HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989_03_07 Traffic Committee Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK TRAFFIC COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1989 AT THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK. PRESENT: Martin Zavell, Chairman Richard Mari Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn Edward F.X. Ryan Leslie Schlom EXCUSED: Dennis Kenny ALSO PRESENT: Steve Chapin, Liaison from the Town Board Steven Altieri, Town Administrator Arthur Dallas, Police Commissioner Allan Davis, Traffic Consultant ABSENT: Anthony Math The chairman called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. He explained the purpose of this committee to those in attendance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion from Mr. Schlom, seconded by Mr. Mari and carried, the minutes of January 9, 1989 were approved as written. Mrs. O'Flinn asked that the motion on page two relating to the right hand turn on red at the N. Chatsworth bridge be flagged so this committee will look at it once more in six months. ONE WAY RESTRICTION - ALDEN ROAD Theodore Brown of 6 Devon Rd. addressed the committee regarding the one way street at Alden Road. The committee is in receipt of a letter from Mn. Brown asking that the decision to make Alden Road a one way be rescinded. He also stated concern for the emergency response of police and fire departments. Commissioner Dallas responded by stating that Police answering a call would take the fastest route possible. It was further reported that the fire department had been asked for input before the one way was put into effect. The response was that they will respond to a call the fastest way possible. Mr. Mari stated that although he had originally voted against this action, he had heard from residents at a recent meeting that it was very successful. He was pleased to hear this and found nothing to support changing the street back to two way. Mr. Schlom stated that the reasons for making the street a one way which were cited in Mr. Brown's letter were not correct. The main factor was noise due to restaurant patrons leaving at late hours along with casual parkers. Mrs. O'Flinn stated that many residents came forward asking for and supporting the one way. Several meetings were held regarding this request and area residents were notified and asked to attend. Mn. Zavell stated that if there is a feeling of the residents that they would like this decision reversed, they would have to come forward before any action would be taken. Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee March 7, 1989 Page 2 Report on Rockinqstone Ave. and Mountain Ave. The Town's traffic consultant, Allan Davis' study was discussed. Residents of the area stated that they were not pleased with the recommendations included in the study. Ann Shea requested that the committee not approve Mr. Davis' recommendations. Mr. Davis answered questions and explained the reasons for his recommendation. He included in the discussion the fact that he could find no pattern or casual relationships between the accidents, therefore nothing could be recommended to prevent these accidents. The only similarity in the accidents is the presence of parked cars. Therefore, one recommendation is to prohibit parking along both sides of Rockingstone Ave. at this location. Commissioner Dallas stated that he is of the opinion that this is a speed issue not withstanding the topography of the area. He believes the 40 mph can be enforced in this area and recommends selective enforcement be done for six months. The committee agreed that Mr. Davis had presented an excellent study. Mr. Zavell reminded the committee that they had originally recommended to the Town Board that a three phase traffic signal be installed at this intersection and the Town Board sent this back to the committee to study along with the recommendation of the traffic consultant. After discussion, Mr. Schlom made the following motion: The traffic committee recommends to the Town Board after reviewing the excellent report by the traffic consultant, to keep to the original recommendation of this committee and install a three phase traffic signal at the intersection of Rockingstone and Mountain Avenues. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mari and the vote was as follows: Mr. Zavell-aye, Mr. Mari-aye, Mr. Schlom-aye, Mrs. O'Flinn-nay, Mr. Ryan-nay. The motion carried by majority vote. Mr. Ryan stated that in as much as the Davis report suggests the minority vote recommendation, he made the following motion: The traffic committee recommends to the Town Board that the blinking light on Mountain and Rockingstone Avenues be reversed so that it controls Rockingstone Ave. The motion was seconded by Mrs. O'Flinn. CHATSWORTH AVE/JEFFERSON STREET-LETIT R In a letter received by Mr. Horace A. Cardoza of 49 N. Chatsworth Ave. requesting that no parking signs which were removed during construction in the area be reinstalled. He also requested a sign stating NO PARKING HERE TO CORNER on N. Chatsworth and Jefferson Ave. Mr. Bill Nero of 47 N. Chatsworth Ave. stated that the site line is restricted for the motorist due to parked cars on N. Chatsworth Ave. After discussion, the committee agreed that parked cars caused danger in this area. Mr. Altieri suggested that since N. Chatsworth is wider since the Carlton House was built, perhaps no parking should be from the Carlton House to Lafayette St. l , Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee March 7, 1989 Page 3 CHATSWORTH AVE/JEFFERSON STREET-LETTER (cont. ) with three hour limited parking from Jefferson Street to the Carlton House gate. After discussion it was agreed that the committee wants the no parking signs re- installed between the Carlton House and Lafayette Street opposite the park on N. Chatsworth Ave. and the committee will look at N. Chatsworth Ave. from the Carlton House driveway South to Jefferson Street so it can be put on the agenda for the next meeting. Mr. Schlom would also like the committee to look at the park side of the street and see if they feel the no parking sign should be moved back one or two car lengths towards the bridge. REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS-PARKING LOT #1 Allan Davis made his presentation which included a new parking layout, new entrance and an increase of 37 parking spaces. 185 permit spaces and 120 metered spaces were included in the preliminary drawings. Mr. Ryan stated concern that the committee was brought in so late in the planning. He had expected to be brought in before drawings were made up. Mr. Altieri stated that these were preliminary drawings only and felt that it is easier to comment when being presented with a suggestion. Mr. Mari stated that he would like to see the Vine Street exit/entrance built, but not necessarily utilized. Mn. Ryan stated that he would like to see access onto Vine St. from the start. He would also recommend the permit parking area be accessed from Wood Street and Myrtle Blvd. Mr. Davis addressed concerns including access and rigidness of designated parking spaces. NEW BUSINESS OVERNIGHT PARKING Mr. Ryan reported that he and Mr. Kenny have had difficulty scheduling a meeting with the Town attorney since the Town attorney has had to cancel two meetings to date. Mr. Altieri asked that Mr. Ryan contact the Town attorney's office giving a few available dates. Mr. Altieri will get back to Mr. Ryan regarding a firm date. N. CHATSWORTH INTERSECTION Mr. Ryan stated that the dotted lines to be painted on the roadway and the overhead signs have not been installed. lie'..feels that this intersection should`be put,back:. on the agenda. MR. ENGEL'S LETTER Mrs. O'Flinn stated that she feels Mr. Engel's letter should also be put on the agenda. NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting date of the traffic committee will be held on Tuesday, April 11, 1989. Tdwn of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee March 7, 1989 Page 4 ADJOURNMENT On a motion from Mr. Ryan, seconded by Mr. Mari and carried unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Cynthia Rocchio Notes of the Traffic Committee Meeting - 3/7/89 Approval of Minutes One way Restriction - Alden Road -- no action to be taken check to see if other correspondence received on this matter in December, 1988 Referral of Town Board Report on Rockingstone/Mountain Avenues -- Recommendation of Traffic Committee 2/3 vote in favor to repeat original recommendation to install traffic light. Minority wish to see the priority of the existing flasher be instituted. Letter of Horace Cardozza -- Reinstall 'TIC) PARKING THIS SIDE1' between entrance to Carlton House and Lafayette Street on Lafayette Street side. Next Traffic Committee meeting place on agenda to consider 3 hour parking 8AM - 5PM on North Chatsworth between Carlton House gate and Jefferson Street on Carlton House side. Review of Preliminary Drawings Parking Lot #1 -- Reopening of Vine Street entrance was brought up. Committee indicated that Vine Street should be reopened. Installation of "NC) PARKING'' signs where parking is not appropriate. Speak to Ed Lieberman about keeping appointment with Ned Ryan. Dotted line - Murray, Myrtle, Chatsworth and overhead signs. Next Agenda -- Alan Davis letter responding to Mr. Engel's comments. Next meeting date - Tuesday, April 11, 1989 in Courtroom at 8:00 p.m.