HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977_06_01 Town Board Regular Minutes 103 6-1-77 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD JUNE 1, 1977, IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Vandernoot , Councilman Bloom Councilman McMillan Councilman Perone Absent: Councilman DeMaio Also Present: Mrs. Miller - Town Clerk Mr. Aitchison - Superintendent of Highways Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer PRESENTATION BY WESTCHESTER COUNTY OFFICE OF CONSUMER PROTECTION A very interesting and informative presentation was given by Mr. Maurice Bouchard who related how the above captioned agency checks and inspects scales, gas pumps and various other measuring devices and demonstrated some of the devices. His presentation included the distribution of a variety of consumer related literature followed by a question and answer period about general consumer problems. The Supervisor on behalf of the Board thanked Mr. Bouchard. PUBLIC HEARING: Local Law #2-1977 - Electrical Control Work & Installations On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Perone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it hereby is declared open. The Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of the Notice of Hearing as a part of the record of this meeting. Following the Supervisor's explanation that the procedure to be followed would be to hear first those in favor of the local law, then those in opposition,. Councilman Bloom recounted the reasons for adopting this law and Councilman McMillan stated after review he finds the law appropriate and in order. Whereupon, since no one wished to be heard either in favor of or in opposition to the local law, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously -1- 104 6-1-77 RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby is declared closed. In response to Mr. Vandernoot's query as to the Board's pleasure, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, the following resolution was adopted by a majority vote of the Board: WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on June 1, 1977, at the. time and place specified in the Notice of Public Hearing to consider the adoption of Local Law #2-1977 - Electrical Control Work & Installations and has heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby adopt Local Law #2-1977 entitled "Electrical Control Work & Install- ations", and that such Local Law as so adopted and herewith inserted be made a part of the minutes of this meeting: (Local Law #2-1977 - Electrical Control Work & Installations herewith inserted on the follow- ing page) and be it further III RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, Notice of the Adoption of the aforesaid Local Law and to post same on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board as required by law. OLD BUSINESS 1. Report on Tax Lien Sale Mr. DeLuca, Comptroller presented his memorandum addressed to the Board under date of May 25, 1977, herewith ordered received and filed, and reported that eighty (80) liens were sold totaling $171,603.95. He further noted that one individual purchased one lien at $39.42 and the remaining ones were purchased by the Town. III2. Bid Report - Highway Department Van A memorandum addressed to the Town Board by Charles Elfreich, Town Engineer under date of June 1, 1977, outlining his review of the exceptions to the bids was herewith presented and ordered _ -2- .` . r= - 105 1 • ,.r • 7 6-1-77 1, TOWN OF MAMARONECK I o Electrical Control Work and Installations i y' Local Law #2-1977 ti A local law amending Article XVII of the Building Code for the Town of Mamaroneck with respect to electrical control lit ,. ` work and installations. i Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of hi Mamaroneck as follows : i! I SECTION 1. Article XVII of the Building Code for , the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby amended to read as follows: i 14-92 ELECTRICAL CONTROL l! STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. Since there is danger to y 0 life and property inherent in the use of electrical energy, .F. this local law shall regulate the design, installation, . alteration, replacement, maintenance, repair and inspection 1 of (1) wiring for electric light, power, heat, signal systems and other uses operating in excess of 50 Volts and (2) the 1 I installation of all electrical equipment and apparatus oper ! ating in excess of 50 Volts, located in or on, any real prop- , � , erty in the Town of Mamaroneck, County of Westchester, State li York �� of New York. 1 A. NATIONAL CODE ADOPTED. All electrical in- Il i stallations heretofore mentioned shall be made in conformity ;� 1E with the requirements of the National Electrical Code except when the provisions of this Local Law or any other local law, ' ordinance or building code of the Town of Mamaroneck shall differently prescribe, in which event compliance with the . . I provisions of such local law, ordinance or building code shall be recognized as proper compliance with this Local Law. The ; I' requirements of the National Electrical Code shall be those = known as ;National ;`ire iTotoction Association Pamphlet 3', 70, k -3- { ,. . v is i' i• I 1 as approved and adopted by the American Standards Association. lI B. INSPECTOR. The Chief Inspector and each of the l duly appointed inspectors of the New York Board of Fire Under- !. If % writers Electrical Bureau are hereby authorized and deputized I II , { j as agents of the Town of Mamaroneck to make inspections and { 1 reinspections of all electrical installations heretofore and I 11 hereafter described, and to approve or disapprove the same. Il 1 In no event, however, will the cost or expense of such in- spections and reinspections be a charge against the Town of �. Mamaroneck. Whenever reference is hereinafter made to "the Inspector", such reference shall be to the aforesaid Chief II Inspector or to any of said duly appointed inspectors of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters. if C. DUTIES OF THE INSPECTOR, It shall be the duty F II I 1 of the Inspector upon making an inspection or reinspection 1 of any electrical installation in or on real property in the Ii Town of Mamaroneck to issue a written report to the Building I 1 Inspector, whose duty it shall be to enforce all the pro- Ivisions of the Electrical Code. The Inspector shall make in- spections and reinspections of electrical installations, devices, appliances and equipment in and on properties in the Z ii Town of Mamaroneck upon the written request of an authorized 'j it official of the Town of Mamaroneck, upon the written request of the owner of a building in the Town of Mamaroneck or his . I l electrical contractor, or upon his own volition. In the event iiof an emergency it is the duty of the Inspector to make electrical inspections upon the oral request of an authorized 1: I ; ! ' official of the Town of Mamaroneck. It shall be the duty of I Ithe Inspector to furnish written reports of all inspections F d i . I . • 11 1;i I• to the Building Inspector or to the proper officials of the Town of Ma- 1; maroneck and to the owners and/or lessees of property where defec- if tive electrical installations and equipment are found upon inspection. i� He shall authorize the issuing of a certificate of compliance when electrical installations and equipment are in conformity with the I Electrical Code. He shall send a copy of said certificate of corn- Ipliance to the Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck, to the owner, lessee or electrical contractor involved or to any official designated to re- . ceive such certificates ors reports • D. VIOLATIONS OF THE CODE. It shall be a violation • of the.Electrical Code for any person, firm or corporation to install • or cause to be installed, or to alter or repair electrical wiring for light, heat or power, in or on properties in the Town of Mamaroneck until an application for inspection has been filed with the New York • a _ Board of Fire Underwriters. It shall be a violation of the Electrical • Code for a person, firm or corporation to connect or cause to be connected electrical wiring for light, heat cr power in or on premises in the Town of Mamaroneck to any source of electrical energy supply, prior to the issuance of a temporary or a final certificate of corn- pliance by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters Electrical - • ' Bureau. . f (. Any person, firm, entity or corporation and/or principal • of a corporation found to be in violation of any provision of this ordi- It nance shall be guilty of an offense, and upon conviction thereof be fined in an amount not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) II for each violation and/or up to thirty (30) days imprisonment for the ;; active officer. Each week in which such violation shall continue • shall be deemed a separate offense. • • {; i i .; l . fi h is I 1! IIn the event that any person, firm, entity or corporation it and/or principal of a corporation shall continue a violation and the l 41) i ii Town Board shall make a finding that such violation is detrimental 11 to the health, safety or general welfare of the inhabitants of the Town, then the Town Board may direct the Town Attorney to apply I to the Supreme Court in the Ninth Judicial District for legislative • i 1 1 • . 1 relief directing that the violation be corrected or removed and that .- • • - all costs and expenses incurred by the Town of Mamaroneck in con- • nection with such proceeding, including the actual cost of correction - • • or removal of the condition causing the violation, shall be assessed - - • against the offender and shall be added to the next year's tax roll - • and become a lien against said property. The Town Board may - .• . j - . direct, by resolution, that the Town may correct violations creating ' emergency conditions of danger by forthwith entering the property i. and correcting the violation and assessing the cost of 9 g same to the • violator as set forth above. • • • E. CODE NOT APPLICABLE IN CERTAIN CASES. The - . ......: • .: provisions of the Electrical Code shall not apply to electrical instal- lations in railway cars, automotive equipment or the installations or equipment employed by a railway, electrical or communication utility - i iin the exercise of its function as such utility, and located outdoors or • 1 in buildings used exclusively for that purpose. The Electrical Code 9 I�f shall not apply to any work involved in the manufacture, assembly, 1 • Ii test or repair of electrical machinery, apparatus, materials and �, equipment by a person, firm or corporation engaged in electrical 11 I manufacturing or repair as their principal business. It shall not 1 ! � s apply to any building which is owned or leased in its entirety by the 1 1 government of the United States or the State of New York. ii I • I i! :... - - i - ' 13 Ii ,�• it F. NO WAIVER OR ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITY. The Electrical Code shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the re- It s onsibilit Y of any person owning, cperating, controlling or installing - i any electrical wiring, devices, appliances, or equipment for loss of I � ' life or damage to person or property caused by any defect therein, nor shall the Town of Mamaroneck or the New York Board of Fire Under- writers be deemed to have assumed any such liability by reason of any ` inspection made pursuant to the Electrical Code. G. REPEALING PROVISIONS. All ordinances and local laws and parts of ordinances and local laws inconsistent with the Electrical Code are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE : } This Local Law shall be effective immediately. • ir • • i } i . I H P. L 1' }` I is 106 6-1-77 received and filed. Following some discussion and pursuant to the notation that the resolution adopted at the May 18th meeting should be rescinded, on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby rescinds the resolution adopted on May 18, 1977 relative to tentative acceptance of bids for the Highway Van; and be it further RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recommendation of the Town Engineer after review of the exceptions to the bids, this Board hereby accepts the bid of the high bidder, namely Willow Motors, in the amount of $5,838.00, since the low bidder did not meet the spec- ifications set forth in the Notice for Bids. 3. Report by Consulting Engineer re Flood Control Supervisor Vandernoot recounted the approval at the last Board meeting for a consultant to study the Army Corps' plans and 'ill introduced Gabriel E. Senor, Consulting Engineer and Land Surveyor who orally presented his report addressed to the Town Engineer under date of June 1, 1977 which precipitated a somewhat lengthy discussion. Mr. Senor spoke of his findings and reviewed how he arrived at those findings and confirmed the prediction of the Corps that the work to be done at the upper part of the river would not cause any significant increase in flood damage below the stilling basin, noting also that the benefits to be derived from the flume construction warrant the cost of the improvement and that the environmental and aesthetic quality of the affected area can be maintained by architectural treatment and new plantings. During the discussion the following persons raised questions or commented on Mr. Senor's report: Fred Maggini, Chairman of the Town's Planning Board Robert Cammer, 18 Little Farms Road, Town Mrs. Paula Willey, President, Larchmont League of Women Voters Dr. C. Alan Mason, 482 Weaver Street, Town Charles Bailer, 145 West Brookside Drive, Town Donald Veckerelli, 158 East Brookside Drive, Town The Supervisor thanked Mr. Senor on behalf of the Board for his time and very fine report. 4. Resolution - Army Corps of Engineers re Flood Control Mr. Vandernoot presented a letter addressed to him under date of May 27, 1977 by J. A. Weiss, Chief of the Engineering Division -4- 107 6-1-77 ' I of the Army Corps of Engineers which was herewith ordered received and filed as part of the record of this meeting. The letter outlined for each of the proposed three plans the estimates of costs and benefits and indicated the Federal and non-Federal costs. At this time Supervisor Vandernoot stated that anyone wishing to be heard regarding the plans of protection for flood control of the Sheldrake River may so address the Board by first clearly stating his or her name and address; whereupon the following persons spoke, most of whom reiterated their statements made at previous meetings held on this subject: Mrs. Harold Bloch, 144 East Brookside Drive, Town, related her specific objections to Plan 1. Mr. Robert Cammer, 18 Little Farms Road, Town, questioned the need for any of the three plans since it seemed to him that minor and less expensive work such as widening the brook and building of stone walls, etc. could solve the problem, and noted his distrust of the Corps' capabilities. Mrs. Martha Munzer, 517 Munro Avenue, Mamaroneck Village and Member of the Town's Master Plan Review Committee, urged the Board to leave open the option to make use of the current and on-going County study regarding flood control. Stuart D. Goulding, 458 Weaver Street, Town, urged the Board to go forth with Plan 1 and related his experiences with flooding several times during the last few years. Charles Baller, 145 West Brookside Drive, Town, made reference to recent meetings regarding flood control and the plans presented by the Corps and reiterated the feelings of the Larchmont Gardens residents who are in favor of Plan 2 or Plan 3 and opposed to Plan 1 because of the possible environmental and aesthetic damage in their area. Don Veckerelli, 158 East Brookside Drive, Town, presented a pre- pared statement in opposition to Plan 1 and spoke in favor of Plan 2 or Plan 3. Dr. C. Alan Mason, 482 Weaver Street, Town, made brief comments specifically in relation to statements made by those speaking before him and referred to all the studies made and urged the Board's adoption of Plan 1 so that the alleviation of flooding can become a reality. Carol Maddox, 87 Hickory Grove Drive, Town, made a very brief comment relative to persons who have experienced flooding as opposed to those who have not. Mrs. Tarantino, 710 Forest Avenue, Town, spoke in favor of Plan 1 and noted that many of her neighbors concurred with her. Frank Hart, 115 Garden Road East, Town, asked specifically what can be done for the residents of the middle brook area which was answered by Councilman Bloom who replied to Mr. Hart that will be a part of the overall plan which he will propose to the Board later in the meeting. Cliff Emanuelson, Consultant to the Town's Conservation Advisory Commission, noted specifically that although there will be some changes in the upper brook area, there will be a minimal effect aesthetically and environmentally. -5- 108 6-1-77 L. Stewart MacGregory, 122 East Brookside Drive, Town, referred to where he lives and how flooding has affected his homelife and pointed out to the Board that he was in favor of the plan that would best help those who experience flooding. Dennis Kennelly, 454 Weaver Street, Town, spoke in favor of Plan 1 and referred to his experiences with flooding. Several other persons spoke either in favor of or against the plans as proposed by the Army Corps of Engineers, but did not enter their identifying information into the record. Throughout the extremely lengthy discussion the Supervisor and individual members of the Board made clarifying comments and corrected erroneous statements made by some of those addressing the Board. At this time, Councilman Bloom made reference to the many times that the flooding problem has been discussed and indicated his dismay at not being able to convince the skeptics about the integrity of the Corps' plans, and on his motion, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby agrees to appropriate $25,000 in the 1978 budget for cleaning and erosion control work on the lower river area; and be it further RESOLVED, that the same amount will be appropriated annually until said work is completed. Thereupon, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to convey to the Army Corps of Engineers this Board's authorization for the Corps to proceed with the design stage of Plan 1 to be submitted to this Board upon completion with the understanding that there will be no commitment to go beyond this stage until the designs have been approved by the Town Board; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor indicate to the Corps a tentative agreement to the following: a. Provide without cost to the United States all lands, easements, and rights-of-way required for the project, including borrow, ponding and waste disposal areas necessary for construction of the project, and effect compliance with the requirements of Sections 210 and 305 of Public Law 91-646, subject, however, to the provisions of Section 207; -6- 109 6-1-77 b. Accomplish without cost to the United States all alterations and relocations of buildings, trans- portation facilities, storm drains, utilities and other structures and improvements made necessary by the construction (excluding railroad bridges and approaches and facilities necessary for the normal interception and disposal of local interior drainage at the line of protection) ; c. Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the construction works, not to include damages due to the fault or negligence of the United States or its contractors; d. Maintain and operate all the works after completion in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army; e. Prescribe and enforce regulations to prevent encroachment on flood plain storage areas, channels, and rights- of-way, as necessary for the proper functioning of the project, and agree to take appropriate measures to control development of the fringe areas not protected by the improvement, to prevent an undue increase in the flood damage potential, and to provide additional gravity outlets, pumping capacity or ponding areas due to the modification of, or encroachment upon, such area by local interests; f. Publicize flood plain information in the areas concerned and provide this information to zoning and other regulatory agencies for their guidance and leadership in preventing unwise future development in the flood plain and in adopting such regulations as may be necessary to insure compatibility between future development and protection levels provided by the project; g. At least annually inform affected interests regarding the limitations of the protection afforded by the project. Each of the members of the Board wished to go on record relative to their vote and made statements regarding such, except Councilman DeMaio who was absent due to a business commitment, but had wished the Supervisor to enter into the record his support of Plan 1. Councilman Bloom, in voting in favor of Plan 1, noted that the Board had studied the various alternatives that had been presented and in facing the problem, consideration was given to the total community and the taxes that must be imposed as well as the interests -7- 110 6-1-77 of the people above Briarcliff and those below Lansdowne and in doing so, reached the conclusion that recommending Plan 1 was the best way to go. Councilman McMillan stated that although he concurred with Councilman Bloom, he did share some of the concern about the Army Corps of Engineers, perhaps being the lone member on the Board doing so, but nevertheless felt that since the decision III tonight was in no way ultimately binding, he too was in favor of recommending Plan 1. Councilman Perone pointed out that he shared some of Mr. McMillan's skepticism, but felt that given the three choices and based upon the environmental and aesthetic involvement and tremendous expense factor, he felt justified in voting to recommend Plan 1. Supervisor Vandernoot stated that he was neither skeptical nor completely sold and does share some of the concern about the changes proposed for the affected neighborhoods. He remarked that since the Town has been assured that our input will be included in the drawing up of the specifications for the project, and also since the decision made tonight is not a final commitment, he felt very strongly about going ahead with Plan 1. 5. Contract Settlements with Police and Fire Supervisor Vandernoot reviewed the Fact Finder's Report in the matters of the Police and Fire Contracts and reported that settlements had been reached, explaining that the Town avoided having to go to binding arbitration in both instances. Pursuant to the Supervisor's report, on motion duly made and seconded, III it was unanimously agreed that the Board accept the settlements in which the Police would receive an 8.1 per cent increase and the Firefighters an 8.7 per cent increase. The Supervisor noted for the record that a meeting relative to the C.S.E.A. Contract is set for Friday, June 3rd and that he is hopeful for a settlement at that time. 6. Discussion - Report of Master Plan Review Committee Mr. Vandernoot noted the lateness of the hour and announced that unfortunately the above noted discussion would have to be post- poned. Following some discussion regarding dates and the possibility of a special meeting, it was unanimously so ordered that the discussion of the Master Plan Review Committee Report will be held at the Board's next regular meeting on Wednesday evening, July 6th and on behalf of the Board the Supervisor thanked all who were able to be present this evening and urged their attendance at the next meeting. Not on Agenda IIIFarewell to Ebby Houghton Councilman Perone noted the presence of Mr. Everett (Ebby) T. Houghton, a life-long resident of the community and spoke of his impending move to South Carolina. Supervisor Vandernoot told -8- , 111 6-1-77 "Ebby" that he has been a tremendous asset to this community and that he was really going to be missed; whereupon since the entire Board concurred with the Supervisor, the following resolution was offered by Councilman Perone, who moved its adoption and was seconded by Councilman Bloom, to-wit: WHEREAS, Everett T. Houghton, a life-long resident of our community, has decided to relocate in the south, and WHEREAS, "Ebby" has rendered exceptional service not only to the Town but to both the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck for many years serving youth and adults with unselfish devotion and singular dedication, and WHEREAS, his many activities and great civic interest have contributed much to the enrichment and betterment of our community and its residents, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board hereby expresses its sincere thanks to "Ebby" for all his efforts on our behalf and for his ever-pleasant demeanor, and be it further RESOLVED, that we anticipate with pleasure his promised "to-be-frequent visits" -- and meanwhile extend our warmest wishes to him for success, satis- faction, and happiness in all his future endeavors in his new home and community, and be it further RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to him as a memento of our gratitude. NEW BUSINESS 1. Salary Authorizations a) Assistant Maintenance Man - Police Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board under date of May 31, 1977 by the Police Chief herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously -9- 112 6-1-77 RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that Mark Zimmerman, 42 Elkan Road, Town be engaged as Assistant Maintenance Man to assist Ben Seagraves and be compensated at the rate of $3.00 per hour for a 35 hour work week, effective as of May 31, 1977 and terminating August 31, 1977. b) Temporary Clerical Help - Police Following presentation of the Police Chief's memorandum addressed to the Board under date of May 27, 1977 herewith ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Perone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the hiring of Collette Gotte, 80 Chatsworth Avenue, Larchmont as temporary clerical office help, to be compensated at the rate of $2.50 per hour, effective as of July 1, 1977 and terminating September 1, 1977. Not on Agenda c) Recreation In accordance with the memorandum of June 1, 1977 addressed to the Board by the Superintendent of Recreation, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that James DeLitta, Recreation Attendant, Hommocks Tennis Courts, be compensated at the rate of $2.50 per hour, effective May 21, 1977. 2. Comptroller's Request re Senior Community Services Project Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by Comptroller Carmine A. DeLuca under date of May 31, 1977 herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record and following the Supervisor's description of the project and his statement that the salary of the person working in the Tax Office is paid by the County, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Comptroller are hereby authorized to execute the agreement between the Town and the County of Westchester for the Senior Community Services Project to commence on July 1, 1977 and terminate on June 30, 1978. 3. Authorization to Rent Paving Equipment Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by William T. Aitchison, Superintendent of Highways under date of May 26, 1977 herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously -10- 113 6-1-77 RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the rental of highway paving equipment from Peckham Materials Corporation for the repaving program of Rockland Avenue, Forest Avenue, Woody Lane, Hickory Grove Drive, Rocky Road, Marden Road, Lansdowne Drive, Valley Stream Road West, III Clover Road, Orchard Road, Crescent Road, Briarcliff Road and Fernwood Road, in accordance with the rates attached thereto and subject to approval by the Westchester Commissioner of Public Works. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter, Don Brown, Executive Car Service A letter addressed to the Town Board by Don Brown under date of May 22, 1977 regarding the parking problems in the vicinity of Larchmont Acres and other traffic matters in the Town was herewith presented and ordered received and filed. The Board unanimously directed Supervisor Vandernoot to refer the letter to the Traffic Commission for its study and recommendations. Councilman Perone called to attention his attendance at the Village of Mamaroneck's Tenants Council meeting at which time a request for additional parking on Palmer Avenue was put forth. It was noted that request would be forwarded to the Commission also. III2. Letter, Mayor Sharpe, Mount Vernon Supervisor Vandernoot acknowledged receipt of a letter sent to him by Mount Vernon City Mayor Thomas E. Sharpe, indicating the date, time and place of the next meeting of the Association of Chief Elected Officials of Westchester County which was herewith ordered filed. Not on Agenda 3. Letter, League of Women Voters A letter addressed to the Supervisor by Paula Willey, President, Larchmont League of Women Voters under date of May 27, 1977 suggesting names of persons to serve on the proposed committee to study the manager form of government for the Unincorporated Area was herewith presented and ordered received and filed. Mr. Vandernoot noted that the formation of the committee will be announced at the Board's next meeting. III TOWN CLERK Regular Reports The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered - -11- 114 6-1-77 received and filed: Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector for the month of May 1977. First Quarterly Report of the Westchester Joint Water Works covering the period January 1 - March 31, 1977. III First Q Y Report ort of the Westchester P Shore Humane Society, Inc. THE SUPERVISOR 1. Appointment - Chairman of Coordinating Council of Senior Citizens Pursuant to the Supervisor's review of the work of the Senior Citizen Coordinating Council and following his recommendation, on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Mrs. Joan Williams, 12 Summit Avenue, Larchmont as Chairman of the Senior Citizens Coordinating Council, effective immediately, to serve at the Board's pleasure; and be it further III RESOLVED, that Mrs. Williams be notified accordingly with the Board's expression of appreciation of her willingness to serve in this important assignment. 2. Report - Rent Subsidy Program Supervisor Vandernoot reported that out of the 75 units allotted by HUD, 45 leases have been signed with 17 more pending, probably to be signed by July 1st. With a great deal of pleasure he further noted that it has been reported that our progress in the program is exemplary and commended Elaine Samuels and her assistant Barbara Hernandez for doing a fantastic job. Councilman Perone noted that the Supervisor also deserves credit for his hard work on the accomplishments in the program thus far. Not on Agenda Supervisor Vandernoot referred to Mr. Bloom's and Mr. DeMaio's III appointments earlier in the year as members of the Joint Study Committee with Larchmont Village and announced that a meeting has been set for June 8th for that group to begin to look into further ways in which the Town and Village can join services. -12- 115 6-1-77 it THE COUNCILMEN Mr. Bloom 1. Reappointment - Planning Board Pursuant to Councilman Bloom's recounting of Mrs. Carlson's qualifications and service thus far on the Planning Board, on his motion, seconded by Councilman Perone, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, that Mrs. David Carlson, Jr. of 42 Hillside Road, Town, be and she hereby is reappointed a member of the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board, to serve for a term of office of five years effective as of July 7, 1977 and terminating on July 6, 1982; and be it further RESOLVED, that Mrs. Carlson be notified accordingly. Mr. McMillan 1. Appointments - Tenants Council Councilman McMillan referred to the unintentional disbandment of the Tenants Council after enactment of the Emergency Tenants Protection Act in April of 1976 and spoke of the Town Board's desire for that Council to be re-established. He pointed out that the purpose of reformulating the group will be for further exploration of the Building Code, study of the parking problem, study of the possible sanitary and health problem regarding inadequate garbage ocllection receptacles and exploration of legislation relative to rent guidelines with the understanding that the Council will report periodically to the Town Board with comments and recommendations. Thereupon, following Councilman McMillan's proposal of five names for the makeup of the Tenants Council with a cross section of the apartment complexes in the Town being represented, and on his motion which was seconded by Councilman Perone, who noted he was very happy that the Tenants Council is being re- created, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Kenneth Schuler, Larchmont Acres, John Tucker, Larchmont Acres, John Caputo, Alden House, Paul McCarthy, Chatsworth Gardens and Nicholas Sparkman, 172 Myrtle Boulevard as members of the Town of Mamaroneck Tenants Council to serve for a term of office of one year to be effective immediately. 2. Appointment - Narcotics Guidance Council Following Councilman McMillan's presentation of the qualifications -13- 116 6-1-77 and background of David Stone for his appointment to the Narcotics Guidance Council as part-time Clinical Social Worker to replace Jesse Levine, on his motion, seconded by Councilman Perone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby approves the appointment of David Stone as Part-time Clinical Social Worker to the Narcotics Guidance Council provided similar resolutions are adopted by the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck. Mr. Perone 1. Report re Solar Energy Group Councilman Perone reported that at the most recent meeting of the group, there was a representative from Washington, D.C. who was impressed with the progress so far, and noted that we are one of the first communities to address itself to specifics, and offered his help in obtaining samples of building and zoning regulations that have been developed by other communities. Mr. Perone announced that the next meeting of the group will be on June 16th. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, this meeting, to reconvene on July 6, 1977, was declared adjourned at 11:46 P.M. in honor of Everett (Ebby) Houghton. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board Meeting. 1. Claims Upon presentation for payment by Commissioner Bloom, seconded by Commissioner McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's office: -14- 117 6-1-77 AAA Emergency Supply Co. , Inc. $ 85.00 R. G. Brewer, Inc. 44.65 AAA Emergency Supply Co. , Inc. 30.80 Dri-Chem Extinguisher Corp. 99.00 N. LaRussell 45.50 New York Telephone Co. 321.78 New York Telephone Co. 15.24 Stuart-Dean Company 215.00 III $ 856.97 Not on Agenda 2. Fire Report Commissioner Bloom presented the Fire Department report for the month of April 1977 which was ordered received and filed for the record. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 11:48 P.M. , to reconvene on July 6, 1977. Town Clerk -15-