HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977_02_02 Town Board Regular Minutes 29
IIIThe Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M.
Present: Supervisor Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman McMillan
Councilman Perone
Absent: Councilman DeMaio
Also Present: Mrs. Miller - Town Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller
Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer
PUBLIC HEARING (adjourned) : Full Stop Sign - Hommocks & Eagle
Knolls Roads
On motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
the hearing, which had been adjourned on January 19th, 1977, was
•w declared reconvened.
The Supervisor referred to the request of the Hommocks Property
Owners Association and reviewed the discussion of the previous
meeting, namely the recommendation of Police Chief Barasch and
the Traffic Commission, and also the statement by Town Attorney
James J. Johnston that since the request for the sign had been
initiated by the Hommocks Property Owners Association, repre-
sentation from that group was required at the hearing.
In reply to the Supervisor's invitation for anyone present to address
the Board, first those in favor, then those in opposition, Mr. Harry
Schaeffer, 209 Hommocks Road, Town and President of the aforementioned
Association outlined the need for the sign and since no one wished to
speak against the request, on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded
by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby
is declared closed.
Thereupon in response to the Supervisor's query as to the Board's
pleasure, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
McMillan, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote
of the Board:
III WHEREAS, the Police Commission requested
that Chapter 81, Article II of the Code
of the Town of Mamaroneck as last amended
be further amended so as to provide for
the installation of a Full Stop Sign at
the Northwest corner of Hommocks Road at
Eagle Knolls Road;
WHEREAS, a public hearing thereon was duly
held before this Board on this date follow-
ing publication of the Notice of Hearing as
required by law;
WHEREAS, at said hearing all persons were
given an opportunity to be heard;
RESOLVED, that Chapter 81, Article II of the
Code of the Town of Mamaroneck (Traffic
Regulations) , as last amended by resolution
of this Board adopted on July 8, 1976, is
hereby further amended so as to provide for
the installation of a Full Stop Sign at the
Northwest corner of Hommocks Road at Eagle
Knolls Road in the Town of Mamaroneck pur-
suant to Section 1660, subdivision 1 of the
Vehicle and Traffic Law as "stop intersec-
tions", and stop signs conforming in all
respects with the provisions of Section 1682
and 1683 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town
of Mamaroneck is hereby authorized and
directed to post and publish this resolu-
tion as required by law.
1. Rescind Resolution - Date for Public Hearing re Increase
of Building and Plumbing Department Fees
Mr. Vandernoot noted that increasing the fees in the above mentioned
Department entailed amending the Code which in turn involves detailed
and technical wording at considerable expense. Following his explana-
tion that the necessity for delaying the public hearing scheduled for
February 16, 1977 was to give the Board time for further study, on
motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Perone, it was
RESOLVED, that the resolution adopted by this
Board on January 19, 1977 setting the date
for a public hearing relative to the increase
of Building and Plumbing Department Fees and
authorizing the Town Clerk to publish same be
and it hereby is rescinded.
1. Resolution Authorizing Permits for Work Within the County
Road Area
Pursuant to a communication from the County Department of Public
Works under date of January 17, 1977, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded
by Councilman Perone, the following resolution was adopted by
majority vote:
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of
Chapter 605 of the Laws of 1941, revised
as of June 5, 1961, the Commissioner of
Public Works of Westchester County with
the approval of the Board of Legislators
and the County Executive of Westchester,
has prescribed rules, regulations, safe-
guards, specifications and conditions
for the protection, reconstruction, main-
tenance or restoration of any County Road
or portion thereof, and for the protection
and safety of the traveling public thereon
during any operations of reconstruction,
maintenance or restoration of such county
road or portion thereof;
WHEREAS, the said rules and regulations re-
quire any person, corporation, improvement
district, or municipality doing any work
upon any County Road to obtain a written
permit from the Commissioner of Public Works
and to deposit a certified check made payable
to the order of the County of Westchester in
an amount computed by the extent of the pro-
posed work;
WHEREAS, the said rules and regulations provide
that any city, village, town public improvement
district or other municipality may, in lieu of
making the said mentioned deposit, file with the
Commissioner of Public Works a certified copy of
a resolution duly adopted by the governing board
of such municipality guaranteeing faithful per-
formance by the said municipality of all terms,
convenants and conditions as set forth in the
permit, which resolution shall be effective for
permits issued during the remainder of the calen-
dar year after adoption;
WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck from time to time,
is required to do work within the County Road area
for which a written permit from the Commissioner of
Public Works of the County of Westchester is required,
and for which a certified check deposit is required;
RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck does
hereby guarantee faithful performance of all
the terms, agreements, covenants and conditions
of each and every written permit as referred to
herein issued by the Commissioner of Public Works
of the County of Westchester and that this guaran-
i' of faithful performance shall be applicable
to all such written permits issued during the
present calendar year.
1. Letter, Committee on the Arts
Councilman Perone, who is liaison to the Recreation Commission,
presented a letter addressed to the Board by Mrs. Alice H. Model,
Chairman of the Committee on the Arts under date of January 26,
1977, which was herewith ordered received and filed. He noted
that the group was asking for the Town Board's endorsement of a
town-wide, self-sustaining musical theatre program for teenagers
beginning June 27th and running for five weeks during the summer.
Following Councilman Bloom's reference to the very successful
program called Cellar Door conducted in previous years, both he
and Councilman Perone noted that it would be highly desirable
to carry on such a program and thereupon it was unanimously so
ordered that the Supervisor communicate the Board's approval and
cooperation to the Committee on the Arts.
1. D.A.R. Request - Proclaim February American History Month
The Supervisor presented a request for the Town to proclaim the
month of February as American History Month addressed to him by
the Larchmont Chapter of the D.A.R. , which was herewith ordered
received and filed.
Whereupon, in accordance therewith on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman Perone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the month of February be
and it hereby is proclaimed as American
History Month throughout the Unincorpor-
ated Area of the Town of Mamaroneck.
Regular Reports
The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered received
and filed:
Report of the Building & Plumbing
Inspector for the month of January 1977.
Report of the Town Clerk for the month
of January 1977.
1. Report re Public Hearing - Flood Control
Supervisor Vandernoot reported on the second public hearing held
by the Army Corps of Engineers on Monday, January 31st and noted
that their flood control plans will be the subject of another
public meeting with the Town Board to be held within the next two •
III weeks. He further noted that several residents during the public
hearing strongly disagreed with the proposal of the Army Corps
of Engineers and stated they represented a larger group who plan
legal steps to block the implementation of the proposal. Council-
men Perone and Bloom agreed with Mr. Vandernoot that the forth-
coming meeting would be essential since residents who have flood
problems and those who do not experience flooding, but live in
the area surrounding the brook, need more indepth details and
clarification of the proposal.
2. Report on Meeting with County Executive - Heating Emergencies
The Supervisor also reported on a meeting he had attended at the
invitation of the County Executive who had called the meeting rela-
tive to Section 305 of the Multiple Residence Law which enables
municipalities, during heating breakdowns and in cases where imme-
diate action is not taken by landlords, to have the repair work done at
the owner's expense, with the amount being added to his tax bill. The
Town can accomplish this by requesting a county official to inspect
the premises involved in the heating problem and to issue a certificate
of emergency so that the Town can then contract for the necessary work.
Supervisor Vandernoot stated that he anticipated cooperation from
landlords and hoped that this method would only have to be used in
extreme cases.
IIINot on Agenda
Supervisor Vandernoot announced that the Conservation Advisory
Commission's new walk book is available at the Town Offices for 50c
In answer to a query by Mrs. Margaret Shultz of 25 Alden Road, Town,
the Town Engineer stated that a formal report would soon be avail-
able relative to the floor of the Weaver Street Firehouse.
Councilman John Perone spoke of the problems in the industrial section
of the Village of Mamaroneck and stated that he felt that they were a
joint Town-Village problem since a loss of tax base in the Village means
a loss of tax base to the Town. Following some discussion of the matter,
it was unanimously so ordered that the Supervisor convey to the Village
the Town Board's willingness to assist them in their quest to solve the
There being no further business to come before the Board, and following
individual sentiments expressed by the members of the Board, on motion
duly made and seconded, this meeting to reconvene on February 16th,
1977 was declared adjourned in respect to the memory of Neal Doyle
at 8:45 P.M. with the following resolution unanimously adopted in
tribute to .him to be spread upon its minutes:
(see next page)
III WHEREAS, Neal Doyle, former Assessor of the Town of
Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont, died
on January 26th, 1977,
WHEREAS, during these past ten years, he was a dedicated
public servant who discharged his responsibili-
ties diligently and competently, working always
in the best interest of the residents of the two
municipalities he served with unique distinction,
WHEREAS, he was held in the highest repute by all with
whom he was associated in the assessment field
throughout the County of Westchester and the
State of New York,
RESOLVED, that we, the members of the Board and the staff
of the Town of Mamaroneck, do hereby express and
record our gratitude to a fine public official
and our appreciation of his singular service,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that we convey to Mrs. Doyle this expression of
our deep sense of loss and grief,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution be entered upon the minutes
of this meeting in tribute to --
and that this meeting, convened in regular session
this 2nd day of February, 1977 stand adjourned in
respect to his memory.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1. Claims
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Commission by the Deputy
Comptroller under date of February 2, 1977 herewith presented
and ordered received and filed, on motion by Commissioner Bloom,
seconded by Commissioner McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following
Fire Department claims as approved by
the Fire Chief and audited by the Comp-
troller's Office:
Cook's Restaurant $ 20.00
Excelsior Garage & Machine Works 756.41
Excelsior Garage & Machine Works 288.99
The New Rochelle Water Company 118.16
New York Telephone Company 15.24
New York Telephone Company 319.32
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at
8:47 P.M. , to reconvene on February 16, 1977.
Town Clerk