HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981_12_02 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD ON THE 2ND DAY OF DECEMBER 1981 IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. Supervisor Goldsmith called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. Present were the following: Supervisor Leo Goldsmith, Jr. Councilman Lee H. Bloom Councilman Stewart J. McMillan Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke Councilwoman Charlotte P. Monsell was not in attendance at this meeting. Also present were the following: Dorothy S. Miller, Town Clerk James J. Johnston, Town Attorney Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller Thomas Patrick Leddy, Highway Superintendent James Kronenberger, Recreation Superintendent Charles S. Baumblatt, Police Chief Thomas Mahoney, Police Lieutenant Joseph Sussen, Police Commissioner Allen Thompson, Police Commissioner At this time the order of the Agenda was changed and Item #1 under NEW BUSINESS was taken up. 1. Report by Robert Hohberg - Research of Larchmont Reservoir Councilman Amlicke introduced Mr. Hohberg noting that his report would be the result of a study conducted during the Summer of 1981. Mr. Hohberg presented each member of the Board with a copy of his report which he reviewed by stating that his analysis consisted of testing for phenols (a class of chemicals from insecticides or from industrial pollution) and the amounts found were negligible. He spoke further of his discussions with Calvin Webber of Westchester County Health Department and noted that all tests made by both the County and Mr. Hohberg show the Reservoir to be in excellent condition and can be considered a Class "A" Reservoir which means it can be used as a drinking water source. In conclusion, Mr_ Hohberg stated that this study as well as his previous study done in 1979 should' • be used as a benchmark for further study of the downstream waters of the Sheldrake River and recommended periodic monitoring for nitrate and phenol content. -1- NOT ON AGENDA Councilman Bloom announced that the reason for Councilwoman Monsell's absence this evening was due to the recent birth of her daughter and stated that he wished to have congratulations and best wishes put into the form of a resolution. Thereupon, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby extends to Councilwoman Charlotte Monsell and her husband Paul, congratulations and best wishes on the birth on Sunday, November 29, 1981 of their daughter, Kristen Angela. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1981. Preliminary Budget and Proposed Uses of and Federal Revenue Sharing Funds On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the public hearings, be, and they hereby are, declared open. The Town Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of the Notice of Hearing as required by law. The Supervisor reviewed the proposed spending of federal revenue sharing funds for 1982 and noted there had been no changes made since the first public hearing in October. Mrs. Silverstone asked if possible state and federal budget cuts had been considered when setting this proposal for FRS spending and both the Supervisor and Comptroller answered in the affirmative. Since no one else wished to be heard either in favor or against the proposed spending of federal revenue sharing funds, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the portion of the hearing relative to federal revenue sharing funds be, and it hereby is, declared closed. On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman McMillan, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board, with all members in attendance voting aye: WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on this date at the time and place specified in the Notice of Public Hearing on the Proposed Uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds and has heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approve the Preliminary Schedule of Spending of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds in the amount of $170,000 for -2- the fiscal year beginning on the first day of January 1982. The itemized statement of expenditures is hereto et attached and made a part of this resolution. - PROPOSED FRS SPENDING FOR 1982 • GENERAL FUND G.T. DEPT. ITEM AMOUNT ASSESSOR Professional Appraiser $ 5,000. TOWN ATTORNEY Professional Services 3,000. CAP CAP • 9,000. ICE RINK Skates 1,000. It Energy Study, 3,750. YOUTH PROGRAMS Summer Theater 4,000. COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICA- TION Lawn Mowers 900. • • DEBT SERVICE VAC Building 17,000. INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to Capital Project Fund (Town Center Project) 52,650. $ 96,300. • GENERAL FUND P.T.. & HIGHWAY POLICE. Automobiles 35,000. n Radios 5,000. HIGHWAY Sidewalk Repairs 3,000. Repaving & Patching 10,000. it 'Debt Service • 10,200. It Lawn Mowers 500. " Building Repairs 3,000. • COMMUNITY BEAUTIFI-' CATION Field. Repair (Flint Park) 7,000. $ 73,700. GRAND TOTAL $170,000. • At this time Mrs. Friedland of Harmony Drive informed the Board that she was an avid swimmer and was upset about the frequent closings of the pool and felt that pool services are deteriorating. She also complained about taxes being used to support the Ice Rink which is used by everyone instead of being used toward the improvement of the pool. Supervisor Goldsmith and Councilman McMillan informed Mrs. Friedland of the uses and staffing of both -3- facilities and referred to the study done regarding the Ice Rink, the result of which helped cut down on losses, because the implementation of various recommendations helped increase revenues from the Rink. It was further noted that energy costs are the most expensive items at the Ice Rink. Recreation Superintendent James Kronenberger explained that the pool closings were for reasons beyond anyone's control and had to be done for safety precautions until the necessary repairs could be completed. Caroline Silverstone suggested that since many of the study group's recommendations were implemented, it may be a good idea to reactivate that group relative to the Ice Rink to look again at the situation. The Supervisor spoke of his discussions with Mr. McDevitt regarding the possibility of rather extensive and expensive repairs and renovations to the pool. Nancy Hartford, Chairman of the Recreation Commission, expressed the Town's desire to serve the recreational needs of everyone and noted there are as many residents who are as enthusiastic about the Hommocks Ice Rink as there are others about the Hommocks Pool. Councilman Bloom made reference to the Town's and School District's sharing of the two facilities and noted the free time allotted to the students is important also. Margaret Shultz, while referring to Mr. Amlicke's reference at the last meeting to an energy cost study at the Ice Rink, noted this would be important to follow through on since energy costs create the biggest problem faced at the Rink and the Supervisor added that it is hoped that energy costs can be diminished through the results of this proposed study. Mrs. Silverstone questioned Mr. Kronenberger about a certain soccer item in the recreation budget and he answered that it was an adult summer program. Leonard Martin of Larchmont Acres asked for explanations about expenditures regarding guns, equipment maintenance and professional development items in the police budget, which were answered by Police Commissioners Thompson and Sussen, Chief Baumblatt and Lt. Mahoney. Mrs. Silverstone further questioned the costs for equipment maintenance and Comptroller Carmine DeLuca explained that the charges are for parts only if the work is done at the Town garage and other charges are added if the work has to be done outside of the Town e.ara g g Mrs. Shultz made further comments about professional development which she stated had been discontinued during former Supervisor Vandernoot's tenure which was clarified by Councilman Bloom and Lt. Mahoney who stated that item continues to exist in the contract between the Town and P.B.A. with some modifications. The discussion then turned to the annual physical examinations for policemen which was questioned by Mr. Martin and during which a suggestion was made by Marie Wolf, former Larchmont League of Women Voters President, to consider in future negotiations that all policemen use the same physician for the physicals. • Chief Baumblatt, in answer to a question, explained that the $200 item for. investigations covers up-front money for drug investigations and other kinds of investigations. Both the Chief and Lieutenant, during questioning, explained that what could be considered an excessive amount of ammunition is maintained as a safety factor. Mary Carlson, past member of the Master Plan Review Committee and present member of the Planning Board, referred to the room at headquarters where ammunition was being manufactured. Lt. Mahoney stated that this no longer is being done because it is too costly and one man was spending too much time on that one item. -4- Caroline Silverstone stated that an on-site inspection of police headquarters showed many years of work not being done on the outside of the building. She found peeling paint and windows that leaked. Her suggestion was that funds for reconditioning that building be set aside whether or not the police department continues to be housed there. Arthur Gasparini of Hickory Grove Drive stated that no promotions, additions or other changes should be made to the police department until the completion of the District Attorney's investigation and asked if there has been any recent follow-up with the D.A. 's office relative to the status of the investigation of the allegations against former Police Chief Barasch. Stephen Carr, Advisor to the Police Commission, stated that he spoke with the D.A. 's office on this date and was advised that a considerable amount of work remains to be done, and that it will probably be sometime in early 1982 before any word of the results of the investigation will be made. After Commissioner Thompson stated the need for two additional patrolmen, even though only one had been requested, some discussion followed during which Mr. Gasparini suggested that a study be made to determine justification, if any, before authorization is given to hire additional police. The Police Commissioners and Chief explained that day-to-day circumstances exist which mandate the need for the additional man and noted that prevention patrols, which affect the entire Community, are being curtailed. Councilman Bloom added that a previous study indicated that a complement of of 40 is needed. The procedures involved in hiring a new policeman were explained to Mr. Martin who also asked about the formation of an auxiliary police group. Councilman McMillan suggested that the Police Commission look into such a formation. When Mrs. Silverstone asked questions about the Volunteer Ambulance Corps' budget, Frank Cioffi, President of V.A.C. 's Board of Directors, explained that the beeper service is the reason for less telephone charges, the Comptroller added that the cost to fix bursting pipes raised the maintenance charges and Mr. Cioffi also explained that as much as $25,000 can be collected through the annual solicitation and enumerated what is done with the money which Mrs. Silverstone replied was enlightening. Mrs. Shultz emphasized that contract or agreement should be made with Larchmont Village to enable them to contribute directly to the expenditures incurred by V.A.C. even though it was stated that the expenses are a Town-wide charge which is mandated by law. Councilman Amlicke answered Mr. Martin's query about Cliff Emanuelson's salary by noting that there is State reimbursement relative to conservation programs. A general discussion centered around the Town Board's philosopny to try to reduce taxes for the two Village's residents, Town-wide versus general Town expenditures and revenue producing items and • the Comptroller's notation that the previous year had produced good returns due to interest rates. Councilman Amlicke explained to Marie Wolf, who questioned the considerable increase in the library budget, that heating fuel, electricity, salaries and employee benefits have increased, and emphasized that use of the library by Town residents has increased also. Margaret Shultz questioned the cost to the Town of unpaid taxes and both Supervisor Goldsmith and the Comptroller noted the possibility of going to foreclosure proceedings to recoup some of that money and stated that State law mandates the penalties to be -5- assessed. Suzanne Carpenter, President of t he Larchmont League of Women Voters, addressed the Board urging the appointment of a Budget Committee early in the new year, revision of the schedule of preparations of the budgetary process and earlier release of copies of the budget (in order to give more time for public study before the public hearing) . The Supervisor and Comptroller explained that it would be difficult to start the process much earlier than is now done because of the likelihood of less accuracy. The final part of the discussion on the 1982 budget centered around health insurance costs and it was suggested that the Town go out to bid for health insurance coverage. In answer to that it was noted I 410 that the most recent increases have been in family coverages and those items covered in union contracts and that going out to-bid could present problems because some companies would make a great effort to get the bid and then possibly increase the fee as soon thereafter as they could. Mr. .Goldsmith answered the suggestion to have a presentation by the Supervisor include the budget document outlining major changes, by stating that would increase the number of pages of an already voluminous document. On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and it hereby is, declared closed; and it was further RESOLVED, that this Board hereby defers action on the budget until the next meeting so as to give time for further study and consideration to the many recommendations and suggestions made during this hearing before adopting said budget. The Board thanked those in attendance for their input in the discussion of the Budget. OLD BUSINESS Release of Retained Percentage - Contract No. 81-2 Highway Garage Roof After Mr. Elfreich's memorandum was presented, Supervisor Goldsmith asked if the job was 100% completed and if he had made a 100% inspection of the work and Mr. Elfreich answered in the affirmative. The Supervisor and Engineer clarified for Mr. Amlicke the procedures • involved with maintenance bonds and retained percentages. When Mrs. Shultz asked about a guarantee, Mr. Elfreich answered that his request for a specific kind of material was used as the guarantee, and thereupon, on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the acceptance of a Maintenance Bond on Contract No. 81-2 Highway Garage Roof - in the amount of $10,000 in lieu of the 10% retained percentage to the Mertz Company, Inc. , as approved by the Town Attorney. -6- NOT ON AGENDA Arthur Gasparini questioned the authorization for the purchase of the crank case oil burner and posed several questions about that matter since automobiles are stored in the same garage where the oil burner will be placed. Mr. Elfreich answered each of Mr. Gasparini's queries and Mr. Gasparini requested that the Town's insurance company be queried about coverage, and also noted his III discussion with officials of the State who advised that the Town should proceed cautiously and insist on strict enforcement of regulations imposed with the use of the oil burner. NEW BUSINESS 1. Taken up earlier in the meeting. 2. Assessor's Requests - Settlement of Certiorari Matters a) Schwartzman Construction Corp. vs. Village & Town of Mamaroneck The Assessor's memorandum was presented and he asked permission to settle this matter, and stated that both Lloyd Wright, Village of Mamaroneck Assessor and Paul McDevitt of the Board of Education approve. Councilman Amlicke stated that not enough time had been given to properly study the information and thereupon, on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Bloom, the following resolution was adopted by majority vote of the Board, with Councilman Amlicke abstaining from the vote: III RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the disposition of certiorari proceeding - Schwartzman Construction vs. Village and Town of Mamaroneck relative to 550 Palmer Avenue, Village of Mamaroneck for the tax years 1978 through 1981. b) Metropolis Westchester Lane, Inc. vs. Town of Mamaroneck Following presentation of the Assessor's memorandum and his elaboration further on his reasons for requesting that an Appraiser, David Stemper be retained, he advised the Board of the agreement with Paul McDevitt for the School Board to share in the cost of this appraisal. Thereupon, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, the following resolution was adopted by majority vote of the Board with Councilman Amlicke abstaining from the vote, stating he needed more time for study of matter: RESOLVED, that this Board hereby • authorizes that the services of an expert Appraiser, David Stemper be engaged relative to the certiorari proceedings of Metropolis Westchester Lanes, Inc. vs. Town of Mamaroneck at a cost of $4,800. , said cost to be shared equally with the Mamaroneck Board of Education. -7- 3. Resignation - Board of Examining Plumbers Mr. Rigano's letter was presented with explanation of his reason for the resignation and on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts with regret the resignation of Paul Rigano, Jr. _from the.Town of Mamaroneck Board of Examining Plumbers, effective December 31, 1981; and it is further • RESOLVED, that since Mr. Rigano indicated that he will no longer be conducting a plumbing business, this Board expresses its best wishes to him in his new business venture. 4. Resignation - Chairman of Planning Board Supervisor Goldsmith presented Mr. Blair's letter and noted his discussion with Mr. Blair. Councilman Bloom recountered his service on that Board with Mr. Blair and expressed warm good wishes and thanks for the. dedicated_and thorough manner in which he served this Community. He further noted this Board's regret at losing Mr. Blair's services and wished him well. Thereupon, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that with regret and reluctance, this Board hereby accepts the resignation of G. Norman Blair as a Member and Chairman of the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board, effective immediately; and it is further RESOLVED, that a letter be directed to Mr. Blair expressing the Board's gratitude for the dedicated and conscientious manner in which he has served this Town. At this time Mrs. Silverstone asked what other qualifications besides residency in the Unincorporated Area would be necessary to serve on the Planning Board. Councilman Bloom answered that in the past an Engineer has served, that a businessman and professional planner are presently serving and it would be necessary to have an architect although a lawyer could be useful. Mrs. Carlson who presently serves on the Planning Board noted that either an Engineer or Architect would enhance the Board. • 5. Salary Authorizations - Recreation Pursuant to the presentation of the Recreation Superintendent's memo, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that Tami Connolly, Recreation Attendant at the Hommocks Ice Rink, be compensated at the rate of $2.75 per hour effective November 25, 1981. -8- The Recreation Superintendent's second memo was presented and following Mr. Kronenberg's explanation that Barbara Schmitt spent time preparing the season's brochure, interviewing staff as well as other things, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that Barbara Schmitt, III Skating School Director, be compensated for the time spend preparing for the start of the Hommocks Ice Rink Season amount to 60 hours at the rate of $20.00 per hour from August 20, 1981 to November 13, 1981. 6. Engineer's Request - Westchester County Dredging Feasibility Study The Engineer's memorandum was presented with a copy of a memorandum from Fred Kellogg to Larchmont Village Mayor and Board of Trustees. It was noted that Westchester County plans to engage services for a dredging feasibility study, planning to pay one-half the fee leaving the remainder to be equally shared by the five Sound Shore Communities in the amount of $5,142.00. Engineer Charles Elfreich advised the Board that he concurred with Mr. Kellogg that the Town and Village of Larchmont should split their share of the $5,142 of the study. During some discussion, it was noted that it is unclear what portion of the waterfront belongs to the Town and why the Town has not been previously included in this project. It was explained that the County was not aware of the Town's possible involvement but the Town Board noted they would only. participate if land owned by the Town would be affected by this study. The Town Attorney and Engineer were asked to look further into this matter and advise the Board of their findings. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Statement of Canvass - November 3, 1981 General Election The Town Clerk acknowledged receipt of the above-captioned statement which has been filed in her office and is available for inspection. 2. Summary of Significant Bills - Speaker of the Assembly Stanley Fink The Town Clerk also acknowledged receipt of the above-captioned communication which is on file in her office and available for inspection. IIITHE TOWN CLERK Regular Reports III The Clerk presented the following reports which have been received and are on file in her office: Reports of the Building and Plumbing Inspector and the Town Clerk for the month of November 1981. -9- THE SUPERVISOR Report - School-Town Center Purchase Supervisor Goldsmith reported that when the contract was received and examined it contained certain provisions that had not been discussed and he has advised the School Board that several of these provisions are not acceptable and others require further negotiation. III The Supervisor further noted that he feels agreement can be reached and the contract could be ready for signatures by the next meeting. • THE COUNCILMEN There were no reports from the Councilmen NOT ON AGENDA Leonard Martin inquired about the status of the discussion relative to the Boston Post Road traffic problems, and Supervisor Goldsmith stated that a meeting is to be held on Friday, December 11th with officials from the Department of Transportation, Assemblyman Perone, Senator Pisani and local Village and Town officials. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:45 p.m. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. 1. Claims Commissioner Bloom presented fire claims for authorization of payment and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire • Chief and audited by the Comptroller's office: Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. $ 23.00 I III New York Telephone Co. 690.25 New York Telphone Co. 32.98 Sound Tire &Supply Co. ,Inc. 98.20 $844.43 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this Commission, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:47 p.m. Town Clerk -10-