HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021_02_09 Town Board Minutes
February 9, 2021
Article 7 of the Public Officers Law, to the extent necessary to permit any public body to meet
and take such actions authorized by the law without permitting in public in-person access to
meetings and authorizing such meetings to be held remotely by conference call or similar
service, provided that the public has the ability to view or listen to such proceeding and that
such meetings are recorded and later transcribed;
PRESENT: Supervisor Nancy Seligson
Councilwoman Abby Katz
Councilwoman Jaine Elkind Eney
Councilwoman Sabrina Fiddelman
Councilman Jeffery L. King
ALSO PRESENT: Christina Battalia, Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Connie Green O’Donnell, Deputy Town Administrator
William Maker, Jr., Town Attorney
The Worksession was called to order by Supervisor Seligson, then on motion of Councilwoman Fiddelman,
seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the Work Session was unanimously opened at 6:00 p.m.
Additionally Present: Lindsey Luft Assistant to the Town Administrator
Presentation – AKRF Review of Floor Area Ration (FAR)
Review – Scope of Comprehensive Plan
These two topics were discussed together. Shachi and Joellen
Additionally Present: Peter Feroe of AKRF, Shachi Pandey of Metropolitan Urban Design (MUD) and Melissa
Kaplan-Macey, Chair of the Steering Committee.
The Town Board first discussed the changes in the Scope document for the Comprehensive Plan, as
submitted by AKRF. Of significance, is the use of a virtual platform. Mr. Feroe stated that use of virtual
platforms was always intended as a component, but this proposal has a much more robust and seamless
platform which he feels will be a great enhancement. The platform integrates and takes feedback and
collates it more effectively. The new Scope includes an additional meeting, called the Community Launch,
which will be to hype up and kick off the public engagement. Ms. Pandey added, this meeting is intended
as an open town hall, to receive ideas and feedback of what residents’ see as important, in a less structured
way than the public forum. The last piece is to format the plan that ‘lives’ on-line and not just as PDF’s. This
allows for engagement that is more public and allows the plan to be more adaptive and searchable. It was
also noted that there are three additional training sessions for the Steering Committee before each virtual
workshop. The Town Board asked for a comparison of the original proposal with this new one, as well as
clarification of why the Scope and additional fees were not discussed earlier. Mr. Feroe explained and
apologized for not discussing the additional fees sooner. The Town Board emphasized the importance of
having virtual and in person forums and Mr. Feroe responded that they have found in person difficult,
costly and under attended, but having said that, small targeted smaller events could be worthwhile.
Councilwoman Katz asked if the final decision on the web based platform needed to be decided now, and
Mr. Feroe said no, not immediately, but soon.
Supervisor Seligson thanked Ms. Kaplan-Macey for attending this evening and asked for her feedback on
this evening’s discussion. Ms. Kaplan-Macey responded that there is impetus to get this project off the
ground, adding she does not see in-person formats any time soon. She thinks on-line formats are easier for
some and more difficult for others, and agrees some specifically targeted in person would be beneficial.
She believes that there are ways to navigate through this with the suggested formats.
February 9, 2021
Supervisor Seligson noted that the Steering Committee will be invited to an upcoming worksession. Mr.
Feroe will send a comparison document, and as asked by Councilwoman Katz, Mr. Feroe will provide more
detail and ‘bullet points’ for outcomes of each forum and meeting.
The meeting moved to the discussion of FAR. Mr. Feroe described the four processes he would utilize to
address the issue. First is to understand the concern, then investigate any regulatory problems, look at
what other communities have done, and finally discuss solutions and implementation. Councilwoman
Fiddelman stated that the Town should also look at other things besides FAR that could address the
concerns. Ms. Pandey added, that size and bulk standards can sometimes be more effective than FAR;
specifically, height, setback, position on property and street character, for example. Overall, if your Zoning
Board is addressing too many applications, than your regulations are not working. It was noted that doing
this analysis simultaneous to the Comprehensive Plan, allows the Town to ‘test out’ concepts with the
public and generate feedback.
Review – Local Law – Sensitive Positions within the Code Ethics Law
Supervisor Seligson stated that this is primarily a clean-up of the existing law to include additional sensitive
positions which were not previously included, but should have been. The Town Board received a draft local
law and the setting of the public hearing is on the regular agenda for this evening.
Discussion – Study of Possible Amendments to the Town’s Cellular Antenna Law
Discussion – Sanitation Commission
The Town Board received a memo titled ‘Sanitation Commission’, dated February 6, 2021, and two
schedules titled ‘Alternative Apportionments 2021 Garbage Commission Budget $3,498,333’ (Chart A) , and
‘Comparison of 2021 Commission Budget with Town Garbage District Budgets’ (Chart B). It was noted that
Chart A is a revision from the last time the Town Board reviewed the apportionment. The Town Board
discussed how the surplus would be retained moving forward to a District, adding that a new District
cannot start without surplus. Mr. Altieri explained that Chart A is a budget based on curbside pickup agreed
upon by the recent local law adoption. Chart B discusses the Commission Budget more specific to the
creation of the Extended District. Mr. Altieri suggests that the District have a 12% surplus. The Town Board
was presented with an additional chart through Mr. Altieri’s screen share, titled ‘2020 Budget Projection –
Expenses Curbside Collection, which included figures for 2019, 2020 and 2021. It is still undetermined how
the tax cap could be effected with the addition of an Extended District solely in the Town Budget.
Supervisor Seligson restated that the Town would not be comfortable with anything less than a 12%
surplus for an Extended District.
Update – Town Administrator Recruitment
The Town Board reviewed the Recruitment Timeline. The job posting has been distributed nationally and
appears on the Town’s website. Joellene Cademartori will report to Supervisor Seligson, Councilwoman
Elkind Eney and Councilwoman Fiddelman weekly. It is anticipated that by March
Ms. Cademartori will have a first tier of candidates as well as a second and third tier, and by the end of
March to begin interviewing. Ms. Cademartori will do extensive prepping of questions and skills
assessments for potential candidates, and facilitate background checks.
Training for Land Use Boards
Mr. Maker issued a memorandum explaining the Town’s legal ability to decrease the required four hours of
training for the Land Use Boards. Having determined its authority, the Town Board discussed drafting
legislation requiring that during a member’s first term, four hours of training annually will be required,
then after the first term or six years of service, they would be required to complete two hours of training
annually. The Town Clerk’s Office will keep track of the training and annual notifications.
New Business - LMC Media
Councilwoman Katz reported that the grant, in the amount of $500,000, intended for the third floor
renovation may be reduced. It was originally intended for the 2-3 million-dollar renovation of the Village of
Mamaroneck Fire House, and the Town Center renovation is estimated to be $725,000. The proposal from
February 9, 2021
LMC Media is to utilize $325,000 in PEG monies for the shortfall. It was reiterated that the full grant is not
guaranteed. Mr. Altieri recently met with Matt Sullivan and LMC Media’s Architect and suggested they
meet with the LMC Media Board of Control and have them agree to fund the $725,000 project if the grant is
not approved. Currently there is no funding available to begin this project, and it is suggested that the LMC
Medial Board of Control, at minimum, agree to fund the architect so the project can begin. Supervisor
Seligson will also reach out to Assemblyman, Steve Otis, for help with the grant.
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilman King, the Board unanimously agreed to
enter into an Executive Session to discuss the employment history of a particular individual and the sale of
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilman King, the Board unanimously agreed to
resume the Regular Meeting.
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilman King, the meeting was unanimously
Submitted by
Christina Battalia, Town Clerk