HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993_09_14 Traffic Committee Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK TRAFFIC COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 IN THE SENIOR CENTER OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 W. BOSTON POST RD. , MAMARONECK, NEW YORK. PRESENT: David Lobl , Chairman Deirdre Black Pincus Leitner Richard Mari Camille Odierna Frank Vosa Nancy Anjiullo ALSO PRESENT: Stephen V. Altieri , Town Administrator Lt. P. Anderson, Police Department The chairman called the meeting to order at 8 : 05 p.m. He intro- duced the committee members and explained the purpose of the committee. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion from Mr. Mari , seconded by Mr. Lobl and carried unanimously, the minutes of June 15, 1993 were approved with the following correction: On page one, the next to last paragraph- correct the spelling of the word citing. INTERSECTION-NORTH CHATSWORTH AVE/MYRTLE BLVD./MURRAY AVE. Resident, Jerome Osterweil stated that cars do not allow for a right of way at this intersections and requests a left hand turn arrow. Lt . Anderson stated that a left hand turn arrow will tie up traffic further at this intersection. Mr. Leitner suggested a sign hanging from the light stating- turning traffic must yield to oncoming traffic. Mr. Lobl suggested that the police continue to monitor traffic at this intersection and make motorists aware of the right of way. Mr. Mari stated he does not want to add time to the waiting at this intersection by adding a green turn arrow. He suggested moving the stop bar back so the left hand turn traffic does not get the advantage. Mrs. Odierna stated she would not like to see traffic delayed any further at this intersection but would like to investigate the sign Mr. Leitner suggested. Ms . Black disagrees with a green arrow and would like to investigate placing an advisory sign. Mr. Mari made the following motion which was seconded by Mr. Leitner and carried unanimously: Install a sign to hang from the light which indicates that drivers must yield to oncoming traffic. OVERNIGHT PARKING-WASHINGTON SQUARE Rich Diefenbach of 2 Washington Square presented the request for overnight parking for the residents of the area. The Police Department recommendation was discussed by the committee. On a motion from Mr. Lobl , seconded by Ms. Black and carried Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee 9/15/93 Page 2 OVERNIGHT PARKING-WASHINGTON SQUARE (cont ) unanimously, to adopt the Police Department ' s recommendation and permit overnight parking on the South side only of Washington square which will permit approximately eighteen vehicles to park. DISCUSSION-WINDSOR STREET TRAFFIC FLOW The resident requesting the possibility for a one way her withdrew the request since it met with opposition from other residents. SIGNAGE-HILLCREST AVENUE Residents of Hillcrest Ave. sent a letter to the Traffic Committee requesting several sign changes on the street. Elizabeth Colleary stated that there are no speed limit signs on the street and no parking signs are needed. John Eckes stated that the street is wide open for traffic which encourages speed. Due to the narrowness of the street this is dangerous. Robert Muftly stated that vehicles travel this as a through street between Murray Ave. and Weaver St . Jim Vosler and Owen Colleary stated sign that exist are not legible. After discussion, the committee agreed that they would like a comment from the Town Attorney regarding lowering the speed limit to 20 m.p.h. since the street is narrow as is near a school . On a motion from Mr. Lobl, seconded by Mr. Mari and carried unanimously, the following motion was made: The Traffic Committee recommends that proposal la and ld of the Police Department memo be adopted. The proposals are: a "SLOW" sign replace a rusted sign and the faded sign near the Fire House stating "NO PARKING THIS SIDE" be replaced and that four more signs be added on the south side of Hillcrest Ave. On a motion from Mr. Lobl, seconded by Mr. Vosa and carried unanimously, the Traffic Committee recommends that the Town Board reconsider the motion by the Traffic Committee of November 26, 1990 for a single yellow line painted on Judson Street. TRAFFIC FLOW-FOREST AVENUE Several residents of Forest Ave. attended the meeting requesting stop signs in both directions on Forest Ave. at the crest of the hill . Alice Dematte of Forest Ave. and Angela Black of Forest Ave. stated that there are no sidewalks and children walk to Murray Ave. school in the street. Domonick Esposito of Forest Ave. feels a full stop on Forest Ave. at Forest Place is necessary. Linda Harrington of Forest Ave. stated the need for a stop sign on Sheldrake Ave. at Forest Ave. Stuart Gelvard stated that all neighbors on the corners where the stop signs would be located have signed the petition for the signs . Many residents asked that the word "SLOW" which was painted at the crest be repainted since it has faded . • After discussion, the Traffic Committee asked that the Police Dept . study this further and report its findings to the Traffic Committee. Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee 9/15/93 Page 3 SIGNS WAGON WHEEL ROAD Mr. Lobl pointed out that this has come before the committee before and the area was to be studied for signage. After discussion, Mr.Vosa made the following motion, seconded by Mr. Leitner and carried unanimously: Install a sign stating "SLOW" on Wagon Wheel road after the turn off Old White Plains Rd. , exact location to be determined by the highway dept. TRAFFIC FLOW-OLD HOMMOCKS ROAD After discussion, the Traffic Committee determined that ownership must first be determined by the Town for Old Hommocks Road. If it is determined that the Town has the legal right, Mr. Lobl made the following motion, seconded by Mr. Leitner and carried unanimously: The Traffic Committee recommends acceptance of the Police Department recommendation to make Old Hommocks a one way from Hommocks Rd. to the Boston Post Rd. Vehicles exiting onto the Boston Post Rd. must be prohibited from making a left turn onto the Boston Post Rd. NEW BUSINESS OVERNIGHT PARKING Mrs . Odierna asked Lt. Anderson if the three day exemptions granted for overnight parking have succeeded. Lt . Anderson replied that it has cleared up the Police Department switchboard a great deal . ADJOURNMENT On a motion from Mr. Mari , seconded by Mr. Lobl and carried unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 10: 00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Cynthia Rocchio