HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977_10_05 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF A ! REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK , HELD OCTOBER 5 , 1977 IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE , WEAVER STREET , TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8 : 15 p . m. ROLL CALL Present : Supervisor Vandernoot Councilman Bloom Councilman McMillan Councilman DeMaio Councilman Perone Absent : None Also Present : Mrs . Miller , Town Clerk Mr. Johnston , Town Attorney Mr. DeLuca , Comptroller Mr. Elfreich , Town Engineer MR. DEMAIO Conservation Councilman DeMaio introduced three young residents of the Town , Andy Ettelson , Andy Francella and Andy Vallely , and referred to their letter which appeared in The Daily Times on September 30th regarding the deteriorating conditions at the Sheldrake River Trails and the carelessness on the part of local residents who use them. The boys presented their concerns to the Board and outlined their activities thus far to improve the situation , as well as their ideas for future programs . Mr. DeMaio noted that while there are certain regulatory steps that the Town can take with the Police and Conservation Departments and the Life Center, the residents also have a responsibility to cooperate in maintaining the local conservation areas . Mr. Vandernoot then thanked the three young men and assured them that the Board supports their fine efforts and noted • that he would be consulting with the Police Chief regarding the trails . PUBLIC HEARING : Application for Special Permit-Lux Car Care Limited On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that the Public gearing be , and it hereby is , declared open . -1 - The Town Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of the Notice of Hearing for the record . Supervisor Vandernoot stated that Lux Car Care Ltd . had requested a special permit for additions and alterations to the existing building and that following a study of the application , the Planning Board had recommended approval . Following the Supervisor ' s explanation that the procedure would be to hear those in favor of the application and then those opposed , Mr. Yorrie Abrams , owner , described • the need for sheltering certain equipment necessary to his operation , which has thus far been stored in the open field area behind the car wash so that it can be protected from freezing during the winter months . Some discussion ensued regarding drainage , the need for a guard rail and a fresh paint job . Whereupon , since no one wished to be heard in opposition to the application , on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that this Hearing be , and it hereby is , declared closed . Thereupon , on motion by Councilman' Perone , seconded by Councilman DeMaio , the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board , all members being present and voting : WHEREAS , Lux Car Care Ltd . has submitted an application and accompanying plans for the construction of additions to the existing car wash building located at 2434 Boston Post Road in the Town of Mamaroneck , known as Block 502 Parcel 326 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town ; and WHEREAS , the said application and plans are subject to a Special Permit pursuant to Article V , Chapter 89-28 , Paragraph B , Sub-paragraph ( 7 ) of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck ; and WHEREAS , the application has been duly referred to the Planning Board for study and recommendation ; and WHEREAS , the applicant has received a variance from the Zoning Board to construct the additions ; and -2- WHEREAS , a public hearing was duly called by this Board for this meeting pursuant to the aforesaid Section of the Zoning Ordinance ; and WHEREAS , this Board has examined the plans , specifications and application and finds the conditions and standards required by the Zoning Ordinance for Special Permits have been met ; NOW , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that pursuant to the recommendations of the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board , the application. of Lux Car Care Ltd. for a Special Permit so as to allow additions to the existing car wash building located at 2434 Boston Post Road , Town of Mamaroneck , is hereby granted and the Building and Plumbing Inspector of the Town is authorized to issue a Special Permit for the construction of additions to the existing car wash building as shown on the plans accompanying the application for the operation of a car wash , provided that the proposed construction conforms in all respects with the Building Code ; the Plumbing Code ; and the Zoning Ordinance of the Town ; and also complies with the conditions set forth below , all subject to approval by the Town Building and Plumbing Inspector , the Town Engineer and the Town Attorney : 1 . that the applicant build a guard rail on Van Guilder Street to prevent cars that might go out of control from going down the embankment ; 2 . that the applicant provide sufficient drainage to keep water off the surrounding properties ; 3 . that as agreed by the applicant , • upon completion of the construction of the additions to the building , he will resurface the lot and paint the building ; and be it further RESOLVED , that a Building Permit be obtained and construction be started within a period of six (6) months from the date of the adoption of this resolution and completed within a period of two (2 ) years . -3- PUBLIC HEARING: Bond Resolution Authorizing Sewer Improvements (Authorization to Advertise for Bids) On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and it hereby is, declared open. The Town Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of the Notice of Hearing for the record. Supervisor Vandernoot asked the Town Engineer, Charles Elfreich, to explain his reasons for recommending the replacement of various sanitary sewers. Mr. Elfreich explained that television cameras had been used to inspect the various lines and the outcome of such viewing which indicated the condition of the lines. He noted further that so much has to be done that it is projected that it would take approximately ten to twelve for completion. He added that, of course, those in the worst condition should be done first. After some further discussion about the cost of such projects as well as the appropriation of such funds, on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Hearing be, and it hereby is, declared closed. Thereafter, on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authroizes publication in the official newspaper of the Town, The Daily Times, of a Notice of Bids for the reconstruction of the following sanitary sewers : Conservation area off Boston Post Road, 270 linear feet of 10 inch pipe; Lafayette - Huguenot to Madison and dead end to Madison, 300 linear feet of 8 inch pipe; North Chatsworth Avenue - Bryson to Forest Avenue, 260 linear feet of 8 inch pipe; Wildwood Road from dead end manhole east, 105 linear feet of 8 inch pipe; Valley Road - Birch Road to Rockinstone; 245 linear feet of 8 inch pipe; • Valley Road - Birch Road to Fern; 360 linear feet of 8 inch pipe; III Glen Road - Rockingstone to Valley Road 420 linear feet of 8 inch pipe; Rockingstone Ave. at intersection of Spruce and Poplar, 100 linear feet of 8 inch pipe; Rockingstone Avenue - Glen Road to Forest Avenue, 295 linear feet of 8 inch pipe. j -4- PUBLIC HEARING : Proposal to Dissolve and Discontinue Park District On motion by Councilman Bloom , seconded by Councilman McMillan , it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Hearing be , and it hereby is , declared open . The Town Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of Notice of Hearing for the record . MR. VANDERNOOT : Legislation was introduced at our request in the House and the Assembly of Albany and on August 11th the Governor signed a bill which is Chapter 846 of the Laws of 1977 . It states the Town Board may upon its own motion and without petition , but after a public hearing held in the manner hereinafter specified upon the notice hereinafter specified , dissolve and discontinue the Town of Mamaroneck Park District which was formed pursuant to Chapter 574 of the Laws of 1924 . The Town Board shall adopt an order on its motion to dissolve and discontinue. such District and the same shall be entered into the minutes of this proceeding specifying the purpose thereof and specifying the time when , and place where , said Board will meet to consider the motion and hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same . The Board should cause a copy of such order certified by the Town Clerk to be published at least once in the official paper, the first publication thereof should be not less than 10 nor more than 20 days before the day set therein for the hearing as aforesaid and shall cause a copy thereof to be posted on the signboard of the Town , maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law , not less than 10 , not more than 20 days before the day designated for the hearing as aforesaid . This is really a notice of the meeting and all of these things have been complied with . If the Town Board shall determine after such hearing and upon the evidence given thereat that it is in the public interest to dissolve and discontinue such Park District , the Town Board shall adopt an order to dissolve and discontinue such Park District , thereafter the authority to do all acts necessary for the maintenance and control of the former Park District shall be in the Town Board of the Town . However, the Town continue to maintain the land wihin the former Park District as a Town Park and the Town shall assume all - obligations , liabilities of the former Park District . This act shall take effect immediately. The reasons for this legislation is that we feel that the function and .care of the Parks can be a financial savings • to the Town over a period of eime . Also , federal funds could not have been used in the Park District , this would seem to be a viable move for the Town to take . Some further discussion ensued with Mr. Vandernoot , Mr. McMillan and Mr . Perone fielding questions from residents and a statement from the League of Women Voters re Park District Dissolution by Henrique Schutta . On motion duly made and seconded , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that this Hearing be , and it hereby is , declared closed . - 5- Thereafter , on motion: by Mr. Perone , seconded by Supervisor Vandernoot, on a roll -call vote , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that the Park District be dissolved based upon the study and recommendations of the Park Commissioners and the Chairman . Mr. Vandernoot added that the dissolution of the Park District in no way reflects on the tremendous job done by Mr. Aitchison over the years for the Town , both by saving the Town a small fortune in equipment and having the • prettiest Parks in the world . He added that Mr. Aitchison has done a fantastic job and will certainly continue to do so . PUBLIC HEARING : Prospects. of Platform Tennis on Town Land A very lengthy discussion ensued with regard to erecting platform tennis courts and to where , when , how and the cost factors involved . A great deal of debate and argument by both proponents and opponents followed followed various explanations given by members , of the Recreation Committee and the Board . Thereafter , it was decided by a unanimous vote of the Town Board against any platform tennis courts on Town Land at this time . OLD BUSINESS 1 . Authorization to Advertise for Bids - VAC Facility Pursuant to a memorandum addressed to the Board by the Town Engineer under date of October 4 , 1977 , herewith presented and ordered received and filed , Supervisor Vandernoot referred to the poor condition of the present V . A. C . Facility , noting that the services provided by U. A. A. are a necessity for Town residents and stated that tentative plans have been presented for a new Facility to be located in the general area of the Town Court House . Thereupon , on motion by Councilman Bloom , seconded by Councilman Demaio , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that this Board hereby authorizes publication in the official newspaper of the Town , The Daily Times , of a Notice of Bids for a Headquarters Building for V . A.C. , said bids to be returnable on October 17 , 1977 . 2 . Engineer ' s Request - Release 10% Retained Percentage- Manny Equipment Co . , Inc . Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Town Board by the Town Engineer under date of October 3 , 1977 , herewith -6 - presented and ordered received and filed , on motion by Councilman Bloom , seconded by Councilman McMillan , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that this Board hereby authorizes the acceptance of a Maintenance Bond on Contract No . 77-4 - Storm Drain Improvements , II Jason Lane , in the amount of $756 . 30 in lieu of the 10% retained percentage to Manny Equipment Co . , Inc . subject to review and approval of said bond by the Town Attorney. 3 . Engineer ' s Request - Release 10% Retained Percentage- DiBaccari and Riccio Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Town Board by the Town Engineer under date of October 3 , 1977 , herewith presented and ordered received and filed , on motion by Councilman McMillan , seconded by Councilman Perone , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that this Board hereby authorizes, the acceptance of a Maintenance Bond on Contract No . 77-5 - Sanitary Sewer Improvements -Myrtle Boulevard in the amount of $3 ,800 in lieu of the 10% retained percentage to Paul DiBiccari and Daniel Riccio , subject to review and approval of said bond by the Town Attorney. 1 NEW BUSINESS 1 . Comptroller' s Request - Journal Entry for Transfer of Excess Revenues Pursuant to presentation of the Comptroller ' s memorandum under date of October 5 , 1977 , herewith ordered received and filed , and following an explanation by Mr. DeLuca , on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman DeMaio , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that this Board hereby authorizes the Comptroller to make a journal entry within the 1977 budget to transfer excess revenues • in the Water District in the amount of $25 ,000. 2 . Salary Authorization - Rent Subsidy Program Pursuant to Comptroller Carmine DeLuca ' s memorandum addressed to the Board under date of October 5 , 1977 , herewith presented and ordered received and filed , and following the notation that this salary would be paid entirely by HUD , on motion by Councilman Bloom , seconded by Councilman Perone , it was unanimously - 7- 1 RESOLVED , that this Board hereby authorizes the hiring of Jeanne Cates as Assistant Public Housing Administrator to be compensated at the rate of $9 ,115 per year for a probationary period of 90 days effective October 3 , 1977 . It was further noted by Supervisor Vandernoot that 75 units have already been rented and another 100 have been requested by the Rent Subsidy Program , thereby increasing the work load in that office. 3 . Salary Authorizations - Recreation Pursuant to memoranda addressed to the Board by the Superintendent of Recreation under dates of September 16 , 1977 and September 28 , 1977 , herewith ordered received and filed , and following . Councilman Perone ' s question regarding the salary of Christopher Pinto , which Supervisor Vandernoot stated would be included in a review of the entire work staff before approval , on motion by Councilman Perone , seconded by Councilman McMillan , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that as recommended by the Recreation Commission , this Board hereby authorizes that the persons listed here below be compensated in the amount stated and effective on the date specified for each : Christopher Pinto , Rec . Asst . Hommocks Ice Rink , $4/hour effective 9/6/77 ; William Reilly , Sr. Rec . Leader., Open House Program , $33/session effective 9/30/77 ; Richard Owen , Sr. Rec . Leader , Open House Program , $24/session effective 9/30/77 ; Richard Rella , Sr. Rec . Leader , Open House Program , $24/session effective 9/30/77 ; Dean Reben , Sr . Rec . Leader , Open House Program , $24/session effective 9/30/77 ; Hilda Cashman , Rec . Assistant , Oepn House Program , $3/hour effective 9/30/77 ; Liz Zobel , Rec . Assistant , Open House Program , 1 $3/hour effective 9/30/77 ; Richard Owen , Sr. Rec . Leader , Gymnastics , $9/hour effective 9/24/77 ; Thomas Auchterlonie , Sr. Rec . Leader, Gymnastics , $9/hour effective 9/24/77 ; Meredes Yans , Rec . Assistant , Special Education Program, $20/session effective 10/8/77 . -8- 4 . Snow Removal Agreement - County Roads Pursuant to a communication addressed to the Town Clerk by •Arthur D. Ludwig , Director of Transportation Facilities for the Westchester County Department of Public Works , herewith presented and ordered received and filed , on motion by Councilman McMillan , seconded by Councilman Perone , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be , and he hereby is , authorized to sign the Agreement with the County of Westchester for removal of snow • and ice on County Roads within the Unincorporated Area of the Town of Mamaroneck , at a rate of $600 . 00 per mile for the 1977-78 winter season . 5 . Authorization to Advertise for Bids - Direct Dialing Telephone System Following presentation of a memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller under date of October 5 , 1977 , herewith ordered received and filed , some discussion ensued regarding the need for the above- mentioned system. Supervisor •Vandernoot explained that within the first year the Town will save the cost of installing the direct dialing equipment since it will no longer be necessary to pay a portion of the School switchboard operator ' s salary, and noted that the Comptroller projects a continued yearly savings for the Town of Mamaroneck by converting to this new system , which has been successful in the Village of Larchmont . Thereupon , on motion by Councilman DeMaio , seconded by Councilman Perone , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that this Board hereby authorizes publication in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck , The Daily Times , of a Notice of Bids for the reconfiguration of the present Town of Mamaroneck telephone system. 6 . Authorization - Publication of 1977 Registration and Election Polling Places Pursuant to the Town Clerk ' s requests for designation of the 1977 Polling Places and authorization for the publication of notices , on motion by Councilman McMillan and seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of Section 76 and Section 354 of the Election Law, this Board hereby designates a place for each Election District in the Town as shown on the sists hereto attached , and authorizes the publication in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck , The Daily -9- • Times , a_ Notice listing the places of registration and general election , briefly describing each district . 7 . Set Date for Public Hearing - Proposed Uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds Pursuant to Supervisor Vandernoot ' s notation that new • regulations governing federal revenue sharing require holding public hearings and on his recommendation that the first one be held at the next Town Board Meeting , on motion by Councilman McMillan , seconded by Councilman Perone , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that a public hearing will be by this Board at its next regular meeting on Wednesday evening , October 19 , 1977 in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse , Weaver Street , Town , for the purpose of discussing the proposed uses of federal revenue sharing funds ; and be it further RESOLVED , that the Clerk be , and she hereby is , authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town , The Daily Times , the Notice of said Hearing as required by law. 8. Schedule of Dates. - 1978 Budget ( Change Date of 2nd Meeting in December) Supervisor Vandernoot presented for the record the following schedule of dates, relative to the Tentative Budget for 1978 and noted that the document would be available in the Clerk ' s Office by November 2nd . November 2nd - Presentation of 1978 Town Board Meeting Tentative Budget ( Departmental Requests ) November 16th - Presentation of 1978 • Town Board Meeting Preliminary Budget and Set Date for Public Hearing December 7th - Public Hearing on 1978 Preliminary Budget December 19th - Adoption of 1978 Budget Town Board Meeting The Supervisor then requested that the date of the 2nd regular Town Board meeting in December be changed from Wednesday , the 21st to Monday the 19th since the budget -10- must be adopted no later than December 20th . Thereupon , on motion by Councilman McMillan , seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Board hereby changes the date of the second regular meeting in December from Wednesday , December 21st to Monday , December 19th and fixes this date for the adoption of the 1978 Budget ; and be it further RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk be , and she hereby is , authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town , The Daily Times , a notice of said change of date of the Town Board meeting . COMMUNICATIONS 1 . Request from Larchmont Junior Soccer League Pursuant to presentation of a letter addressed to the Town Board under date of August 25 , 1977 from Sidney Astle , President of the Larchmont Soccer League , requesting an allotment of $1 ,000 from the Town for the League ' s fall program, herewith ordered received and filed , on motion by Councilman Perone , seconded by Councilman McMillan , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that this Board hereby authorizes the appropriation of $1 ,000 to the Larchmont Soccer League for the operation of its 1977 fall program. 2 . Second Quarterly Report - Westchester Joint Water Works The Second Quarterly Report of the Westchester Joint Water Works was presented and herewith ordered received and filed for the record . 3 . Report - Inventory of Highway Machinery The above-mentioned report was presented by the Supervisor and herewith ordered received and filed . TOWN CLERK Regular Reports The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered received and filed : Report of the Town Clerk for the month of September 1977 . Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector for the month of September 1977 . 1977 Third Quarterly Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society , Inc . -11 - THE SUPERVISOR 1 . Resolution - Amend Rent Subsidy Contract Pursuant to the Supervisor ' s explanation that as a mere formality , HUD has requested that the rent subsidy contract be amended to conform with the leases that were actually signed , on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman DeMaio , it was unanimously RESOLVED , that this Board hereby • authorizes the Town Supervisor , Joseph Vandernoot , to sign the new contract amending rent subsidy to reflect size and number of units rented so that it will conform with leases actually signed , that is 60 units to the elderly and 15 to families . 2 . Resolution - Rent Subsidy Following Supervisor Vandernoot ' s request for authorization to sign the rent subsidy contract , on motion by Councilman Perone , seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED , that the Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby authorized to apply for , accept and expend funds made available by the Federal government either directly or through the State , pursuant to the provisions of any Federal law in order to administer , conduct or participate with the Federal, government in the Housing Assistance Payments Program administered by the U . S . Department of Housing and Urban Development . This resolution is in furtherance of Section 99H of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York . The Supervisor is hereby appointed the chief fiscal officer of the Town public housing agency which will receive and administer funds. made available by Section 8 of the Housing Assistance Payments Program. 3 . Report - Urban County Funds Well over a year ago we received our first allotment of $20 ,000 from Urban County and the purpose or the use for that money was to be a sensor valve up at the Larchmont Reservoir. It seems so long ago that you would think this probably all had been done , but in unwinding all that had to be accomplished , we finally have reached the point where the County has signed a contract with -12 Metcalfe and Eddy for the design and this should probably take 30 days or so . They will be prepared to install the valve in the present gatehouse and it should come under the appropriation for $20 ,000. Now the second $20 ,000 was requested for flood control below Gardens Lake , there is an abutment in the river that runs along North Brook Road and other obstructions here and there and they are in the process of studying it now. They are quite certain , however , that an environmental impact study will not be necessary and so this project will move a. little faster and probably will catch up to the one authorized a year ago . 1 4. I also have a report from Mrs . Samuels on the Rent Subsidy Program and on her duty as a Community Services person and it is really a fascinating report . The Town Board .just received it tonight , I doubt if they have had a chance to read it . I would just like to thank Mrs . Samuels 'for her report and we will go into it in further detail at another time . REPORTS . OF THE COUNCILMEN Councilman Bloom 1 . Letter from Chairman of C . A. C . A letter addressed to the Supervisor by Thomas R. Amlicke of the Conservation Advisory Commission under date of September 30 , 1977 was presented by Councilman Bloom and he briefly described the accompanying letters which were highly complimentary to the Commission and the Town ' s conservation efforts , particularly the recycling program. The letters were herewith ordered received and filed for the record . 2 . Apportionments Councilman Bloom presented the following apportionments and on his motion , which was seconded by Councilman McMillan , the following resolution was unanimously adopted : WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petition for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years pursuant to the provisions of Section 557 , Article 16 of the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS , after due consideration , this Board finds it desirable to grant said petition for the correction of said assessment roll ; NOW , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1977-78 taxes of 1978 , which -13 i . shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : BLOCK PARCEL OWNER LAND IMPROVEMENT TOTAL 724 285 Rose M. Vesce $16 ,400 . $18 ,900 . $35 ,300. be apportioned as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557 : 411 BLOCK PARCEL OWNER LAND IMPROVEMENT TOTAL i 724 285 Rose M. Vesce $9 ,500 . $18 , 900 . $28 ,400. j 724 295 Rose M. Vesce $6 , 900 . $ 6 , 900 . and be it further RESOLVED , that the assessment roll of 1976 school taxes of 1977 , which shows property now i appearing on the roll as follows : BLOCK PARCEL OWNER LAND IMPROVEMENT TOTAL 812 393 Joseph Veralli $5 ,800 . $7 ,700 . $13 ,500 . & W be apportioned as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557 : BLOCK - PARCEL OWNER LAND IMPROVEMENT TOTAL 812 393 Joseph Ve.ralli $3 ,700 . $7 . 700 . $11 ,400. & W 812 412 Magnetti $2 ,100 . $ 2 ,100 . Enterprises , Inc . and be it further RESOLVED , that the assessment roll of 1977-78 second half school taxes for 1977 , which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows : BLOCK PARCEL OWNER LAND IMPROVEMENT TOTAL 203 260 Robert M . Riley $11 ,800. $35 ,400 . $47 ,200 . be apportioned as follows in 4 accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557 : BLOCK PARCEL OWNER LAND $35TMPROVEMENT TOTAL 203 260 Robert M. Riley $7 ,200 . ,400. $42 . 600. 203 255 Robert M. Riley $4 ,600 . 0 . $ 4 ,600. -14- Councilman McMillan 1 . Report - United Hospital Meeting I was a. representative from. the Town of Mamaroneck and there were officials from the hospital , from other municipalities , Ed Ryan and quite a few doctors . New York State has asked United Hospital to take over their Alcohol Commission and the area it serves which also includes New Rochelle . They have embarked on a $19 ,000 , 000 construction project , a Federal project , and it is expected to be completed in 1981 , which enhance facilities at United Hospital . They would envision a panel of physicians and other people to service the area , including our area , on an in-patient and ambulatory basis . They will train people to serve on the volunteer ambulance corps , they will have monitoring equipment which is readable and which they are training people in use of. They will have 120 odd hours of State courses and will be able to make diagnoses (the only way they can be made ) which may be lifesaving in and of itselves . 2 . Report - Tenants Council Meeting I have had a communication from our Tenants Advisory Council which met on September 28 and took the position that they would rather pursue parking on Palmer Avenue than enter into any negotiations on the M & M property , which was envisioned as a means of aiding the severe parking problem existing at the Larchmont Acres and its environs . There is a petition which asks us not to enter into any lease , rental or purchase agreement with M & M and it has 131 signatures and was submitted by Mr . Scheuble. They also commended us on the use of the HUD money which is helping 175 families under the subsidy program and I think as it pertains to this . ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before th meeting , on motion duly made and seconded , it was declared adjourned at 12 : 55 a .m. , October 6 , 1977 , to reconvene on October 19 , 1977 . BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was immediately convened upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting . 1 . Claims Upon presentation for payment by Commissioner Bloom and on his motion , seconded by Councilman Perone , it was unanimously -15 - RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's -Office: AAA Emergency Supply Co. , Inc. $ AAA Emergency Supply Su 1 Co. Inc. 208.75 R.G. Brewer, Inc. 13.56 Con Edison 26.72 Con Edison 24.18 Dri-Chem Extinguisher 69.55 Excelsior Garage & Machine 4 Works 192.00 Salvatore J. Lagani 300.00 Larchmont Glass & Mirror Co. 100.00 McGuire Brothers, Inc. 22.00 New York Telephone 15.24 New York Telephone 315.97 Ritacco Service Center 94.00 William Smith Supplies, Inc. 44.16 $1 ,446.08 NOT ON AGENDA The Fire Department report for the month of September was presented and herewith ordered received and filed. 2. Bond Resolution - Pumper Following a lengthy discussion, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Perone, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, that a special election be held for the voters of Fire District #1 of the Town of Mamaroneck to determine if Bond Resolution dated October 5, 1977 authorizing the purchase of a fire fighting vehicle (1500 G.P.M. Pumper) , including appartus to be used in connection therewith by Fire District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, at a maximum estimated cost of $115,000, and authorizing the issuance of $80,000 serial bonds of said Fire District to pay a part of the cost thereof., with the balance of said cost to be provided by a trade-in of used equipment and monies to be appropriated in the 1978 and 1979 budgets of said Fire District be approved. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 12:40 a.m. , October 6, 1977, to reconvene on October 19, 1977. I 1 Town Clerk -16-