HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988_02_19 Traffic Committee Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TRAFFIC COMMI'1'1'±E OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1988 AT 8:00 P.M. IN THE SENIOR CENTER OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK. PRESENT: Martin Zavell, Chairman Richard Mari Anthony Math Dennis Kenny Edward F.X. Ryan EXCUSED: Leslie Schlom ALSO PRESENT: Steven V. Altieri, Town Administrator Arthur T. Dallas, Police Commissioner Allen Davis, Traffic Consultant The chairman called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. . After introducing the members of the committee, the chairman read the agenda. Approval of Minutes On a motion from Mr. Mari, seconded by Mr. Math and carried unanimously, the minutes of January 19, 1988 were approved with the following corrections and additions: On page 3 under the heading NEW BUSINESS, N. Chatsworth Intersection- Sub Committee, the first sentence should read as follows: Mr. Ryan reported that the sub-committee consisting of Mr. Schlom, Mr. Math, Mr. Ryan and Mr. Davis as consultant, met on December 19, 1987 and discussed the situation. On page 4 under the same heading as above, the following should be added to conclusions and recommendations: 3. The pedestrian walk be made to run concurrent with the green light. 4. The "Don't Walk" sign be replaced with a blinking hand. In addition, a sign explaining the meaning of the blinking hand be posted. 5. The island on Murray Ave. be cut back in order to eliminate the severe jog for traffic making left hand turns from Myrtle Blvd. east. 6. Consideration was given to making Vine St. a cul de sac which would allow the stop line on Myrtle Blvd. at Murray Ave. to be moved forward. Speeding Cars - Rockland Ave. between Crest Ave. and Woody Lane Residents requested that this matter be adjourned and place on the agenda for the next meeting. Parking - Leafy Lane Mr. Zavell read from the January19, 1988 minutes in order to give the committee's new member, Mr. Kenny, more information. Mr. Math stated that uniformity of parking regulations on streets is part of the larger question here. Mr. Ryan stated that if uniformity is our aim, perhaps what these residents requested, no parking 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, should be the uniform restriction. Mr. Mari again questioned the safety of cars parking on both sides of the street. Mr. Ryan suggested that the fire department look at this street. Jean Putnam of 10 Leafy Lane stated that her purpose is to keep out of town traffic from parking on the street in order to commute to New York City. She is in favor of the 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. parking restriction. Robert Barbara of 7 Leafy Lane stated that he too would be in favor of the same parking restriction. Mr. Ryan made the following motion: With respect to Leafy Lane, Parking be prohibited from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday with the under- standing that the Fire Department look over the site and approve. Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee February 16, 1988 Page 2 Parking - Leafy Lane (cont. ) The motion was seconded by Mr. Math. The vote was as follows: Mr. Zavell- aye, Mr. Kenny-aye, Mr. Mari-nay. The motion carried by a majority vote. Mrs. Putnam then raised the question of the problem lighting on the street. Mr. Altieri explained that Con Edison must energize these lights. The Town has been in communication with Con Edison and is waiting for them to act on this. Four Way Stop Sign - North Chatsworth Ave. at Birch Ave. and Echo Lane Commissioner Dallas distributed material explaining the Police Department recommendations which are as follows: No Four Way signage at the location. Stop Sign to be erected on Birch Ave. , facing S/B traffic, approximately 9' north of Chatsworth Ave. . Stop Sign to be erected on Echo Lane, facing N/B traffic, at telephone pole #11. (approximately 45' south of N. Chatsworth Ave.) . Signage is to be supplemented by pavement markings pursuant to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices issued by the State DOT. Mr. Kenny questioned why there are stop signs further down on N. Chatsworth Ave. Commissioner Dallas explained why traffic control signs are not used to slow down traffic. He suggested that these signs were erected many years ago before the manual of uniform traffic control devices was issued by the State DOT. A resident questioned how traffic could effectively be slowed down on North Chatsworth Ave. Commissioner Dallas stated that selective enforcement would be his recommendation to slow down traffic in the area. Mr. Ryan asked for information regarding the number of accidents reported in this area. Commissioner Dallas reported that in a five year period, two accidents have been reported. Both accidents were on Forest Ave. and North Chatsworth Avenue. Mr. Ryan questioned if existing stop signs are ever removed. After discussion, it was agreed that the stop signs on N. Chatsworth and Forest Ave. are necessary. On a motion from Mr. Zavell, seconded by Mr. Math and carried unanimously, it was moved that the Police Commissioner's recommendations be approved. Requests of Larchmont Knolls Neighborhood Dennis Mulcahey of Alden Road stated that residents are concerned because commercial traffic is spilling over onto residential streets. Residents stated that the No Parking Here to Corner signs are ignored. Rosalyn Rothstein of 2 Harmony Drive requested that Alden Road be made a one way from Copely Rd. to the Boston Post Rd. to help eliminate the parking of patrons from the local restaurant. Commissioner Dallas stated that he would like to be sure the majority of residents want the one way since there are many negatives involved in such a decision. Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee February 16, 1988 Page 3 Requests of Larchmont Knolls Neighborhood (cont. ) Mr. Zavell asked that Commissioner Dallas and the Traffic Committee study the area once again and return to the next meeting with their thoughts. Mr. Altieri stated that input will be requested from the Fire Department also. Intersection - Myrtle Blvd. N. Chatsworth Ave. and Murray Ave. Mr. Allen Davis, the traffic consultant brought in to study this intersection by the Town of Mamaroneck, displayed drawings showing the existing intersection and the intersection with his recommended modifications. Mr. Davis explained that the intersection was designed to have pedestrian traffic move parallel with vehicle traffic. The intersection is now being used with all traffic stopped for pedestrian crossing. Mr. Davis stated that after his December 19th meeting with the sub-committee, he incorporated some of the decisions reached in his ten recommendations to improve the intersection. He further stated that once the recommendations are adhered to, the intersection can be retimed. The first step would be to reduce the pedestrian phase to a seven second walk and twenty four second don't walk along with signs conveying the message to pedestrians on all poles at the inter- section. The second possibility would be to have pedestrians walk parallel to the traffic as the intersection was designed. Mr. Altieri asked if the light retiming could be done before lines are painted since painting can only be done in temperatures consistently over fifty degrees. Mr. Davis stated that the retiming could be done but he would recommend that the paint be put on, lost and redone if necessary when warmer temperatures allow in order to realize the full benefits. Richard Mari suggested that the stop bar be moved back to become even with the island on Murray Ave. and overhead signs showing pavement markings be added. Mr. Davis stated that lane designation signs can be placed next to the road. Mr. Mari suggested that the exclusive pedestrian walk be eliminated during the Weaver Street bridge reconstruction. Mr. Davis suggested that all pedestrian intersections be made uniform in the area. Mr. Ryan stated that although he originally felt the pedestrians should cross parallel with vehicle traffic, he now fee]:we should try a shortened pedestrian crossing first. Mr. Kenny stated that he believed the pedestrian walk cycle was originally put in to help the elderly in the area cross the intersection. Mr. Ryan stated that if the full pedestrian phase proves to back up traffic dramatically during the Weaver Street bridge construction, the parallel pedestrian crossing could still be instituted. Mr. Zavell requested that when the changes in timing are made, an officer be present at the intersection during the peak hours. Commissioner Dallas stated that this would be very difficult and would further deplete the tour during the busiest times. After further discussion, the traffic committee thanked Mr. Davis for his exceptional efforts in conducting the study and in his presentation. Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee February 16, 1988 Page 4 Intersection - Myrtle Blvd. , N. Chatsworth Ave. and Murray Ave. (cont.) The following motion was made by Mr. Math, seconded by Mr. Ryan and carried unanimously: The traffic committee recommends to the Town Council that they accept Mr. Davis' proposal with the exclusive pedestrian phase and amend it to include overhead signs at Murray Ave. & Myrtle and at Myrtle Blvd. & N. Chatsworth Avenue's eastern face of the intersection. The committee would like to see the plans moved on as soon as possible and have no delay while waiting for over- head signs to be ordered and installed. Mr. Zavell added that the committee also strongly recommends that Mr. Davis' proposal be modified so that the no parking recommendation on the east side of N. Chatsworth Ave. , be moved back to the loading zone at the entrance to 17 N. Chatsworth Ave. It was agreed that Mr. Ryan will attend the Town Council meeting on February 24th to clarify and answer any questions regarding the motion. Speeding Cars - Rockland Ave. between Crest Ave. and Woody Lane Commissioner Dallas reported that he has spoken with residents of the area and made a presentation to the committee. He recommends that radar be used two days a week until the problem is solved along with heavy signage indicating a blind curve and hidden driveways in this area. After discussion, the committee agreed with this recommendation. NEW BUSINESS Master Plan Update Mr. Ryan requested a copy of the master plan update, phase two. Mr. Altieri will look into this and provide one if possible. Preston Street Mr. Ryan questioned the need for the time limited no left turn from Myrtle __ Blvd. onto Preston Street since the Police headquarters are no longer housed on Edgewood Ave. Mr. Altieri stated that he will check previous minutes to see if the removal of the sign was already put into a motion. After discussion, it was agreed to make the motion again in case it does not appear in previous minutes. The following motion was made by Mr. Ryan, seconded by Mr. Mari and carried unanimously: The traffic committee recommends to the Town Council that the time limited one way sign for traffic turning onto Preston St. from Myrtle Blvd. be removed. Parking on Public Streets Mr. Ryan cited cases regarding limiting parking on public streets explaining that discrimination and fee charges were the deterrents to the legality of limiting this parking. Packets for Committee Members Mr. Mari requested that the packet prepared by Commissioner Dallas for the meetings, be received by committee members along with the minutes and agenda. A discussion followed in which Commissioner Dallas explained the difficulty of getting this information out before the agenda. !. Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee February 16, 1988 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS (cont. ) New Member Mr. Zavell officially welcomed Mr. Kenny, the new member of the traffic committee. Mr. Zavell reported that the Town Council Liaison, Mr. Korn, had called him earlier to explain that he was not able to attend this evening's meeting. Next Meeting Date It was agreed that the next meeting date for the traffic committee would be March 15, 1988 at 8:00 p.m. Adjournment On a motion from Mr. Math, seconded by Mr. Kenny and carried unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. . Respectfully submitted by Cynthia Rocchio