HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989_04_10 Traffic Committee Minutes • A . � L MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK TRAFFIC COMMI'iThE HELD ON MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1989 IN THE SENIOR CENTER AT THE TOWN CENTER, 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK. • PRESENT: Martin Zavell, Chairman Richard Mari Anthony Math Dennis Kenny Kathleen Tracy 0,Flinn Leslie Schlom ALSO PRESENT: Steve Chapin, Liaison from the Town Board Steven Altieri, Town Administrator Arthur Dallas, Police Commissioner ABSENT: Edward F.X. Ryan The chairman called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. . He explained the purpose of this committee to those in attendance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion from Mr. Mari, seconded by Mr. Schlom, the minutes of March 7, 1989 were approved with the following corrections: On page one under APPROVAL OF MINUTES, paragraph two should read: Mr. Zavell asked that the motion on page two relating to the right hand turn on red . . . On page two, under REPORT ON ROCKINGSTONE AVE. AND MOUNTAIN AVE. , paragraph three, the second sentence should read: He believes 40 mph can be enforced. . . TRAFFIC - CHESTER PLACE Patricia Brush of 63 Chester Place stated the concerns of the residents which included dangerous truck traffic in combination with the narrowness of the street and the speed of vans traveling the area on regular intervals. Mary Beth O'Brien of Moran Place stated that she has called the van service and asked that they comply with residents requests for safety. Mr. Engel of 6 Rockwood Drive stated that his area had similar problems and stop signs on the corners along with enforcement solved the problems. Mr. Altieri pointed out that one end of Chester Place is in New Rochelle. New Rochelle would have to be contacted regarding signs, etc. He also stated that his office could write a letter to the van service asking that their operators pick up and discharge passengers for the group home in a safe manner. Mr. Mari suggested that "No Outlet" signs be posed on both the Mamaroneck and New Rochelle ends of Chester Place. Mr. Schlom agreed with either a "No Outlet" or "No Truck Traffic" sign. He further suggested selective enforcement for speeders. Ms. O'Flinn agreed with "No Outlet" sign should be posted at Dillon and Emerson. Mr. Altieri was in favor of "No Outlet" signs on Dillon and Emerson if this can be worked out with New Rochellle. Mr. Chapin stated that he would encourage "No Thru Commercial Traffic" sings and would be willing to encourage discussion with New Rochelle. • Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Coivanittee April 10, 1989 Page 2 TRAFFIC - CHESTER PLACE (cont.) Mr. Kenny stated that with this many recommendations, he feels he would like the Police Commissioner to look over the area and come back with a recommendation. Commissioner Dallas stated that he feels either a "No thru Commercial Traffic" sign or "Narrow Roadway" sign would be appropriate for this situation. He also fells New Rochelle would have to be contacted. Mr. Zavell suggested that the TOM Police Department make itself visible when the mini vans are in the area. He would like to take the Town Councilman's recommendation. Ms. O'Brien pointed out the speeding actually takes place on the New Rochelle end of Moran Place. Since the committee feels the residents have a valid concern, Mr. Zavell made the following recommendation: The Traffic Committee recommends to the Town Board that a "No Thru Commercial Traffic" sign be installed on Dillon Rd. at the Boston Post Rd. along with selective enforcement by the Police Department. He further recommends that the City of New Rochelle be contacted and asked for their cooperation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schlom and carried unanimously. MYRTLE BLVD. , MURRAY AVE. , N. CHATSWORTH AVE. INTERSECTION AND MR. ENGEL'S LEITER Mr. Engel would like to see the traffic on Murray Ave. allowed a right turn on red during the phase when Myrtle Blvd. traffic is stopped. Mr. Schlom would like the committee to examine the walk cycles at this intersection. Ms. O'Flinn stated that she timed the phases over the weekend and found that Murray Ave. had the longest wait period and the shortest travel phase. She feels that the Murray Ave. traffic does not have enough time to get through both intersections on the green phase. She feels the time needs to be increased on the N. Chatsworth and Myrtle Blvd. phase so vehicles can get through that intersection. Mr. Kenny stated that he does not feel allowing a right turn on Murray Ave. is the answer, but does feel the timer may need correction. Mr. Schlom suggested that a sensor in the road on Myrtle Blvd. might help so Myrtle Blvd. would have less green time. Mr. Engel suggested that when the traffic studies were originally done, the heavier traffic was on Myrtle Blvd. whereas now the heavier traffic is on Murray Ave. Mr. Mari feels that enough time may not be allowed to get the traffic on Murray AVe. through both traffic lights onto N. Chatsworth Ave. . He further suggested that Myrtle Blvd. may have more traffic, but the intersection is a strait away, therefore traffic goes through faster. Mr. Chapin stated that the Town Board has had discussions regarding the walk phase including if there should be a total walk phase. 4 , I Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee April 10, 1989 Page 3 MYRTLE BLVD. , MURRAY AVE. , N. CHATSWORTH AVE. INTERSECTION AND MR. ENGEL'S LEaThR (cont.) Mr. Altieri agreed to check the timer with the light repair contractor to make sure the timing sequence is correct. Since the consensus is that there is not enough time to clear the N. Chatsworth intersection, Mr. Altieri will look at the timing with the idea of making sure this intersection clears before the light turns red. A sub committee was assigned to study the intersection. Members are: Ms. O'Flinn as spokesperson, Mr. Mari, Mr. Math and Mr. Kenny. It was agreed that Mr. Ryan would be contacted to see if he would like to be part of this sub committee. DESIGNATION OF SCHOOL BUS ZONE A letter has been received stating that there is not enough notification on Murray Ave. that there is a school zone. Aside from this and the school bus designation, double parking on Damon Terrace remains a problem. Mr. Altieri reported that there is a meeting set this week with the State DOT where this will be discussed. PARKING N. CHATSWORTH AVE - MEMORIAL PARK After discussion it was agreed that the sign which allows for three hour parking on N. Chatsworth near the park, does not have a cut off in distance. The committee feels vehicles park too far up towards the park to be safe. Mr. Schlom recommended that a sign stating "No Parking Beyond This Point" be installed at a distance determined by the Police Commissioner. The committee agreed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS PARKING - MAPLE HILL DRIVE Ms. O'Flinn asked why parking has been restricted on one side of Maple Hill Dr. She pointed out that it has become difficult for parishioners of Sts. John and Paul Church to park for church services. Commissioner Dallas stated that the ruling from years ago was reinstituted. He suggested that the church contact the fire department regarding parking in their lot for the few hours on Sunday mornings when more parking is needed. Mr. Zavell asked Mr. Altieri to check with the fire chief regarding safety of parking on both sides of the street at this location and to bring that information back to the committee at the next meeting. After further discussion, it was agreed that this item should be put on the agenda for the next meeting. WEAVER ST. AND PALMER AVE. The committee is concerned because the lines and arrows have been worn away at this intersection. Mr. Altieri will check with the State DOT regarding repainting the road markings. NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting of the traffic committee will be on Monday, May 8, 1989. • • . i Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee April 10, 1989 Page 4 ADJOURNMENT On a motion from Mr. Math, seconded by Mr. Schiom and carried unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Respecfully submitted by Cynthia Rocchio