prioritized and assessed for funding purposes. It is the intention of the Town to develop a five year capital plan in 2020. A capital plan is used as a toll to assess the long-term capital project needs of the Town with projected funding sources. While a comprehensive capital plan is to forecast future needs, it requires annual updates to reflect current status of projects, new capital priorities, revised estimates and coordination of funding sources. As a result of this review, the 2020 capital budget includes funding for _ new projects. The challenge of maintaining our infrastructure will be a continuofeffort by the Town. Investments in capital infrastructure are critical if we are to continue to prov,�d�!(mynicipal services to the community to insure clean water, safe roads and a healthy environment. So , eti ; ss it is easy to forget the underground utility systems that provide clean water each day and car4iVppway sanitary sewage from our kitchens and bathrooms. Each year as our infrastructure gets older the eetfor maintenance and replacement grows. The Town has come to realize that deferring capital infirriucture improvements only leads to far greater expense in the future. For that reason we have endeavored to maintain a robust program of capital For 2020 the Town is proposing a $10.8. million dollar capital improvement program designed to keep up with our infrastructure and other capital needs. Some of the major projects included in the 2020 Capital Plan include the following: ➢ Town -wide street resurfacing program Sanitary Sewer Improvements The ProperfircCaJ(&-a Each year locaI government s4ni(New York State must consider whether or not to adopt budgets that comply with the.property Tax Ca,p':I,egislation imposed by the Governor and New York State Legislature in 2011. Most`loeal. officials agri4-,-,6at the tax cap legislation does not reflect the realities of delivering municipal services,and,does not 4ke1rito account long term capital infrastructure needs. Compliance with the tax cap is particularly diff c lit for local governments since the State government has failed to increase aid to local gov&,,pJ_Mpn 'it has to school districts in New York. Unlike higher levels of government, the Town can only�d'e" pend upon a limited number of sources of non -property tax revenues to fund the Town Budget and offset property taxes. To maintain stability in year to year changes in property taxes and tax levies, the Town has initiated the use of fees as an alternative to property taxes. Where fees are applied, the cost of services is borne either in part or in total by those using the service. The idea being that the property owner pays only for what they use. The Town has used this alternative successfully for Recreation Services, Ambulance Services, and Water and Sewer Services. However the use of fees is not a universal remedy since many other municipal services do not lend themselves to a fee based system. 5 Since 2011 when the tax cap legislation was enacted the Town has complied with the tax cap guideline in four of the last eight budgets. The Town Budget proposed for 2020 however does not exceed the State tax cap guideline. Based upon the mandated formula, the 2020 Town tax cap limit was 2.14%; meaning a maximum increase in the 2019 tax levy of $549,542. For 2020, the proposed tax levy is $26,554,240, an increase of $908,201, an increase of 3.5%. The tax levy proposed is 1.4% higher than the State cap guideline. 2020 Property Taxes The apportionment of the tax levy is a function of total property nine budget funds. The 2020 property taxes are based upon pry September of 2019 by the Town Assessor. Total assessmepSiap by about $3.Omillion. Assessment increases for other budget{fui Each budget fund by law must have its own I: guideline is for those funds that are financed s�sfnents for each of the Town's arty assessments that were finalized in yin'g to the Townwide fund increased s raged from.$3.0 to $34 million. and taxrates. The exception to that ugh fees and chargas;lOver the last six months we have seen property values stabilize and will not4olize the increases as in previous years. Although the Town of Mamaroneck and the Villages of Larchmdot.:and Maim neck continue to. be desirable communities in which to live there was a small decrease in the average residential assessed valuation. An average single family home is assessed at $1.23million as opposed to $1.25million last year. Understanding the Town of Mamaroneck Budget is'notalways easykbecause of the different budget funds. Also, many do not rgali a that the Town,provides'_services to the lunincorporated Town and the Villages of Larchmont and Marinaroneck. For property oWnees4ithe:uni corporated area, the Town provides a full menu of services including Police, Fire, Sanitation Collection and Road Maintenance among others. For property owners with an average assessment of $1.253 million the Town Property tax will be $6,828 for all services. This is an increase of $39:00 over 2018. This represents an increase of .6%. For property owners in the Villages with an average assessment of $1.253 million their 2019 property tax to the Town will be $677, an increase of $87.00 or about 15%. Individual property tax bills will vary depending upon the assessment when compared with the average. Other Revenues The Town depends upon a variety of revenue sources in order to finance governments operations. Not unexpectedly, the property tax remains the largest source of revenue to the Town. In 2020 the estimated tax levy will be $26,554,240, an increase of 3.5% or $908;201 over 2019. The tax levy reflects not only increases in expenses but also the performance of revenues other than property taxes. For 2020 we anticipate a decline in the performance of non -property tax revenues. We estimate revenues conservatively to avoid overstating revenues that decrease tax levies for budgeting purposes only. Eventually this strategy backfires and these governments generally incur operating deficits. In addition we avoid using one time infusions into the budget to reduce tax levies. One-time revenues are sued for one-time expenses such as capital projects and unanticipated operating expenses. However for 2020, we anticipate that overall, non -property tax revenues will increase by only $51,220 or .4%. That swing of close to $450,000 is substantial and a driving factor in our decision to exceed the New York State tax cap guideline in order to maintain Town services. 2 Expenditures The Town's expenditures of $ have grown by _% from the Fiscal Year 2019 Revised Budget. This primarily a result of . In 2019, the Town will be focused on increasing operational efficiencies through the use of technology. Salaries and wages, exclusive of associated fringe benefits comprises almost _% of the Town budget. Over the past_ years, the Town has entered into long-term employment agreements with most of our major bargaining units, providing budgetary certainty for the next _ years. This budget provides funding to cover these contractual obligations, an estimate for _ contract that will ne renewed in addition to Fund Balance Largely due to , the 2019 Coupled with;.conservative budgeting practies and controls, it is estimated that the unassigned fund balance wiIW_J%crease by $--- �` a Conclusion We believe that the 2020 Preliminary Budget is a responsible bu g'g#at is responsive to the needs of the community. The application of resources in this budget cofntries to provide a good value for the many services offered to the residents®fequal if not greatr114mportance is that this budget provides the means for the Town to plan and prote kourvcommunity in tlaYe future. With this budget, the Town will for the first time in a number of years update its Comprehensive Plan. This plan will develop policies that can be used now and in the future for Housing, Transportation, Leisure and Recreation, Land Use and many other elements that will frame the culture and character of the Town for many years to come. Ours is an older community and with that comes the task and the challenge of maintaining our older infrastructure to continue municipal services now and in the future. Most of the 2019 Capital Improvement Program is dedicated to the upkeep of our facilities and infrastructure. Our continued applic t on!of•technology to our day to day4operations is another example of our looking to the future.. Technology` Ka -way of life for the residents. In this budget we continue to apply technologyto.how government conducts its day to day business and provide greater convenience to the community to'a�ce�ss informatiari;nd services. We would like to thankthe Supervisor and Town Board for its guidance and direction in preparing the Town Budget for 2020. `Your leadership and direction is extremely helpful to the staff during budget preparation. Lastly, we want Ftol recognize the staff for its work on the Town Budget. We are fortunate to have a professional team of department heads and staff that each exhibit their expertise in meeting the challenges of not only preparing the budget but in planning for the delivery of services. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator/Budget Officer 7 Tracy Yogman,CPA Comptroller/Director of Finance • • Vl BUDGET Town Organization and Services The Town of Mamaroneck was established in 1653 is governed by Town Law, other general laws of the State of New York and various local laws and ordinances. The Town Supervisor is a member of the Town Board and serves as the Chief Executive Officer/Chief Financial Officer. The Town Board is the policy- making body of the Town. The Town provides the following services to its residents: general and administrative, public safety, community services, parking, recreation, water, engineering, planning refuse disposal and recycling. The 2020 Budget provides the funding for all such services. Budget Guide This budget document describes how the Town will achieve its goals, objectives and meet the community's needs. The intent of this budget document is to present the Town of Mamaroneck's budget in a comprehensive and easy to read format. This Budget Document is organized in the following major sections: 1. Budget Message. The Budget Message, a letter from the Town Administrator and Town Comptroller to the Town Supervisor and the Town Board provides an overview of the upcoming fiscal year budget and financial plan. 2. Introduction: Includes, elected and appointed officials, mission, vision, community profile, budget strategy and budget calendar. 3. Budget Overvle* This section includes an Executive Budget Summary that summarizes the buaet high light`s. _ 4. Fina ieia/Summaries. Ns section provides a summary of revenue, expenditures and fund balancL-Jhformation for the`Town, information provided in both numerical and narrative formats, the Town's fund structure, budgeted positions by fund and organization and departmentaE ummaries. S. Fund Budgets: ThisAection includes a summary of the fund, budgets for each fund presented in both numerical and graphical formats and a budget for each department containing Actual Expenses for Fiscal Years 2018 and 2019, Revised Budget for Fiscal Year 2019, Actual Year -to - Date Expenses for Fiscal Year 2019, Estimated Expenses for Fiscal Year 2019 and the Budget for Fiscal Year 2020. Each departmental budget request contains a summary of appropriations, a proposed revenue summary, a departmental mission, accomplishments, goals for the upcoming year, performance measures followed by a position summary report. E. TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET GUIDE b. Supplemental Schedules: This section includes information about the Town, debt information, tax rate schedules, financial policies and a glossary of terms used in this budget document. 7. Appendix A: Includes Financial Policies and Glossary S. Capital Budget: This section includes capital projects of $5,000 more with a useful life of at least five years listed in the Town's Capital Plan. Included is a description of each project and the associated cost by fiscal year. 10 INTRODUCTION TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN OFFICIALS TOWN SUPERVISOR AND TOWN BOARD MEMBERS Town Supervisor Town Board Member Town Board Member Town Board Member Town Board Member Nancy Seligson Jaine.Elkind Eney a Fiddelman TOWN OFF1,0ALS Town AdministratorSte 'hen Altieri 4 Deputy Town Administrator ` � Con n1i -,(Green-O`Donnell Town Comptroller >--Tracy Yogma,n Town Clerk4 ;Christ�n.a Battalia Assessor Pamela-Valenza Chief of Police'- Paul Creazzo Fire Chief t Joseph Russo IT Director Rosalind Cimino Building Inspector Richard Polcari Town Engineer Town Center Ambulance District Administrator Environmental Planner Superintendent of Recreation Director of Community Services, Senior Programs & Housing W) Robert Wasp Michael Orchanian Michael Liverzani Elizabeth Paul Jill Fisher Anna Danoy TOWN OF MAMARONECK Organizational Chari Tce,r Town Supervisor 7 ., Justies Town Board Members -------- Town Administrator" euildlrmjs Cenaal caa. La-tl,rnara Sen eea I Enfarccnert _VAC___ Fiimnm :rceVMW 3cvKe. VAC TmsRective.._r..l Info H Conservation Recreation T—C-., - Tech - Pw -R4� 13 �c"T-1 t.. � "., -I-m_- Highvmy issessrrert Services R:sourczz Centml Garage arw Cigltirg Peialrrees srm r�aaam Senvs Device Paid it" ... I . Trar6c Cvwd Of sved ParleeQ wfor TOWN OF MAMARONECK MISSION & VISION MISSION The Town of Mamaroneck's mission is to protect and enhance the lives of our residents by providing cost- effective services through fiscally responsive administration and planning for tomorrow VISION The Town of Mamaroneck seeks sustainable growth that protects our natural and historic resources, while preserving our values, qualities, and culture. STRATEGIES The Town will implement the following strategies to achieve its mission and vision: ✓ Maintain safe, clean and appealing neighborhoods, enhance recreational opportunities and provide responsive services. ✓ Implement government efficiencies and strategic partnerships that achieve savings, share services,, demonstrates creativity in order to limit the tax burden borne by residents and invest in a capital plan -for public benefit. ✓ Maintain fiscal`Atrength with a Town tax structure that will balance the increasing demand for `services with available: resources. 14 TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMMUNITY PROFILE Overview The Town of Mamaroneck, a Native American name translated as "the place where the sweet waters fall into the sea," is located just twenty-three miles north of New York City on Long Island Sound. The Town was established at the mouth of a river and at the head of a harbor On May 17, 1788, the Town of Mamaroneck was officially created by an act of the New York State Legislature.18th and 19th Century residents earned their livelihoods by farming, fishing, lumbering and milling. Manufacturing arrived with the 19th century and most was located (as it is today) in the Mamaroneck Village section. Larchmont Village and the Unincorporated Town were, and largely remain, residential. Today, the Town of Mamaroneck, with its beautiful Long Island Sound waterfront and easy access to highways, airports and Metro North train service to New York City and Stamford is a prime suburban residential community. The Town of Mamaroneck includes the entire Village of Larchmont (one square mile), the Unincorporated Area (5.7 square miles which is not part of either village), and that part of the Village of Mamaroneck west of the Mamaroneck River bordering Rye Neck (2.3 square miles). Both the incorporated villages and the unincorporated Town are self-governing and define the Town as a political and governmental subdivision of the State of New York.';` The Town provides direct municipal services - police, fire, sanitation, highway among others - to the residents of the Unincorporated area, and recreation, property assessment services and election supervision to both villages.!' Town Government The Town of Mamaroneck elects its own officials, adopts its own laws, and manages its own finances under the direction of a Supervisor and four council members. The Supervisor is elected for a two-year term and the Council members for four years. The Town Board appoints a Town Administrator to serve as the Chief Administrative Officer. The Town Board is vested by New York State with control of legislation, appropriation of monies and decision-making on general local governmental policies. The Board authorizes the annual budget and the collection of taxes required to finance it. Each of the council members is appointed by the Supervisor to serve as liaison to several committees and commissions. Town Services The Town provides the following services: ➢ Planning and Community Development: Environmental, land management, zoning„ buildings review, housing services and economic development > Citizen and Community Services: Neighborhood improvements, senior citizen services, youth services 15 TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMMUNITY PROFILE ➢ Public Safety: Police, fire, emergency management, code enforcement, fire, animal control, ambulance and special services ➢ Highway: Street and drainage maintenance, snow removal, roadway improvements, leaf collection ➢ Support Services/Legislative/Administrative: Facilities, financial, fleet, human resources, technology, legal, tax collection, records management, historic preservation, assessments ➢ Culture and Recreation Services: Parks, recreational, youth programs, ice skating, pool ➢ Utilities: Water and Sewer Services to properties within the district ➢ Other Operations: Refuse collection and disposal, recycling, and environmental protection Demographics Per the 2017 American Community Survey, 5 Year Estimates: Population (estimate) 29,945 Males/Females 14,759/15,186 Median Age 40.0 Median Earnings $121,261 Households 11,109 Educational Attainment High School Graduates or Higher 92.0% Bachelor's Degree or Higher 67.3% Num6er�.of .Companies 1,133 Population,; The Town's population has experienced two major growth periods over the last 50 years and reached a peak of approximately 31,243 residents in 1970. By 1990, the Town's population decreased by 11.3% to 27,706 residents as the"number.;of family members per household declined. By 2000, the Town population increased by apprc x lately 5% to 28,967 residents. According to the 2010 census, the Town's population remained'stable with a slight increase to 29,156 residents. 16 TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMMUNITY PROFILE Year Population oto Change 2010 29,156 .65% 2000 28,967 4.55% 1990 27,706 4.52% 1980 29,017 7.12% 1970 31,243 7.34% 1960 129,107 .. - Principal Taxpayers Rank Taxpayer Nature of Business Assessed Valuation Percent of Assessed Valuation 1 Con Edison Utilities $131,435,858. 1.35% 2 1 Avalon Properties Apartments $45,640,000r, ,.47% 3 Larchmont Acres East Co-op $33,820,000'1x.35% 4 Palmer Terrace Co -Op Co-op $27,679,901 .28% 6 Ten Grand Manufacturing $22,720,000 .23% 7 Mamaroneck Gardens Inc. Co -Op $22,349,567 .23% 5 1 Winged Foot Holding CorpCountry Club $21,600,000 .22% 6 Larchmont Owners CorpCo-op $21,036,080 .22% 7 Carlshire Tenants Inc co-op $18,298,294 .19% 8 16 N. Chatsworth Ave CorpCondominimums $16,927,000 .17% TOTAL $361,506,700 3.71% Employment __:_ Mamaroneck's unemployment, rate has remained steady at 3.1% as of March 2019, still below the New York State rate` of 4.0% and the n4tion's rate of 3.8%. The Town is within commuting distance of New York City and allays trends below,", State and Federal unemployment rates. I UNEMPLOYMENT DATA 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Town —CG -US NYS 17 2017 2018 2019 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET STRATEGY Methodology The framework upon which the Town Budget is prepared each year is based on the following: ➢ Maintaining the Town's financial stability through fiscal responsibility and conservative budgeting ➢ Ensuring the safety of the community and improving the quality of life ➢ Improving, maintaining and enhancing Town facilities and i frastructure Improving conservation and sustainability where it is most;e#festive ➢ Insuring that the Town Budget is not only a documenv ortli next year but considers future years as well ➢ Engaging the community in the Town's governance "and community activities to remind citizens of the importance of local government in ev@r±day life f It is this framework that makes the Town Budget so relevant to the -citizens of the community. without ti question, the Town budget is the most important docUmerai considered by the Town;Board. Important because the budget provides the means bywhich we fundW!jfttinicipal services, bu)dings, recreation facilities, utility infrastructure, roads, sidewalks, -.and capital equipment. All of these components are critical to the delivery of services to the community: Funding in the budget also insures that the Town's employees have the right training and tools dAo their jobs each day�m;,a way that is of benefit to the community. The 2020 Tentative Town Budget continuesoUr emphasis on:ensuring the Town's efficient and effective operation`s Basis of Budgeting Governmental Funds are budgeted using a.modified accrual basis of budgeting. Revenues are considered to be available wher measurable'and collectible and expenditures are recorded when incurred. Review Early in the budget process, each department outlines functions and goals for the coming fiscal year and submits an estimate of revenues and appropriation requests in the financial system to accomplish those goals. The Town Administrator, Deputy Town Administrator and the Town Comptroller meet with Department Heads in September to review the department submissions. Tentative Budget Upon completion of this review, a Tentative Budget is compiled by the Town Comptroller's staff. On or before October2019, the Tentative Budget is presented to the Town Board. The Tentative Budget is made available to the public on the Town's website. Departmental budget presentations of both operating and capital requests are made to the Town Board and revisions to the Tentative Budget are made. ff:] TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET STRATEGY Preliminary Budget On or before December 2019, a Preliminary Budget is presented to the Town Board and is made available to the public on the Town's website. Adoption A formal public hearing on the budget is held in December to allow,public input. Based on a review of the budget, the Town Administrator and Town Comptroller will visions per the Town Board requests to the Preliminary Budget. A final budget is prepared,,_" ' ,,, 44,0mitted to the Town Board for adoption. The budget must be adopted by December 19tilf, 19 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET CALENDAR Thursday, June 20, 2019 Friday, August 23, 2019 Monday, September 9, 2019 Wednesday, September 11, 2019 Monday, September 16, 2019 through Friday, September 27, 2019 Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Saturday, October 26, 2019 Tuesday, November 19, 2019 Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Wednesday, December 18, 2019 20 Distribution of Operating & Capital Budget Worksheets/Budget Instructions to Department Heads Submission of capital budget worksheets to Town Administrator's Office Input of Operating Budgets into KVS Budget System Submission of All Operating Budget Work Sheets Departmental Budget Work Sessions Submission of Tentative Budget to the Town Board and Preliminary Review of Tentative Budget Departmental Budget Review Capital Budget Review Budget Hearing - 2020 Preliminary Budget Final Adoption of 2020 Budget BUDGET OVERVIEW 21 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET OVERVIEW Summary The Fiscal Year 2020 Budget is prepared based on policies and direction established by the Town Supervisor and the Town Board in accordance with economic, social and political factors. The Town's economic health depends in part on municipal government providing services that create an environment that attracts and keeps businesses prospering and residents who want to continue to make Mamaroneck their home. in light of the local economic conditions, limited revenue growth and New York State Tax Cap restrictions, the following budget strategy was employed in reviewing the departmental requests and preparing the budget: ➢ Departmental budgets proposals were reviewed and analyzed ➢ Revenues have been estimated with a conservative outlook Utility costs and fringe benefit rates provided by the State have been analyzed and incorporated at the minimal level deemed prudent ➢ The Capital Plan has been developed with a projected financing plan that allows the Town to invest in infrastructure and spread the cost for residents over the useful life of the improvements. ➢ Debt service costs are fully funded for current debt and the proposed new debt based on the capital plan Budeet Hiehliehts The key components and challenges of the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget is as follows: Financial`;;Priorities • ' Maintain current level of services • Use the tax cap at an effective guide for measuring property tax adjustments Major Factors Impacting the Budget • Regional eco'norafiy • Changes in State mandated costs such as pension and health insurance • Capital project needs, including debt service Actions • Increase tax levy by _% at the tax cap rate • Budget for 22 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FUND STRUCTURE Maior Funds General Fund: accounts for all general government activity townwide and the services traditionally provided to the Town's residents. This includes services provided by the Town Board and Town Supervisor, Town Administrator as well as the following administrative offices: Assessor, Comptroller/Tax Receiver, Town Clerk, Human Resources, Town Attorney, Information Technology, Recreation Services, Town Center, Engineering, Assessor, Town Justices, Conservation and Community Services. Part Town Fund. accounts for all government activity for services not provided to Villages within the Town. This includes, Police, building department services, zoning"services. J 4 Highway Fund: accounts for the maintenance and repair of over 800 lane.'rniles of streets, roads, right- of-ways and all drainage systems throughout the Town that are not withini`Vllages. Special District Funds Fire District: accounts for the contracted funding provided by the Town Fire Protecton'Qistrict #1. Street Lighting Fund. accounts for the operational and administrative services providing over 1,300 streetlights on town, county and state roads throughout the Town and municipal commuter parking lots and garages other than those that are incorporated Villages. Ambulance District: accounts for odtontracted funding of both the Larchmont/Mamaroneck Volunteer Ambulance District (SM 4191) and the Mamaroneck Village Volunteer Ambulance (SM4190) and a Paramedic Unit (SM 418416-provideemergency services to Town residents. Garbage District Fund accounts for!sarntation,�recycling and yard -waste collection services provided by both municipal employees and private,contracto'i=s§;: Sewer District: accounts for sewer rent to. pay for the cost of operating and maintaining the sanitary sewer system Water District: accounts for water related expenses for capital projects and maintaining the fire protection system. Non-Maior Funds Debt Service Fund. accounts for the extinguishment of financed debt. Tri -Municipal Cable TV Fund: accounts for the Town's share of funding provided to the cable television station that serves the Town and Village of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont. Capital Fund accounts: accounts for financial resources related to the construction of major capital projects or facilities or purchase of capital assets. The assets must have a useful life of over five years. 23 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FUND STRUCTURE Non -Major Funds (continued) Housing Assistance Fund: accounts for resources that are restricted, committed or assigned for housing assistance funded by entitlements from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Component Units The Mamaroneck Housing Authority is a legally separate component unit of the Town and because of the nature and significance of its relationship with the primary government, is combined in the Town's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The Housing Authority is governed by a legally separate boards and their annual budgets are not included in the Town's adopted budgets. 24 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET OVERVIEW The $ Million budget demonstrates the Town's commitment to sound financial management practices that strive to produce structurally balanced budgets. The Town Budget is comprised of ten separate funds Expenses 2019 General Fund ToWnMde $ 12,685,771 General.F ighil-Part ToW4 -- 13,021,384 1 _ Adopted 2020 :Fire District. 3,950,973 Street Lighting,Qlistrict Budget Budget ,: _.- ` $Change % Change Revenues (includes tax levy) ;SewerDistrict _._._ 473,496 I- _ Water District -( 454,248 i. :General Fund-Townwide $ 11,560,771 � $...(11,5601771}� -10001o. $ _—j General Fund -Part Town 12,621,384 I -° $; 42,621,384)!- ' hwa _Fund 5,551,506 #DIV/01 ,} --11000%%fHi Fire District 3898,473 $ (3;898,473 ! -100%' Street Lighting District i 301,573 $ (301,573}; -100yo :Ambulance District - 1,608,112 — — $-- _-- .� _- (1,608,112) ,, ,G_arbage District 2,200,103 - - - $ - iw);F _ -_100%; 100Y. ;Sewer District 473,496 $ _(2,200, (473,496)1 -100% Water District 454,248 ; ' $ (454,248)1 -100% Debt Service Fund j $ - #DIV/01 ... .._E. _.. f _. _..._.. $ - r _ ....... #DIV/0! TOTAL BUDGETED REVENUES $ 38,669,666 $ - $ (38,669,666); #DIV/01 Expenses i General Fund ToWnMde $ 12,685,771 General.F ighil-Part ToW4 -- 13,021,384 1 _ g y -Fund '-High 5,551,506 :Fire District. 3,950,973 Street Lighting,Qlistrict 301,573 ` Ambulance District , 1,608,112 ;Garbage District 2,200,103 j ;SewerDistrict _._._ 473,496 I- _ Water District -( 454,248 i. Debt Service Fund TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENSES APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE $ (12,685,771);-- -100%; - -- $ - (13,021,384) - _1009,0, $ (5,551,506) -100% $ (3,950,973)' -100°0 $ (301,573)i -1009'o', $ (1,608,112)' -10001o', $ (2,200,103) -1009106 $ (473,496) -10001o. $ (454,248)': -100%,; $ -#DIV/0! $ _ .-.� #DIV/01 - ; $ (40,247,166); #DIV/01 S (1,577,500), S - S 1577.500 #DIV/01 25 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET OVERVIEW A five year comparison review of the Town's budget demonstrates the responsible budgeting practices that keep expenses down, the tax levy is relatively low and the use of fund balances at responsible levels. 50,000,000 40,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 0 2020 Property Tax Leal COMBINED COMPARATIVE BUDGETS AW s AW A� 2019 2018 2017 2016 Expenses Tax Levy Revenues Approriated Fund Balance N Approriated Fund Balance R Revenues L Tax Levy ■ Expenses The Town has various taxing districts. The General Fund, Part Town, Highway and Fire District Fund provide the majority of the revenue to fund services to Town residents. The majority of Town expenses are found in these funds as well. Tax adjustments from year to year are very stable and generally this is a preferable approach to financing government services. TAX LEVY - MAJOR FUNDS 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 —40 --General Fund Part Town --t—Highway Fire District 26 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET OVERVIEW Staffina Levels Municipal services remain very labor intensive requiring a well-trained and dedicated staff of dedicated municipal employees. For 2020, the Town's personnel headcount for full-time staff is _ for all departments. Part time staff total _. The majority of the part time staff is made up of Recreation Department personnel hired for our summer camp and pool programs. The Town negotiates collective bargaining units with three union representing: Police Officers, Career Firefighters and Office/Highway Department employees,.Unionized employees comprise 108 of the _ full time staff. Twenty-three management and non-uniorrFstaff comprise the balance of our full time staff. Budgeted Full Time Positions 134 132 130 128 126 124 122 120 - 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Budgeted Full Time Positions 27 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET OVERVIEW Fund Balances The Town on March 20, 2013 adopted a formal fund balance policy and surplus recovery plan. The plan prescribes that a minimum of 15 to 35% of the subsequent year's budgeted appropriations be retained. The Town is in compliance with the adopted policy. The strategic use of fund balances is a standard municipal budgeting practice to ensure stable operating budgets. Savings achieved in good economic times are set aside in fund balances to minimize the need for tax increases during economically challenging times. Fund balances are invaluable for funding unanticipated events and emergencies that may come up during the fiscal year. Fund balances can also reduce the need for borrowing funds for capital projects. The Town has maintained a healthy and stable fund balance over the last ten years for the Town's Operating Funds (General Fund, Part Town, Highway, Fire District, Streetlighting, Ambulance, Garbage, Sewer and Water. The chart below 25.0 - 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 --*—COMBINED FUND BALANCE COMBINED FUND BALANCE ti00 ea ea 10 ti0 ,lQ ,LO a� �S- tifly� titi�O --O—COMBINED UNASSIGBED FUND BALANCE M TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET OVERVIEW Fund Summaries: General Fund.- The und: The General Fund is made up of services that are provided to all Town residents. Services include: Administrative, Assessment, Tax Collection, Town Clerk, Engineering Services, Buildings & Grounds, Conservation, Recreation, Community Services and Human Services. The 2020 General Fund Budget is balanced. The budget total is a increase of $_ million or _% from the 2019 budget. The Gener revenue, including the Property Tax, the Town's share of MoUR for the aging, Interest on Investment, and fees charged by cerlai are reviewed annually based on the cost of delivery and,compar Towns. Part Town Fund: The Part Town Fund is made up of services that are prop unincorporated area of the Town and reside outside of Larchmont. Services include Highway, Pdlf. ening and Total expenses in the Part Town Fund are '$ ml Y.1 Most of this increase is attributable to cont actual inc of healthcare. Property Taxes;acdount for $ _rnillior revenue. Sales tax account0or. $` ill ion or approxii in the Part Town Fund''is .. million; of'which thelBul of the total revenue. imately $_ million. This is an tl has a few recurring sources of x proceeds, federal grant funding m departments for services. Fees lith fees charged by neighboring h to Townresidents ii7haflive in the I1�ge 'Mamaroneck or°thg Village of 'El - 11 - Y` IK -7 increase;of...$ million from the 2019 Budget. s: with the baa-rgaining units and the rising cost p�roximatei..�y�% of the Part Town fund ly -A of revenue. Other budgeted revenue Department fees of $_ million represent Highway Fund: The Highway Fund is used for the'maintenance and'!r epair of over 44 miles of streets, roads, right-of— ways and drainage systems in the unincorporated areas of Town (those not located in one of the Town's two villages) The 2020 Highway Budget is balanced. The budget total is approximately $_ million. This is an increase of _% from the 2019 budget. Property Taxes account for $_ million or approximately _% of the Highway fund revenue. Other budgeted revenue in the Highway budget is $_ million, of which $_ is from reimbursement of fuel and vehicle maintenance. Special District Funds: All other Funds including the Fire, Ambulance, Street lighting, Refuse, Sewer and Water District are considered special Districts Funds. The 2020 Special District Funds appropriations total $_ million, an increase of $_ million. The increase is due primarily to the increase in . Property taxes for Special District Funds amount to $_ million, which is a decrease of $_ million from the 2019 budget. Other budgeted revenue in the Special District Funds are $_ million which represents a $_ million increase from the 2019 budget and offsets the decrease in the tax levy for Special Funds. IE TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET OVERVIEW DEBT The Town has conservatively managed debt so that debt service remains stable. Investment in aging infrastructure has and will continue to he a priority for the Town. Capital projects that were approved in the 2019 Capital Plan will be partially financed through the issuance of new debt. Debt service on these projects will begin in calendar year 2020. The Town's overall outstanding debt of $_ million accounts for �% of its debt capacity. The Town's operating budget can sustain the planned debt service. The Town's State Constitutional Debt Limit is $ and the Town has exhausted approximately _% of that limit. Based on current outstanding debt, that rate will decrease in the future. OUSTANDING DEBT 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20, 000,000 pa 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 yfl' ,ti0 1y tiL y� LA ,��i yto 11 LRS 5'� �4 Long Range Financial Plan The Town is in good financial standing and has steadily increased fund balances through conservative budgeting practices, implementation of cost cutting methods, carefully planned capital projects and reallocated available resources. Moody's Investor Services has recently affirmed the Town's Aaa bond rating siting that the stable outlook reflects our expectation that the town's financial position will remain strong and sufficient for the rating category over the next 18 to 24 months We will continue to employ these strategies into the future, while at the same time working towards our strategic goals. We monitor our budgets continuously to identify significant variances and make budget amendments as necessary. The Town's long term plan is to minimize the use of fund balances for operating expenses and increase reserves for one-time capital projects and unanticipated needs. This will be done by increasing the tax levy and revenues to offset increases in utilities, health insurance, and contractual increases. 30 TAX LEVIES & RATES 31 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TAX LEVIES & RATES The amount of property tax to each property owner is determined using three factors: Assessed Values: The assessed value estimates the reasonable market value for your home Tax Levy: The Town's budgeted expenses less non -tax revenues is the amount needed to be raised through property taxes. This net amount is called the Tax Levy. As described in the Budget Message, the increase in the levy is capped based on a mandated formula. The tax cap for 2020 was calculated as Tax Rate: The tax rate is the tax levy divided by the total taxabee assessed value of all property in the Town. The amount needed to run the Town is divided proportionately to each property based on assessed values. There is not cap on the tax rate increase as the change reflects both the change in assessed value and the change in the tax levy. t= Assessed Valuation Tax Levy: Percentage Change -Tax Levy Tax Rates- Current Year Tax Rates- Prior Year Tax Rates -Increase Percentage Change- Tax Rate Tax -Average AV @ $1,230,00( Annual Increase Assessed Valuation Tax levy: Percentage Change -Tax levy Tax Rates- Current Year Tax Rates- Prior Year Tax Rates- Increase Percentage Change -Tax Rates Tax- Average AV @ $1,230,000 Annual Increase General Fund ` _, . Part Town Fund Highway Fund 2020 2019 .2620 2019 ;2020 2019 9,751,130,223 9,7$1'130,223 4,300;450h4fi88:' 4,300,450,488 4,306;450,488 4,300,450,488 9,841,652,723 4333,316,950 4,333,316,950 4,333,316,950 4,333,316,950 307,604 $ 4,704,222 701,874 ,,10,056,566,6 :, 9,859,314 $ 5,074,098 $ 4,974,606 2.0% `,fi614% 2.0% �$ ' . 28.00% 2.0% -0.66% 0,482428; 0.472969.=; 2338476- ' 2.292624 1.179899 1.156764 0.472969', 0.407553 ; ' `,- .292624 2.307198 1.156764 1.175140 '0.009459 r 0.065416 0.045852 (0.014575) 0.023135 (0.018376) 2 OOgb; 16.05% 2.00% -0.63% 2.00% -1.56% 593.39,, ` :$ 581:75:. s$; 2,876.33 $ 2,819.93 $ 1,451.28 $ 1,422.82 r$ $ 11.63 $ 80.46 $ 56.40 $ (64.07)l $ 28.46 $ (46.10) Streetlight!ng Ambulance Refuse Fire 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 $ 4,333,316,950 $ 4,333,316,950 $ 9,841,652,723 9,841,652,723 4333,316,950 4,333,316,950 4,333,316,950 4,333,316,950 307,604 301,573 701,874 688,112 2,244,105 2,200,103 4,029,992 3,950,973 2.00% 4.35% 2.00% 16.55% 2.00% 1.73% 2.00% 2.25% 0.07099 0.069594 0.07132 0.06992 0.51787 0.507718 0.93000 0.89515 0.06959 0.067238 0.06992 0.059991 0.50112 0.503181 0.89515 0.882605 0.001392 0.002356 0.001399 0.009927 0.0101541 0.004537 0.034853 0.012546 2.00% 350% 2.00% 16.55% 2.00% 0.90% #REF! 1.42% $ 87.31 $ 85.60 $ 87.72 $ 86.00 $ 636.98 $ 624.49 $ 1,143.90 $ 1,101 $ 1.71 $ 2.90 $ 1.71 $ 11.01 $ 12A9 $ (4.48),$ 42.87,$ 15.43 32 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TAX REFUNDS BASED ON TAX CERTIORARIS 2010-2019 YEAR Budget _ Actual _� ------ 2010; 350,700 416,486 2011; 360 700207,215 - - 2012; 353,000 1 174,164i 20131 335,500 167,591 2014 303,000 r 63,334 2015; 205; ^.'0 ': 149,843 1 G 20161 193, 500 282,640 2017; 165,930 ! 20181 : 188,500 292,094 2019 ( Est) X40, 500 566,300 450,000 400,000 350,000 - 300,000 250,000 - 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 BUDGET FACTUAL Columnl 33 34 FINANCIAL SUMMARIES 35 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FUND AND FUNCTION RELATIONSHIP MATRIX Department Name General Fund Part Town Highway Fire District Street Ambulance Lighting Garbage Sewer Water Town Board x Town Court x Town Supervisor x x Town Administrator x Comptroller x Town Assessor x Town Clerk x Human Resources x Engineer x Town Center x Highway x X X X X Community Services x Recreation x x Conservation Police x Fire x Buildings x Garbage x Water 1 x 36 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES 2020 COMBINED BUDGET BY FUND 2020 2020 2020 Estimated; Appropriated Fund Fund lAppropriiationsi Revenues I Fund Balance Tax JVV VVdLCI LAbUILL , V Debt Service Fund - TOTAL $ - $ - 2019 COMBINED BUDGET BY FUND 37 2019 2019 Revised 2019 Revised Revised Budget Estimated Appropriated Fund -,Fund `,._ Appropriationsl Revenues Fund Balance Tax Levy A GeneralFund,-Townwid� $ 13,138,457 ------- $ 6,975,901 $ 1,550,574 ' --- - 4,611,982 B - General Fund=Part Town. 13,118,932 ----- _ _ - 2,763,970 $ 495,648 i ------- 59, 9,8314 DB -- --- Highway Fund _ 5,583,626 576,901 $ 32,119 4,974,606 _ SF _----___-- . Fire District _ - _ _ _ _ 4,293,376 _ --- _ _ - -___-- 19,500 $ _ _ _ 394,903 _-- 3,878,973 SL --- - - - - - ;Street Lighting District ! 301,573 - $ 301,573 SM Ambulance District - 1,608,112 920,000 $ 688,112 SR 'Garbage District i 2,200,103 ; - $ - 2,200,103 SS Sewer District 473,496 473,496 - SW Water District 539,788 454,24885,540 ! $ _ - V !Debt Service Fund - - $ - - TOTAL $ 41,257,463 $ 12,184,016 $ 2,558,784 $ 26,514,663 37 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES -BY FUND GENERAL FUND (A) Revenues Actual 2018 Amended 2019 Budget Projected Budget 2019 2020 Other Real Property Taxes 559,548 ' Pro ert Taxes --- - $ 3,890,068 $ 4,611,,982 ; $ 4,608,982 Other Real Property Taxes 559,548 ' �5,3� 711,300 _ Departmental Income - - _-_-- 3,208,579Q7,900 ! ,-_ --_ 3,139,900 Intergovernmental Charges 5,000 i; s, 0 S,Ooo Use of Money & Property - -------- - - 406„435 - -- 360,000 --- 575,000 Licenses & Permits a63�869 : 50,300`, , 70,300 Fines & Forfeitures 270,033 300,000 280,000 Sale of Property and Compensation for loss 18,490. 770,075 J _ Miscellaneous 46,462 35,700 -------- .__Miscellaneous 48;340 State & Federal Aid 2,427,686 2;518,589 2,239,680 Interfund Transfers 597,538 157,112157,112 i Appopriated Fund Balance ; 12,643,628 $ 1,672,17y4 12,475,225 $ - `TOTALREVfNUES� - - --- 11093,7;; $ 13;60,657 11,835,614 I $ - 38 ' i Expenditures j Personal Services $ 4,802,394 $ 5,068,087 1 $ 4,814,838 Employee Benefits 2,308,309 2,397,450 $ 2,278,422 Equipment 100,2241 88,612 $ 87,343 jContractual 3,607,081 3,846,620 $ 31434,734 �Inte.rfund Transfers- Capital 8_1_6, 226 770,075 $-- 770,075 . .. Inte un Transfers- Debt Service ...-. 1,009,394 1089,813 - 1,089,813 Undistributed Payments to Other Agencies TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 12,643,628 $ 13,260,657 ”' $ 12,475,225 $ - NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE;, $ (1,549,920) $ - $ (639,611) $ - 38 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES -BY FUND PART TOWN FUND (B) IRe _. Actual Amended Projected Budget $ 9,822,525 $ -- 9,82 25 - 2018 2019 Budget 1 2019 1 2020 IRe _. i Property Property Taxes - $ 9,822,525 $ -- 9,82 25 - � $ 9,859,314- - - , 9,850,712 1 ! o Property Tax-Sales - ---- -- 1,917,581 _1,853,000 _ $ I _ 1,994,000 f----_- - ---;', OtherProperty Taxesx Real Pro — - Real ----- - - -- -- - - - -! -- --- - -- -- -- --- Departmental Income 218,093 546,800 1 549,800 2,401,343 . Intergovernmental Charges Interfund Transf6i- 396,461 308,997 308,997 Debt Service Fund . >: t _. ..._ - I Use of Money & Property 168,843 168,843 _... f_ Undistributed - Licenses & Permits (808'383 638 000 - 982 000 - Fines & Forfeitures Sale of Property and Compensation for lo; 28,x'98 Miscellaneous 11,520 -State & Federal Aid Interfund Transfers 21 iAppopriated Fund Balance TOTALREVENUES1 $'13;055,422 5'o 7`000 x + 2,660 131,565 An 123,970 W Expenditure -s - ---------- PersonalSeriices $ 5,776,3&., $ _ $ __ ... 6,140,220 1 j :Em1" `13 -6,215,598 _oee;enefits -.3,981,422 Equipment ` 87,334 __-...4,294,190 118,011 . __.__ ___..-- 82,511 - ;Contractual"Expenses 2,228,397 2,401,343 . 2,277,561 Interfund Transf6i- 396,461 308,997 308,997 Debt Service Fund . >: t _. ..._ - 166,952 - 168,843 168,843 _... f_ Undistributed - - - Payments to OtherAgencies, - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES I $ 12,636,894 $ 13,523,592 j $ 13,272,322 $ - NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $ 418,528 $ - $ 366,725 I $ W TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES -BY FUND HIGHWAY FUND (DB) ;Kevenues Property Taxes 1 $ Actual 2018 Amended 2019 Budget Projected 2019 Budget 2020 33,8161 20,000 14,019 Other Real Property Taxes ;Kevenues Property Taxes 1 $ 5,002,973 $ 4,974,606 $4,970,265 :Non Property -Snow Removal j 33,8161 20,000 14,019 Other Real Property Taxes Departmental Income Intergovernmental Charges 354,423 407",764 353,514 :Use of Money Property ------- - -- ---- 225 150 150 Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Sale of Property and Compensation for loss 37,044 83,000 80,000 Miscellaneous 1,220 !State & Federal Aid 118,826 85,000 1 119,000 Interfund Transfers 133,640 50,000 50,000 jAppopriated Fund Balance 118,120 TOTAL REVENUES, $ 5,682,167 5,738,640 $5,586,948 Expenditures 'Personal Servf.cgs, 1,883,404 1,883,063 $1,850,663 Employee Benefits 1,592,670 1,565,900 $1,534,243 Equipment 32,460 38,720 :Contracual Expenses 1,150,043 1,295,876 $1,179,960 Interfund Transfers 294,357 176,500 $ 90,500 Debt Service Fund 943,405 778,581 $ 778,581 Undistributed Payments to Other Agencies TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ , 5,896,339 5,738,60 $5,433,947 NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE, $ (214,172) $ $ 153,001 $ ELI TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES -BY FUND FIRE DISTRICT FUND (SF) Property Taxes - $ 3,790,191 $ 3,878,973 j-$ 3,875,614 [Other Real Property Taxes Departmental Income Use of Money & Property; ` 36,067 ' 3,563_ ! 39,0_00__ ;Sale of Property and Compensation for loss 440,330 'Miscellaneous 450 InterFundTransfers __ --- - -- ___-__ � AppoPriated Fund Balance TOTAL REVENUES 419,500``f 4r286r53.i?..4s307e941 . 19,500 405,905 I$ 19,500 3,934,114 i$ Expenditures Personal Services , $'1,548,596 $ 1,5.25,984 $ 1,494,213 - - Employee Benefits ` 1332,499 ` 1,343 553 $ 1,336,399 Equipment_ ` ` 32,987 62,000 $ 44,500 - •4 Contractual Expenses 457,860 , 921,603 $ 910,61.6 Interfund Transfers Debt Service Fund 505,113 321,648 34,502 $ 420,299: 23,500 420,299 Undistributed Payments to Other Agencies i TOTAL EXPENDITURES ! $ 4,198,703E $ 4,307,941 $ 4,229,527 $ NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCEI $ 87,835 $ - $ (295,413) I 1 $ - 41 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES -BY FUND STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND (SL) Revenues Actual Revised 1 Projected 1 Budget 1 288,730° 2018 Budget 2019 2019 2020 Revenues Property Taxes $ 288,730° ' 301,573 $ 301,311 1 Other Real Property Taxes j !Departmental Income j j Use of Money & Property - - i5ale of Property and Compensation- for loss I '` Miscellaneous 423 ti Inte un Transfers 595i"y A oPriated Fund Balance f TOTAL REVENUES $ 289,7481 $ 301,573 $ 301,311 Expenditures Personal Services $ 38,392 $ 39,517 $ - 39,017 - iEmployee Benefits - 29,552 26,745 28,400 !Equipment I 13,945 7,200: 7,200 Contractual Expenses, 113,632 103,100 35,025 , InterfundTransfers-.. -- Debt Service Fund 125,634 125,011 125,011 i Undistributed Payments to mpgr Agenaes TOTAL EXPENDITURES i $ 321,155 $ 301,573 $ 234,653 I i NETCHANGE1N _FUN BALANCE $ (31,407)1 $ - $ 66,658 $ 42 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY FUND AMBULANCE DISTRICT FUND (SM) Actual Revised Budget Projected Budget 2018 2019 2019 2020 ;Revenues Property Taxes _ _ I $ 588,915 1 $ 688,112 Other Real Property Taxes f Departmental Income 836,83$5 , . 800,000 � -- - - - � Intergovernmetal Charges n 122;780 ; � '� 120,000 Use of Money & Property I -' 'Sale of Property and Compensation for loss ;Miscellaneous 4,503 - ,Interfund Transfers 889 Apporiated Fund Balance _-- TOTAL REVENUES $ I j 1,553,422. $ 1,608,1]2 i Expenditures Personal Services i !Employee Benefits t Contracual Expenses f Interfund.Vansfers ! ;Debt Service Fund 1 Undistributed E !Equipment `. f Payments to 004r-Agencies TOTAL EXPENDITURES; 43 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES -BY FUND GARBAGE DISTRICT FUND (SR) Actual Revised Budget Projected Budget 20 1 20 1 2019 1 2020 44 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES -BY FUND SEWER DISTRICT FUND (SS) ActualI Revised Budget I Projected I Budget 2018 2019 2019 2020 !Revenues I f Property Taxes other Real Property -Tax es j Departmental Income 233,972: 473,496 j Use of Money & Property 'Sale of Property and Compensation for loss t �_ Miscellaneous Interfund Transfers !Apporiated Fund Balance TOTALREVENUES1 $ 233,972 $ 473,496 ! $ - is - I . Expenditures Personal Services Employee Benefits IContracual Expenses Interfund Transfers j Debt SerVwe'Fund -= Undistributed Equipment Payments to Other Agencies TOTAL EXPENDITURES 45 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES -BY FUND WATER DISTRICT FUND (SW) ;Revenues Actual Revised Budget Projected Budget 2018 2019 2019 2020 ;Revenues - Property Taxes Other Real Property Taxes -- ........ ... i ----- - - Departmental Income 861,024, 429,248 Use of Money & Property 40,344 25,000 Sale of Property and Compensation for loss Miscellaneous Interfund Transfers 38,752 Apponated Fund Balance 85,540 TOTAL REVENUES $ __ - 940,120 ' $ 539,788 $ - $ - Expenditures j Personal Services t Employee Benefits Contracual.,Eoenses, me rf u n:- Transfers Debt Service Fund 1 Undistributed j ;Equipment Payments to 0therAgencies TOTAL EXPENDITURES : $ - $ M. TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES -BY FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND (V) Actual Revised Budget Projected Budget 20 1 2019 1 2019 1 2020 Property Taxes Other Real Property Taxes Departmental Income Use of Money & Property $.: ;Sale of Property and Compensation for loss E ;: Miscellaneous_?407,846•- _ Interfund Transfers3 942js` fs 3,325,415 - Apporiated Fund Balance TOTAL REVF Expenditures Personal Services ,f ,Employee Benefits :Contracual Expenses jInterfundTransfers 2,34i170 164,000: - - DebtService .3,'106,701 i 3,325,415 Undistributed !Equipment Payments to Other Agencies j TOTAL EXPENDITURES j $ 3,340,871.00 $ 3,489,415.00 47 TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR EXPENDITURES Expenditures In 2020 the Town of Mamaroneck estimates that expenditures will total $40,261,743 to provide services to the residents of the Town. The expenditure proposal for 2020 represents an increase of $1,054,196 or 2.7% over last year. As proposed the Town budget continues to provide all of the services currently provided to property owners in the Town. To try to simplify the understanding of our budget expenditures the illustration on the following page presents the major functions of the government as a percentage of the whole. Expenses by Function GEN. GOVT. PUBLIC WORKS 7% 20% PUBLIC SAFETY 25% CULT & REC. 10% DEBT SERV LAND USE ADMIN C Z% S% SOCIAL SERV 3% EMP. BEN 25% Expense Drivers • On-going and future costs for personnel and employee benefits • Technology Improvements to enhance the delivery of services • Economic conditions in the nation and in the region that effect pricing of goods and services • Aging infrastructure that must be replaced and maintained • Maintaining fiscal stability with adequate reserves in place The above list of expense drivers tells just a portion of the evaluation process that the Town must go through when estimating expenses. Consider that the Town's public safety departments: Police, Fire and Ambulance Service are on 24 hour call throughout the year. Consider that when the snow falls and the Highway Department begins its response to the storm, they must stay on task until that time when the snow is completely removed from streets and sidewalks. The Highway Department must also plan for those other storms and emergencies that cannot wait until the next regular work day to be resolved. The Town does not TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR EXPENDITURES pick up a limited amount of garbage each day. Rather it must collect all of the garbage that has been set out by the residential and commercial property owners in the Town. The bottom line is that many of the Town's services are provided on virtually an unlimited basis which is also a challenge during budget preparation. Contractual Expenditures F`r For 2020 this class of expenses are anticipated to increase to$10.8million. Contractual expenses cover a vast number of categories of goods and services utilized by,. l,, e?owq {for its day to day operation. One of the more significant components of the contractual expense category:is our commitment to information technology to improve municipal service delivery. For 2020 some.afthe new technology improvements will be include: ➢ Recreation Software Upgrades for better program registration ➢ Management of Parking Permits and Integration with the Court's Management of Violations ➢ Installation of a new public portal to provide residents more access to Town Records and Information ➢ Upgrading our computer workstations to Windows 10 Professional Workstation ➢ Various server upgrades The other major- component of our technology function is to provide for greater security of the systems and netwo.rksjbyrrrtontor,.ing our systems closely and utilizing advanced software designed to secure our systems> 49 TOWN OF MAMARONECK REVENUE DEFINITIONS AND FORECAST METHODOLOGY The purpose of providing the methods for forecasting revenues is to validate the forecast over time and to utilize the information in making future forecasts. The following assumptions and methods were used to formulate the revenues in the 2020 Budget: Revenue Source Definition Forecast Methodology Property Taxes-Advalorem Property Tax is based on value Property taxes are calculated by of real property. The assessed , `.;multiplying the taxable value value of each parcel less `'(tax roll) of all properties in the exemptions is the taxable:va_'I,ue:" Town by the rate of taxation or Advalorem property t#,es4are;,1 rate per $1,000 of assessed based on the taxable va1`ue '''valuation. Departmental Income Income generated` -i'. Histcirical trend analysis department's -,op that adiuste�d for any rate increases are not fee ori ne,.based `' Mortgage Tax Revenue New York State impo es a tax--, Historical4#r4nd analysis based on the privilege of re�cordinga on housingsa'I.eitrends mortgage on real property' .' located-within.the state a portion ofwhlch;is.provicled'to: _., local governments, Interest and Earnings Revenue derived from the `Hrstorical trend analysis investment of cashWlances adjusted for rate changes the Town maximizes cash flow's whenever possible,to generate .,in#erest:earnings� ' , Licenses and Permits ;Building and engineering Historical trend analysis -.permits, animafilic-enses, bingo permits, parking permits, mooring permits, filming permits; G,IS fees, accessory apartment permits and sign permits Fines and Forfeitures Settlement of cases taken to Historical trend analysis court. Miscellaneous Revenues that do not fit into Historical trend analysis any one of the other revenue categories and includes sale of property Federal and State Aid Funding provided by the Federal Historical trend analysis and State government adjusted for any Federal/State funding allocation modifications Interfund Revenues Allocation of common costs Allocation of common costs based on the annual budget 50 TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES The Town of Mamaroneck's primary source of revenue is the local real property tax. Charges and fees assessed by town departments is a distant second. Other sources include the mortgage tax, franchise revenue, state aid, federal aid and interest revenue. In 2020, the total budgeted revenue for all funds is $200,017,252, which includes the use of fund and reserve balances and transfers between funds. All funds are balanced. Therefore, total revenues equal total expenses. Funding Sources Actual 2018 Modified Budget 2019 Projected 2019 Budget 2020 % of Revenue % Change 2020 vs 2019 Property Taxes Other Tax Items Departmental Income Intergovernmental Funds Use of Money and Property Licenses & Permits Sale of Property Federal and State Aid Interfund Revenues Appropriated Fund Balance WAR", en.rra» �"��'k�..�!a�»tr� 2020 Revue urces ; Use of Surpin. Fund Tr Other TaxesDept. Inco7-----Permits Money 4%1% 1� 6% ecreation ° rg 7% 2% � �<� Fines r 1'% Misc. State Aid t ua,iy rrrY 5% Ent. Fund R rl yrs r e�3as� Federal Aid 1%a 1% tN fy 4 w r � t C ' Y. `� � u r :ran ^, 6 � ',`i �. b � %� 51 TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES Property Tax The property tax is the largest and most important revenue source for the Town. As the default revenue source, it must cover all expenses that cannot be funded by other sources. Property taxes are a function of the Town's revenue needs, assessed values of properties within the Town and the equalization rate set by New York State. The Town Assessor determines the value of each parcel of taxable real property within the town. The total value of all of the taxable properties (minus exemptions) becomes the tax base from which the revenue required by the town must be obtained. The tax rate is calculated by dividing the revenue required by the total assessed valuation of all taxable properties. Each owner is taxed based on his proportion of the total tax base. Property tax revenue in 2020 is budgeted at $123.5 million for all taxing districts and represents 61.88% of Town operating revenues. The 2019 property tax revenue was $120 million and represented 62% of the operating revenues for all taxing districts. This increase in tax revenue is a result of raising taxes to offset the increase in contractual commitments. The Town typically collects approximately 97% of the tax levy. It is important to note, however, that all uncollected taxes become the responsibility of the Town. The Town guarantees 100% of the tax revenue to the County and the School. Fees for Service The Town, endeavors to stabilize property taxes, by applying fees for services as an alternative to the ad valorem tax. Fees for services is a responsible way to permit residents to control their expenses for certain municipal services by paying only for what they use. They are included in the Departmental Income budget line In the Town we have applied this philosophy to several different services: • Recreation: In 2020, the Recreation Department revenues will top $2.7million and fund roughly 96% of the department's operating budget. Residents will pay for the programs and services they use most. Recreation revenues do not cover expenses for debt and some employee benefits. • Water Service: The Town is a member community in the Westchester Joint Water Works (WJWW). Residents pay directly to the WJWW for water service. The Town does incur water related expenses for capital projects and maintaining the fire protection system. Those expenses are also funded through the water fees paid to the WJWW. So 100% of water related expenses are funded by water use fees. • Sewer Service: In 2014 the Town initiated a sewer rent to pay for the cost of operating and maintaining the sanitary sewer system. Like water service sewer rent fees subsidize 100% of the cost of sewer service. We have discovered that for most every property owner the sewer rent charge paid on their water bill has turned out to be less than if the cost of sewer service was built into the property tax bill. • Ambulance Service: Emergency medical care is a necessary service to provide residents the security in knowing that this care is available in an emergency. Using available sources of revenues such as Medicare, Medicaid and private health insurance plans, the Town is able to cover roughly 57% of the cost of maintaining this service. 52 TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES Other Revenue: ➢ Mortpaee Tax (New York State Aid): $1,100,000 — Decreases,by $250,000 in large part due to the expected decrease in mortgage tax revenue. The large decrease in mortgage taxis offset in part by an increase in aid to the Community Counseling center. State per capita aid and funding for roads will remain unchanged at $142,000 and $85,000 respectively. As noted earlier the State of New York has failed to adjust this aid to communities for a number of years. . Mortgage Tax Revenue $2,000,000 $1,800,000 - - -- - $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 -- $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 i $0 - 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Budget Actual A Federal Aid: $569,364 —Decreases by $98,376 on top of last year's decrease of $70,000- for a second year in a row the Town has been advised by the Federal Government to expect a decrease in the administrative fees paid for the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program. Federal Aid for our senior nutrition programs will remain unchanged next year. W TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES Sales Tax: $1,800,000 — Increases by $70,000 —Sales tax revenue from the sale of goods and services particularly gasoline and fuel products appears to be following the strong economy. SALES TAX HISTORY 2,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 1, 500,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 ■ Budget 0 Actual Licenses and Permits: $688,300 — Increases by $94,050 — Activity in the Town Building Department Income has increased significantly as property owners conduct improvements to their homes. Also we have seen an increase in the number of homes being reconstructed in the community. Use of Money and Property- $385,150 — Increases by $79,050— Included in this category of revenue is interest/investment income and rent income. Investment rates that apply to local government are beginning to move up, and as a result we expect that our interest income, although low when compared to revenue earned in the late 1990's will increase by roughly $50,000 in 2019. Total interest revenue is expected to reach $75,150. The Town will however realize an estimated $30,000 increase in rental income in 2019 as a result of the second year of the lease with LMCTV on the third floor of the Town Center TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES Appropriated Fund Balance: The last form of revenue applied to the Town Budget are surplus funds maintained in the Town's various budget funds. The 2020 Preliminary Budget includes an application of $1,552,500 of surplus funds. Over the last four years the Town has successfully maintained a surplus, management program targeting surplus levels at 15-25% of appropriations in most of our budge:�iI%ds. With nine budget funds, a surplus is maintained for each fund. That is important to no,0;s;nce;:pursuant to New York State Finance Law, funds cannot be moved from one fund to the other. Our maintaining a healthy surplus is critical to the overall financial strength.of the Town government. A strong surplus position is looked upon in a positive way by the bond rating agencies. A strong surplus means that funds are available for unexpected expenses and that the Town does:not necessarily need to borrow funds for the unexpected. With the Town as the guarantor of both the SchoolDistrict tax levy and the Town's portion of the Westchester County tax levy, surplus becomes a cash flow tool to insure our ability to remit the those tax levies 55 56 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2020 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET SUMMARY Fund 2018 Actual 2019 Revised Budget 2020 Budget Increase (Decrease) %Increase (Decrease) Ambulance $ 1,201,221 $ 1,260,452 Building Department 481,733 482,944 Buildings & Grounds 403,707 408,071 Community Services 887,117 1,009,467 Comptroller 1,050,928 1,125,167 Conservation 117,068 123,280 Engineering Services 261,917 226,289 Fire Department 2,033,543 2,528,589 Highway 3,605f692,_ 3,770,951 Human Resources 262,079` . 288,507 Information Technology 624,826. '828,305 Police Department 5,309,856 5350,Q-75 Recreation 2;695,2062;879,602-, . Town Administrator ` 2,`636,431 2,730,409 Town Assessor .,,'59492-1 603,456 Town Board 30,784% _ .< 30,426 Town Clerk 311,.172 -' 316,102 Town Court 352,-667 378,115 Town Supervisor 97,590- 108,563 Unallocated 18,382,758 16,808,693 $ 41,341,216 $ 41,257,463 $ $ - 58 ffemzt9I2' F-11,71 •T T71I tal"I tom-- JUSTICE COURT Honorable Jean Marie Brescia, Town Justice Honorable Ronald W. Meister, Town Justice SUMMARY OF REVENUES SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS DEPT BUDGET CODE 2018 ACTUAL 2019 2019 Year -to -Date 2019 PROJECTED 2020 BUDGET Town Justice BUDGET $ 352,667 MODIFIED 2019 2019 2020 DEPT CODE 2018 ACTUAL BUDGET Yearto-Date PROJECTED BUDGET Fines/Fees A2610 $ 270,032 1 $ 300,000 1 $ 171,115 $ 280,000 $ 300,000 TOTAL REVENUE $ 270,0321$ 300,000 1 $ 171,115 1 $ 280,000 $ 300,000 SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS DEPT BUDGET CODE 2018 ACTUAL 2019 MODIFIED BUDGET 2019 Year -to -Date 2019 PROJECTED 2020 BUDGET Town Justice A1110 $ 352,667 $ 3781115 $ 222,503 $ 345,180 $ 392,193 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 352,667 $ 378,115 $ 222,503 $ 345,180 $ 392,193 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ;V JUSTICE COURT Honorable Jean Marie Brescia, Town Justice Honorable Ronald W. Meister, Town Justice DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The Justice Court of the Town of Mamaroneck is an independent branch of government constitutionally and statutorily entrusted with the fair and just resolution of disputes in order to preserve the rule of law and to protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitution and laws of the United States and the State of New York. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Justice Court is the judicial branch of the Town of Mamaroneck, which adjudicates criminal cases, charges of violations of Town Ordinances, civil disputes within its jurisdiction, including summary landlord -tenant proceedings, motor vehicle and parking charges. 2019 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Complied with the new mandates issued by the New York State Legislature and the Office of Court Administration for all Town/Village Courts ➢ Updated archived documents in compliance with the Office of Court Administration's records retention schedule for Town and Village Courts. ➢ Reviewed delinquent/outstanding parking/traffic violations to reach dispositions and if appropriate collect outstanding fines. f t • ➢ Continue to comply with the new mandates issued by the New York State Legislature and the Office of Court Administration for all Town/Village Courts. ➢ Continue to update archived documents in compliance with the Office of Court Administration's records retention schedule for Town and Village Courts. PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2018 Actual 2019 Estimate 2020 Budget 1 1. NYS New mandates - 6 10 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 4_ JUSTICE COURT I Honorable Jean Marie Brescia, Town Justice Honorable Ronald W. Meister, Town Justice 2020 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY Fund Dept Title GROUP 1 STEP 2020 Budget 2018 Budgeted Positions 2019 Budgeted Positions 2020 Budgeted Positions A 1 1110 Town Justices MNGMT $ 22,071 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1110 Town Justices MNlGMf $ 22,071 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1110 Court Clerk XV8 $ 89,496 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1110 Assistant Court Clerk N/8 $ 62,330 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A1110.1010 $ 195,968 4.00 4.00 4.00 2020 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY Fund Dept Title GROUP I STEP 2020 Budget 2018 Budgeted Positions 2019 Budgeted Positions 2020 Budgeted Positions A 1110 lCouitAftendants PIT $ 17,000 2.00 2.00 2.00 A 1110 OfficeClerk PIT $ 23,000 - 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A1110-1021 $ 40,000 2.00 3.00 3.00 Date Prepared: 09/11/2019 03:08 PM Report Date: 09/1112019 Account Table: BUDGET Alt. Sort Table: 291,459.76 Account Description Dept 1110 TOWN JUSTICE Type R Revenue A.0000.2610 FINES & 0.00 FORFEITURES.. Total Group 17 FINES & FORFEITURES A.0000.3909 STATE GRANT - 0.00 JUSTICE COURT Total Group 21 STATE AID Total Dept 0000 Total Type R Revenue TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2020 Budget -Department Requests Fiscal Year. 2020 Period From: 1 To: 12 Original Adjusted 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2019 Actual DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.12 Stage 291,459.76 270,032.75 300.000.00 300,000.00 171,114.50 300,000.00 291,459.76 270,032.76 300,000.00 300,000.00 171,114.80 300,000.00 11,698.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,698.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 303,157.76 270,032.75 300,000.00 300,000.00 171,114.50 300,000.00 303,157.76 270,032.75 300,000.00 300,000.00 171,114.50 300,000.00 BUD4011 1.0 Page 2 of 152 Prepared By: TYOGMAN Variance To DEPT Stage Date Prepared: 091111201903:08PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 09111/2019 Page 3 of 152 Amount Table: BUDGET 2020 Budget -Department Requests Prepared By: TYOGMAN All. Sart Table: Fiscal Year: 2020 Period From: 1 To: 12 Account Description Original Adjusted 2019 2020 Variance To 2017 2018 2019 2019 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-12 Stage Stage Dept 1110 TOWN JUSTICE Type E Expense Dept 1110 TOWN JUSTICE A.1110.1010 SALARIES.. 186,974.80 189,921.94 192,990.00 192,990.00 133,608.96 195,968.00 1.54% A.1110.1015 OVERTIME.. 18,558.09 16,727.71 19,000.00 19,000.00 11,640.19 19,000.00 A.1110.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,175.00 1.175.00 0.00 1,175.00 A.1110.1021 SALARIES - PART 14.072.00 15,697.80 22,000.00 22,000.00 10,134.72 40,000.00 81.82% TIME Total Group 1 PERSONNEL SERVICES 220,654.89 223,397.45 235,165.00 235,166.00 165,383.87 256,143.00 8.92% A.1110.4001 TELEPHONE.. 613.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1110.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 141.99 135.49 500.00 500.00 239.85 500.00 A.1110.4017 SEMINARICONFEREN 2,005.70 1,756.74 2.000.00 2.000.00 414.49 2,000.00 CES.. A.1110.4019 DUESIPUBLICATIONS. 507.00 420.00 550.00 550.00 470.00 550.00 A.1110.4030 PRINTGISTATIONERY 0.00 379.91 350.00 350.00 0.00 450.00 28.57% A.1110.4040 LAW BOOKS.. 4,511.13 4,013.83 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,144.80 2,500.00 A.1110.4102 COURT STENO.. 15,090.00 16,109.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 9,420.00 17,000.00 A.1110.4105 JUROR'S EXPENSE.. 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 A.1110.4138 PARKING VIOLATION 18,814.67 16,476.21 20,000.00 20,000.00 8,616.60 18,000.00 -10.00% FEES Date Prepared: 0911112019 03:08 PM Report Date: 09111/2019 Account Table: BUDGET All. Sort Table: -5.00% Account Description Dept 1110 TOWN JUSTICE Type E Expense Dept 1110 TOWN JUSTICE A.1110.4291 JUSTICE COURT 378,115.00 FEES TotalGroup4 CONTRACTUAL 356,002.36 EXPENSE Total Dept 1110 TOWN JUSTICE Total Type E Expense Total Dept 1110 TOWN JUSTICE Pge2TOWN OF MAMARONECK 4o15 2020 Budget -Department Requests Prepared By: TYOGMAN Fiscal Year. 2020 Period From: 1 To: 12 Original Adjusted 2019 2020 Variance To 2017 2018 2019 2019 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-12 Stage Stage 93,663.40 89,978.00 100.000.00 100,000.00 46,813.50 95.000.00 -5.00% 135,347.47 129,269.18 142,950.00 142,950.00 67,119.24 136,050.00 -4.83% 356,002.36 352,666.63 378,115.00 378,115.00 222,503.11 392,193.00 3.72% 356,002.36 352,666.63 378,115.00 378,115.00 222,503.11 392,193.00 3.72% (62,844.60) (82,633.88) (78,115.00) (78,115.00) (51,388.61) (92,193.00) 18.02% TOWN OF MAMARONECK puV COMMUNITY SERVICES Anna Danoy, Community Service Director SUMMARY OF REVENUES DEPT BUDGET CODE 2018 ACTUAL 2019 MODIFIED BUDGET 2019 Year -to -Date 2019 PROJECTED 2020 BUDGET Property rental -Sr Center A2411 $ 550 $ • $ Contributions -WIN (SNAP) A2775 $ 491 $ 450 $ 1,118 Contributions -Meals on Wheels A2776 $ 6,008 $ 6,000 $ 4346 Contributions -Transportation A2777 $ 2,557 $ 1,125 $ 1,505 Contributions -Congregate Meals A2778 $ 9,285 $ 9,0001$ 5,955 $ $ Senior Program Fees A2779 $ 20,641 $ 18,000 $ 21,663 Contributions -Support Svices Transp A2780 $ 2,720 $ 1,125 $ 1,305 State Funding- AAA Transportation A3770 $ 2,456 $ - $ 2,456 State Funding- WIN (SNAP) A3988 $ 2,546 $ 6,225 $ 927 Federal Funding- Transporation CII -B A4770 $ 8,172 $ 8,172 $ 4,767 Federal Funding- Nutrition- M -Cl A4771 $ 18,146 $ 17,608 $ 4,601 Federal Funding- Nutrition- III -C2 A4772 $ 31,925 $ 42,032 $ 7,072 Federal Funding- Housing A4789 $ 537,624 $ 501,552 $ - ETPA Fees B2165 $ 2,260 $ 2,500 $ 1,220 TOTAL REVENUE $ 643,121 $ 611,289 $ 55,715 $ $ SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS DEPT BUDGET CODE 2018 ACTUAL 2019 MODIFIED BUDGET 2019 Year -to -Date 2019 PROJECTED 2020 BUDGET Community Resource Center- Sr Center A6310 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ - Programs for Aging A6772 $ 481,065 $ 542,022 $ 301,277 Rent Subsidy A8610 $ 388,642 $ 449,945 $ 264,079 ETPA Fees 88611 $ 2,410 $ 2,500 $ 2,070 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 887,117 $ 1,009,467 $ 567,426 $ $ TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1 O II r - U COMMUNITY SERVICES Anna Danoy, Community Service Director The mission of Community Services is to provide assistance to senior residents through programs and services that enhance their quality of life and to provide subsidy for decent, safe and affordable housing for families. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS Senior Citizen programs offered at the senior center include a nutrition program that offers hot, nutritious mid-day meals to seniors 60 years and older, home -delivered meals are provided to home bound seniors who are frail, recovering from an illness or accident and those unable to prepare food on their own. The Senior Transportation Program provides curb to curb round-trip bus transportation daily to and from the senior center and weekly to local grocery stores. Rent assistance is offered to income - eligible seniors living in apartment buildings covered through the Emergency Tenant Protection Act (ETPA). The affordable housing assistance program provides low income families, elderly, disabled safe and sanitary housing in private rentals through the Federal Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program. Provided through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This program serves approximately 500 families each year and offers participants housing choices outside high poverty neighborhoods where greater access to better schools, job opportunities and transportation helps improve the quality of life. 2019 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Added _ new program and activities for seniors ➢ Increased participation in the nutrition program by _% ➢ Added _ special events 2020 GOALS ➢ Add new programs and activities for seniors on a fee basis ➢ Increase participation in the nutrition program ➢ Add special events for seniors ➢ Continue meals on wheels service delivery ➢ Increase the number of families receiving subsidy rd I q. &, NI� COMMUNITY SERVICES Anna Danoy, Community Service Director PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2018 Actual 2019 Estimate 2020 Budget 1. Meals served 2. One-way trips 3. Enrollees in senior programs 4. Total vouchers utilized 2020 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY Fund Dept Title GROUP 1 STEP 2020 Budget 2018 Budgeted Positions 2019 Budgeted Positions 2020 Budgeted Positions A 6772 Community Services Director MNGMT $ 36,222 0.30 0.30 0.30 A 6772 Recreation Assistant IV/8 $ 62,330 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 6772 Recreation Assistant II113 45,560 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 6772 Recreation Assistant -Comm Svices N/8 61,622 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 6772 Assistant Superintendent Recreation MNGMT 72,930 0.70 0.70 0.70 A 6772 Sr Recreation Leader- Sr Citizents 1XJ2 55,456 - 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A6772-1010 1 $ 334,120 4.00 5.00 5.00 A 8610 Comm unity Services Director MNGMT $ 84,518 0.70 0.70 0.70 A 8610 Program Specialist -Rental Assistance 1\/18 60,673 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 8610 Staff Assistant -Sec 8 IV/4 52,052 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 8610 Staff Assistant -Sec 8 IV/6 62,330 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 8610 Staff Assistant -Sec 8 N14 50,836 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 8610 Staff Assistant -Sec 8 III18 59,214 - 1.00 1.00 A 8610 Intermediater Clerk - 1.00 - - A 8610 Nancy Seligson MNGMT 7,000 0.18 0.18 0.18 TOTAL A8610.1010 $ 376,623 5.88 1 5.88 5.88 FULL-MMETOTAL $ 710,743 9.88 10.88 10.88 2020 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY Fund Det Title GROUP 1 STEP 2020 Budget 2018 Budgeted Positions 2019 Budgeted Positions 2020 Budgeted Positions A 6772 Bus Drivers PT $ 40,058 4.00 4.00 4.00 A 6772 Drivers PT 14,105 2.00 1.00 1.00 A 6772 Food Server PT - 1.00 - - A 6772 Recreation Attendant PT - 1.00 - - TOTAL A6772-1021 $ 54163 8.00 5.00 5.00 A 8610 Office Assistant PT 29,575 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A8610-1021 $ 29,575 1.00 1.00 L00 DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL I IS 79 277 18.88 16.88 16.88 Date Prepared: 09/11/2019 03:08 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK Report Date: 09/11/2019 15,000.00 Account Table: BUDGET 2020 Budget -Department Requests Alt. Sort Table: Fiscal Year. 2020 Period From: 1 To: 12 Account Description Original Adjusted 2019 15,000.00 2017 2018 2019 2019 Actual 15,000.00 Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.12 Dept 6310 COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER Type E Expense Expense Dept 6310 COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER 15,000.00 A.6310.4149 COMMUNITY 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 (15,000.00) RESOURCE CENTER.. 15,000.00 Total Group 4 CONTRACTUAL 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 EXPENSE Total Dept 6310 COMMUNITY RESOURCE 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 CENTER Total Type E Expense 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 Total Dept 6310 COMMUNITY RESOURCE (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 15,000.00 15,000.00 CENTER 2020 DEPT Stage- — - 0.90 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUD4011 1.0 Page 85 of 152 Prepared By: TYOGMAN Variance To DEPT Stage -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% Date Prepared: 09/11/2019 03:08 PM Report Date: 09/11/2019 Account Table: BUDGET All. Sort Table: Account Description Dept 6772 PROGRAMS FOR THE AGING Type R Revenue A.0000.2411 PROPERTY RENTAL - Page 8B 152 of of152 SENIOR CENTER Total Group 15 USE OF MONEY & Prepared By: TYOGMAN PROPERTY A.0000.2775 CONTRIBUTIONS- WIN(SNAP) A.0000.2776 CONTRIBUTIONS - 2019 MEALS ON WHEELS.. A.0000.2777 CONTRIBUTIONS - 2018 2019 2019 SITE DEPT TRANSPORTATION.. A.0000.2778 CONTRIBUTIONS - Per 1.12 CONGREGATE Stage MEALS.. A.0000.2779 SENIOR PROGRAM - DUES/FEES.. A.0000.2780 CONTRIBUTIONS - 0.00 SUPPORT SVCS TRANSP.. Total Group 19 MISCELLANEOUS A.O000.3770 AAA 8,125.00 TRANSPORTATION A.0000.3988 STATE AID- WIN(SNAP).. Total Group 21 STATE AID TOWN OF MAMARONECK euDao1.0 Page 8B 152 of of152 2020 Budget -Department Requests Prepared By: TYOGMAN Fiscal Year: 2020 Period From: 1 To: 12 Original Adjusted 2019 2020 Variance To 2017 2018 2019 2019 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.12 Stage Stage 0.00 550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 650.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,124.00 490.75 450.00 450.00 1,118.00 1,000.00 122.22% 8,125.00 6,007.50 6,000.00 6.000.00 4,345.50 6,000.00 2,865.00 2,557.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 1,505.00 1,800.00 60.00% 11,759.00 9,285.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 5.955.00 9,000.00 25,145.00 20.641.00 18,000.00 18.000.00 21.663.00 23,000.00 27.78% 2,368.00 2.720.00 1.125.00 1,125.00 1,305.00 1,400.00 24.44% 52,386.00 41,701.25 35,700.00 35,700.00 35,891.60 42,200.00 18.21% 0.00 2.456.00 0.00 0.00 2,456.00 2.456.00 100.00% 5.021.68 2,545.87 6,225.00 6,225.00 927.07 6.225.00 5,021.68 5,001.87 6,225.00 6,225.00 3,363.07 8,681.00 39.451/6 Date Prepared: 09111/2019 03:08 PM Report Date: 09/11/2019 Account Table: BUDGET Alt. Sort Table: 14.855.87 Account Description Dept 6772 PROGRAMS FOR THE AGING Type R Revenue A.0000.4770 111-B 42,032.00 TRANSPORTATION.. A.0000.4771 111-C1 CONG MEALS NUTRITN.. A.0000.4772 III -C2 MEALS ON WHEELS.. Total Group 22 FEDERAL AID Total Dept 0000 Total Type R Revenue 872TOWN OF MAMARONECK Page o15 2020 Budget -Department Requests Prepared By: TYOGMAN Fiscal Year: 2020 Period From: 1 To: 12 Original Adjusted 2019 2020 Variance To 2017 2018 2019 2019 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.12 Stage Stage 8,172.00 8,172.00 8,172.00 8,172.00 4,767.00 8,172.00 14.855.87 18,145.78 17,608.00 17,608.00 4,600.82 17,608.00 29,683.00 31,925.32 42,032.00 42,032.00 7,071.78 42,032.00 52,710.87 58,243.10 67,812.00 67,812.00 16,439.60 67,812.00 110,118.55 105,496.22 109,737.00 109,737.00 55,714.17 118,693.00 110,118.55 105,496.22 109,737.00 109,737.00 65,714.17 118,693.00 8.16% 8.16% Date Prepared: 09/11/2019 03:08 PM Report Date: 09/11/2019 Account Table: BUDGET All. Son Table: Account Description TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2020 Budget -Department Requests Fiscal Year: 2020 Period From: 1 To: 12 Original Adjusted 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2019 Actual DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-12 Stage Dept 6772 PROGRAMS FOR THE AGING Type E Expense Dept 6772 PROGRAMS FOR THE AGING A.6772.1010 SALARIES.. 212,143.48 263,340.80 311,059.00 311,059.00 162.656.43 332.475.00 A.6772.1015 OVERTIME 0.00 1.385.26 0.00 0.00 2,165.64 1,000.00 A.6772.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 1,299.00 1.512.50 1,600.00 1.600.00 0.00 2.400.00 A.6772.1021 SALARIES - PART 64,430.10 62,695.75 54,163.00 54,163.00 45.468.68 76.000.00 TIME A.6772.1030 MEDICAL BUYOUT 5,000.00 10,168.76 10,000.00 10,000.00 4.831.24 5.000.00 Total Group 1 PERSONNEL SERVICES 282,872,58 339,103.07 376,822.00 376,822.00 215,121.99 416,875.00 A.6772.2102 MISC EQUIPMENT.. 0.00 11,118.75 6,000.00 6,000.00 875.00 10.000.00 A.6772.2104 BUILDING 0.00 12.705.00 0.00 0.00 2,930.10 10,000.00 EQUIPMENT.. Total Group 2 EQUIPMENT 0.00 23,823.75 6,000.00 6,000.00 3,806.10 20,000.00 A.6772.4001 TELEPHONE 6.088.04 1,440.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,440.00 1,500.00 A.6772.4002 SERVICE 5,747.98 9,488.18 11,000.00 11,000.00 1,484.60 11,0.00 CONTRACTS A.6772.4003 ELECTRICITY 11,354.68 11,203.82 11,500.00 11,500.00 5,970.79 7,500.00 A.6772.4005 HEATING FUEL 7,638.08 8,846.62 10,000.00 10,000.0() 5,734.74 10,000.00 A.6772A008 WATER 1,328.14 1,351.52 1,400.00 1,400.00 673.07 1,400.00 BUD4011 1.0 Page 88 of 152 Prepared By: TYOGMAN Variance To DEPT Stage 6.88% 100.00% 50.00% 40.32% -50.00% 10.63% 66.67% 100.00% 233.33% •34.78% Date Prepared: 09/11/2019 03:08 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK Report Date: 09/11/2019 Account Table: BUDGET 2020 Budget -Department Requests Alt. Sort Table: Fiscal Year: 2020 Period From: 1 To: 12 Account Description Original Adjusted 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2019 Actual DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 142 Stage Dept 6772 PROGRAMS FOR THE AGING Type E Expense Dept 6772 PROGRAMS FOR THE AGING A.6772A011 BLDG & GROUNDS 1,624.73 1,659.41 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,789.59 2,000.00 SUPPLIES A.6772.4012 BLDG & GROUNDS 21,538.87 5,977.90 7,500.00 7,500.00 5,385.00 7,500.00 REPAIRS/MAINT A.6772.4037 PROG CLINIC 11,653.60 12,001 AD 15,000.00 15,000.00 7,110.00 15,000.00 INSTRUCTION.. A.6772.4048 OPERATING 17,641.92 13.310.84 16,000.00 16,000.00 12,374.39 16,000.00 EXPENSES.. A.6772.4055 NATURAL GAS 1,158.55 1,140.41 1.300.00 1,300.00 668.36 1,300.00 A.6772.4060 MEALS ON WHEELS.. 40,453.06 33.642.92 50,000.00 50,000.00 24,456.95 42,000.00 A.6772.4061 CONGREGATE 15,924.12 16,588.55 25,000.00 25,000.00 12.504.03 20,000.00 MEALS.. A.6772.4062 WIN (SNAP).. 8,121.95 1,486.75 7,000.00 7,000.00 2,758.80 2,700.00 A.6772.4104 SENIOR CENTER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RENT.. Total Group 4 CONTRACTUAL 150,273.72 118,138.32 159,200.00 159,200.00 82,350,32 137,900.00 EXPENSE Total Dept 6772 PROGRAMS FOR THE 433,146.30 481,065.14 642,022.00 542,022.00 301,277.41 674,775.00 AGING Total Type E Expense 433,146.30 481,065.14 542,022.00 642,022.00 301,277.41 674,776.00 Total Dept 6772 PROGRAMS FOR THE (323,027.75) (375,568.92) (432,285.00) (432,285.00) (245,663.24) (456,082.00) AGING BUD4011 1.0 Page 89 of 152 Prepared By: TYOGMAN Variance To DEPT Stage -16.00°% -20.00°% .61.43% -13.38°% 6.04°A 6.04°% 5.50°% Date Prepared: 0911112019 03:08 PM Report Date: 0911112019 Account Table: BUDGET Alt. Sort Table: Account Description Dept 8610 RENT SUBSIDY PROGRAM Type E Expense Total Type E Expense Total Dept 8610 RENT SUBSIDY PROGRAM TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2020 Budget -Department Requests Fiscal Year. 2020 Period From: 1 To: 12 Original Adjusted 2019 2017 2018 2019 2019 Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 142 2020 DEPT Stage 425,664.00 388,641.69 449,946.00 449,946.00 264,078.90 484,768.00 183,655.78 148,982.62 61,607.00 81,607.00 (264,078.90) 45,232.00 BUD4011 1.0 Page 130 of 152 Prepared By: TYOGMAN Variance To DEPT Stage 7.740% -12.35% Date Prepared: 0911112019 03:08 PM Report Date: 09/11/2019 Account Table: BUDGET Alt. Sort Table: 2,360.00 Account Description Dept 8611 ETPA Type R Revenue 8.0000.2165 E.T.P.A. FEES.. Total Group 12 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Total Dept 0000 Total Type R Revenue TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2020 Budget -Department Requests Fiscal Year: 2020 Period From: i To: 12 Original Adjusted 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2019 Actual DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-12 Stage 2,360.00 2,260.00 2.500.00 2,500.00 1,220.00 1,280.00 2,360.00 2,260.00 2,500.00 2,600.00 1,220.00 1,280.00 2,360.00 2,260.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,220.00 1,280.00 2,360.00 2,260.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,220.00 1,280.00 BUD4011 1.0 Page 131 of 152 Prepared By: TYOGMAN Variance To DEPT Stage -48.80% -48.80% -48.80% -48.80% Date Prepared: 091111201903:08PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK Report Date: 0911912019 Account Table: BUDGET 2020 Budget -Department Requests Alt. Sort Table: Fiscal Year. 2020 Period From: 1 To: 12 Account Description Original Adjusted 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2019 Actual DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.12 Stage Dept 8611 ETPA Type E Expense Dept 8611 EMERG TENANT PROT ADMIN 8.8611.4206 E.T.P.A: 2,450.00 2.410.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,070.00 1,280.00 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Total Group 4 CONTRACTUAL 2,450.00 2,410.00 2,500.00 2,600.00 2,070.00 1,280.00 EXPENSE Total Dept 8611 EMERG TENANT PROT 2,450.00 2,410.00 2,600.00 2,500.00 2,070.00 1,280.00 ADMIN Total Type E Expense 2,460.00 2,410.00 2,500.00 2,600.00 2,070.00 1,280.00 Total Dept 8611 ETPA (90.00) (150.00) 0.00 0.00 (860.00) 0.00 BUD4011 1.0 Page 132 of 152 Prepared By: TYOGMAN Variance To DEPT Stage -48.80% -48.80% X8.80% SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGETED POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 VARIANCE Full -Time Part -Time Full -Time Part -Time Full -Time Part -Tim Budget Function Ambulance 2.00 2.00 - - Building Department 5.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 - - Buildings &Grounds 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 - - Community Services 10.88 6.00 10.88 6.00 - - Comptroller 6.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 - - Conservation 1.00 6.00 1.00 6.00 - - Engineering Services 2.25 1.00 2.25 1.00 - - Fire Department 14.00 2.00 14.00 2.00 - - Highway 24.75 3.00 24.75 3.00 - - Human Resources 3.00 - 3.00 - - - Information Technology 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 - - Police Department 38.00 18.00 39.00 17.00 1.00 (1.00) Recreation 8.30 284.00 8.30 268.00 - (16.00) Town Administrator 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 - - Town Assessor 4.00 - 4.00 - - - Town ;Board 4.00 - 4.00 - - - Town Clerk 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 - - Town Court 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 - - Town Supervisor.. 1.82 - 1.821 - 1 - - 138.00 330.001 139.00 313.00 1.00 (17 60 .00) .00) TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2019-2020 TAX LEVY COMPARISON 2019 2020 Y Change in Fund Fund Tax LevyAr- Tax Levy Tax Levy A lGeneral Fund-Townwide --- Lyy: � - . $ 4,15Q%J982 $ - _ 100• B (General Fund -Part Town ,9 859 04.4 - 1000/0 DB t Highway Fund ; 746' - 100' _ SF I Fire District °' - 100'03,878,973 SL _. !Street Lighting District _._... n 301,573 ' ,. - -- 100•/0 SM ;Ambulance District �s 688,112 - ; 100•% SR 'Garbage District 2,200,103 _ 100• SS - Sewer District _ f -- #DIV/0! SW (Water District ��y - - i #DIV%0! V i Debt Service Fund #DIVjO! !TOTAL I $y' =26,514,663 ti 'l C'. 61 Town of Mamaroneck Average Property Tax Bill The breakdown of an average tax bill and the value of each of the services received by a resident of the unincorporated area. While the payment for most services to the Town are levied as a tax, the services listed below are quality of life and maintenance services provided to property owners in much the same way that owners in condominiums and coops pay a monthly maintenance fee. You will note on the chart that some of the services have asterisks next to them. These are services that are entirely or highly subsidized with user fees thus reducing the need for including more of the service subsidy in the tax bill. Essentially for these services residents pay for what they use Jhe tax component of these services are for expenditures that cannot be reasonably captured;'soleIV with a separate fee. f .. Average Assessed Value $1,253,000 -- ---_ I 20195 ax Bill Town;., ; Town -'Village Village I R " 6nt Resident L.archmont Mamaroneck Town Rate ; Mam}Sewer ; NR Sewer Resident j Resident lincrease !General Town 0.473 ( $ 593 $ ; ` 593 $ 593 $ 593 { Part Town 2293 2,873 2;873 Highway- Part Town 11,2- 1,450;, 1,450 Special Districts -Town. 1 46 1,8 1 ~ ,846 _ — !Ambulance District -Town 0 07Q ` . 88 ; $8 88 88 j 'County 3.176. 31,9 3,$8 3,980 3,980 County Refuse 0 2681 - 33,E , - 336 336 336 - ,Sewer New Rochelle 1.203! e;: 1;507 1,507 { Mamaroneck - D.564; 707 I 707 'School -Mamaroneck 13 16,786 I 16,786 16,786: 16,786 1 Library iVillage of Larchmont =5.055 - 6,334 !Village of Mamaroneck ' :6.627: - 8,304 TOTALANNUALTAX $ 28,657 j $ 29,458 j $ 29,623: $ 30,792 i % of TOTAL BY TAXING DISTRICT:: Total Bill Town $ 6,849 $ 6,849 $ 680 $ 680 - 249,,' 40 I` Cou ty 5,022 5,823 , 5,823 5,022 18/ . School 16,786 16,786 i 16,786: 16,786 59%' - g , - Villa e - 6,334 8,304 TOTALANNUALTAX $ 28,657 $ 29,458 $ 29,623 $ 30,792 100•/' 62 TOWN OF MAMARONECK SCHEDULE OF ASSESSED VALUES- ALL DISTRICTS SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE81 TAXABLE ASSESSED VALUES AV Year End GENERAL FUND TOWNWIDE (A) GENERAL FUND- PART TOWN (B) Highway Fund Fire District {SF} Street Lighting District (SL) Ambulance D��.tnct-%' ({SM} Garbage District {SR} Sewer District {SS} Water District (SW) 2018 9,774,581,720 4,308,315,488 4,308,315,4 4,341,181,950 4,341,181,96'ptj'.j9�86S�l�il�`723 4,341,181,950 4,136,201,850 4,341,181,950 2017 9,771,592,337 4,273,948,507 4,273,948,50 4,310,659,752 4,310,659,75��> 986,863�7,�5=i;;;. 4,310,659,152 4,114,212,152 4,310,659,752 2016 9,475,721,071 4,113,066,367 4,113,066,36 4,153,155,278 4,153,155,27$ 4,581,648,35�t. =,4,153,155,278 3,958,009,078 4,153,155,278 2015 9,210,122,797 4,100,331,806 4,100,331,80 4,144,372,145 4,144,372,145 9,308,604,018'•; r�?�144,372,145 3,949,444,895 4,144,372,145 2014 8,685,249,288 3,697,242,921 3,697,242,92 3,738,899,229 3,738,899,229 8,782,833,871 '3,•�''3,3'8,$99,229 3,563,434,029 3,738,899,229 2013* 8,740,083,469 3,714,250,459 3,714,250,45 3,756,121,340 3,756,121,340 8,836,557,152 3,756;-1:21,340 3,579,741,840 3,756,121,340 2012 145,647,010 63,848,600 64,681,654 64,681,654 64,681,654 147,543,991 64,681jb, 60,575,427 64,681,654 2011 147,682,978 64,919,887 64,919,887 65,831,823 65,831,823 149,735,813 65,831,823..' 61,585,096 65,831,823 2010 150,621,950 66,517,660 66,517,660 67,440,691 67,440,591 152,716,025 67,440,691 �`,! j63,002,993 67,440,691 2009 152,721,695 67,817,075 67,817,075 68,759,712 68,759,712 154,882,860 68,759,112 � 64,316,374 68 *Reflects Townwide reassessment 63 ,759,712 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ASSESSED VALUE TAX EXEMPTIONS TOWNWIDE (UNICORPORATED AREA) DBL f LIMITED ! I VETERANS AGED CLERGY INCOME WHOLLY EXEMPT AV YEAR!Tax Yearj TAXABLE AV EXEMPTION EXEMPTIONS EXEMPTIONS; EXEMPTIONS i NI CORP PROPERTY I. TOTAL AV -� JRPTL 458,458a) (RPTL 467) 1 (RPTL 460) (RPTL 459 ��'�(RPTL 406(S)) 2018 _., 2019; 9,774,581,720 43,293,764 34,865,7461 - — 538485= 35 00 ► _�` -. _._ 5 r 154,141,873 ------_ 10,608,063,088 ..__.._.__ 2017 20181 9,771,592,337 48 661459 36,283,764 ,2 2,225 i 976,000 755,047,8731 10,612,853,658 2016!— i 201111 53,062,176 40,220,2921 5411756 752,325,473 j 10,321,817,368 2015! --9,415,121,011 20161 8,685,249,288 - - -58,053,625. 36,804,100 1,238,756 iFf ,;843,363,873 ! 9,624,709,642 , - 2014 201ST 8,]40,083,469 ....__ 57,296,]08 -_— _ _-- 36,115;925 _ .._ ...... _ 943 2d2 ' y :.. _ , -- __------____.-- 842;5;073 9,611,284,400 _ 2013 2014 _. _. -- - _- 145,641,010 1,098,041 781"194- 20,036 26,228,769 !, 173,781,250 2012, 2013' 147,682,9]8 1,193,254 - 848,770; 1.9,301 - - 26,244,369 115,988,612 20111 201.2: 150,621,950 1,231;799- .856,985 �� ii2t 26,214,869 178,938,884 2010' 2011, 152,121,695 1 . 208,356 t✓ 936,043 13,256y� _ 26,229,863 r 181,149,213.. - 2009' 2010; _ 154,683,740 , 1,230;574 .-, --- -- _ 1,540. - _ _ _ _ . 12,407 j _. . 26,086,183 it 182,921,812 'Reflects Townwide reassessment 64 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TAX RATE HISTORY TOWN WIDE TOWN (1) COUNTY (2) COUNTY (3) MAM-K SCHOOL TOTAL YEAR ASSESSMENT TAX RATE TAX RATE TAX RATE TAX RATE TAX RATE 2019 9,751,130,223 5.47 4.01 4.65 13.40 27.53 2018 9,771,592,337 5.41 4.08 4.86 13.40 27.75 2017 9,475,721,071 5.47 4.16 5.01 13.29 27.93 2016 9,210,122,797 5.20 4.23,-'` - 13.41 22.84 2015 8,685,249,288 5.68 4.2< - 14.00 24.10 2014* 8,740,083,469 5.57 4.63: - 13.76 23.96 2013 144,952,318 314.84 261.84' - 811.32 1388.00 2012 146,259,811 301.50, ` 248.60 784.34 1334.44 2011 149,709,090 285.14',', , ;240.61 ti - 764.34 1290.09 2010 151,962,159 266.02 244,96c" t 754.62 1265.60 * Reflects Townwide R assessment = "� Schedule represents actual applied tax rates &4*4essments after adjustment for certioraris. (1)Town tax rate reflects General Townwide, Tpwri Outside Village, Highway Town Outside Village, Ambulance, Fire, Garbage and Strleet,Lighting C!i'stricts. (2)County tax rate includes - General County Tax, County Refuse District & County Sewer District - Mamaroneck Valley. (3)County tax rate includes - General County Tax, County Refuse District & County Sewer District - New Rochelle. W FINANCIAL POLICIES TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES Chapter 3 Procurement and Purchasing Policy (Revised and adopted 1120116) 3.1 Applicability The Town of Mamaroneck does hereby adopt the following policy and procedure governing the purchase and procurement of all goods and services 3.2 Review of Purchases; Purchases not subject to public bid Every purchase to be made must initially be reviewed to determine whether it is a purchase contract or a public works contract Once that determination is made, a reasonable effort will be made to determine whether it is known at the time of the purchase that the total aggregate amount to be.spent on the item of supply or service is not subject to competitive bidding. The following items are not subject to competitive bidding pursuant to Section 103 of the New York State General Municipal Law. 1) Purchase contracts under $20,000, or as may be further amended pursuant to GML Section 103. 2) Public Works contracts under $35,000 or as may be further amended pursuant to GML Section 103 3) Emergency Purchases approved by the Town Administrator (See Section 3.6(4)) 4) Goods purchased from agencies for the blind and severely handicapped 5) Goods purchased from correctional institutions 6) Purchases under New York State and Westchester County Contracts 7) Purchases under .antracts from other political subdivisions within the United States if such contract was publicly bid and made available for use by other governmental entities. 8) Surplus and secondhand purchases from another governmental entity. 3.3 Methods for Securing Goods and Services All goods and services will be secured by the use of written requests for proposals, written quotations, verbal quotations, or any method that assures goods will be purchased at the lowest price and best value. Exceptions to this requirement are as follows: a) Emergency Purchases approved by the Town Administrator b) Goods purchased from agencies for the blind or severely handicapped ca Goods purchased from correctional institutions d) Purchases under New York State Contracts, Westchester County Contracts or Federal General Services Administration Contracts 67 3.4 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES PURCHASING POLICY (continued) e) Purchases under contracts from other political subdivisions within the United States if such contract was publicly bid and made available for use by other governmental entities. f) Goods purchased from purchasing consortiums that utilize some form of competitive bidding to establish pricing. A. The following method of purchase will be used when required by this policy In order to achieve the highest savings: Estlmated Amount of Purchase Contract Method $1-$2,000 Without prior authorization from the Town Administrator's OfOce. a Department Head may make such purchases for materials. services, supplies or repairs. Verbal quotes are preferred and are to be documented on the claim form $2,001419.999 Prior authorization of the Town Administrator. At least 3 writtenffaned le -mailed or otherwise documented quotes are required Requisition and Purchase order to be signed by the Town Comptrotler and Town Administrator $20,000 and above Subject to publicly advertised bid or RFP. Must be circulated to at least 3 companies. Contract must be approved by the Town Board. A purchase order must be signed by Town Administrator atter Town Board approval is granted, prior to order being made. Estimated Amount of Public Works Contract $1-$2,999 $3,000 to $9,999 M At least 2 verbal or written quotations documented on the claim form At least 3 writtertMaxedle-:Walled quotations. Purchase order must be TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES PURCHASING POLICY (continued) signed by the Town Administrator prior to order being made $10,000$34,899 Subject to publicly advertised RFP. Must be circulated to at least three companies. Purchase order must be signed by the Town Administrator prior to order being made. Contracts In this category may require Town Board approval. $35,000 and above Subject to a publicly advertised bid pursuant to OML Section 103. Must be circulated to at least 3 companies. Contract MUST be approved by the Town Board and a formal contract must be signed by the Town Administrator after Town Board approval is granted S. Department heads must make a good faith effort to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations. if the department head Is unable to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations, the department must document the reasons alternate proposals or quotations were not available. As an example, If a vendor is a sole source provider of the materials, supplies, services or equipment that is to be indicated on the Interim voucher or requisition. A. For purchase contracts less than $2,000 and public work contracts less than $3,000 a standard Town Interim Voucher is to be completed and submitted to the Comptroller's office with the following Information: 1) Name and Address of Vendor 2) Date 3) Budget Code 4) Quantity, Description and purpose of goods or services purchased. Alternate quotations where available 6) Signature of the department head 6) Original Invoices and signed packing slip where applicable B. For purchase contracts above $2,000 and public work contracts above $3,000 a Standard Town Requisition Form Is to be completed and submitted to the Town Administrator with the following information 1) Name and address of recommended vendor 2) Date of Requisition TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES PURCHASING POLICY (continued) s) Budget Code 4) Quantity, description and purpose of the goods or services to be purchased 6) Unit cost and total cost of proposed purchase where applicable 6) Alternate price quotations received for the purchase must be attached to the requisition 7) For purchases from government contracts. a copy of the government contract cover page and time pages that apply to the purchase must be attached to the requisition. C. Approved requisitions must be forwarded to the Comptratlees office for processing. A purchase order will be prepared and the purchase order form becomes the official contract for procurement except in those instances where a separate contract is required. No orders shad be placed prior to a Purchase Order being prepared by the Comptroller's Office. O. The Comptroller's Office shall send a copy of the original signed purchase order to the ordering department. Upon receipt of the approved purchase order the Department Head Is authorized to place an order. E. Upon satisfactory recelpt of the materials, supplies, equipment, services and or repairs, the Department Head shall submit the original signed copy of the purchase order, the original invoice and original packing slip signed by the employee who received the goods or services to the Comptroller's office for processing of payment to the vendor. F. in the case of constructioio projects or InsWIment payment projects, the Department Head must submit and approved payment application form executed by the project manager and/or project architect. 3.6 E,xemotions There may be circumstances when, certain types of procurements for which, the solicitation of afternative proposals or quotations will not be In the best Interest of the Town. In the following circumstances It may not be in the best Interest of the Town of Mamaroneck to solicit alternate quotations or not accept the lowest bid: 1) Professional services or services requiring special or technical skill, training or expertise. The individual or company must be chosen based upon qualifications showing accountability, reliability, skill, education and training, integrity and moral worth. 2) In determining whether a service fits into this category, the Town shall take hft consideration the following guidelines: a) Whether the services are subject to stabs licensing or testing requirements. 41Page 70 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES PURCHASING POLICY (continued) b) Whether substantial formal education or training is a necessary prerequisite to the performance of services c) Whether the services require a personal relationship between the individual and municipal officials. 3) Professional or technical services shall Include but not be limited to the following: services of an attorney; services of a physician; technical services of an engineer engaged to prepare plans, maps. or estimates; services of a consultant; services of an Insurance brokericarrler, services of a public ac oountent, Investment management services, printing services that involve extensive writing, editing or art work; management of municipally owned property; computer software or programming services for customized programs. or services Involving substantial modification and customizing of prepackaged software. 4) Emergency Purchases pursuant to Section 103(4) of the GML. Due to the nature of this exception, these goods or services must be purchased Immediately and a delay in order to seek alternate proposals may threaten the life, health, safety or welfare of the community and Its residents. This section does not preclude alternate proposals if time permits. The emergency situation must be documented. All emergency purchases are subject to the prior approval of the Town Administrator 3.7 Credit Card Purchases A. Subject to the approval of the Town Administrator or Comptroller, credit card purchases will be acceptable In accordance with the Town's procurement policy. B. The Town maintains a master credit card that may be utilized by Department heads or other authorized Town employees for the purpose of facilitating departmental purchases. C. No purchases of personal items shall be made on Town credit cards, even if the intent is to reimburse the Town of such purchases. D. No department, Department Head or Town employee shall request a "store" or any other type of credit card under the name of the Town of Mamaroneck. No additional bank credit lines or accounts will be established without the authorization of the Town Administrator E. This section does not pertain to vendor accounts established for the purpose of "buying on account" with an invoice subsequently sent to the Town for payment. These accounts should be established on an as needed basis through the Comptroller's Office. fAI WGIUT 1Z[OI >F T -11 T110610:180 FINANCIAL POLICIES FUND BALANCE POLICY EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TiLE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN Of MAMARONECX HELD MARCH 20, 2018 AT 8c00 PM IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER 740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD. MAMARONECK, NEW YORiG On motion of Councilmen Od{omm seconded by Councilwoman Ellotnd Eney, it was RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve of the Fund Saloom Policy as follows~ Town of Memamrodk Naw York Fund Balance Policy in accordance with GASB Statement No. 54 PU The Town of Mamaroneck, in order to address the haplicatlons of Govorrxrmrrt Accountfrl; Standards Board (GASB) Statement Ho. 54. Fund Balance Reporting adopts the following policy. The policy Is prepared to consider the implications of unanticipated events that could adversely affect the Towns financial c mdldon and Impact the continuation of ne nIcipal services. This policy establishes the framework for the Town of Mamaranedc to mainbdn adequate fund balances and reams M order tri 4 Provide suificlent cash flow for dally financial needs and commit.mo ft a Protect and rnairtain Investment grade bond ratings a Offset significant economic dowmums or revenue shortfalls a Provide funds for unanticipated expenditures and everts related to emergencies Minimum unasssiened fund balance- The Town of Mamaroneck will endeavor to mairtatn a minimum of unassigned tune) balance in its General Funs, Highway Fund and Spedel District Funds ranging from 1VA-25% of the subsequent year's budgeted appropriations. The minbnum fund balance is to protect against cash flow sho#alls related to the timing of projected revenues and to ma stain a stable budget. lIndimbbins of Fund Balan When fund balances fail below the minimum 15 percent. the Town will replenish the fund balances using various budget strategies including but not limited to the following: a The Town will reduce recurrhug expenditures to eliminate any structural deficit a The Town will Increase taxes, fees for services or pursue alternate funding sow=& a Follow strategies that are a cornbtnation of the two alternatives described above. To ensure the timely replenishment of fund balances in each of the budget funds the following time periods are as aseabilshod as banchmarks for Town staff tofollow: a should a fund balance fall below 15% afthe subsequent years appropriations, such fund balance shat be replenished over a period not to exceed two years. a Should a fund balance fail below zs;% and 20% of the subsequent year's appropriations, such fund balance shall be replenished over a per lad not to exceed four yews. a Should a fund balance fall below 2096 and 25% of the subsequent year's appropriations such fund shal be replenished over a period not to exceed sic years. Should unassigned fund balances In any Town fund exceed the maximum of 2596 of budgeted appropriations; the Town will give consideration to using the fund balance surpluses for the following priorities: L For one-time expenditures that are non-recurdag In nature or, L Capital expenditures such as equipment replacement, infrastructure improvements or repahs and facility Improvements 3. Offset recurring expenditures however this use of funds should be carefully evaluated to avoid future fund balance deftlendes. The use of supius funds for this purpose should be considered where then Is a reasonable expectation that the surplus funds can be replenished In the time periods specified In this policy. 72 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES INVESTMENT POLICY Delegation of Duties: The Town Board's responsibility for administration of the investment program is delegated to the Comptroller who shall establish written procedures for the investment program consistent with these guidelines. Such procedures shall include an adequate internal control structure. Diversification: It is the policy of the Town to diversify its deposits and investments by financial institution, investment instrument and by maturity. Internal Controls: It is the policy of the Town for all moneys collected by to Town employee to transfer those funds to the Comptroller within 2 days, or within the time period specified in law, whichever is shorter. The Comptroller is responsible for establishing an 4intain an internal control structure to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that depostsiand investments are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, that transactions are„execgtetdjn accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly in compliance with a'pp41eabl0aws and regulations. Designation of Depositories: The banks authorized for depositswu;p.:to a maximum of $15,000,000 per bank are: Bank of NY, Marine Midland, Cli e, Chh frcal, First Fidelitjr;: National Westminster. Collateralizing Deposits: In accordance with the'provision's of :GeneralMunicipal Law, Section 10, all deposits of the Town,.incJ4ding certificates of depospts:and spec a- Time deposits, in excess of the amount insured under-the.,provisions,iof the Federal! Deposit Insurance Act shall be secured: a. By a pledge of"eligible securities" with amaggregate "market value” as provided by GML Section 10, equal to the aggregate amount df 'deposits from the categories designated in this policy. b. By an eligible surety bond,payable to the government for an amount at least equal to 100% of the aggregate amount of deposits and the agreed upon interest, if any, executed by an insurance company authorized to do business in New York state, whose claims-paying ability is rated in the highest category . Permitted Investments: • Special time deposit accounts • Certificates of Deposit • Obligations of the United States of America • Obligations guaranteed by agencies of the United States of America where the payment of principal and interest are guaranteed by the United States of America • Obligations of the State of New York • Obligations issued pursuant to LFL Section 24.00 or 25.00 by any municipality, school district or district corporation other than the Town of Mamaroneck 73 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES INVESTMENT POLICY (continued) • Obligations of the Town of Mamaroneck, but only with any moneys in a reserve fund established pursuant to GML Section 6-c to 6-n. • Repurchase agreements limited to: trading partners authorized to do business in the New York State; obligations of the United States of America; no substitutions of securities and custodian sh,,OJ41,be a party other than the trading party. • Cooperative investment program withiaihother authorized government entity pursuant to GML Article SG whererst h pro�'g(a'm meets all of the requirements set forth in the Office of theStatg,tomptroller p'pijon No. 88-46 and anthnri7Pd by tha Tnwn Rn' crd 74 CAPITAL BUDGET TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2020 CAPITAL BUDGET PROGRAM NARRATIVE The Capital Projects Fund is used to account for financial resources allocated for the acquisition, construction or renovation of major capital facilities, road rehabilitation, infrastructure improvements or the purchase of capital assets. Capital expenditures occur periodically and are spent over multiple years. This fund also includes routine capital expenditures such as townwide fencing, furniture, computer equipment and replacement of the vehicle fleet. Capital Assets, as they are commonly referred to, are inventoried physical assets, constructed, purchased or donated to the Town valued at $5,000 or more with a useful life of at least five years. All Capital Assets must be tagged to facilitate tracking. The Comptroller maintains accountability over all tangible asset records and such records are verified once a year by a physical inventory conducted by the department responsible for its care and maintenance. All capital projects are undertaken only after analysis of need, review of alternative options, and funding identification. The Town may fund the cost to acquire and maintain Capital Assets in one of several ways: the issuance of a bond, government grants for qualifying assets, operating revenue or fund balances. The method of funding is determined at the time the funds are required. Capital expenditures tend to vary from year to year much more than operating expenses. The graph on the following page reflects the Town's capital investments as compared to the revised budgets in the past five years. Many capital projects that have approved budgets were phased in and or deferred until needed. The 2019 Town's Capital Budget is $15,705,000; of this amount $750,000 will be funded through grants and $14,955,000 will be funded by the Town through various sources. In the 2019 Capital Budget, $6,750,000 or 43% is for highway infrastructure, $2,505,000 or 16% for the rehabilitation of a community center, and the balance of $6,450,000 is for other needed infrastructure and equipment purchases. - y CHART Funding for y one capital project may include several different sources of funds. The Town's goal is to bond an amount that does not in'etease debt service in the operating budget. This has been achieved in most years by iss ih&,debt for approximately the same amount or less of principal paid in any given year. The following chart„provides.l. historical analysis for a five-year period. The following Capital Projects are included in the 2020 Capital Budget. As such, there is no effect on the 2020 Operating Budgets for capital projects that are designated to be bonded other than specifically stated. The 2020 debt service budget for principal and interest is $_. The 2019 debt service budget for principal and interest was $_. Therefore, the 2020 debt service budget will be reduced by _% in comparing to the 2019 debt service budget. As a result, there will be no increase in taxes, and the 2020 operating budget will not be affected. The 2020 Capital Budget will increase the 2021 debt service budget by $_. We anticipate the capital budget will increase the Town's debt service from $, million to $13 million in 2021. The additional debt service will be funded from tax revenues. 76 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2020 CAPITAL BUDGET PROGRAM PROJECTS Highway Roadway Rehabilitation $X,000,000 This project provides funding for the annual street resurfacing of streets and roads throughout the Town in accordance with the Department of Highway's replacement plan. Each year, the Town's roadways require repaving and drainage improvements as a result of weather conditions and wear and tear. This project will save maintenance costs in the operating budget. This project will be funded through a bond issue. Police Police Vehicles $x,000 Vehicles that have exceeded their useful lives and are beyond repair need to be replaced on an annual basis. There are _ police cruisers that require replacement this fiscal year in accordance with the Town's vehicle replacement plan. These vehicles will be funded on a PayGo basis from the Part Town fund balance. TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2020 CAPITAL BUDGET PROGRAM PROJECTS SUMMARY Project# i Fund Dept/AC Project Description Funding Source j Project Budget Bonds PayGo j Grants DB 5110-0400 Highway -Roadway Rehab Bonds $ 424,000 $ 424,000 B 3120-0400 Police Vehicles Paygo- Part Town 76,000 76,000 ip DEBT SERVICE FUND TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2020 DEBT SERVICE FUND DEBT OVERVIEW The Town takes a planned and programmed approach to the management of its outstanding debt. General Obligation Bonds are issued to finance capital improvements or capital assets and will not be issued to finance current operations or normal maintenance. Effectively managing debt preserves the Town's credit rating, provides flexibility in current and future operating budgets and provides funding for long-term assets that maintain and improve quality of life. The Town has the authority to issue debt in all taxing districte 1-d s' backed by the full faith and credit of the Town. Debt must be kept within 7% of the average fullyv luation _f taxable real estate within the Town as prescribed by Local Finance Law §104. The Town has cautiously issued debt when necessi b fund major projects�and aggressively refunds debt when economically beneficial that reduces d4b Aservice. Like most municl'palities that have struggled with lean budgets and tax caps, issuing debtyto finance (,.q0J al projects al ' a municipality to spread the cost of assets over their use:fp[Ilives that provides serAu ce to multiple gene 00ons. BOND RATING It is important to note.that the Town.' -s credit rating from 'Nloody's Investor Service has been successfully maintained at Aaa as a result of con'tervative budgding:practices and;solid management. The rating also reflects the town's average debt burden, and mode i, pension liability. DEBT PROJECTIONS i Debt @ , Debt @ (in millions) .__ _ . .. _ 1/1/20 Issued Redeemed 12/31/20 General Fund Part Town Highway Fund -- Ambulance Ditrict Garbage District 'Sewer District Water District 1 Fire District TOTAL GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2020 DEBT SERVICE FUND The Local Finance Law of the State of New York establishes a cap on the level of debt that Town's may incur. The constitutional debt limit is calculated at 7% pf the five-year average of full valuations. It is currently projected that the Town will have exhausted �% of its available debt limit and will have approximately $_ million of borrowing authority available at December 31, 2020. The final consideration in determining acceptable levels of debt service is the Town's ability to pay its annual debt obligations. The industry benchmark is 10% of general expenditures. Debt service represents _5 of the Town's operating expenditures in Fiscal Year 2020. DEBT SERVICE Based upon new indebtedness to be incurred in 2019, appropriations in the Debt Service Fund in 2020 will be _$ million for the projected annual debt service payments due. The 2020 capital plan includes long term borrowing. Funding will be transferred from each of the funds issuing debt to the Debt Service Fund. Premiums will be utilized to reduce the debt expense for each fund. 81 TOWN OF MAMARONECK CONSITUTIONAL DEBT LIMIT As of 12/31/19 AVERAGE FIVE-YEAR FULLVALUATION DEBT CONTRACTING LIMITION-7% of AVERAGE FULL VALUATION Outstanding Debt At December3l, 2019: General Purpose (inc Fire) $ 30,783,148 Water 4,850,661 Sewer'_ 3,883,191 Total" Gross Difrect:,l.ndebtedness usions and D`e:dbctions: Percentage of Debt -Contracting Power Exhausted 82 $ 9,355,317,693 $ 654, 872, 238 $ 39,517,000 4,850,661 4,850,661 $ 34,666,339 $ 620,205,899 5.3% State FISCAL YEAR ENDED Equalization Full DECEMBER 31, Assessed Valuation Ratio Valuation 2015 $ 8,673,153, 364 1.00 $ 8,673,153,364 2016 9,167,076,772 1.00 $ 9,167,076,772 2017 9,441,524,597 .1.00 $ 9,441,524,597 2018 9,743,703,508 1.00 $ 9,743,703,508 2019 9,751,130, 223 1.00 $ 9,751,130,223 TOTAL FIVE-YEAR FULL VALUATION $ 46,776,588,464 AVERAGE FIVE-YEAR FULLVALUATION DEBT CONTRACTING LIMITION-7% of AVERAGE FULL VALUATION Outstanding Debt At December3l, 2019: General Purpose (inc Fire) $ 30,783,148 Water 4,850,661 Sewer'_ 3,883,191 Total" Gross Difrect:,l.ndebtedness usions and D`e:dbctions: Percentage of Debt -Contracting Power Exhausted 82 $ 9,355,317,693 $ 654, 872, 238 $ 39,517,000 4,850,661 4,850,661 $ 34,666,339 $ 620,205,899 5.3% TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF INDEBTEDNESS 31 Issue Original Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Description Project ID I Date I Borrowing I 12/31/18 I 12/31/19 I 12/31/20 (Genera) Fund Projects Townwide Improvs - •--- v 3/10/09 1,277,000_?- 'i--_59,716; Hammocks/She ldrake River Rest 1,25(},000 _ Recreation/New Comm Svice Town Center; _ .._..-- ----_ _ ----- - 180,000 l - - - _ Townwide Improvs 5/15/13; 1,828,000 ; 1,281,_535 1,165,032 1,046,331 Police T- - -----,------ Police HQ - 6/15/13 -- I 446,551 4 51 95, 827 - -t � Energy Efficiency/Bridges , 7/35/14!j 5,347,000 1 4,387,442: 4,143 027 3,895,593 ; VFW/Improvements 10/1461 3,525,545 3,219,354 ; 30644631 2,907,613.. Refnding un 12 0 1227,500 1,6 16 ,757 ! 1,370,496 TowCenter Improvs 2017.14 1.. 2%18 -� 1,11 6,000 1,072,727 1,0_28,590 j Pryor Manor Bridge Imprvs 2017.54 ! i''' 103,500 1 1 - - Waverly Avenue Improvs eImprovs -62-2019 :,. 124,200 121,287-- 117,329 Hillside Avenue Bridge I f 209-63 ���� 'i 202,1441 195,547 Town Centerlmprvs 85,000; - Ice Rink Improvements 2019-24 '- 200,000_ �5_ ,3W 1 188,935 - Comprehensive Plan 2014, i ''-_ 180,000 ... _ . ._ 175,7781 170,041 j TOTALGENERALFUNOQ,ROJECTS': , f _ '17,380,19fi 111,769,631 11,662,342 10,920,475 r Highway Fund Projects I Highway Improvs 4� 1 37 709i 1,631,000 76,2701 Highway Improvs T �� 766,000 ! - - Highway Improvs _ - _._ - - 1,415,000 ! - - ---- - -! _ -_ Highway -- 783,915 I 704,045 , 70 'Highway Refunding - 6/15/13; 1,8570,752 i-_......112,861 I - i'Highway Improvs 14_ I 1,2-9 5- ,000 - 1,062,598 1 - - - - -- 943,474 !Highway improvs - -- - '7-/-15/ _ /1 720,475 - - --10034011 4671 --(2,1699'- Hi hwa Refundin - g -y- e in 12 �28 17__ .. 2,490629 2,4171018 '291-' --1- 21,418,924 937 - -'- - i 'Sidewalk/Curb Improvements 2017.04 775,000 1,567,500 1,506,719 ! 1,444,725 . Highway Vehicles - 2017.06, 12/27/18 385,000 - - - Highway Garage Improvs 2017.38 i ! 72,500 - I Mighway Vehicles 2018.06 335,000 Highway Vehicles & Equipment 2019-06 424,000; 414,054 ; 400,540 Highway_ Roads,Sidewalks,Curbs 2019-04 783,000 764,633 ; 739,678 Sidewalk Extension- Hickory Grove Dr _ - 2019-64 226,300 220,992 213,779 TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND PROJECTS! , - _ _ _ _ 15,406,656 7,669,606 8,480,880 7,948,102 31 TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding I Outstanding I Outstanding Energy Efficiency Streetlight Replacemts 7/15/14; $ 1,840,000 i $ 1,509,796 $ 1,425,688 $ 1,34,541 TOTAL STREETIIGHTING PROJECTS $ 1,840.000 ' $ 1,509,796 $ 1,425,688 $ 1,340,541 i ' Ambulance District ment ,AmbulanAmbulance - 42056 , 38 232 34,335 Equipment -Vehicle machine 120000 20,000 Equipment Ambulance Equipment -Lucas ~ 7/15/14', 32,500: ,.• - 26 668 ' _ 25,182 23,678 1 Ambulance Equipment REFUNDING 12/28/17; .. 84,758 f _ 83,854 77,710 1 71,385 VAC Parkin Lot Improvs -_ - -- 12/27/18 - - - _ . 11 ' _ 382501 � TOTAL AMBULANCE PROJECTS � ! $ 338,758 '. 194,078 $ 181,015 I $ 167,648 Garbage Districts L_`,� Building 3/10/09 46,000 23 194 - - - Garbage Truck/ (1) Garbage e TruckS (2) 5/15/13��' -180,000 370,000 259 392 235,811 211,785 Garbaga District Refunding 6/15/13!! ` 245,911 30 665 i f :Garbage Trucks (1) - , 7/15/14t 185,000 151,800 143,343 134,782 12/28/17 420 559 404,550 1 '` 391,452 353,704 Sant at on Qfunding Vehicle 2017.09 ;" 12/27/18 490E-5001170,500 i X1163,889 157,146 TOTAL GARBAGE DISTRICT PROJECTS 2,0b7,970�', �T � 1,040,101 I $ 934,495 1$ 857,417 f Nr,`. Sewer District Sanitary Sewer Pump Station Improvs 3/10/09 66,000 -� 3,085 Pump Caeras'94, --- 515/13♦ - ~ 1500 t ryationImprovs/Sewer Sanita Sewer Pump Station Improvs 715/14 35,. , -2912$' 287505 ` 25,862 Sanitary Sewer Pump Station Improvs 10/14/16; %` 3;200,000,__ 1,095,781 1,043,061 989,673 Sanitary Sewer Refunding 12/28/17:1, 41,072 40,360, 39,964: 36,323' Sanitary Sewer Improvs 2018.60 12/27/18''. 2,795,000 2,795,0001 2,686,621 2,576 080 TOTAL SEWER DISTRICT PROJECTS i $ \ . .4,272,572 $ 4,057,999 $ 3,883,191 i $ 3,70S,212 Water District !y :Shaft 2 Rep ab/rWaterStara e"Taiks Rpehab B , 5115/13 325 000 227,845. 207,132 186,028 _ Water im Xovs/Larchmont Plant Rr'c n ; _ - 1,007 000 1 i , , Rye Lake Fllt/Lupde Lane Water Main'% 1,550,000 Water Main Replacement/Kenilworth j Booster Station `<. 10/14/16' 1,556,000 1,420,864. 1,352,503 1,283,277 Water District Refunding, a - - 12/28/37 1,720,824 1,649,532 1513,526 11373,691 • New Kenilworth WaterTavk ` -- - - - 798,500 779,769 754,320 Water Infrastructure - -- - - 479,000 - 467,764 452,498 Rye Lake UV Facility ', 50,000 488,270 ! 472,333 TOTAL WATER DISTRICTPROJEGTS ; ` $ i 7,936,324: $ 3,298,241 $ 4 808 964 $ 4,522,147 Fire District Fire Apparatus 3430.0400.5( 10/1/07' 460,000 150,000 115 000 80,000 (Fire Apparatus (2) 5/15/13 996,000 650,000 575,0001 500,000 Fire Apparatus (2)/Energy Efficieny Impovs/Building Irr 7/27/161 _ 2,185,000 1,915,000 1,780,000 1,645,000 ;Fire Building Improvs Lower Level 6/15/19 2,475,000 - 2,470,000, 2,385,000 ;,Fire Building Improvs -- 2017.29 ---- 12/27/2018 1,150,000 -- - 1,400,000 1,345,000 1,290,000 Fire Turnout Gear 2017.56 250,000 - TOTALFIRE DISTRICT PROJECTS $ 7,516,000 $ 4,115,000 $ 6,285,000 $ 51900,000 84 TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF INDEBTEDNESS Town Fund Projects imont Public Library Improvs uter Hardware/Tennis Courts- Memorial Park iorial PA/Traff ic Signals imont Public Library Roof *e HQ Reno/Stormwater Drainage hmont Public Library Improvs/Parking Meters ing Lot I mprovs TOTAL PAffrTOWN FUND PROJECTSi Outstanding 120,202 91,070 85 Outstanding Outstanding ID I Issue Date 1Original Borrowingi 12J31118 1 12/31/19 3/10/09 700,000 32,734 5/15/13 210,000 147,222 133,838 6/15/13 10,647- 10,647 1 102,568 96,854 25 902,948 859,506 7/15/14 10/14/16 12/28/2017 f x5838, 564,929 548,074 tir tm 4 In 4x9 Outstanding 120,202 91,070 85 GENEMLFUND PARTTOWN FUND Outstanding Debt New Debt I Total Debt Outstanding I New Debt Year @1/1/1 issue Principal I Interest SeMceP&I Debt @1/1/1 hue 2019 11,769,631 1,612,400 801,801; 288,005 1,089,812 2020 12,580,224 719,201 1, 271,955 991,156 2021 11,861,023 732,473 256,202 988,675 2022 11,128,550 1 748,814 240,127 ; 988,941 '__ 2023 10,379,736 763,348 223,714 9,87.0- N LRI 2024 9,616,388778,157 156,887 206,313 r e` ;984,470 2025 81838,231 798,399 187,8701 "*,1,269 2026 8,039,832 819,681 168,143 997,124'; 2027 7;220,151 837,884 224,319 984.679 2028 6,382,267 775,398 154,825 662,853 2029-2033 5,606,869 3,030,398 312, VMS 20342038 2,576,4711 96,4,071 61, 91,377 2039-2043 1,612,400 6,498,607 526,833 130,143 Long Term Debt 1,612;90011,169,631,'-SU,410 11' 31,931 125,385 5,971,774 540,259 'd '7 657,439 979,187 2019 2020 2021 2022- 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 ;12029-203' 12034-2031 �2039-204' Total Debt Principal Interest I Service P&I 127,623 41,221 168.P 2,6�4�,b 119,967 38,390 158,357 121,360, 35,837 157,197 ]..:rdTA-l-,Debt 124,433 33,237 j 157,670 2,258,665 126,585 30580 157,165 21132, 0801 M801 1 27,859 1 156,670 21003,269 1\ �01,377: 3 25,080 156,457 1,87118 = 190,176 778,581 --- - 22,201 156,887 tidy r;Z( 137,361 19,176 156,537 373 129,243 16,134 145,377 1,470,602 �,;. 391,919 49,278 441,197 4,0781503 21268311 11,636 224,319 37,518 124,741 7,522,998 508,028 m HldH,W�1Y F17196 STREETILIGHTING FUND Outstanding 31/1/1 New Debt ]..:rdTA-l-,Debt Outstanding Total Debt Debt Issue PrintipA, Interest--- _S,ervice P&I Debt @1/1/1Principal Interest Service P&I 7,669,606 - -- 1,424,500 588,405 - - = 190,176 778,581 --- - 1,509,796 - - - - - --- ---- 84,108 . - -- - - - --I 11 40,903 - --- - - ' - 125,011 8,505,701 4,87,096 373 665,469 1,425,688 85,147 7 39,221 124,368 8,018,605 j 495,607 166,721 662,328 1,340,541 87,223 37,518 124,741 7,522,998 508,028 154,825 662,853 1,253,318 89,300 35,773 125,073 7,014,970 516,363 142,679 659,042 1,164,018 91,377 33,987 125,364 6,498,607 526,833 130,143 656,976 1,072,641 93,454 31,931 125,385 5,971,774 540,259 117,180 657,439 979,187 95,530 29,595 125,125 5,431,515 552,757 103,632 656,389 883,657 98,646 26,968 125,614 4,878,758 565,907 j 89,250 655,157 785,011 101,761 24,009 125,770 4,312,851 529,555 74,722 604,277 683,250 104,876 20,956 125,832 3,783,296 1,574,371 222,985 1,797,356 578,374 578,374 55,_348.1 633,722 2,208,925 784,425 61,120 845,545 - 1424,500 1 1,424,500 1 7,669,6061 1,631,806 1 9,301,4121 1 1,5051,7961 376,209 1 1,886,005 m TOWN OF MAMARONECK LONG TERM DEBT (continued) I Year 2019 -- -_2020 k 2021 f 2022 2023 0 2024 2025 2026. _ -- 2027_ I 2028 2029-203 12034-20 2039-204 Year,_. 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 -2027 2028 2029-2033 20342038 2039-2043 L 87 AMBULANCE DISTRICT FUND REFUSE DISTRICT FUND Total Outstand New Debt Outstandin New Tatal Debt fng Debt Debt Service g Debt Debt Service @1JiJ1 Issue Principal Interest P&I @iJ1J1 Issue Principal Intere Long SEWER DISTRICT FUND WATER DISTRICT FUND 9, On, New Outstandin Total Debt tg Defit°-� ; Debt Total Debt g Debt New Debt Service @S/iJl Issue,_ _Principal Interest ServiceP&I @i/1/1 Issue Principal Interest P&I 4,057,999 • - 174,8 133165 � 307,973 3,298,241 � 2,863,500 225,080 66,191 ; 291,271 3,883,,191 ; `;177,979 130,081 308,060 5,936,661 ; st P&I 194 078 3,705;212 I 13,063 181,252 4 850 � 17,913 1,040,101 105,606 24,983 � 130 589 3,523,960 13,367 _116,184 4,593 i 17,960 934,495 240,326 77,07$ 22,800 � 99,878 16764$ ; ---� 13 695 ;_ 297,064 4,274 � 17,969 857 417 -- - 78,145 � 21049 � 99,194 153,953 I 14,016 I 3,947 i 17,963 779,272 � ; 290, 676 80,401 ! 19,260 � 99,661 139, 937 ' 292,176 14,160.i____3,614_ 14,486 616,808 i 255,978 82,063 83,725 I 17,428 ( � 15,535__ � 99,491 99,260 17,774. ( 3,273 17,7�� 111,291 86,551 14,915 ; _ 2,918 7,�3 533,0$3 32,344 85,650 � _ 99,231 205,544 78,646 ' 284,190 4,224,609 ,�`�.�..,__ 265,909 ' 26,952 I 292,861 2,354,921 _.____ 96,37615,155 . 282,789 3,958,700 2,547 02 ' 447,433.1 ' 22,009', $8,454 _13,581 ,- 11,525 I 99,979 81,221 ! 15,681.,. 3,756,509 ti- 2,147 �7�;$28 358,979 60,614' 89,953 ; 9,304 i 99,257 _ 65,540 I 16,124 1,163,592 1722 17 84-; J I J r 269026'` i 11 274,309 � $0,384 , 7,079 � 87,463 49,416 � 36,677 4,433 � 41,110 x:8$';642 ; 136,308 j_ 154,941_ _ 12,739 3,298,241 - 12,739 i 3,817,063 13,995_ _ 52�-334_x_-_ 52,334_ _1$,633 5,162_' _57,496 Term Debt 194,078 39,574 233,652 1,040,101 186,340 1,226,441 ongTerm SEWER DISTRICT FUND WATER DISTRICT FUND 9, On, New Outstandin Total Debt tg Defit°-� ; Debt Total Debt g Debt New Debt Service @S/iJl Issue,_ _Principal Interest ServiceP&I @i/1/1 Issue Principal Interest P&I 4,057,999 • - 174,8 133165 � 307,973 3,298,241 � 2,863,500 225,080 66,191 ; 291,271 3,883,,191 ; `;177,979 130,081 308,060 5,936,661 ; 230,165 61,647 ' 291,812 3,705;212 181,252 ' 123,203 ; 304,455 5,706,496 235,245 57,1 i 292,246 3,523,960 184 682 _116,184 ; 300 866 5 471, 240,326 • 52,254 j 292,580., 3,339,278 , 188,034 109,030 ;_ 297,064 5,230,925 243,070 47,429 � 290,499 3,151,244. _ 191,383 101,730 293,113 4,987,855 24$,151 42,525 ; 290, 676 2,959,861 197,892 94,284 ' 292,176 4,739,704 • ; 255,978 37,501 �, 293,479 2,761,969. 201,504 86,551 , 288,055 4,483,726 259,117 32,344 i 291,461 2,560,465 ' 205,544 78,646 ' 284,190 4,224,609 265,909 ' 26,952 I 292,861 2,354,921 212,229 70,560 282,789 3,958,700 202,191 ' 22,009', 224,200 2,142,692 1,073,253 252,286 1,325,539 3,756,509 618,700'' 60,614' 679,314 1,069,439 ' 1,069,439 94,153 1,163,592 3,137,809 I 274,309 12,355 286,664 2,863,500.._ 3,298,241 518,822 3,817,063 Debt 4,057,999 1,389,873 5,447,8n,__ TOWN OF MAMARONECK LONG TERM DEBT (continued) FIRE DISTRICT I TOTAL LONG TEM DEBT Year Outstandin g Debt @1/111 New Debt Issue Principal Interest Total Debt Service P&I Outstanding Debt @2/1/1 New Debt Issue Principal Interest Total Debt Service P&1 2019 4115 000 2,475,000 -_ 300,000 120,299 __-- -- , 420,29999 __- 27,870,894 -_ _ ._ ._ _.; 7,816,900 2,420,500 909,793 3,330,293 2020 _ _ 6 ,290,0001 r 3 00,000 ------ ` 112,3 64 ---_.__._---- , 412,364 33,855,699 - - 210000 - 2,, --_ 859, .- . _ .__423 _3,069,423 j 5,990,000 1 310,000; 102,053 412,053 32,132,795 2,255,0001 803,858 3,058,858 -2021 2022 5680,000 0, 1, 1, 11,4 1 -__ . _._ _. - 30,373,402 _-------____-- �, 2,310,000 747,067 3,057 067 2023 5,360,0001 280,000 80,439; 360,439 28,571,430 2,305,000 i 688,900', 2,993,900 2024 5,080,0001 290,000 71,102 ! 361,102 - 26,782,793 - 2,355,000 630,411 2,985,411 2025 4,790,0001 290,000, 61,551 351,551 24,954,626 . - 2,410,000 569,559 2,979,559 2026 4,500,0001 305,000 53,385 358,385 23,084,885 ~- - -- - 2,475,000 a 507,296 2,982,296 2027 4,195,000, 215,000 45,969 260,969 21,162,642 - - - 2,435,000 j 442,247: 2,877,247 - 2028 3,980,000 ; 220,000 40,369 ; 260,369 19 293,549 - 2,270,000 378,987 2,648,987 12029.2033 - 3,760,000 i ----- - 855,000: -- 125,731 --- = 980,731 -- 17,553,104 - - 8,295,0001 . _. .----- - 1,161,373 9,456,373 -- -- 2034-2038 2,905,000 , 430,000 44,212 474,212 10,832,475 "-_ 3,800,000 j 291,681 4,091,681 2039.2043 2,475,0001 7,816,9001 - - - LongTerm Debt 4,115,000 1 948,931 1 5,063,9311 1 35,540,500 7)990,5951 43,531,095 m TOWN OF MAMARONECK DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE Based on the current outstanding debt, annual debt service in all funds will be as follows: DEBT SERVICE 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 i 1,500,000 s 1,000,000 { QIP ;� Y w'. �= 500,000 O 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 ■ DEBT SERVICE 89 Glossary TOWN OF MAMARONECK GLOSSARY -A— ACCRUAL BASIS ACCOUNTING Most commonly used accounting method. estate Reports income when earned and expenses when incurred as opposed to cash basis accounting, which reports income when received and expenses when paid. ASESSED VALUATION The valuation set upon real ACTUAL Actual (as opposed to budgeted) revenues and expenses for the fiscal ff year indicated. AD VALOREM A tax, duty or fee that varies based on the value of the product, service, or property on which it is levied. AD VALOREM TAXES Commonly referred to as property taxes levied on both real and personal property according to the property's valuation and the tax rate. ADOPTED BUDGET The financial plan for the fiscal year beginning January 1 as amended and adopted byresplution by the Town Board. The budget; once,,adopted, is the legal authorization to expendTown funds dur ng,the fiscal year dentified. APPROPRIATION A legal authorizaf or -or allocationAtt permits officials toincurobligations against and to make expenses for defined purposes ASSESSMENT ROLL The official list prepared by the Assessor that contains the legal description of each parcel or item of property and its assessed valuation. This term is used to denote the total valuation of all taxable property in the Town. 91 APPENDIX BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL BY FUND 92 Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description D Discussion - Proposed Operating Permits Local Law No. - 2019 This local law shall be known as the "Rules for Obtaining an Operating Permit" Law BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 1- Purpose The Town Board determines that the Mamaroneck Code should be updated to provide a more modern regimen for requiring operating permits for certain types of uses and for places of public assembly. This modernization can be accomplished by utilizing provisions of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR §1219.1 et. seq.). Section 2 - Repeal of a current chapter of the Mamaroneck Code: Chapter 82 of the Mamaroneck Code hereby is repealed in its entirety. Section 3 - Adoption of a new chapter of the Mamaroneck Code: Chapter 147 of the Mamaroneck Code, currently marked as Reserved, is amended as follows: Chapter 147 Operating Permits § 147-1. Purpose This chapter is designed to provide a more modern regimen for requiring operating permits for certain types of uses and for places of public assembly. This modernization is accomplished by utilizing provisions of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR §1219.1 et. seq.). § 147-2. Operating permits. A. Operating permits shall be required for conducting the activities listed below and for the buildings listed below: (1) Manufacturing, storing or handling hazardous materials in quantities exceeding those listed in Tables 2703.1.1(1), 2703.1.1(2), 2703.1.1(3) or 2703.1.1(4) in the publication entitled "Fire Code of the State of New York" and incorporated by reference into Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR §1219.1 et. seq.) by19 NYCRR §1225.1, (2) Hazardous processes and activities, including, but not limited to, commercial and industrial operations which produce combustible dust as a by-product, fruit and crop ripening, and waste handling, (3) Use of pyrotechnic devices in assembly occupancies, (4) Buildings contained one or more areas of public assembly with an occupant load of 100 persons or more, (5) Parking garages as defined in § 147-2 I., and (6) Buildings whose use or occupancy classification may pose a substantial potential hazard to public safety, as determined by the Building Inspector. B. Any person who proposes to undertake any activity or to operate the type of building listed in § 147-2 A. shall be required to obtain an operating permit prior to commencing such activity or operation. C. An application for an operating permit shall be in writing on a form provided by or otherwise acceptable to the Building Inspector. Such application shall include such information as the Building Inspector deems sufficient to permit a determination by the Building Inspector that quantities, materials, and activities, as the case may be, conform to the requirements of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR £1219.1 et. seq.). If the Building Inspector determines that tests or reports are necessary to verify conformity, the applicant shall pay for and provide such tests or reports to the Building Inspector, who may reject any test or report that he/she decides was not performed properly or cannot be used to determine conformity to the Uniform Code. D. The Building Inspector or his/her designee shall inspect the subject premises prior to issuing an operating permit. E. If more than one activity listed in § 147-2 A. is to be conducted at one location, the Building Inspector may require a separate operating permit for each such activity, or the Building Inspector may, in his or her discretion, issue a single operating permit to apply to all such activities. F. Unless sooner revoked or suspended, an operating permit shall remain in effect for one year from the day on which it is issued. Regardless of the day on which an operating certificate is actually renewed or reissued, the expiration date of any reissued or renewed operating certificate shall be the day that is one year after the day when the most recent prior operating certificate expired. The reinstatement of an operating certificate after it has been revoked or suspended shall not extend its expiration date. G. If the Building Inspector determines that any activity or building for which an operating permit was issued does not comply with any applicable provision of the Uniform Code, such operating permit shall be revoked or suspended immediately. H. The fee specified in §A250-1 shall be paid at the same time that an application for an operating permit, for an amended operating permit, or for reissuance or renewal of an operating permit is submitted. (I) Condition assessments of parking garages. (1) Definitions. For the purposes of § 147-2 I.: (i) the term condition assessment means an on-site inspection and evaluation of a parking garage for evidence of deterioration of any structural element or building component of such parking garage, evidence of the existence of any unsafe condition in such parking garage, and evidence indicating that such parking garage is an unsafe structure, (ii) the term deterioration means the weakening, disintegration, corrosion, rust, or decay of any structural element or building component, or any other loss of effectiveness of a structural element or building component, (iii) the term parking garage means any building or structure, or part thereof, in which all or any part of any structural level or levels is used for parking or storage of motor vehicles, excluding: (a) buildings in which the only level used for parking or storage of motor vehicles is on grade, (b) an attached or accessory structure providing parking exclusively for a detached one- or two-family dwelling, and (c) a townhouse unit with attached parking exclusively for such unit, (iv) the term professional engineer means an individual who is licensed or otherwise authorized under article 145 of the Education Law to practice the profession of engineering in the State of New York and who has at least three years of experience performing structural evaluations, (v) the term responsible professional engineer means the professional engineer who performs a condition assessment, or under whose supervision a condition assessment is performed, and who seals and signs the condition assessment report, (vi) the term unsafe condition includes the conditions identified as unsafe in sections 304.1.1, 305.1.1 and 306.1.1 of the 2015 edition of the International Property Maintenance Code (a publication currently incorporated by reference into Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR §1219.1 et. seq.) by 19 NYCRR § 1226.1), and (vii) the term unsafe structure means a structure that is so damaged, decayed, dilapidated, or structurally unsafe, or is of such faulty construction or unstable foundation, that partial or complete collapse is possible. (2) To obtain or renew an operating permit for a parking garage or to have an operating permit for a parking garage reissued, the applicant must present to the Building Inspector a condition assessment of the parking garage performed by a responsible professional engineer. (3) The Building Inspector shall not issue, renew or reissue an operating permit for a parking garage if the condition assessment shows that the parking garage is in an unsafe condition or is situated within an unsafe structure. (4) The Building Inspector shall revoke or suspend any operating permit for a parking garage if the Building Inspector determines that the parking garage either is in an unsafe condition or is situated within an unsafe structure. § 147-3. Amendments to the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR §1219.1 et. seq.). For the purposes of this chapter, references or citations to the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR §1219.1 et. seq.) shall mean not only that Code as it currently exists but as it may exist from time to time in the future due to amendments or recodifications thereof. §147-4. Fire safety and property maintenance inspections. A. The Town Board may appoint a person to act as Fire Inspector. Fire safety and property maintenance inspections of buildings and structures shall be performed by the Fire Inspector if one is appointed, or by the Building Inspector or other code enforcement officer designated by the Building Inspector to perform such inspections at the following intervals: (1) Fire safety and property maintenance inspections of buildings or structures which contain an area of public assembly or are occupied as dormitories shall be performed at least once every 12 months. (2) Fire safety and property maintenance inspections of all multiple dwellings not included in § 147-4 A (1), and all nonresidential buildings, structures, uses and occupancies not included in § 147-4 A (1) shall be performed at least once every 36 months. B. In addition to the inspections required by § 147-4 A, a fire safety and property maintenance inspection of any building, structure, use, or occupancy or of any dwelling unit, may also be performed by the Fire Inspector, if one is appointed, or by Building Inspector, or other code enforcement officer as may be designated by Building Inspector to perform such inspections, at any time upon: (1) The request of the owner of the property to be inspected or an authorized agent of such owner; (2) Receipt by the Building Inspector of a written statement alleging that conditions or activities failing to comply with the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR §1219.1 et. seq.) or the Energy Code (defined in § 147-4 E) exist, or (3) Receipt by the Building Inspector of any other information, reasonably believed by the Building Inspector to be reliable, giving rise to reasonable cause to believe that conditions or activities failing to comply with the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR §1219.1 et. seq.) or the Energy Code exist; provided, however, that nothing in this subsection shall be construed as permitting an inspection under circumstances where a court order or warrant permitting such inspection is required, unless such court order or warrant shall have been obtained. C. Nothing in this section or in any other provision of this chapter shall supersede, limit or impair the powers, duties and responsibilities of the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control ("OFPC") and the New York State Fire Administrator under Executive Law 156-e and Education Law $07-b. D. The fee specified in A250-1 of this chapter shall be paid prior to or at the time of each inspection performed pursuant to this section. This subsection shall not apply to inspections performed by OFPC. E. For the purposes of Chapter 147, the term "Energy Codes" means the following provisions of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code: Residential code (2015 IRC), Building code (2015 IBC), Property maintenance code (2015 IPMC), Mechanical code (2015 IMC), Plumbing code (2015 IPC), Fuel gas code (2015 IFGC), Fire code (2015 IFC), 2017 NYS supplement and Energy conservation construction code (2016 NYS). Section 4 - Amendment to an existing chapter of the Mamaroneck Code: Section A250-1 of the Mamaroneck Code hereby is amended to add the following to it: Code Section Subject Fee or Deposit 147-2 A. Operating Permits: Retail establishment with 10,000 or more square feet of gross floor area $200 Places of assembly for 100 or more occupants $200 Self -storage facilities $200 plus $20 per floor for each floor above or below grade Storage and maintenance garages $100 Pyrotechnic devices in assembly occupancies $100 147-21. Parking garages $100 147-4 Fire Safety Inspection $100 147-4 Property Maintenance Inspection $100 147-4 Multiple dwellings $200 plus $20 per floor for each floor above or below grade Section 5 — Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. Section 6 -- Effective Date: This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. September 13, 2019 Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: No Attachment. ATTACHMENTS: Description No Attachments A%ailable Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description D Parking Within Walking Distance of Larchmont RR Station Law D Commuter Parking Law Town of Mamaroneck County of Westchester ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 COUNSEL TEL: 914/381-7815 MEMORANDUM To: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Christina Battalia, Town Clerk From: William Maker, Jr., Attorney for the Town Subject: Parking within walking distance of Larchmont RR station law Date: September 13, 2019 I attach a proposed local law which has been revised from the proposed law that was the topic of a public hearing on August 21 and September 4. As the redline demonstrates, the revised law significantly reduces the streets where there will be alternate side of the street parking is this local law is passed. To better explain the new revision and to establish a base line for discussion, I also attach a copy of the current section 219-20 of the Code. The revised law maintains parking restrictions on those streets where there already are parking restrictions with some changes in the hours when parking is prohibited to match the times of prohibited parking contained in the prior proposed law. The most complicated feature of this law is how it deals with the section of Edgewood Avenue lying between Weaver and Judson Streets. Currently parking is banned completely on one side of the street. If a one-hour prohibition were put in place on the other side of the street and nothing else done, the. residents would have no local street parking for that hour. The solution contained in the proposed local law is to prohibit parking for one-hour on the side of the street where parking currently is permitted and to allow parking on the side where parking is prohibited at all times during that hour. Other than during this hour of restricted parking, the rules would be what they are now. To accomplish this goal, this section of Edgewood Avenue has to be removed from the list of streets where parking is prohibited at all times (Code §219-18), a one-hour prohibition on parking on the north side has to be included in the time limited parking section of the Code (§219-20) and a provision allowing one-hour parking on the south side added to the time limited parking section of the Code (§219-22). Local Law No. - 2019 This local law shall be known as the "Parking Prohibited on Certain Sides of Certain Streets at Certain Times" Law. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 1— Purpose: The Town Board finds that the proliferation of parked cars in the section of Town that lies within one half n4l walktng distance of the Larchmont Metro -North Train Station has caused congestion on the streets and hazardous conditions for pedestrians and motorists alike. To establish control and restore safe conditions to this area of Town, the Town Board enacts this local law that amends the current law to prohibit parking for one hour of each weekday on each side of each street in this area. Section 2 - Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: Section 219-18 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is amended to delete the following therefrom: Edgewood Avenue West J�S side from Weaver Street to Tudson treet Section 23 — Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: Section 219-20 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is repealed and the following substituted in its place: § 219-20. Parking prohibited certain times. No motor vehicle shall be parked, unless otherwise indicated, upon any of the public highways or parts of public highways described below, between the hours specified below. Name of public Direction of highway Travel Location Hours Days All roads in All On public highways, except 3:00 a.m. to All Unincorporated those public highways 6:00 a.m. Town of designated in § 219-21 Mamaroneck Name of public Direction of highway Travel Location Hours Days Alden Road South That section of the west side 9:00 a.m. to Tuesday from Boston Post Road to 12:00 noon Copley Road where parking is permitted at other tinges r�;.� North East nide for its entire 1engA 1 1.00 n to 12 HOOK Monday thfaugh Eridn exeept T2;r av mouth r its entire Westsidefor- le� , exeept halklays Bi „h field n d N-OA East side f its enti e 1e t4h 11:00 to 12 H669 Mex,da , +hr gh >;r.dn e e t ugh West side f r its e„+;re2.00 l } p.m. to P.Friday, Monday thr-etigh a pt Bryson Stree+ est Couch side f r its entir 11.00 a.m.. t Monday +rl.„�h 1 �" _'Y' Burton Road North East side from the driveway 9:00 a.m. to Wednesday entrance of the 12:00 noon southernmost parking garage to the beginning of the section where parking is prohibited at all times. Burton Road South West side from Palmer 9:00 a.m. to Thursday Avenue to the beginning of 12:00 noon the section where parking is prohibited at all times. East South ;de for- its en+;r 1 1 oo a.ni. + 1 T Monday through HOOK Friday, exeept helidays mane We"I 22;00 p.m. tolerlgt4 3:00 P. Fr-iday' holidays Name of public Direction of highway Travel Location Hours Days Colonial West North side from Murray 7:30 a.m. to School Days, Avenue Avenue to Daymon Terrace 9:00 a.m. and except holidays 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Colonial West North side from the 7:30 a.m. to School Days, Avenue driveway of the home at 85 9:00 a.m. and except holidays Colonial Avenue to 2:00 p.m. to Daymon Terrace 3:30 p.m. Copley Road North From Alden Road to the 9:00 a.m. to Tuesday southern property line of 10 12:00 noon Copley Road Dante Street ELa4 e„ lt>, qidta. i�4:tg o,t;r , i ;nn a.rn, t 12 �} noon Friday, exeept heh ay-s aixirt�-.�t 4 West North side for its entire u .00 p.n. to 3.:00 Menday through length P-.Ffl-. Friday, exeept Daymon South East side from Senate Place School Times School Days Terrace to Colonial Avenue Dillon Road North East side from Boston Post 9:00 a.m. to Tuesday Road to Edgewater Place 12:00 noon Dimitri Dl.,,,aE44 South ride for its entire 11:00 a.m. tom. t 7Menday through Friday, except Difa tr: Plaee West l.Toi4h nide fer � 2-.00_P-nom Menday through kaft&4 300 P. Friday, exeept Eeho Lane North Eastode f it. entire k�ngth 1 l :n7._3 00 a.m. Friday, o ep4 haMays Echo Lane South West side for entire Monday through length Hillside Avenue to 2:00 p.m. to Friday, except Murray Avenue 3:00 m. holidays Edgewood East That section of the south 9:00 a.m. to Monday through. Avenue side from North 10:00 a.m. Friday, except Chatsworth Avenue to holidays Judson Street where parking is permitted at other times Name of public Direction of highway Travel Location Hours Days Edgewood West That section of the north 12:00 noon to Monday through Avenue side from North 1:00 P.M. Friday, except Chatsworth Avenue to holidays Judson Street where parking is permitted at other times Edgewood West North side from Weaver 9:00 a.m. to MondeN, through Street to Judson Street Friday, except Avenue 10:00 a.m. holidays Ed ewood West South side from Waever Midnight to All Street to Judson Street Avenue 8:59 a.m. and 10:01 a.m. to 11:59 .m. Emerson Road North East side for its entire length 10:00 a.m. to Monday through 11:00 a.m. Friday, except holidays Emerson Road South West side for its entire 1:00 P.M. to Monday through length 2:00 p.m. Friday, except holidays Fem Read h grit side f r its entire length 11.00 a to 12 Monday through read -S�OTttli West side for its. entire 2:00 P.M. to Menday thr-e—h Friday, ,3,L�a r.t he4da�`" • Forest Ave Elast That seefien of the :mum 40.00 . . to 1-2 `" hAe.,da , il,re,,,„ 1, b side where r.nrl4ng i pefmitted at other- time-s ++Ok H holidays Forest Ave„. ,West That seetion of the nei4l, 12 neen to 1.nn Menday thi-etigh side ,,.bare par-king ; "1-. Fr-i` ay pt ,e France Place North East side for its entire length 10:00 a.m. to Monday through 11:00 a.m. Friday, except holidays France Place South West side for its entire 1:00 p.m. to Monday through length 2:00 p.m. Friday, except holidays Glenn Read E” So ,tl, side for- its nti 11 ;nna.i:n,to 1.2 Menday through length noon Friday, exeep4 Glenn Road � ATrmtzside for- its "'tir � l }day thr-otigh Fr-ida. exeept Name of public Direction of highway Travel Location Hours Days Hillside Road West North side for its entire 10:00 a.m. to Monday through length 11:00 a.m. Friday, except holidays Hillside Road East South side for its entire 1:00 P.M. to Monday through length 2:00 p.m. Friday, except holidays 140Avenu o at South side for its .ti 11 .nn a.m, to 17 lefto i OOR Ffida exeW Hei: ,.,.,. Avenue ,,,nue We -,t 1 ef4h side for- its efiti,-e 2:00 P.ffl. te 14,mdday t1jr-o gl, eTgh h"day-'% Huguenot Drive West, then South side ft ewe 10:00 a.m. to Monday through North length from North 11:00 a.m. Friday, except Chatsworth Avenue to holidays Barnard Huguenot Drive South, then North side f f'enfirt-e-1:00 P.M. to Monday through East kqvg4h from North 2:00 p.m. Friday, except Chatsworth Avenue to holidays Barnard 1uds ct,- et Nef4h East side for- its eiifir-e 1,, ,,,+h. 9.00 a.m. t 10:00 a.m. ojudsm'$„Street South '1XTest side for- its e tir 12700 1100n t.y Man ay thr-ough Laurel Avenue West North side from Thompson 9:00a.m. to Monday through Street to the end of the l 0:00a.m. Friday, except paved surface holidays Laurel Avenue East South side from Thompson 12:00 noon to Monday through Street to the end of the 1:00P.m. Friday, except paved surface holidays LeaA'1 aiie East That i eetie ..F the , ,.th sidewhere pai:,ifig i10.n�0 9.n� 00 a.m. to- am. Monday th -r *gh Friday, exeep4 That IL[ [ JTic[Zvrl -v 2 the 12-:00 noon 40 Man a), thr-Oulgh Lester Place Both South side for its entire 9:00a.m. to Wednesday length noon Lookout ri..10 t�taftr+vrm, then EA4 and south sides f entire length 10!00 a. to 1 1 nn a.m. Manday Ffida a West, the ��.�1�}�l, 7�.+-1T SOW West and . ef4h sides #„ 't West and IlVl ill JIU,vJ 1'QT-CCJi7 � � to 2:00 P. 1 . Mr; Men 1., th gh , exeept Name of public Direction of highwal Travel Location Hours Days Maple Hill East South side for its entire 10:00 a.m. Monday through Drive length to 11:00 Friday, except a.m. holidays Maple Hill Wcst North side for its entire 1:00 P.M. Monday through Drive length to 2:00 p. Friday, except M. holidays M++� Street Nerd 11:moo—a. to 1�n 2 tlaeR Friday, exeept Maplewood 'Vi��,( re`+• Wjest side far its entire 1'Cngth �; to 7"V 7 ` , �x__ pt Mountain East South side for its entire 10:00 a.m. Monday through Avenue length to 11:00 Friday, except a.m. holidays Mountain West North side for its entire 1:00 P.M. Monday through Avenue length to 2:00 Friday, except p.m. holidays Murray Avenue &4-uN_orth f+e Bryn Street t, to11:00 b r Friday, o art n Leaf-yEast side for a a.m. 8:00 holidays distance of 150 feet north a.m. to 4:00 School Days from Forest Avenue Lan wher-e par-king is pen:nitt ucv'ither[ti'rz° eS p.m. Murray Avenue North That se etion of the East 1.:00 P.M. Menday thfeiao side from $rysen Stfeet-te to 2-09 Second Friday, Leafy Lane to Myrtle X9:00 of each month Boulevardwher-e paf4d gas a.m. to eyeept 'hello_ s 11:00 a.m. Murray Avenue South West side commencing at a 98:00_a.m. First Fr-iday of point 365 feet north from to eaeh Bryson Street for a distance 444:00a-.m menthSchool of 140 feet toward Forest p m.. Days Avenue to a point that is 245 feet from Forest Avenue frem r oaf . Lane to Name of public Direction of highway Travel Location Hours Days Murray Avenue Nef South BaWest side fromBr�so_n 98:00a.m. ,SeeondF-f-iday-e€ Street for a distance of 198 to e., feet to��!ard Forest Avenue 449:00a.m. School Days T nfy Lane to lin, rile and 2:30 BOUIeN'aFd p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Alest side f;-., ., 13fy-.E Stfeet fbr- ., distan .f ,. liundred and�zet„ eight f 1 9Qt feet to and L'eFest 4-:nv00 -M.tv 9 Sebeel days Murray Avenue NefSouth West side from Forest 8:00 a.m. to School Days Avenue for a distance of 4:00p.m. 9:00 one -hundred and seventy a.m. and 2:30 five (175) feet toward p.m. to 3:30 Bryson Street East a fie -r- a—distance of one h,,ndi:ed fi-4 , ( 1 50) fnf,t fifa , Forest Avenue p.m. Murray Avenue South West side from Leafy Lane 8:00 a.m-to Seheal daysFirst to Myrtle BoulevardForest 9:00 a.m. apA Friday of t5he Avenue fnr A d.'ntnn,.e of 2.:30 p.ffi} to month one hundred and seventy 3130 p 11:00 a.m. Murfay Avenue South West side . at n Fit three hun,,ed ad vt, f (365) feet .,,r, f;...m Br- ys ,n Street for- ., dist.nee of one hundred and f i4y (1 40) feet tn,,,..rd Fer-estAvenue to a point ending twe hundr-ed and fef4y five (245) f+em Fefest Ayei� 4;/l(cr gni a.m.4o 4:00 p.m. Sehoal_Days #13g1e Boulevard East r ei4h side frOm >,n.,.fa y Avenue to Weaver Street 9:00 a.f . 1 n.nn z-v-vry-azir. Menda'y` te,�� , N4yqle �z� South side fr-em Mu -fay Avenue to Wew, 2.00 Y.In. to 3.00 w. thfeuoi Friday-, New Jefferson South West side for its entire 9:00a.m. First Tuesday Street length to11:00a.m. of each month Name of public Direction of highway Travel Location Hours Days New Jefferson North East side for its entire length 9:00a.m. to Second Tuesday Street 11:00a.m. of each month Nefffland Read Net4ji East side fVr its e 11 tirGlength to -moo a.ni. a Neffflandy ReW seutl} West side for- its entire %ength 1:00 P.M. tam 11d.,,,day rl,.-,,,., b Ffiday, except North North That section of the east side 10:00 a.m. Monday through Chatsworth from the point where the to 11:00 Friday, except Avenue WS Residential Area (as a.m., holidays defined in § 219-62) ends to ,;„rest vei+ue Glenn Road where parking is permitted at other times North South That section of the west side 1:00 p.m. Monday through Chatsworth from FeYest Aveni1e Glenn to 2:00 Friday, except Avenue Road to the point where the p.m. holidays WS Residential Area (as defined in § 219-62) begins where parking is permitted at other times North North That section of the east side 9:00a.m. to First Thursday of Chatsworth from Myrtle Boulevard to 11:00a.m. each month Avenue the northern boundary of 40 North Chatsworth Avenue where parking is permitted at other times North South That section of the west side 9:00a.m. Second Thursday Chatsworth from the northern boundary to11:00a.m. of each month Avenue of 35 North Chatsworth to Myrtle Boulevard where parking is permitted at other times ��77,������ 1'^t'lii"t'IY T..rcf ;girl o-ii,r its entire le„r4 yy�(��(�� 'H —.00 a.m. to 77��,,{{,,,��''� Y'rYl7fYf "r_ t[r�—ci -ugh Friday, ekbept Or-siHiDrive soutyi West side fer its entre 22�00 length e except '] ./� -3:40 Name of public Direction of highway Travel Location hours Days Overlook South, then West and south sides for its 9:00 a.m. Monday through Terrace East, then entire length to 10:00 Friday, except North a.m. holidays Overlook South, then East and north sides for its 12:00 Monday through Terrace West, then entire length noon to Friday, except North 1:00 holidays p.m. Palmer Avenue East South side from the 8:00a.m. Monday through driveway entrance to to Friday, except Mamaroneck High School 5:00P.m. holidays for a distance of ninety (90) feet toward Richbell Road Po North fiaS Side f0 f its e„tife k -w_ I, nn '-00 a.m4e 1 1:n� r 00 a.m. Monday thr-eugl to o Prida art+ Poplar eadSouth lrri-tet :a'rdi-�car-ii-5-i=iic%i�:. lento 1e .00 P.m-fi :iii: '� l�" Preston Street North East side for its entire length 9:00 a.m. to Monday through ????? 10:00 a.m. Friday, except holidays Preston Street South West side for its entire 12:00 noon to Monday through ????? length 1:00 P.M. Friday, except holidays Richbell Road North East side from Palmer 9:00a.m to Wednesdays Avenue to the boundary line 12:00 noon of the Village of Mamaroneck Richbell Road South West side from Palmer 9:00 a.m. to Thursdays Avenue to the boundary line 12:00 noon of the Village of Mamaroneck Rochelle Road E44Both geuBoth sides ferom 10.00 x2:00 Monday through Huguenot Drive to France p. -m. to 44'):00 Friday, except Place its entire length aIL-m. holidays Rochelle Rd West - Ner—ti, side f ,- its entir 1.00 P.131. t Mand leff 9� 2 - , Pt Rockingstone North From North Chatsworth 10:00 a.m. to Monday through Avenue Avenue to Forest A veni,e 11:00 a.m. Friday, except ValleRoad holidays Name of public Direction of highway Travel Location Hours Days Rockingstone South From.—--... ..ue Seton 1:00 P.M. to Monday through Avenue Road to North Chatsworth 2:00 p.m. Friday, except Avenue holidays Senate Place North East side for its entire length 8:00 a.m. to Schooldays 4:00p.m. Setel3-Read South side F„r its enti -e 1 n,nn ., t leff9th 11.,:00 a.m. Fr da __ exeept Seten Read -Yi e4 A ot4h side for- its enfir ��e A44nday thfeugli Sheldrake North East side from Forest 8:00a.m. to Schooldays Avenue Avenue to Holly Place 9:00a.m. and from 2:30p.m. to 3:3Op. m. Springdale Road ter- Nefh „th East side f its entire 1.ro --- 4"0 a-ni to 11!00 m ,.1ay thf .,1l PI_ €' Re" Beath West side for- its eni r-c left4h 1:00 P.M. to 2!00 p., rife dna, through F-Fidaye except htlm[7 "-' Sp -ace Road V S u�.l. ic[7IIII NOF East side for- its entire lent41, 11.00 . to 12 neeii M�y thr-ougli Cpf-t fi d �}'��� South West side for its a tir— eii � 2 •n�M+ 3-.00 F-Fida'y,, e t Thompson North East side for its entire 9:00a.m. to Monday through Street length 10:00a.m. Friday, except holidays Thompson South West side for its entire 12:00 noon to Monday through Street length 1:00P.m. Friday, except holidays Valley Road North East side for its entire length 11:00 a.m. Monday through to 12:00 noon Friday, except holidays Valley Road South West side for its entire 2:00 p.m. to Monday through length 3:00 p.m. Friday, except holidays ��a� Nel4h East side for- its entire iength n:nie 10.00 a.m. Me ay th augh Friday, helidays 10 Name of public Direction of Time Limit Hours/Days Location highway Travel Location Hours Days Vaffie�Hl West West side Kg its entife 4-2I()0--3th >, oi4h side fi-nm Avenue to 1-:00 W eayeF Street to Washington South East side for its entire length 9:00a.m. to Second Monday Square 11:00a.m. of each month Washington South West side for its entire 9:00a.an. to First Monday of Square length 11:00a.m. each month Wildweed Read East South side for its eat;, a 10-.00 a.in t Monday v� thr—eu i Maths, Avenue Ee� k -fit '} 11 -:00 F-fiday, exeeFA Wil.aweed Road Weq Al...-th side f f its entire 1.00 9 Monday thr-et*h length 2:00 , eNeept Section -34 – Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: Section 219-22 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is amended to add the following to the table within that section in its proper alphabetical position: Name of Public Direction of Time Limit Hours/Days Location Highway Travel (hours) Edgewood West 21 59:00 a.m. to >, oi4h side fi-nm Avenue 14-0:00 a.m. W eayeF Street to Monday through its —terms Friday, except Soutl, side from Weaver Street to holidays Judson Street I..i;ll..VtA.qA�.onue � 2 4•00 a.m. t. 1 11 1 :n�T Men ay thr-augh Fr -id' , exeept N .t1, side fer its entire lengtl, Maths, Avenue Ee� 2 v:nn a.m. to c:nn Both sides4-en Menday through exeept Fifth Avenue Section 45 – Sign(s) to be Erected and Painting to be Done: An appropriate sign or signs shall be erected on and/or above, and/or striping shall be painted on the surfaces of the streets identified in sections 2 and 3 of this Local Law indicating where and when parking is prohibited or limited by this law. Section 56 — Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. Section 67 — Effective Date: This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. AtgustScntcniber 213, 2014 12 A_ r M r ■! _ KPON A ffi_ s ! MIWIMMINKOWADAMIFAMIM 12 ame of Public Highway Direction of Travel Location From the boundary line between the unincorporated Town of Mamarone et east and the Village of Lazchmont for a distance/erStreet Palmer nue west North side from Blossom Terrace for a dist49 feet toward bell Road Palmer Avenu West North side from Blossom Terrace to Weave Palmer Avenue West North side from the point on the north sider Av ue which is iso feet east from the boundary line between to rated Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont ce of i7S feet east Plymouth Road West South side from Weaver Street to Winthroe Rockland Avenue Both Both sides for a distance of 3o feet from Wreet Rockland Avenue Both Both sides from Eton Road to Winged Fo Drive Sackett Drive Both From December i to March 31, on bot sides between the point where Sackett Drive terminates at Weave treet and the point where Althea Lane terminates at Sackett Driv Senate Place West South side for entire length Taylor Place North East side from Myrtle So vard to the dead end Washington Square West North side from Madi n Avenue for a distance of 20 feet toward North Chatsworth Avenu Washington Square West North side fro orth Chatsworth Avenue for a distance of so feet toward Mad! n Avenue Weaver Street 0th Both sid or entire length West Brookside Drive Sou West de for entire length alongside the Brook Winged Foot Drive North E side beginning at Dundee Road for a distance of S5 feet toward enimore Road Winged Foot Drive North East side beginning at Rockland Avenue for a distance of 11S feet toward Fenimore Road Winged Foot Drive South West side beginning at Rockland Avenue for a distance of 110 feet toward nimore Road Winthrop Avenue Sou E ide from the corner of Plymouth Road for a distance of so feet Winthrop Avenue uth West a from Plymouth Road to Boston Post Road Wood Street North East side r entire length B. No motor vehicle shall be parked in front of or within ree feet of a public or private driveway on a north side of Palmer Avenue between Richbell Road and Blossom Terrace. [Added 6 -i9 -2o19 by LL. No. 8.2019] § 219-19 No stopping or stand' g. A. No motor vehicle shall stop upon any the public highways or parts of public highways described below: Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel Location Hommocks Road Both From Boston Post Road to Old Hom cks Road Weaver Street North East side between Heather Lane and Co er Lane Weaver Street South West side from Maple Hill Drive to Edgew Avenue B. No motor vehi shall stand upon any of the public highways or parts of public highways described below: Name ubiic Highway Direction of Travel Location Coo r Lane Both From Weaver Street to Mardon Road ymon Terrace South i East side from Senate Place for a distance of 15 feet toward Fo t Avenue : Senate Place West _.L._.___.__ _ _--.-----_ .__._-._..--- ....---.--._._______ __ .. South side for entire length § 219-20 Parking prohibited certain times. No motor vehicle shall be parked, unless otherwise indicated, upon any of the public highways or parts of public highways described below, between the hours specified below: Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel Hours Days Location All roads in unincorporated All 3:oo a.m. to 6:oo a.m. All On public highways, except those public Town of Mamaroneck highways designated In § 219-21 Alden Road South 9:oo a.m. to 12.00 noon Tuesday West side from Boston Post Road to Copley Road Burton Road North 9:oo a.m. to 12:oo noon Wednesday East side from the driveway entrance of the southernmost parking garage to the beginning . $A- Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel Hours Days Location of the section where parking is prohibited at all times Burton Road South 9:00 a.m. to 12:oo noon Thursday West side from Palmer Avenue to the beginning of the section where parking is prohibited at all times Colonial Avenue West 7:3o am. to 9:oo am. and School days, except North side from Murray Avenue to Daymon 2:00 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. holidays Terrace Colonial Avenue West 7:3o am. to 9:oo a.m. and School days, except North side from the driveway of the home at 85 2:00 P.M. to 330 p.m. holidays Colonial Avenue to Daymon Terrace Copley Road North 9:00 a.m, to 12:00 noon Tuesday From Alden Road to the southern property line of 10 Copley Road Daymon Terrace South School times Schooldays East side from Senate Place to Colonial Avenue Dillon Road North 9:oo a.m. to 12:oo noon Tuesday East side from Boston Post Road to Edgewater Place Echo Lane North 10:00 am. to moo am. Monday through Friday East side from Murray Avenue to Hillside Road Echo Lane South 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday West side from Hillside Road to Murray Avenue Edgewood Avenue East 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday South side from Murray Avenue to Judson Street Edgewood Avenue West 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday North side from Murray Avenue to Judson Street France Place Both 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday Both sides France Place Both 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Both sides Hillside Road East 2:00 p.m. to 3-00 p.m. Monday through Friday South side for entire length Hillside Road West 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday North side for entire length Huguenot Drive Both 8:oo am. to 1o:oo a.m. Monday through Friday Both sides from North Chatsworth Avenue to Barnard Road Laurel Avenue East 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday South side for entire length Laurel Avenue West 10:oo a.m. to moo am. Monday through Friday North side for entire length Lester Place Both 9:oo am. to noon Wednesday South side for entire length Murray Avenue North 8:oo am. to 4:oo p.m. Schooldays East side for a distance of 1So feet from Forest Avenue between Murray Avenue North 9:oo am. to 11:oo a.m. Second Friday of each East side from Leafy Lane to Myrtle Boulevard month Murray Avenue South 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 P.M. School days West side commencing at a point 365 feet north from Bryson Street for a distance of 140 feet toward Forest Avenue to a point ending 245 from Forest Avenue Murray Avenue South 8:oo a.m. to 9:oo a.m. and Schooldays West side from Bryson Street for a distance of 2.30 P.M. to 3:30 p.m. 198 feet toward Forest Avenue Murray Avenue South 8:oo a.m. to 9:oo a.m. and Schooldays West side from Forest Avenue for a distance of 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 175 feet toward Bryson Street Murray Avenue South g:oo am. to 11:oo a.m. First Friday of each month West side from Leafy Lane to Myrtle Boulevard New Jefferson Street North 9:oo am. to 11:oo a.m. Second Tuesday of each East side for entire length month Hew Jefferson Street South 9:oo am. toli:oo am. First Tuesday of each West side for entire length month North Chatsworth Avenue North 9:oo a.m. to 11:oo a.m. First Thursday of each East side from Myrtle Boulevard to the northern month boundary of 4o North Chatsworth Avenue North Chatsworth Avenue South g:oo am. tomoo am. Second Thursday of each West side from the northern boundary of 35 month North Chatsworth to Myrtle Boulevard Palmer Avenue East 8:oo a.m. to S:oo p.m. Monday through Friday South side from the driveway entrance to Mamaroneck High School for a distance of go feet toward Richbell Road Richbell Road North 9:00a.m to 12:0o noon Wednesdays East side from Palmer Avenue to the boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck Richbell Road South 9:00 am. to 12:0o noon Thursdays West side from Palmer Avenue to the boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck Rochelle Road Both 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday Both sides from Huguenot Drive to France Place Senate Place North 8:oo am. to 4:oo pm. School days East side for entire length Sheldrake Avenue North 8:oo a.m. to 9:oo a.m. and School days East side from Forest Avenue to Holly Place from 2:3o p.m. to 3:3o p.m. Thompson Street North 1o:oo am. to moo a.m. Monday through Friday East side for entire length Thompson Street South 2:00 Pm. to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday West side for entire length Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel Hours Days Location Valley Road North 9:oo a.m, to i2:oonoon Friday East side from Rockingstone Avenue to Birch Street Valley Road South 9:oo a.m, to 12:oo noon Thursday West side from Rockingstone Avenue to Forest Avenue Washington Square South 9:oo a.m. to ii:oo am. Second Monday of each East side for entire length month Washington Square South 9:oo a.m. to mvo am. First Monday of each West side for entire length month 219-21 Parking allowed from 3:oo a.m, to 6:oo a.m. A mo-Oor vehicle may be parked between the hours of 3:oo am. and 6:oo am. on the following public highways or on parts of public highways described b , except on ose sections of those public highways where parking is prohibited at all times: Name of Public hway Direction of Travel Location Alden Road South West side from Harmony Drive to the point where par is prohibited at all times Baldwin Avenue East South side, except where parking is prohibite all times Burton Road Both Both sides, except where parking is pro ' ed at all times Cabot Road North East side, except where parking is €b€ted at all times Carroll Place North East side for entire length Copley Road North East side from Alden Ro for a distance of iso feet toward Kenmare Road Dillon Road North East side from Par nd Avenue to Edgewater Place Garit lane Both Both sides f tire length Laurel Avenue South ' from Thompson Place to the dead end Lester Place Both side for entire length Locust Terrace East South side from Parkland Avenue to Edgewater Place Murray Avenue Both Both sides from Myrtle Boulevard to the northern boundary of the Murray venue Bridge New Jefferson Bo Alo the entire median North Chatsworth Avenue orth East side om Myrtle Boulevard to 4o North Chatsworth Avenue North Chatsworth Avenue South West side fro he driveway of 35 North Chatsworth to Myrtle Boulevard Palmer Avenue East South side from th riveway entrance to Central School to the boundary line between the Aliag f Mamaroneck and the unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck, except wher rking is prohibited at all times Palmer Avenue West North side from Blossom Terra to Richbell Road, except where parking is prohibited at all times Plymouth Road West South side from Winthrop Avenue for a ' ante of So feet toward Weaver Street, except where parking is prohibited a 11 times Preston Street Both Both sides between Edgewood Avenue and Myrt oulevard Richbell Ro Both Both sides from Palmer Avenue to the Village of Mam neck boundary fine Roc a Road Both East side for entire length ompson Street North East side for entire length § 219-22 Time limit parking. No motor vehicle shall be parked for longer than the maximum time permitted, upon any of the public highways or parts of public highways described below: Time Limit Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel (hours) Hours/Days Location Baldwin Avenue East 3 9:00 am. to 2:00 p.m., Monday South side, exclusive of paid parking spaces through Friday, except holidays Boston Post Road East 3 8:00 am. to Smo p.m., Monday South side from 2533 Boston Post Road through Friday, except holidays between the boundary line of the unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck and Village of Larchmont Byron Place North 3 All/all East side for entire length Cabot Road Both 2 8:oo am. to S:oo p.m., Monday Both sides for entire length through Friday Carleon Avenue Both 3 9:oo am. and 5:oo p.m., Monday Both sides from Palmer Avenue to Howell through Friday Avenue Hawthorne Road Both 3 9:00 a.m, to Soo p.m., Monday Both sides for enure length through Friday Hommocks Road South i .ro c y Local Law No. - 2019 This local law shall be known as the "Parking Prohibited on Certain Sides of Certain Streets at Certain Times" Law. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 1- Purpose: The Town Board finds that the proliferation of parked cars in the section of Town that lies within walking distance of the Larchmont Metro -North Train Station has caused congestion on the streets and hazardous conditions for pedestrians and motorists alike. To establish control and restore safe conditions to this area of Town, the Town Board enacts this local law that amends the current r law to prohibit parking for one hour of each weekday on each side of each street in this area. Section 2 - Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: Section 219-18 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is amended to delete the following therefrom: Edgewood Avenue West South side from Weaver Street to Judson Street Section 3 - Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: Section 219-20 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is repealed and the following substituted in its place: § 219-20. Parking prohibited certain times. No motor vehicle shall be parked, unless otherwise indicated, upon any of the public highways or parts of public highways described below, between the hours specified below. Name of public highway Direction of Travel Location Hours Days All roads in All On public highways, except 3:00 a.m. to All Unincorporated those public highways 6:00 a.m. Town of designated in § 219-21 Mamaroneck Alden Road South That section of the west side 9:00 a.m. to Tuesday from Boston Post Road to 12:00 noon Copley Road where parking is permitted at other times Name of public Direction of _highway_Mghway Travel Location Hours Days Burton Road North East side from the driveway 9:00 a.m. to Wednesday entrance of the 12:00 noon southernmost parking garage to the beginning of the section where parking is prohibited at all times. Burton Road South West side from Palmer 9:00 a.m. to Thursday Avenue to the beginning of 12:00 noon the section where parking is prohibited at all times. Colonial West North side from Murray 7:30 a.m. to School Days, Avenue Avenue to Daymon Terrace 9:00 a.m. and except holidays 2:00 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. Colonial West North side from the 7:30 a.m. to School Days, Avenue driveway of the home at 85 9:00 a.m. and except holidays Colonial Avenue to 2:00 p.m. to Daymon Terrace 3:30 p.m. Copley Road North From Alden Road to the 9:00 a.m. to Tuesday southern property line of 10 12:00 noon Copley Road Daymon South East side from Senate Place School Times School Days Terrace to Colonial Avenue Dillon Road North East side from Boston Post 9:00 a.m. to Tuesday Road to Edgewater Place 12:00 noon Echo Lane South West side Hillside Avenue 2:00 p.m. to Monday through to Murray Avenue 3:00 p.m. Friday, except holidays Edgewood East That section of the south 9:00 a.m. to Monday through Avenue side from North 10:00 a.m. Friday, except Chatsworth Avenue to holidays Judson Street where parking is permitted at other times Edgewood West That section of the north 12:00 noon to Monday through Avenue side from North 1:00 P.M. Friday, except Chatsworth Avenue to holidays Judson Street where parking is permitted at other times Edgewood West North side from Weaver 9:00 a.m. to Monday through Avenue Street to Judson Street 10:00 a.m. Friday, except holidays Name of public Direction of highway Travel Location Hours Days Edgewood West South side from Weaver Midnight to All Avenue Street to Judson Street 8:59 a.m. and 10:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. Emerson Road North East side for its entire length 10:00 a.m. to Monday through 11:00 a.m. Friday, except holidays Emerson Road South West side for its entire 1:00 P.M. to Monday through length 2:00 p.m. Friday, except holidays France Place North East side for its entire length 10:00 a.m. to Monday through 11:00 a.m. Friday, except holidays France Place South West side for its entire 1:00 P.M. to Monday through length 2:00 p.m. Friday, except holidays Hillside Road West North side for its entire 10:00 a.m. to Monday through length 11:00 a.m. Friday, except holidays Hillside Road East South side for its entire 1:00 P.M. to Monday through length 2:00 p.m. Friday, except holidays Huguenot Drive West, then South side from North 10:00 a.m. to Monday through North Chatsworth Avenue to 11:00 a.m. Friday, except Barnard holidays Huguenot Drive South, then North side from North 1:00 P.M. to Monday through East Chatsworth Avenue to 2:00 p.m. Friday, except Barnard holidays Laurel Avenue West North side from Thompson 9:00a.m. to Monday through Street to the end of the 10:00a.m. Friday, except paved surface holidays Laurel Avenue East South side from Thompson 12:00 noon to Monday through Street to the end of the l :00p.m. Friday, except aved surface holidays Lester Place Both South side for its entire 9:00a.m. to Wednesday length noon Maple Hill East South side for its entire 10:00 a.m. Monday through Drive length to 11:00 Friday, except a.m. holidays Maple Hill West North side for its entire 1:00 P.M. Monday through Drive length to 2:00 p. Friday, except M. 1 holidays Name of public Direction of highway Travel Location Hours Days Mountain East South side for its entire 10:00 a.m. Monday through Avenue length to 11:00 Friday, except a.m. holidays Mountain West North side for its entire 1:00 P.M. Monday through Avenue length to 2:00 Friday, except p.m. holidays Murray Avenue North East side for a distance of 8:00 a.m. 150 feet north from Forest to 4:00 School Days Avenue p.m. Murray Avenue North East side from Leafy Lane 9:00 a.m. to Second Friday to Myrtle Boulevard 11:00 a.m. of each month Murray Avenue South West side commencing at a 8:00 a.m. to School Days point 365 feet north from 4:00 Bryson Street for a distance p.m. of 140 feet toward Forest Avenue to a point that is 245 feet from Forest Avenue Murray Avenue South West side from Bryson 8:00a.m. to School Days Street for a distance of 198 9:00a.m. feet toward Forest Avenue and 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Murray Avenue South West side from Forest 8:00 a.m. to School Days Avenue for a distance of 9:00 a.m. and one -hundred and seventy 2:30 p.m. to five (175) feet toward 3:30 p.m. Bryson Street Murray Avenue South West side from Leafy Lane 9:00 a.m. to First Friday of to Myrtle Boulevard 11:00 a.m. t5he month New Jefferson South West side for its entire 9:00a.m. First Tuesday Street length to11:00a.m. of each month New Jefferson North East side for its entire length 9:00a.m. to Second Tuesday Street 11:00a.m. of each month North North That section of the east side 10:00 a.m. Monday through Chatsworth from the point where the to 11:00 Friday, except Avenue WS Residential Area (as a.m., holidays defined in § 219-62) ends to Glenn Road where parking is permitted at other times Name of public Direction of highway Travel Location Hours Days North South That section of the west side 1:00 p.m. Monday through Chatsworth from Glenn Road to the to 2:00 Friday, except Avenue point where the WS p.m. holidays Residential Area (as defined in § 219-62) begins where parking is permitted at other times North North That section of the east side 9:OOa.m. to First Thursday of Chatsworth from Myrtle Boulevard to 11:OOa.m. each month Avenue the northern boundary of 40 North Chatsworth Avenue where parking is permitted at other rimes North South That section of the west side 9:OOa.m. Second Thursday Chatsworth from the northern boundary to11:00a.m. of each month Avenue of 35 North Chatsworth to Myrtle Boulevard where parking is permitted at other times Overlook South, then West and south sides for its 9:00 a.m. Monday through Terrace East, then entire length to 10:00 Friday, except North a.m. holidays Overlook South, then East and north sides for its 12:00 Monday through Terrace West, then entire length noon to Friday, except North 1:00 holidays p.m. Palmer Avenue East South side from the 8:00a.m. Monday through driveway entrance to to Friday, except Mamaroneck High School 5:OOp.m. holidays for a distance of ninety (90) feet toward Richbell Road Preston Street North East side for its entire length 9:00 a.m. to Monday through ..... 10:00 a.m. Friday, except holidays Preston Street South West side for its entire 12:00 noon to Monday through ..... length 1:00 P.M. Friday, except holidays Richbell Road North East side from Palmer 9:OOa.m to Wednesdays Avenue to the boundary line 12:00 noon of the Village of Mamaroneck Name of public Direction of highway Travel Location Hours Days Richbell Road South West side from Palmer 9:00 a.m. to Thursdays Avenue to the boundary line 12:00 noon of the Village of Mamaroneck Rochelle Road Both Both sides from Huguenot 2:00 p.m. to Monday through Drive to France Place its 3:00 p.m. Friday, except entire length holidays Rockingstone North From North Chatsworth 10:00 a.m. to Monday through Avenue Avenue to Valley Road 11:00 a.m. Friday, except holidays Rockingstone South From Seton Road to North 1:00 p.m. to Monday through Avenue Chatsworth Avenue 2:00 p.m. Friday, except holidays Senate Place North East side for its entire length 8:00 a.m. to Schooldays 4:00p.m. Sheldrake North East side from Forest 8:00a.m. to Schooldays Avenue Avenue to Holly Place 9:00a.m. and from 2:30p.m. to 3:3 .m. Thompson North East side for its entire 9:00a.m. to Monday through Street length 10:00a.m. Friday, except holidays Thompson South West side for its entire 12:00 noon to Monday through Street length 1:00P.m. Friday, except holidays Valley Road North East side for its entire length 11:00 a.m. Monday through to 12:00 noon Friday, except holidays Valley Road South West side for its entire 2:00 p.m. to Monday through length 3:00 p.m. Friday, except holidays Washington South East side for its entire length 9:00a.m. to Second Monday Square 11:00a.m. of each month Washington South West side for its entire 9:00a.m. to First Monday of Square lan �gth I 11:OOa.m. each month Section 4 - Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: Section 219-22 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is amended to add the following to the table within that section in its proper alphabetical position: Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel Time Limit (hours) Hours/Days Location Edgewood West 1 9:00 a.m. to South side from Avenue 10:00 a.m. Weaver Street to Monday through Judson Street Friday, except holidays Section 5 — Sign(s) to be Erected and Painting to be Done: An appropriate sign or signs shall be erected on and/or above, and/or striping shall be painted on the surfaces of the streets identified in sections 2 and 3 of this Local Law indicating where and when parking is prohibited or limited by this law. Section 6 — Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. Section 7 — Effective Date: This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. September 13, 2019 W Town of Mamaroneck Town. Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@townofinamaroneek.org Memorandum To: Supervisor & Town Board Re: Commuter Parking Law Date: September 12, 2019 In the wake of the two Public Hearings held by the Town Board on the Commuter Parking Law, it would appear that the Board wishes to consider alternatives to the original law. Councilwoman Katz has prepared the attached email which raises a series of discussion points for the Board to consider on how to move forward. In addition, there had been some discussion about an abbreviated version of the law. Attached is a map that proposes to limit the law to a select number of streets as follows: I. North Chatsworth Avenue to Glenn Road 2. Rockingstone Avenue from North Chatsworth Avenue to Seton Road 3. Mountain Avenue from Rockingstone Avenue to the New Rochelle Line 4. Overlook Terrace 5. Maple Hill Drive from Murray Avenue to Orsini Drive 6. Emerson Road from Maple Hill Drive to Edgewood Avenue 7. Edgewood Avenue from Judson Street to Weaver Street If the Board requires any additional information prior to the meeting, please let me know. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Altieri, Stephen From: Katz, Abby Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 8A2 PM To: Seligson, Nancy Cc: Altieri, Stephen Subject: North Chatsworth/Commuter Parking I realize that the board may be exhausted with the discussion of commuter parking but before we simply move ahead with the passing of new restricted parking laws on a street by street basis I would like to raise the following points: 1) North Chatsworth — I think we should consider doing some sort of safety assessment with a traffic engineer before moving forward with regulations There are many conflicting opinions on how this specific street should be handled and I think it would be useful to have some expert advice. Specifically here are some issues a. Residents have been complaining about speeding on N. Chatsworth for several years. In response to a traffic committee request, the police have done a speed survey which did not support the residents claims. Regardless of whether people are exceeding the speed limit, there seems to be a feeling that the drivers are going too fast. b. Do we want to keep parked cars on the road as a traffic calming device c. Do we want to use striping in any areas to narrow the road to slow cars down d. Do we want to add any crosswalks — as residents have requested (I believe one may be in progress) 2) Who decides which streets to add? a. Should we keep parking on N. Chatsworth as it is wider than the neighboring streets cars may move to? b. Do we owe it to residents to keep some streets available for commuter parking c. Do we only consider the feelings of the residents on the street which is requesting the restrictions d. What do we do if there is a majority who wants it but there are still on the street who do no e. Do we want other streets to go before traffic first f. Do we want to reduce the areas that parking is allowed without imposing time restrictions in the hope of making it safe to turn and enter and exit driveways? 3) Do we want to establish objective criteria to evaluate which streets when the request is made? a. Width of street b. Number of cars parked on street c. Blind spots Again these are just my thought but as you can see I think there is room for discussion as well as room to get some expert advice. Mull it over and let me know how you think we should proceed. Thanks Abby 7 0A PSE tfj�folv Ilk ds 00 M m '7w1A`P �,¢`� day /5% U S� 0 r S V 6 sti_y � E E Jo a rg _ a a A m N �4fP A 5 0 • 5 ' F C K 03 �90sr h °1y c a o a _ c ma l tip, o 1 ��4 o ' •,, rs. Inti xray pva O ® a r b e wy Rye o - Murray Ave m m S a �- b CC l N Hys g G E o 5 Ay yh - c ? nb �iMli o `b3 } 1 uh A.N. •' 113 , t y-3 5 � � w'�`Y ub4'•u, R ecking5C6fA Ave. Q� f M `�' �Y�Sy�✓ m �_ 3 a ^! Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description No Attachments A%ailable Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description No Attachments A%ailable Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: No Attachment. ATTACHMENTS: Description No Attachments A%ailable Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description No Attachments A%ailable Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description D Request for Executive Session • •JI Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN SUPERVISOR FAX: 914/381-7809 Supervisor@townofinamaroneckNY.org Memorandum To: Town Board Members From: Nancy Seligson RE: Appointments to Boards and Commissions Date: September 13, 2019 FYI, in preparation of our discussion of appointments, the following positions are open on Town Boards and Commissions: • Planning Board 2 alternates • ZBA 1 alternate • Housing Authority 1 member • Ethics 1 member, Republican • Board of Assessment Review 1 alternate Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description D Fire Claims Town of Mamaroneck From: Tracy Yogman - Town Comptroller Re: Fire Claims Date: September 18, 2019 The following Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department Balms have been certified by Chief Joseph Russo and submitted to the Comptroller's Office for payment: Atlantic Westchester Honeywell Web 8000 lace Module -Fire House, to include Re -wiring for Demoed Basement $ 17,392.50 Firehouse Innovations Corp Multi -Force Door Simulator for training $ 6,800.00 Konica Minolta Business Solution Color Copier Lease 9/2-10/1/19 $ 133.42 Verizon Fios Redundant Circuit 8/26-9/25/19 $ 266.98 Waterway Long Island Annual Fire Hose Testing, Pump Test (Engine 51, 37, 36) $ 4,251.30 WJWW 205 Weaver St Charges (Water service for building) 7/25/19- 8/27/19 $ 152.15 Total $ 28,996.35 Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description No Attachments A%ailable Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description D Authorization -Agreement - Greenburgh Nature Center - Food Waste Grant Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TEL 914-381-7810 FAX 914-381-7809 saltieri f, townofmamaroneckny.org t f neckn or M d www. -- mamas y1 g emoran um To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Food Waste Reduction Grant/ Food Waste Consultant Agreements Date: September 12, 2019 At the request of the Board, the following memorandum is prepared to clarify the expenses associated with the DEC Grant awarded to the Town for food waste reduction programs and education. The food waste reduction program proposed in the grant covers a period of three years. The Town, as lead agency, submitted the grant application covering all proposed programs and expenses. Attachment B-1 is the complete budget for the project. The three-year program's total budget is $163,820. The Town was awarded a grant in the amount of $127,772 which is approximately 80% of the expense. Of the total program budget, the matching funds for the program are $36,048 or about 22%. However not all of the matching funds are in the form of a cash outlay. In the attachment you will note personnel services in the amount of $14,908. This is in-kind services to be provided by Town staff and volunteers for the program. There is no cash outlay. Line 2a is contractual expenses. The detail on this line is include in the second attachment. The total match for contractual expenses is $20,390. Starting at the top of the chart, the match funds for the cooking demonstrations $1,400 will be paid by the School District and the Town since the demonstrations will take place in the schools and in the community at places like the Farmer's Market. The line item for LMCTV shows a match requirement of $800. That amount is in-kind services by a volunteer that will write the scripts for the public service announcements, Next line is the communications consultant to develop the municipal outreach program. The match funds of $6,500 will be a direct expense to the Town over three years. Last is the match for Mamaroneck School Teachers. The teachers will be preparing curriculums based upon their training at the Greenburgh Nature Center. The $11,690 is an in-kind service for which there is no cash outlay. The estimated direct expenses for the Town include the following: • Equipment $ 750 • Cooking Demonstrations $ 700 • Communications Consultant $6,500 $7,950 11 Pate 1 Printed on Recycled Paper The Town is the lead agency for the grant, therefore in order to obtain reimbursement the Town will first need to outlay the funds for grant related expenses. The work products and activities from the grant will apply to Town, the two Villages and the School District. Since, the Town was the lead agency on the grant, I am suggesting it would be more efficient for the Town to manage the grant in the Townwide budget on behalf of the Villages. The Town has served in the lead agency role before with grants relating to Geographic Information Systems and Records Management. With respect to the School District, many of the expenses are covered by the grant itself. Any other expenses that are not in-kind services would be reimbursed to the Town. Also attached to this memorandum are three consulting agreements associated with the grant. The agreements would be between the Town and Adam Kaye, LMCTV, and the Greenburgh Nature Center. The cost of the agreements is as follows: • Greenburgh Nature Center $31,920 • Adam Kaye $ 1,8851 I have sent to the Board through e-mail a complete copy of the grant document if you would like further detail on the grant products and activities. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator 1 The total budget for food demonstrations is $6,600 however at this time the Town has only contracted with Adam Kaye for four demonstrations for a total of $1,885 2 1 P a g e 2 a. LO M O N a) N a) N LL 0 Q @ U U) 70 C U UO LL U r � m N � N V) LL � N O U o LU qp in C U U m Cl. @ a 0 a LL M E; N W- 0 z Y U W z 0 a a J u 0 d o o d a o d d o d 0 d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cc 0 O V7 co a O v' N n O a a co O O O O N Q N C3 G� O M co r r r lfj N f'1 f N co V M U3 V) V3 U) VD O O d d O O O a a 4 C� O O O O d d d d O d O O O O d d O (P O V) d V3 O (n O L/) O V] O V) C Cs, O r C o o O C C O o O O U 0 o d o 0 0 0 n o oN C U 0 0 0a 0 o O d O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O o O Ca O o aJ d o V) m O O m O (f) O Ln a U1 4 Vy O V) ® V' co V Li Qi C"7 T'- 4 r N N UO � W i 0 0 0 0 0 o o a d d d d d d o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O N O d O O N N co u; cn Un U7 r �r U) n cn d o o o n n n Z InN u7 V n U)1 !n M V) N (N V) n n VJ V) ;l 1: r z W o r O J J — ri 2 O. M fT C) N N fl LL CL fl � = CO T. C it C) LL � N CD LLJ 06 0 0 o 0 c o 0 o a c .T fF• �J'; 64 U a H E-' U'] Z Lti Sere 0 W U �4 G �i f f. .✓ W Q J Q G. wO?' J U U ✓' � '.J c tA J U � Ei C C7:: Agreement i This agreement entered into on 2019 between the Greenburgh Nature Center with offices at (GNC), the Town of Mamaroneck, a municipal corporation with offices located at 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York 10543 (Town) and the Mamaroneck Union Free School District, a municipal corporation with offices located at 1000 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York 10543 (School District). Recitals Whereas, the Town has received a grant from the State of New York to conduct a Municipal Food Scraps Reduction, Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling Program (Grant), m Whereas, for the success of the Program, the Town and the School District wish to engage GNC to perform the services described below over a three-year period, and Whereas, the Town will receive the proceeds of the Grant and will pay GNC for the services to be rendered hereunder, and Whereas, since the services to be rendered are for the benefit of the students and personnel of the School District, the School District will reimburse the Town for any payments made by the Town to GNC in connection with this agreement that are not covered by the Grant. Now, therefore, intending to be bound, the parties agree to the following: 1. In consultation with the Town, the School District and the persons administering the grant, GNC shall ti (a) develop and teach strategies and comprehensive practices (Practices) to be 4 used by the custodial staff, students, cafeteria staff, food service employees and faculty at the Hommocks Middle School (Hammocks) to reduce the amount of wasted food, to sort food scraps and to recycle wasted food, (b) give training and instruction to the custodial staff, students, cafeteria staff, food service employees and faculty in the Practices either in person at Hommocks or through recordings that are viewed at Hommocks, and (c) conduct assemblies to discuss and teach the Practices to the students at Hommocks and to explain other ways that the students can help in reducing or using wasted food, all toward the goal of creating a custodial initiated -GNC collaborative training on how to sort and dispose of wasted food properly. 2. To accomplish the tasks described in paragraph 1, (a) during the first twelve months of this agreement, GNC shall i. participate in one or more kick-off strategy meetings and training sessions at Hommocks with custodial staff, students, cafeteria staff, food service employees and faculty, ii. conduct one or more student assemblies, iii. conduct ten three-hour sessions covering the Hammocks lunch periods to monitor the use of the bins located in the cafeteria that collect food waste and/or food scraps, to ensure that the students are given proper instruction in the Practices and to observe whether proper reduction and recycling of 2 s i food waste and proper food scrap disposal practices have been being implemented and are being performed consistently, iv. if necessary, revise or develop new Practices based upon its observations of the Practices as implemented, and v. conduct the activities contained on the attached Fall 2019 Schedule. For performance of the services set forth in paragraph 2 (a), the Town will pay GNC the sum of six thousand two hundred fifty and no/100ths ($6,250.00) dollars. (b) During the first twelve months of this agreement, GNC also shall make one visit during the 2019/2020 academic year to each of the eight Family and Consumer Sciences classes (FACS) held at the Hommocks to discuss the relationship between climate change and wasted food with an emphasis on carbon farming and the soil biome, to educate the students in those classes on how to reduce food waste, to train students in each session on how to recycle food scraps and to explain the importance of incorporating the Practices into their daily activities at school and at home with an emphasis on the relevance of the Practices on the issues of climate change and soil enrichment. For performance of the services set forth in paragraph 2 (b), the Town will pay GNC the sum of two hundred fifty and no/100ths ($250.00) dollars for each session. (c) during the second twelve months of this agreement, GNC shall L conduct refresher training in the Practices for the custodial staff, students, cafeteria staff, food service employees and faculty at Hommocks 3 ii. conduct ten three-hour refresher sessions covering the Hommocks lunch periods on the use of the bins located in the cafeteria that collect food waste and/or food scraps and on ensuring that the students are given proper instruction in the Practices and to observe whether proper reduction and recycling of food waste and proper food scrap disposal practices have been being implemented and are being performed consistently. For performance of the services set forth in paragraph 2 (c), the Town will pay GNC the sum of five thousand eight hundred fifty and no/100ths ($5,850.00) dollars. (d) during the final twelve months of this agreement, GNC shall perform the same services as it is required to perform during the second twelve months of this agreement. For performance of the services set forth in paragraph 2 (d), the Town will pay GNC the sum of five thousand eight hundred fifty and no/100ths ($5,850.00) dollars. 3. During each year of this agreement, GNC will host twenty-one sessions to be attended by students and faculty from the four elementary schools in the School District so that the students can observe for themselves the connection between food scrap recycling and climate change. For performance of the services set forth in his paragraph, the Town will pay GNC the sum of one hundred ninety and no/100ths ($190.00) dollars for each session. 4. If the payments made by the Town to GNC exceed the amount allocated for these services by the Grant, the School District shall reimburse the Town, upon request, for such excess. 4 Greenburgh Nature Center By: Town of Mamaroneck M Stephen V. Alfieri, Town Administrator Mamaroneck Union Free School District By: Fall 2019 Schedule Campus Supervisor Training: Tuesday, September 3, 2019;1 PM - 2 PM Faculty Professional Development: Wednesday, September 4, 2019; 3 PM - 3:30 PM Alternative Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Anne Ward, the district custodial staff, Taryn Delaney, Lindsay Cohen and Pamela Miner will coordinate to schedule a date or dates to include the custodial staff in training. Student Assemblies: Friday, September b, 2019 (all day). Family &. Consumer Science Classroom Programs: Friday, October 4, 2019 Class Trips to Greenburgh Nature Center for Fall 2019 (Class Grade, to be determined) I 1 am start time; l -hour programs; 4 -5 classes at a time. o Friday, October 18, 2019 o Friday, October 25, 2019 o Friday, November 1, 2919 o Friday, November 8, 2019 o Rain Dates: 3/13, 3/20, 3/27 Anne Ward, Taryn Delaney, Lindsay Cohen and Pamela Miner will coordinate a schedule to send select district educators to visit Greenburgh Nature Center to see the grounds and get a first-hand view of what GNC can offer to teach the elementary school students before the fields trips commence. Anne Ward, the district custodial staff, Taryn Delaney, Lindsay Cohen and Pamela Miner will coordinate to schedule a date or dates to include the custodial staff in training. M Agreement This agreement entered into on 2019 between Adam Kaye, residing at and the Town of Mamaroneck, a municipal corporation with offices located at 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York 10543 (Town). Whereas, the Town has received a grant from the State of New York to conduct a Municipal Food Scraps Reduction, Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling Program (Grant), MMI Whereas, for the success of the Program, the Town wishes to engage Mr. Kaye to perform the services described below. Now, therefore, intending to be bound, the parties agree to the following: 1. Over the next thirty-six months, Mr. Kaye will conduct four cooking demonstrations at the Hommocks Middle School that will show how commonly discarded food scraps can be transformed into nutritious meals that will not only save money but will minimize wasted food. 2. For performance of the services set forth in paragraph 1, the Town will pay Mr. Kaye the sum of four hundred seventy-one and 43J100ths ($471.43) dollars for each demonstration. Adam Kaye Town of Mamaroneck By: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description D Authorization -Agreement - Greenburgh Nature Center - Food Waste Grant Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TEL 914-381-7810 FAX 914-381-7809 saltieri f, townofmamaroneckny.org t f neckn or M d www. -- mamas y1 g emoran um To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Food Waste Reduction Grant/ Food Waste Consultant Agreements Date: September 12, 2019 At the request of the Board, the following memorandum is prepared to clarify the expenses associated with the DEC Grant awarded to the Town for food waste reduction programs and education. The food waste reduction program proposed in the grant covers a period of three years. The Town, as lead agency, submitted the grant application covering all proposed programs and expenses. Attachment B-1 is the complete budget for the project. The three-year program's total budget is $163,820. The Town was awarded a grant in the amount of $127,772 which is approximately 80% of the expense. Of the total program budget, the matching funds for the program are $36,048 or about 22%. However not all of the matching funds are in the form of a cash outlay. In the attachment you will note personnel services in the amount of $14,908. This is in-kind services to be provided by Town staff and volunteers for the program. There is no cash outlay. Line 2a is contractual expenses. The detail on this line is include in the second attachment. The total match for contractual expenses is $20,390. Starting at the top of the chart, the match funds for the cooking demonstrations $1,400 will be paid by the School District and the Town since the demonstrations will take place in the schools and in the community at places like the Farmer's Market. The line item for LMCTV shows a match requirement of $800. That amount is in-kind services by a volunteer that will write the scripts for the public service announcements, Next line is the communications consultant to develop the municipal outreach program. The match funds of $6,500 will be a direct expense to the Town over three years. Last is the match for Mamaroneck School Teachers. The teachers will be preparing curriculums based upon their training at the Greenburgh Nature Center. The $11,690 is an in-kind service for which there is no cash outlay. The estimated direct expenses for the Town include the following: • Equipment $ 750 • Cooking Demonstrations $ 700 • Communications Consultant $6,500 $7,950 11 Pate 1 Printed on Recycled Paper The Town is the lead agency for the grant, therefore in order to obtain reimbursement the Town will first need to outlay the funds for grant related expenses. The work products and activities from the grant will apply to Town, the two Villages and the School District. Since, the Town was the lead agency on the grant, I am suggesting it would be more efficient for the Town to manage the grant in the Townwide budget on behalf of the Villages. The Town has served in the lead agency role before with grants relating to Geographic Information Systems and Records Management. With respect to the School District, many of the expenses are covered by the grant itself. Any other expenses that are not in-kind services would be reimbursed to the Town. Also attached to this memorandum are three consulting agreements associated with the grant. The agreements would be between the Town and Adam Kaye, LMCTV, and the Greenburgh Nature Center. The cost of the agreements is as follows: • Greenburgh Nature Center $31,920 • Adam Kaye $ 1,8851 I have sent to the Board through e-mail a complete copy of the grant document if you would like further detail on the grant products and activities. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator 1 The total budget for food demonstrations is $6,600 however at this time the Town has only contracted with Adam Kaye for four demonstrations for a total of $1,885 2 1 P a g e 2 a. LO M O N a) N a) N LL 0 Q @ U U) 70 C U UO LL U r � m N � N V) LL � N O U o LU qp in C U U m Cl. @ a 0 a LL M E; N W- 0 z Y U W z 0 a a J u 0 d o o d a o d d o d 0 d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cc 0 O V7 co a O v' N n O a a co O O O O N Q N C3 G� O M co r r r lfj N f'1 f N co V M U3 V) V3 U) VD O O d d O O O a a 4 C� O O O O d d d d O d O O O O d d O (P O V) d V3 O (n O L/) O V] O V) C Cs, O r C o o O C C O o O O U 0 o d o 0 0 0 n o oN C U 0 0 0a 0 o O d O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O o O Ca O o aJ d o V) m O O m O (f) O Ln a U1 4 Vy O V) ® V' co V Li Qi C"7 T'- 4 r N N UO � W i 0 0 0 0 0 o o a d d d d d d o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O N O d O O N N co u; cn Un U7 r �r U) n cn d o o o n n n Z InN u7 V n U)1 !n M V) N (N V) n n VJ V) ;l 1: r z W o r O J J — ri 2 O. M fT C) N N fl LL CL fl � = CO T. C it C) LL � N CD LLJ 06 0 0 o 0 c o 0 o a c .T fF• �J'; 64 U a H E-' U'] Z Lti Sere 0 W U �4 G �i f f. .✓ W Q J Q G. wO?' J U U ✓' � '.J c tA J U � Ei C C7:: Agreement i This agreement entered into on 2019 between the Greenburgh Nature Center with offices at (GNC), the Town of Mamaroneck, a municipal corporation with offices located at 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York 10543 (Town) and the Mamaroneck Union Free School District, a municipal corporation with offices located at 1000 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York 10543 (School District). Recitals Whereas, the Town has received a grant from the State of New York to conduct a Municipal Food Scraps Reduction, Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling Program (Grant), m Whereas, for the success of the Program, the Town and the School District wish to engage GNC to perform the services described below over a three-year period, and Whereas, the Town will receive the proceeds of the Grant and will pay GNC for the services to be rendered hereunder, and Whereas, since the services to be rendered are for the benefit of the students and personnel of the School District, the School District will reimburse the Town for any payments made by the Town to GNC in connection with this agreement that are not covered by the Grant. Now, therefore, intending to be bound, the parties agree to the following: 1. In consultation with the Town, the School District and the persons administering the grant, GNC shall ti (a) develop and teach strategies and comprehensive practices (Practices) to be 4 used by the custodial staff, students, cafeteria staff, food service employees and faculty at the Hommocks Middle School (Hammocks) to reduce the amount of wasted food, to sort food scraps and to recycle wasted food, (b) give training and instruction to the custodial staff, students, cafeteria staff, food service employees and faculty in the Practices either in person at Hommocks or through recordings that are viewed at Hommocks, and (c) conduct assemblies to discuss and teach the Practices to the students at Hommocks and to explain other ways that the students can help in reducing or using wasted food, all toward the goal of creating a custodial initiated -GNC collaborative training on how to sort and dispose of wasted food properly. 2. To accomplish the tasks described in paragraph 1, (a) during the first twelve months of this agreement, GNC shall i. participate in one or more kick-off strategy meetings and training sessions at Hommocks with custodial staff, students, cafeteria staff, food service employees and faculty, ii. conduct one or more student assemblies, iii. conduct ten three-hour sessions covering the Hammocks lunch periods to monitor the use of the bins located in the cafeteria that collect food waste and/or food scraps, to ensure that the students are given proper instruction in the Practices and to observe whether proper reduction and recycling of 2 s i food waste and proper food scrap disposal practices have been being implemented and are being performed consistently, iv. if necessary, revise or develop new Practices based upon its observations of the Practices as implemented, and v. conduct the activities contained on the attached Fall 2019 Schedule. For performance of the services set forth in paragraph 2 (a), the Town will pay GNC the sum of six thousand two hundred fifty and no/100ths ($6,250.00) dollars. (b) During the first twelve months of this agreement, GNC also shall make one visit during the 2019/2020 academic year to each of the eight Family and Consumer Sciences classes (FACS) held at the Hommocks to discuss the relationship between climate change and wasted food with an emphasis on carbon farming and the soil biome, to educate the students in those classes on how to reduce food waste, to train students in each session on how to recycle food scraps and to explain the importance of incorporating the Practices into their daily activities at school and at home with an emphasis on the relevance of the Practices on the issues of climate change and soil enrichment. For performance of the services set forth in paragraph 2 (b), the Town will pay GNC the sum of two hundred fifty and no/100ths ($250.00) dollars for each session. (c) during the second twelve months of this agreement, GNC shall L conduct refresher training in the Practices for the custodial staff, students, cafeteria staff, food service employees and faculty at Hommocks 3 ii. conduct ten three-hour refresher sessions covering the Hommocks lunch periods on the use of the bins located in the cafeteria that collect food waste and/or food scraps and on ensuring that the students are given proper instruction in the Practices and to observe whether proper reduction and recycling of food waste and proper food scrap disposal practices have been being implemented and are being performed consistently. For performance of the services set forth in paragraph 2 (c), the Town will pay GNC the sum of five thousand eight hundred fifty and no/100ths ($5,850.00) dollars. (d) during the final twelve months of this agreement, GNC shall perform the same services as it is required to perform during the second twelve months of this agreement. For performance of the services set forth in paragraph 2 (d), the Town will pay GNC the sum of five thousand eight hundred fifty and no/100ths ($5,850.00) dollars. 3. During each year of this agreement, GNC will host twenty-one sessions to be attended by students and faculty from the four elementary schools in the School District so that the students can observe for themselves the connection between food scrap recycling and climate change. For performance of the services set forth in his paragraph, the Town will pay GNC the sum of one hundred ninety and no/100ths ($190.00) dollars for each session. 4. If the payments made by the Town to GNC exceed the amount allocated for these services by the Grant, the School District shall reimburse the Town, upon request, for such excess. 4 Greenburgh Nature Center By: Town of Mamaroneck M Stephen V. Alfieri, Town Administrator Mamaroneck Union Free School District By: Fall 2019 Schedule Campus Supervisor Training: Tuesday, September 3, 2019;1 PM - 2 PM Faculty Professional Development: Wednesday, September 4, 2019; 3 PM - 3:30 PM Alternative Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Anne Ward, the district custodial staff, Taryn Delaney, Lindsay Cohen and Pamela Miner will coordinate to schedule a date or dates to include the custodial staff in training. Student Assemblies: Friday, September b, 2019 (all day). Family &. Consumer Science Classroom Programs: Friday, October 4, 2019 Class Trips to Greenburgh Nature Center for Fall 2019 (Class Grade, to be determined) I 1 am start time; l -hour programs; 4 -5 classes at a time. o Friday, October 18, 2019 o Friday, October 25, 2019 o Friday, November 1, 2919 o Friday, November 8, 2019 o Rain Dates: 3/13, 3/20, 3/27 Anne Ward, Taryn Delaney, Lindsay Cohen and Pamela Miner will coordinate a schedule to send select district educators to visit Greenburgh Nature Center to see the grounds and get a first-hand view of what GNC can offer to teach the elementary school students before the fields trips commence. Anne Ward, the district custodial staff, Taryn Delaney, Lindsay Cohen and Pamela Miner will coordinate to schedule a date or dates to include the custodial staff in training. M Agreement This agreement entered into on 2019 between Adam Kaye, residing at and the Town of Mamaroneck, a municipal corporation with offices located at 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York 10543 (Town). Whereas, the Town has received a grant from the State of New York to conduct a Municipal Food Scraps Reduction, Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling Program (Grant), MMI Whereas, for the success of the Program, the Town wishes to engage Mr. Kaye to perform the services described below. Now, therefore, intending to be bound, the parties agree to the following: 1. Over the next thirty-six months, Mr. Kaye will conduct four cooking demonstrations at the Hommocks Middle School that will show how commonly discarded food scraps can be transformed into nutritious meals that will not only save money but will minimize wasted food. 2. For performance of the services set forth in paragraph 1, the Town will pay Mr. Kaye the sum of four hundred seventy-one and 43J100ths ($471.43) dollars for each demonstration. Adam Kaye Town of Mamaroneck By: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description D Declaration of Surplus Fleet Equipment Town of Mamaroneck. Town Center 940 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 INTER OFFICE AMMORAND UM To: Stephen Altieri, Town Administrator From: Mike Pinto, Fleet Manager Subject: 2019 Surplus Vehicles Date: 8/30/2019 Authorization from the Town Board is hereby requested to declare the following four (4) vehicles as surplus and to subsequently implement the Sale of Surplus Vehicles. The vehicles listed below are no longer required for Town use. Once approved by the board, these vehicles will be sold through public auction. Police Department: 2005 Ford Crown Victoria Fleet #5 VIN# 2FAHP71 W75X175449 Miles: 64,273 justification: Schedule Replacement 2006 jeep Cherokee. Fleet #28 VIN# 1J4GR48K36C316270 Miles: 118,745 justification: Schedule Replacement 2009 Ford Interceptor. Fleet #31 VIN# 2FAHP71W75X175449 Miles: 43,056 justification: Schedule: Replacement Highway Department: 2013 Ford F250 Fleet #244. VIN# 1FTBF2B65DEB53275 Miles: 24,878 Justification: Pitot test program, Recommended by Enterprize Fleet Program Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description D Declaration of Surplus Computer Equipment Altieri, Stephen �rww�Mwiwi -... From: Cimino, Rosalind Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 12:43 PIA To: Altieri, Stephen Subject: Computer Surplus Request Attachments: Computer Surplus090.319.x1sx; Computer Surplus090319.xlsx; ComputerSurplusResolution09l 9.docx Hi Steve, Attached is the list of old computers and servers we are surplussing as well as a copy of the resolution used from the previous surplus. Most of the computers are being discarded because they are too old but the ones marked "Fire Training" have been donated to the Fire District for their use. Those computers are no longer managed by the Town's IT Department nor do they have any Town owned applications installed on them. They too are old but newer than the computers they had, have been upgraded to Windows 10 and are functional. FRosalind Cimino IT Director and Information Security Officer - PCIP Town of Mamaroneck, New York 740 West Boston Post Road, Room 312 Mamaroneck, NY, 10543 914-381-2057 (Office) 914-552-1755 (Cell) 914-294-6555 (eFax) Valid PCIP Name: Rosalind Cimino PCIP Certificate #: 1003-777 PCIP Certified From: 01 May 2017 PCIP Certified Through: 01 May 2020 NYS Forum IT Procurement Workgroup Co -Chair httDS://www.nvsforum.ori7/committees/orocurement/ This message was secured by ZixCorp© TMFD-SERVER-12 Po+e TMFD-SERVER-15 TMFD-0015 HP Prolimit DL Optiplex TMFD-0035 Latitude 6430° °i,jf .. Workstation E Optiplex 9020 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SURPLUS OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to NYS Information Security Breach Act of 2005, NYS General Business Law section 899aa, NYS Cyber Security Policy P03-002 and PCI Compliance Assessment Questionnaire D Attestation of Compliance for Merchants, the Town of Mamaroneck is required to designate an Information Security Officer to be responsible for the security of all electronic information; and WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck Town Board has determined that these items, which are listed on the attached schedule should be disposed of accordingly, either by sale or by payment by the Town for disposal or by other means of disposal available to the Town. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby authorizes the disposal of its outdated computers through the Town's Sanitation's services for disposal into Westchester County's E -Waste Recycling Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all physical hard drives will be removed and disposed of as per NYS Cyber Security Policy P03-002 and the Town of Mamaroneck Security Policy to protect the Town's information assets. Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description D Authorization -Agreement Westchester County - Senior Nutrition Center/Meals on Wheels 121 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor & Town Board Re: Renewal of Health Department Permits—Senior Nutrition Center/Meals on Wheels Program Date: September 12, 2019 Attached you will find the annual renewals for the Town to operate the Senior Nutrition Center and the Meals on Wheels Program. The County requires separate permits for each activity. The Town is in full compliance with the requirements of the County for the operation of both programs. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD APPROVE THE RENEWAL OF THE OPERATING PERMITS FOR THE SENIOR NUTITION CENTER AND MEALS ON WHEELS PROGRAM AND THAT THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE APPLICATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Permit to Operate Westchester County Department of Health Renewal Application usiness I Location Information (Please modify only if information has changed.) Business Name TOWN OF MAMARONECK SR. NUTR)TION.PRO Facility Code: 01-MO92-B Address 1288 BOSTON POST ROAD Business Phone (914) 834-8840 LARCHMONT NY 10538 Business Fax ( 1 Location Town of MAMARONECK Business Website County WESTCHESTER Business Email Mail To Permit Number 01-MO92-B� THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK ATTN. COMM. SERVICES OFFICE Permit Expiration Date 740 W, BOSTON POST RD. November 30, 2019 MAMARONECK, NY 10543 - Fee Exempt +� Permitted Operation TOWN OF MAMARONECK SR. NUTRITION PROGRAM Operation ID: 687267 SOFA Food Service - SOFA Satellite Site -State Office for the Aging In Operation: 0 Year -Round 0 Seasonal If Seasonal: Expected Opening Date Expected Closing Date eyy J mantmDay Capacity: 160 Seats Days/Hours of Operation: 770 --fes---- Permit Applicant Information (Please modify only if information has changed.) Legal Operator or Operating Corporation: THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Person in Charge TOWN ADMINISTRATOR STEPHEN ALTIERI 711e First M.I. Lest Address ATTN.' COMM. SERVICES OFFICE 740 W. BOSTON POST RA. City, State, Zip MAMARONECK NY 10543 - Primary Phone (914) 381.7840 Ext (- Cell Fax O - Emergency Contact ❑ Other Phone ( ) - Ext (� Cell E-mail adanoy@townofmamaroneck.org Location Owner: THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Address. ATTN.- COMM. SERVICES OFFICE 740 W BOSTON POST RD. City, State, Zip MAMARONECK Primary Phone (914) 381-7840 Other Phone ( ) - Ext NY 10543- r Cell Ext I— Cell Fax ( ) - Emergency Contact ❑ E-mail adenoy@townofmamaroneck.org Page 1 or 2 Facilly Name/Code.- TOWN OF MAMARONECK SR. NUTRITION PRO 01-MG92.8 (rev 4113) Permit to Operate Renewal Application Westchester County Department of Health Workers' Compensation and Disability Insurance R Submit copies of the following documentation with the application to document compliance with the. Worker's Compensation Law, A. Workers Compensation and Disability insurance Coverage Is PROVIDED Workers Compensation Form 0-105:2 - Certificate of Worker's, Compensation Insurance OR Form i l-28,3 — Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance OR. Form Sl- 12 -Certificate of Workers' :CompensationSelf-insurance OR GSI 105.2—Certificate:of Participation in Workers' Compensation Group Self-insurance AND DisabilitvBenefits DB -120.1 - Certificate. of Disability Benefits OR Form DB -155 — Certificate of Disability Benefits Seflirisurance B. Workers Compensation and Disability Insurance Coveraga: is.NOT PROVIDED Form CE -200'— Certificate of Attestation of Exemption from NYS Workers' Compensation and/or Disability Benefits Coverage Return completed Application Please return completed application to: Make checks payable to' Westchester County Department of Health" and include the permit number. Westchester County Department of Health Mount: Kisco'Centrcil Office 25 Moore Avenue Mount Kisco NY IOS49 (914) 864-7330 Fax: (914). 813-5970 Signature of individual Operator or Authorized official (Entire section must be completed Eby all applicants.) , I would like to receive information and official correspondence related to this permit at the email address below: (Yesv-No _ ). olidanoQ `-D i tau t Amc� X;jq.z)jj "Operation without valid permit is a violation of New York State Law and/or State Sanitary Code." Signature Print Name U A- C `! Title _r40WM Ad1i I V1t '_5 Y Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Issuance recommended? QYes M No Permit Effective pate Permit Expiration Date Conditions of approval Signature Title Date Page 2 092 Facility NametCade: TOWN OF MAMARONECK SR; NUTRITION PRO 01-MOD24 (rev 4113) A CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTIOII FOR AUTHORIZATION The undersigned, v,.t V. Of(name.nfcorporation) +w �d, uf+ft"`' `tJ[Jif corporation organized and validly existing under the laws of (state) N f'AA3 �1Q YK..- hereby certifies that the following resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors, of said Corporation, at a meeting duly called and lxeld on the day of , (year) Be it resolved that the Board of Directors., or President if there is no Board of Directors, of (name.of corporation) with offices at (corporation address): hereby authorizes (name of person authorized):- to execute- and deliver to the Westchester County Department of Health, for and on behalf of said corporation, an application for a permit to operate a (type of operation): to executeand deliver any and all additional documents which may be appropriate or desirable in connection therewith. The undersigned,further certifies that said resolution has not been revoked, rescinded or modified and remains in full force and effect on the date hereof. In WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has duly executed this certificate this day of , 20 OFFICER'S SIGNATURE: TITLE: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF COUNTY OF ss: Affix Corporate Seal On this day of 20 before me personally came To me know, and known to me to be the of the corporation referred to in the within Certification of Resolution, who being by duly. -sworn did depose and say that, he/she is of said corporation and that he/she .signed his/her name thereto. NOTARY PUBL'10 Page 7 of 11 WESTCHESTER COUi i'TY DEPARTiVIENT OF HEALTH BUREAU OF PUBLIC HEALTH PROTECTION Supplement to be Completed as Part of the Application SOURCE OF FOOD SUPPLY ITEM � ! FIRM i ADDRESS CITY, STATE { MEAT i�"� rl ZDYI Too Sen; y u- C# FISH DAIRY PRODUCTS CANNED PRODUCTS BEVERAGES 1 (OTHER r � FOOD iNIANAGER'S CERTIFICATION COURSE (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Have you taken the Food \.tanager's Certification course Ifyes, name or person who took course: MM A &AU Social Security number of person w -ho took course: 6afoe.4 Cly Institution where course was taken:Mavf-0v1`S6fc. 0 Yes ❑ No Date of course: 1111112-04 1 -0111 . adl45* cdA;� 7,011 Permit to Operate Renewal Application Westchester County Department of Health Business ILocation Information (Please modify only if information has changed.) -Business Name MEALS ON WHEELS - T. MAMA, l V. MAMA Facility Code: p1 -M093 -A Address 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD Business Phone (914).381-7840 MAMARONECK, NY 10543 Business Fax () - Location Village of MAMARONECK Business Webslte County WESTCHESTER Business Email Mal To THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Permit Number 01-MO93-A ATTN: COMM. SERVICES OFFICE Permit Expiration Date 740 W. BOSTON POST RD. November 30, 2019 MAMARONECK, NY 10643 - Fee Exempt Permitted Operation MEALS ON WHEELS - T. MAMA. / V. MAMA, I V. LARCH. Operation ID: 687265 SOFA Food Service - SOFA Prep Site -State Office for the Aging In Operation: • Year -Round �0 Seasonal Capacity: ? If Seasonal: Expected Opening Date Expected Closing Date MOeWDayMonlivDay DaysMours of Operation: Mondm — Permit Applicant Information (Please modify only if information has changed.) Leaal Operator or Operating Corporation' THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Person in Charge TOWNADMINISTRATOR STEPHEN ALTIERI rdle First Mj Lase Address ATTN: COMM, SERVICES OFFICE 740 W. SOSTON POST RD. City, State, Zip MAMARONECK NY 10543 - Primary Phone (914) 381-7840 Ext r Cell Fax (914) 381-7855 Emergency Contact 0 Other Phone ( ) - Ext F Cell E-mail adanoy@townofmamaronecknyorg Location Owner THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Address ATTIC' COMM. SERVICES OFFICE 740 W. BOSTON POST RD. City, State, Zip MAMARONECK NY 10543 - Primary Phone (914) 381-7840 Other Phone ( ) - Ext r Cell Ext r- Cell Fax (914) 381-7855 Emergency Contact E-mail adancy@townofmamaronecknyorg Pagel 02 Facility NamafCoQe: MEALS ON WHEELS - T. MAMA,1 V. MAMA 01-MO93-A (rev 4113) CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION FOR AUTHORIZATION The undersigned, v '41 -He r) of (name of corporation)' l tC l owyl Pi I APAJO corporation organized and validly existing under the laws of (state) New Vert hereby certifies that the following resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors, of said Corporation, at a meeting duly called and held on the day of . (year) Be it resolved that the Board of Directors, or President if there is no Board of Directors, of (name of Corporation) with offices at (corporation address): hereby authorizes (,,,,of person authorized): to execute and deliver to the Westchester County Department of Health, for and on behalf of said corporation, an application for a permit to operate a (type of operation): to execute and deliver any and all additional documents which may be appropriate or desirable in connection therewith. The undersigned further certifies that said resolution has not been revoked, rescinded or modified and remains in full force and effect on the date hereof In WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has duly executed this certificate this day of 20 OFFICER'S SIGNATURE: TITLE: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF COUNTY OF ss: Affix Corporate Seal On this day of _ . 20 before me personally came To me know, and known to me to be the of the corporation referred to in the within Certification of Resolution, who being by duly sworn did depose and say that he/she is of said corporation and that he/she signed his/her name thereto. `OTARY PUBLIC Page 7 of 11 WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH a BUREAU OF PUBLIC HEALTH PROTECTION Supplement to be Completed as Part of the Application SOURCE OF FOOD SUPPLY ITEM s FIMM ADDRESS CITY, STATE I MEAT "� Y'1 Zo ki Obd ? e��CJL C4 FISH 45 Kagan 5 'Prwke- DAIRY PRODUCTS JZ O CkkCL� NY I j D S'U4 ICANNED PRODUCTS BEVERAGES OTHER FOOD MANAGER'S CERTIFICATION COURSE (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Have you taken the Food Manager's Certification course 13 Yes If yes, name of person who took course: MA A Social Security number of person who took course: t3afe6ew Q Institution where course wcis taken:Mw60'Sstt 1C LVC Date of course: 11114120 ❑ No )KAAAe, 44XF Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description D 1. Authorization — Westchester Joint Water Works — Capital Project A-1360 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TEL 914-381-7810 FAX 914-381-7809 saltieri@townofmamaroneckny.org www.townofmamaroneckny.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Authorization -Westchester Joint Water Works Project A-1360 Date: September 12, 2019 The Town has been advised that a water main break has occurred on South Ridge Road and requires immediate attention. The water main is made of transite which is an asbestos cement. Because the water main break has disturbed the pipe the Westchester County Health Department requires replacement of most of the pipe length. Project A-1.360 is estimated to cost $350,000. The scope of the project includes the excavation and replacement of 500 feet of transite pipe. This is a local project requiring the Town to bear the entire cost. Based upon a review of the Town Water District finances, the recommendation is to authorize a transfer of funds from the District unexpended balance. REQUESTED ACTION -THAT THE TOWN BOARD APPROVE WJWW CAPITAL PROJECT A-1360- TOWN CAPITAL PROJECT ACCOUNT H8340.0400.2019.12 FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF 500ft of Transite Pipe on South Ridge Road and that the Town Board authorize a transfer of funds in the amount of $350,000 in accordance with the attached schedule prepared by the Comptroller. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Printed on Recycled Paper REQUESTED ACTION: The following budget amendment is recommended to fund this capital project budget using fund balance: BUDGET AMENDMENT Item # WATER DISTRICT (FUND SW): 1 Fad SW.9900.9950 Transfer to Capital Projects Increase $ 350,000.00 Rev SW.0000.5995 Appropriated Fund Balance Increase $ 350,000.00 CAPITAL (FUND H): 2 E)q H.8340.0400.2019.12 Capital Water Improvement Projects Increase $ 350,000.00 Rev H.0000.5038.2019.12 Transfer from Water District Increase $ 350,000.W E Town of Mamaroneck t° Town Center ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: FROM: DATE: September 18, 2019 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Description