HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977_01_05 Town Board Regular Minutes 1
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M.
Present: Supervisor Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman McMillan
Councilman DeMaio
Councilman Perone
Absent: None
Also Present: Mrs. Miller - Town Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Superintendent of Highways
Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller
Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer
Mr. Leddy - Conservation Director
Guests: Conservation Advisory Commission Members
Supervisor Vandernoot presented the first order of business on
tonight's agenda and introduced Councilman Perone and noted that
Mr. Perone is about to begin his first term as an elected Town
The Supervisor then recessed the meeting and the Town Clerk ad-
ministered the Oath of Office to Mr. Perone. After being sworn
in, John Perone thanked the residents for the support given to
him and listed the following priority items he hoped to tackle
during this year: a new home for the Volunteer Ambulance Corps,
the Guadagnola property dispute, flood control, the Hommocks
Ice Rink deficit, specifications regarding solar energy devices,
town manager form of government and parking for apartment dwellers.
In closing, Councilman Perone thanked the other members of the
Board for the help rendered throughout the past year.
The Supervisor then declared the meeting reconvened.
Mr. Vandernoot stated that this item on the agenda had been
postponed several times in as many months for one reason or
another and that the Board is extremely pleased to finally
have the opportunity to do so.
Councilman Bloom recounted some of the accomplishments of Mrs.
Mary Ann Johnson and Mrs. Martha Munzer, both original members
of the Conservation Advisory Commission, who retired last year.
Upon being presented with the honorarium plaque by Councilman
Bloom, Mrs. Johnson pointed out that it had been a privilege
to serve her community, adding that she had worked with many
outstanding people.
Following the presentation of her plaque by Councilman Bloom,
Mrs. Munzer also noted that it was a pleasure to serve this
community where so much progress has been made in the realm
of conservation.
Councilman Bloom ended by stating that although these women
are retired, this community is still benefiting, since both
are still quite busy in the community with their activities
including environmental work in the local schools and the
Life Center.
Conservation Advisory Commission
a) Resignations
Letters addressed to Thomas Amlicke, Chairman of C.A.C. by Sarah
Kennelley and Wallace Irwin, Jr. , tendering their resignations
as members of the Conservation Advisory Commission were herewith
presented by Councilman Bloom and ordered received and filed.
The Supervisor and members of the Board expressed their regret
and paid tribute to both Mrs. Kennelley and Mr. Irwin for their
contributions to the Commission, and on motion by Councilman
Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board with regret
accepts the resignations of Mrs. Sarah
Kennelley and Mr. Wallace Irwin, Jr.
from the Town of Mamaroneck Conservation
Advisory Commission, and expresses to
them its thanks and appreciation for the
contributions rendered during their as-
sociation with this Commission;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that letters be directed to
Mrs. Kennelley and Mr. Irwin expressing
the Board's sentiments.
b) Appointments
Following the Board's acceptance of the aforesaid resignations,
Councilman Bloom, on recommendation of the C.A.C. and Village
of Larchmont, presented the resumes and qualifications of Mrs.
Vivienne Brauman and Mr. Harold Weitzner, and on his motion,
which he offered with pleasure, and which was seconded by
Councilman DeMaio, it was unanimously
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RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints
Mrs. Vivienne M. Brauman, 11 Briarcliff
Road, Town a member of the Town of Mama-
roneck Conservation Advisory Commission
to fill the vacancy created by the resigna-
tion of Mrs. Sarah Kennelley and to serve
1 for the unexpired portion of her term of
office or until December 31, 1977;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints
Mr. Harold Weitzner, 10 Cedar Avenue,
Larchmont a member of the Town of Mamaro-
neck Conservation Advisory Commission to
fill the vacancy created by the resigna-
tion of Mr. Wallace Irwin, Jr. and to
serve for the unexpired portion of his
term of office or until December 31, 1977;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that both Mrs. Brauman and Mr.
Weitzner be notified of their appoint-
ments with an expression of the Board's
thanks for their willingness to serve.
c) Reappointments
For the information of those present, Councilman Bloom briefly
reviewed the qualifications so aptly fitting Mr. James Gunsalus,
Mrs. Eleanor Fredston and Mr. Robert Hohberg for their reappoint-
"' and on his motion, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was
RESOLVED, that James Gunsalus, Eleanor
Fredston and Robert Hohberg are hereby
reappointed members of the Town of Mama-
roneck Conservation Advisory Commission
to serve for a term of office of three
years effective January 1, 1977 and ter-
minating December 31, 1979;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Board's thanks be con-
veyed to them for their willingness to
continue to serve and for their interest
and past productivity.
An item further down on the agenda and relevant to the above was
taken up at this time with the unanimous approval of the Board.
Appointments (5)
Following Councilman Bloom's review of the need for the creation
and organization of the above captioned Commission and on his
motion, seconded by Councilman Perone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Local Law
No. 1-1976 Freshwater Wetlands Pro-
tection, the following five persons
are hereby appointed members of the
Freshwater Wetlands Commission, to
serve as outlined in the Local Law
and specified below:
Thomas R. Amlicke (1 year) December 31, 1977
James R. Gunsalus (2 years) December 31, 1978
Jacques Dubouchet (3 years) December 31, 1979
Mary Ann Johnson (4 years) December 31, 1980
Eleanor Fredston (5 years) December 31, 1981
Not on Agenda
Mrs. Nancy Hartford reported for the information of those present
that the Joint Garbage Commission had collected on this date over
50 tons of wastepaper (which is the usual amount collected per
month). She continued by noting that on this first collection of
the new schedule, the savings could amount to as much as $2,500.00
for the residents of the Town and Village of Larchmont since the
paper will be sold for $25.00 per ton and the cost of $20.00 per
ton for carting the over 50 tons of paper to the Croton landfill
will be saved.
Councilman Bloom thought it appropriate to take this time to express
his personal appreciation to the Conservation Advisory Commission
for their many contributions to the community, but most especially
their input into the above noted recycling effort and Supervisor
Vandernoot added the sentiments of the entire Board.
At this time the meeting was returned to the regular order of
The minutes of the regular meeting of December 15, 1976 were pre-
sented and on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Council-
man Bloom, approved as submitted.
The Supervisor presented the organization matters as set forth
on the agenda:
Adoption of Resolutions--
1. Appointment of Town Official
(until September 30, 1977)
On motion by Councilman DeMaio, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that George Mellersten be and
he hereby is appointed Assessor for the
Town of Mamaroneck to fill the vacancy
created by the retirement of Neal Doyle,
effective immediately and terminating
on September 30, 1977.
2. Appointing
a. Deputy Receiver of Taxes and
Deputy Comptroller
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the re-
commendation of the Comptroller, Mr. Ray-
mond Bingman be and he hereby is appoint-
ed the Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Miss
Genevieve Soriano, Deputy Comptroller of
the Town of Mamaroneck, to so serve with-
out additional salary for the year 1977.
b. Deputy Town Clerk & Registrar of Vital Statistics
On motion by Councilman Perone, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the re-
commendation of the Town Clerk, Mrs. Diane
B. Renta be and she hereby is appointed
Deputy Town Clerk and Deputy Registrar of
Vital Statistics to serve without additional
salary for the year 1977.
c. Trustees - Police Pension Fund
On motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Supervisor Joseph F. Van-
dernoot and Councilman Harry B. DeMaio
be and they hereby are appointed Trustees
of the Police Pension Fund of the Town of
Mamaroneck for the year 1977.
d. Treasurer - Police Pension Fund
On motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Mr. Carmine DeLuca be and
he hereby is appointed Treasurer of the
Police Pension Fund of the Town of Mama-
roneck for the year 1977.
e. Civil Officers
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Perone,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following persons be
and they hereby are reappointed Civil
Officers of the Town of Mamaroneck with
the powers and duties of Constables in
civil actions and proceedings only as
provided in Section 20, la of the Town
Law; said persons to serve without sal-
ary for a term of one year, starting
III January 1, 1977 and terminating December
31, 1977:
Frank Comblo
225 Highview Street
Mamaroneck, New York
Ralph Condro
300 Richbell Road
Mamaroneck, New York
Dominick Faillace
1421 Mamaroneck Avenue
Mamaroneck, New York
Peter J. Reale
975 Louise Avenue
Mamaroneck, New York
3. Approval of Supervisor's Appointments--
On motion by Councilman DeMaio, seconded by Councilman Perone,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves
the Supervisor's appointment of Mrs. Lavenia
Brewer as his Executive Assistant and Con-
fidential Secretary for the year 1977.
Following Supervisor Vandernoot's presentation of a letter ad-
dressed to him by Victor J. Kriss under date of November 1, 1976
tendering his resignation from the Examining Board of Plumbers
which was herewith ordered filed for the record and his review
of the qualifications of Paul Rigano, Jr. to fill the vacancy,
on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Perone,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts
with regret the resignation of Victor J.
Kriss, as one of the original members of
the Town of Mamaroneck Examining Board of
Plumbers and expresses to him its thanks
and appreciation for his more than 40
years of dedicated service to this com-
and be it further
III RESOLVED, that a letter be directed to Mr.
Kriss expressing the Board's sentiments;
and be it further
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RESOLVED, that this Board also hereby
approves the following Supervisor's
Paul Rigano, Jr. to fill the vacancy
created by the resignation of Victor
J. Kriss and Councilman Stewart Mc-
Millan, members of the Examining
Board of Plumbers for a 1-year term
of office, effective immediately and
terminating on December 31, 1977.
Reappointments (4)
Councilman Bloom took this opportunity to give a brief overview
of the above noted. Board and presented the letter addressed to
the Supervisor by R. Stuart Armstrong under date of January 3,
1977, tendering his resignation, and on his motion in which he
expressed the Board's appreciation of Mr. Armstrong's service,
seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts
with regret the resignation of R. Stuart
Armstrong from the Town of Mamaroneck
Board of Ethics and expresses to him its
appreciation of his service;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the following persons are
hereby reappointed members of the Board
of Ethics, to serve for a term of office
of one year, effective immediately and
terminating on December 31, 1977:
William T. Aitchison
Richard J. Creedy
Mrs. Pierce McCreary
Martin J. Waters, Jr.
Appointments (5)
This item was taken up earlier in the meeting.
5. Designation of--
a. Town Board Meeting Dates
On motion by Councilman Perone and seconded by Councilman Bloom,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that regular meetings of this
Board be held at 8:15 P.M. in the Council
Room or Auditorium of the Weaver Street
Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mama-
roneck, on the first and third Wednesday
of each month with the exception of the
months of June, July, August and Septem-
ber when the Board shall sit only on the
first Wednesday of the month.
b. Official Newspaper
On motion by Councilman Perone and seconded by Councilman Bloom,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that "The Daily Times" be and
it hereby is designated as the official
newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck for
the purpose of publishing legal notices
during 1977.
At this time the Supervisor expressed, for the record, the Board's
thanks and appreciation for the splendid coverage given to Town
Board Meetings during the past year.
c. Depositories of Funds and Bank Signatures
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following Banks and
Trust Companies are hereby designated
as depositories for funds of the Town of
Mamaroneck for the year 1977, and that
the escrow agreements between these banks
and the Town of Mamaroneck presently in
effect shall be continued:
The Bank of New York County Trust Region
242 Mamaroneck Avenue
Mamaroneck, New York
Barclays Bank of New York
213 Mamaroneck Avenue
Mamaroneck, New York
National Bank of Westchester
Chatsworth Avenue
Larchmont, New York
Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York
1043 West Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, New York
II/_ and be it further
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RESOLVED, that all authority heretofore
granted to withdraw funds from, and to
draw checks, drafts and other orders upon
the Town of Mamaroneck accounts maintained
at the followin g hereby banks hereb is rescinded
and revoked and hereafter such withdrawals,
checks, drafts and other orders shall be
authorized when signed by signature or fac-
simile signature by Joseph F. Vandernoot,
Supervisor, and Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller;
or by Joseph F. Vandernoot, Supervisor and
Genevieve F. Soriano, Deputy Comptroller:
The Bank of New York County Trust Region
Barclays Bank of New York
The National Bank of Westchester
Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York
6. Approval of Contracts with:
a. Westchester Shore Humane Society
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Perone,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby
authorized to execute the contract between
the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc.
and the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1977
totaling $11,220.00, as provided for in the
1977 budget subject to approval by the Town
III Attorney.
Supervisor Vandernoot stated he would look into the alternative
ways of seizing and impounding dogs as suggested by the Town
b. Larchmont Public Library
On motion by Councilman DeMaio, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized to execute the contract
for the year 1977 between the Town of Mama-
roneck, Village of Larchmont, and the Larch-
mont Public Library in the amount of $145,320.00
as provided in the 1977 budget.
c. Volunteer Ambulance Corps
The Supervisor referred to the above noted contract as a "new
venture" and called to attention the absolutely essential ser-
vice of V.A.C. especially after the discontinuance of the New
Rochelle Hospital ambulance service. He further referred to
the Board's continuing study of the Corps need for a better
facility, since the one they now occupy is less than adequate.
Councilman Bloom noted the Town's limit by law in aiding V.A.C.
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and urged all residents to give generously during their annual
fund raising drive since the $9,000. being funded by the Town
and the $6,000. by the Village of Larchmont will not come close
to meeting their expenses and on motion by Councilman Perone,
which Councilman Bloom seconded, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby
authorized to execute the contract be-
tween the Volunteer Ambulance Corps and
the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1977
in the amount of $9,000.
1. Resolution - Urban County Agreement
Mr. Vandernoot recalled the Board's decision one year ago to enter
into a contract to become a part of an Urban County Council and as
a result, the Town has been allotted $20,000. to install a sensor
valve in the Larchmont Reservoir and noted that in order to con-
tinue in the Consortium, resolutions exactly like those passed
last year must again be adopted.
Thereupon the following resolutions were offered by Councilman
Perone, who moved their adoption, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
WHEREAS, the Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development of the United States is authorized,
under Title I of the Housing and Community
Development Act of 1974, to make grants to
states and other units of general local govern-
ment to help finance Community Development Pro-
Whereas, Section 99-h of the General Municipal
Law of the State of New York grants to any
municipal corporation the power, either individually
or jointly with one or more other municipal corpor-
ations, to apply for, accept and expend funds made
available by the Federal government, either directly
or through the state, pursuant to the provisions of
any Federal law which is not inconsistent with the
statutes or constitution of this state, in order to
administer, conduct or participate with the Federal
government in programs relating to the general wel-
fare of the inhabitants of such municipal corporation;
WHEREAS, the Community Development Act of
1974 and any "Eligible Activities" there-
under are not inconsistent with the statutes
or Constitution of the State;
WHEREAS, a number of municipalities have
requested Westchester's participation, and
the County of Westchester has determined
that it is desirable and in the public in-
terest that it make application for Community
Development Block Grant funds as an Urban
WHEREAS, participation by the County of West-
chester as an Urban County in the Community
Development Program requires that the Town of
Mamaroneck and the County of Westchester cooper-
ate in undertaking, or assisting in undertaking,
essential community development and housing
activities, specifically those activities author-
ized by statutes enacted pursuant to Article 18
of the New York State Constitution;
WHEREAS, this Board deems it to be in the public
interest for the Town of Mamaroneck to enter into
a Cooperation Agreement with the County of West-
chester for the aforesaid purposes;
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized to execute a Cooperation Agreement
between the Town of Mamaroneck and the County of
Westchester for the purposes of undertaking a
Community Development Program pursuant to the
Housing and Community Development Act of 1974.
The foregoing resolution was adopted upon roll
call as follows:
Ayes: 5
Noes: 0
This Cooperation Agreement entered into this
5th day of January, 1977 between the County of
Westchester (County) and Town of Mamaroneck
(Cooperating Municipality) WITNESSETH:
WHEREAS, the County may qualify as an applicant
under the Housing and Community Development Act
1974 by entering into cooperation agreements with
municipalities having a combined population
of at least two hundred thousand which agree
to undertake essential community development
and housing assistance activities pursuant
to said Act;
WHEREAS, on January 5, 1977 the governing
body of the Cooperating Municipality adopted
a resolution authorizing the execution of a
Cooperation Agreement for the purposes speci-
fied herein;
WHEREAS, the Board of Legislators of West-
chester County will adopt a resolution
authorizing the execution of a Cooperation
Agreement for the purposes specified herein;
1. The County and the Cooperating
Municipality will cooperate in
developing a Community Develop-
ment Program and an application
for a Community Development Block
Grant which will be designed pri-
marily for the purpose of meeting
the priority needs and objectives
of the participating localities
based upon an inventory of commu-
nity development needs developed
mutually by local and county
2. The County and the Cooperating Muni-
cipality will cooperate in undertaking
essential community development and
housing assistance activities, speci-
fically those activities authorized
by statutes enacted pursuant to
Article 18 of the New York State Con-
3. No community development or housing
program or activity will be required
to be undertaken in the Cooperating
Municipality that is not in conformance
with the legitimate needs and objectives
of the Cooperating Municipality as de-
fined in Clause 1,
4. If any applications for housing assis-
III payments by private developers are
referred to the County for review and com-
ment, the County will immediately refer such
application to the Chief Executive Officer
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of the affected participating
municipality for review. If
the local Chief Executive Officer
finds that such proposal is not
consistent with the portions of
the Urban County Housing Assist-
ance Plan pertinent to his local-
ity, he shall inform the County
III Executive thereof,
5. The application for Community Devel-
opment funds shall contain a require-
ment that any state or state agency
aided housing proposal must be sub-
mitted for review to the County Executive
who shall refer it to the local Chief
Executive Officer pursuant to Clause 4,
6. The County, in applying for federal grant
funds under the Housing and Community
Development Act of 1974 (the "Act") , will
be undertaking to comply with the Act,
the rules and regulations thereunder, and
the undertakings and assurances in the
application form prescribed by the United
States Department of Housing and Urban
Development. Accordingly, the Cooperating
Municipality agrees to do what is necessary,
as determined by the County, to comply
with the Act, the rules and regulations
thereunder, and the undertakings and assur-
ances in the application form insofar as
they relate to the activities and programs
conducted by the Cooperating Municipality
pursuant to said grant. The Cooperating
Municipality hereby acknowledges receipt
from the County of said application form
and review thereof. In addition, the
Cooperating Municipality agrees to in-
demnify and hold the County harmless against
all losses, damages, penalties, settlements,
costs, charges, fees, and other expenses or
liabilities relating to or arising out of
the failure of the Cooperating Municipality
to comply with the Act, the rules and regu-
lations thereunder, and the undertakings and
assurances in said application.form.
7. The, County or the Cooperating Municipality
may, by written notice to the other, terminate
this Agreement at any time prior to the sub-
mission by the County of the grant application
to be made hereunder to the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
8. This Agreement shall remain in full force
and effect during the program year covered
by the application provided such application
is approved by the United States Department
of Housing and Urban Development. If the
application is not approved by the United
States Department of Housing and Urban De-
velopment, this Agreement shall automatically
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2. Engineer's Request - Release of the 10% Retained Percentage
for the Storm Sewer Improvements - Hickory Grove Drive -
Lakeside Drive
Pursuant to memorandum herewith presented and ordered received
and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded
by Councilman Perone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the acceptance of a Maintenance Bond No.
53 0120 819 76 in the amount of $3,713.80
in lieu of the 10% retained percentage to
Micelli Excavating Corporation for storm
sewer improvements at Hickory Grove Drive
and Lakeside Drive as approved by the Town
3. Resolution - Extension of Water Main - Fairway Drive &
Bobby Close
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Town Engineer
under date of January 4, 1977, herewith presented and ordered
received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman DeMaio, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the extension of the existing water main in
Fairway Drive and Bobby Close in the Subdivi-
sion entitled "Fairways at Prince Willow -
Section 2", by installation of 400 linear
feet of 8-inch water main, 200 linear feet
of 6-inch water main, two 8-inch valves, two
6-inch valves, one hydrant and necessary fit-
tings and appurtenances, said main and hydrant
to be installed by the developer in conformance
with Subdivision Map and drawings approved by
the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
and the requirements of the Westchester Joint
Water Works at no cost to the Town.
1. Authorization to Pay Dues - Association of Towns
Pursuant to the bill from the Association of Towns of the State
of New York under date of November 1st, 1976, herewith presented
and ordered received and filed, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as authorized by Article 8
of the Town Law, the Town of Mamaroneck
continues its membership in the Association
of Towns of the State of New York for 1977,
by paying the annual dues of $400.00.
2. Set Date for Public Hearing - Stop Sign - Hommocks Rd. &
Eagle Knolls Rd.
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by Police Chief
Barasch under date of December 17, 1976, informing the Board of
the Traffic Commission's recommendation, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, sec-
' onded by Councilman Perone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that a public hearing will be held
by this Board at its next regular meeting on
Wednesday evening, January 19th, 1977 in the
Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse,
Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, for the
purpose of considering the installation of a
Full Stop Sign at the northwest corner of
Hommocks Road at Eagle Knolls Road in the Town
of Mamaroneck;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and she hereby is
authorized to publish in the official newspaper
of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times",
the Notice of said hearing as required by law.
3. Set Date for Public Hearing - Pistol Permit Fee
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Town Board by the Board
of Police Commissioners under date of December 21, 1976, regarding
the aforesaid fee, herewith presented and ordered received and
filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Perone, seconded
by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that a public hearing will be held
by this Board at its next regular meeting on
Wednesday evening, January 19th, 1977 in the
Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse,
Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, to consider
authorizing the Chief of Police to charge a
$25.00 fee to applicants for all firearms per-
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and she hereby is
authorized to publish in the official newspaper
of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times",
the Notice of such hearing as required by law.
Not on Agenda
Some discussion followed Councilman DeMaio's query about the
"No Right Turn on Red" signs in the Unincorporated Area and
it was unanimously so ordered that the Supervisor would clar-
ify the matter with the Police Chief and Traffic Commission.
1. Public Hearing Notice - Larchmont Village Zoning Board of
The aforesaid Notice was herewith presented and ordered received
and filed for the record.
2. Public Hearing Notice - N.Y.S. Dept. of Environmental Conservation
The Supervisor presented the aforesaid Notice which was ordered
received and filed. He noted the recommendation of Cliff Eman-
uelson and Eleanor Fredston following an on-site visit. The
recommendation that the fill be confined to the property of the
petitioner was forwarded to Albany by the Town Attorney.
3. Report - Army Corps of Engineers
A meeting with representatives of the Army Corps of Engineers
will be held in the Supervisor's Office at 3:00 P.M. on January
17th prior to the official public hearing to be held on January
31st at 8:00 P.M. at the Osborn School in Rye, reported Super-
visor Vandernoot.
4. Notice - Westchester County Tax Commission - Equalization Rate
Following Mr. Vandernoot's acknowledgement of receipt of a letter
from Douglas G. Cronk, Secretary of the Westchester County Tax
Commission, he compared last year's and this year's rate and pointed
out the need for reevaluation since the Town's rate dropped from
30.36% in 1975 to 28.13% in 1976. The aforementioned Notice was
herewith ordered received and filed for the record.
5. Letter, Donald Brown, Executive Car Service
A letter addressed to the Town Board under date of January 5, 1977
relative to the parking situation in the vicinity of Larchmont Acres,
Town, was herewith presented and ordered received and filed and re-
ferred to the Police Chief.
Regular Reports
The Town Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered
received and filed:
Report of the Town Clerk for the month of
December 1976.
Report of the Building & Plumbing Inspector
for the month of December 1976.
Annual Report of the Building & Plumbing Inspector
for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1976.
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1. Appointments - Members of Joint Study Committee with Larchmont
Mr. Vandernoot stated that the decision to set up a Joint Study
Committee came after informal discussions with the Village Mayor
on ways and means to work together to save money and improve pro-
ductivity and thereupon it was unanimously so ordered that Council-
men Bloom and DeMaio be appointed members of the Joint Study Com-
mittee with Larchmont Village.
Supervisor Vandernoot reported that he had received a telephone
call from the Department of Housing and Urban Development in-
forming him that the contract for rent subsidy under Section 8
had been approved and signed.
At this time Councilman Bloom acknowledged the presence of Leo
Fuller, a resident of Myrtle Boulevard and student at Syracuse
University who is very interested in government and Town affairs
and welcomed him to the meeting.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:25
P.M. , to reconvene on January 19, 1977.
The Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon
the adjournment of the Town Board Meeting.
1. Claims
Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner
Bloom and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner DeMaio, it was
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following
Fire Department claims as approved by
the Fire Chief and audited by the Comp-
troller's Office:
Best Uniforms $ 1,170.87
Stanley Bonderenko 36.00
R. G. Brewer, Inc. 23.70
' Brigante Lawnmowers 9.55
III Dri-Chem Extinguisher 181.00
Dri-Chem Extinguisher 49.75
Dri-Chem Extinguisher 1,494.00
Dri-Chem Extinguisher 519.75
Exterminating Services 8.67
Exterminating Services 8.67
Westchester Joint Water Works 71.17
Exxon Company, U.S.A. 174.03
I. & T. Plumbing & Heating 36.00
Lawrence Heat & Power Corp. 358.15
Anthony Librandi 36.00
McGuire Bros. , Inc. 20.00
New York Telephone 15.24
New York Telephone 312.30
Office Essentials 6.29
Office Essentials 31.92
Redwood Nursery 81.00
$ 4,644.06
2. Authorization to Advertise for Bids - Beepers
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller
under date of January 5, 1977, herewith presented and ordered
received and filed, on motion by Commissioner Bloom, seconded by
Commissioner Perone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
publication in the official newspaper of
the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, of
a Notice for Bids for Electronic Beepers,
said bids to be returnable February 15, 1977,
and reported to the Town Board on February
16th, 1977.
3. Structural Inspection - Weaver Street Firehouse Apparatus Floor
Commissioner Bloom acknowledged receipt of a letter addressed
to the Commission by Carlo Boniello, Fire Council Secretary
under date of December 12, 1976, herewith ordered filed, in
which a request for an inspection of serious vibrations de-
tected in the floor of the Firehouse was made. Pursuant to
that request, Commissioner Bloom presented a memorandum from
the Town Engineer, enclosing a quotation from Gabriel Senor,
a Consulting Engineer and recommended that Mr. Senor be
authorized to proceed immediately with the investigatory
work. Thereupon on motion by Commissioner Bloom, seconded by
Commissioner Perone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as requested by the Fire
Council and recommended by the Town Eng-
ineer, Gabriel E. Senor, P.E. be and he
is hereby authorized to inspect the ap-
paratus floor of the Weaver Street Fire-
house and report his findings to the
Board of Fire Commissioners on same for
a fee not to exceed $1500.00.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:30
P.M. to reconvene on January 19, 1977.
?j, fu
own Clerk