HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987_11_24 Traffic Committee Minutes e > MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TRAFFIC COMMI'ri'hE OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1987 AT 8:00 P.M. IN THE SENIOR CENTER OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK. PRESENT: Martin Zavell, Chairman Richard Mari Anthony Math Edward F.X. Ryan Leslie Schlom ALSO PRESENT: Police Commissioner, Arthur Dallas The chairman called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. Approval of Minutes On a motion from Mr. Math, seconded by Mr. Mari and carried unanimously, the minutes of October 20, 1987 were approved as written. Police Commissioner's Report on Howell Park Commissioner Dallas gave a summary of the traffic problems and complaints in the Howell Park area. He also summarized the actions taken to date by the traffic committee and the police department, including the number of summons' issued. The Commissioner stated that although there are still some violators, the problem of through traffic is greatly reduced. Daniel Pace of 97 Laurel Avenue stated that he does not believe a problem exists. He stated that he feels the "no through traffic" signs are not warranted and he objects to the fact that he may not drive through streets in his own community. Mr. Zavell pointed out that the final decision regarding no through traffic in Howell Park was made by the Town Board. Residents Regarding No Parking on Rockland Ave. near Badger Camp Mr. Zavell read from the October minutes to clarify why residents of this area were asked for their input regarding the question of no parking on Rockland Ave. Commissioner Dallas was asked for his input regarding this area. The Commissioner stated that if a car was parked on Rockland Ave. , there would not be enough room for a car to pass on the street without going over the double yellow line. Anthony Lucas of 138 Rockland Ave. asked exactly where on Rockland Ave. parking would be prohibited. Mr. Zavell reported footage as stated in previous minutes. Mr. Lucas stated that he had appeared in front of this committee a year ago requesting a stop sign at this site on Rockland Ave. He further stated that in November 1985, this committee approved a recommendation of stop signs on streets connecting with Rockland Ave. and they have not been installed. Commissioner Dallas stated that stop signs on Rockland Ave. would be a mistake since inclement whether would make it impossible for traffic to stop at this location. Mary Lou Braco of 125 Rockland Ave. stated her agreement with the no parking recommendation on Rockland Ave. , but stated her concern for high speed on the street. She agreed with the request for stop signs on Rockland Ave. Mrs. Stirrup of 2 Winged Foot Drive requested more enforcement of speeding in this area and stated that she too would like to see stop signs on Rockland Ave. Adrian Pugen of 134 Rockland Ave. stated his agreement with the fact that this is a very dangerous area. Amy Leveer of 858 Fenimore Rd. stated that she feels the yield sign on Winged Foot Dr. and the stop sign on Dundee Rd. should be reversed. Mr. Zavell stated that he will ask Mr. Altieri to check previous minutes regarding approval of a recommendation of stop signs on streets connecting with Rockland Ave. Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee November 24, 1987 Page 2 Residents Regarding No Parking on Rockland Ave. near Badger Camp (cont. ) and follow up on this. On a motion from Mr. Ryan, seconded by Mr. Math and carried unanimously, the traffic committee recommends to the Town Board that there be no parking on Rockland Ave. near Badger Day camp. Exact footage to be found in previous minutes. Stop Sign on Shadow Lane and Harrison Drive There were no residents in attendance to discuss this matter. Parking - Senate Place Ronnie Zachman of Senate Place stated that she has a problem with overnight parking when her son is home from college with a third car because three cars will not fit into her driveway which is extremely steep. After discussion by the committee regarding the criteria used to determine an exemption, Mr. Ryan stated that he would like to do research regarding the legality of allowing longer term emergency parking overnight. The recommendation of the committee was to suggest that the resident find alternative parking except when an emergency exists and she can call the police department for an emergency exemption to overnight parking on the street. Fenimore Road - Various Items Mr. Zavell read a memo from Steve Altieri regarding residents proposal for sidewalks on Fenimore Road. Richard Shroyer of 875 Fenimore Road asked for feedback from the committee. Commissioner Dallas reported that a study has been concluded. He further stated that Mr. Altieri has asked that this study be included in a formal study of the area with conclusions regarding sidewalks and speeding on Fenimore Road. Mr. Altieri has requested that the information in the study not be made public until the entire study with statistics is disclosed. Mr. Math stated that he felt these statistics should be made public. Mr. Zavell stated that he will speak to Mr. Altieri regarding a timetable for the information to be disclosed and pointed out that it would be inappropriate to press the commissioner. Mr. Shroyer asked if there were any recommendations in regard to slowing down traffic on this street. Commissioner Dallas stated that he feels radar is the most effective tool to encourage compliance with posted speed limits. The commissioner assured the residents that this selective enforcement would begin this week. Mr. Shroyer was in full agreement with this proposal if it would slow down vehicles. Amy Leveer of 858 Fenimore Road stated that while she welcomes selective enforcement, she would like to see a more ongoing detriment to the speeding. Mr. Shroyer requested that shrubbery blocking traffic signs be trimmed. Mr. Zavell will ask Mr. Altieri to notify Mr. Leddy about this. Request For Traffic Light on Palmer Ave. at Central School An additional petition for the traffic light signed by Central School staff was submitted. Ava Birdsell of 4 Forest Park Ave. and a co-president of Central School P.T.A. , Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee November 24, 1987 Page 3 Request For Traffic Light on Palmer Ave. at Central School (cont. ) stated her concern that cars exiting Central School must block the pedestrian cross walk in order to see traffic north and south on Palmer Ave. She requested that a traffic light that has a blinking yellow light, be installed on Palmer Ave. at Central School. Ted Slater of Elkan Road stated his support for a traffic light at this location. Peter Zambito of Nancy Lane requested information from the last study done at this location regarding a traffic light two years ago. He specifically would like to be made aware of the conclusions. Mr. Zavell stated that Palmer Avenue is a County road and the County study recommended against a traffic light at this location. Commissioner Dallas stated that a meeting has been set for December first with the State D.O.T. , school officials and himself. Donald Mazin of 80 Shore Drive complained that each year this dangerous situation is brought to the attention of the Board. Mr. Mazin stated that he feels a police officer could move traffic at this location while the study is pending rather than a crossing guard who has no background in traffic control. Mary Anne Colaianni, co-president of the P.T.A. stated that since the Richbell Road parking lot has been restricted, there are that many more cars using the Central School driveway. Andrew Harrison of 31 Hall Ave. stated that he feels the situation is extremely dangerous and he strongly supports the traffic light. Several other residents stated their support for the traffic light as well as the suggestion of a police officer directing traffic while the study is pending. Mr. Zavell asked for the committee member's input at this point. Mr. Ryan stated that he felt as had been done on Elkan Rd. , no parking be allowed near the drive- way where it might obstruct the turn onto Palmer Ave. Mr. Ryan asked Commissioner Dallas for input regarding the suggestion of a police officer at this position during school hours. Commissioner Dallas stated that a police officer at this position would have a low priority. This would mean the officer would be called away if there was a situation which required his presence at another area during his tour. The Commissioner also stated that he feels due to the Weaver St. Bridge closing from February to November, it will impact on the County's decision not to install a traffic light at this location. Mr. Schiom stated that he feels the wisest thing to do is wait to hear what the experts have to say and make a decision after hearing their input. Mr. Mari agreed that the committee should see what the County study suggests. He also asked if their was a possibility of hiring a trained traffic guard at this intersection. Mr. Math stated that he supports the recommendation to have a police officer or the equivalent at this position while the study is pending. Mr. Zavell stated that he supports the Central School P.T.A. request including a police officer at this site. Commissioner Dallas stated that with the current patrol force, it would not be possible to assign an officer there. He would like to see a traffic agent at this site because a police officer could be called off the post at any time there is a higher priority call. Mr. Zavell requested that Commissioner Dallas explore the possibility of a police officer at this site during school crossing hours. Mr. Zavell further stated that the traffic committee wholly supports the feelings of the Central School Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee November 24, 1987 Page 4 Request For Traffic Light on Palmer Ave. at Central School (cont. ) P.T.A. and the committee would like their feelings known to the County with the request that they act expeditiously. The committee agreed unanimously with Mr. Zavell's statement. Mr. Mari agreed to represent the T.O.M. traffic committee at the December 1st meeting. Request for Removal of Two Parking Spaces on Palmer Ave. at Elkan Rd. Mr. Sclater of 36 Elkan Rd. appeared to request that two parking spaces be removed on Palmer Ave. at Elkan Road in order to make a safe left turn onto Palmer Ave. Mr. Mari stated that these are much needed parking spaces and are used for overnight parkers. Commissioner Dallas agreed to look over the situation and come back to the committee with a recommendation at the next meeting. Request for No Parking - Residents only on Oakdale Rd. Arthur Talmage of 27 Bonnie Briar Lane appeared before the committee to request that no parking, aside from residents, be allowed on Oakdale Rd. Mr. Talmage stated that his driveway is directly opposite the entrance to Bonnie Briar Country Club and he has several concerns regarding parking in the area by people who need access to the club. The committee asked the police commissioner to look over the area in question and report his findings at the next committee meeting. Request For Two Hour Parking Meters at The Myrtle Blvd. Lot Mr. Jack Albanese of Riviera Hairstyles, 176 Myrtle Blvd. stated that at this time there are twenty two 12 hour meters and nine 2 hour meters in the Myrtle Blvd. parking lot. He would like to see some of the twelve hour meters changed to two hour meters. Mr. Albanese stated that the merchants in the area need more short term parking for their customers. Mr. Albanese also stated that enforcement of short term parking on the street is not accomplished since there is not enough manpower to do so. Mr. Zavell explained that Mr. Mari and Mr. Math have been assigned to this area and will look into the problem. Parking - Harrison Drive Mr. Doug Fais of 35 Harrison Drive stated concerns that a stop sign was to be installed on Harrison Drive. The committee assured the residents that a stop sign will not be installed on Harrison Drive. Mr. Fais also stated residents concerns with no parking on one side of Harrison Dr. due to a new doctor's office. Since a problem has not yet arisen, it was agreed that the residents will inform the committee if this does create a problem. In the meantime, overnight parking in the area will be check by the commissioner. New Business Mr. Ryan reported that he was not able to set up a meeting with Mr. Davis until he makes arrangements with the Town of Mamaroneck. However, Mr. Altieri will meet with the sub-committee and Mr. Davis before any work is done regarding the N. Chatsworth Ave. , Myrtle Blvd. , Murray Ave. intersection. The Commissioner reported that 16 summonses have been issued to speeders on Myrtle Blvd. Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee November 24, 1987 Page 5 New Business (cont.) The commissioner reported that a no parking here to corner sign will be installed on Revere Road at Harmon Drive because parkers are blocking the resident's driveway. Adjournment On a motion from Mr. Schlom, seconded by Mr. Math and carried unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Cynthia Rocchio