PRESENT: Martin Zavell, Chairman
Richard Mari, Committeeman
Edward F.X. Ryan, Jr. , Committeeman
Leslie Schlom, Committeeman
ALSO PRESENT: Steven Altieri, Town Administrator
Thomas Amlicke, Town Councilman
Charles Baumblatt, Police Chief
EXCUSED: Anthony Math, Committeeman
The chairman called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. .
Chief Baumblatt requested that he receive a copy of the agenda and minutes before
each meeting.
Approval of Minutes
On a motion from Martin Zavell, seconded by Leslie Schlom and carried, the minutes
of November 18, 1986 were approved as written.
Howell Park
Paul Hoffman, president of the Howell Park Association, stated that those in the
association will base their traffic requests on the recommendations of the Police
Commissioner and the expertise of the committee. The association is willing to
see how the stop signs which have been installed on the recommendation of the Police
Commissioner and the traffic committee work out. Mr. Mari pointed out that the committee
is always willing to listen to further requests on a particular area and that
the association is welcome to come back and address the traffic committee should
the stop signs which have been installed fail to alleviate the problem.
Traffic Light - Forest Ave. and Weaver St.
Florence Henry of 765 Forest Ave. addressed the committee. She stated that she
would like to know the status of the traffic light. Mr. Zavell asked Steve Altieri
to address this. Mr. Altieri stated that the State Department of Transportation
notified the Town Administrators office that the summer of 1987 is the projected
starting date for the project. The committee was disappointed by the absence
of plans at this meeting. Mr. Altieri assured the committee that the plans will
be available at the next meeting.
Chief Baumblatt suggested that the traffic committee should address the following
recommendations made by the Police Department:
1. Four way stop for pedestrian crossing when the walk signal
is activated.
2. No turn on red - school days on all four corners.
3. Tree should be trimmed at the site of 700 Forest Ave.
Ann Ritz of Forest Avenue asked the committee if the State DOT will necessarily
accept their recommendation of the four way stop for pedestrian crossing. Mr. Altieri
stated that the State DOT is not mandated to accept the recommendations of the
Town, but, under normal conditions, they do accept such recommendations as long as
the cost is not prohibitive.
Richard Mari stated that he believes a light signal mounted on a telephone pole
north of the intersection should be installed so that southbound traffic
will be given twice the sight line.
Town.of Mamaroneck
Traffic Committee
January 13, 1987
Page 2
Traffic Light - Forest Ave. and Weaver St. (cont.)
It was agreed that once the plans are available, the committee will know if this
is in the plans.
Jeff Weiner of 733 Forest Avenue stated that he understood that the signal was
approved one year ago and was to be installed last Spring. Several other residents
of Forest Avenue expressed their concern regarding the delay in installing the
traffic light. Mr. Altieri explained that the State had been asked to look over this
intersection once again and they agreed with the installation of the traffic signal.
At this point, the State has awarded the contract.
Intersection - Ellsworth Rd. and Hickory Grove Dr.
Since Mr. Mari has not as yet been able to contact the resident at this intersection,
it was agreed that he will do so by the next meeting and report back to the committee.
It was agreed to put this on the agenda for the next meeting.
Update - Traffic Control Plans for Closing Weaver St. Bridge
Chief Baumblatt reported that since Conrail had run into a bridge repair problem in
Harrison, it delayed the start of the repair of the Weaver St. bridge. The reports
indicate that repairs will begin this summer. The Chief stated that signs with
alternate routes can be erected, but as a rule, traffic finds its own way.
Mr. Hoffman of Howell Park asked the duration of the contract which will actually
close the bridge. Steve Altieri reported the time as nine months. Mr. Hoffman
asked if there was a bonus incentive in the contract for finishing ahead of schedule.
Mr. Altieri did not know, but has been assured that all material will be on site
before the bridge is closed.
Mr. Ryan stated his concern regarding the safety of the pedestrian bridge to be
erected. Mr. Altieri stated that he assumed the bridge would be similar to the one
erected in Harrison which was a steel cage and quite safe. Mr. Ryan requested
that Mr. Altieri check into the pedestrian bridge to assure that it will be the same as
the one erected in Harrison.
Mr. Ryan stated that the stairs from the Town parking lot to the Village lot were repaired
very quickly. This was appreciated by the commuters. Mr. Altieri reported that the
work was done by Tom Leddy's men from the Town Highway Dept.
Chatsworth Ave. Intersection - Mr. Zavell stated that nothing has been done to correct
the many problems which exist at this intersection. He stated that as a resident
of the Town of Mamaroneck and a member of the Traffic Committee, he finds the problems
of poor traffic flow and the existence of trailers still on Murray Ave. very
frustrating. Steve Altieri stated that censors under the road should regulate the
traffic flow. Further, since the State will not paint the necessary lines for the
lanes, the Town will do so, but not until the project has been accepted by the Town.
The Town will not accept the project until the difficulties are resolved at the
intersection. Mr. Zavell requested that Mr. Altieri contact the State again re-
garding this intersection.
Myrtle Blvd. parking lot - Richard Mari asked if the meters were changed to short
term meters as agreed to by this committee. Mr. Altieri reported that this has
been done.
Town,,.of Mamaroneck
Traffic Committee
January 13, 1987
Page 3
Next Meeting Date and Adjournment - It was agreed that the next meeting date will
be Tuesday, February 10, 1987 at 8:00 p.m.
On a motion from Richard Mari, seconded by Leslie Schlom and carried, the meeting
adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Cynthia Rocchio