PRESENT: Martin Zavell, Chairman
Richard Mari, Committeeman
Anthony Math, Committeeman
Edward F.X. Ryan, Jr. , Committeeman
ALSO PRESENT: Steven Altieri, Town Administrator
Thomas Amlicke, Town Councilman
Arthur Dallas, Police Commissioner
EXCUSED: Leslie Schlom, Committeeman
The chairman called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. .
Approval of Minutes
On a motion from Mr. Zavell, seconded by Mr. Mari and carried, the minutes of
January 13, 1987 were approved as written.
Parking - Myrtle Boulevard
Mr. Zavell called upon Mr. Jack 4ibune e of Riviera Hair Stylist on Myrtle Blvd. to
present his concerns regarding parking on Myrtle Blvd. Mr. Albanese stated that
since the police officer assigned to enforce parking regulations in that area has
retired, people will remain past the allotted time in this area. Mr. Albanese
stated that his concerns have become greater due to the following: 1. A new office
building going up in the area. 2. The possibility of the Daitch property being
developed. 3. A new apartment building under construction in the area - all which
will cause more cars being parked on the street. He also stated that if the status
quo were maintained, his business could4survive. Mr. Albanese finds a need for
short term parking for his customers. /fur
Mr. Zavell read the January 20, 1987 communication between Alanc3e and Clara
Tracey stating these concerns. The committee thanked Mr. for bringing
these conerns to the meeting and stated that they will keep this in mind as develop-
ment in the area continues.
Referral from Murray Avenue PTA
Susan Reyelt and Betty Siegel attended as representatives of the Murray Ave. PTA.
Mr. Zavell stated that a letter had been received from the principal of Murray Ave.
School and the co-presidents of the PTA, requesting a sidewalk on Damon Terrace
and changing the Yield sign to a Stop sign on Forest Ave. and Damon Terrace. Mr.
Zavell stated that he was in full agreement with the requests. Mr. Mari questioned
the possibility of the children being crossed at the corner. Susan Reyelt stated
that after meeting with Robert Reynolds of the Police Department, it was agreed
that alternate crossings posed a problem. Officer Reynolds recommended against
moving the crossing to the corner. Mr. Mari suggested changing the flow of traffic
on Damon Terrace to the opposite direction. Betty Siegel pointed out that the
school buses would be facing the wrong direction to pick up and discharge passengers
on the right hand side. Mr. Ryan stated that he agreed with the proposal of the
sidewalk, but questioned why it would not continue the length of Damon Terrace.
Mrs. Siegel pointed out that if the sidewalk were continued, it might encourage
children to walk on that side of the street rather than the safer side next to the
school building. Commissioner Dallas stated that the Police Department strongly
endorses the PTA request for a sidewalk on Damon Terrace. Mr. Amlicke asked Mr.
Altieri if this was a special budget item. Mr. Altieri stated that the topog-
raphy of the area would have to be studied before this could be determined.
Town of Mamaroneck
Traffic Committee
February 10, 1987
Page 2
Referral from Murray Ave. PTA - cont.
In regard to the request for a Stop sign replacing the Yield sign on Forest Ave. and
Damon Terrace, the committee is concerned that the traffic signal to be installed on
Forest Ave. and Weaver St. may have an impact on the traffic flow in this area.
Mr. Altieri stated that the Yield sign will be removed when the traffic signal is
implemented and a sign stating, "Stop Here on Red" will be installed at this inter-
On a motion from Mr. Ryan, seconded by Mr. Math and carried unanimously, it was
agreed to recommend to the Town Board to adopt the suggestion of a sidewalk on
Damon Terrace.
Mr. Amlicke requested that a cost analysis be submitted to the Town Board along with
the recommendation. Mr. Altieri will have this done.
Site Plan Referrals
a) Midland Construction - Victor Dortonna of Midland Construction introduced Jan
Anderson of the planning firm who did the traffic study of the site. Ms. Anderson
presented the traffic study which included site drawings, traffic counts at various
intersections and driveways. It was stated that the site distance on the Boston
Post Rd. is good in this area. Mr. Dortonna displayed photos of the site distance
and visibility on the Boston Post Rd. Mr. Dortonna stated that the anticipated
number of employees in the building would be 57. After discussion, Mr. Ryan clarified
the number of parking spaces as being 85 for the office building and 44 for IHOP,
totaling 120 parking spaces. Mr. Mari suggested that a restriction be placed at the
exit for left hand turns onto the Boston Post Rd. After discussion, Mr. Altieri
explained that a request may be made from the Town to the State regarding a left
hand turn restriction onto the State controlled Boston Post Rd. If the State approves
the request, the Town would install the signs and the Police Department can enforce
them. Mr. Altieri also stated that the Planning Board, who referred this site plan
to the committee, could make this a condition of their approval.
On a motion from Richard Mari, seconded by Martin Zavell and carried uanimously,
it was agreed to recommend to the Planning Board to approve the plans submitted with
the addition that a left hand turn be prohibited exiting from the primary driveway.
It was noted that the recommendation of the Police Commissioner supports this
b) Coughlin Group Office Building - Donald Mazin, the attorney representing the
Coughlin Group, stated that the intention is to construct a 13,600 square foot
office building at 178 Myrtle Blvd. next to the Clock Tower Building. Mr. Mazin
introduced Mr. Greely who has done a traffic study of the area. Mr. Greely presented
a detailed survey of existing traffic conditions in the area. He explained that
during peak hours there would be 27 to 32 vehicles exiting and entering the parking
area. Mr. Greely stated the existing traffic volume and the projected additional
traffic volume. He pointed out that a portion of the parking will be across the street
from the building in a parking lot that the Coughlin Group intends to build. Mr.
Greely stated that this parking lot will provide additional parking for area residents
during the evening and on weekends. After the presentation, questions from the
committee were called for. Richard Mari stated his concern that there was not enough
footage for 32 parking spaces referrable to the Police Department study of area
Town of Mamaroneck
Traffic Committee
February 10, 1987
Page 3
Site Plan Referrals - cont.
parking done approximately six months ago. Mr. Mazin stated that their engineers
along with the Town attorney and other Town representatives felt that the area was
large enough for these spaces. Joe Coughlin of the Coughlin Group stated that the
specifications represented 32 parking spaces and the lot can not be built unless it
is built according to the specifications. Richard Mari called for the Police
Commissioner's input. Commissioner Dallas stated that as long as their engineer is
proposing this many parking spaces, he would he would have'no'objection to that
proposal. The committee discussed the need for a crosswalk from the offsite
parking lot to the office building. After discussion which included the Police
Department's recommendation for a crosswalk in that area, the following motion
was made:
On a motion From Mr. Ryan, seconded by Mr. Math and carried unanimously, it
was agreed to recommend to the Planning Board that the plans be approved as
submitted with the following recommendation: A crosswalk for pedestrians be
considered from the off site parking to the Coughlin Building.
Request of 21 North Chatsworth Avenue
Lisa Whittnar, a representative of 21 North Chatsworth, requested that parking
be allowed on both side of North Chatsworth Avenue during construction of their
parking lot. Mr. Zavell asked the amount of time involved. Mrs. Whittner
stated that approximately one month would be needed. The committee agreed that
this request was within the parameters of the criteria set up for exemptions.
Mr. Zavell recommended waving the parking restrictions on both sides of N. Chatsworth
Ave. during the time of reconstruction of a parking lot (approximately one month)
behind 21 North Chatsworth Ave. The Police Commissioner agreed with the recommendation
as long as the Fire Department had no reservations. It was agrred that Mr. Dallas
will notify the Fire Department.
Referral from Village of Mamaroneck Speed Limit - Boston Post Road
After discussion, it was agreed that the traffic committee advises the Town Board
that the Town traffic committee has studied the referral and feels it is unreal-
istic to reduce the speed limit on the Boston Post Rd. to 30 M.P.H. They feel
that 35 M.P.H. would be more realistic and consistent with a four lane State
No Thru Traffic Sign - Weaver Street Firehouse
After discussion of the complaint from 5 Edgewood Ave. , regarding enforcement of
the No Thru Traffic Sign at the Firehouse, it was agreed that the Fire Department
could create a barrier for thru traffic if it is a problem.
New Business
Chatsworth Ave./Murrtay Ave. intersection update - After the State DOT met with
Mr. Zavell and other members of the Town, the following changes were agreed up-
on by the State DOT: The pedestrian crossing will be readjusted and corrected.
The length of the cycles will be set to comply with the traffic flow. Mr. Zavell
requested that members of the traffic committee ride through the intersection and
return to the next meeting with recommendations for further adjustments.
Hickory Grove and Ellsworth - It was agreed that Mr. Mari will contact the owner
of the property regarding parking on the curve in the road.
Town of Mamaroneck
Traffic Committee
February 10, 1987
Page 4
Next Meeting Date and Adjournment
It was agreed that the next meeting date will be Tuesday, March 10, 1987 at 8:00 p.m.
On a motion from Anthony Math, seconded by Richard Mari and carried, the meeting
adjourned at 10:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Cynthia Rocchio