HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981_10_19 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD ON THE 19TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1981 IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. IIIThe Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. Present were the following representing all members of the Board: IIISupervisor Leo Goldsmith, Jr. Councilman Lee H. Bloom Councilman Stewart J. McMillan Councilwoman Charlotte P. Monsell Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke Also present were the following: Dorothy S. Miller, Town Clerk James J. Johnston, Town Attorney Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller Charles R. Elfreich, Town Engineer P. Thomas Leddy, Superintendent of Highways NOT ON AGENDA III Assemblyman John Perone addressed the Board and announced his public meeting to be held on Thursday, October 22nd at the Firehouse relative to State laws and full-value assessment. ADJOURNED PUBLIC HEARING: Special Permit Application - Proposed Addition to Cook's Restaurant-Melron Amusement Corporation A brief discussion followed the Clerk's statement that the letter from the State Transportation Department still had not been received and Roger Sirlin's comment about the difficulties incurred when dealing with that department. Although Mr. Glaser asked the Board to make a decision tonight as if the report from D.O.T. had been favorable, the Supervisor and Councilwoman Monsell both stated they would not want to make a decision under such circumstances and Mr. Goldsmith stated he would continue to press D.O.T. for their report. Thereupon, on motion by Councilwoman Monsell, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously • RESOLVED, that this Board hereby adjourns the public hearing on the Special Permit Application of Melron Amusement Corporation relative to the proposed addition to Cook's III Restaurant until the next regular meeting of this Board on November 4, 1981. -1- PUBLIC HEARING: 1982 Proposed Uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the public hearing be, and it hereby is, declared. open. The Town Clerk then presented for the record the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of the Notice of Hearing. A brief discussion ensued during which the Comptroller outlined the items being proposed for federal revenue funding with the allocation toward the purchase of the School-Town Center and automobiles and radio equipment for the Police Department constituting the largest amounts. Margaret Shultz voiced her opposition to these funds being used to purchase police cars. Clarifications were made by Councilman Bloom concerning the Board's desire to use these funds for some of the sewer work, but this cannot be done due to limitations by law. Thereupon, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the public hearing be, and it hereby is, declared closed. On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board: WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on this date at the time and place specified in the Notice of Public Hearing on the Proposed Uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds and has heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby adopt the Proposed Schedule of Spending of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds in the amount of $170,000 as a part of the 1982 Budget for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of January 1982, the itemized statement of expenditures hereto attached and made a part of this resolution; and be it further RESOLVED, that in accordance with the 1976 Amendments to the Federal Revenue Sharing Act, said adoption is made subject to a second hearing to be held in conjunction • with the budget hearing on December 2, 1981. (see statement on next page) -2- PROPOSED FRS SPENDING FOR 1982 • GENERAL FUND - G.T. DEPT. ITEM AMOUNT •ASSESSOR Professional Appraiser $ 5,000. TOWN ATTORNEY ' Professional Services 3,000. • CAP CAP 9,000. ICE RINK Skates 1,000. It Energy Study 3,750. YOUTH PROGRAMS Summer Theater 4,000. COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICA- TION Lawn Mowers 9Q0. • DEBT SERVICE VAC Building 17,000. • INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to Capital Project • Fund (Town Center Project) 52,650. $ 96,300. • • GENERAL FUND P.T.: & HIGHWAY• OLICE Automobiles 35,000. " Radios . • ' 5,000. •WAY Sidewalk Repairs 3,000. Repaving & Patching 10,000. 'Debt Service 10,200. Lawn Mowers 500. Building Repairs 3,000. • • �\TY BEAUTIFI- v Field. Repair (Flint Park) 7,000. $ 73,700. GRAND TOTAL $170,000. • APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilman Bloom noted that he had been away and had not had enough time to review the minutes being presented and on his motion, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, the approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 9, 1981 were deferred to the next regular meeting of this Board. s • OLD BUSINESS Set New Date for Public Hearing - Reconstruction of Sanitary Sewers Pursuant to the Clerk's explanation that an error was noted i n t he wordin g of the resolution received from the bonding attorney, the following resolution was offered by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, to-wit: -3- RESOLUTION DATED OCTOBER 19, 1981. . A RESOLUTION .. CALLING .A PUBLIC • HEARING IN RELATION TO THE RECONSTRUCTION, OF CERTAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LATERALS ' IN AND FOR SEWER DISTRICT NO . 1 OF THE TOWN OF P1A?;ABONECK, WESTCHESTER COUNTY,, NEW YORK. WHEREAS, ' the Town Engineer, by a Report dated _Jul y.30 , 1981 , - as recommended the reconstruction of apprcximately 900 feet of 8-inch • sanitary sewer laterals in. Edgewood Avenue from Murray Avenue to North . Chatsworth Avenue, including appurtenant facilities and incidental _imp.roveMents; and WHEREAS , the estimated cost of the aforesaid improvements is . S145,000; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a public hearing on said • proposed improvements in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 630 of the Laws of 1939 , as a .ended by Chapter 710 of the Laws of 1943 : -NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT - RESOLVED, by the -Town Board of the Town of I'amaroneck , Westchester County, New York , as follows: Section 1 . . A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Bamaroneck , • Westchester County, New York, shall be held at Auditorium of Weaver Street Town of _Firehouse - ___._ , in Mamaroneck, New York , TnoatwY XXI*r on November 4, 1981 , at 8:15 o'clock P __.11 . , Prevailing Time , for the purpose of considering the aforesaid improvements, at which time and place said Town Board will bear all . persons interested in the subject matter thereof . ' Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of the notice of public hearing to be published once in The Daily Times, the official newspaper , and • pcsted in the . Manner . . provided by law, which notice shall he in substantially the following ' II form, o-wit: -4- NOTICE OF PUBLIC_HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Town Board of the Tcwn of Mamaroneck , Westchester County, New York, will be held Town of at Auditorium of Weaver Street Firehouse Y_ __, in / Mamaroneck, New York , IIat 8; o'clock P _.11., Prevailing Time, cn November 4 _ , 1981 , for the purpose of conducting a public hearing upon a proposal to • reconstruct approximately 900 feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer laterals of► . Edgewood Avenue from Murray Avenue to North Chatsworth Avenue in and for. Sewer District No 1 of said Town, including appurtenant facilities and incidental imp rovements, at a maximum estimated cost of $145,000, at which time and place said Town• Board will hear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof. The map and plan filed with said Town Board by the Town Engineer relating to said improvements are available for examination by any interested person at the Town Offices during regular business hours. Dated: Mamaroneck, New York, II October 20 _, 1981 . : BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAYARONECN , W'ESTCHESTER . COUNTY , NEW YORK Section 4_ This resolution shall take effect immediately. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows : Leo Goldsmith, -Jr. V OT IN G ye____ Lee H. Bloom - _ VOTING Axe _ • Charlotte. P. Monsell VOTING AYe Stewart J. McMillan VOTING . .Ye __ Thomas R. Amli cke VOTING Aye ___ The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted . -5- NOT ON AGENDA Walter Lowman of 8 Woody Lane queried the Board relative to parking permits issued by the Police Department and advised that 'he had been informed of improper practices in that Department concerning parking permits. He further asked if this was a part of the district attorney's investigation. After some further discussion in which Mr. Lowman stated that he could not reveal his Ill source publicly and the Town Attorney advised Mr. Lowman of the type of permits issued by the Police Department, Supervisor Goldsmith offered to meet with Mr. Lowman at a mutually convenient time to discuss the matter further. NEW BUSINESS 1. Salary Authorizations a) Recreation Following presentation of the Recreation Superintendent's memorandum, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes payment to the following persons at the rates and effective dates listed: Cathy Cilento, Rec. Asst. Women's Physical Fitness, $30/session, effective 10/14/81; Cynthia Owen, Rec. Asst. , Women's Physical Fitness, $20/session, effective 10/14/81; Dawn Perri, Rec. Attd. , $3.00/hour effective 10/19/81; Debbie Wood, Rec. Attd. , $3.00/hour effective 10/19/81; Michael Yans, Sr. Rec. Leader, Tennis Instruction, $9.00/hour, effective 10/20/81; Anthony Mattioli, Rec. Asst. , Tennis Instruction, $5.00/hour, effective 10/20/81; Robert Singletary, Asst. Mgr. , Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $5.00/ hour effective 10/15/81; Robert Lunde, Asst. Mgr. , Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $5.00/hour effective 10/15/81; Michael McConville, Asst. Mgr. , Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $5.00/hour effective 10/15/81; Beres Walker, Custodian, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $4.50/hour effective 10/21/81; Bernier Decime, Custodian, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $4.50/ hour effective 10/21/81; I 410 Donna Chiodo, Rec. Attd. , Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $3.50/ hour effective 10/21/81; Brian Payne, Rec. Attd. , Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $2.75/ hour effective 10/21/81; Eric Showers, Rec. Attd. , Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $2.75/ hour effective 10/21/81; Mary K. Turner, Rec. Attd. , Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $2.75/ hour effective 10/21/81; Pierre Manzo, Rec. Attd., Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $2.75/ hour effective 10/21/81 -6- b) Highway Department Councilman Amlicke presented the Highway Superintendent's memorandum relative to promotions in that Department and on his motion, which was seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Baord hereby authorizes that Edward Rilley, General Foreman, be compensated at the rate of $20,000 per annum, effective November 5, 1981; that Joseph Paterno, Jr. , Sewer Maintenance Foreman, be compensated at the rate of $17,255 per annum (including $250. special duty for sewers) , effective November 5, 1981 and that Bernardino DiSotto, Labor Foreman, be compensated at the rate of $17,005 per annum, effective November 5, 1981. 2. Request by Magnetti Enterprises, Inc. re Sanitary Sewer Connections Following presentation of Mr. Magnetti's letter, the Town Engineer advised the Board of the Planning Board's approval of the sub- division and noted this project would be done at no expense to the Town and Mr. Magnetti noted that the work should all be done in one day at the least amount of inconvenience, with temporary paving being done and permanent paving done in the spring, Thereupon, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the request of Magnetti Enterprises, Inc. to make three sanitary sewer connections to the Town's existing sanitary sewer system on the easterly side of Old White Plains Road and to install approx- imately 100 lineal feet of 8-inch private sewer and one manhole, the expense of which is to be borne by Magnetti Enterprises, Inc. ; and it is further RESOLVED, that the above approval is subject to the approval by the Town Engineer of the plans for the proposed sewer connections. 3. Authorization to Advertise for Bids: • a) Radio Bay Station and 3 Mobile Radios b) Seven (7) Police Cars Pursuant to presentation of the Comptroller's memorandum and following some discussion, on motion by Councilwoman Monsell, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the publication in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, of a Notice of Invitation to Bid on a Radio Bay Station, Three (3) Mobile Radios and seven (7) Police Cars. -7- NOT ON AGENDA Councilman McMillan presented the qualifications of James W. Dolen and proposed his name for service as a member of the Town Police Commission. He noted Mr. Dolen's experience in personnel matters and labor negotiations during his service with the County of Westchester and further stated that he was a person of high moral character. Questioned from the audience about Mr. Carr's answer about serving as a Police Commissioner, the Supervisor answered that Mr. Carr had declined that position, but did agree to serve as an advisor to the Commission and to work with the Commissioners on the investigation instituted as the result of the resignation of former Police Chief Robert Barasch. Councilman Amlicke stated • that Mr. Dolen would be a very effective Commissioner and was pleased that he is willing to accept the position under the present circumstances and thereupon, on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints James W. Dolen of 111 Valley Road, Town, as a member of the Board of Police Commissioners of the Town of Mamaroneck, effective immediately and to serve at the pleasure of the Board. THE TOWN CLERK Regular Reports The Clerk presented the Report of the Town Clerk's Office for the month of September 1981. THE SUPERVISOR Reports Supervisor Goldsmith made reference to the Planning Board's favorable decision to the Feder proposal and noted that even though they are an independent body, there are concerns about the reasons for the decision not to require an environmental impact study and therefore asked the Attorney to research the matter once more and report his findings to the Board, as to whether or not the Planning Board can reverse a decision. THE COUNCILMEN Mc. McMillan Councilman McMillan referred to the article in tonight's paper relative to cable television and reported that hopefully an agreement will be reached soon with the +chool Board relative to the access center. -8- ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Baord, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned at 9:11 p.m. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. 1. Claims Commissioner Bloom presented the fire claims for authorization of payment and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Monsell, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office: AAA Emergency Supply Co. , Inc. $3,799.50 Con Edison 32.10 Con Edison 3.00 Con Edison 2.00 Erickson's Market 435.61 Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc. 370.44 Vic Ferretti 545.00 Hampshire County Club 3,026.00 Monte Press, Inc. 24.00 Office Essential, Inc. 5.40 Portronix Communications, Inc. 916.50 Deputy Chief Richard Shaw 4.73 $9,164.78 2. Other Business Commissioner Bloom reported that an Open House would be held in the Auditorium of the Firehouse on Tuesday, October 27th to which residents are invited to come to participate in a fire-safety program. Literature, slides and several types of demonstrations will be presented to show how to use wood-burning stoves safely and how to plan for emergency exits from homes during a fire. Joseph Mirabella of Holly Place, Town, suggested to the Board that money be allocated to paint the Auditorium. The Board replied that his suggestion would be given some consideration. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this Commission, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned at 9:17 p.m. Town Clerk -9-