HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977_10_19 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M.
Present: Supervisor Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman McMillan
Councilman DeMaio
Councilman Perone
Absent: None
Also Present: Mrs. Miller - Town Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Superintendent of Highways
Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller
Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer
Petition from Residents of Dillon Park Area - Change of Postal
Address from New Rochelle to Larchmont
The Supervisor introduced Mrs. Elinor Katz, spokeswoman for a
delegation of residents from the Dillon Park Area, who presented
a petition to the Board requesting a change of postal address
from New Rochelle to Larchmont. In explaining the need for the
submission of the petition, herewith ordered received and filed,
Mrs. Katz stated that the Dillon Park residents who are taxpayers
in the Town of Mamaroneck with a New Rochelle postal address,
have encountered financial and personal problems as a result of
this situation since all major suppliers of services, including
oil, telephone, merchants, etc. regard the Dillon Park residents
as New Rochelle City residents and tax them accordingly, at a
higher rate than Town residents. She further noted that these
residents also have difficulty receiving mail from the Mamaroneck
School System, adding to the confusion of their children as to
where they actually live.
Mr. Vandernoot referred to a similar problem in Byram, Connecticut
where residents who had a Port Chester mailing address were finally
able to negotiate a change after five attempts and recalled an
earlier petition presented by the Dillon Park residents in September
of 1975, whereby Councilman Bloom noted the considerable increase
in the number of signatures on the present petition. Councilman
DeMaio asked if there was opposition to the change by any of the
area residents and Mrs. Katz stated that a few were opposed for
sentimental reasons. Mr. McMillan recalled that there had been
opposition to the change from the New Rochelle Postmaster in 1975
and suggested that the residents discuss the matter with him.
The Supervisor noted that he will seek out the proper channels to
obtain a fair hearing on the situation and will then notify all
interested parties of the progress made.
Pursuant to the discussion, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded
by Councilman Perone, the following resolution was unanimously
WHEREAS, ninety-six (96) residents of the Town
of Mamaroneck residing in the Dillon Park area
but having a New Rochelle postal address have
petitioned the Town Board,
WHEREAS, in their language, "The present
situation has caused the undersigned tax
paying residents of the Town of Mamaroneck
countless hardships and confusions of both
a personal and financial nature. All major
suppliers of service including oil, tele-
phone, merchants, etc. regard the under-
signed as residents of the City of New
Rochelle and accordingly tax at the higher
rate applicable to City residents. This
has constituted and will continue to
constitute an invidious form of discrimi-
nation as against the undersigned residents
of the Town of Mamaroneck",
WHEREAS, since a similar petition signed by
just thirty-eight (38) of these residents
was denied two (2) years ago, the imposition
of a 2% sales tax by the City of New Rochelle
since that time has acerbated this situation,
WHEREAS, precedent has been set in the past
by the Postal Authorities changing postal
addresses of people residing in areas other
than that indicated by the postal address,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck unanimously strongly urges the
Postal Authorities to effect this change as
rapidly as possible thereby removing an
onerous problem from the residents of this
The minutes of the regular meeting of March 2, 1977 were presented
and on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Perone,
approved as submitted. Councilman Bloom and Councilman DeMaio
abstained from voting since neither were in attendance at that
The minutes of the regular meeting of March 16, 1977 were presented
and on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Perone,
approved as submitted. Councilmen McMillan and DeMaio abstained
from voting since both were absent from that meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING: Increase of Fee for Application to Zoning Board
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it
hereby is declared open.
The Town Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication and Posting
of Notice of Hearing for the record and the Supervisor explained
that the Zoning Board recommends the raise from $25.00 to $35.00
because it is needed to cover the increased costs of advertising
and postage for notifying property owners within a 400-foot radius
of the property for which an application is made. Whereupon, since
no one wished to be heard either in favor of or in opposition to
the increase, on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this hearing be and it hereby
is declared closed.
Thereupon in response to the Supervisors query as to the Board's
pleasure, on motion by Councilman Bloom, who stated that the
increase as recommended by the Zoning Board is reasonable and
logical, seconded by Councilman DeMaio, the following resolution
was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board, all members being
present and voting:
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 89-80 of the
Zoning Code of the Town of Mamaroneck, a
public hearing was duly held before this
Board on October 19, 1977 to consider
amending the Zoning Code so as to increase
the fee for applications to the Zoning
Board from $25.00 to $35.00 in order to
cover the costs of advertising;
WHEREAS, notice of such hearing was duly
published in the official newspaper of
the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times,
in accordance with law;
RESOLVED, that Section 89-79 of the
Zoning Ordinance of the Town of
Mamaroneck, adopted on June 29, 1959
and effective August 7, 1959, heretofore
last amended on March 3, 1971, is hereby
further amended so as to read as follows:
Any person or corporation, other
than the Town of Mamaroneck, making
any application to the Board of
Appeals under the provisions of
this Ordinance, shall pay to the
Building Inspector the sum of thirty-
five dollars ($35.00) to cover the
cost of advertising the notice of
hearing, upon each application filed.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and she hereby
is authorized to publish in the official newspaper
of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, notice
of the adoption of this resolution and to post
such notice on the bulletin board maintained by
the Clerk, as provided by law.
IIIPUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds
On motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Perone,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it
hereby is declared open.
The Clerk presented. the Affidavits of Publication and Posting
of Notice of Hearing and read into the record said Notice at
the request of Supervisor Vandernoot.
The Supervisor in explaining the purpose of the hearing noted
that this is the first of two hearings being mandated for the
first time and pointed out that the figures being presented are
tentative and may be amended before the second hearing which will
be held in conjunction with the Town budget hearing, but will
become firm upon adoption of the 1978 budget in December.
Following Supervisor Vandernoot's explanation that the procedure
to be followed would be to hear first those in favor of the
proposed uses, then those in opposition, and his line by line
reference to the items to be expended, brief discussion ensued
concerning the outlay for police cars, a new direct-dialing
telephone system, insurance and a printing machine. In answer
to several questions, the Comptroller noted that the Town would
realize a saving with the new telephone system since it would no
longer be paying part of the switchboard operator's salary now
being shared with the school district and further noted that
small cars for the Police Department have proven unsatisfactory.
The Town Engineer pointed out that the $2000 outlay for the
printing machine was a money saving measure since the Town would
now be able to do its own construction-plan printing, cutting
costs to paper only.
Since no one wished to be heard either in favor of or in opposition
to the proposed uses, on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded by
Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby
is declared closed.
In response to Supervisor Vandernoot's query as to the Board's
pleasure, on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of
the Board, all members thereof being present and voting aye:
WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on this date
at the time and place specified in the Notice
of Public Hearing on the Proposed Uses of Federal
Revenue Sharing Funds and has heard all persons
desiring to be heard thereon;
RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby
approve the Proposed Schedule of Spending
of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds in the
amount of $175,535.00 as a part of the 1978
Budget for the fiscal year beginning on the
first day of January 1978, the itemized statement
of expenditures hereto attached and made a part
of this resolution;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the 1976
Amendments to the Federal Revenue Sharing Act,
said approval is made subject to a second
hearing to be held in conjunction with the
budget hearing on December 7, 1977.
1. Report of Bids - Fuel Oil
Pursuant to Comptroller Carmine DeLuca's memorandum addressed to
the Board under date of October 18, 1977 enumerating the bids
and recommending award to the low bidder, herewith presented
and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman McMillan,
seconded by Councilman Perone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the
bid of the low bidder, namely Barrier Oil
Corporation, in the amount of $.3935 per
2. Report of Bids - Work Uniforms
A memorandum addressed to the Town Board by Carmine DeLuca, Comptroller
under date of October 18, 1977 enumerating the only bid and recommending
award thereof was herewith presented and ordered received and filed
as part of the record of this meeting.
Following Mr. DeLuca's comments that Finast Uniform Specialist has
been supplying the Town for a long time, that their rates are
reasonable and that they generally are not under-bid, on motion by
Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman DeMaio, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the
bid of the only bidder, namely Finast Uniform
Specialist in the amount of $2.30 per man per
3. Report of Bids - Direct Dialing Telephone System
A memorandum addressed to the Town Board by Comptroller Carmine
DeLuca under date of October 18, 1977 enumerating the only bid
from the American Teleconnect Corporation and recommending award
thereof was herewith presented and ordered received and filed as
part of the record of this meeting.
Typewriter $ 600. General Fund G.T.
Safe 200. It 11
Adding Machines (3)
500. It II
Calculator 300• 11 t,
Printing Machine 2,100. n II
Telephone Equipment 7,000. n II
ain Saws 500. It It
Total General Fund G.T. 111J200.
Police Cars $10,000. General Fund P.T.
Radios (Police) 3,000. 11 11
Two Pick-up Trucks 13,000. If it
Park Truck 12,000. II II
Total General Fund P.T. $38,000.
1 Insurance $25,000. General Fund G.T.
CAP 10,000. n It
6 000. F1 ft
Consultant Fees (Comm. Beaut.) :
Professional Appraiser 5,000. /1 It
Total General Fund G.T. $46,000.
Insurance $10,000. General Fund P.T.
Fixed Asset Appraisal 3,000. II IF
Professional Development 8,000. It II
\AC 9,000. It II
programs for the Aging 12,360. It II
Teen Center 12,975. II It
Total General Fund P.T. $55,335.
GRAND TOTAL 1101,335.
Serial Bond (Air Structure) $ 25,000. General Fund G.T.
Pursuant to Mr. DeLuca's statement that specifications had been
forwarded to six (6) companies, but that the sole bidder had
presented a fair price, on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded
by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously
� Y
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the
bid of the only bidder, namely American
Teleconnect Corporation in the amount of
4. Report of Bids - VAC Facility
A memorandum addressed to the Town Board by the Town Engineer under
date of October 19, 1977 enumerating the bids and recommending
award thereof was herewith presented and ordered received and filed.
Some discussion followed in which Mr. Elfreich, as requested by
Councilman Bloom, outlined the specifics of the project and described
the building which he said is scheduled to be completed within 60
days of the signing of the contract, and possibly ready for use by
the end of 1977, weather permitting. He further noted that the
cement-block structure will house both ambulances, and will include
toilet facilities and showers, a small boiler room, office, crew
lounge, storage room, and a kitchen.
Councilman DeMaio raised the question of the cost of the demolition
of the old building since the cost of the entire project is to be
shared with the Village of Larchmont. Mr. Elfreich responded that
the cost would be minimal since it is a delapidated wood frame
structure. Following the discussion, on motion by Councilman Perone,
seconded by Councilman DeMaio, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the
bid of the low bidder for the following:
Construction of VAC Headquarters
J. & N. Construction - $69,105.00.
Supervisor Vandernoot commended the Town Engineer and his staff on
the fine job done in preparing the plans, getting the specifications
together and meeting with the contractors at the site in a short
period of time.
5. Bond Resolution - Sewer Improvements
Pursuant to the Supervisor's request that the Town Engineer give
sufficient notice to residents when work is to begin on each of
the enumerated streets, the following resolution was offered by
Councilman Bloom, who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman
McMillan, to-wit:
WHEREAS, the Town Engineer, by a Report dated
August 30, 1977, has recommended the reconstruction
of sanitary sewer laterals at various locations
in and for Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York;
WHEREAS, the estimated cost of the aforesaid
improvements is $164,600;
WHEREAS, the Town Board of said Town duly adopted
a resolution on September 7, 1977, calling a
public hearing on said proposed improvements
pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 630 of
the Laws of 1939, as amended by Chapter 710
of the Laws of 1943;
WHEREAS, after due notice, said public hearing
was held at the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver
Street, in Mamaroneck, New York, at 8:15 o'clock
P.M. , Eastern Daylight Saving Time, on the 5th
day of October, 1977, at which all persons
interested in the subject matter thereof were
duly heard;
WHEREAS, said Town Board has duly considered
the evidence given at the aforesaid public
RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York as
Section 1. Upon the evidence given at the
aforesaid public hearing, it is hereby
found and determined to be necessary and in
the public interest to reconstruct the
following existing sanitary sewer laterals
in and for Sewer District No. l of the Town
of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York,
including incidental improvements: Conservation
area off the Boston Post Road 270 feet;
Lafayette - Huguenot to Madison and dead end
to Madison 300 feet; North Chatsworth Avenue -
Bryson to Forest Avenue 260 feet; Wildwood
Road from dead end manhole east 105 feet;
Valley Road - Birch Road to Rockingstone 245
feet; Valley Road - Birch Road to Fern 360 feet;
Glen Road - Rockingstone to Valley Road 420
feet; Rockingstone Avenue at intersection of
Spruce and Poplar 100 feet; and Rockingstone
Avenue - Glen Road to Forest Avenue 295 feet,
at a maximum estimated cost of $164,600, and
said reconstruction is hereby authorized and
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- plant
to Rain causes ma,sslve
— Continued from page lA these are critical areas, and as mate of the cost of the damage but tricts are under similar orders to problem and look for solutions.
' evidenced by this Mamaroneck - that it would be huge. fix their sewers as well.. ".•••. , . - But county and local officials said
,;' 'his.is a pretty glaring exam- situation, you can be penny-wise The plant was taking in the "Nobody did anything any- yesterday that a new study might
and pound-foolish.' be needed to refine the previous
ple of why it doesn't pay to put off excess water because the hun- where near what they need to do," studies.
Maintenance," said Robert Funi- This week's breakdown at the dreds of miles of sewers in the said Manfredi,the DEC engineer. "We'd better realize what we're
Celle, a former Mamaroneck vil- Mamaroneck plant began during district — in Mamaroneck village Spano's office was unable to say doing before we spend millions of
lage trustee and now a board Monday night's heavy rainstorm. and town, Harrison, and parts of yesterday how much each commu-
member of Federated Conserva- At 8:15 p.m., a power outage at a Rye, Scarsdale, New Rochelle and nit, has done to comply with the dollars here,"Price said.
tionists of Westchester County. Consolidated Edison substation in White Plains—are badly deterio- order, although officials said that The deteriorating sewers be-
"Step back and say, 'How did it Harrison cut electricity to the rated. When it rains, water flows only White Plains has completed came a key issue in last year's
happen that we found ourselves in plant. A backup generator failed into the sewers and eventually its share of the work. county executive race between
this position?' — the municipali- to start either automatically or into the plant, instead of finding Although •the `county and the Spano and Rye Republican Ted
. ties didn't do(the work), the coun- manually,county officials said. its way to storm drains, brooks Dunn. Spano criticized Dunn for
ty didn't force them, the state and streams. seven local governments are in clog m be an environmentalist
didn't force the county, and EPA When the Mamaroneck plant is violation of the consent order,.the while'neglecting to fix his city's
operating at its normal capacity— Over the years,the excess water state has not gone to court to
shrugged' 20 million gallons a day—sewage has caused numerous sewage by- enforce it,Manfredi said. sewers, despite having collected
',..Elected officials need to make is treated and then released into Passes and overflows that have almost $1 million in property tax.
the sewer repairs a priority even the Sound by gravity. But when closed beaches along the Sound Federal regulators, meanwhile, money for the job.
it the unglamorous work will win the amount of sewage flowing shore. are satisfied that the state is hand- Susan Tolchin, Spano's spokes-
diem few votes, said John Atkin, through the plant rises,pumps are • In 1994, the state Department: x the situation properly. EPA woman, said yesterday that the•
executive director of Save the needed to keep the flow going. of . Environmental Conservation spokeswoman Mary Mears said problem was. still a priority _for
Sound, an environmental group reached an administrative consent _:federal officials meet quarterly Spano, but that it was going to
Monday mght,the flow rose to a with state officials for updates on take a long.time to fix,The county
based in Stamford. With the econ- agreement with the county, re-
s� rate of 50 million gallons a day. problem sewage plants. • overnment is looking for a way to
omy booming and governments in With no electricity available, the quiring the county to fix its own . g
sound fiscal shape, there are'few amps. were:;:useless. The lant sewers — which it did — and to_ "At this point, we're happy that spread sewer costs across the
v4lid excuses for not spending the P p compel the communities to fix .the state is working. with them," whole county rather than across
flooded, releasing untreated 'sew-
ribney,he said age into Mamaroneck Harbor and= theirs. The work has been esti- she said individual sewer districts, she
�: mated to cost at least$8 million. The county has commissioned said• • -
t;"The municipalities aren't do-. damaging and destroying equip- '
- ing enough," said Atkin, a former ment in the plant. Spano's office Communities in the New Ro- several engineering studies since "It would be more effective,and i
Connecticut state senator. "To me, said it still had no accurate esti- chelle and Blind Brook sewer dis- the early 1980s to evaluate the it would be cheaper,"she said _
Section 2. This resolution shall take effect
The question of the adoption of the foregoing
resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call,
which resulted as follows:
Joseph F. Vandernoot VOTING Aye
Lee H. Bloom VOTING Aye
Stewart J. McMillan VOTING Aye
Harry B. DeMaio VOTING Aye
John M. Perone VOTING Aye
The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.
The following resolution was offered by Councilman Bloom, who moved
its adoption, seconded by Councilman McMillan, to-wit:
WHEREAS, by proceedings heretofore duly had
and taken pursuant to the provisions of Chapter
630 of 1939, as amended by Chapter 710 of the
Laws of 1943, the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, has
determined it to be in the public interest to
reconstruct certain existing sanitary sewer
laterals in and for Sewer District No. 1 of
said Town, as hereinafter described;
WHEREAS, it is now desired to provide for the
financing of said reconstruction;
RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, as
Section 1. The specific object or purpose to
be financed pursuant to this resolution is the
reconstruction of the following existing
sanitary sewer laterals in and for Sewer District
No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester
County, New York, including incidental improvements:
Conservation area off Boston Post Road 270 feet;
Lafayette - Huguenot to Madison and dead end to
Madison 300 feet; North Chatsworth Avenue -
- Bryson to Forest Avenue 260 feet; Wildwood Road
from dead end manhole east 105 feet; Valley
Road - Birch Road to Rockingstone 245 feet;
Valley Road - Birch Road to Fern 360 feet;
Glen Road - Rockingstone to Valley Road 420
feet; Rockingstone Avenue at intersection of
Spruce and Poplar 100 feet; and Rockingstone
Avenue - Glen Road to Forest Avenue 295 feet,
at a maximum estimated cost of $164,600.
III Section 2. The plan for the financing of such
maximum estimated cost is by the issuance of
$164,600 serial bonds of said Town, hereby
authorized to be issued pursuant to the Local
Finance Law.
Section 3. It is hereby determined that the
period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid
specific object or purpose is forty years,
pursuant to subdivision 4 of paragraph a of
Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. It
is hereby further determined that the maximum
maturity of the serial bonds herein authorized
will exceed five years.
Section 4. The faith and credit of said Town
of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York,
are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment
of the principal of and interest on such bonds
as the same respectively become due and payable.
There shall annually be assessed upon all the
taxable real property in said Sewer District
No. 1, at the same time and in the same manner
as other Town charges, an amount sufficient to
pay said principal and interest as the same
become due and payable, but if not paid from
such source, all the taxable real property
within said Town shall be subject to the levy
of ad valorem taxes without limitation as to
rate or amount sufficient to pay the principal
of and interest on said bonds.
Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the
Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the
issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes
in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the
serial bonds herein authorized, including
renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to
the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer. Such
notes shall be of such terms, form and contents,
and shall be sold in such manner, as may be
prescribed by said Supervisor, consistent with
the provisions of the Local Finance Law.
Section 6. The validity of such bonds and bond
anticipation notes may be contested only if:
1) Such obligations are authorized
for an object or purpose for which
III said Town is not authorized to
expend money, or
2) The provisions of law which should
be complied with at the date of
publication of this resolution are
not substantially complied with,
and an action, suit or proceedings contesting
such validity is commenced within twenty days
after the date of such publication, or
3) Such obligations are authorized in
violation of the provisions of the
Section 7. This resolution, which takes effect
immediately shall be published in full in The
Daily Times, the official newspaper, together
with a notice of the Town Clerk in substantially
the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local
Finance Law.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing
resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call,
which resulted as follows:
Joseph F. Vandernoot VOTING Aye
Lee H. Bloom VOTING Aye
Stewart J. McMillan VOTING Aye
Harry B. DeMaio VOTING Aye
John M. Perone VOTING Aye
The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.
6. Engineer's Request - Reduction of Performance Bond - "The
Fairways at Prince Willow - Sections 1, 2 and 2A"
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Town Board under date of
October 18, 1977 by the Town Engineer, herewith ordered received
and filed, in which he noted the decision of the Planning Board
at its meeting held on October 12, 1977, on motion by Councilman
DeMaio, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the reduction of the Performance Bond for
roadway improvements in the subdivision known
as "The Fairways at Prince Willow - Section
1, 2 and 2A", from $56,500.00 to $5,000.00
pursuant to the recommendation of the Town
Engineer and Superintendent of Highways and
resolution adopted by the Planning Board of
the Town of Mamaroneck on October 12, 1977;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be and he
is hereby authorized to return to Mr. Widulski
(representing Mr. Pollak) the two savings bank
pass books which had been accepted in lieu
of a bond.
_-- -11-
1. Authorization to Advertise for Bids - Police Cars
Pursuant to presentation of the Comptroller's memorandum under
date of October 18, 1977, herewith ordered received and filed,
on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Perone,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
publication in the official newspaper of
the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, of
a Notice of Bids for police cars with the
Village of Larchmont as a joint purchasing
2. Authorization to Advertise for the Sale of Police Motorcycle
Mr. DeLuca presented his memorandum dated October 18, 1977 which
was herewith ordered received and filed and on motion by Councilman
Perone, seconded by Councilman DeMaio, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
publication in the official newspaper of
the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, of
a Notice of Bids for the sale of a 1966
Harley-Davidson motorcycle with a minimum
bid of $400.
3. Salary Authorizations - C.E.T.A. and Community Beautification
Following presentation of Comptroller Carmine DeLuca's memorandum
addressed to the Board under date of October 19, 1977, herewith
ordered received and filed, and pursuant to his notation that the
CETA employees will be paid with anti-recession monies, on motion
by Councilman DeMaio, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the hiring of the following:
Richard Young and John Okun as laborers in
the County authorized CETA Projects, effective
October 27, 1977 for approximately 51 months.
Richard Haviland as tree climber and laborer
effective October 27, 1977 for approximately
5 months.
1. Notice of Public Hearing - Zoning Board - Village of Scarsdale
III Notification of the Public Hearing of the Scarsdale Village Zoning
Board of Appeals, scheduled for October 19, 1977 was herewith
presented and ordered received and filed. The Supervisor noted
that a representative from the Town of Mamaroneck would be in
attendance at the Hearing to speak for residents in the area
surrounding the Quaker Ridge Golf Club, Inc.
2. Notice of Public Hearing - Zoning Board - Village of Larchmont
The aforesaid Notice was herewith presented by Supervisor Vandernoot
and ordered received and filed. The Supervisor noted that the
application of Gabriel L. Senor for a special permit would affect
the Town of Mamaroneck and that this Board would be closely
watching Larchmont's decision.
1. Report - 1977 Local Registration
The Clerk presented the report of the 1977 Local Registration.
Following her answers to questions from the Board, her statement
relative to the success of consolidation of the districts and
comments from the Larchmont League of Women Voters, it was
herewith ordered received and filed.
1. Authorization to Apply for Federal Surplus Property
Supervisor Vandernoot presented a communication from the State
Office of General Services and requested the Board's approval to
execute an application for eligibility as a public agency for
certain federal surplus property. Thereupon on motion by
Councilman Perone, who stated that he was making the motion since
completing the application is the only way the Town can ascertain
what is available, seconded by Councilman DeMaio, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Supervisor Vandernoot be and
he hereby is authorized to execute the
necessary forms supplied by the Office of
General Services in order that the Town of
Mamaroneck's eligibility in the Federal
Surplus Property Donation Program can be
Mr. Bloom
1. Proclamation - U.N. Day
Councilman Bloom announced that the Local Chapter of the. United
Nations Association has appointed Mrs. Joan Williams as its U.N.
Week Chairman for the week beginning October 24, 1977 and stated
that Mrs. Williams has asked the Board to adopt a proclamation
establishing that date as U.N. Day in the Town of Mamaroneck.
On motion by Councilman Perone, seconded by Councilman DeMaio,
and with the unanimous consent of the Board, the following
proclamation was issued:
� I
U.N. Day
October 24, 1977
This � peoples ear on October 24, the ples of
y P P
the world will join together once again
to observe United Nations Day, recalling
the date in 1945 when the United Nations
Charter came into force. UN Day is a
time to reaffirm our faith in the Charter's
ideals of peace and human rights and to
renew our commitment to social and economic
cooperation between nations.
The United Nations is largely a product of
the idealism and strength of the United
States. Since the UN was formed 32 years
ago, the world has changed dramatically
and the UN reflects these changes. But
the ideals on which it was founded have
not changed, nor have ours, and we must
continue to work in the UN for their
As we face today's pressing problems and
tomorrow's crucial questions, we realize
that their solution requires the cooperation
of all nations. Problems such as nuclear
proliferation, population growth, use of
the seas, energy, food production, trade,
and environmental protection affect us all
and cannot be solved by one nation alone.
The UN, as our only world-wide organization,
offers us the best vehicle for finding the
answers we all seek.
Now, Therefore, I, Joseph F. Vandernoot,
Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, do
hereby proclaim Monday, October 24, 1977
as United Nations Day and call upon all
the citizens of the Town to observe that
day in the spirit of common purpose ex-
pressed in the United Nations Charter.
I urge everyone to participate in activities
designed to increase understanding of the
problems and potential of the UN and develop
ideas to make the United Nations more
effective. I ask all citizens to observe
United Nations Day with a sense of
rededication to the high truths we in the
United States hold to be self-evident, as
expressed for us in the Constitution and
the Bill of Rights, and in the Charter of
the United Nations.
Mr. McMillan
1. Report - Cable Television
Councilman McMillan presented to the Board his preliminary findings
on Cable Television for the Town of Mamaroneck, and noted he has
been in contact with the three major companies that supply such
service including United Artists, who have presently been awarded
a contract for Scarsdale and White Plains. Noting that Larchmont
Village has recently invited companies to make presentations, Mr.
McMillan said it was his initial conclusion that the Town would
have to join with other areas, such as Larchmont and Mamaroneck
Villages, Rye, Scarsdale or some combination of same in a concerted
effort to attract one of the companies, thus providing enough of
a population density to make their service to the area profitable.
Mr. McMillan further stated that proposals from the companies offer
a broad scope of services such as cultural activities, sporting
events and other home entertainment, and could include such
municipal services as coverage of Town Board meetings, etc. After
answering some questions from the Board about costs and procedures
involved in setting up such a system, which would take 18 months
or longer to put into service, Mr. McMillan added that in the near
future he would propose that a Committee be established to further
study the possibilities of Cable Television for the Town.
1. Authorization to Engage Appraiser for Signor Associates Proceedings
Town Attorney, James J. Johnston requested the Board's approval to
engage Roland R. Greco as the appraiser for the purposes of the
Signor Associates certiorari which has been set down for trial
November 22, 1977 at 9:30 A.M. before Justice Sullivan. Mr.
Johnston stated that he and George Mellersten, Town Assessor, have
reviewed Mr. Greco's qualifications and stated that he comes very
highly endorsed. Following further questions from the Board, on
motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Perone, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be and he
hereby is authorized to engage the services
of an expert appraiser, Roland R. Greco, in
connection with the Signor Associates
certiorari proceedings at a cost of $2500.00
for his initial report and appraisal and
$300.00 per day thereafter.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at
9:34 P.M. , to reconvene on November 2, 1977.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
- -15-
1. Claims
Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner
Bloom and on his motion, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following Fire
Department claims as approved by the Fire
Chief and audited by the Comptroller's
AAA Emergency Supply Co. , Inc. $ 472.50
AAA Emergency Supply Co. , Inc. 43.75
Exterminating Services Co. 9.67
Lou Giacomo ARCO 3.00
The Larchmont Print, Inc. 39.50
William Smith Supplies, Inc. 74.75
Westchester Joint Water Works 128.29
$ 771.46
2. Engineer's Request - Payment of Retained Percentage - Park
Construction Co.
Pursuant to Mr. Bloom's presentation of memorandum addressed to
the Town Fire Council by the Town Engineer under date of October
18, 1977 herewith ordered received and filed, on motion by
Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the acceptance of a Maintenance Bond in the
amount of $990.00 in lieu of the 10% retained
percentage to Park Construction Inc. for
replacement windows at the Weaver Street
Firehouse as approved by the Town Attorney.
There being no further business to come before the Fire Commission,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at
9:35 P.M. , to reconvene on November 2, 1977.
Town Clerk