HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003_03_25 Traffic Committee Minutes o �9 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TRAFFIC COMMITTEE �� p 0 0,, Z Meeting Minutes of Tuesday, March 25, 2003 w • FOUNDED 1661 • A regular meeting of the Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee was held at 8:00 PM in the Sr. Center at the Mamaroneck Town Center, located at 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY, 10543, on March 25, 2003. Members Present: David Lobl, Chairman Nancy Angiuilo Richard Mari DnnaId It Aninfnr (snmilln (lrlinrnn Dn-Y\Alninstein 'Jl C1iU lVI . iGI VGI IIIIIG \IUIGI I ClI 11VL YYGIIIJ IGII I, Others Present: Stephen Aitieri Town Administrator Judy Myers Town Board Liaison Lt. John Anderson Town of Mamaroneck Police Department The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The members of the Committee were introduced to the audience and the Chairman noted the attendance of the Committee's newest member, Mr. Ronald Meister. Old Business: 1. Approval of February 25, 2003 minutes. Motion by David Lobl and second by Richard Mari. Minutes approved. 2. Traffic Control —Rockland Avenue. After discussion by members of the Traffic Committee regarding alternative traffic control measures, the Committee unanimously approved the following recommendations to the Town Board: a. Establish a no parking here to corner zone on both sides of Rockland Avenue at the intersection of Weaver Street. The zone is intended to prohibit cars from parking close to the intersection which now creates an unsafe condition for vehicles entering and leaving Rockland Avenue. b. In order to control the flow of traffic, a recommendation is to install three stop signs at the following locations: East Bound Direction —On Rockland Avenue at the intersection of Crest Road. West Bound Direction—On Rockland Avenue at the intersection of Avon Road and on Rockland Avenue at the intersection of Woody Lane. c. Truck Traffic — The Committee's recommendation is that the existing five ton weight limit regulation remain in place and that additional signage be installed to advise motorists of the regulation. d. Speed Limit—The Traffic Committee, after much discussion, has recommended no change in the speed limit on Rockland Avenue. Members of the Committee stated that on a street such as Rockland Avenue maintaining a twenty-five mile per hour speed limit would be extremely difficult. The Committee believes that the thirty miles per hour speed limit coupled with the additional stop signs should improve traffic safety on Rockland Avenue. New Business 1. Correspondence— Nancy Diamond re: Overnight Parking on Myrtle Boulevard. Nancy Diamond appeared before the Committee requesting that overnight parking be permitted on Myrtle Boulevard. She indicated that there is a shortage of overnight on street parking in the Washington Square area. She further indicated that she was on the waiting list for an overnight parking permit in Lot #3, however,she was advised that the wait could be as much as three years. The Town Administrator and Lt. John Anderson stated that overnight parking was prohibited on Myrtle Boulevard and Madison Avenue to provide sufficient parking in the early morning hours for the businesses and offices in the Washington Square neighborhood. Lt. Anderson stated that assuming the existing three hour parking ordinance was to remain on Myrtle Boulevard,cars parked overnight between 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.would not be required to move until 9:00 a.m.,thus creating a parking problem for the commercial buildings in the area. After further discussion by the members of the Committee, the decision was to continue the existing parking ordinances on Myrtle Boulevard. Members of the Committee recommended to Ms. Diamond that she consider purchasing an overnight parking permit in Lot#4. 2. Correspondence- From Matthew McMillan re: Deer Crossing Signs on Fennimore Road. The Committee reviewed the correspondence from Mr. McMillan whereby he stated that on several occasions he had encountered deer crossing Fennimore Road. Lt. Anderson stated that in the past several years there had been instances of automobiles hitting deer on Fennimore Road. After discussion, it was the decision of the Committee to request that the Highway Department install deer crossing signs on Fennimore Road at locations to be determined by the Highway Department and Police Department. 3. Correspondence- Mr. Paul Cantwell re: Traffic Safety— Hommocks Road/Oak Lane. Mr. Cantwell had sent correspondence to the Committee requesting the installation of a stop sign on Hommocks Road near Oak Lane. Upon review of the location map by members of the Committee,it became evident that the requested location for the stop sign is in the Village of Mamaroneck. Two residents that had appeared on this matter were referred to the Village to seek installation of the stop sign. 4. Correspondence— From Dr. Seymour Alpert re: Handicapped Parking Spaces— Murray Avenue. This matter was deferred at the request of Dr. Alpert. 5. Correspondence—From Barry Gasmor—35 Holly Place re: Overnight Parking. Mr. Gasmor appeared before the Town Board at the Town Board's March 5,2003, meeting. Mr. Gasmor did not, however,appear at the Traffic Committee Meeting. Mr. Gasmor was seeking an exemption from the overnight parking ordinance so as to avoid juggling cars in and out of his driveway. Members of the Traffic Committee stated that many residents in the community are required to juggle cars and that the majority opinion is to not allow overnight parking on Town streets. Therefore, the Committee would not take any further action on this matter. 6. Correspondence from Frederick Hoffman—1 Sackett Circle re: Parking on Sackett Circle near Weaver St. Mr. Hoffman has asked the Traffic Committee to consider a parking prohibition on that portion of Sackett Circle between Weaver St. and Althea Lane. This past winter, residents sleigh riding at Bonnie Briar Country Club parked their vehicles on both sides of Sackett Circle between Weaver St. and Althea Lane. With cars parked on c.':,r;uficurrenGliratfitit.unuics 33-25-03 i -3- both sides of the road it was discovered that fire apparatus was unable to enter the lower portion of Sackett Circle because the road was too narrow. Lt. Anderson confirmed that this was a problem during this past winter. Therefore,the Traffic Committee unanimously approved the following recommendation to the Town Board. That a parking prohibition be established on the north side of Sackett Circle from Weaver St.to Althea Lane between December 1st and March 30th. Other Items 1. Committee member Rich Mari indicated that the no turn on red sign on Richbell Road at Palmer Avenue failed to include the wording that prohibits right turns on red on school days. The Town Administrator has stated that the Highway Department would change the sign. 2. Committee member Rich Mari asked that the yellow cross hatching be again painted on Richbell Road near the driveways to prohibit cars from parking right up to the edge of the driveway. The Town Administrator stated that this would be included in the spring street painting program. The next scheduled Traffic Committee meeting will be held on April 28, 2003. CAW DocumentskTrafficlAMnutes 3-25-03.acc -4-