HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Supplemental Injection Work Plan Former EMCA Site Mamaroneck, New York 2/1/2012 2012 Supplemental Injection Work Plan Former EMCA Site Mamaroneck, New York Prepared for:: The Dow Chemical Company Prepared by: uRS 77 Goodell Street Buffalo,New York 14203 February 2012 URS June 1, 2012 Ms.Mary Stanton Town of Mamaroneck—Town Administrators Office 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck,NY 10543 Re: Former EMCA Site,Mamaroneck,New York Site Number 360025 2012 Supplemental Injection Work Plan Dear Ms. Stanton: Enclosed is one hard copy of the 2012 Supplemental Injection Work Plan for the Former EMCA Site, Westchester County, New York. Please submit this report into the Town of Mamaroneck - Public Repository for public use as requested by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to call me at(716)923-1253. Sincerely, URS Corporation VM /f Tim Ifkovich Geologist Enc. • URS Corporation 77 Goodell Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: 716.856.5636 Fax: 716.856.2545 FORMER EMCA SITE SITE NO. 360025 MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 2012 SUPPLEMENTAL INJECTION WORK PLAN PREPARED FOR: The Dow Chemical Company SUBMITTED BY: URS CORPORATION 77 Goodell Street Buffalo,New York 14203 FEBRUARY 2012 N:\I 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFI120I2 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1-1 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND 2-1 2.1 Previous Investigations 2-1 2.2 Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis 2-3 2.3 Pilot Study 2-3 2.4 Interim Remedial Action(IRA) 2-4 2.5 Record of Decision (ROD) 2-5 2.6 Consent Order 2-5 2.7 2007 Supplemental Injection Program 2-5 2.8 2009 Supplemental Injection Program 2-6 2.9 Site Management Plan 2-6 3.0 OBJECTIVE 3-1 3.1 Statement of Objective 3-1 3.2 Technical Evaluation 3-1 4.0 SCOPE OF THE SUPPLEMENTAL INJECTIONS 4-1 4.1 Scope 4-1 4.2 Product Information 4-1 4.3 Project Schedule 4-2 4.4 Data Analysis and Reporting 4-2 5.0 FIELD PROGRAM 5-1 5.1 Utility Clearance/Work Coordination/Permits and Property Owner Approvals.5-1 5.2 Decontamination 5-1 5.3 Substrate Injection 5-1 5.4 Bioaugmentation 5-3 5.5 Field Documentation 5-4 5.6 Health and Safety 5-4 6.0 REFERENCES 6-1 NAI 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 1 TABLES Table 1 Groundwater Elevation Measurements Table 2 Groundwater Analytical Results Table 3 Calculation of Per Well Injection Volume FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Building Location Map Figure 3 Groundwater Elevation Contour Map (September 13, 2011) Figure 4 Summary of Freon Detections in Groundwater Figure 5 Previous Injection Locations Figure 6 Proposed 2012 Injection Locations APPENDICES Appendix A SiREM Biotreatability Study Report Appendix B Product Information Appendix C Terra Systems,Inc. Substrate Design Tool N:\I 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 11 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS bgs below ground surface cm/sec centimeters per second EE/CA Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis ft feet(foot) IRA Interim Remedial Action NYSDEC New York State Department of Environmental Conservation NYSDOH New York State Department of Health RI Remedial Investigation ROD Record of Decision TOGS Technical and Operational Guidance Series URS URS Corporation VOCs volatile organic compounds ZVI zero valent iron µg2 micrograms per liter NAI 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFTT2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 111 1.0 INTRODUCTION This work plan presents details of supplemental injections that will be conducted at the former EMCA site located in Mamaroneck, Westchester County,New York(Figure 1). This plan was developed in response to groundwater monitoring results that exceeded criteria specifying contingency action in both of the two(2)2011 monitoring events. Contingency measures criteria are specified in the Site Management Plan (SMP) (URS, 2010). The Plan presents an injection program using sodium lactate, emulsified soybean oil, and a biological amendment to stimulate biological processes to treat groundwater contaminated by 1,1,2—trichloro- 1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 113). This injection plan has been developed based on monitoring results through September 2011 (URS,2011). All work proposed at the site will require approval for access from the current site owner, Cablevision of Westchester(Cablevision). Key personnel involved in the project are listed below: Name Affiliation Address Phone/Fax Function • Edward Tokarski The Dow 3100 State Road 215-785-7244 Project Chemical Croydon,PA 19021 (7077) Manager Company Ronald J. Lantzy, The Dow 3100 State Road 215-785-7456 Hydrogeologist PhD,P.G. Chemical Croydon,PA 19021 (7077) Company Robert Vaszil/ Cablevision of Six Executive Plaza 203-223-0348 Site Owner Felix Martinez Westchester Yonkers,NY 10701 Contact Louis Vetere Cablevision of 1111 Stewart Avenue 516-803-1702 Environmental Westchester Bethpage,NY 11714 Ronnie Lee, P.E. NYSDEC 625 Broadway, 12th 518-402-9615 NYSDEC Floor (9627) Project Albany,NY 12233 Manager Bruce Przybyl URS 77 Goodell Street 716-856-5636 URS Project Buffalo,NY 14202 (2545) Manager Doug Gray URS 1375 Euclid Ave. 716-622-2283 URS Project Suite 600 (2428) Engineer Cleveland,OH 44115 N:\11172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 1-1 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND The former EMCA property is a 0.3-acre site located in a mixed residential/industrial area in Mamaroneck, New York (Figure 2). The site was formerly owned by Rohm and Haas Company, now The Dow Chemical Company, and it was used for the manufacture of high conductivity precious metal paste used in circuits by the electronics industry. Manufacturing was discontinued in 1988 and the current site owner is Cablevision of Westchester. 2.1 Previous Investigations Preliminary site investigations performed by Goldberg-Zoino Associates of New York (GZANY, 1988) and Woodward-Clyde Consultants (WWC, 1989) involved drilling, installation of groundwater monitoring wells, and sampling and analysis of soil, groundwater, and air (both indoor and outdoor). Results of the investigations revealed that groundwater beneath the northeastern section of the site contained benzene, and chlorinated solvents, including Freon 113 at concentrations above the NYSDEC Class GA Water Quality Standards presented in Technical and Operational Guidance Series (TOGS) 1.1.1, June 1998 (amended April 2000). The site was • subsequently listed on the New York State Registry of Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites (No. 360025). In March 1999, Rohm and Haas signed a Consent Order with the NYSDEC agreeing to conduct additional investigations to further evaluate the nature and extent of contamination at the site. URS performed fieldwork in October 1999 and July 2000 that included sampling and analysis of soil, soil gas, and groundwater. Hydraulic conductivity testing and groundwater elevation monitoring were also performed. Investigation results were presented in a Remedial Investigation (RI) Report prepared by URS (URS, 2000). The RI report characterized site hydrogeology,which is summarized below: • The site is underlain by unconsolidated glacial and alluvial sand containing zones of gravel, silt, and clay to a depth of 32 feet (ft) below ground surface (bgs), which represents the deepest boring drilled at the site. N:\I 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAPT\2012 Remedial Injections\lnjection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 2-1 • Groundwater occurs under unconfined (water table) conditions and the water table beneath the site varies between approximately 3 and 8 ft bgs (Table 1). The groundwater flow direction is northwest across the site, towards the Sheldrake River, at a gradient of approximately 0.005 foot/foot(Figure 3). • Hydraulic conductivity of the water table aquifer ranges between 7 x 10-3 centimeters per second(cm/sec)to 2 x 10-2 cm/sec. The RI report and an additional round of groundwater sampling undertaken in July 2001 established the nature and extent of site contamination,which is summarized below(URS, 2002). • Petroleum volatile organic compounds (VOCs, such as benzene), chlorinated VOCs and Freon 113 were detected in vadose zone soil gas. The petroleum VOCs and chlorinated VOCs other than Freon 113 were attributed to offsite sources. • Ambient air quality (both indoor and outdoor) is not a media of concern based on analyses conducted by ENVIRON (1992) and the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH 2000). • Soil contamination was not identified at concentrations above the Recommended Soil Cleanup Objectives presented in NYSDEC Technical and Administrative Guidance Memorandum#4046 "Determination of Soil Cleanup Objectives and Cleanup Levels". • Groundwater.is contaminated primarily by Freon 113, and also contains chlorinated VOCs and petroleum VOCs (Table 2) attributed to off-site sources. Groundwater contaminant concentrations have generally decreased over time. • The highest concentrations of tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethene (both isomers), 1,1-dichloroethane, vinyl chloride, and chloroethane in groundwater were detected in upgradient monitoring wells, indicating an upgradient source of these compounds. • At the time of the RI report, groundwater analytical data for natural attenuation parameters did not provide sufficient evidence that reductive dechlorination of Freon 113 was occurring in the saturated zone under ambient conditions. N:\I 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 2-2 2.2 Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis An Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) was performed to evaluate remedial options for Freon 113 contamination in groundwater(URS, 2002). The remedial action objective established in the EE/CA was to reduce the maximum concentration of Freon 113 in groundwater to a level approaching the New York State groundwater standard (5 micrograms per liter [µg/L1 or parts per billion). The following alternatives were evaluated in detail in the EE/CA: • Monitored natural attenuation. • In-situ application of a Hydrogen Release Compound. • Injection of vegetable oil. • Injection of zero valent iron(ZVI)using the Ferox process. • Injection of ZVI in a guar carrier. The EE/CA recommended further evaluation of the following promising remedial alternatives using a pilot study at the former EMCA site: • Injection of vegetable oil. • Injection of ZVI in a guar carrier(as a potential contingency). 2.3 Pilot Study A pilot study was conducted between May 2003 and July 2004 to evaluate the effectiveness of emulsified oil injection as a method to stimulate biological processes that result in the reductive dechlorination of Freon 113 in site groundwater. The following activities were performed: • Installation of two monitoring wells(MW-06 and MW-07). N:\I 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAF\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 2-3 • Injection of commercially-prepared emulsified oil (Edible Oil Substrate — EOS®) manufactured by EOS Remediation, Inc. and a commercially-prepared sodium lactate solution(WILCLEAR®Sodium Lactate)manufactured by JRW Technologies. • A groundwater-monitoring program to establish background conditions and provide analytical data to facilitate evaluation of the technology's effectiveness. Results of the pilot study indicated that injection of EOS® and sodium lactate was successful in stimulating in-situ anaerobic biodegradation of Freon 113. Monitoring data that supported this assessment include: • A reduction of Freon 113 concentrations in source area and downgradient wells. • An increase of Freon 123a, Freon 1113, and chloride concentrations, which are degradation byproducts,in source area and downgradient wells. • Geochemical data (high methane and the absence of sulfate) that indicated the study area shifted towards a more highly reducing environment. Based on the results of a sampling event on July 22-23, 2004, an additional injection of sodium lactate and emulsified oil was recommended to continue and enhance conditions favorable for continued degradation of site contaminants. 2.4 Interim Remedial Action (IRA) The IRA was conducted in November 2004. The objective of the IRA was to stimulate and maintain biological processes that result in the reductive dechlorination of Freon 113 and daughter products (Freon 123a and Freon 1113) in the saturated zone. Commercially-prepared WILCLEAR® sodium lactate, purchased from JRW Technologies, Inc. (Lexana, Kansas) and EOS®598B42 emulsified oil, purchased from EOS Remediation, Inc. (Raleigh, North Carolina), were used during the IRA. The IRA injections were conducted in the following areas: the area encompassing wells MW-02,MW-03 and MW-06; in an area between MW-03 and downgradient well MW-07; and at a separate location surrounding upgradient well GZ-06. The treatment zone extended from the top of the water table surface, approximately 5 ft bgs, to the maximum depth of contamination N:\11172730.00000\WORD\DRAF \2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 2-4 detected in previous investigations, which is 25 ft bgs. WILCLEAR® and EOS® 598B42 were injected in accordance with the IRA Work Plan dated October 2004. The injections resulted in a significant decrease of Freon 113 concentrations across the site. 2.5 Record of Decision (ROD) The selected remedy specified in the ROD, dated March 2005, calls for No Further Action other than continued groundwater monitoring and additional emulsified oil injections as a contingency. In addition, the remedy includes development of a site management plan to address groundwater use restrictions, imposition of an environmental easement, annual certification of institutional and engineering controls, and an investigation of potential vapor intrusion of on-site buildings. To date, two (2) additional injection of EOS® (2007 & 2009) and WILCLEAR® sodium lactate and seven rounds of groundwater sampling have been undertaken subsequent to the issuance of the ROD. Also, a vapor intrusion study was completed in March 2009 (URS, 2009a) that concluded that there is no current and no anticipated potential future risk to occupants of the onsite building from Freon vapors volatilizing from groundwater and intruding into indoor air. 2.6 Consent Order The NYSDEC Order of Consent, dated June 12, 2006, required specific institutional and engineering controls to be identified in the final phase of site cleanup. It also addresses the requirements of future work plans,routine reporting and the filing of an Environmental Easement with Westchester County. 2.7 2007 Supplemental Injection Program The 2003 and 2004 injections of sodium lactate and emulsified oil substrate were successful in establishing favorable conditions for reductive dechlorination of Freon compounds. The goals of the 2007 supplemental injections were to maintain and enhance conditions favorable for anaerobic biological processes and to remediate remaining areas of contamination. The Supplemental Injection Work Plan(URS, 2007a)was approved by the NYSDEC and NYSDOH on June 15, 2007. Injections began in August 2007, after the August 2007 groundwater sampling. Figure 4 shows the locations of the completed 2007 injections. The N:\I 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFIN2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 2-5 target interval for the 29 injection locations was the saturated zone, extending from the water table to approximately 25 feet below grade. Based on the August 2007 water level readings, the depths to the water table ranged from approximately 5-9 feet below grade. A total of more than 6,000 gallons of dilute substrate was injected in the subsurface(URS,2007b). 2.8 2009 Supplemental Injection Program A fourth injection was executed in August 2009. The 2009 Supplemental Injection Work Plan(URS, 2009b)was approved by the NYSDEC in August 2009. Figure 5 shows the locations of the 39 completed injection locations. EOS® 598B42 was injected at 18 of the locations and WILCLEAR® sodium lactate was injected at all 39 locations. Approximately 5,500 gallons of diluted substrate was injected into the subsurface. Injections were targeted from 5 to 25 feet below the surface. A SidewindertM injection tool was used to pulse the injections and improve distribution. This tool was not utilized during previous events. The injection event details are documented in the Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Report, October 2009 Sampling Event, (URS, 2009d). 2.9 Site Management Plan In 2010, an SMP for the site was approved by the NYSDEC (URS, 2010). The plan specifies groundwater monitoring at five (5) wells, twice per year for Freon 113 and its two degradation products. The SMP also includes contingency measure trigger criteria that particularly address potential rebound at the site wells, downgradient migration, and recalcitrance at well MW-02. For MW-02, a target maximum concentration was established for Freon 113, decreasing stepwise year-by-year. The concentration at MW-02 exceeded the 320 ug/L maximum established for 2011 in both 2011 events (920 ug/L in April and 490 ug/L in September). The work plan, documented herein, is consistent with the specified action resulting from the exceedance of trigger criteria at MW-02. N:\I 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 2-6 3.0 OBJECTIVE The earlier injections of emulsified oil and sodium lactate (i.e., 2003, 2004, 2007, and 2009) were successful in establishing favorable reductive dechlorination conditions at the site. Several of the monitoring wells in the treated areas have neared the groundwater cleanup goal of 5 ug/L for Freon compounds. However, recent monitoring results from MW-02 in 2011 indicated a continued persistence of Freon 113 concentrations(Figure 4),which triggered action to plan for contingency remedial injections specified by the SMP. Recent indicator parameter results (dissolved oxygen, oxidation reduction potential, sulfate, and methane concentrations) show that conditions at the site are anaerobic, but not necessarily ideal for robust reductive dechlorination. During the September 2011 event, dehalococcoides bacteria were analyzed in the groundwater samples; results ranged from 1.79 CEQ/mL to 353,000 CEQ/mL. The lowest bacterial count occurred at MW-02. 3.1 Statement of Objective The objective of this supplemental injection event is to enhance conditions favorable for anaerobic biological processes and promote reductive dechlorination in the general area surrounding MW-02. 3.2 Technical Evaluation The first two injection events(2003 &2004)reduced Freon 113 concentrations across the site by approximately 1,000 times. Following these events, Freon 113 appeared to fluctuate but persist at MW-02 and rebound slightly elsewhere. The two(2) subsequent supplemental injection events (2007 & 2009) appeared to reduce Freon 113 across the site, and at least temporarily at MW-02. However, Freon 113 remains persistent at levels exceeding cleanup criteria in MW-02. Dehalococcoides, a microorganism generally accepted as the bacterial strain important in the biological mediated anaerobic reductive dechlorination of chlorinated hydrocarbons,was found to be nearly absent when sampled at MW-02 during the September 2011 sampling event, while present at higher concentrations across the rest of the site. It is possible that the absence of dehalococcoides at MW-02 is the reason for Freon 113 to persist at this location, in spite of past N:\I 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 3-1 treatments. Therefore, this additional injection event will utilize the same general stimulation techniques shown to be successful in the past at this site with the addition of bioaugmentation by injection of dehalococcoides cultures into the groundwater. In the Spring of 2011, SiREM Laboratory (SiREM), working in coordination with URS and Dow, performed a bench scale laboratory biotreatability study to assess the potential for in situ bioremediation treatment of Freon 113 in groundwater collected from MW-02 at the EMCA site. The study was performed to assess biostimulation and bioaugmentation processes for the remediation of Freon 113 at the site. Soil collected from near MW-02 was used as the soil matrix in the study. SiREM monitored three vessels during the study including a sterile control containing Freon 113, a vessel containing a solution of Freon 113, vegetable oil, and sodium lactate, and a third vessel set up identical to the second vessel. SiREM injected a dehalococcoides variant (KB-1® Plus) into the third vessel, which proved to reductively dechlorinate Freon 113 at the fastest rate. This variant has been developed by SiREM particularly to address chlorofluorocarbons and other less common chlorinated hydrocarbons. The report on the study is presented in Appendix A. Based on the success of the bench scale study, this event will use KB-1®Plus, supplied by SiREM,to bioaugment the injections. The SidewinderTM injection tool was utilized in the 2009 injection event. The use of this tool decreased back pressure during the injection process and appeared to serve its intended purpose of enabling better distribution of the injected substrates in the aquifer. Therefore, it will again be used to facilitate optimal distribution of substrate in this event. For this proposed event, a different emulsified vegetable oil is being specified. In past events, EOS® was used. A variety of similar products are available. URS has had good success reductively dechlorinating chlorinated hydrocarbons using Terra System's Slow Release Substrate (SRS®) product. The droplet size of this product can be varied. Smaller droplet sizes should yield better distribution of substrate within the aquifer. For this event, the SRS®-60 SD formula will be specified (Appendix B). This product has also been utilized by URS at another NYSDEC Site. As with past events, WILCLEAR® sodium lactate will also be injected (Appendix B). Because bioaugmentation will be used in the event, this high impact short duration substrate will be critical to develop the anaerobic conditions necessary for organism survival before the KB-1® N:\I 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 3-2 Plus injections occur. URS verified with SiREM that no additional nutrients will need to be added along with the KB-1®Plus to promote organism growth beyond what is already present in the WILCLEAR®sodium lactate and SRS®-60 SD. It is noted that KB-i® Plus culture is not presently available at quantities needed for bioaugmentation at the site. From notice to proceed, it will take approximately 6-months for SiREM to grow the needed quantity of culture. N:\11172730.00000\WORIMRAFT\2012 Remedial InjJectionsUnJection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 3-3 4.0 SCOPE OF THE SUPPLEMENTAL INJECTIONS 4.1 Scope The data collected over the last few years has confirmed that the recalcitrant area is centered in the MW-02 area. Therefore, supplemental injections will be conducted in this area as shown on Figure 6. The treatment zone will extend from the top of the water table surface (approximately 5 ft bgs)to 29 ft bgs(six 4-foot intervals). The injection pattern was developed as follows: • Sixteen (16) SRS® and WILCLEAR® injection points are situated in the vicinity of MW-02. The WILCLEAR® will provide a high-impact short-term supply of carbon to this area and provide the reducing conditions necessary for KB-l® Plus survival. According to the manufacturer,the SRS®will provide a 3 to 5 year flow of carbon to supply the established colony of KB-l® Plus organisms over the longer term. The SidewinderTM injection pulsing tool will be used to enhance the effectiveness of the substrate injections in spreading the injection substrates evenly throughout the formation. Details of the SRS® 60-SD and WILCLEAR® products are presented in Section 4.2. The injection process is presented in Section 5.3. • Approximately one (1) week following substrate injections, KB-1® Plus will be injected at six(6)locations in the vicinity of MW-02, slightly offset from the network of substrate injection points. Prior to the injections,field parameters will be tested in water withdrawn from MW-02 to verify that the conditions present are conducive to the survival of the KB-1®Plus organisms. 4.2 Product Information Commercially-prepared WILCLEAR® sodium lactate purchased from JRW Technologies, Inc. of Lenexa, KS is a high-purity, food-grade sodium lactate concentrate formulated to enhance microbial activity in-situ for the biodegradation and reduction of chlorinated solvents. The product is prepared at their factory in Waukegon, IL and shipped in 55- gallon polyethylene drums or 5-gallon plastic pails. Product information is provided in Appendix B. N:\11172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 4-1 Commercially-prepared SRS® 60-SD, purchased from Terra Systems, Inc. (Wilmington, DE), is a proprietary mixture of food-grade soybean oil, sodium lactate, emulsifiers, a proprietary nutrient package and Vitamin B12 and comes pre-mixed for ease of application. A sodium bicarbonate pH neutralizer will be shipped separately to the site. The low viscosity small droplet formula is designed to improve the substrate delivery radius per point and provide a slow release of carbon to promote longevity of the biologically mediated reaction. The product is prepared at the factory and shipped to the job site in 55-gallon drums. Product information is provided in Appendix B. KB-1® Plus is a natural consortium containing dehalococcoides bacteria known to be responsible for mediating the complete dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes (i.e., trichloroethene) to ethene and dehalobacter bacteria known to be responsible for mediating the dechlorination of 1,1,1-trichloroethane to chloroethane. KB-1® Plus has also demonstrated dechlorination activity for Freon 113. SiREM Laboratories of Guelph, Ontario, Canada manufactures the product, which will be prepared in the lab and shipped to the site in specialty culture vessels. Product information is provided in Appendix B. 4.3 Project Schedule SiREM has indicated that it will take approximately 6-months to grow the quantity of KB-1®Plus culture needed for the injections. Based on this limiting factor,the substrate injection work is expected to begin in late August or September. It is anticipated that the fieldwork for the injection of the substrate and culture will be completed within 10-15 days. Following execution of the injections, MW-02 will be sampled monthly for Freon 113, Freon 123a, Freon 1113, methane, sulfate, dehalococcoides and field parameters. The October 2012 and April 2013 routine sampling events will proceed as scheduled. 4.4 Data Analysis and Reporting A section discussing the results of the initial injection will be included in the October 2012 Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Report. The section will provide information on the injection method, locations and usage(interval, amount, and pressure). N:\11172730.00000\WORDDRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 4-2 5.0 FIELD PROGRAM Property access and all field activities must be coordinated with the appropriate personnel from Cablevision,the current property owner. 5.1 Utility Clearance/Work Coordination/Permits and Property Owner Approvals Prior to substrate injection,each proposed location will be cleared to avoid underground utilities and structures. Commercial and private utility locating services and Cablevision will be contacted to provide subsurface utility information used to clear the injection locations. Injection of substrate within the public right-of-way is contingent on receiving suitable approvals from the property owner and the municipality. 5.2 Decontamination All injection equipment will be cleaned with steam or hot high-pressure water prior to use at the site and prior to demobilization from the site. Downhole equipment, such as drive points and rods,will also be cleaned between all injection locations. 5.3 Substrate Injection The minimum quantities of SRS® 60-SD and WILCLEAR® needed to reduce the Freon compounds were determined using a substrate design tool supplied by Terra Systems, Inc. (supplier of the SRS® 60-SD). The calculations utilized site-specific parameters and are presented in Appendix C. The calculations indicate that a minimum of 69 gallons of SRS®60-SD and a minimum of 155 gallons of WILCLEAR® (emulsified vegetable oil product and sodium lactate product respectively) are needed to reductively dechlorinate the Freon compounds. A further evaluation of the pore space available in the injection volume was done to determine the diluted injection volume. By industry practice, no more than 10 percent of the pore volume available in the injection area should be displaced during the injections. However, a greater volume of fluid injected will yield a better distribution of the product. An injection radius of 8-feet was assumed in the evaluation. Given the proposed grid, this radius will yield about an 80% overlap with adjacent injection points. A safety factor of 1.5 was applied to the minimum volume of WILCLEAR® required and a safety factor of approximately 3 was applied to the minimum volume of SRS® 60-SD required. These resultant N:\11172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT 12012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 5-1 volumes were both rounded to 220 gallons for ease of shipment (4 X 55-gallon drums). According to the manufacturer,the typical dilution for SRS®60-SD to water in an injection is one (1) part SRS® 60-SD to four (4) parts water. This dilution will be used. The dilution of WILCLEAR®, which has typically been at a 1:10 ratio with water in past injections, will be doubled to yield a larger overall volume and increased distribution potential. The results, presented in Table 3, yield a total injection volume of 5,720 gallons of diluted substrate. This dilution is compared to past injections below. Undiluted Quantity(gallons) Diluted Quantity(gallons) Event Emulsified WILCLEAR® Emulsified WILCLEAR® Total Vegetable Oil Vegetable Oil Pilot 225 200 1,128 200 1,328 IRM 220 268 1,110 3,188 4,298 Supplemental#1 440 110 4,840 1,210 6,050 Supplemental#2 495 289 2,472 3,088 5,560 Current 220 220 1,100 4,620 5,720 WILCLEAR®sodium lactate will be shipped to the site in 55-gallon drums. The product will be mixed at a ratio of 20 gallons of water to 1 gallon of sodium lactate prior to injection at the sixteen (16) injection locations, and used to distribute the SRS® 60-SD at each location. It is expected that potable water will be supplied from the Cablevision facility, as during previous injections. SRS® 60-SD will be shipped to the site in 55-gallon drums. The substrate will be diluted at a ratio of 4 gallons of water to 1 gallon of SRS®60-SD. At the site, sodium bicarbonate will be added to the solution at a ratio to be recommended by the manufacturer. At each injection location, injection of 69 gallons of the dilute SRS® 60-SD will be followed by the injection of 289 gallons of dilute sodium lactate (per hole) to distribute the substrate in the aquifer and provide additional carbon. The following procedure will be used at each point: • A pressure-activated injection probe and drive rod assembly will be advanced to 29 ft bgs and retracted slightly. • Clean (potable) water will be poured into the rods to displace air, thus preventing any injection of air into the treatment zone. N:\l 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 5-2 • The vadose zone will be sealed using hydrated bentonite chips pressed down into the annular space with a separate rod as necessary to prevent short-circuiting. • A surface-mounted unit (Sidewinder"), which adds a pulsating action to the injection process for better distribution into the subsurface,will be connected between the injection pump and the injection point. • Dilute SRS® 60-SD will be pumped into the treatment zone while the rods are withdrawn at a uniform rate over a 4-ft increment (injection volumes are listed below). The rate of withdrawal will be slowed if bypass is observed at the surface. • The pressure-activated probe will be re-advanced 4-ft and dilute sodium lactate will be pumped into the treatment zone while the rods are withdrawn at a uniform rate (injection volumes are listed below). Substrate Quantity (volume/hole) (volume/4-ft interval) Dilute SRS®60-SD 69 gallons 11.5 gallons Dilute WILCLEAR®sodium lactate 289 gallons 48.2 gallons • The probe withdrawal and injection process will be repeated over successive 4-ft intervals until a depth of 5-ft bgs is reached. • The borehole will be backfilled with bentonite chips. • The ground surface will be finished to meet or exceed the existing site conditions. 5.4 Bioaugmentation Before initiating the sixteen (16) substrate injections, water from MW-02 will be evaluated for field parameters (i.e. pH, dissolved oxygen, and oxidation reduction potential). This data will be reviewed with SiREM and a determination will be made regarding shipping the KB-1® Plus culture vessels to the site. It will take approximately one (1) week to complete shipping (through customs). If it is determined that the field parameters are not yet conducive to culture survival, field parameters will be monitored at approximately 1-week intervals until the desired conditions are achieved. A total of 18 liters of KB-1® Plus will be injected (6 injection points at 3 liters per point) using a GeoProbe. This quantity was recommended by the N:\11172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 5-3 manufacturer based on site-specific conditions. The pushrods will be purged with nitrogen to preserve an anaerobic condition until the culture is injected. SiREM will supply the needed additional equipment to perform the injections successfully. Approximately 0.5 liters of culture will be injected per 4-foot interval. 5.5 Field Documentation Field activities will be documented using field notebooks, photographs, and standard field forms. Field notebooks will serve as the primary record of activities at the site. Field notebooks will be bound with consecutively numbered pages. All entries into the notebook will contain a variety of information including: dates, times, weather, personnel at the site and affiliations, equipment being used, level of personnel protective equipment, instrument calibration, drilling information, sampling/measurement data, and any other relevant information. If an incorrect entry is made, the information will be crossed out with a single strike mark and initialed. Field notebooks will be stored in a project file when not in use. 5.6 Health and Safety The Health and Safety Plan (HASP) for the 2009 supplemental injections activities (URS, 2009c)will be updated,and will be onsite during all field activities. N:\I 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 5-4 6.0 REFERENCES ENVIRON Corporation(ENVIRON), (1992). Indoor Air Sampling at TCI Cable of Westchester, Inc. —Mamaroneck, New York. Princeton,New Jersey. September. Goldberg-Zoino and Associates of New York (GZANY), 1988. Assessment of Subsurface Conditions, 605-609 Center Avenue and 604 and 612 Fayette Avenue, Mamaroneck, New York. 22 July. NYSDEC, 2000. Ambient Water Quality Standards and Guidance Values and Groundwater Effluent Limitations. Technical and Operational Guidance Series 1.1.1 (TOGS 1.1.1). Albany,NY: Division of Water. April. NYSDEC, 2005. Former EMCA Site Record of Decision Site Number 3-60-025. Division of Environmental Remediation.Albany,New York. NYSDEC, 2006. Former EMCA Site Order on Consent Index # A3-0534-1205. Division of Environmental Enforcement.Albany,New York. NYSDOH,2000.Freon 113 Concentrations in Air-July 11, 2000. (Data Summary Table). URS, 2000. Final Draft Remedial Investigation Report, Former EMCA Site, Mamaroneck, New York. Buffalo,New York. December. URS, 2002. Final Draft Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) Report, Former EMCA Site, Mamaroneck, New York. Buffalo,New York. June. URS, 2004. Interim Remedial Action Work Plan, Former EMCA Site, Mamaroneck, New York Buffalo,New York. October. URS, 2007a. Supplemental Injection Work Plan, Former EMCA Site, Mamaroneck, New York. Buffalo,New York. May. URS, 2007b. Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Report, August 2007 Sampling Event and Summary of Supplemental Injection Event, Former EMCA Site, Mamaroneck, New York. Buffalo,New York. October. N:\I 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\20I2 Remedial injections\injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 6-1 URS, 2009a. Draft Vapor Intrusion Study Report, March 2009 Sampling Event, Former EMCA Site, Mamaroneck, New York. Buffalo,New York. June. URS, 2009b. 2009 Supplemental Injection Work Plan, Former EMCA Site, Mamaroneck, New York. Buffalo,New York. July. URS, 2009c. Health and safety Plan for 2009 Supplemental Injection Activities, Former EMCA Site, Mamaroneck, New York. Buffalo,New York. July. URS, 2009d. Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Report October 2009 Sampling Event and Summary of 2009 Supplemental Injection Event, Former EMCA Site, Mamaroneck, New York. Buffalo,New York. November. URS, 2010. Site Management Plan, Former EMCA Site, Mamaroneck, New York. Buffalo,New York. October. URS, 2011. Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Report, September 2011 Sampling Event, Former EMCA Site, Mamaroneck, New York. Buffalo,New York. December. Woodward-Clyde Consultants (WWC), 1989. Risk Assessment, Former EMCA Site, Mamaroneck, New York. 15 July. N:\11172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 6-2 TABLES N:\11172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx Page 1of12 TABLE 1 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS Location IDI Northing Easting Ground Casing Meas.point Geol. Specific Date I Time Depth to Water Product Corrected Water Remark Type Elevation(ft) Elevation(ft) (Riser)Elev.(ft) Zone Gravity Water(ft) Elev.(ft) Thick.(ft) Elev.(ft) GZ-03 771431.3885 700328.5721 26.52 26.16 1 MWN 10/5/1999 7.72 18.44 0.00 18.44 MWN 10/7/1999 7.89 18.27 0.00 18.27 MWN 10/20/1999 7.18 18.98 0.00 18.98 MWN 7/12/2000 9.48 16.68 0.00 16.68 MWN 7/24/2001 0000 9.66 16.50 0.00 16.50 MWN 5/19/2003 1745 9.18 16.98 0.00 16.98 Riser slightly bent MWN 6/10/2003 0730 6.69 19.47 0.00 19.47 MWN 7/22/2003 1059 8.82 17.34 0.00 17.34 MWN 7/23/2003 1325 8.31 17.85 0.00 17.85 MWN 9/17/2003 1010 8.54 17.62 0.00 17.62 MWN 12/17/2003 0720 6.42 19.74 0.00 19.74 MWN 7/22/2004 0000 8.54 17.62 0.00 17.62 MWN 5/31/2005 0000 9.18 16.98 0.00 16.98 MWN 12/20/2005 0000 7.00 19.16 0.00 19.16 MWN 8/14/2006 0000 NM - NM - MWN 2/7/2007 0000 NM - NM - MWN 8/1/2007 0000 8.53 17.63 0.00 17.63 MWN 8/1/2007 0000 10.22 15.94 0.00 15.94 MWN 2/1/2008 0000 7.00 19.16 0.00 19.16 MWN 8/12/2008 0900 8.59 17.57 0.00 17.57 MWN 2/18/2009 0830 9.13 17.03 0.00 17.03 MWN 10/13/2009 0000 9.40 16.76 0.00 16.76 MWN 2/25/2010 0000 6.09 20.07 0.00 20.07 MWN 6/24/2010 0000 6.35 19.81 0.00 19.81 flush-mount well on 6/24/21 MWN 10/6/2010 0000 NM - NM - MWN 9/13/2011 1600 4.21 21.95 0.00 21.95 NM-No Measurement Type: MWN Monitoring Well The value noted in the column labeled Specific Gravity is an assumed value for free product,if found. SG Staff Gauge Periled 2/2312012 9 51:02 AM N 01172730.00000\081PROGRAMIEOMS mde/Groundweler Level TABLE 1 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS Location ID/ Northing Easting Ground Casing Meas.point Geol. Specific Date/Time Depth to Water Product Corrected Water Remark Type Elevation(ft) Elevation(ft) (Riser)Elev.(ft) Zone Gravity Water(ft) Elev.(ft) Thick.(ft) Elev.(ft) GZ-06 771437.2409 700507.0872 28.20 28.02 1 MWN 10/5/1999 4.11 23.91 0.00 23.91 MWN 10/7/1999 7.38 20.64 0.00 20.64 MWN 10/20/1999 6.42 21.60 0.00 21.60 MWN 7/12/2000 7.94 20.08 0.00 20.08 MWN 7/24/2001 0000 7.91 20.11 0.00 20.11 MWN 5/19/2003 1752 7.38 20.64 0.00 20.64 MWN 5/21/2003 1135 7.37 20.65 0.00 20.65 MWN 6/10/2003 0715 6.17 21.85 0.00 21.85 MWN 7/22/2003 1110 7.42 20.60 0.00 20.60 MWN 7/23/2003 0800 7.30 20.72 0.00 20.72 MWN 9/17/2003 0942 7.44 20.58 0.00 20.58 MWN 12/17/2003 0645 6.08 21.94 0.00 21.94 MWN 7/22/2004 0000 7.44 20.58 0.00 20.58 MWN 5/31/2005 0000 7.54 20.48 0.00 20.48 MWN 12/20/2005 0000 6.43 21.59 0.00 21.59 MWN 8/14/2006 0000 7.72 20.30 0.00 20.30 MWN 11/16/2006 0000 6.57 21.45 0.00 21.45 MWN 2/7/2007 0000 7.66 20.36 0.00 20.36 MWN 7/31/2007 0000 7.68 20.34 0.00 20.34 MWN 2/1/2008 0000 6.71 21.31 0.00 21.31 MWN 2/28/2008 1620 10.04 17.98 0.00 17.98 MWN 8/12/2008 0900 7.73 20.29 0.00 20.29 MWN 2/18/2009 0830 7.43 20.59 0.00 20.59 MWN 10/13/2009 0000 NM - NM - MWN 2/25/2010 0000 6.26 21.76 0.00 21.76 MWN 6/24/2010 0000 7.65 20.37 0.00 20.37 Resurveyed 6/25/10. MWN 10/6/2010 0000 7.39 20.63 0.00 20.63 NM-No Measurement Type: MWN Monitoring Well The value noted in the column labeled Specific Gravity is an assumed value for free product,if found. SG Staff Gauge Printed.223/2012 9:5102 AM N:\11172730.00000\OB\PROGRAM\EDMS mde/Grow dwaler Level ME Page 3 of 12 TABLE 1 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS Location ID/ Northing Easting Ground Casing Meas.point Geol. Specific Date/Time Depth to Water Product Corrected Water Remark Type Elevation(ft) Elevation(ft) (Riser)Elev.(ft) Zone Gravity Water(ft) Elev.(ft) Thick.(ft) Elev.(ft) MWN 4/6/2011 0000 6.99 21.03 0 00 21.03 MWN 9/13/2011 1232 6.40 21.62 0.00 21.62 MW-01 771320.71 700412.1556 26.05 25.74 1 MWN 10/5/1999 5.20 20.54 0.00 20.54 MWN 10/7/1999 5.35 20.39 0.00 20.39 MWN 10/20/1999 4.39 21.35 0.00 21.35 MWN 7/12/2000 5.69 20.05 0.00 20.05 MWN 7/24/2001 0000 5.91 19.83 0.00 19.83 MWN 5/19/2003 1757 5.42 20.32 0.00 20.32 MWN 6/10/2003 0716 3.55 22.19 0.00 22.19 MWN 7/22/2003 1000 5.49 20.25 0.00 20.25 MWN 7/23/2003 1348 5.32 20.42 0.00 20.42 MWN 9/17/2003 0929 5.46 20.28 0.00 20.28 MWN 12/17/2003 0642 3.25 22.49 0.00 22.49 MWN 7/22/2004 0000 5.40 20.34 0.00 20.34 MWN 5/31/2005 0000 6.60 19.14 0.00 19.14 MWN 12/20/2005 0000 NM - NM - MWN 8/14/2006 0000 5.18 20.56 0.00 20.56 MWN 2/7/2007 0000 4.75 20.99 0.00 20.99 MWN 8/1/2007 0000 5.51 20.23 0.00 20.23 MWN 2/1/2008 0000 4.10 21.64 0.00 21.64 MWN 8/12/2008 0900 5.68 20.06 0.00 20.06 MWN 2/18/2009 0830 4.89 20.85 0.00 20.85 MWN 10/13/2009 0000 5.59 20.15 0.00 20.15 MWN 2/25/2010 0000 3.09 22.65 0.00 22.65 MWN 6/24/2010 0000 5.60 20.14 0.00 20.14 Resurveyed 6/25/10. MWN 10/6/2010 0000 5.21 20.53 0.00 20.53 MWN 4/6/2011 0000 4.28 21.46 0.00 21.46 NM-No Measurement Type: MWN Monitoring Well The value noted in the column labeled Specific Gravity is an assumed value for free product,if found. SG Staff Gauge Printed.2/2312012 9'.51 02 AM N'.111172730 00000\OB1PROGRAM1EOMS mde/Groundwater Level Page 4 of 12 TABLE 1 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS Location ID/ Northing Easting Ground Casing Meas.point Geol. Specific Date/Time Depth to Water Product Corrected Water Remark Type Elevation(ft) Elevation(ft) (Riser)Elev.(ft) Zone Gravity Water(ft) Elev.(ft) Thick.(ft) Elev.(ft) MWN 9/13/2011 0000 NM - NM - COULD NOT LOCATE MW-02 771489.4531 700462.4081 25 71 25 63 1 MWN 10/5/1999 5.17 20.46 0 00 20.46 MWN 10/7/1999 5.57 20.06 0.00 20.06 MWN 10/20/1999 4.61 21.02 0.00 21.02 MWN 7/12/2000 6.02 19.61 0.00 19.61 MWN 7/24/2001 0000 6.18 19.45 0.00 19.45 MWN 5/19/2003 1724 5.88 19.75 0.00 19.75 MWN 5/20/2003 1053 5.91 19.72 0.00 19.72 MWN 6/10/2003 0719 4.54 21.09 0.00 21.09 MWN 7/22/2003 1020 5.72 19.91 0.00 19.91 MWN 7/23/2003 1341 5.63 20.00 0.00 20.00 MWN 9/17/2003 0938 5.79 19.84 0.00 19.84 MWN 9/18/2003 0859 5.89 19.74 0.00 19.74 MWN 12/17/2003 0650 4.27 21.36 0.00 21.36 MWN 7/22/2004 0000 5.85 19.78 0.00 19.78 MWN 5/31/2005 0000 6.03 19.60 0.00 19.60 MWN 12/20/2005 0000 4.71 20.92 0.00 20.92 MWN 8/14/2006 0000 5.93 19.70 0.00 19.70 MWN 11/16/2006 0000 4.53 21.10 0.00 21.10 MWN 2/7/2007 0000 6.13 19.50 0.00 19.50 MWN 7/31/2007 0000 5.88 19.75 0.00 19.75 MWN 2/1/2008 0000 5.05 20.58 0.00 20.58 MWN 2/28/2008 1800 4.84 20.79 0.00 20.79 MWN 8/12/2008 0900 5.98 19.65 0.00 19.65 MWN 2/18/2009 0830 5.85 19.78 0.00 19.78 MWN 10/13/2009 0000 6.01 19.62 0.00 19.62 MWN 2/25/2010 0000 4.58 21.05 0.00 21.05 NM-No Measurement Type: MWN Monitoring Well The value noted in the column labeled Specific Gravity is an assumed value for free product,if found. SG Staff Gauge Printed.2/23/2012 9:51'02 AM N:\11172730.00000\DB\PROGRAM\EDMS.mde/Groundwater Level Page 5 of 12 TABLE 1 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS Location 101 Northing Easting Ground Casing Meas.point Geol. Specific Date I Time Depth to Water Product Corrected Water Remark Type Elevation(ft) Elevation(ft) (Riser)Elev.(ft) Zone Gravity Water(ft) _Elev.(ft) Thick.(ft) Elev.(ft) MWN 6/24/2010 0000 6.01 19.62 0.00 19.62 Resurveyed 6/25/10. MWN 10/6/2010 0000 5.57 20.06 0.00 20.06 MWN 4/6/2011 0000 5.41 20.22 0.00 20.22 MWN 9/13/2011 1200 4.57 21.06 0.00 21.06 MW-03 771510.2026 700424.7719 26.04 25.59 1 MWN 10/5/1999 5.59 20.00 0.00 20.00 MWN 10/7/1999 6.01 19.58 0.00 19.58 MWN 10/20/1999 5.06 20.53 0.00 20.53 MWN 7/12/2000 6.47 19.12 0.00 19.12 MWN 7/26/2001 0000 6.62 18.97 0.00 18.97 MWN 5/19/2003 1719 6.22 19.37 0.00 19.37 MWN 5/21/2003 1350 6.21 - 19.38 0.00 19.38 MWN 6/10/2003 0721 4.91 20.68 0.00 20.68 MWN 7/22/2003 1032 6.13 19.46 0.00 19.46 MWN 7/23/2003 1200 NM - NM - Car Parked Over Well MWN 9/17/2003 0951 6.09 19.50 0.00 19.50 MWN 12/17/2003 0657 3.91 21.68 0.00 21.68 MWN 7/22/2004 0000 6.08 19.51 0.00 19.51 MWN 5/31/2005 0000 6.25 19.34 0.00 19.34 MWN 12/20/2005 0000 NM - NM - MWN 8/14/2006 0000 6.24 19.35 0.00 19.35 MWN 2/7/2007 0000 6.37 19.22 0.00 19.22 MWN 7/31/2007 0000 6.12 19.47 0.00 19.47 MWN 2/1/2008 0000 5.28 20.31 0.00 20.31 MWN 2/28/2008 1315 5.49 20.10 0.00 20.10 MWN 8/12/2008 0900 6.17 19.42 0.00 19.42 MWN 2/18/2009 0830 6.12 19.47 0.00 19.47 MWN 10/13/2009 0000 6.01 19.58 0.00 19.58 Type: NM-No Measurement MWN Monitoring Well The value noted in the column labeled Specific Gravity is an assumed value for free product,if found. SG Staff Gauge Printed.2123/2012 9.51 03 AM N'\11172730.00000,00\PR OGRAMlEDMS mde/Groundveater Level Page 6 of 12 TABLE 1 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS Location ID/ Northing Easting Ground Casing Meas.point Geol. Specific Date/Time Depth to Water Product Corrected Water Remark Type Elevation(ft) Elevation(ft), (Riser)Elev.(ft) Zone Gravity Water(ft) Elev.(ft) Thick.(ft) Elev.(ft) MWN 2/26/2010 0000 4.55 21.04 0.00 21.04 MWN 6/24/2010 0000 5.95 19.64 0.00 19.64 Resurveyed 6/25/10. MWN 10/6/2010 0000 5.55 20.04 0.00 20.04 MWN 4/6/2011 0000 5.42 20.17 0.00 20.17 MWN 9/13/2011 1545 4.60 20.99 0.00 20.99 MW-04 771552.6154 700361.1987 25.41 25.31 1 MWN 10/5/1999 5.21 20.10 0.00 20.10 MWN 10/7/1999 5.24 20.07 0.00 20.07 MWN 10/20/1999 4.31 21.00 0.00 21.00 MWN 7/12/2000 5.86 19.45 0.00 19.45 MWN 7/24/2001 0000 5.84 19.47 0.00 19.47 MWN 5/19/2003 1721 5.54 19.77 0.00 19.77 MWN 5/20/2003 1414 5.57 19.74 0.00 19.74 MWN 6/10/2003 0724 3.92 21.39 0.00 21.39 MWN 7/22/2003 1040 5.33 19.98 0.00 19.98 MWN 7/23/2003 1140 5.15 20.16 0.00 20.16 MWN 9/17/2003 0959 5.33 19.98 0.00 19.98 MWN 12/17/2003 0710 3.86 21.45 0.00 21.45 MWN 7/22/2004 0000 5.36 19.95 0.00 19.95 MWN 5/31/2005 0000 5.65 19.66 0.00 19.66 MWN 12/20/2005 0000 4.32 20.99 0.00 20.99 MWN 8/14/2006 0000 5.63 19.68 0.00 19.68 MWN 11/16/2006 0000 3.78 21.53 0.00 21.53 MWN 2/7/2007 0000 5.80 19.51 0.00 19.51 MWN 8/1/2007 0000 5.52 19.79 0.00 19.79 MWN 2/1/2008 0000 4.50 20.81 0.00 20.81 MWN 2/28/2008 1130 4.58 20.73 0.00 20.73 MWN 8/12/2008 0900 5.50 19.81 0.00 19.81 NM-No Measurement Type: MWN Monitoring Well The value noted in the column labeled Specific Gravity is an assumed value for free product,if found. SG Staff Gauge Printed:2/23/2012 9:51 03 AM N 111172730.00000\1381PROGRAM1EDMS.mde/Groundvmter Level Page 7 of 12 TABLE 1 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS Location ID I Northing Easting Ground Casing Meas.point Geol. Specific Date I Time Depth to Water Product Corrected Water Remark Type Elevation(ft) Elevation(ft) (Riser)Elev.(ft) Zone Gravity Water(ft) Elev.(ft) Thick.(ft) Elev.(ft) MWN 2/18/2009 0830 5.52 19.79 0.00 19.79 MWN 10/13/2009 0000 5.93 19.38 0.00 19.38 MWN 2/25/2010 0000 4.31 21.00 0.00 21.00 MWN 6/24/2010 0000 5.89 19.42 0.00 19.42 Resurveyed 6/25/10. MWN 10/6/2010 0000 5.49 19.82 0.00 19.82 MWN 4/6/2011 0000 5.33 19.98 0.00 19.98 MWN 9/13/2011 0820 4.46 20.85 0.00 20.85 MW-05 771610 0700 700402.0224 98.25 24.63 1 MWN 7/12/2000 5.47 19.16 0.00 19.16 MWN 7/24/2001 0000 5.57 19.06 0.00 19.06 MWN 5/19/2003 1730 5.17 19.46 0.00 19.46 MWN 5/20/2003 0829 5.22 19.41 0.00 19.41 MWN 6/10/2003 0724 3.92 20.71 0.00 20.71 MWN 7/22/2003 1053 5.09 19.54 0.00 19.54 MWN 7/23/2003 1144 4.81 19.82 0.00 19.82 MWN 9/17/2003 1003 5.10 19.53 0.00 19.53 MWN 12/17/2003 0717 3.43 21.20 0.00 21.20 MWN 7/22/2004 0000 5.19 19.44 0.00 19.44 MWN 5/31/2005 0000 5.15 19.48 0.00 19.48 MWN 12/20/2005 0000 3.76 20.87 0.00 20.87 MWN 8/14/2006 0000 5.18 19.45 0.00 19.45 MWN 11/16/2006 0000 3.90 20.73 0.00 20.73 MWN 2/7/2007 0000 5.33 19.30 0.00 19.30 MWN 7/31/2007 0000 5.08 19.55 0.00 19.55 MWN 2/1/2008 0000 4.10 20.53 0.00 20.53 MWN 8/12/2008 0900 5.10 19.53 0.00 19.53 MWN 2/18/2009 0830 4.99 19.64 0.00 19.64 MWN 10/13/2009 0000 5.10 19.53 0.00 19.53 NM-No Measurement Type: MWN Monitoring Well The value noted in the column labeled Specific Gravity is an assumed value for free product,if found. SG Staff Gauge Printed:2/23/2012 9'51-.03 AM N111172730 0000011DMPROGRAM\EDMS mde/Groundwater Level Page 8 of 12 TABLE 1 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS Location ID INorthing Fasting Ground Casing Meas.point Geol. Specific Date I Time Depth to Water Product Corrected Water Remark Type Elevation(ft) Elevation(ft) (Riser)Elev.(ft) Zone Gravity Water(ft) Elev.(ft) Thick.(ft) Elev.(ft) MWN 2/25/2010 0000 3.69 20.94 0.00 20.94 MWN 6/24/2010 0000 5.06 19.57 0.00 19.57 Resurveyed 6/25/10. MWN 10/6/2010 0000 4.61 20.02 0.00 20.02 MWN 4/6/2011 0000 4.41 20.22 0.00 20.22 MWN 9/13/2011 1239 3.69 20.94 0.00 20.94 MW-06 771487.7170 700442.1366 25.90 25.77 1 MWN 6/10/2003 1329 5.22 20.55 0.00 20.55 MWN 7/22/2003 1010 6.00 19.77 0.00 19.77 MWN 7/23/2003 1334 5.82 19.95 0.00 19.95 MWN 9/17/2003 0948 5.98 19.79 0.00 19.79 MWN 9/18/2003 0735 6.05 19.72 0.00 19.72 MWN 12/17/2003 0654 4.81 20.96 0.00 20.96 MWN 7/22/2004 0000 6.06 19.71 0.00 19.71 MWN 5/31/2005 0000 8.60 17.17 0.00 17.17 MWN 12/20/2005 0000 4.90 20.87 0.00 20 87 MWN 8/14/2006 0000 5.95 19.82 0.00 19.82 MWN 11/16/2006 0000 4.75 21.02 0.00 21.02 MWN 2/7/2007 0000 6 30 19.47 0.00 19.47 MWN 7/31/2007 0000 6.05 19.72 0.00 19.72 MWN 2/1/2008 0000 5.20 20.57 0.00 20.57 MWN 2/28/2008 1450 5.24 20.53 0.00 20.53 MWN 8/12/2008 0900 6.20 19.57 0.00 19.57 MWN 2/18/2009 0830 6.05 19.72 0.00 19.72 MWN 10/13/2009 0000 6.15 19.62 0.00 19.62 MWN 2/26/2010 0000 4.19 21.58 0.00 21.58 MWN 6/24/2010 0000 6.18 19.59 0.00 19.59 Resurveyed 6/25/10. MWN 10/6/2010 0000 5.69 20.08 0.00 20.08 MWN 4/6/2011 0000 5.58 20.19 0.00 20.19 NM-No Measurement Type: MWN Monitoring Well The value noted in the column labeled Specific Gravity is an assumed value for free product,if found. SG Staff Gauge Printed'.2/23/2012 9:51'.03 AM N:111172730.00000\DB\PROGRAM\EDMS mde/Groundwater Level Page 9 of 12 TABLE 1 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS Location ID/ Northing Easting Ground Casing Meas.point Geol. Specific Date/Time Depth to Water Product Corrected Water Remark Type Elevation(ft) Elevation(ft) (Riser)Elev.(ft) Zone Gravity Water(ft) Elev.(ft) Thick.(ft) Elev.(ft) MWN 9/13/2011 1343 4.64 21.13 0.00 21.13 MW-07 NA 1 MWN 6/10/2003 1500 5.07 0.00 MWN 7/23/2003 0945. 6.03 0.00 MWN 9/17/2003 0955 6.20 0.00 MWN 12/17/2003 0659 4.44 0.00 MWN 7/22/2004 0000 6.21 0.00 MWN 5/31/2005 0000 6.32 0.00 MWN 12/20/2005 0000 4.97 0.00 MWN 8/14/2006 0000 6.30 0.00 MWN 11/16/2006 0000 4.90 0.00 MWN 2/7/2007 0000 6.43 0.00 MWN 7/31/2007 0000 6.20 0.00 MWN 2/1/2008 0000 5.30 0.00 MWN 2/28/2008 1230 5.73 0.00 MWN 8/12/2008 0900 6.28 0.00 MWN 2/18/2009 0830 6.24 0.00 MW-07R 771540.8915 700398.7395 26.06 25.63 1 MWN 10/13/2009 0000 6.16 19.47 0.00 19.47 MWN 2/25/2010 0000 4.50 21.13 0.00 21.13 MWN 6/24/2010 0000 6.06 19.57 0.00 19.57 Resurveyed 6/25/10. MWN 10/6/2010 0000 5.72 19.91 0.00 19.91 MWN 4/6/2011 0000 5.52 20.11 0.00 20.11 MWN 9/13/2011 1040 4.70 20.93 0.00 20.93 PZ-01 99.51 103.96 1 MWN 10/5/1999 9.75 94.21 0.00 94.21 MWN 10/7/1999 9.99 93.97 0.00 93.97 NM-No Measurement Type: MWN Monitoring Well The value noted in the column labeled Specific Gravity is an assumed value for free product,if found. SG Staff Gauge PAM.' 2/23/2012 9.51:03 AM N:111172730.000001O0/PROGRAM/EDMS mtle/GrowMnter Level TABLE 1 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS Location ID/ Northing Easting Ground Casing Meas.point Geol. Specific Date/Time Depth to Water Product Corrected Water Remark Type Elevation(ft) Elevation(ft) (Riser)Elev.(ft) Zone Gravity Water(ft) Elev.(ft) Thick.(ft) Elev.(ft) PZ-02 100 22 101.06 1 MWN 10/5/1999 6.89 94.17 0.00 94.17 MWN 10/7/1999 6.91 94.15 l 0.00 94.15 WS-01 02.00 1 SG 10/7/1999 1.02 90.98 0.00 90.98 SG 10/20/1999 0.46 91.54 0.00 91.54 SG 7/12/2000 1.28 90.72 0.00 90.72 SG 7/24/2001 0000 1.80 90.20 0.00 90.20 SG 5/19/2003 1822 1.95 90.05 0.00 90.05 Top of wooden stake SG 7/22/2003 1120 1.5 90.50 0.00 90.50 SG 7/23/2003 1352 1.25 90.75 0.00 90.75 SG 9/17/2003 1019 1.52 90.48 0.00 90.48 SG 12/17/2003 0725 NM - NM - Unable to Locate SG 7/22/2004 0000 NM - NM - SG 5/31/2005 0000 NM - NM - SG 12/20/2005 0000 NM - NM - SG 8/14/2006 0000 NM - NM - SG 2/7/2007 0000 NM - NM - SG 7/31/2007 0000 NM - NM - WS-02 92.00 1 SG 10/7/1999 0.96 91.04 0.00 91.04 SG 10/20/1999 0.42 91.58 0.00 91.58 SG 7/12/2000 1.14 90.86 0.00 90.86 SG 7/22/2004 0000 NM - NM - SG 5/31/2005 0000 NM - NM - SG 12/20/2005 0000 NM - NM - SG 8/14/2006 0000 NM - NM - Type: NM-No Measurement MWN Monitoring Well The value noted in the column labeled Specific Gravity is an assumed value for free product,if found. SG Staff Gauge Printed:2/13/2012 9.51:03 AM N:111172730 00000\DB\PROGRAM\E DMS rade/Groundwater Level Page 11 of 12 TABLE 1 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS Location ID I Northing Easting Ground Casing Meas.point Geol. Specific Date/Time Depth to Water Product Corrected Water Remark Type Elevation(ft) Elevation(ft) (Riser)Elev.(ft) Zone Gravity Water(ft) Elev.(ft) Thick.(ft) Elev.(ft) SG 2/7/2007 0000 NM NM SG 7/31/2007 0000 NM - NM - WS-03 92.00 1 SG 10/7/1999 0.88 91.12 0.00 91.12 SG 10/20/1999 0.35 91.65 0.00 91.65 SG 7/12/2000 0.96 91.04 0.00 91.04 SG 7/24/2001 0000 1.81 90.19 0.00 90.19 SG 7/22/2004 0000 NM - NM - SG 5/31/2005 0000 NM - NM - SG 12/20/2005 0000 NM - NM - SG 8/14/2006 0000 NM - NM - SG 2/7/2007 0000 NM - NM - SG 7/31/2007 0000 NM - NM - WS-04 97.00 1 SG 10/7/1999 4.59 92.41 0.00 92.41 SG 10/20/1999 4.38 92.62 0.00 92.62 SG 7/12/2000 5.18 91.82 0.00 91.82 SG 7/24/2001 0000 4.96 92.04 0.00 92.04 SG 5/19/2003 1817 4.92 92.08 0.00 92.08 SG 7/22/2003 1132 4.47 92.53 0.00 92.53 SG 7/23/2003 1400 4.34 92.66 0.00 92.66 SG 9/17/2003 0920 4.57 92.43 0.00 92.43 SG 12/17/2003 0730 3.70 93.30 0.00 93.30 SG 7/22/2004 0000 4.53 - 92.47 0.00 92.47 SG 5/31/2005 0000 4.57 92.43 0.00 92.43 SG 12/20/2005 0000 4.37 - 92.63 0.00 92.63 SG 8/14/2006 0000 4.22 92.78 0.00 92.78 NM-No Measurement Type: MWN Monitoring Well The value noted in the column labeled Specific Gravity is an assumed value for free product,if found. SG Staff Gauge Printed 2/23/2012 9:51:03 AM N:\t 1172730.00000\D9\PROGRAM\E OMS.mde/Groundwater Level Page 12 of 12 TABLE 1 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MEASUREMENTS Location ID/ Northing Easting Ground Casing Meas.point Geol. Specific Date t Time Depth to Water Product Corrected Water Remark Type Elevation(ft) Elevation(ft) (Riser)Elev.(ft) Zone Gravity Water(ft) Elev.(ft) Thick.(ft) Elev.(ft) SG 2/7/2007 0000 4.22 92 78 0.00 92.78 SG 7/31/2007 0000 NM - NM - Type: NM-No Measurement MWN Monitoring Well SG Staff Gauge The value noted in the column labeled Specific Gravity is an assumed value for free product,if found. Printed:22312012 9:5103 AM Nit 1172730.00000\DBIPROGRAMIEDMS.mde&Groundveter Level Page 1 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-03 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 Sample ID 20070801GZ-03V11N GZ06_52103 GZO6 GZ06-091703 GZ-06-121803 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 08/01/07 05/21/03 07/23/03 09/17/03 12/18/03 Parameter Units Volatiles Acetone UGIL NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U Benzene UG/L NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U Bromodichloromethane UGIL NA 1.0 U 2 U 1.0 U 1.0 U Bromoform UGIL NA 4.0 U 8 U 4.0 U 4.0 U Bromomethane UG/L NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA R R R R Carbon Disulfide UGIL NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA 2.0 U 4 U 2.0 U 2.0 U Chlorobenzene UGIL NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U Chloroethane UGIL NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U Chloroform UGIL NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U Chloromethane UGIL NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 0 U 0 U 0 U 5.4 NJ 0 U Dibromochloromethane UGIL NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 1,1-Dichloroethane UGIL NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 1,2-Dichloroethane UGIL NA 2.0 U 4 U 2.0 U 2.0 U 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L NA 0.8 J 1 5 J 2.0 U 2.0 U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UGIL NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 1,2-Dichloropropane NA 1.0 U 2 U 1.0 U 1.0 U UG/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U Ethylbenzene UGIL NA 4.0 U 8 U 4.0 U 4.0 U Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection svl Tab 2 2012 N:\11172730.00000\D8IP R OGRAM\E DM S.mde Printed 2/23/201210:29:5e AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ((LOGDATEI BETWEEN tt05/01/03N AND NO2/19i12N)AND(MATRIX(=WA'ANO(ISACODE)='N'OR(SACODE)='FD') Page 2 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-03 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 Sample ID 20070801GZ-03V11N GZ06_52103 GZ06 GZ06-091703 GZ-06-121803 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 08/01/07 05/21/03 07/23/03 09/17/03 12/18/03 Parameter Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UGIL NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UGIL NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U Methylene Chloride UGIL NA 3.0 U 6 U 3.0 U 3.0 U Styrene NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U UGIL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UGIL NA 1.0 U 2 U 1.0 U 1.0 U Tetrachloroethene NA 0.6 J 2 U 0.5 J 1.0 U U G/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L NA 3.0 U 6 U 3.0 U 3.0 U Trichloroethene UGIL NA 1.0 U 2 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 10 U 100 230 74 5.0 U Toluene UGIL NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U Vinyl Chloride NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U UG/L Xylene(total) NA 5.0 U 10 U 5.0 U 5.0 U UGIL 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UGIL 10 U 20 41 26 0.7 J Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L NA 10U 5U 10 U 5.0 U Ethene UGIL NA 10 U 5 U 10 U 5.0 U Methane UG/L 5.0 U 140 98 89 5.9 Total Metals Iron NA 2,390 866 517 J 173 UGIL Dissolved Metals Iron NA 2,290 778 583 J 85.3 B UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N.,11172730 0000008\PROGRAWEDMS mde Printed 2/23/2012 10.29'.57 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND#02/19/129)AND(MATRIXI='WG'AND(ISACODEI='N OR(SACODEI='FD'I Page 3 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-03 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 Sample ID 20070801GZ-03V11N GZ06_52103 GZO6 GZ06-091703 GZ-06-121803 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 08/01/07 05/21/03 07/23/03 09/17/03 12/18/03 Parameter Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L NA 559 474 477 J 218 Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQ/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA 0.5 U 0.7 1.3 0.57 Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA 0.1 U NA 0.58 0.1 U Nitrogen, Nitrite MGIL NA 0.1 U NA 0.1 U 0.1 U Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA 0.12 J NA NA Sulfate MG/L 15.8 25.2 27.5 32.4 5.0 U Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA 2.8 9.6 0.25 0.03 Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.52 0.143 Fluoride MG/L NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.32 TPH MG/L NA 5 U 5 U NA 5 U Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA R NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0-52 0.76 0.5 0.48 6.86 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential 98.5 -110 -75 -129 73 mV PH S.U. 6.05 NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect,R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 5111172730.00000\DB/P R OGRAMtE DM S.mde Detection Limits shown are PQL Printed.OR 2/23/ COOEI12 ='FDM ([LOGDATE[BETWEEN NOSi01/03N AND p02/19/12p)AND[MATRIX[='WG'AND([SACODE[='N'OR[SACODE�='FD') Page 4 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-03 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 Sample ID 20070801GZ-03V11N GZ06_52103 GZO6 GZ06-091703 GZ-06-121803 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 08/01/07 05/21/03 07/23/03 09117103 12/18/03 Parameter Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance 0.599 2.27 1.99 1.98 1.11 MS/CM Temperature DEG C 21.6 NA NA NA NA Turbidity NTU 28 NA NA NA NA Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) NA 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U UG/L 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 N:\11172730.000001DBIPROGRAMIE DMS.mde Printed:2/23/2012 10:29:57 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEENN05/01/03N AND NO2/19/12N)AND[MATRIX]=WG'AND([SACODE)='N'OR[SACODE]='FD') Page 5 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 Sample ID GZO6 GZ-06 MW-GZ-06V08N GZ-0608N 20061117GZ-0608 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/22/04 05/31/05 12/20/05 08/15/06 11/17/06 Parameter Units Volatiles Acetone UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Benzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UGIL 24 15 10 U 13 2.0 J Dibromochloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the POI_at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.5Vi Tab 2 2012 N/11172730 000000E,PROGRAM\EDMS.mde Printed 2/23)2012 10'.29'57 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#o5/01/03#AND#02/19/12#)AND[MATRIX]='WC'AND(ISACODE]=IT OR ISACODE]='FD') Page 6 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 Sample ID GZO6 GZ-06 MW-GZ-06V08N GZ-0608N 20061117GZ-0608 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/22/04 05/31/05 12/20/05 08/15/06 11/17/06 Parameter Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Methylene Chloride NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Styrene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Trichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UGIL 100 J 9.0 J 10 U 74 2.0 J Toluene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Vinyl Chloride NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Xylene(total) NA NA NA NA NA UGIL 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 36 4.0 J 2.0 J 23 2 0 J Dissolved Gases Ethane NA 50 U NA NA NA UG/L Ethene UGIL NA 50 U NA NA NA Methane 48 310 74 140 180 UGIL Total Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Dissolved Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N.111172730 00000/OBIPROGRAMIE DMS.mde Printed:2123/2012 10.29:57 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN105/01/031 AND#02/19/12#)AND[MATRIX]='WG'AND(ISACOOE)='N'OR(SACODEI='FD') Page 7 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 Sample ID GZO6 GZ-06 MW-GZ-06V08N GZ-0608N 20061117GZ-0608 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/22/04 05/31/05 12/20/05 08/15/06 11/17/06 Parameter Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L 1,610 NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQ/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MGIL NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen.Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 20.8 14.2 31.7 23.2 25.1 Sulfide MG/L 1.0 U NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L 1.00 U NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 1.15 0 11 0 03 5 67 NA Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential -210 -107 -59 -49 NA mV pH S.U. NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:501 Tab 2 2012 N:111172730.000001DB1PROGRAMIEDMS mde Printed:2/23/2012 10:29:57 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (1LOGDATEt BET/2EEN905/01/03A AND 902/19/129)AND[MATRIX]='WO AND(ISACODEI='N'OR 15ACODEt•'FS') Page 8 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 Sample ID GZO6 GZ-06 Mw-GZ-06V08N GZ-0608N 20061117GZ-0608 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/22104 05131/05 12/20/05 08/15/06 11/17/06 Parameter Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance 5.25 1.43 1.16 1.28 NA MS/CM Temperature NA NA NA NA NA DEG C Turbidity NA NA NA NA NA NTU Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N.,11172130.000001D81➢ROGRAMIEDMS mde Printed'.2232012 10'.29.55 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/0.341 AND 102/19/12#)AND[MATRIX/=WO.AND(ISACODEI•'N'OR ISACODEI='FD') Page 9 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 Sample ID 20061117GZ0608FD 20070207GZ-06V08N 20070731GZ-06V08 20080228GZ06V08 20080812GZ06V10N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 11/17/06 02/07/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Benzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UGIL 2.0 J 1.0 J 2.0 J 10 U 10 U Dibromochloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1 2-Dichloropropane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection SVI Tao 2 2012 N.\11172730 00000D8\PROGRAM\EDMS.mde Printed'21212012 10 29'58 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN N05I01I03#AND tt02119I12N)AND[MATRIX)='WG'AND(I5ACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI=TO'I Page 10 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 Sample ID 20061117GZ0608FD 20070207GZ-06V08N 20070731GZ-06V08 20080228GZ06V08 20080812GZ06V10N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - Date Sampled 11/17/06 02/07/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Styrene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 2.0 J 14 13 10 UJ 10 U Toluene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Xylene(total) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 2.0 J 4.0 J 10 10 U 10 U Dissolved Gases Ethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Ethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methane UG/L 210 360 23 5,900 880 Total Metals Iron UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dissolved Metals Iron UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect,R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 N111172730 000001081PROGRAMIEDMS mde Printed:2123,2012 10:29.58 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE]BETWEEN 805l01/03A AND 80209/12P)AND]MATRIX]=WG AND I[SACODE]='N'OR ISACODEI='FD') Page 11 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 Sample ID 20061117GZ0608FD 20070207GZ-06V08N 20070731GZ-06V08 20080228GZ06V08 20080812GZ06V10N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - Date Sampled 11117/06 02/07/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEO/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA — Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 25.4 29.3 50.4 5 U 28.1 Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L NA 4.17 1.18 4.1 0.91 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential NA -29 15.6 89.0 -102 mV PH S.U. NA NA 6.22 6.15 6.31 Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 Nill 1 72130.00000,DBTROGRAM,EDMS rilde Printed-2/2312012 10.29:58 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (iLOGDATE1 BETWEEN 805/01/038 AND#02/19,121/)AND[MATRIX)='WG'AND i ISACODE]='N'OR ISACODEt='FD') Page 12 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 GZ-06 Sample ID 20061117GZ0608FD 20070207GZ-06V08N 20070731GZ-06V08 20080228GZ06V08 20080812GZ06V1ON Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 11/17/06 02/07/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM NA 3.06 1.671 0.89 1.59 Temperature DEG C NA NA NA 8.91 17.5 Turbidity NTU NA NA NA 1,000 18 Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-1238) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. 8-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection'.SVI Tab 2 2012 N:111172730.000001DBPP ROGRAM\EDMS.mde Printed'2/23/2012 10'.29:58 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN 1105/01/03#AND#02/19/12e)AND[MATRIX'=WG'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI='FO') Page 13 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-06 GZ-06 MW-01 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID 20090218GZ-06V1ON 20100225GZ-06V14N 20070801MW-01V08N MW02-5-20-03 MW02-5-20-03DUP Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/18/09 02/25/10 08/01/07 05/20/03 05/20/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UG/L NA NA NA 140 J 130 J Benzene UG/L NA NA NA 50 U 25 U Bromodichloromethane UGIL NA NA NA 10 U 5.0 U Bromoform UGIL NA NA NA 40 U 20 U Bromomethane UG/L NA NA NA 50 U 25 U Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UGIL NA NA NA R R Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA 50 U 25 U Carbon Tetrachloride UGIL NA NA NA 20 U 10 U Chlorobenzene UGIL NA NA NA 50 U 25 U Chloroethane UGIL NA NA NA 50 U 25 U Chloroform UGIL NA NA NA 50 U 25 U Chloromethane UGIL NA NA NA 50 U 25 U Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 10 U 1 UJ 20 U 0 U 0 U Dibromochloromethane UGIL NA NA NA 50 U 25 U 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA 20 U 50 U 25 U 1 2-Dichloroethane UGIL NA NA 20 U 20 U 10 U 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA 20 U 4.4 J 5.1 J cis-1 2-Dichloroethene UGIL NA NA 250 50 U 25 U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA 4.0 J 50 U 25 U 1,2-Dichloropropane UGIL NA NA NA 10 U 5.0 U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL NA NA NA 50 U 25 U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL NA NA NA 50 U 25 U Ethylbenzene UGIL NA NA NA 40 U 20 U Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect:R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.Svl Tab 2 2012 N 01172730.00000\DB\PROGRAM\EDM5.mde Detection Limits shown are PQL Printed OR2/ISACO3/2012 DEI=FD i (I�OGOATE]BETWEEN#05/01/038 AND p02/D9I12M)AND/MATRIX/='WG'AND(ISACODEI='N' ISACODEI='FD') Page 14 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-06 GZ-06 MW-01 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID 20090218GZ-06V1ON 20100225GZ-06V14N 20070801MW-01V08N MW02-5-20-03 MW02-5-20-03DUP Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/18/09 02/25/10 08/01/07 05/20/03 05/20/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone NA NA NA 50 U 25 U UG/L 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone NA NA NA 50 U 25 U UG/L Methylene Chloride UG/L NA NA NA 30 U 15 U Styrene NA NA NA 50 U 25 U UG/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA 10 U 5.0 U Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA 8.0 J 10 U 5.0 U 1,1,1-Trichloroethane NA NA 20 U 50 U 25 U UG/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane NA NA 20 U 30 U 15 U UG/L Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA 5.0 J 10 U 5.0 U 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 10 U 1 UJ 20 U 710 880 Toluene NA NA NA 50 U 25 U UG/L Vinyl Chloride NA NA 5.0 J 50 U 25 U UGIL Xylene(total) NA NA NA 50 U 25 U UG/L 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 10 U 1 U 20 U 34 J 40 Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L NA NA NA 5.0 U 5.0 U Ethene UG/L NA NA NA 5.0 U 5.0 U Methane UG/L 8,700 5,000 98 26 32 Total Metals Iron NA NA NA 27,800 28,300 UG/L Dissolved Metals Iron NA NA NA 27,900 28,200 UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Seieciron.SOI Tae 2 2012 N:\11172730 00000\DB\PROGRAM\E DM S mde Printed 2/23/2012 10-..2958 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ((LOGDATEI BETWEEN 005,01,03*AND#02/19,12q)AND[MATRIX]='WG'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI='ED'I Page 15 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-06 GZ-06 MW-01 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID 20090218GZ-06V10N 20100225GZ-06V14N 20070801MW-01V08N MW02-5-20-03 MW02-5-20-030UP Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - — Date Sampled 02/18/09 02/25/10 08/01/07 05/20/03 05120/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L NA NA NA 338 338 Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CED/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MGL NA NA NA 3.3 3.4 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA 6.6 6.2 Nitrogen.Nitrate MGIL NA NA NA 0.15 0.16 Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA 0.1 U 0.1 U Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MGIL 5 UJ 8.4 39.2 44.0 46.0 Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA 25.3 NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA 2.5 3 Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA 0.28 0.3 TPH MG/L NA NA NA 5 U 5 U Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0.36 0.00 0.99 0.36 NA Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential -91 -154 95.4 -108 NA mV PH S.U. 6.12 6.73 6.25 NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SAl Tab 2 2012 N'111172730.000001081PROGRAMIEDMS mde Printed2/23/2012 1029.58 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL IILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05A01/03#AND a02/19/1210 AND(MATRIX/•WG.AND(ISACODEI''N'OR ISACODEI.'Pal Page 16 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID GZ-06 GZ-06 MW-01 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID 20090218GZ-06V10N 20100225GZ-06V14N•20070801MW-01V08N MW02-5-20-03 MW02-5-20-03DUP Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/18/09 02/25/10 08/01/07 05/20/03 05/20/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 2.13 5.49 1.755 1.68 NA Temperature DEG C 9.24 7.23 NA NA NA Turbidity NT LI 16 300 NA NA NA Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-1238) UG/L NA NA NA 0 U 0 U 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA 0 U 0 U 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA 0 U 0 U Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection'.SVI Tab 22012 M01172730 0030010B,PROGRAM1E0MS.mde Detection Limits shown are PQL Printed.2/23/2012 10'29:58= AM QLOGOATEI BETWEEN e05/01I03N AND NO2/19/12a)AND[MATRIX]•WG' ISACODE)+'N'OR(SAGODEt+'FD') Page 17 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID DUP-7_22_03 MW02-7_22_03 MW02-091803 MW-02-121803 MW-02 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/22/03 07/22/03 09/18/03 12/18/03 07/22/04 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UGIL R R 5.0 U 5.0 U NA Benzene UGIL 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA Bromodichloromethane UGIL 10 U 10 U 1.0 U 1.0 U NA Bromoform UGIL 40 U 40 U 4.0 U 4.0 U NA Bromomethane UGIL 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UGIL R R R R NA Carbon Disulfide UGIL 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA Carbon Tetrachloride UGIL 20 U 20 U 2.0 U 2.0 U NA Chlorobenzene UGIL 50 U 50 U 5.0 U • 5.0 U NA Chloroethane UGIL 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA Chloroform UGIL 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA Chloromethane UG/L 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UGIL 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 14 Dibromochloromethane UGIL 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UGIL 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UGIL 20 U 20 U 2.0 U 2.0 U NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L 8.2 J 7.5 J 2.0 U 2.0 U NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UGIL 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UGIL 10 U 10 U 1.0 U 1.0 U NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA Ethylbenzene UG/L 40 U 3.4 J 4.0 U 4.0 U NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.5VI Tab 2 2012 N.\11172730.00000\DB\PROGRAM\E DM 5 mde Printed 2/23/2012 10.29.59 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL 1[LOGDATEI BETWEEN#05101/029 AND#02/19/12/0 AND(MATRIX[='WG'AND([SACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI='FD') Page 18 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID DUP-7_22_03 MW02-7_22_03 MW02-091803 MW-02-121803 MW-02 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/22/03 07/22/03 09/18/03 12/18/03 07/22/04 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA UG/L 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA Methylene Chloride 30 U 30 U 3.0 U 3.0 U NA UG/L Styrene 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA UG/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L 10 U 10 U 1.0 U 1.0 U NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L 10 U 10 U 1.0 U 1.0 U NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L 30 U 30 U 3.0 U 3.0 U NA Trichloroethene UG/L 10 U 10 U 1.0 U 1.0 U NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 1,000 1,000 54 12 21 J Toluene UG/L 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA Vinyl Chloride UG/L 50 U 50 U 5.0 U 5.0 U NA Xylene(total) 7.1 J 11 J 5.0 U 5.0 U NA UG/L 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) LIG/ 40 J 41 J 7.8 3.3 J 4 J Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L 5 U 5 U 50 U 25 U NA Ethene UG/L 5 U 5 U 50 U 25 U NA Methane UG/L 54 52 410 320 140 Total Metals Iron UG/L 30,100 30,900 63,800 J 69,000 NA Dissolved Metals Iron 30,500 30,500 60,900 J 69,300 NA UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect,R-Rejected result Advanced Selection-.5VI Tab 2 2012 N111172730 00000,0E3\PROGRAM,EDMS mde Panted 2/23/20121029-59 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ()LOGDATE)BETWEEN#05/01/039 AND#02/19/12#)AND(MATRIX)='WG AND((SACODE)='N'OR)SACODE)='FD') Page 19 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID DUP-7_22_03 MW02-7_22_03 MW02-091803 MW-02-121803 MW-02 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/22/03 07/22/03 09/18/03 12/18/03 07/22/04 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L 307 283 839 769 238 Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQ/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MGIL 4.1 3.8 11.5 11.9 NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MGIL 6.6 6.1 17.1 16.9 NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L 0.1 U 0.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NA Nitrogen, Nitrite MG/L 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NA Nitrogen, Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 32.3 32.5 4.80 5.0 U 15.2 Sulfide NA NA NA NA 1.0 U MG/L Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L 25.7 28.0 49.3 6.3 NA Ferric Iron(lab) MGIL 4.4 2.9 48.3 62.7 NA Fluoride MG/L 0.37 0.39 0.3 0.31 0.294 TPH MG/L 5 U 5 U NA 5 U NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA 5 U NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L NA 0.26 0.53 0 U 0.91 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential NA -190 -99 -108 -133 mV pH S.U. NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N\11172730 000W\OB\PROGRAM\EDMS.mde Printed-.2/23/2012 10.29'.59 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (iLOGDATE)BETWEEN005/OII03#AND#02/19112#)AND(MATRIX)='WG'AND(iSACODE)='N'OR ISACODE)='FD') Page 20 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID DUP-7_22_03 MW02-7_22_03 MW02-091803 MW-02-121803 MW-02 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/22/03 07/22/03 09/18/03 12/18/03 07/22/04 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance NA 1.65 3.17 3.28 2.34 MS/CM Temperature NA NA NA NA NA DEG C Turbidity NA NA NA NA NA NTU Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L 0 U O U 0 U 0 U NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:svi Tab 2201 N'01172730.00000\DB'PROGRAMIE DM S.mde Primed 223'2012 10:29.59 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03"AND#02/19/12#)AND[MATRIX]=WG'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR t5ACOOE]='FD') Page 21 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID MW-02 MW-02V06N MW-02V15N 20061117MWO2VISN 20070207MW-02V06N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 05/31/05 12/20/05 08/14/06 11/17/06 02/07/07 Parameter Units Volatiles Acetone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Benzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 120 18 200 21 84 Dibromochloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1.1-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. 8-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PDL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced selection SVI Tab 2 2012 N\11172730.00000\DB\PROGRAM\EDMS mde Printed 2123/2012 10'.29'.59 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ([LOGOATE)BETWEEN e05101103a AND a02119112a)AND IMATRISI=WG'AND t ISACODEI='N'OR[SACODEI='FO') Page 22 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID MW-02 MW-02V06N MW-02V15N 20061117MWO2VISN 20070207MW-02V06N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 05/31/05 12/20/05 08/14/06 11/17/06 02/07/07 Parameter Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Methylene Chloride NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Styrene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 1,200 110 890 100 800 Toluene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Xylene(total) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 86 J 15 110 10 95 Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L 100 U NA NA NA NA Ethene UG/L 100 U NA NA NA NA Methane 2,000 5,800 5,500 4,300 6,300 UG/L Total Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Dissolved Metals Iron UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N\11172730 00000\DB\PROGRAM\EOM S.mde Printed 2/2312012 10.29.59 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ((LOGDATE)BETWEEN NO5/01/030 AND#02119/12#)AND[MATRIX]='WG'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI='FD') Page 23 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID MW-02 MW-02V06N MW-02V15N 20061117MWO2VISN 20070207MW-02V06N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 05/31/05 12/20/05 08/14/06 11/17/06 02/07/07 Parameter Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Chloride MGIL NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes NA NA NA NA NA CED/mL Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,Total NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrite MGIL NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 25.2 5.0 U 27.1 5.0 U 15.9 Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease NA NA NA NA NA MGIL Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MGIL 0 U 0 U 4.92 NA 1.56 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential -140 -137 -144 NA -120 mV PH S.U. NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection'.SVI Tab 2 2012 N:111172730.000001DB1PROGRAMIEDMS mde Printed 223201210'.2959 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND NO2/19/12X)AND(MATRIX)=WG.AND(ISACODE)•'N'OR ISACODE)='FD') Page 24 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID MW-02 MW-02V06N MW-02V15N 20061117MW02VISN 20070207MW-02V06N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 05/31/05 12/20/05 08/14/06 11/17/06 02/07/07 Parameter Units Field Parameter Specific.Conductance 1.19 2.51 1.55 NA 1.77 MS/CM Temperature NA NA NA NA NA DEG C Turbidity NA NA NA NA NA NTU Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selenbn'.SVI Tab 22012 N:111172/30.00000108vROGRAMIEDMS.mde Pruned'.2/2 52012 1029'59 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (0L0GDATEI BETWEEN 1105/01/038 AND M02/19/12a)AND[MATRIX}=WO AND I[SACODEI='N'OR[SACODE)='FD') Page 25 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID 20070731MW-02V15N 20080228MW02V15N 20080812MW02V10N 20090218MW-02V1ON 20091013MW-02V10N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/31/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 02/18/09 10/13/09 Parameter Units Volatiles Acetone UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Benzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Carbon Tetrachloride UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Chloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UGIL 61 120 J 160 81 J 300 Dibromochloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA UGIL 1,1-Dichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1.2-Dichloropropane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection SVI Tan 2 2012 N111172730 00000013,PROGRAM,EDMS mde Printed'.2/23/2012 10-29.59 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE)BETWEEN e05/01iO3e AND e02/19/12N)AND[MATRIX)=WG AND I IsACODEI='N'OR ISACODE)='FO'I Page 26 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID 20070731 MW-02V15N 20080228MW02V15N 20080812MWO2V1ON 20090218MW-02V10N 20091013MW-02V1ON Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/31/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 02/18/09 10/13/09 Parameter Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Styrene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA UGIL 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 290 830 J 700 1,300 1,200 D Toluene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Xylene(total) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 40 72 38 J 34 J 51 Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methane UGIL 2,900 6,400 6,200 8,000 6,100 Total Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Dissolved Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced selection.SVI Tab 22012 N\11172730 00000DB\PROGRAM\E DMS.rade Printed 2/23/2012 10.30:00 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND 002/19/12/0 AND(MATRIX)='WG'AND I ISACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI= TLC Page 27 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID 20070731MW-02V15N 20080228MW02V15N 20080812MWO2V1 ON 20090218MW-02V1ON 20091013MW-02V1ON Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/31/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 02/18/09 10/13/09 Parameter Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes NA NA NA NA NA CEQ/mL Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 27.6 23.2 47.9 35.2 J 36.9 Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0.31 2.87 0 U 0 U 0.00 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential 97.2 -131.0 119 -154 -161 mV pH S.U. 6.39 6.38 6.40 6.26 6.16 Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection 501 Tab 2 2012 5:\11172730.00000\0 B\PR OGRAM\E DMS.mde Printed 2/23/2012 10:3000 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN.05/01/03#AND1102/19/125)AND[MATRIX]=VVO'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI='FD') Page 28 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID 20070731 MW-02V15N 20080228MW02V15N 20080812MWo2V1ON 20090218MW-02V1ON 20091013MW-02V10N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/31/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 02/18/09 10/13/09 Parameter Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 2.357 2.18 2.14 2.55 2.09 Temperature DEG C NA 10.5 18.9 11.23 18.88 Turbidity NTU NA 28 3 5 9.4 Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 N:\i 1172730 00000\DBNROGRAM\EOMS.mde Ported.2/23/2012 10.30:00 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND#02/19/101)AND(MATRIX)=We AND(ISACODEt`'N'OR ISACODEt='Fe) Page 29 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID 20100225MW-02V08N 20100624MW-02V08N 20101006MW-02V08N 20110406MW-02V08N 20110913MWO2V08N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/25/10 06/24/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 Parameter Units i Volatiles Acetone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Benzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Bromoform UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UG/LNA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 92 J 240 180 110 J 180 Dibromochloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA • 1,1-Dichloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA ms-1,2-Dichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:5vl Tab 2 2012 N1111 72730.00000\DB\PROGRAM\EDMS.mde Printed:2/23/2012 10 30 00 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND#02/19/12#)AND!MATRIX]='WO'AND((SACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI='Fs') Page 30 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID 20100225MW-02V08N 20100624MW-02V08N 20101006MW-02V08N 20110406MW-02V08N 20110913MW02V08N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/25/10 06/24/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 Parameter Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 4-Methy1-2-Pentanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Styrene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 76 J 670 580 920 490 Toluene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Xylene(total) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 6.1 37 26 33 J 26 Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Methane UGIL 7,500 8,400 6,200 10,000 5,300 Total Metals Iron UG/L NA NA NA NA 60,400 Dissolved Metals Iron UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selector)Sal Tab 2 2012 N.01172730 000000)F,PROGRAMTDMS.rnde Printed 2/23)2012 10.30.00 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/035 AND#02/10/12#)AND[MATRIX]-'WO'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR(SACODEI='FD') Page 31 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID 20100225MW-02V08N 20100624MW-02V08N 20101006MW-02V08N 20110406MW-02V08N 20110913MWO2V08N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/25/10 06/24/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 Parameter Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA 361 Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQ/mL NA NA NA NA 1.79 Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA 726 Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA 0.1 U Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 5 U 38.9 36.9 J 26.6 5 U Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon NA NA NA NA 19.1 MG/L Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MGIL NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0.00 0.64 6.21 0.00 0.00 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA 50.6 Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA 9.8 Oxidation-Reduction Potential -147 -136 -107 -97 -115 mV PH S.U. 6.57 8.91 6.76 6.36 6.80 Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 N:\11172730 00000rDB\PROGRAM\E DMS.mde Detection Limits shown are PQL Panted R ISACODEI3/2012 10 OO AM (I�OGDATEI BETWEEN #0219/12#)AND/MATRIX/=VVG'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI='FD') Page 32 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 MW-02 Sample ID 20100225MW-02V08N 20100624MW-02V08N 20101006MW-02V08N 20110406MW-02V08N 20110913MW02V08N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/25/10 06/24/10 10/06/10 04/06111 09/13/11 Parameter Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 4.48 1.70 1.91 3.34 3.24 Temperature DEG C 9.33 16.71 19.45 10.98 22.1 Turbidity NTU 0 3.0 11.9 3.9 0.1 Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:501 Tab 2 2012 N:il l 172730.000001DB1PROGRAMIEDMS.mde Printed:2/23/2012 10.30:00 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE)BETWEEN#05/01/034 AND 1102/19/124)AND(MATRIX/=WG'ANO((SACODE)='N'OR ISACODEI='FO) Page 33 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID MW03_52103 MWO3 DUP-91703 MW03-091703 DUP1_121703 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 05/21/03 07/23/03 09/17/03 09/17/03 12/17/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UG/L 250 U 78 110 110 130 J Benzene UG/L 250 U 2.3 2.2 1.8 10 U Bromodichloromethane UGIL 50 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 2.0 U Bromoform UG/L 200 U 4.0 U 4.0 U 4.0 U 8.0 U Bromomethane UGIL 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L R 130 J 69 J 65 J 39 J Carbon Disulfide UGIL 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L 1000 2.0 U 2.0 U 2.0U 4.0 U Chlorobenzene UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U Chloroethane UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U Chloroform UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U Chloromethane UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 0 U 7.0 NJ 6.2 NJ 0 U 0 U Dibromochloromethane UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L 100 U 2.0 U 2.0 U 2.0 U 4.0 U 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L 33 J 2.0 U 2.0 U 2.0 U 4.0 U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L 50 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 2.0 U os-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene -- UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U Ethylbenzene UG/L 200 U 0.3 J 4.0 U 4.0 U 8.0 U Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 Nil1172730.000001DB1P ROGRAM IE DM 5.mde Printed.2/23/2012 10.30-.00 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL )ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01;03#AND#02/19/124)AND[MATRIX)='WG'AND(ISA000EI='N'OP ISACOOED='FD') Page 34 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID MW03_52103 MWO3 DUP-91703 MW03-091703 DUP1_121703 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 05/21/03 07/23/03 09/17103 09/17/03 12/17/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles t 2-Hexanone UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 19 16 10 U 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 11 11 10 U Methylene Chloride UG/L 150 U 3.0 U 3.0 U 3.0 U 6.0 U Styrene UGIL 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L 50 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 2.0 U Tetrachloroethane UG/L 50 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 4.9 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L 150 U 3.0 U 3.0 U 3.0 U 6.0 U Trichloroethene UG/L 50 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 1.0 U 2.0 U 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 5,800 68 26 16 150 Toluene UGIL 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U Vinyl Chloride UG/L 250 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U Xylene(total) UG/L 250 U 1.1 J 5.0 U 5.0 U 10 U 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 78 J 43 180 110 170 Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L 5.0 U 5 U 250 U 250 U 500 U Ethane UG/L 5.0 U 5 U 250 U 250 U 500 U Methane UG/L 86 56 2,400 2.500 7,200 Total Metals Iron UGIL 1,170 150,000 174,000 J 178,000 J 156,000 Dissolved Metals Iron UG/L 267 152,000 187,000 J 186,000 J 167,000 Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect,R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.Svi Tae 2 2012 N.111172730 000001DB,PROGRAMIEDMS.mde Printed 21232012 10'.30:00 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05101/03#AND#02'19/12#)AND[MATRIX}='WG AND(ISACODE)='N'OR ISACODE ='FO) Page 35 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID MW03_52103 MWO3 DUP-91703 MW03-091703 DUP1_121703 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 05/21/03 07/23/03 09/17/03 09/17/03 12/17/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L 113 143 99.2 J 91.5 J 224 Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQ/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L 0.36 2.7 0.86 0.95 1.4 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L 1.3 10.8 4.5 4.4 4.0 Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L 2 NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L 0.1 U NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA 0.1 UJ NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 32.7 26.9 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L 0.5 3.7 25.5 27.9 23.5 Ferric Iron(lab) MGIL 0.67 146 67.0 93.0 132 Fluoride MG/L 0.28 0.44 0.27 0.2 0.22 TPH MG/L 5U 5U NA NA 5.38 U Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA R R NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0.58 0 U NA 0.01 NA Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential - 40 -103 NA -90 NA mV pH S.U. NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced selection.5V1 Tab 22012 N:111172730.000001DBIPROGRAMIEDMS.mda Printed.2/23/2012 10:30:00 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE)BETWEEN#05/01/034 AND#02/19/12e)AND(MATRIX]•WG'AND(ISACODE)•'N'OR ISACODEt='FD') Page 36 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID MW03_52103 MWO3 DUP-91703 MW03-091703 DUP1_121703 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 05/21/03 07/23/03 09/17/03 09/17/03 12/17/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance 0.638 4.35 NA 1.64 NA MS/CM Temperature NA NA NA NA NA DEG C Turbidity NA NA NA NA NA NTU Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U UG/L 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 N111172730.0000010B1P ROGRAME DMs.mde Printed.2/23/2012 10:30:01 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEENRO5/01/03e ANDA02/19/1201 AND MATRIX]=MVO'AND(ISACODEJ•'N'OR ISACODEj='FD') Page 37 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID MW-03_121703 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03VION MW-03V15N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12/17/03 07/23/04 05/31/05 12/20/05 08/14/06 Parameter Units Volatiles Acetone UGIL 120 J NA NA NA NA Benzene UGIL 10 U NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UGIL 2 U NA NA NA NA Bromoform UG/L 8 U NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UG/L 10 U NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UGIL 38 J NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide 0 U NA NA NA NA UGIL Carbon Tetrachloride 4 U NA NA NA NA UGIL Chlorobenzene UGIL 0 U NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UG/L 10 U NA NA NA NA Chloroform UG/L 10 U NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UGIL 10 U NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 0 U 68 J 83 2.0 J 51 Dibromochloromethane UG/L 10 U NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UGIL 10 U NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L 4 U NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L 4 U NA NA NA NA ms-1,2-Dichloroethene UGIL 0 U NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L 10 U NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L 2 U NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L 10 U NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L 10 U NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UG/L g U NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the POI_at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect.R-Rejected result Advanced Selection SVI Tab 2 2012 N:11172730.00000/0B\PROGRAM\EDMS mde Printed.2/23/2012 10.30.01 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL IILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#ANDN02/19/12N)AND[MATRIX)='WG'AND(ISACOOEI:'N'OR ISACODEI='En) Page 38 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID MW-03_121703 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03VION MW-03V15N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12/17/03 07/23104 05/31/05 12/20/05 08/14/06 Parameter Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone 10 U NA NA NA NA UG/L 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L 10 U NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UG/L 6 U NA NA NA NA Styrene UG/L 10 U NA NA NA NA 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L 2 U NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L 4.6 NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L 10 U NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L 6 U NA NA NA NA Trichloroethene UG/L 2 U NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 150 4,900 J 2.0 J 10 U 10 U Toluene UG/L 10 U NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride UG/L 10 U NA NA NA NA Xylene(total) UG/L 10 U NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 160 3,900 14 1.0 J 0.8 J Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L 250 U NA 500 U NA NA Ethene UG/L 250 U NA 500 U NA NA Methane UG/L 4,900 2,700 6,300 10,000 7,400 Total Metals Iron UG/L 164,000 NA NA NA NA Dissolved Metals Iron UG/L 176,000 NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selectiorr Svl Tab 2 2012 N./11172730.000001DB'PROGRAM/EDMS.and Printed'.2/23/2012 10:30 01 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE)BETWEEN X05/01/03*AND/102/19/12,1AN)[MATRIX)•'WG'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR)SACODE)='Fe) Page 39 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID MW-03_121703 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03VION MW-03V15N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12/17/03 07/23/04 05/31/05 12/20/05 08/14/06 Parameter Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L 192 71.7 NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQ/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L 1.2 NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L 4.0 NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Nitrate MG/L 0.1 U NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L 0.1 U NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 5.0U 5.0U 5.OU 5.0U 5.0U Sulfide MG/L NA 1.0 U NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L 30.0 NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L 134 NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L 0.25 0.397 NA NA NA TPH MG/L 5.21 U NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0.35 1.05 1.24 0 U 5.36 Ferrous Iron NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Ferric Iron(calculated) NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Oxidation-Reduction Potential -59 -143 -133 -151 -123 mV PH S.U. NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection-SVI Tab 2 2012 N\11112730.00000IDBIPROGRAMIE DMA.mtle Printed 2/23/2012 10.30 01 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND#02/19/12#)AND(MATRIX)='WA'AND((SACCADE]='N'OR(SACODEI='FD') Page 40 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID MW-03_121703 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03VION MW-03V15N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12/17/03 07/23/04 05/31/05 12/20/05 08/14/06 Parameter Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 1.99 2.40 3.19 1.20 0.946 Temperature DEG C NA NA NA NA NA Turbidity NTU NA NA NA NA NA Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-1238) UG/L 0 U NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L 0 U NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L 0 U NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 N:\11172730 00000\DBIPROGRAM\EDMS.mde Printed:2/23/2012 10:30'.01 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ((LOGOATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND NO2/19/12N)AND(MATRIX)=WG'AND(ISACOOEI='N'OR[SACODEI='FD') Page 41 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 1 MW-03 Sample ID 20070207MW-03V1ON 20070731 MW-03V1ON 20080228MW03V10N 20080812MW03V10FD 20080812MW03V1ON Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater • Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/07/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 08/12/08 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Benzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloromethane U G/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UGIL 39 54 13 J 10 10 Dibromochloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA U G/L 1,1-Dichloroethene U G/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene 1, UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect,R-Rejected result Advanced selection.Sal Tab 2 2012 11 111172730.00000\0B\P ROGRAMtE DM5 mde Printed:2/23/2012 10'.30'01 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN e05/01/0311 AND e02/19/12N)AND[MATRIX]='WG'AND I ISACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI='ED') Page 42 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID 20070207MW-03V1ON 20070731MW-03V1ON 20080228MW03V10N 20080812MW03V10FD 20080812MW03V10N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/07/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 08/12/08 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Methylene Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Styrene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 10 2.0 J 0.5 J 10 U 10 U Toluene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Vinyl Chloride NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Xylene(total) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UGIL 48 7.0 J 4.0 J 1.0 J 1.0 J Dissolved Gases Ethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Ethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methane 15,000 4,500 18,000 10,000 8.400 UG/L Total Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Dissolved Metals Iron UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N.01172730 00000,0FAPROGRAMTDMS.mde Printed.2/23/2012 10 3001 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ([LOGDATE]BETWEEN#05/01/03O AND#02/19/12#)AND(MATRIX]=WO'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR[SACODEI='FD'I Page 43 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID 20070207MW-03V1ON 20070731 MW-03V1ON 20080228MW03V1ON 20080812MW03V10FD 20080812MW03V10N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/07/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 08/12/08 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes NA NA NA NA NA CEQ/mL Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrite MGIL NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 7.80 38.4 14.1 30.0 28.1 Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Ferrous Iron(field) NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 2.44 0.22 2.94 NA 0 U Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential -116 79.7 -123.0 NA -149 mV pH S.U. NA 6.15 6.15 NA 6.36 Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2912 5.11172730 00000,1313,PROGRAWEDMS.mde Printed.2/23/2012 10:30.01 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ([LOGDATEI BETWEEN N05/01103M AND M02/19/1210t AND[MATRIX'='WG AND(ISACODE'='N'OR ISACODEI='FD') Page 44 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID 20070207MW-03V1ON 20070731MW-03V1ON 20080228MW03V10N 20080812MW03V10FD 20080812MW03V10N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/07/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 08/12/08 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 0.91 1.309 1.36 NA 1.69 Temperature DEG C NA NA 11.6 NA 17.8 Turbidity NTU NA NA 41 NA 2 Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVi Tab 2 2012 N:\11172730.000001DB1PROGRAMIE DMS.mde Printed:2/23/2012 10:30:01 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGOATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND#02/19/12O)AND(MATRIX)=WG'AND(ISACODE)='N'OR ISACODEt='FD') Page 45 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID 20090218MW-03V1ON 20091013MW- 20091013MW-03V1ON 20100226MW-03V09N 20100624MW-03V09N 03V1OFD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02118/09 10/13/09 10/13/09 02/26/10 06/24/10 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Benzene U G/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride U G/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloromethane U G/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UGIL 38 20 19 17 J 26 Dibromochloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection SVI Tab 2 2012 N'.\11172]30 00000\DBIPROGRAM\EOMs mde Detection Limits shown are PQL Printed= '.OR2/[SACOOEI3/2012 10 =0.02AM ((LOGDATEj BETWEEN pO5i01103#AND tt02119/12pj AND(MATRIX)='WG'AND((SACODEI='N' tSACOOEj='FD') Page 46 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID 20090218MW-03V1ON 20091013MW- 20091013MW-03V1ON 20100226MW-03V09N 20100624MW-03V09N 03V1OFD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - Date Sampled 02/18/09 10/13/09 10/13/09 02/26/10 06/24/10 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Methylene Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Styrene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 5.0 J 0.92 J 0.82 J 1 UJ 1 U Toluene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Vinyl Chloride NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Xylene(total) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 40 2.1 1.9 1 U 0.5 J Dissolved Gases Ethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Ethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methane UG/L 13,000 5,300 4,800 13,000 6,000 Total Metals Iron UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Dissolved Metals Iron UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced selection SAl Tab 2 2012 N111172730 00000\DB\PROGRAM\EDMS.mete Printed 2/23/2012 10:30:02 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN NO5/O1/03N ANDN0219I12N)AND[MATRIX]='WG'AND([SACODE]='N'OR[SACODE]='FO') Page 47 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID 20090218MW-03V10N 20091013MW- 20091013MW-03V10N 20100226MW-03V09N 20100624MW-03V09N 03V1OFD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/18/09 10/13/09 10/13/09 02/26/10 06/24/10 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQ/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 50.7 J 4.6 J 8.7 11.6 15.8 Sulfide NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Total Organic Carbon NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride NA NA NA NA NA MG/L TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0 U NA 0.00 0.00 0.85 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Oxidation-Reduction Potential -185 NA -103 -138 -170 mV pH S 6.06 NA 5.87 6.32 9.28 Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 N'.\11172730 000001D8\PROGRAM\E DMS.mAe Printed 2123/2012 10:30:02 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEJ BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND#02/19/12/41 AND[MATRIX]='WG'AND(ISACODEJ= N'OR ISACODE]='AD'I Page 48 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 Sample ID 20090218MW-03V1ON 20091013MW- 20091013MW-03V1ON 20100226MW-03V09N 20100624MW-03V09N 03V10FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/18/09 10/13/09 10/13/09 02/26/10 06/24/10 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 2.08 NA 1.85 3.39 1.50 Temperature DEG C 12.87 NA 18.68 8.95 16.51 Turbidity 5 NA 8.7 94 5.1 NTU Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:551 Tab 2 2012 N:\11172730..00000\DB\PROGRAMIE DMS.mde Printed:2/23201210:30 02 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE)BETWEEN N05/01/034 AND#02/19/1211)AND'MATRIX]=WG'ANO((SACODEI='N'OR ISACODEt='PD') Page 49 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-04 Sample ID 20101006MW-03V09N 20110406MW-03V09N 20110913MW03V09F0 20110913MWO3V09N MW04-5-20-03 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 10106/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 09/13/11 05/20/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UG/L NA NA NA NA 5.0 U Benzene UGIL NA NA NA NA 5.0 U Bromodichloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 1.0 U Bromoform UGIL NA NA NA NA 4.0 U Bromomethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 5.0 U Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA R Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA 5.0 U Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA 2.0 U Chlorobenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA 5.0 U Chloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA 5.0 U Chloroform NA NA NA NA 5.0 U UG/L Chloromethane NA NA NA NA 5.0 U UGIL Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 4.6 110 J 69 82 0 U Dibromochloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 5.0 U 1,1-Dichloroethane NA NA NA NA 5.0 U U G/L 1,2-Dichloroethane NA NA NA NA 2.0 U UG/L 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/LNA NA NA NA 2.0 U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene NA NA NA NA 5.0 U UG/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA 5.0 U 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L NA NA NA NA 1.0 U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA 5.0 U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA 5.0 U Ethylbenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA 4.0 U Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SNP Tae 2 2012 N\t 1172730.0000O\DB\PROGRAM\E DMS.mae Printed:2/23/2012 10.30.02 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ([LOGOATE[BETWEEN#05/01/03e ANDeo2/19/12e)AND[MATRIX[=ANG AND 1[SACODE[='N'OR[SACODE[='FD') Page 50 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-04 Sample ID 20101006MW-03V09N 20110406MW-03V09N 20110913MW03V09FD 20110913MW03V09N MW04-5-20-03 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 10/06/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 09/13/11 05/20/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UG/L NA NA NA NA 5.0 U 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L NA NA NA NA 5.0 U Methylene Chloride NA NA NA NA 3.0 U UG/L Styrene NA NA NA NA 5.0 U UG/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 1.0 U Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA 1.0 U 1,1,1-Trichloroethane NA NA NA NA 5.0 U UG/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 3.0 U Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA 1.0 U 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UGIL 1 U 32 4.2 5.4 5.0 U Toluene UG/L NA NA NA NA 5.0 U Vinyl Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA 5.0 U Xylene(total) UG/L NA NA NA NA 5.0 U 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 1 U 99 J 8.3 9.4 5.0 U Dissolved Gases Ethane NA NA NA NA 25 U UG/L Ethene NA NA NA NA 25 U UG/L Methane 7,400 18,000 12,000 15,000 380 UGIL Total Metals Iron NA NA 35,300 35,700 18,400 UG/L Dissolved Metals Iron NA NA NA NA 18,500 UGIL Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect:R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N I1172730.000001D01PROGRAMIEDMS.mde Printed.2/23/2012 10:30:02 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN k05/01/03N AND#02/19/1.)AND[MATRIX]-'WO'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR ISACOOE)='FD I Page 51 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-04 Sample ID 20101006MW-03V09N 20110406MW-03V09N 20110913MWO3V09FD 20110913MWO3V09N MW04-5-20-03 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 10/06/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 09/13/11 05/20/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA 596 596 NA Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA 238 Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEO/mL NA NA 1,820 3,780 NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA 520 510 NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA 1.6 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA 6.2 Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA 0.1 U Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MGIL NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 5.1 J 34.0 19 18.2 5.0 U Sulfide NA NA NA NA NA MCI Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA 27.1 26.7 NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/ NA NA NA NA 17.6 Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA 0.76 Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA 0.27 TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA 5U Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0 0.00 NA 0.00 0.54 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA 29.8 29.8 NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA 5.5 5.9 NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential -116 -115 NA -124 -115 my pH S.U. 6.73 6.38 NA 6.85 NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N1,11172730.000000B',PROGRAM\E DMs.mde Detection Limits shown are PQL Printed 2123/201210'30102 FO') ((LOGDATE(BETWEEN p05lOt/03p AND pOZ19112N)AND[MATRIX)='WG'AND((SACODE(='N'OR�SACODE(='FD') Page 52 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-03 MW-04 Sample ID 20101006MW-03V09N 20110406MW-03V09N 20110913MW03V09FD 20110913MW03V09N MW04-5-20-03 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 10/06/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 09/13/11 05/20/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 1.68 1.55 NA 1.99 1.61 Temperature DEG C 20.19 11.90 NA 20.7 NA Turbidity NTU 6.3 3.6 NA 21.8 NA Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L NA NA NA NA 0 U 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA 0 U 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) NA NA NA NA 0 U UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection'.sw Tab 2 2012 1011172730.00000/DB1PROGRAMIE DMS.mae Printed'.2/23/2012 10:30:02 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01103#AND#02/19/129)AND[MATRIX]=WO'AND(ISACODE]='N'OR ISACODE]='FD') Page 53 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID MW-04_121703 Dup1 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04VION Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12117/03 07/22/04 07/22/04 05/31/05 12/20/05 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UGIL 5.0 U NA NA NA NA Benzene UGIL 5.0 U NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UG/L 1.0 U NA NA NA NA Bromoform UG/L 4.0 U NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UG/L 5.0 U NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L R NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UG/L 5.0 U NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L 2.0 U NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UGIL 5.0 U NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UGIL 5.0 U NA NA NA NA Chloroform UGIL 5.0 U NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UGIL 5.0 U NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L O U 10 U 10 U 1 0 J 10 U Dibromochloromethane UG/L 5.0 U NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L 5.0 U NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L 2.0 U NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L 2.0 U NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L 5.0 U NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L 5.0 U NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L 1.0 U NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L 5.0 U NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L 5.0 U NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UG/L 4,0 U NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result . Advanced Seeccon'.SVI Tab 2 2012 N:\11172730000001D01PROGRAMIEDMS mde Printed'.2/23/2012 10:30'.02 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ILOGDATEt BETWEEN#05/01/030ANO#02/19/12N)AND[MATRIX]•WC'AND(ISACODE)•'N'OR ISACODEI='FD') Page 54 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID MW-04 121703 Dup1 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04VION Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - Date Sampled 12/17/03 07/22/04 07/22/04 05/31/05 12/20/05 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UGIL 5.0 U NA NA NA NA 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UGIL 5.0 U NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UG/L 3.0 U NA NA NA NA Styrene UG/L 5.0 U NA NA NA NA 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L 1.0 U NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L 1.0 U NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L 5.0 U NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L 3.0 U NA NA NA NA Trichloroethene UG/L 1.0 U NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 5.0 U 10 UJ 0%J 10 U 10 U Toluene UG/L 5.0 U NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride UG/L 5.0 U NA NA NA NA Xylene(total) UG/L 5.0 U NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 5.0 U 10 U 10 U 10 U 10 U Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L 5.0 U NA NA 10 U NA Ethene UGIL 5.0 U NA NA 10 U NA Methane 35 69 97 190 400 UG/L Total Metals Iron 3,640 NA NA NA NA 1 — Dissolved Metals Iron 3,760 NA NA NA NA UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the POI_at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.sw Tab 2 2012 N:\11172730.00000\DB\PROGRAM\E DMS.mde Printed 2/23/2012 10'.30'.02 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL IlLOGDATEI BETWEENNOs/01/03N AND 02/19/12e)AND(MATRIX)='WG'AND(ISACODEI•'N'OR ISACODEI='FD') Page 55 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID MW-04_121703 Dup1 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04VION Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12117/03 07/22/04 07/22/04 05/31/05 12/20/05 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MGIL 294 158 161 NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQ/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L 1.2 NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L 1.9 NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L 0.1 U NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Nitrite MGIL 0.1 U NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 9.40 10.8 10.8 14.2 6.66 Sulfide MGIL NA 1.0 U 1.0 U NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L 2.2 NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L 1.3 NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L 0.19 0.304 0.302 NA NA TPH MG/L 5.38 U NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MGL NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MGIL 0 U NA 0.82 0 U 0 U Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential 0 U NA -136 -126 -161 mV pH S.U. NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the POL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:Svl Tab 22012 N:\111 72730.000001DB3PROGRAM1EDMS.mde Printed.2/2/2012 10,3003 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGOATEI BETWEEN 005/01/03N AND NO2/19/12N)AND'MATRIX).WO AND(ISACODEI a'N'OR ISACOOEI='FD') Page 56 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID MW-04_121703 Dup1 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04VION Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12/17/03 07/22/04 07/22/04 05/31/05 12/20/05 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance 0.99 NA 1.05 1 85 1 47 MS/CM Temperature NA NA NA NA NA DEG C Turbidity NA NA NA NA NA NTU Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) 0 U NA NA NA NA UG/L 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) 0 U NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) 0 U NA NA NA NA UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced S.Mttion:SVI Tab 2 2012 1011172730.00000IDB1PROGRAMIEDMS.mde Primed:2/23/2012 10'.30:03 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (II-OGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03*AND 402/19/12#)ANO[MATRIX]•WG'AND((SACODE)•'N'OR ISACODEt•'PD Page 57 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID MW-04V15N 20070207MW-04V1ON 20070801MW-04V1ON 20080228MW04V10N 20080812MW04V08N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 08/14/06 02/07/07 08/01/07 02/28/08 08112/08 Parameter Units Volatiles Acetone UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Benzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Carbon Disulfide NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Chloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 0.7 J 0.6 J 10 U 1.0 J 10 U Dibromochloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,2-Dichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1-Dichloroethene NA NA NA NA NA UGIL cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L trans-1,3-Dichloropropene U G/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 22012 N.111172730 00000\OB\PROG RAM\E DMS.mde Printed.2/2312012 10.30 03 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND#02/19/12#)AND[MATRIX]='WG'ANDI ISACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI-'FD') Page 58 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID MW-04V15N 20070207MW-04V1ON 20070801MW-04V1ON 20080228MW04V10N 20080812MW04V08N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - Date Sampled 08/14/06 02/07/07 08/01/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 Parameter Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Styrene NA NA NA NA NA UGIL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Trichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 10 U 10 U 10 U 10 UJ 10 U Toluene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Xylene(total) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 10 U 10 U 10 U 10 U 10 U Dissolved Gases Ethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Ethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Methane UG/L 420 400 43 5.700 290 Total Metals Iron UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Dissolved Metals Iron UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 N-'/11172730 000001DB/PROGRAM/E DMS.mde Periled 2/23/2012 1030:03 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/030 AND#02/19/12#)AND[MATRIX]='WG'AND I(SACODE)='N'OR 15ACODEI='FD') Page 59 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID MW-04V15N 20070207MW-04V1ON 20070801MW-04V1ON 20080228MW04V10N 20080812MW04V08N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - Date Sampled 08/14/06 02/07/07 08/01/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 Parameter Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MGIL NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEO/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MGIL 5.0U 5.0 U 7.0 5U 5U Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 4.97 4.73 0.41 2.91 0 U Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential -154 -81 -79.2 136.0 -126 mV pH S.U. NA NA 6.59 6.45 6.65 Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the POL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection-501 Tab 2 2012 N:\11172730 00000\DB\PROGRAM\E DMS.mde Printed.2/23/2012 10-30.03 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ((LOGDATE(BETWEEN#05/01/03)AND k02/19/12R)AND(MATRIX(='WG'AND((SACODE)='N'OR(SACODE)='FD') Page 60 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID MW-04V15N 20070207MW-04V1ON 20070801MW-04V1ON 20080228MW04V10N 20080812MW04V08N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 08/14/06 02/07/07 08/01/07 02/28/08 08/12/08 Parameter Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 1 14 0.804 1.241 1.16 0.531 Temperature DEG C NA NA NA 9.19 21.3 Turbidity NTU NA NA NA 9 2 Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced selection:501 Tab 2 2012 N:\11172730.00000\DB\PROGRAM\EOMs mde Printed:223/2012 1113003 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ((LOGOATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03N AND#02/19/12R)AND(MATRIX)=WG'AND(ISACODE)='N'OR(SACODEI='FD') Page 61 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID 20090218MW- 20090218MW-04V08N 20091013MW-04V08N 20100225MW04V08FD 20100225MW-04V08N 04V08FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02118/09 02/18/09 10/13/09 02/25/10 02/25/10 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Benzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 1.0 J 1 0 J 15 6.6 J 77 J Dibromochloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PDL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 N.111172730.00000013,P ROGRAMIEDMS.nide Printed'.2/21201210:30'03 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ((LOGI/ATE]BETWEEN A05/01/03e AND/02/19/12/R AND[MATRIX]=WG'AND((SACODEI='N'OR ISACODEt='FO O Page 62 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID 20090218MW- 20090218MW-04V08N 20091013MW-04V08N 20100225MW04V08FD 20100225MW-04V08N 04VO8FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval (ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/18/09 02/18/09 10/13/09 02/25/10 02/25/10 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Styrene NA NA NA NA NA UGIL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UGIL 10 U 10 U 1 U 1 UJ 1 UJ Toluene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Xylene(total) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UGIL 10 U 10 U 1 U 1 U 1 U Dissolved Gases Ethane NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Ethene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Methane UG/L 1.600 1.600 3,100 5,200 5,100 Total Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA Dissolved Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the POI_at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced selection-svl Tab 22012 al-,1172730 00000VX,PROGRAWEDMS.mde Printed 2/2312012 10.3003 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (KC/GOATS)BEIWEesaosi01/03aANDe02/19112N)AND(MATRIX]=WG'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI='FD) Page 63 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID 20090218MW- 20090218MW-04V08N 20091013MW-04V08N 20100225MW04V08F0 20100225MW-04V08N 04V08FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02118/09 02/18/09 10/13/09 02/25/10 02/25/10 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQ/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 5 UJ 5 UJ 20.8 13 11.3 Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen • MGIL NA 0 U 0.00 NA 0.00 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential NA -158 -122 NA -124 mV PH S.U. NA 6.33 6.43 NA 6.50 Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N111172730.000001DB'PR0GRAMIE DMSv rade Printed:2/23/2012 1030:03 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ((LC/GOATS)BETWEEN 405/01/03SAN0a02/19/12a)AND[MATRIX)•'WG'AND(ISACODE)•'N'OR ISACODEI•'FO) Page 64 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID 20090218MW- 20090218MW-04V08N 20091013MW-04V08N 20100225MW04V08FD 20100225MW-04V08N 04V08FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - Date Sampled 02/18/09 02/18/09 10/13/09 02/25/10 02/25/10 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM NA 1.75 1.83 NA 2.14 Temperature DEG C NA 9.36 19.37 NA 8.34 Turbidity NTU NA 4 4.6 NA 1.5 Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Seleab,Sw Tae 2 2012 N.111172730.000001DB1PROGRAM,E DMS.mde Printed.223/2012 10.30 s4 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND a02/19/12a)ANO(MATRIX)-WO AND(ISACODE)='N'OR[SACODE]='FD) Page 65 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID 20100624MW-04V08N 20101006MW-04V08N 20110406MW- 20110406MW-04V08N 20110913MWO4V08N 04V08FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 06/24/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 04/06/11 09/13/11 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Benzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Bromomethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UGIL 12 2.8 5 J 4.3 J 1 2 Dibromochloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene NA NA NA NA NA UGL cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1 2-Dichloropropane NA NA NA NA NA UGIL cis-1,3-Dichloropropene NA NA NA NA NA UGIL trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection Set Tab 2 2012 N 111172730 000000E1 W ROGRAM`/E DMS rule Printed 223/2012 10'30 00 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN 405/01034 AND 402/19/124)ANO/MATRIX]='WG'AND(tSACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI-'FD') Page 66 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID 20100624MW-04V08N 20101006MW-04V08N 20110406MW- 20110406MW-04V08N 20110913MWO4V08N 04V08FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 06/24/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 04/06/11 09/13/11 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Styrene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U Toluene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Xylene(total) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 1 U 1 U 1 UJ 1 UJ 1 U Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methane 4,000 2,400 4,200 4,300 1,700 UG/L Total Metals Iron UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dissolved Metals Iron UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection'.Svi Tab 22012 N 111172730.000001D81PROGRAMIEDMS.mde Printed 2/23,2012 10130:04 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN P05/01/034 AND#02/19/120i AND[MATRIX)=WG AND((SACODEI='N'OR[SACODEt='FD') Page 67 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID 20100624MW-04V08N 20101006MW-04V08N 20110406MW- 20110406MW-04V08N 20110913MWO4V08N 04V08FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 06/24/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 04/06/11 09/13/11 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEO/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 18.4 5.5 J 26.6 22.3 16.7 Sulfide MGL NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0.80 0 NA 0 00 0.00 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA 14.3 Ferric Iron(calculated) MGL NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential -146 -96 NA -78 -126 mV PH S.U. 8.99 6.86 NA 6.40 6.83 Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the Pal_at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect,R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N-111172230.000w\DB\PROGRAM1E OMs.mde Printed-2/2SACO E1 30.04 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#OB/01I03p AND#02/19/12k)ANO/MATRIX/='WG'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR ISACOD ='FD') Page 68 of 108 TABLE 2 . FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 MW-04 Sample ID 20100624MW-04V08N 20101006MW-04V08N 20110406MW- 20110406MW-04V08N 20110913MW04V08N 04V08FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 06/24/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 04/06/11 09/13/11 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 1.84 1.48 NA 2.19 2.29 Temperature DEG C 18.45 21.38 NA 12.86 22.5 Turbidity NTU 1.9 3.7 NA 0.0 0.2 Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-1238) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 N.1111 7 2730 000001DB\PROGRAM1E0M5.mde Printed:2/23/2012 10:30:04 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ILOGOATE]BETWEEN a05/01/030 AND#02/19/12/0 AND[MATRIX]=WO'AND(tSACODE)='N'OR ISACODE]='FD') Page 69 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-05 MW-05 MW-05 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID MW05_52103 MW-05-121803 MW-05 MWO6-6-10-03 MW06-7_22_03 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 05/21/03 12/18/03 07/23/04 06/10/03 07/22/03 Parameter Units Volatiles Acetone UGIL 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U Benzene UGIL 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U Bromodichloromethane UGIL 1.0 U 1 0 U NA 2 U 1.0 U Bromoform UGIL 4.0 U 4.0 U NA 8 U 4.0 U Bromomethane UGIL 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UGIL R R NA R R Carbon Disulfide UG/L 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U Carbon Tetrachloride UGIL 2 0 U 2.0 U NA 4 U 2.0 U Chlorobenzene UGIL 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U Chloroethane UGIL 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U Chloroform UGIL 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U Chloromethane UGIL 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) U G/L 0 U 0 U 10 U O U 5 7 NJ Dibromochloromethane UGIL 5 0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U 1,1-Dichloroethane UGIL 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L 2.0 U 2.0 U NA 4 U 2.0 U 1,1-Dichloroethene UGIL 20 U 2.0 U NA 4 U 1 2 J cis-1.2-Dichloroethene 5 0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 1 7 J UGIL trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UGIL 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L 1.0 U 1.0 U NA 2 U 1.0 U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene U G/L 50 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U Ethylbenzene UG/L 4.0 U 4.0 U NA 8 U 4.0 U Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selecmn SVI Tab 2 2012 N:A 1172730 000000B\PROGRAM\E DM s.ode Printed 2123/2012 10:30 04 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN N05/01/03N ANDk02/19/12RIAND[MATRIX)='WG'ANDI ISACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI='FD') Page 70 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-05 MW-05 MW-05 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID MW05_52103 MW-05-121803 MW-05 MW06-6-10-03 MW06-722_03 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval (ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 05/21/03 12/18/03 07/23/04 06/10/03 07/22/03 Parameter Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UG/L 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5 0 U 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UGIL 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U Methylene Chloride UGIL 3.0 U 3.0 U NA 6 U 3.0 U Styrene 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U UG/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UGIL 1.0 U 1.0 U NA 2 U 1.0 U Tetrachloroethene U G/L 0.4 J 1.0 U NA 2 U 1 0 U 1,1.1-Trichloroethane UGIL 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L 3.0 U 3.0 U NA 6 U 3.0 U Trichloroethene UG/L 1.0 U 1.0 U NA 2 U 1.0 U 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 5.0 U 5.0 U 0.5 J 220 180 Toluene UG/L 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U Vinyl Chloride UG/L 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 1.2 J Xylene(total) 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 10 U 5.0 U UG/L 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 5.0 U 5 0 U 10 U 8.8 J 9 5 Dissolved Gases Ethane 5 0 ll 5.0 U NA 5.0 U 5 U UG/L Ethene 5 0 L1 5.0 U NA 5.0 U 5 U UG/L Methane UGIL 27 6.7 47 49 81 Total Metals Iron 15,500 UG/L 2110NA 14,400 10,500 Dissolved Metals Iron 1,670 39.7 U NA 14,300 10,300 UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. 8-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N'\11172730.00000\OB\PROGRAM\EDMS mAe Printed 2/23/201210:30-.04 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (jLOGOATEI BETWEEN e05/01/03A AM)a02/19/12N)AND[MATRIX!=WG'AND([SACODEt='N'OR ISACODEI=TO'I Page 71 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-05 MW-05 MW-05 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID MW05_52103 MW-05-121803 MW-05 MW06-6-10-03 MW06-7_22_03 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater • Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 05121/03 12/18/03 07/23/04 06/10/03 07/22/03 Parameter Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L 49.8 27.5 63.9 184 82.3 Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQ/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L 0.25 0.1 U NA 0.19 0.33 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L 3.6 0.61 NA 0.72 1.1 Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L 0.22 0.18 NA 0.33 0.1 U Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L 0.1 U 0.1 U NA 0.1 U 0.1 U Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 50.1 61.4 42.3 32.0 30.5 Sulfide MG/L NA NA 1.0 U NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L 1.7 0.07 NA 14 3 8.6 Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L 0.43 15.4 NA 0.12 1.9 Fluoride MG/L 0 U 0.12 0.103 0.46 0.56 TPH MG/L 5U 5U NA 5U 5U Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0.37 0 U 0.97 0.93 1.07 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential 26 121 46 -145 -155 mV PH S.U. NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection-Sw Tab 2 2012 N:\11172730.000001DBPROGRAMIEDMS.ode Pnnled',2/2312012 10:30:04 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (IL0GDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/034 AND 402/191126)AND(MATRIX)•WG'AND(ISACODEI•'N'OR ISACODEI='FD') Page 72 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location IDMW-05 MW-05 MW-05 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID MW05_52103 MW-05-121803 MW-05 MW06-6-10-03 MW06-7_22_03 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 05/21/03 12/18/03 07/23/04 06/10/03 07/22/03 Parameter Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 0.426 0.629 0.463 0.741 0.866 Temperature NA NA NA NA NA DEG C Turbidity NA NA NA NA NA NTU Tentatively Identified Compound - 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-1236) UG/L 0 U 0 U NA 0 U 0 U 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) 0 U 0 U NA 0 U 0 U UG/L 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L 0 U 0 U NA 0 U 0 U Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVi Tan 2 2012 14111172730 00000108IPROGRAM\EDMS.mde Printed 2/2 31201 2 10:30.00 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND#02/19/12#)AND MATRIX!=WO'AND(ISACODEt`'N'OR(SACODEt='ED') Page 73 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID MW06-091803 MW-06_121703 MW-06 Field-Dup MW-06 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 09/18/03 12/17/03 07/23/04 05/31/05 05/31/05 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA Benzene UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UG/L 1.0 U 2 U NA NA NA Bromoform UG/L 4.0 U 8 U NA NA NA Bromomethane UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UGIL R R NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UGIL 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L 2.0 U 4 U NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA Chloroethane UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA Chloroform UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA Chloromethane UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UGIL 0 U 0 U 5 J 6.0 J 5.0 J Dibromochloromethane UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L 2.0 U 4 U NA NA NA 1.1-Dichloroethene UG/L 20 U 4 U NA NA NA ms-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L 1.4 J 1.3 J NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L 1.0 U 2 U NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L 5 0 U 10 U NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UG/L 4.0 U 8 U NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection Sal Tab 2 2012 N-.\11172730.00000\DBIPROGRAMIE DM8.rnde Printed:2/23/2012 10.3004 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL IILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/0311 AND//02/19/12M)AND[MATRIX(=WC'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR ISAc00E1='FD') Page 74 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID MW06-091803 MW-06_121703 MW-06 Field-Dup MW-06 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 09/18/03 12/17/03 07/23/04 05/31/05 05/31/05 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UG/L 3.0 U 6 U NA NA NA Styrene UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UGIL 1.0 U 2 U NA NA NA Tetrachloroethane UG/L 1.0 U 2 U NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L 3.0 U 6 U NA NA NA Trichloroethene UG/L 1.0 U 2 U NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 97 250 140 J 1.0 J 1.0 J Toluene UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA Xylene(total) UG/L 5.0 U 10 U NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 8.6 14 23 16 14 Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L 5.0 U 5.0 U NA 250 U 250 U Ethane UG/L 5.0 U 5 0 U NA 250 U 250 U Methane UG/L 99 78 40 3,600 3,300 Total Metals Iron UG/L 8,370 J 7,690 NA NA NA Dissolved Metals Iron UG/L 8,470 J 7,670 NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Seleclbn:svi Tab 22012 N:111172730.000001DBPROGRAMIE DMS.n,de Pnnled'.223/2012 10:30:05 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN$005/01/030 AND e02/19/12e)AND)MATRIX/•WG.AND(ISACODE)•'N'OR ISACODE)•'FD') Page 75 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID MW06-091803 MW-06_121703 MW-06 Field-Dup MW-06 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 09/18/03 12/17/03 07/23/04 05/31/05 05/31/05 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L 74.6 84.0 60.5 NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEO/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L 0.31 0.36 NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 0.88 0.79 NA NA NA MG/L Nitrogen, Nitrate MG/L 0.1 U 0.1 UJ NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L 0.1 U 0.1 UJ NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 39.2 39.1 33.5 5.0 U 5.0 U Sulfide MG/L NA NA 1.0 U NA NA Total Organic Carbon NA NA NA NA NA MG/L Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L 6.0 8.7 NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L 8.4 1.0 U NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L 0.37 0.42 0.467 NA NA TPH NA 5.26 U NA NA NA MG/L Oil&Grease MG/L 5 U NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L O U O U 1.04 NA O U Ferrous Iron MGIL NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential -143 -110 -64 NA -140 mV pH S.U. NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection SVl Tab 22012 N/11172730 00000IDO/PROGRAM/EDMS.mde Detection Limits shown are PQL Printed:2/23/2012 10.30=05 AM (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03p AND#OZ19Ii 2#)AND[MATRIX]='WG'AND(ISACODE�='N''OR[SAODE�='ED') Page 76 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID MW06-091803 MW-06_121703 MW-06 Field-Dup MW-06 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 09/18/03 12/17/03 07/23/04 05/31/05 05/31/05 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance 0.581 0.602 0.513 NA 1.13 MS/CM Temperature NA NA NA NA NA DEG C Turbidity NTU NA NA NA NA NA Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-1238) UG/L 0 U 0 U NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L O U O U NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L 0 U 0 U NA NA NA • Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced selection.svi Tab 2 2012 N111172730.00000\DBIPROGRAMIEDMS.mde Printed:2/23/2012 10:30:05 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGOATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND#02/19/1211)AND[MATRIX]=WS'AND(ISACOOE)='N'OR ISACODEt='F0) Page 77 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID MW-06V15FD MW-06V15N MW-06V15FD MW-06V15N 20070207MW- 06V15FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12/20/05 12/20/05 08/15/06 08/15/06 02/07/07 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Benzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 6.0 J 6.0 J 10 U 10 U 100 Dibromochloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced sekci,on SVP Tao 2 2012 N:\11172730.00000,0B1PROGRAMIEDM S mde Primed'.203/2012 10 30.05 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE)BETWEEN 005/01/0371 AND X02/19/120)AND IMATRIOI=WG'ANO(ISACODEI='N'OR ISAGODEI='FD') Page 78 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID MW-06V15FD MW-06V15N MW-06V15FD MW-06V15N 20070207MW- 06V15FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12/20/05 12/20/05 08/15/06 08/15/06 02/07/07 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Styrene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Trichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 10 U 10 U 10 U 10 U 3.0 J Toluene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Xylene(total) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UGIL 10 UJ 10 UJ 10 U 10 U 8.0 J Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Methane UG/L 6,700 5,600 1,600 1,700 12,000 Total Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Dissolved Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced selection.SW Tab 22012 N.111172730 0000010111W ROGRAMIE DMS.Inde Printed.223/2012 10.30.06 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE)BETWEEN x05101/036 AND#02119112x1 AND[MATRIX)='WG'AND I ISACODEI•'N'OR ISACODEI='Fe) Page 79 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID MW-06V15FD MW-06V15N MW-06V15FD MW-06V15N 20070207MW- 06V15FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12120/05 12/20/05 08/15/06 08/15/06 02/07/07 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes NA NA NA NA NA CEQ/mL Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U 7.40 Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L NA 0 U NA 6.83 NA Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential NA -140 NA 87 NA mV PH S.U. NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 1011172730.000001OB'P ROGRAMMEDMS,nde Printed.21212012 10:30.08 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL itLOGDATEI BETWEEN NOS/01/03M ANDM02/19/12M)AND[MATRIX]='WG'AND i ISACODEI•'N'OR[SACODEt='FD) Page 80 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID MW-06V15FD MW-06V15N MW-06V15FD MW-06V15N 20070207MW- 06V15FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12/20/05 12/20/05 08/15/06 08/15/06 02/07/07 • Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance NA 1.29 NA 0.033 NA MS/CM Temperature NA NA NA NA NA DEG C Turbidity NTU NA NA NA NA NA Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 N:111172730.000001DB'PROGRAMIEDMS.m W Printed:2/23/2012 10130:06 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/011036 AND#02/19112#)AND[MATRIX(=WG'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI<'FD) Page 81 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID 20070207MW-06V15N 20070731 MW- 20070731 MW-06V15N 20080228MW06V15FD 20080228MW06V15N 06V15FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02107/07 07/31/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 02/28/08 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Benzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 00 18 21 8.0 J 8 0 J Dibromochloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed tJ-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N:\1117273000000\DB\PROGRAM\EDMS mde Printed'.2/23/2012 10:3006 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE)BETWEEN NOS/01/03W AND 002/19/12N)AND[MATRIX]='WG'AND(ISACODE)='N'OR ISACODEI='FD') Page 82 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID 20070207MW-06V15N 20070731MW- 20070731MW-06V15N 20080228MW06V15FD 20080228MW06V15N 06V15FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/07/07 07/31/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 02/28/08 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Styrene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1.1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 3.0 J 10 U 10 U 10 UJ 10 U Toluene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Xylene(total) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 8.0 J 0.5 J 0.6 J 10 U 10 U Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methane UG/L 13,000 3,800 2,500 12,000 14,000 Total Metals Iron UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dissolved Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the POI_at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect,R-Rejected result Advanced Selection SVI Tab 2 2012 N111112730 mde Printed 2/23,201210:30:06 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGOATE)BETWEEN#05/01/030 AND#02/19/12e)AND(MATRIX)=WG'AND(ISACODE)='N'OR(SACODE)='FD') Page 83 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID 20070207MW-06V15N 20070731MW- 20070731MW-06V15N 20080228MWO6V15FD 20080228MW06V15N 06V15FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - Date Sampled 02/07/07 07/31/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 02/28/08 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEO/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen, Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MGIL NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 7.00 41.8 44.2 5 U 5 U Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MGIL NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 1.05 NA 0.31 NA 2.61 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential -136 NA -99.7 NA -122.0 mV pH S.U. NA NA 6.38 NA 6.24 Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:8vi Tab 2 2012 N:111172730.000001DB1PROGRAM1E DMS.mde Printed'.2/2312012 10:3008 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE)BETWEEN et/5/01/03d ANDN02/19/12e)AND[MATRIX]•WG'AND(ISACODEI•'N'OR[SACODE)•TO') Page 84 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID 20070207MW-06V15N 20070731MW- 20070731MW-06V15N 20080228MW06V15FD 20080228MW06V15N 06V15FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 02/07/07 07/31/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 02/28/08 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Field Duplicate(1-1) Units • Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 0.79 NA 1.050 NA 1.21 Temperature NA NA NA NA 12.2 DEG C Turbidity NTU NA NA NA NA 9 Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PDL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.Sw Tab 2 2012 N'111172730.000001DBiPROGRAMIEDMS-mde Printed'2/23201210:3008 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL IILOGOATEI BETWEEN a05i01/03e AND#02/19/12e)AND[MATRIX]=WC'AND([00000E1 a'N'OR ISACODEI='FO) Page 85 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID 20080812MW06V13N 20090219MW-06V13N 20091013MW-06V13N 20100226MW-06V13N 20100624MW-06V13N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 08112/08 02/19/09 10/13/09 02/26/10 06/24/10 Parameter Units Volatiles Acetone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Benzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 4.0 J 34 6.4 35 J 68 J Dibromochloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 N:111172730.000001D81PROGRAMIEDMS mde Printed 2/2312012 10.3007 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE]BEIWEENe05/O1/034AND#02/19/12N)AND[MATRIX]•'WO'AND)ISACODEI•'N'OR ISACODEI•'P0) Page 86 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID 20080812MWO6V13N 20090219MW-06V13N 20091013MW-06V13N 20100226MW-06V13N 20100624MW-06V13N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 08/12/08 02/19/09 10/13/09 02/26/10 06/24/10 Parameter Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Styrene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Trichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 10 U 2.0 J t U 1 UJ 1 U Toluene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Xylene(total) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UGIL 10 U 35 1 U 3.6 0.57 J Dissolved Gases Ethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Ethene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Methane 12,000 9,000 7,300 13,000 9,400 UG/L Total Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Dissolved Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced selection.set Tae 2 2012 N 111172730.000001OBIPROGRAMIE0MS mde Printed 2/232012 1030 07 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05101/03#AND#02/19/12#)AND IMATRIXI='WG'AND(ISACOOEI='N'OR ISACODEt='FD') Page 87 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID 20080812MW06V13N 20090219MW-06V13N 20091013MW-06V13N 20100226MW-06V13N 20100624MW-06V13N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 08/12/08 02/19/09 10/13/09 02/26/10 06/24/10 Parameter Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes NA NA NA NA NA CEO/mL Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 17.8 57.0 J 2.8 J 31.2 52.3 Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0 U 0 U 0.00 0.00 0.73 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential -117 -132 -139 -140 -124 mV PH S.U. 6.37 6.30 6.57 6.46 8.81 Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection:SVI Tab 2 2012 N 111172730.000001DBNROGRAMIEDMSAMe Printed'.2/23/201210:30'.07 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN a05/01/03!AND#02/19/12/0 AND(MATRIX)='WG'AND(ISACODEI•'N'OR 15ACODEI•ID') Page 88 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 Sample ID 20080812MWO6V13N 20090219MW-06V13N 20091013MW-06V13N 20100226MW-06V13N 20100624MW-06V13N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - Date Sampled 08/12/08 02/19/09 10/13/09 02/26/10 06/24/10 Parameter Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 1.47 0.84 1.79 2.48 0.958 Temperature DEG C 17.0 13.23 17.80 11.80 17.79 Turbidity NTU 5 8 2.2 39 0.45 Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-1238) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced selection.svi Tab 22012 W111172730.00000 U381PROGRAM\ECIMS.mde Printed.2/232012 10:30:07 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE)BETWEEN 005151/030 AND e02/19I1211)AND[MATRIX]•WG'AND(ISACODE[•'N'OR tSACODEt='FD') Page 89 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-07 Sample ID 20101006MW- 20101006MW-06V13N 20110406MW-06V13N 20110913MWO6V13N MW07-6-10-03 06V13FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 10/06/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 06/10/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U Benzene UGIL NA NA NA NA 250 U Bromodichloromethane NA NA NA NA 50 U UGIL Bromoform UG/L NA NA NA NA 200 U Bromomethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA R Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA 100 U Chlorobenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U Chloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U Chloroform UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U Chloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 61 57 96 J 30 0 U Dibromochloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U 1,2-Dichloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA 100 U 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA 100 U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L NA NA NA NA 50 U cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL NA NA NA NA 250 U trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL NA NA NA NA 250 U Ethylbenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA 200 U Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. 8-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect R-Rejected result Advanced Selector,SW Tab 2 2012 N:111172730 000000BW ROGRAM\EDMS.mde Printed:2/2312012 10:30'.07 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ROGDATEI BE1WEEN005/01/03e AND 002/19/12e)AND[MATRIX]='WG AND(ISACODE)='N'OR(SACOOEI•'FD') Page 90 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-07 Sample ID 20101006MW- 20101006MW-06V13N 20110406MW-06V13N 20110913MWO6V13N MW07-6-10.03 06V13FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 10/06/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 06/10/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U Methylene Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA 150 U Styrene UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 50 U Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA 50 U 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 150 U Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA 50 U 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 1 U 1 U 33 1 U 5,400 Toluene UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U Vinyl Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U Xylene(total) UG/L NA NA NA NA 250 U 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 1 U 1 U 38 J 4.4 68 J Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 50 U Ethene UG/L NA NA NA NA 50 U Methane UG/L 8,300 8.800 7,900 1,800 740 Total Metals Iron NA NA NA 9,630 21,300 UG/L Dissolved Metals Iron NA NA NA NA 20,800 UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection SVI Tab 22012 N111172730 00000SDE,PROGRAMsEDMS.rnde Printed:2/23'2012 10:3007 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGOATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03#AND#02/19/12#)AND(MATRIX]=WG'AND(ISACODEI•'N'OR ISACOOEI•'PD'I Page 91 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-07 Sample ID 20101006MW- 20101006MW-06V13N 20110406MW-06V13N 20110913MWO6V13N MW07-6-10-03 06V13FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 10106/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 06/10/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA 388 NA Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA 140 Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQ/mL NA NA NA 353,000 J NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA 235 NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA 0.39 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA 1.2 Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA 0.1 U 0.1 U Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA 0.1 U Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 36.8 J 34.5 J 60.8 16.5 32.8 Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA 10.9 NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA NA 20.2 Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA 1 Fluoride MGIL NA NA NA NA 0.33 TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA 5U Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L NA 0 0.00 0.00 0.9 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA 7.4 NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MGIL NA NA NA 2.23 NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential mV NA -129 -68 -123 -130 pH S.U. NA 6.97 7.08 7.08 NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selea,n:SOP Tab 2 2012 N'111172730 00000\DB\PROGRAM\EOMS mde Printed:2123/201210:30:07 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (IIOGDATEI BETWEEN 005/01/030 AND 002119/120)AND(MATRIX)•WG AND(ISAC00EI•'N'OR ISACODEt''FG) Page 92 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-06 MW-07 Sample ID 20101006MW- 20101006MW-06V13N 20110406MW-06V13N 20110913MW06V13N MW07-6-10-03 06V13FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 10/06/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 06/10/03 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM NA 0.879 1.61 0.801 0.93 Temperature NA 18.25 12.46 22.4 NA DEG C Turbidity NTU NA 0 0.0 5.3 NA Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-1238) UG/L NA NA NA NA 0 U 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) NA NA NA NA 0 U UG/L 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) NA NA NA NA 0 U UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N:111172730.000001DBIPROGRAMIEDMS.mde Printed.2/23/2012 10:30:07 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEl BETWEEN NOS/01/030 AND 002/19/12N)AND[MATRIX'=WO'AND(ISACODEt•'N'OR ISACODE)='FO) Page 93 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 Sample ID MWO7 MW07-91703 MW-07_121703 MW-07 MW-07 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07123/03 09/17/03 12/17/03 07/22/04 05/31/05 Parameter Units Volatiles Acetone UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA Benzene UG/L 500 U 250 U 14 NA NA Bromodichloromethane UG/L 100 U 50 U 10 U NA NA Bromoform UG/L 400 U 200 U 40 U NA NA Bromomethane UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L R R R NA NA Carbon Disulfide UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UGIL 200 U 100 U 20 U NA NA Chlorobenzene UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA Chloroethane UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA Chloroform UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA Chloromethane UGIL 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 0 U 0 U 0 U 210 140 Dibromochloromethane UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L 200 U 100 U 20 U NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L 68 J 100 U 20 U NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L 100 U 50 U 10 U NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UGIL 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA Ethylbenzene UG/L 400 U 200 U 49 NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection SVI Tse 2 2012 N:111172730.000000B)P ROGRAM)E DMS.mde Printed 2232012 10.30.07 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE)BETWEEN MOB/01/03#AND#02119/12#)AND[MATRIX]='WG'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI='ED') Page 94 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 Sample ID MWO7 MW07-91703 MW-07_121703 MW-07 MW-07 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/23/03 09/17/03 12/17/03 07/22/04 05/31/05 Parameter Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA Methylene Chloride UG/L 300 U 150 U 30 U NA NA Styrene UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L 100 U 50 U 10 U NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L 100 U 50 U 10 U NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L 300 U 150 U 30 U NA NA Trichloroethene UG/L 100 U 50 U 10 U NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 8,500 6,100 370 110 J 10 U Toluene UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA Vinyl Chloride UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA Xylene(total) UG/L 500 U 250 U 50 U NA NA 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 130 J 130 J 940 50 2.0 J Dissolved Gases Ethane UGIL 50 U 50 U 120 U NA 250 U Ethene UG/L 50 U 50 U 120 U NA 250 U Methane UG/L 420 1.200 1,700 2,500 5,900 Total Metals Iron UG/L 21,200 32,700 J 38,900 NA NA Dissolved Metals Iron UG/L 20,800 32,500 J 38,900 NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tae 22012 N:\11172730.00000\DB\PROGRAM\EDMS.mde Printed 2/23/2012 10:30.07 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN 005/01/030 AND 1102/19/12#)AND MATRIX]=WG'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR(SACODE]='FD') Page 95 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 Sample ID MWO7 MW07-91703 MW-07_121703 MW-07 MW-07 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/23/03 09/17/03 12/17/03 07/22/04 05/31/05 Parameter Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L 168 300 J 328 303 NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQ/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L 0.6 0.66 0.99 NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L 1.8 2.1 2.8 NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA 0.1 U 0.1 U NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L NA 0.1 U 0.1 U NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L 0.1 UJ NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 31.0 23.6 5.0 U 5.0 U 5.0 U Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA 1.0 U NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L 19.8 33.8 19.5 NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L 1.4 14.1 19.4 NA NA Fluoride MG/L 0.25 0.24 0.19 0.190 NA TPH MG/L 5 U NA 5.26 U NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA 5.44 U NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0.1 0 U 3.33 0.88 0 U Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential -108 -118 -115 -153 -152 mV pH S.U. NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced SeIecboo-SVI Tab 2 2012 N\11172730.00000\DB\PROGRAM1EDMS mde Printed 2123/2012 10.30'08 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN N05/01/03a ANDNO2/19/12M)AND[MATRIX(=WG'AND([SACCADE]='N'OR ISACODEI='ED') Page 96 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 Sample ID MWO7 MW07-91703 MW-07_121703 MW-07 MW-07 Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 07/23/03 09/17/03 12/17/03 07/22/04 05/31/05 Parameter Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 1.11 1.44 1.94 1.69 1.75 Temperature DEG C NA NA NA NA NA Turbidity NTU NA NA NA NA NA Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-1238) UG/L 0 U 0 U 0 U NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L 0 U 0 U 0 U NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L 0 U 0 U 0 U NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the POI_at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced sekclon:SVI Tab 2 2012 N:\11172730.00000ibBiPROGRAMIEDMS.nv1e Printed'.223201210'.30:08 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL QLOGDATE]BETWEEN#05/01/030 AND 002/19/12#)AND[MATRIX]=WG'AND(ISACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI='FO') Page 97 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 Sample ID MW-07V15N MW-07V15N 20070207MW-07V15N 20070731MW-07V15N 20080228MW07V15N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12/20/05 08/14/06 02/07/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 Parameter Units Volatiles Acetone NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Benzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 47 97 89 82 92 Di bromochloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1.3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab22012 N:\11172730.000001DeIPROGRAMIE DMS.mde Potted.2232012 10:30'.08 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATE(BETWEEN 005/01/03#AND 1102/19/12e)AND[MATRIX)•WO'AND(ISACOOEI•'N'OR ISACODEI•'FO) Page 98 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 Sample ID MW-07V15N MW-07V15N 20070207MW-07V15N 20070731MW-07V15N 20080228MW07V15N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12/20/05 08/14/06 02/07/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 Parameter Units Volatiles 2-1iexanone NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Styrene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 10 U 10 U 10 U 6.0 J 10 UJ Toluene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Xylene(total) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UGIL 10 U 1.0 J 3.0 J 10 0.9 J Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methane 9,700 6,900 6,200 4,100 7,100 UG/L Total Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Dissolved Metals Iron NA NA NA NA NA UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the POL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.SVI Tab 2 2012 N'\11172730 00000\DB\PROGRAM/E DMS.mde Printed 2/23/201210'.30.08 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN905.'01/030 AND 002/19/12#)AND(MATRIX)T.WG'AND(ISACODE)='N'OR ISACODEI='FD') Page 99 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 Sample ID MW-07V15N MW-07V15N 20070207MW-07V15N 20070731MW-07V15N 20080228MW07V15N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 12120/05 08/14/06 02/07/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 Parameter Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQImL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 5.0 U 19.3 5.0 U 6 1 5 U Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0 U 3.47 2.89 0 48 2.64 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential mV 69 -163 -121 -113.5 137.0 PH S.U. NA NA NA 6.78 6.32 Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejeded result Advanced Setectbn.SVI Tab 2 2012 8'111172730.000001OBIPROGRAMIEDMS mde Printed.2/23'2012 10.30'.08 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/034 ANDa02/19112a)AND(MATRIX)='WG'AND(ISACODE)='N'OR ISACODEI='FO) Page 100 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 MW-07 Sample ID MW-07V15N MW-07V15N 20070207MW-07V15N 20070731MW-07V15N 20080228MW07V15N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - Date Sampled 12/20/05 08/14/06 02/07/07 07/31/07 02/28/08 Parameter Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 1.65 1 44 2.02 2.182 1.62 Temperature DEG C NA NA NA NA 9.03 Turbidity NTU NA NA NA NA 54 Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.U1 Tab 2 2012 N 111172730.000001DBIPROGRAMIEDMS.mde Panted.2/23/2012 10.30.08 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (tIOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/030 ANDO/02/19/12/0AN)(MATRIX]=WG'ANO(ISACODE)''N'OR tSACODEt='FD') Page 101 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07 MW-07 MW-07R MW-07R MW-07R Sample ID 20080812MW07V09N 20090218MW-07V09N 20091013MW- 20100225MW- 20100624MW- 07RV15N 07RV15N 07RV15FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 08/12/08 02/18/09 10/13/09 02/25/10 06/24/10 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles Acetone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Benzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromoform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloroform UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 170 150 370 D 150 J 350 J Dibromochloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1.1-Dichloroethene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the POI_at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced SeAClpn.SVI Tab 2 2012 N.1111 7 2730 000001DBIPROGRAMIEDMS.mde Printed.2/23/2012 1030:08 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL ([LOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/O3#AND$02/19/12#)AND[MATRIX)=WG.AND(ISACODE)='N'OR[SACODE]='FD') Page 102 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07 MW-07 MW-07R MW-07R MW-07R Sample ID 20080812MW07V09N 20090218MW-07V09N 20091013MW- 20100225MW- 20100624MW- 07RV15N 07RV15N 07RV15FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 08/12/08 02/18/09 10/13/09 02/25/10 06/24/10 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride U G/L NA NA NA NA NA Styrene NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 3.0 J 46 580 D 18 J 1.1 J Toluene UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Xylene(total) NA NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 16 20 76 8.1 1.7 J Dissolved Gases Ethane UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Ethene NA NA NA NA NA UGIL Methane 5,600 11,000 5,900 6,500 8,100 UG/L Total Metals Iron UGIL NA NA NA NA NA Dissolved Metals Iron UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced setectan.5VI Tab 2 2012 N111172730.0000008\PROGRAM,E DMS.mde Printed'.2232012 10.3008 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05,01/03N ANDN02/19n2N)AND[MATRIX]=WG'AND([SACODEI='N'OR ISACODEI=TD') Page 103 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07 MW-07 MW-07R MW-07R MW-07R Sample ID 20080812MW07V09N 20090218MW-07V09N 20091013MW- 20100225MW- 20100624MW- 07RV15N 07RV15N 07RV15FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 08/12/08 02/18/09 10/13/09 02/25/10 06/24/10 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEQ/mL NA NA NA NA NA Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen.Kjeldahl,Total MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 5.6 5 UJ 6.3 7.9 17 Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Field Parameter --- Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0 U 0 U 0.00 0.00 NA Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA NA NA Oxidation-Reduction Potential mV -167 -154 -139 -146 NA pH S.U. 6.48 6.18 6.45 6.52 NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection SVI Tab 2 2012 N 11 t 172730.00D0010B1PROGRAMIEOMS.mde Printed:2123/2012 10:30:08 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN 005/01/03N AND1102/19/12M)AND/MATRIX/=WG'AND(ISACODEI v'N'OR ISACODEI='FO') Page 104 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07 MW-07 MW-07R MW-07R MW-07R Sample ID 20080812MW07V09N 20090218MW-07V09N 20091013MW- 20100225MW- 20100624MW- 07RV15N 07RV15N 07RV15FD Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - - Date Sampled 08/12/08 02/18/09 10/13/09 02/25/10 06/24/10 Parameter Field Duplicate(1-1) Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 1.99 2 01 2.74 2.79 NA Temperature DEG C 17 3 12 11 18.36 10.69 NA Turbidity NTU 25 21 1.1 1.1 NA Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection'.SVI Tab 2 2012 N111172730.0000009\PROGRAMSEDMS.mde Printed 2/232012 10.3009 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL IILOGDATEI BETWEENN05/01/03e AND 902/19/12N)ANO[MATRIX]=WG'AND(ISACODEI•'N'OR ISACOOEI='FD) Page 105 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07R MW-07R MW-07R MW-07R Sample ID 20100624MW- 20101006MW- 20110406MW- 20110913MW07RV15N 07RV15N 07RV15N 07RV15N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - Date Sampled 06/24/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 Parameter Units Volatiles Acetone UG/L NA NA NA NA Benzene UG/L NA NA NA NA Bromodichloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA Bromoform UG/L NA NA NA NA Bromomethane UG/L NA NA NA NA Methyl ethyl ketone(2-Butanone) UG/L NA NA NA NA Carbon Disulfide UG/L NA NA NA NA Carbon Tetrachloride UG/L NA NA NA NA Chlorobenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA Chloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA Chloroform UG/L NA NA NA NA Chloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) UG/L 390 350 370 J 26 Dibromochloromethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 1,1-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloropropane UG/L NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA trans-1,3-Dichloropropene UG/L NA NA NA NA Ethylbenzene UG/L NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the POL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.Svi Tab 2 2012 N'.\11172730.000001DB1PROGRAMEDMS.Ide Printed212312012 10:30'.09 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGOATEI BETWEENa05/01103a ANDa02/19112a)AND MATRIX)r,NIG'ANO(ISACOOE)a'N'OR ISACODEt vTO') Page 106 of 106 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07R MW-07R MW-07R MW-07R Sample ID 20100624MW- 20101006MW- 20110406MW- 20110913MWO7RV15N 07RV15N 07RV15N 07RV15N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - Date Sampled 06/24/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 Parameter Units Volatiles 2-Hexanone UG/L NA NA NA NA 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone UG/L NA NA NA NA Methylene Chloride UG/L NA NA NA NA Styrene NA NA NA NA UG/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA Tetrachloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA 1,1,1-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane UG/L NA NA NA NA Trichloroethene UG/L NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) UG/L 1 53 J 18 1.6 Toluene UG/L NA NA NA NA Vinyl Chloride NA NA NA NA UG/L Xylene(total) UG/L NA NA NA NA 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) UG/L 1.8 9.5 6.3 J 0.94 J Dissolved Gases Ethane UG/L NA NA NA NA Ethene UG/L NA NA NA NA Methane UG/L 8,400 6,200 8,300 2,000 Total Metals Iron NA NA NA 23,600 UG/L Dissolved Metals Iron NA NA NA NA UG/L Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection'SVI Tab 2 2012 N111172730.000000B'PROGRAMIEDMS mde Printed'.2232012 1010.09 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (ILOGDATEI BETWEEN#05/01/03N ANDN02/19I120)AND(MATRIX)=WO'AND(15950001='N'OR 15950001='FEY) Page 107 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07R MW-07R MW-07R MW-07R Sample ID 20100624MW- 20101006MW- 20110406MW- 20110913MW07RV15N 07RV15N 07RV15N 07RV15N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - Date Sampled 06/24/10 10/06/10 04/06111 09/13/11 Parameter Units Miscellaneous Parameters Alkalinity,Total(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA 406 Chloride MG/L NA NA NA NA Dehalococcoides ethenogenes CEO/mL NA NA NA 248 Hardness(as CaCO3) MG/L NA NA NA 637 Nitrogen,Ammonia(As N) MG/L NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Kjeldahl.Total MG/L NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate MG/L NA NA NA 0.1 U Nitrogen.Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA Nitrogen,Nitrate-Nitrite MG/L NA NA NA NA Sulfate MG/L 11.2 13 J 25.8 12.2 Sulfide MG/L NA NA NA NA Total Organic Carbon MG/L NA NA NA 11.3 Ferrous Iron(field) MG/L NA NA NA NA Ferric Iron(lab) MG/L NA NA NA NA Fluoride MG/L NA NA NA NA TPH MG/L NA NA NA NA Oil&Grease MG/L NA NA NA NA Field Parameter Dissolved Oxygen MG/L 0.69 4.05 0.00 0.00 Ferrous Iron MG/L NA NA NA 20.1 • Ferric Iron(calculated) MG/L NA NA NA 3.5 Oxidation-Reduction Potential mV -129 -113 -83 -109 pH S.U. 8.83 6.82 6.39 6.86 Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection,SVI Tab 2 2012 N'111172730.000001DB/PROGRAMIE DMS.mde Printed.223/2012 10.30'.09 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (LOGDATE)BETWEEN 005/01/03a AND NO2/19/12k)AND(MATRIX]=WG'AND([SACODEI•12 OR ISACODEI='FO) Page 108 of 108 TABLE 2 FORMER EMCA SITE, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Location ID MW-07R MW-07R MW-07R MW-07R Sample ID 20100624MW- 20101006MW- 20110406MW- 20110913MW07RV15N 07RV15N 07RV15N 07RV15N Matrix Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Depth Interval(ft) - - - - Date Sampled 06124/10 10/06/10 04/06/11 09/13/11 Parameter Units Field Parameter Specific Conductance MS/CM 2.09 2.03 3.40 3.28 Temperature DEG C 16.45 21.42 12.08 22.4 Turbidity NTU 0.35 14.3 0.0 0.1 Tentatively Identified Compound 1,1-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-123B) UG/L NA NA NA NA 1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(HCFC-133) UG/L NA NA NA NA 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane(HCFC-143) UG/L NA NA NA NA Flags assigned during chemistry validation are shown. B-Analyte detected in the associated method blank. J-Analyte is reported below the PQL at an estimated concentration. NA-Not Analyzed U-Non-Detect;R-Rejected result Advanced Selection.svi Tab 2 2012 N.111172730.00 W 01DB1PROGRAM\E DMS mde Printed:2/231201210.30 09 AM Detection Limits shown are PQL (I10G0ATEI BETWEEN 005/01/03k ANDW2/19/125)AND(MATRIX]=WG'AND(ISACODEt 'N'OR ISACOOEI•'FD') Table 3 Calculation of Per Well Injection Volume injection ft3 to diluted event gallons substrate diameter radius radius squared interval porosity saturation gallons substrate total per 4-ft (ft) (ft) (ft2) (ft) (%/100) (%/100) conversion (gallons) locations (gallons) interval Wilclear 16 8 64 24 0.28 0.0286 7.481 289 16 4625 48.2 SRS 16 8 64 24 , 0.28 0.0068 7.481 69 16 1100 11.5 0.0354 5725 Injection Gallons/ Gallons/ Work Required Dilution Total Diluted Volume(1 Rate(gpm) Hour Day Days substrate Substrate Factor part substrate to x parts 1 60 420 14 (gallons) (x) water in gallons) 2 120 840 7 Wilclear 220 20 4620 3 180 1260 5 SRS 220 4 1100 4 240 1680 3 5 300 2100 3 N:\11172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Tables\Table 3 FIGURES NAI 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT'2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx 111W, +► ,. �l" J } .c. P. • • •... • i : 3• + .. 'a.•r15J •.. �.tyti i- "ter •A. lliplA • •-1 aniOck Woods • �� �.#,! s' 0%10 1.li `. i i. ../.'• tiny ; • �r,.r1'4 R:• .ik � A fi� ' + /• ir'.44,:'-'';--":;7,,: .4.!4. ,414,01 ii:' a,/, ere..,,,,. . lopiltdolow:,---- ,:i.-... ,- w MN�pM r-off;' �. +a '.. - kV" ' . R�� 4106. , ii, . .. .,. , Aiir 4 r "'..ti.. . A , ` l Azo.,.+ 'Ay,, {,i *A� i� l./ .�, ibio„a� AO V „ r, . � !. 4 f\' •- _'►! ` 7 tf� +1•y r•. -fidti r �' Ali, 11 ' • r .r • �l �� T1� A,},*tr/r,.D `;\. •{ r A �.. . rim'a ' ,OP r f .ru r'r 1* % .:/../.‘400.). ./,' . ''' de; - 1111°',1! p t"'„.".0,, : •.• ',.*,'' ,- ' �t' ': WI rkiiSITE LOCATION i! �' I- —.4.... I. . • , . 40r *417 ,_ c .,. • (., .. . • , . , ,iG y i , tit .� l lihh 1 .. ....7. At, ”. ..,_ ,fre,,, , . \ ,, it '4, _ 4:' 8 • • ., ' - I ...257 11• ,.. "MilL--" . ;7.2*-0c.../..' am: •'-% 1 L,)1 ,.•tk., s, lit" ., ,,, ,, i•,, / 0.10 . 8,.. iv,, iv 4001 ... . .,164,.:,,,x47,: y. + f { k.4-. �� :, ! ) fir' " .0:7,. 4„ ,,„; ...,,..,,,, ,, , ,t,„y , ,�',i�: ; ,•... ,t",,\14 .i.�,r Mnlnnr neck 0.,t ., -A i1.. •y' �•� •. �.t.,. -t'� , , +'- �: +(. > rr i ��"IP "' •^ N • . -- A r' NEW YORK STATE It , , I -:; •, _ , _ , . �,. �� _. ,. .) 'y• : ‘... )01r/. \ . ie.,: ✓ : 1.1111111111410114 1111114 . n Q %. A' k yam{ _ , _.. , , ,.) . �f . ` x. `' r Atk, Aprit� A In 1 Jur'I 111110, .-_„..- • . . ,.., - i„N,. 11,2b - ._ I , . . *_ i ,irmitir i-te. s'4..,! ',1; ,' . AbillititilkilleliVftil ut C ARK l'.\ ► /�t�( ... +` i .� ' _ it• g` t t" — f 1 s` c �' L 2,000 0 2,000 Feet SOURCE: USGS Topographical Quadrangle WESTCHESTER r•' N Mount Vernon,New York,1979 and COUNTY Pis�R- wI 1 Mamaroneck,New York,1985. 0 0 0 I0 ure: SITE LOCATION MAP I FIGURE 1 N ,_ N ,• ; // • ETRE Associates(Truck Repair), I BMP Leasing,ELQ Industries , Container < ResIdence iTesting • O ' Container I Testing Auto Repair T c5a ,� Residence, •Q. Baumgold di / Approximate 4'0 Industrial �� �\ Location • �/'�\ ,.�, of Freon-Spill Residence Suburban Carting Cory. ���:' l \ !` �� r�� .\\‘,/,, (Welding and Inspection ,d.Pocker� /amic \ A.Pocker• ( ming)' Prnting • CompanyCablevision ofWestchester ' •• Company Parking Lot New Way Air Conditioning RoyaN, and Heating Environmental Residence "Services Met Furniture ,,P, Suburban Carting Corp.-Garbage Restoration Repairs Strip _, .r\�i Residence hauling.Faciiity,several USTs onsite Westchester and - ping, Residence \/ NN, Squash /61,), Tempranillo Star Auto CollisionHappiness Laundry r CWines and Staoating J4oF (Dry Cleaning) Q' [Demolished] ',PJ(tr Culin 8 Cololla- Happiness Laundry �Q� Architectural Millwork (Dry Cleaning) J Fische Bearing [Demolish ] ANP Mason Auto Company Repair Q Residence CONCOPin Cu411rN N -CV- 1,3 t E Legend Li_ 0 Approximate Groundwater f Flow Direction --------i Former EMCA Site Boundary zs co _____i, (Approximate) 150 0 150 Feet 3 1 1 0 s 0 0 0 0 d IMS co BUILDING LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2 CVZ I / / N ^ // / ,,--, / Oama`/ // �tc`°om Qom`°/ / c° -,/o4, / / QS' / / k;/7/ / Q• / J / //� / % MW-05 20;94 / z,T/ ^ '9L 1&3131 �� /,,/ Gs / c0 / MW-04,20'85 O / / • MW-07R,20.93 / / • /' / / A / ,MW-03/20 �� .99 / / �4e*/ - X o 3\ a�/ / 2A• 'I� i MW-06,21:13 21 MW-02, 21.06 .�F a a/ / • 2,..620 �,��' ��I• GZ 06;21.62 v 'm/ / ��'./ o/ / GZ-03,21.95 ��cti / / / / / / / / / / / J<e*/ / / J‘</� / / P / •S / P4� MW- 01 / / .‘‘<// PJB vy 441‘LL >N Legend N N E X Approximate Benchmark Location 0 Monitoring Well Location / E, f Groundwater Flow Direction N 204Groundwater Elevation Contour 80 0 80 Feet Former EMCA Site Boundary r t �' ��� (Approximate) NOTES: (1) Well MW-07 was replaced by well MW-07R on September 3,2009. MW-05, 20.94 (2) Benchmark C was originally established as a temporary benchmark off a tree branch Location I overhanging the Sheldrake River between the north and south bridges. The approximate O ID Groundwater water surface elevation for this benchmark is now calculated by taking the average water N Elevation re (based upon URS survey datum) surface elevation of Benchmark B and Benchmark D. m (3) Well MW-01 could not be located. s 0 O ' URS O GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MAP (SEPTEMBER 13, 2011) FIGURE 3 Z N / / / / ' ' / / ' / / ' / 7 /QA. / / �� / / OQP ' < 47 / P / co / � �4� / / / $ MW-05 7/00 7/01 5/03 12/03 7/04 / / /i 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) 7 ND ND ND 0.5 J MW-04 10/99 7/00 7/01 5/03 12/03 7/04 10/09 2/10 6/10 10/10 4/11 9/11 / 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) ND ND ND ND ND / Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) ND ND ND ND ND 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,22-Irifluoroethane(Freon-113) 11 ND ND ND ND 07/ ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND / 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND / /\7 Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.0 J ND 0.7 J 0.6 J ND 1.0 J ND 1.0J 15 7.7 J 12 2.8 5J 1.2 .- l / �/ MW-03 10/99 7/00 7/01 5/03 7/03 9/03_12/03 7/04 5/05 12/05 8/06 2/07_8/07 2/08 8/08 2/09 10/09 2/10 6/10 10/10 4/11 9/11 :\ / OF 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) 17000 11000 13000 5800 68 26 150 4900 J 2 J ND ND 10 2.0 J 0.5 J ND 5.OJ 0.9J ND ND ND 32 5.4 �/ / / "9LF 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) ND ND ND 78 J 43 180 170 3900 14 1.0 J 0.8 J 48 7.0 J 4.0 J 1.0 J 40 2.1 ND 0.5J ND 99J 9.4 \\ // i�/ 1'GF Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) ND ND ND ND 7 6.2 ND 68 J 83 2.0 J 51 39 54 13 J 10 38 20 17 J 26 4.6 110J 82 ,l; MW-07/07R 6/03 7/03 9/03 12/03 7/04 Ti 27` `$/t'7` I10$ $/d82/b9 10/09 2/10 6/10 10/10 4/11 9/11 / \ \// 1 6/10 10/10 4/11 9/11 1_1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane Freon-113) 5400 8500 6100 370 110 J ND ND ND ND 6.0 J ND 3 0 J 46 580 18 J 1.1J 53J 18 1.6 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) 68 J 130 J 130 J 940 50 2.0 J ND 1.0 J 3.0 J 10 0.9 J 16 20 76 8.1 1.8 9.5 6 3J 0 9J MW-02 10/99 7/00 7/01 5/03 7/03 9/03 12/03 7/04 . .„. 10/09 2/10 Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) ND ND ND ND 210 140 47 97 89 82 92 170 150 370 150 J 390 350 370J 261,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) 740 1700 2400 880 1000 54 ®® 1200 110 890 100 800 290 830 J 700 1300 1200 76 J 670 580 920 490 / / // 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) ND ND ND 40 7.8 ® J 4 06J ® 110 10 95 40 BM 38 J rain! 6.1 ® ®26 26 / </ /'. //// / `�� Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon1113) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 14 120 18 200 21 84 61 120 J 160 81J 300 92 J 240 180 110J 180 GZ-03 \ // i /j / / �/ N.1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) ND \ /7 / / // \ 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2- 123A)(Freon-123A) ND A.'/ / / Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) ND \ // GZ-06 5/88 3/89 10/99 7/00 7/01 5/03 7/03 9/03 12/03 7/04 / / //// � - / 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) 1274 200 49 900 250 100 230 74 ND 100 J 9J ND 74 2.0J 14 13 ND ND ND a , /� �/ / / N , 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) ND ND_ ND ND ND 20 41 26 0.7 J 36 4.0 J 2.0 J 23 2.0 J 4.0 J 10 ND ND ND / //,/'/ \� �� Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 5.4 ND 24 15 ND 13 2.0 J 1.0 J 2.0 J ND ND ND / MW-06 6/03 7/03 9/03 12/03 7/04 ', 10/09 2/10 6/10 10/10 4/11 9/11 ///, 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) 220 180 97 250 140 J 1 0 J ND ND 3 J ND ND ND 2.0J ND ND ND ND 33 ND /i 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) 8.8 J 9.5 8.6 14 23 16 ND ND 8 J 0.6 J ND ND 35 ND 3.6 0.57 J ND 38J 4.4 .\ // / Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) ND 5.7 ND ND 5 J 6.0 J 6.0 J ND 100 21 8.0 J 4.0 J 34 6.4 35 J 68 J 61 96J 30 \//.' MW-01 - ,. / �� 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-113) ND / / / A\ // / /'/ ,,1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane(Freon-123A) ND N / / / / / ��/ J // \,/ Chlorotrifluoroethene(Freon-1113) ND /��� / �/ / 0 N I / / j / ) / > / r x / ami / NiN I , � / / o / lI / // / / Nii\� I / 1 j // /� // 9 / / I E t / / ////��\\ / / / / t ' / / / \/ / / / / CD-ELLegend / / a NOTES: b Existing Monitoring Well Location Well, MW-07,was replaced by well,MW-07R,on September 3,2009. cm ND-Not Detected cn 40 Generalized Groundwater Flow Direction NS-Not Sampled because injected substrate was present in the well. FORMER EMCA SITE co Concentration Exceeds NYSDEC TOGS (1.1.1) I j 7/00-Pre-Pilot Injection Sampling Dates SUMMARY OF FREON DETECTIONS IN GROUNDWATER e en- Class GA Standards E. 12/05- Post-IRM Injection Sampling Dates O N 2/08- Post-2007 Supplemental Injection Sampling Dates 100 0 100 Feet All Analytical Results are Reported in UG/L I l I FIGURE 4 z / /a////W NN / /a/////r NN PILOT MW-07 2004 MW-07 \ //V 064,17, :� %Fti � � 9(�- Fti MW-03 � ��� v 4 \' //////7 VOt/0 MW-03 .� i�'' ,� �� MW=06 MW-02 ,I� ' MW-02 *MW°06 ," , �,,. ) II II41"�iPv CABLEVISION OF CABLEVISION OF WESTCHESTER WESTCHESTER 4.,,.., N /76N / / ///// N / //////// N 2007 // MW=07 N 2009 MW-07R N, ////7 A,‘ A j35 Si Q 39 �,� S'/ O v IuiW-03,�_`18 � .. MW-03� �, MW-06 17 �•'•.I ' 31 �,' MW-02 ' �32 30 O 11 /, ®�4 28 2 • MW-06 �`, ' 'to 7M-1921--302Z 9 J / /�j 15 /• 22 v r/ 13/ ' ® 4 R / is \F , # Cr,021 �' ,7ED ilk CABLEVISION OF Lt. Q'� CABLEVISION OF 1/ WESTCHESTER OF WESTCHESTER ',Le): GZ 06 Allriktir \I Mi • N ► ' \ //506 ' NOTE: Legend Locations highlighted in yellow indicate where the Sidewinder injection pulsing tool was used. • Sodium Lactate Only Injection Boring Location * Monitoring Well Location FORMER EMCA SITE * Generalized Groundwater Flow Direction PREVIOUS INJECTION LOCATIONS • EOS® and Sodium Lactate Injection Boring Location Asphalt Parking Lot ® EOS® Only Injection Boring Location 41,T i.. Building 30 0 30 Feet FIGURE 5 I1 URS N . MW-07R,20.93 // 21.0 M W'03,20.99 */ I.._ .6 15 MW-02,21.06 Ail.4 22 13 21 11 MW-06(21.-13 .. 2.'2 20/ 10 .197 4e IA 63 /P. V., ", /141F ///, 14 > .4,-.49/ Z-06,21.62 /� Legend 2,6 * Monitoring Well Location > f Groundwater Flow Direction 21.2 Groundwater Elevation Contour m ,, Former EMCA Site Boundary E Vii' (Approximate) csi N 9 Bioaugmentation Injection Boring N • SRS®and Sodium Lactate Injection Boring MW-02,21.06 U Location o ID Groundwater Elevation 20 0 20 Feet co (based upon URS survey datum) t - 1 0 s 0 0 0 URS2 FORMER EMCA SITE FIGURE 6 PROPOSED 2012 INJECTION LOCATIONS Z APPENDIX A S1REM BIOTREATABILITY STUDY REPORT N:\11172730.00000\WORD\DRAF712012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx Prepared for: URS Corporation 77 Goodell Street Buffalo, NY 14203 LABORATORY BIOTREATABILITY STUDY TO EVALUATE BIODEGRADATION OF CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS IN GROUNDWATER Former EMCA Site, New York Prepared by: (IREM Si, Recovery&Menagemenr 130 Research Lane, Suite 2 Guelph, Ontario N1G 5G3 SiREM Ref: TL0292.01 April 15 2011 (S7REM TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Summary of Biodegradation Processes for CFC-113 1 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2 2.1 Microcosm Construction and Incubation 2 2.1.1 Anaerobic Microcosm Construction and Incubation 2 2.2 Microcosm and Reactor Sampling and Analysis 4 2.2.1 Microcosm Sampling 4 2.2.2 Analysis of CFC-113, CFC-123a and methane 4 2.2.3 Analysis of Anions and Total Volatile Fatty Acids 5 2.2.4 Analysis of Volatile Fatty Acids 6 2.2.5 Analysis of pH 6 2.2.6 External Laboratory Analyses 6 3. RESULTS 7 4. REFERENCES 8 TL0292.01 i 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report 67:Rgitl LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Summary of Microcosm Controls and Treatments Table 2A: Summary of Microcosm CFC-113, CFC-123a and methane Results Table 2B: Summary of Microcosm Anion Results Table 2C: Summary of Microcosm VFA Results Table 2D: Summary of Microcosm pH Results Table 3: Comparison of SiREM and Test America Results LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Pathways for the Degradation of Chlorofluorocarbons Figure 2: CFC-113 and CFC-123a Concentration Trends in Anaerobic Sterile Control Microcosms Figure 3: CFC-113 and CFC-123a Concentration Trends in EOS® 598 B42 and Lactate Amended Microcosms Figure 4: CFC-113 and CFC-123a Concentration Trends in EOS® 598 B42 and Lactate Amended/ KB-1® Plus Bioaugmented Microcosms APPENDIX A: Chain of Custody Documentation APPENDIX B: Henry's Law Calculation APPENDIX C: Test America Analytical Reports TL0292.01 ii 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report (S7REM LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 1,1-DCA 1,1-dichloroethane 1,1,1-TCA 1,1,1-trichloroethane CA chloroethane CF chloroform cDCE cis-1,2-dichloroethene CFC-113 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane CFC-1113 chlorotrifluoroethene CFC-123a (&b) dichloro-1,2,2-trichloroethane CFC-133 1-chloro -1,2,2-trifluoroethane CFC-143 1,1,2-trifluoroethane °C degrees Celsius °C/min degrees Celsius per minute DCM dichloromethane EOS emulsified oil substrate ERD enhanced reductive dechlorination GC gas chromatograph g grams IC ion chromatograph pg/L micrograms per liter pL microliters min minutes mg/L milligrams per liter mL milliliters mL/min milliliters per minute mM millimolar mmol/bottle millimoles per bottle percent QL quantitation limit RPM revolutions per minute SiREM SiREM Laboratory NaOH sodium hydroxide PCE tetrachloroethene TCE trichloroethene URS URS Corporation VC vinyl chloride VFA volatile fatty acid TL0292.01 iii 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report CS7REM 1. INTRODUCTION URS Corporation (URS) retained SiREM Laboratory (SiREM) to perform a laboratory biotreatability study to assess the potential for in situ bioremediation treatment of 1,1,2- trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (CFC-113) in groundwater collected at a site in New York (the Site). The study was performed to assess biostimulation and bioaugmentation processes for the remediation of CFC-113 at the Site. Groundwater with the sample identification 201012MW- 02V09N and geologic materials with sample identifications 20101228MW-02V8-9.5 SO and 20101228MW- 02V9.5-11 SO were collected by URS personnel on 28 December 2010 and were received by SiREM on 29 December 2010. A copy of the chain of custody documentation is provided in Appendix A. The remainder of this report contains a summary of key biodegradation processes for CFC-113 (Section 1.1), the materials and methods (Section 2) and results of the biotreatability study (Section 3). 1.1 Summary of Biodegradation Processes for CFC-113 CFC-113 has been observed to degrade under anaerobic conditions following two basic dechlorination pathways (Pryzbyl et al., 2006). One involves stepwise dechlorination while maintaining the singe carbon-carbon bond (CFC-113 degrades to dichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane [CFC-123a and 123b], 1-chloro-1,2,2-tifluoroethane [CFC-133] and 1,1,2-trifluoroethane [CFC-143]). The second pathway produces a double carbon-carbon bond at the second step (CFC-113 degrades to CFC-123a, chlorotrifluoroethene [CFC-1113] and trifluoroethene). Defluorination of CFC-113 has not been observed. Figure 1 contains the proposed degradation pathways for CFC- 113. Natural attenuation processes can occur in situ and are often mediated by indigenous microbial populations present at contaminated sites. Enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) can, in certain cases, be achieved by stimulating the indigenous microbial populations through the addition of electron donors. Bioaugmentation is the process in which a microbial population known to promote ERD or other biodegradation processes is introduced to groundwater to enhance the rate or extent of biodegradation. KB-1® Plus is a natural microbial consortium containing microorganisms (Dehalococcoides) known to be responsible for mediating the complete dechlorination of tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE), 1,1- TL0292.01 1 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report 61-7-REM dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) and vinyl chloride (VC) to ethene (Major et al., 2002; Duhamel et al., 2002), as well as containing other microorganisms (Dehalobacter) known to be responsible for mediating the dechlorination of 1,1,1-tirchlrooethane (1,1,1-TCA) and 1,1-dichloroethane (1,1-DCA) to chloroethane (CA) (Grostern and Edwards., 2006) and chloroform (CF) to dichloromethane (DCM) (Grostern et al., 2010). KB-1® Plus is also capable of dechlorinating CFC-113, however, end products have yet to be identified and the organisms involved in the degradation are not fully understood or identified. SiREM is currently investigating what the degradation end products are and is attempting to identify the organisms involved in CFC-113 degradation. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS The following sections describe the materials and methods used for microcosm construction and incubation (Section 2.1.1) and microcosm sampling and analysis (Section 2.2). 2.1 Microcosm Construction and Incubation 2.1.1 Anaerobic Microcosm Construction and Incubation A total of six microcosms were constructed on 6 January 2011 for the biotreatability study. Site geologic materials and groundwater were placed in a disposable anaerobic glove bag with the materials required to construct all treatment and control microcosms. The glove bag was purged with a carbon dioxide/nitrogen (20:80) gas mixture in order to create an anaerobic environment with the goal of protecting anaerobic microorganisms present in the site materials from oxygen exposure. The soil from the different cores was combined and homogenized to improve reproducibility between replicates. Microcosms were constructed by filling sterile 250 milliliter (mL) (nominal volume) screw cap Boston round clear glass bottles (Systems Plus, New Hamburg, ON) with 60 grams (g) of homogenized soil and 200 mL of Site groundwater. The bottles were capped with MininertTM closures to allow repetitive sampling with minimal VOC loss and to allow nutrient amendment, as needed, throughout the incubation period. All controls and treatments were constructed in duplicate. Table 1 summarizes the details of microcosm construction and the amendments used for the treatment and control microcosms. Anaerobic sterile control microcosms were constructed to quantify potential abiotic and experimental VOC losses from the microcosms. The sterile controls were constructed by autoclaving the Site soil at 121 degrees Celsius (°C) and 15 pounds per square inch pressure for 45 to 60 minutes (min). After autoclaving, the sterile control microcosms TL0292.01 2 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report 677,Rglif were returned to the anaerobic chamber, filled with 200 mL of Site groundwater and amended with 2.8 mL of 2.7 per cent (%) mercuric chloride (equal to a final liquid concentration of 0.05%) and 0.5 mL of 5% sodium azide (equal to a final liquid concentration of 0.017%)to inhibit microbial activity. All microcosms were sampled and incubated in an anaerobic chamber (Coy Laboratory Products, Grass Lake, MI) filled with an atmosphere of approximately 80% nitrogen, 10% carbon dioxide and 10% hydrogen (Linde Gases, Guelph, ON). Hydrogen in the anaerobic chamber functions to scavenge trace oxygen via a palladium catalyst. Anaerobic conditions in the anaerobic chamber were verified using resazurin- containing mineral medium, which turns pink in the presence of oxygen. During quiescent incubation, all microcosms were covered to minimize photodegradation, and stored horizontally to minimize volatile losses via the (submerged) MininertTM closure. Microcosms were incubated for a period of up to 71 days at approximately 22°C (room temperature). URS specified a CFC-113 target concentration of 1 milligram per liter (mg/L) in the microcosms to represent conditions at the Site. The initial CFC-113 concentration quantified in the prepared microcosms was below the target concentration; therefore, on 11 January 2011 (Day -1) all microcosms were amended with 0.18 microliters (pL) of CFC-113 (Fielding Chemical Technologies, Inc. Mississauga, ON) to obtain the target concentration. Treatment microcosms were amended with electron donor on 12 January 2011 (Day 0). Two electron donors were evaluated; lactate (60% WilclearTM, JRW Bioremediation LLC, Lenexa, KS), and EOS® 598642, an emulsified oil product with the addition of vitamin 612 (EOS Remediation, Inc., Raleigh, NC). The lactate amended microcosms were amended with lactate at approximately 5 times the stoichiometric demand of the CFC-113 and selected inorganic compounds (i.e., nitrate and sulfate). The lactate amended microcosms were amended with 109 pL of lactate corresponding to a target concentration of 326 mg/L. The EOS® 598642 amended microcosms were amended with 334 pL of EOS® 598 corresponding to a target concentration of 0.1 % as oil (EOS® 598 is 59.8% soybean oil). Prior to amending the microcosms with EOS® 598B42, vitamin 612 was added into the EOS® 598642 solution at a ratio of 1:420 (B12: EOS® 598) as per the manufacturer's instructions. The EOS® 598642 dosage was based on SiREM past experience. To assess the ability of bioaugmentation to improve the extent and rate of CFC-113 degradation, one set of the electron donor amended microcosms were bioaugmented with KB-1® Plus on 4 February 2011 (Day 23). Microcosms were not bioaugmented at TL0292.01 3 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report 6:REM time zero to allow for development of reducing conditions required by the KB-1® Plus culture. Suitable reducing conditions in these microcosms were obtained gradually over the incubation period after the addition of the electron donor. 2.2 Microcosm and Reactor Sampling and Analysis 2.2.1 Microcosm Sampling Aqueous samples were collected from the control and treatment microcosms for analysis of CFC-113, CFC-123a, methane and anions (sulfate, nitrate, nitrite, chloride, phosphate, bromide). Aqueous samples were also collected on a less frequent basis for analysis of volatile fatty acids (VFAs - lactate, acetate, propionate, formate, butyrate and pyruvate) and pH. Microcosms were sampled using gas-tight 1 mL Hamilton glass syringes. Separate sets of syringes were used for the bioaugmented and non- bioaugmented treatments to minimize the potential for transfer of microorganisms from bioaugmented to non-bioaugmented treatments. Syringes were cleaned with acidified water (pH —2) and rinsed 10 times with deionized water between samples, to ensure that VOCs and microorganisms were not transferred between different samples or treatments. The analytical methods employed by SiREM are described below. 2.2.2 Analysis of CFC-113, CFC-123a and methane This section describes the methods used to quantify CFC-113, CFC-123a and methane. The quantitation limits (QL) for CFC-113 and CFC-123a were 50 micrograms per liter (pg/L) and the QL for methane was 10 pg/L in the microcosms based on the lowest concentration standards that were included in the linear calibration trend. Aqueous CFC-113, CFC-123a and methane concentrations in the microcosms were measured using a Hewlett-Packard (Hewlett Packard 7890) gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with an auto sampler (Hewlett Packard G1888) programmed to heat each sample vial to 75°C for 45 min prior to headspace injection into a GSQ Plot column (0.53 millimeters x 30 meters, J&W) and a flame ionization detector. Sample vials were heated to ensure that all VOCs in the aqueous sample would partition into the headspace. The injector temperature was 200°C, and the detector temperature was 250°C. The oven temperature was programmed as follows: 35°C for 2 min, increased to 100°C at 50 degrees Celsius per minute (°C/min), then increased to 185°C at 25°C/min and held at 185°C for 6.80 min. The carrier gas was helium at a flow rate of 11 milliliters per minute (mL/min). TL0292.01 4 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report (S'7:6, EM After withdrawing a 0.5 mL sample (as described in section 2.2.1), the sample was injected into a 10 mL auto sampler vial containing 5.5 mL of acidified deionized water (pH -2). The water was acidified to inhibit microbial activity between microcosm sampling and GC analysis. The vial was sealed with an inert Teflon®-coated septum and aluminium crimp cap for automated injection of 3 mL of headspace onto the GC. One standard was analyzed with each set of samples to verify the instrument five-point calibration curve using methanolic stock solutions containing known concentrations of the target analytes. Calibration was performed using external standards purchased as standard solutions (Sigma, St Louis, MO), where known volumes of standard solutions were added to acidified water in auto sampler vials and analyzed as described above for microcosm samples. Data were integrated using Chemstation Software (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). 2.2.3 Analysis of Anions and Total Volatile Fatty Acids This section describes the methods used to quantify anions and total VFAs. This analysis was performed on a Dionex DX-600 ion chromatograph (IC) equipped with a Dionex AS-40 auto sampler and an AS18 column, the sample loop volume was 25 µL. An isocratic separation was performed using 33 millimolar (mM) reagent grade sodium hydroxide (Fisher Scientific, Ottawa, ON) eluent for 13 minutes. One standard was analysed with each set of samples tested in order to verify the seven-point calibration using external standards of known concentrations. External standards were prepared gravimetrically using chemicals of the highest purity available (Sigma St Louis, MO or Bioshop, Burlington, ON). Data were integrated using Peaknet Chromatography software (Dionex, Oakville, ON). The QLs were as follows: 0.25 mg/L total VFA, 0.03 mg/L chloride, 0.12 mg/L nitrite, 0.10 mg/L nitrate, 0.72 mg/L sulfate, 0.57 mg/L phosphate and 0.39 mg/L bromide. The total VFA value includes lactate, formate, acetate, propionate, pyruvate and butyrate (valerate has not been confirmed), as this particular analytical method does not resolve these VFAs as the VFA method described below does (Section 2.2.4). A 0.5 mL sample was withdrawn (as described in section 2.2.1), after which the sample was placed in a 1.5 mL micro-centrifuge tube. Samples were centrifuged for five minutes at 13,000 revolutions per minute (RPM) to remove solids. The supernatant was removed, diluted 50-fold in deionized water and placed in a Dionex auto sampler vial with a cap that filters the sample during automated injection onto the IC. TL0292.01 5 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report (REM 2.2.4 Analysis of Volatile Fatty Acids This section describes the methods used to quantify individual VFAs (lactate, acetate, propionate, formate, butyrate and pyruvate). This analysis was performed on a Dionex DX-600 IC equipped with a Dionex AS-40 auto sampler and an AS11-HC column, the sample loop volume was 25 µL. A gradient separation was performed using the following eluent profile; 1.0 mM sodium hydroxide for 8.0 min to 15 mM at 18.0 min and proceeding to 30 mM at 28.0 min. with a flow rate of 1.5 mL/min. Calibration was performed using external standards of known concentrations. One standard was analysed with each set of samples to verify the instrument's seven-point calibration curve produced using external standards of known concentrations. External standards were prepared gravimetrically using chemicals of the highest purity available (Sigma St Louis, MO or Bioshop, Burlington, ON). Data were integrated using Peaknet chromatography software (Dionex, Oakville, ON). The QLs were as follows: lactate 0.40 mg/L, acetate 0.54 mg/L, propionate 0.31 mg/L, formate 0.23 mg/L, butyrate 0.41 mg/L and pyruvate 0.69 mg/L. A 0.5 mL sample was withdrawn (as described in section 2.2.1), after which the sample was placed in a 1.5 mL micro-centrifuge tube. Samples were centrifuged for five minutes at 13,000 RPM in a microcentrifuge to remove solids. The supernatant was removed, diluted 50-fold in deionized water and placed in a Dionex auto sampler vial with a cap that filters the sample during automated injection onto the IC. 2.2.5 Analysis of pH The pH measurements were performed using an Oakton pH spear with a combination pH electrode (Oakton, Vernon Hills, IL). A 500 SIL sample was taken (as described in section 2.2.1), the vial was removed from the glove box and the pH was measured on the lab bench. The pH spear was calibrated at each sampling event according to the manufacturer's instructions using pH 4.0, 7.0 and 10 standards. 2.2.6 External Laboratory Analyses On 12 January 2011 (Day 0), at the request of URS, one sample from each set of duplicate reactors was sent to an external analytical laboratory (Test America, Edison, NJ) for CFC analysis. A 2.8 mL sample was withdrawn (as described in section 2.2.1) using a 5 mL gas-tight Hamilton syringe. These samples were collected in 2.8 mL glass vials preserved with HCI and capped with Teflon lined septa caps. The samples were shipped on ice by overnight courier to Test America for analysis. TL0292.01 6 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report REM 4 Y..gri... On 3 March 2011 (Day 50), one sample was taken from each set of duplicate reactors for CFC analysis by withdrawing 2.5 mL using a 5 mL syringe as described above. The 2.5 mL sample was diluted into 10 mL of acidified water in a 12.5 mL vial and capped (sample glassware was provided by Test America). This technique was used so to minimize potential volatile losses during the sampling process. The samples were shipped on ice by overnight courier to Test America for analysis. 3. RESULTS Tables 2A, 2B, 2C and 2D provide CFC-113, CFC-123a, anion, VFA and pH data from the control and treatment microcosms over the study incubation period. CFC-113 and CFC-123a and methane concentrations are presented in units of mg/L and millimoles per microcosm bottle (mmol/bottle) to demonstrate mass balances on a molar basis. Concentrations were converted from mg/L to mmol/bottle using Henry's Law as demonstrated in Appendix B. Figures 2 through 4 present trends in the concentrations of CFC-113 and CFC-123a in the control and treatment microcosms over the incubation period for the study. A comparison of the Test America and SiREM data is provided in Table 3 and the analytical reports from Test America are provided in Appendix C. TL0292.01 7 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report 07REM 4. REFERENCES Duhamel, M., S.D. Wehr, L. Yu, H. Rizvi, D. Seepersad, S. Dworatzek, E.E. Cox, and E.A. Edwards. 2002. Comparison of anaerobic dechlorinating enrichment cultures maintained on tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, cis-1,2-dichloroethene and vinyl chloride. Water Research 36: 4193-4202. Grostern, A., E.A. Edwards. 2006. A 1,1,1-Trichloroethane-degrading anaerobic mixed microbial culture enhances biotransformation of mixtures of chlorinated ethenes and ethanes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 72(12): 7849-7856. Grostern, A., M. Duhamel, S. Dworatzek and E. Edwards. 2010 Chloroform respiration to dichloromethane by a Dehalobacter population. Environmental Microbiology. Major, D.W., M.L. McMaster, E.E. Cox, E.A. Edwards, S.M. Dworatzek, E.R. Hendrickson, M.G. Starr, J.A. Payne, and L.W. Buonamici. 2002. Field demonstration of successful bioaugmentation to achieve dechlorination of tetrachloroethene to ethene. Environmental Science and Technology 36: 5106-5116. Pryzbyl, B.J., Stachowski, J.R., Lantzy, R.J., Tokarski, E., Lee, R.E. 2006. Successful Remediation of 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane in Groundwater by Stimulating Anaerobic Biodegradation. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds. Battelle Press, Columbus, OH. TL0292.01 8 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report (S7-REM TABLES TL0292.01 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF MICROCOSM CONTROLS AND TREATMENTS SiREM Former EMCA Site, New York Microcosm Name Number of Treatment Description Replicates ANSC 2 Anaerobic Sterile Control Autoclaved and amended with mercuric chloride and sodium azide. EOS®598642 and2 EDS®598642 and Lactate Amended Initial electron donor target concentrations 0.1% EOS® Lactate 598B42 as oil and 326 mg/L lactate. ® ® Initial electron donor target concentrations 0.1% EDS® E0S®59864®and 22 EDS®598®42 and LLactate 598842 as oil and 326 mg/L lactate. Bioaugmented with Lactate/KB 1 Plus Amended/KB 1 Plus Bioaugmented KB-1® Plus on Day 23. Notes: ANSC—anaerobic sterile control mg/L—milligrams per liter - percent Table 1.docx Page 1 of 1 DRAFT TABLE 2A:SUMMARY OF MICROCOSM CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS AND METHANE RESULTS SiREM Former EMCA Site, New York CFCs Treatment Date Day Replicate Methane CFC-113 CFC-123a Comment mg/L mg/L mg/L Anaerobic Sterile Control 06-Jan-11 -6 Poisoned with mercuric chloride and sodium azide. Amended the first replicate with 100µL of resazurin. 11-Jan-11 -1 Spiked with CFC-113 to a target concentration of 1 mg/L. 12-Jan-11 0 ANSC-1 1.8 1.2 0.095 ANSC-2 1.4 1.2 _ 0.092 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.6 1.2 0.093 Standard Deviation (mmoles) 1.2E-02 8.7E-05 2.7E-06 Average Total mmoles 0.073 0.0040 0.00013 01-Feb-11 20 ANSC-1 1.7 1.5 0.10 ANSC-2 1.1 1.3 0.098 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.4 1.4 0.10 Standard Deviation (mmoles) 2.0E-02 3.5E-04 3.5E-06 Average Total mmoles 0.067 0.0048 _ 0.00014 17-Feb-11 36 ANSC-1 1.5 1.0 0.095 ANSC-2 1.0 0.96 _ 0.083 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.3 0.98 0.089 Standard Deviation(mmoles) 1.7E-02 1.1E-04 1.2E-05 Average Total mmoles 0.059 0.0033 0.00013 03-Mar-11 50 ANSC-1 1.6 1.3 0.096 ANSC-2 1.1 1.2 0.092 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.3 1.2 0.094 Standard Deviation(mmoles) 1.8E-02 2.2E-04 4.9E-06 Average Total mmoles 0.063 0.0041 0.00014 17-Mar-11 64 ANSC-1 1.5 1.1 0.090 ANSC-2 0.95 0.99 0.085 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.2 1.1 0.087 Standard Deviation (mmoles) 1.8E-02 3.1E-04 4.4E-06 Average Total mmoles _ 0.057 0.0036 0.00013 24-Mar-11 71 ANSC-1 1.3 0.81 0.076 ANSC-2 _ 0.83 0.77 0.067 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.0 0.79 0.072 Standard Deviation (mmoles) 1.4E-02 9.7E-05 8.8E-06 Average Total mmoles 0.048 0.0027 0.00010 Amended with EOS®598642 and Lactate 06-Jan-11 -6 Amended the first replicate with 100µL of resazurin. 11-Jan-11 -1 Spiked with CFC-113 to a target concentration of 1 mg/L. 12-Jan-11 0 Amended with EOS°598B42 and Lactate to target concentrations of 0.1%as oil and 326 mg/L respectively. EOS&Lact.-1 1.5 0.88 0.089 EOS&Lact.-2 1.8 1.0 0.094 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.7 0.94 0.092 Standard Deviation (mmoles) 1.0E-02 3.1E-04 4.9E-06 Average Total mmoles 0.078 0.0032 0.00013 01-Feb-11 20 EOS&Lact.-1 1.6 1.2 0.63 EOS&Lact.-2 1.7 1.1 1.1 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.6 1.1 0.87 Standard Deviation(mmoles) 5.6E-03 3.5E-04 4.9E-04 Average Total mmoles 0.076 0.0039 0.0013 17-Feb-11 36 EOS&Lact.-1 1.6 0.93 0.64 EOS&Lact.-2 1.9 0.90 1.1 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.8 0.92 0.89 Standard Deviation (mmoles) 1.0E-02 8.4E-05 5.1E-04 Average Total mmoles _ 0.083 0.0031 0.0013 Table 2A.xlsx Page 1 of 3 DRAFT TABLE 2A:SUMMARY OF MICROCOSM CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS AND METHANE RESULTS SiREM Former EMCA Site, New York CFCs Treatment Date Day Replicate Methane CFC-113 CFC-123a Comment mg/L mg/L mg/L Amended with EOS®598B42 and Lactate 03-Mar-11 50 EOS&Lact.-1 2.0 0.19 3.3 Continued EOS&Lact.-2 _ 2.2 <0.050 4.6 Average Concentration(mg/L) 2.1 0.094 4.0 Standard Deviation(mmoles) 6.5E-03 4.5E-04 1.3E-03 Average Total mmoles 0.095 0.00032 0.0057 10-Mar-11 57 EOS&Lact.-1 2.0 <0.050 0.52 EOS&Lact.-2 2.3 <0.050 1.6 Average Concentration(mg/L) 2.2 ND 1.1 Standard Deviation(mmoles) 1.1E-02 0.0E+00 1.1E-03 Average Total mmoles _ 0.10 ND 0.0015 17-Mar-11 64 EOS&Lact.-1 3.0 <0.050 <0.050 EOS&Lact.-2 5.2 <0.050 <0.050 Average Concentration(mg/L) 4.1 ND ND Standard Deviation(mmoles) 7.2E-02 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 Average Total mmoles 0.19 ND ND 24-Mar-11 71 EOS&Lact.-1 8.2 <0.050 <0.050 EOS&Lact.-2 21 <0.050 <0.050 Average Concentration(mg/L) 15 ND ND Standard Deviation (mmoles) 4.2E-01 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 Average Total mmoles 0.68 ND ND Amended with EOS®598642 and Lactate/Bioaugmented with KB-1®Plus 06-Jan-11 -6 Amended the first replicate with 100µL of resazurin. 11-Jan-11 -1 Spiked with CFC-113 to a target concentration of 1 mg/L. 12-Jan-11 0 _ Amended with EOS°598B42 and Lactate to target concentrations of 0.1%as oil and 326 mg/L respectively. EOS, Lact&KB-1+-1 1.6 0.94 0.087 EOS, Lact&KB-1+-2 1.6 1.4 0.10 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.6 1.2 0.093 Standard Deviation (mmoles) 1.6E-03 1.1E-03 1.3E-05 Average Total mmoles 0.073 0.0040 0.00014 01-Feb-11 20 EOS, Lact&KB-1+-1 1.6 1.1 0.89 EOS, Lact&KB-1+-2 1.5 1.2 0.99 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.5 1.2 0.94 Standard Deviation(mmoles) 3.8E-03 8.0E-05 9.6E-05 Average Total mmoles 0.071 0.0039 0.0014 04-Feb-11 23 Bioaugmented with KB-i® Plus 10-Feb-11 29 EOS, Lact&KB-1+-1 1.3 0.64 0.69 EOS, Lact&KB-1+-2 1.5 0.74 0.84 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.4 0.69 0.77 Standard Deviation(mmoles) 5.0E-03 2.5E-04 1.5E-04 Average Total mmoles 0.065 0.0023 0.0011 17-Feb-11 36 EOS, Lact&KB-1+-1 1.6 0.57 1.9 EOS, Lact&KB-1+-2 1.8 0.42 2.8 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.7 0.49 2.4 Standard Deviation(mmoles) 5.7E-03 3.6E-04 9.8E-04 Average Total mmoles 0.080 0.0017 0.0034 24-Feb-11 43 EOS, Lact&KB-1+-1 1.5 0.065 3.7 EOS, Lact&KB-1+-2 1.7 <0.050 2.6 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.6 0.033 3.1 Standard Deviation(mmoles) 7.9E-03 1.6E-04 1.1E-03 Average Total mmoles 0.073 0.00011 0.0046 Table 2A.xlsx Page 2 of 3 DRAFT TABLE 2A:SUMMARY OF MICROCOSM CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS AND METHANE RESULTS SiREM Former EMCA Site, New York CFCs Treatment Date Day Replicate Methane CFC-113 CFC-123a Comment mg/L mg/L mg/L Amended with EOS®598842 and Lactate/Bioaugmented with KB-1®Plus 03-Mar-11 50 EOS, Lact& KB-1+-1 1.8 <0.050 4.2 Continued EOS, Lact& KB-1+-2 2.1 <0.050 0.19 Average Concentration(mg/L) 1.9 ND 2.2 Standard Deviation (mmoles) 8.7E-03 0.0E+00 4.1E-03 Average Total mmoles 0.090 ND 0.0032 10-Mar-11 57 EOS, Lact&KB-1+-1 1.9 <0.050 1.5 EOS, Lact&KB-1+-2 2.1 <0.050 <0.050 Average Concentration(mg/L) 2.0 ND 0.77 Standard Deviation (mmoles) 7.7E-03 0.0E+00 1.6E-03 Average Total mmoles 0.093 ND 0.0011 17-Mar-11 64 EOS, Lact& KB-1+-1 2.2 <0.050 0.061 EOS, Lact& KB-1+-2 5.0 <0.10 <0.10 Average Concentration(mg/L) 3.6 ND 0.031 Standard Deviation(mmoles) 9.2E-02 0.0E+00 6.2E-05 Average Total mmoles 0.17 ND 0.000044 24-Mar-11 71 EOS, Lact& KB-1+-1 2.3 <0.050 <0.050 EOS, Lact& KB-1+-2 2.9 <0.050 <0.050 Average Concentration(mg/L) 2.6 ND ND Standard Deviation(mmoles) 1.8E-02 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 Average Total mmoles 0.12 ND ND Notes: ANSC-anaerobic sterile control CFC-chlorofluorocarbons CFC-123a-dichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane CFC-113- 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane Lact-Lactate mg/L-milligrams per liter mmoles-millimoles ND-not detected %-percent <-compound not detected,the associated value is the detection limit µL-microliter Table 2A.xlsx Page 3 of 3 DRAFT TABLE 2B: SUMMARY OF MICROCOSM ANION RESULTS SiREM Former EMCA Site, New York Treatment Date Day Treatment Replicate Total VFAs* Chloride Nitrite Nitrate Sulfate Phosphate _ mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Anaerobic Sterile Control 12-Jan-11 0 ANSC -1 11 445 <0.12 22 66 0.94 ANSC -2 5.5 432 <0.12 21 67 2.6 Average Concentration 8.2 439 ND 21 67 1.7 1-Feb-11 20 ANSC -1 3.8 396 <0.12 18 62 <0.57 ANSC -2 3.4 371 <0.12 17 59 <0.57 Average Concentration 3.6 384 ND 17 60 ND 17-Feb 36 ANSC -1 3.3 432 <0.12 18 68 <0.57 ANSC -2 3.2 420 <0.12 18 69 <0.57 Average Concentration 3.2 426 ND 18 68 ND 17-Mar-11 64 ANSC -1 6.8 527 <0.12 24 74 <0.57 ANSC -2 5.4 493 <0.12 23 74 <0.57 Average Concentration 6.1 510 ND 24 74 ND Amended with EOS®598642 and Lactate 12-Jan-11 0 EOS & Lact.-1 420 356 <0.12 <0.10 70 <0.57 EOS & Lact.-2 469 374 <0.12 <0.10 72 <0.57 Average Concentration 445 365 ND ND 71 ND 1-Feb-11 20 EOS & Lact.-1 407 351 <0.12 <0.10 1.4 <0.57 EOS & Lact.-2 412 344 <0.12 <0.10 2.5 <0.57 Average Concentration 410 347 ND ND 1.9 ND 17-Feb 36 EOS & Lact.-1 410 333 <0.12 <0.10 0.87 <0.57 EOS & Lact.-2 428 343 <0.12 <0.10 <0.73 <0.57 Average Concentration 419 338 ND ND 0.44 ND 17-Mar-11 64 EOS & Lact.-1 510 368 <0.12 <0.10 1.1 <0.57 EOS & Lact.-2 550 393 <0.12 <0.10 <0.73 <0.57 Average Concentration 530 380 ND ND 0.57 ND Amended with EDS®598B42 and Lactate/Bioaugmented with KB-1® Plus 12-Jan-11 0 EOS, Lact & KB-1+-1 486 362 <0.12 <0.10 72 <0.57 EOS, Lact& KB-1+-2 465 369 <0.12 <0.10 73 <0.57 Average Concentration 476 366 ND ND 72 ND 1-Feb-11 20 EOS, Lact& KB-1+-1 406 328 <0.12 <0.10 0.74 <0.57 EOS, Lact& KB-1+-2 423 333 <0.12 <0.10 1.1 <0.57 Average Concentration 414 330 ND ND 0.92 ND 17-Feb 36 EOS, Lact & KB-1+-1 449 325 <0.12 <0.10 <0.73 <0.57 EOS, Lact & KB-1+-2 471 349 <0.12 <0.10 <0.73 <0.57 Average Concentration 460 337 ND ND ND ND 17-Mar-11 64 EOS, Lact& KB-1+-1 608 581 <0.12 <0.10 <0.73 <0.57 EOS, Lact& KB-1+-2 624 400 <0.12 <0.10 <0.73 <0.57 Average Concentration 616 490 ND ND ND ND Notes: ANSC -anaerobic sterile control Lact- Lactate mg/L - milligrams per liter ND - not detected Total VFA's*-total volatile fatty acids -calibrated as lactate but may include other VFAs such as formate, acetate, proprionate, pyruvate and butyrate < -compound not detected, the associated value is the detection limit Table 2B.xlsx Page 1 of 1 DRAFT TABLE 2C: SUMMARY OF MICROCOSM VFA RESULTS SiREM Former EMCA Site, New York Treatment Date Day Treatment Replicate Lactate Acetate Propionate Formate Butyrate Pyruvate mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Anaerobic Sterile Control 12-Jan-11 0 ANSC -1 1.5 1.2 0.77 0.99 <0.41 <0.69 ANSC -2 3.1 1.9 0.28 0.85 <0.41 <0.69 Average Concentration 2.3 1.6 0.52 0.92 ND ND Amended with EDS®598642 and Lactate 12-Jan-11 0 EOS & Lact.-1 435 4.7 0.12 <0.22 <0.41 3.1 EOS & Lact.-2 431 <0.54 0.079 <0.22 <0.41 3.7 Average Concentration 433 2.3 0.10 ND ND 3.4 17-Mar-11 64 EOS & Lact.-1 <0.39 332 139 <0.22 21 <0.69 EOS & Lact.-2 <0.39 317 135 <0.22 12 <0.69 Average Concentration ND 325 137 ND 16 ND Amended with EOS®598642 and Lactate/Bioaugmented with KB-1® Plus 12-Jan-11 0 EOS, Lact& KB-1+-1 434 <0.54 <0.31 <0.22 <0.41 2.3 EOS, Lact& KB-1+-2 429 4.0 <0.31 <0.22 <0.41 6.2 Average Concentration 431 2.0 ND ND ND 4.3 17-Mar-11 64 EOS, Lact & KB-1+-1 <0.39 361 161 <0.22 14 <0.69 EOS, Lact & KB-1+-2 0.97 369 153 <0.22 18 <0.69 Average Concentration 0.48 365 157 ND 16 ND Notes: ANSC -anaerobic sterile control Lact - Lactate mg/L - milligrams per liter ND- not detected < - compound not detected, the associated value is the detection limit Table 2C.xlsx Page 1 of 1 DRAFT TABLE 2D: SUMMARY OF MICROCOSM pH RESULTS SiREM Former EMCA Site, New York Treatment Date Day Treatment Replicate pH ORP Anaerobic Sterile Control 12-Jan-11 0 ANSC-1 5.95 -- ANSC-2 5.97 -- Average pH 5.96 -- 1-Feb-11 20 ANSC-1 5.85 -- ANSC-2 5.86 -- Average pH 5.86 -- 17-Feb-11 36 ANSC-1 5.70 -- ANSC-2 5.77 -- Average pH 5.74 -- 3-Mar-11 50 ANSC-1 6.00 -- ANSC-2 6.04 -- Average pH 6.02 -- 17-Mar-11 64 ANSC-1 5.81 -- ANSC-2 5.87 -- Average pH 5.84 -- 24-Mar-11 71 ANSC-1 5.76 -- ANSC-2 5.88 -- Average pH 5.82 -- Amended with EOS°598642 and Lactate 12-Jan-11 0 EOS&Lact.-1 6.20 -- EOS&Lact.-2 6.21 -- Average pH 6.21 -- 1-Feb-11 20 EOS&Lact.-1 5.83 -- EOS&Lact.-2 6.04 -- Average pH 5.94 -- 17-Feb-11 36 EOS&Lact.-1 6.03 -- EOS&Lact.-2 6.01 -- Average pH 6.02 -- 3-Mar-11 50 EOS&Lact.-1 6.13 -- EOS&Lact.-2 6.20 -- Average pH 6.17 -- 17-Mar-11 64 EOS&Lact.-1 6.12 -- EOS&Lact.-2 6.11 -- Average pH 6.12 -- 24-Mar-11 71 EOS&Lact.-1 6.15 -- EOS&Lact.-2 6.29 -- Average pH 6.22 - Table 2D.xlsx Page 1 of 2 DRAFT III. TABLE 2D:SUMMARY OF MICROCOSM pH RESULTS SiREM Former EMCA Site, New York Treatment Date Day Treatment Replicate pH ORP Amended with EOS®598842 and Lactate/Bioaugmented with KB-1®Plus 12-Jan-11 0 EOS,Lact&KB-1+-1 6.24 -- EOS,Lact&KB-1+-2 6.26 -- Average pH 6.25 -- 1-Feb-11 20 EOS,Lact&KB-1+-1 6.05 -- EOS,Lact&KB-1+-2 6.06 -- Average pH 6.06 -- 3-Feb-11 22 EOS,Lact&KB-1+-1 -- -159 EOS,Lact&KB-1+-2 -- -166 Average pH -- -- 17-Feb-11 36 EOS,Lact&KB-1+-1 6.02 -- EOS,Lact&KB-1+-2 6.01 -- Average pH 6.02 -- 3-Mar-11 50 EOS,Lact&KB-1+-1 6.21 -- EOS,Lact&KB-1+-2 6.22 -- Average pH 6.22 -- 17-Mar-11 64 EOS,Lact&KB-1+-1 6.09 -- EOS,Lact&KB-1+-2 6.15 -- Average pH 6.12 -- 24-Mar-11 71 EOS,Lact&KB-1+-1 6.12 — EOS,Lact&KB-1+-2 6.12 -- Average pH 6.12 -- Notes: ANSC-anaerobic sterile control Lact-Lactate ---not analyzed/not applicable ORP-oxidation reduction potential Table 2D.xlsx Page 2 of 2 DRAFT TABLE 3:COMPARISON OF SiREM AND TEST AMERICA RESULTS SiREM Former EMCA Site,New York Test America SIREM CFC-1113 CFC-113 CFC-123a CFC-113 CFC-123a Date Day Treatment bottle# pg/L pg/L pg/L Ng/L pg/L Anaerobic Sterile Control 12-Jan-11 0 ANSC-1 2 25U 320 25U 1200 92 03-Mar-11 50 ANSC-1 2 31 600 32.5 1200 92 Amended with EOS°598842 and Lactate 12-Jan-11 0 EOS&Lact.-1 4 25U 360 25U 1000 94 03-Mar-11 50 EOS&Lact.-1 4 50 1.4U 1150 <50 4600 Amended with EOS•598B42 and Lactate/Bioaugmented with KB-1°Plus 12-Jan-11 0 EOS,Lact&KB-1+-1 6 25U 460 25U 1400 100 03-Mar-11 50 EOS,Lact&KB-1+-1 6 130 3.3J 55 <50 190 Notes: ANSC-anaerobic sterile control CFC-113-1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane CFC-123a-dichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane CFC-1113-chlorotrifluoroethane Lact-Lactate µL-microliter U-non detect,the associate value is the detection limit Table 3.xlsx Page 1 of 1 DRAFT S"REM FIGURES TL0292.01 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report Anaerobic Conditions / \ 0 V CFC-113 ) 0 i :. il 1 and Ilr * 0 CFC-123a CFC-123a CFC-123b ,, (00 —0 rF. ,� Si c' g# CFC-133 Hydrogen Floride `:-- CFC-1113 y, il Hydrogen Chloride "° 0 0 Trifluroethene CFC-143 Pathways for the Degradation of CFC-113 -÷. biological reaction(Prrybyl et al.2006) abiotic reaction(Vidumsky et al.2004) February 2011 Figure: 1 aiREM 0.006 0.005 71 0.004 0 N G7 O E 0.003 c O N c 0.002 ` U 0.001 0 • • • • • • 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time(Days) --�—CFC 113 —�—CFC 123a CFC Concentration Trends in Anaerobic Sterile Control Microcosms Former EMCA Site, New York April 2011 Figure: 2 (63EM 0.006 _ 0.005 -. ;; 0.004 0 N a) O E E 0.003 c 0 = r c a) U 0 0.002 U 0.001 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time(Days) --CFC-113 —4—CFC-123a CFC Concentration Trends in EDS®598642 and Lactate Amended Microcosms Former EMCA Site, New York April 2011 Figure: 3 07.13 E M 0.006 0.005 P 0.004 _d O E � I co 0.003 m I cyu j 0.002 0.001 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time(Days) CFC-113—S CFC Concentration Trends in EOS®598642 and Lactate CFC-123a — • —Bioaugmented with KB-1®Plus Amended Microcosms Bioaugmented with KB-1®Plus Former EMCA Site,New York April 2011 Figure: 4 (.1:-REM (REM APPENDIX A: Chain of Custody Documentation TL0292.01 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report N� 3 _ an Nr: SREM Chain-of-Custody Form / lab# She Rerrmrr6 Mantra-Int Research Lane,Suite 2 Guelph,Ontario,Canada N1G 563 Phone(519)822-2265 or toll free 1.866-251-1747 Fax(519)822-3151 / J'a i 50 www.siremlab.com Page of Project Name 0('`'Ud CA. 6 +t' Project! //"71o//©- 0000/ AnalY sis Project Manager ('-) C3 r- r Z Preservative i L` 0 Email Address ` L/C--e--- � ��// trvC Z - `Zy4!/� J� �c'rP Preservative Key //// O.None Company Q� U r V 1.HCI Address /! v r 2.Other -) 7 Gr,c, c L�1 I &l li /v: it-i,' /47:2_c7, O.c mac, �.e J - 3.Other Phone k \ y� _ _ Fax a _ _ t7�(v) fl 7 6r` " 5 6;?7(ii 0/(,) v95 t!"^ '�- `-/'5r ti F F `/ Sampler's / �r Sampler's Printed v LI Cdr mac r Signature ,�{,✓yl �r! � ,.i Name l r,+1 ,1.rG� ;, '1 Sampling R of Customer Sample ID Date Time Matrix Containers Other Information ZG}C1').av mt.)-0:1 Vr - ti 5' 12,2i/c L'ciCX 0 I 1 r,2-0/0 aFP' 114,2.(;"z iii -5'-// 5O i.c/ /icy C'/C(2 `.a0 / 1 - i 0 0.2? ,,-1 - t 'A) 12/A1/0 /0`/S G7 11 .3 re. f iCi 5 g-.)r cit zc •-i,i-,-►.5 C o 74 lc. _ (7KD) e IG - -;e �Cv rzr c1cca; 1 # F(o7 � 32 `i6-‘fC Sample Receipt Billing Information Turnaround Time Requested For Lab Use Only Cooler Condition: /,‘ P.O.P.O.# r I`-,/ LAN) )2 1--// 3 30 U S Normal In Cooler Temperature: ,- C Bill To: Rush • U -•— Custody Seals: Yes'X No I Proposal#: Relinquished By: Received By: Relinquished By: Received By: Relinquished By: Received By: Signature 'Signature - Ci • Swatare Signature Signature Signature n Printed — Pr+n-.. ° Printed Printed Printed Printed Name ,,- M-:.,:eJ . ,(� Nat`re i�',_i 67REM APPENDIX B: Henry's Law Calculation TL0292.01 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report REM The following Henry's Law calculation was used to convert aqueous concentrations (Table 2A) to total mmoles of each analyte per microcosm bottle (Figures 2 to 4): Total mmoles = C,,� x (V,;� + H x Vm) . Molecular Weight (mg/mmol) Where Cl;q = liquid concentration (mg/L) V,;q = liquid volume (0.20 L) per bottle Vgas = headspace volume (0.02 L) per bottle H = Henry's Law constant (dimensionless) The Henry's Law constants used are summarized in the table below. Analyte Henry's Law Constant a (dimensionless) CFC-113 21.7 CFC-123a 1.057 a Source: Montgomery, J.H. 2000. Groundwater Chemicals Desk Reference, Third Edition. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL. TL0292.01 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report REM APPENDIX C: Test America Analytical Reports TL0292.01 4/15/2011 Biotreatability Study Report tr t•NtrotiCc.3 SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS:460-22113-1 Sample ID CFC-120111-2 CFC-120111-4 CFC-120111-6 Lab Sample No. 460-22113-1 460-22113-2 460-22113-3 Sampling Date 1/12/2011 12:00:00 AM 1/12/2011 12:00:00 AM 1/12/2011 12:00:00 AM Matrix Water Water Water Dilution Factor 25 25 25 Units ug/L ug/L ug/L VOLATILE COMPOUNDS(GC/MS) 1,2-Dichloro-1.1,2-trifluoroethane 25 U 25 U 25 U Chlorotrifluoroethene 25 U 25 U 25 U Freon TF 320 360 460 Total Confident Conc. 320 360 460 Total Estimated Conc.(TICS) 0 0 0 NR: Not analyzed. U: Indicates the analyte was analyzed for but not detected. Generated on 1/19/2011 3:03:30 PM Page 1 of 1 p',-! -,:l K..=::: SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS: 460-23760-1 The Action Levels listed reflect current TestAmerica Edison knowledge of the standards and are intended as general guidance for the user. Please consult appropriate regulations and cleanup standards for your specific application. Sample ID New York TAGM NYSDEC CFC-030311-2 CFC-030311-4 CFC-030311-6 Lab Sample No. Groundwater Groundwater 460-23760-1 460-23760-2 460-23760-3 Sampling Date Standards Standard 3/3/2011 0:00 3/3/2011 0:00 3/3/2011 0:00 Matrix Criteria ug/L Water Water Water Dilution Factor 1 1 1 Units ug/L ug/L ug/L VOLATILE COMPOUNDS(GC/MS) Freon TF NA NA 120 0.28 U 0.66 J Chlorotrifluoroethene NA NA 6.2 10 26 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane NA NA 6.5 230 11 Total Confident Conc. 132.7 240 37.66 Total Estimated Conc. (TICs) 0 0 0 NR: Not analyzed. J: Result is less than the RL but greater than or equal to the MDL and the concentration is an approximate value. U: Indicates the analyte was analyzed for but not detected. Generated on 3/18/2011 2:50:07 PM Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX B PRODUCT INFORMATION I N:\I 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx Terra Systems, Inc. SRS®-SD Small Droplet Emulsified Vegetable Oil (EVO) Substrate for Maximum Radius of Influence United States Patent# RE40,448 The anaerobic bioremediation process uses native or introduced microorganisms to degrade chlorinated solvents such as tetrachloroethene(PCE)and trichloroethene(TCE)to innocuous end products including ethene and ethane. An organic substrate must be added to the groundwater to generate reducing conditions and provide the necessary carbon and hydrogen to support biodegradation of the chlorinated solvents. The organic substrate can be a slow release substrate like Terra Systems' small droplet SRS®-SD emulsified vegetable oil substrate. SRS -SD is designed to release bio-available hydrogen over a period of 3 to 5 years thus enhancing the long-term anaerobic biodegradation of the chlorinated solvents. SRS®-SD optimizes the naturally occurring biodegradation system by supplying the rate limiting factor(in this case hydrogen)in the degradation of VOC's,certain pesticides/herbicides,perchlorate,and immobilization of certain metals(Cr,As,and some radionucleides). SRS®-SD Substrate Specifications Terra Systems,Inc.'s manufacturing facility is configured to allow us to provide our customers with custom blended substrate packages without a cost premium. The SRS®-SD package contains the following components: Ingredient Percent Description Terra Systems operates its own state-of-the-art manufacturing facility Food grade soy bean oil 40-60% for SRS®-Buffered production and can custom blend substrate packages as site conditions require. Emulsifiers and proprietary nutrient package containing nitrogen and 5— 15% Organic and inorganic nutrients support growth of the anaerobic microbial population. phosphorus He et al.2007 demonstrated that vitamin B12 is an important Vitamin B12 <1% micronutrient to enhance dechlorination activity.They found that 25 ppb of Vitamin Bit gave the maximum stimulation of dechlorination. Sodium Lactate 4-7% Soluble substrate to rapidly generate anaerobic conditions Water 20-50% KEY BENEFITS OF SRS®-SD Emulsified Vegetable Oil(EVO)Substrate Include: • SRS°-SD promotes biodegradation of PCE and TCE to non-toxic end products • SRS°-SD's mean droplet size of 0.6 micron is ideal for maximum radius of influence in the formation • SRS -SD's low viscosity of<50 centipoise injected improves radius of influence • SRS -SD's slow release formula eliminates the need for continuous substrate additions • SRS -SD contains only non-toxic food grade materials,which results in green,sustainable remediation • SRS®-SD can be used as a PRB to cuts off plume migration • SRS®-SD is effective in treating source zones • The in situ application of. SRS®-SD minimizes site disruptions • Using SRS®-SD reduces treatment time from decades to months and years As a result of its low viscosity, small droplet size and longevity, SRS -SD is an ideal substrate for injection using direct-push technology. The low viscosity allows a greater volume of SRS -SD to be applied in a shorter period of time and increases the substrate delivery radius per point. This results in fewer direct push delivery points and overall shorter delivery time requirements per site.Terra Systems,Inc.has applied this technology at military bases,dry cleaners and manufacturing sites throughout the USA and in Brazil,Taiwan and Japan. For more information contact: Michael Free Terra Systems,Inc.1035 Philadelphia Pike Suite E,Wilmington,DE 19809 (office) 302-798-9553 or(cell 484-889-2214 e-mail: mfree(a,terrasystems.net On the Web@ http:/www.terrasystems.net/ 9Terra S stems 4CORPOAA TEn 60% SLOW RELEASE EMULSIFIED VEGETABLE OIL SUBSTRATE (SRS®) MSDS Effective Date: 01/01/2010 1. Product Identification Synonyms: 60% Slow Release Emulsified Vegetable Oil Substrate (SRS®) CAS No.: Mixture Molecular Weight: Not applicable. Chemical Formula: Not applicable. Supplier: Terra Systems, Inc. 1035 Philadelphia Pike Suite E Wilmington DE 19809 Telephone (302) 798-9553 Facsimile: (302) 798-9554 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Ingredient CAS# Percent Hazardous Food grade edible soy bean NA 60% No oil Emulsifiers and proprietary Mixture 5 — 15% No nutrient package containing nitrogen,phosphorus and vitamin B12 Sodium Lactate 72-17-3 <5% Yes Water 7732-18-5 20 - 30% No 3. Hazards Identification Emergency Overview CAUTION! MAY CAUSE EYE IRRITATION. Health Rating: 1 - Slight Flammability Rating: 1 - Slight 1035 Philadelphia Pike Suite E Wilmington Delaware 19809 302-798-9553 Fax 302-798-9554 -- www.terrasystems.net Terra MCOIRPOAA FPD Reactivity Rating: 1 - Slight Contact Rating: 1 - Slight Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES; LAB COAT; PROPER GLOVES Storage Color Code: Green(General Storage) Potential Health Effects Inhalation: Not expected to be a health hazard. If heated, may produce vapors or mists that irritate the mucous membranes and cause irritation, dizziness, and nausea. Remove to fresh air. Ingestion: Not expected to be a health hazard via ingestion. Large doses may produce abdominal spasms, diarrhea. Skin Contact: No adverse effects expected. May cause irritation or sensitization in sensitive individuals. Eye Contact: May cause mild irritation, possible reddening. Chronic Exposure: No information found. Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: No information found. 4. First Aid Measures Inhalation: Not expected to require first aid measures. Remove to fresh air. Get medical attention for any breathing difficulty. Ingestion: If large amounts were swallowed, give water to drink and get medical advice. Skin Contact: Not expected to require first aid measures. Wash exposed area with soap and water. Get medical advice if irritation develops. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting upper and lower eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention if irritation persists. 5. Fire Fighting Measures Fire: Flash point: >200 °C (>392 °F) Not considered to be a fire hazard. Explosion: 1035 Philadelphia Pike Suite E Wilmington Delaware 19809 302-798-9553 Fax 302-798-9554 www.terrasystems.net _-1 Terra S stems td :cFPQRATIF. C Not considered to be an explosion hazard. Fire Extinguishing Media: Use any means suitable for extinguishing surrounding fire. Special Information: In the event of a fire, wear full protective clothing and NIOSH-approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in the pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. 6. Accidental Release Measures Clean-up personnel may require protective clothing. Absorb in sand, paper towels, "Oil Dry", or other inert material. Scoop up and containerize for disposal. Flush trace residues to sewer with soap and water. Containerized waste may be sent to an approved waste disposal facility. 7. Handling and Storage Keep in a tightly closed container, stored in a cool, dry, ventilated area. Protect against physical damage. Containers of this material are not hazardous when empty since they do vapors or harmful substances; observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product. 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Airborne Exposure Limits: None established. Ventilation System: Not expected to require any special ventilation. Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): Not expected to require personal respirator usage. Skin Protection: Wear protective gloves and clean body-covering clothing. Eye Protection: Use chemical safety goggles and/or a full face shield where splashing is possible. 1035 Philadelphia Pike Suite E Wilmington Delaware 19809 302-798-9553 Fax 302-798-9554 www.terrasystems.net Terra S stems '4C PPORA r v 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: White liquid. Odor: Vegetable oil. Solubility: Soluble in water. Specific Gravity: 0.95-0.98 g/mL pH: 7-8 (40% aqueous solution) % Volatiles by volume @ 21C (70F): Negligible. Boiling Point: > 100C (> 212F) Melting Point: No information found. Vapor Density(Air=1): No information found. Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): < 1.0 @ 20C (68F) Evaporation Rate(BuAc=1): No information found. 10. Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide may form when heated to decomposition. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Incompatibilities: Strong oxidizers, acids. Conditions to Avoid: Incompatibles. 11 . Toxicological Information Sodium Lactate. Oral rat LD50: 2,000 mg/kg. 100 mg caused mild irritation to rabbit eye in Draize test. 1035 Philadelphia Pike Suite E Wilmington Delaware 19809 302-798-9553 Fax 302-798-9554 www.terrasyste ms.net PTerra stems .Nt oFPo1ATFO 12. Ecological Information Environmental Fate: No information found. Environmental Toxicity: No information found. 13. Disposal Considerations Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an appropriate and approved waste disposal facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements. 14. Transport Information Not regulated. 15. Regulatory Information OSHA STATUS: This product is not hazardous under the criteria of the Federal OSHA hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200. However, thermal processing and decomposition fumes from this product may be hazardous as noted in Section 10. TSCA STATUS: No component of this product is listed on the TSCA inventory. CERCLA (Comprehensive Response Compensation, and Liability Act): Not reportable. SARA TITLE III (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act) Section 312 Extremely Hazardous Substances: None Section 311/312 Hazard Categories:Non-hazardous Under Section 311/312 Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: None RCRA STATUS: If discarded in its purchased form, this product would not be a hazardous waste either by listing or by characteristic. However, under RCRA, it is the responsibility of the product user to determine at the time of disposal,whether a material containing the product or derived from the product should be classified as a hazardous waste. (40 CFR 261.20-24) 1035 Philadelphia Pike Suite E Wilmington Delaware 19809 . . 302-798-9553 Fax 302-798-9554 www.terrasysterns.net Terra stems WCORPOQArFc' CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65:The following statement is made in order to comply with the California safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986. The product contains no chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer. 16. Other Information NFPA Ratings: Health: 1 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0 Revision Information: MSDS Section(s) changed since last revision of document include: None. Disclaimer: ************************************************************************ Terra Systems, Inc. provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material by a properly trained person using this product. Individuals receiving the information must exercise their independent judgment in determining its appropriateness for a particular purpose. TERRA SYSTEMS, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. ACCORDINGLY, TERRA SYSTEMS, INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS INFORMATION. ************************************************************************ Prepared by: Terra Systems, Inc. Phone Number: (302) 798-9553 (U.S.A.) 1035 Philadelphia Pike Suite E Wilmington Delaware 19809 302-798-9553 """' Fax 302-798-9554 www.terrasystems.net PROVEN ELECTRON DONOR W I L 1 E _ . EFFICIENCY AND DECHLORINATION LACTATE CONCENTRATE KINETICS AT A LOW COST WILCLEAR°is a food grade 60% sodium or potassium lactate solution that has been deployed at U.S. Department of Energy sites and military installations, Superfund sites, mining sites, Brownfields, industrial sites, private chemical plants, and dry cleaners across North America and Europe. To date, WILCLEAR®has been used on over 250 projects in nearly every state in the US, including Hawaii and Alaska. BENEFITS OF WILCLEAR® • Provides carbon for rapid establishment of anaerobic conditions needed for reduction of nitrate, hexavalent chromium, perchlorate, and RDX. • Miscibility in water and low viscosity allow for advective transport with groundwater; enhancing subsurface distribution and minimizing the number of injection points. • Effective for both dissolved phase and DNAPL source area treatment. 100% RAPID DECHLORINATION KINETICSi bail MI8° umMicrocosm _,�„-„"studies comparing •■ethene WILCLEAR°to other soluble donors 60, ❑vc show that while all four donors , wommilz 0 DCE stimulate complete dechlorination of '°' ', 111,1111111K1 ■PCE PCE to ethene, WILCLEAR® and 20% I I ethanol have the fastest dechlorination kinetics. 0% 0 25 50 0 25 50 0 25 50 0 25 50 Glycerin Ethanol Whey WILCLEAR® Lactate GREATER DONOR EFFICIENCY 100' Irr Efficiency (amount of contaminant 80% remediated per unit donor added) should be considered when 60% determining donor cost performance. ! Of the three donors that show both 40' - complete dechlorination and reasonable remediation rates, lactate has the best efficiency. L --IlL i 1111 Alia 0% Glycerin Ethanol Whey LVO Molasses WILCLEAR® Lactate TYPICAL PROPERTIES • WILCLEAR°sodium lactate • Specific gravity: 1 .32 — 1 .35 (% wt/wt): 60 ± 1.2 • Soluble in water • pH: 7 ± 1.0 • Color: clear to light straw _ • Viscosity: 110cP at 20°C 4 JIA1iiizoiemIeJizArIoi& www.jrwbioremediation.com (913)438-5544 info©jrwbiorem.com REV051311 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET WILC/Z-JE LACTATE CONCENTRATE SECTION I PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: Wilclear® Sodium Lactate 60% Solution PRODUCT USE: Bioremediation SUPPLIER: JRW Bioremediation, LLC 14321 W. 96th Terrace Lenexa, KS 66215 913-438-5544 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: 800-779-5545 x 116 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm CST) 913-961-6644 (afterhours) DATE REVISED: 05-13-2011 FORMULA: CH3-CHOH-COONa SECTION II COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Name CAS # % by Weight Sodium lactate 72-17-3 60% Water 7732-18-5 40% SECTION III PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boiling point: 221°F Vapor pressure (Mg Hg): Not determined Vapor density(air= 1): Not determined Solubility in water: Soluble Appearance and odor: Clear to light yellow/slight to no odor Specific gravity(H2O = 1): 1.32 H2O=1 @ 20°C Melting point: Not determined Evaporation rate: Not determined pH: 6.0-8.5 Pour Point: Not applicable Viscosity: 100cP @ 20°C Molecular Weight: 112.07 Physical State: Liquid SECTION IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Closed cup Flash point: Not determined Open cup Flash point: Not determined Auto Ignition: Not determined Fire Point: Not determined Flammable limits: Not determined LEL: Not determined UEL: Not determined Extinguishing media: Water, carbon dioxide, or dry chemical. Special Fire Fighting procedures: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus Unusual Fire Fighting hazards: Thermal decomposition may lead to release of irritating or toxic gases and vapors. REV051311 SECTION V REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Unstable Stable X Conditions to avoid: Not Applicable Incompatibility(materials to avoid): Not Applicable Hazardous decomposition or byproducts: Not Applicable Hazardous polymerization: May Occur Will Not Occur X SECTION VI HEALTH HAZARD DATA Based on concentration as sold Route/s of Entry: Inhalation: Inhalation of mist may cause mild irritation of respiratory system. Move to fresh air. Skin contact: In case of contact with skin, immediately wash with soap and water while removing contaminated clothing. Eye contact: In case of contact with eyes, immediately flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes, lifting eyelids to facilitate irrigation. Get medical attention if necessary. Ingestion: If swallowed, get medical attention. Health hazards (acute and chronic): No specific data. Low order of toxicity. The chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not been thoroughly examined. Carcinogenicity: Not determined. Signs and symptoms of exposure: Not determined. Medical conditions aggravated by exposure: Not determined. SECTION VII PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE Steps to be taken in case material is Contain spill and place material in drum for released or spilled: disposal. Dispose of according to all local, state, and federal regulations at an approved waste treatment facility. Precautions to be taken in handling and Use personal protective equipment. Prevent spills storage: and leakage. Keep container tightly closed. Keep in properly labeled containers. Store in a cool, dry area. Other precautions: No special environmental precautions required. SECTION VIII CONTROL MEASURES Respiratory protection(specify type): No personal respiratory protective equipment normally required in well ventilated areas. Ventilation: Use adequate mechanical ventilation, especially in confined spaces. Local exhaust is recommended. Protective gloves: Recommended. Eye protection: Safety glasses recommended. Other protective clothing or equipment: Unnecessary if other control measures are used. Hygiene practices: Avoid contact with skin. When using, do not eat, drink, or smoke. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before re-use. JINèJOREIWIDJ47YONLLC REV05I3I I SECTION IX DOT INFORMATION DOT hazard class: Not Applicable Labeling: Not Applicable Proper Shipping Name: Wilclear® Sodium Lactate 60% Solution NMFC#: 46400.02 Class 70 JIATilJOJWVAVJ477OIVLLC (I-REM r Site Recovery&Management (* !n KB -1 8 • L u S t __ PLUS The gold standard just got brighter. KB-1®is widely used to remediate groundwater containing chlorinated ethenes,such as tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE), to the environmentally-acceptable end product ethene. To date,KB-1®has been used to bioaugment more than 83 sites in the United States and Europe. Unfortunately, many sites containing PCE and TCE are also contaminated with other chlorinated solvents such as 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA),which can inhibit the bacteria(Dehalococcoides)that mediate the final steps of PCE and TCE dechlorination to ethene. 1,1,1-TCA has been reported to be a co-contaminant with TCE at approximately 20%of USEPA National Priorities List sites. Through continuing research and development activities, the University of Toronto and SiREM have isolated specific bacteria (Dehalobacter) that can effectively dechlorinate 1,1,1-TCA to chloroethane(Grostern&Edwards,2006). This discovery has led to the formulation of KB-1®Plus— a preparation of KB-1®that contains not only Dehalococcoides organisms to dechlorinate PCE and TCE to ethene,but also Dehalobacter organisms to effectively degrade 1,1,1-TCA to chloroethane, which is readily degraded to CO2. The Dehalobacter strains work synergistically with Dehalococcoides in KB-i® to dechlorinate TCE and 1,1,1-TCA at high concentrations. SiREM recommends KB-1®Plus for use at sites where chlorinated ethenes and 1,1,1-TCA are co-mingled. KB-1®Plus provides all the benefits of KB-1®bioaugmentation including: • Stringent quality control/quality assurance procedures to verify every batch • Optional field application support • Ready when you are delivery • Free of charge culture for re-application(where required) • Complimentary Gene Trac testing for Dehalobacter and Dehalococcoides Reference: Grostern,A.and E.A.Edwards.2006.Growth of Dehalobacter and Dehalococcoides spp.during Degradation of Chlorinated Ethanes.App!.Environ.Microbiol.72:428-436. www.siremlab.com 130 Research Lane,Suite 2• Guelph Ontario Canada• N1G 5G3 Phone:519-822-2265. Toll Free:866-251-1747. Fax:519-822-3151 ( REM Site Recovery&Management Q014 KB-1®Plus eo0 i0012- -- -- 53 E A 8. Qat E4i 40 1 c c 0.008 1 - - ___- E u t 0.006 1 9 11 N y 1 20 ✓ t 0.002 00 U 0 0 0 31 40 60 100 131 140 Time(010/0 t TCE —II— Ethane — CA —41— cis-1,2-0CE t 1,1.1-TCA — Ethane —k— VC t 1,1-DCA —♦ —•sulfate Microcosm study results: 1,1,1 TCA and TCE were reduced rapidly after bioaugmentation with KB-1® Plus,end products of ethene,chloroethane and ethane were observed KB-1®Plus soo IMMi 250 J CO 2C0 O 7 is) ,100 :!�411fA 93 ..illinl, 0 7/1T6 101/05 1/1/C6 4/1/06 7/1/06 1O'1/C6 1/1/07 X1,1,1-TCA —0—Ethane -a—1,1-DCA Chloroethane Vinyl Chloride tcis-DC E KB-1®Plus application in Kansas:1,1,1 TCA and vinyl chloride were persisting at a site undergoing active bioremediation. After application of KB-1®Plus,rapid decreases in 1,1,1-TCA and vinyl chloride concentrations were observed along with corresponding increases in ethene and chloroethane concentrations. www.siremlab.com (jR"REM Site Recovery&Management 130 Research Lane,Suite 2 Guelph•Ontario• N1G 5G3• Canada •Tel: (519)822-2265• Fax: (519)822-3151 KB-1® Dechlorinator Material Safety Data Sheet Section 1: Material Identification Trade Name: KB-1®Dechlorinator Chemical Family: bacterial mixture Chemical name: No IUC name for mixture is known to exist Manufacturer/Supplier: SiREM 130 Research Lane, Suite 2, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 5G3 For Information call: 519-822-2265/ 1-866-251-1747 Emergency Number: 519-822-2265 Description: Microbial inoculum (non-pathogenic, non-hazardous) Trade Name: KB-i® Dechlorinator Product Use: Bioremediation of contaminated groundwater. Date Prepared: 2 February 2005 Section 2: Composition, Information on Ingredients KBi® Dechlorinator is a microbial culture grown in an aqueous dilute mineral salt solution media containing no hazardous ingredients. The microbial composition of KB-i® Dechlorinator (as determined by phylogenetic analysis) is listed in Table 1. Identification of organisms was obtained by matching 16S rRNA gene sequence of organisms in KBi® Dechlorinator to other known organisms. The characteristics of related organisms can be used to identify potential or likely characteristics of organisms in KB-i® Dechlorinator. Table 1. Genus'identified in KB-1®Dechlorinator Microbial Inoculum Genus Dehalococcoides sp. Geobacter sp. Methanomethylovorans sp. Section 3: Hazards Identification: A review of the available data does not indicate any known health effects related to normal use of this product. Section 4: First Aid Measures: Avoid direct contact with skin and eyes. In any case of any exposure which elicits a response, a physician should be consulted immediately. (jR EM te Recovery&Management 130 Research Lane,Suite 2 Guelph•Ontario •N1G 5G3 • Canada • Tel: (519)822-2265• Fax:(519)822-3151 Eye Contact: Flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lift upper and lower eyelids, if undue irritation or redness occurs seek medical attention. Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly with water and antibacterial soap. Seek medical attention if irritation develops or open wounds are present. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting, drink several cups of water, seek medical attention. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing give artificial respiration. In case of labored breathing give oxygen. Call a physician. Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures: Non-flammable Flash Point: not applicable Upper flammable limit: not applicable Lower flammable limit: not applicable Section 6—Accidental Release Procedures Spilled KB-i®Dechlorinator should be soaked up with sorbant and saturated with a 10% bleach solution (prepared by making a one in ten dilution of diluted standard bleach [normally sold at a strength of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite] to disinfect affected surfaces. Sorbant should be double bagged and disposed of as indicated in section 12. After removal of sorbant, area should be washed with 10% bleach solution to disinfect. If liquid from the culture vessel is present on the fittings, non-designated tubing or exterior of the stainless steel pressure vessel liquid should be wiped off and the area washed with 10% bleach solution. Section 7 - Handling and Storage KB-i® Dechlorinator is shipped in stainless steel pressure vessels and connected to injection lines and inert gas is used to pressurize the vessel to displace the contents. KB- 1 R Dechlorinator should be handled with care to avoid any spillage. Vessels are shipped with 1 pound per square inch (psi) pressure; valves should not be opened until connections to appropriate lines for subsurface injection are in place. Storage Requirements: Avoid exposing stainless steel pressure vessels to undue temperature extremes (i.e., temperatures less than 0°C or greater than 30°C may result in harm to the microbial cultures and damage to the vessels). All valves should be in the closed position when the vessel is not pressurized to prevent the escape of gases and to maintain anaerobic conditions in the vessel. Avoid exposure of the culture to air as the presence of oxygen will kill dechlorinating microorganisms. Section 8 - Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Personal protective equipment: Skin: Protective gloves (latex, vinyl or nitrile) should be worn. Eye Protection: Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or goggles when opening pressure vessels valves or when pressurizing vessels to inject contents into the subsurface. Respiratory: No respiratory protection is required. Engineering Controls: Good general room ventilation is expected to be adequate. (jR EM te Recovery&Management 130 Research Lane,Suite 2 Guelph•Ontario • NIG 5G3• Canada • Tel:(519)822-2265• Fax:(519)822-3151 Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties: Physical State: liquid Odour: skunky odour Appearance: dark grey, slightly turbid liquid under anaerobic conditions, pink if exposed to air(oxygen). Specific gravity: not determined Vapor pressure: not applicable Vapor density: not applicable Evaporation rate: not determined Boiling point: -100° C Freezing point/melting point: - 0°C pH: 6.5-7.5 Solubility: fully soluble in water Section 10-Stability and Reactivity Data Stable and non-reactive. Maintain under anaerobic conditions to preserve product integrity. Materials to avoid: none known Section 11 -Toxicological Information Potential for Pathogenicity: KB-1® Dechlorinator has tested negative (i.e., the organisms are not present) for a variety of pathogenic organisms listed in Table 2. While there is no evidence that virulent pathogenic organisms are present in KB-1® Dechlorinator, there is potential that certain organisms in KB-1® Dechlorinator may have the potential to act as opportunistic (mild) pathogens, particularly in individuals with open wounds and/or compromised immune systems. For this reason standard hygienic procedures such as hand washing after use should be observed. Table 2, Results of Human Pathogen Screening of KB-1® Dechlorinator Organism Disease(s) Caused Test result Salmonella sp. Typhoid fever, gastroenteritis Not Detected Listeria monocytogenes Listerioses Not Detected Vibrio sp., Cholera, gastroenteritis Not Detected Campylobacter sp., Bacterial diarrhea Not Detected Clostridia sp., Food poisoning, Botulism,tetanus, gas gangrene Not Detected Bacillus anthracis Anthrax Not Detected Pseudomonas aeruginosa Wound infection Not Detected Yersinia sp., Bubonic Plague, intestinal infection Not Detected Yeast and Mold Candidiasis,Yeast infection etc. Not Detected Fecal coliforms Indicator organisms for many human pathogens diarrhea, Not Detected urinary tract infections Enterococci Various opportunistic infections Not Detected "REM Site Recovery&Management 130 Research Lane,Suite 2 Guelph•Ontario • N1G 5G3• Canada • Tel: (519)822-2265• Fax:(519)822-3151 Section 12. Disposal Considerations Material must be disinfected or sterilized prior to disposal. Consult local regulations prior to disposal. Section 13—Transport Information Non-hazardous, non-pathogenic microbial inoculum—Biosafety Risk Group 1. Chemicals, Not Otherwise Indexed (NOI), Non-hazardous Not subject to TDG or DOT guidelines. Disclaimer: The information provided on the MSDS sheet is based on current data and represents our opinion based on the current standard of practice as to the proper use and handling of this product under normal, reasonably foreseeable conditions. Last revised: 24 June 2008 APPENDIX C TERRA SYSTEMS, INC. SUBSTRATE DESIGN TOOL N:\1 1172730.00000\WORD\DRAFT\2012 Remedial Injections\Injection Work Plan-2012(ITR Rev).docx SUBSTRATE ESTIMATING TOOL FOR ENHANCED ANAEROBIC BIOREMEDIATION OF CHLORINATED SOLVENTS Version 1.2 November 2010 Site Data Input Table Calculation Tables Output Summary Table TABLE Si -INPUT TABLE Table S. -Substrate TABLE S.5-OUTPUT TABLE Calculations in Hydrogen Table S.3-Hydrogen Produced ' PRINT SUMMARY TABLE by Common Substrates Table S.4-Estimated Substrate Requirements for Spill Site Ground Surface . I I ,Contaminated Zone Water Table Groundwater Flow - "" _ Co, *CH, —r — — Melhanogenesis soa -r 142SAnaerobic/ Few 0. Fe.2 Reaction Sulfate-Reduction Mn02 -►Mn Zone Iron-Reduction NO3—+N2 Maganese-Reduction 02—H2O Nitrate-Reduction Aerobic Respiration This Substrate Estimating Tool for Enhanced Anaerobic Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents has been developed by Parsons Infrastructure&Technology Group,Inc.(Parsons)for the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program(ESTCP). This substrate estimating tool is made available on an as-is basis without guarantee or warranty of any kind,express or implied. The United States Government,Parsons,the authors,and the reviewers accept no liability resulting from the use of this substrate estimating tool or its documentation;nor does the above warrant or otherwise represent in any way the accuracy, adequacy,efficacy,or applicability of the contents hereof. This substrate estimating tool is intended soley for educational and site screening purposes. Implementation of the substrate estimating tool and interpretation or use of the results provided in the model are the sole responsibility of the user.The substrate estimating tool is provided free of charge for everyone to use,but is not supported in any way by the United States Government or Parsons. Mention of trade names in this report is for information purposes only;no endorsement is implied. Substrate Estimating Tool (Version 1.2) Table S.1 Input for Substrate Requirements in Hydrogen Equivalents Site Name: Example Site RETURN TO COVER PAGE NOTE: Unshaded boxes are user input. 1.Treatment Zone Physical Dimensions Values Range Units User Notes Width(Perpendicular to predominant groundwater flow direction) 35 1-10,000 feet Length(Parallel to predominant groundwater flow) 45 1-1,000 feet Saturated Thickness 25 1-100 feet assumes injection to 30 feet Treatment Zone Cross Sectional Area 875 - ftz _ Treatment Zone Volume 39,375 - ft3 Treatment Zone Total Pore Volume(total volume x total porosity) 82,489 - gallons Treatment Zone Effective Pore Volume(total volume x effective porosity) 50,083 - gallons Design Period of Performance 2.0 .5 to 5 year Design Factor(times the electron acceptor hydrogen demand) 2.5 2 to 20 unitiess 2.Treatment Zone Hydrogeologic Properties Total Porosity 28% .05-50 percent estimated Effective Porosity 17% .05-50 _ percent estimated Average Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity 3 .01-1000 ft/day typical for silty sand formation Average Hydraulic Gradient 0.007 0.0001-0.1 ft/ft september data Average Groundwater Seepage Velocl�hrough the Treatment Zone 0.12 -- ft/day Average Groundwater Seepage Velocity through the Treatment Zone 45.1 -- ft/yr Average Groundwater Discharge through the Treatment Zone 50,181 - gallons/year Soil Bulk Density 1.9 1.4-2.0 gm/cm3 estimated Soil Fraction Organic Carbon(foc) 0.49% 0.01-10 percent estimated 3.Native Electron Acceptors A.Aqueous-Phase Native Electron Acceptors Oxygen 0.0 0.01 to 10 mg/L .01-minimum used based on non-detection in recent data Nitrate 0.10 0.1 to-20 mg/L .1-minimum used based on non-detection in recent data Sulfate 18 10 to 5,000 mg/L maximum from most recent data Carbon Dioxide(estimated as the amount of Methane produced) 15.0 0.1 to 20 mg/L maximum from most recent data B.Solid-Phase Native Electron Acceptors Manganese(IV)(estimated as the amount of Mn(II)produced) 8 0.1 to 20 mg/L estimate Iron(III)(estimated as the amount of Fe(II)produced) 50 0.1 to 20 mg/L MW-02 in recent data 4.Contaminant Electron Acceptors Tetrachloroethene(PCE) 0.000 - mg/L Trichloroethene(TCE) 0.000 - mg/L Dichloroethene(cis-DCE,trans-DCE,and 1,1-DCE) 0.000 -- mg/L Vinyl Chloride(VC) 0.000 - mg/L Carbon Tetrachloride(CT) 0.000 - mg/L Trichloromethane(or chloroform)(CF) 0.000 mg/L Dichloromethane(or methylene chloride)(MC) 0.000 _- - mg/L Chloromethane 0.000 -- mg/L _ Tetrachloroethane(1,1,1,2-PCA and 1,1,2,2-PCA) 10.000 - mg/L _surrogate for Freon x10atMW-02 Trichloroethane(1,1,1-TCA and 1,1,2-TCA) _ 0.000 - mg/L Dichloroethane(1,1-DCA and 1,2-DCA) 0.000 - mg/L_ Chloroethane 0.000 - mg/L Perchlorate 0.000 - mg/L 5.Aquifer Geochemistry(Optional Screening Parameters) A.Aqueous Geochemistry _ Oxidation-Reduction Potential(ORP) -115 -400 to+500 mV 'typical from most recent data Temperature 22 5.0 to 30 °C typical from most recent data pH 6.8 4.0 to 10.0 su typical from most recent data Alkalinity _ 361 10 to 1,000 mg/L typical from most recent data_ Total Dissolved Solids(TDS,or salinity) 100 10 to 1,000 mg/L default Specific Conductivity 3240 100 to 10,000 µs/cm MW-02 in recent data_ Chloride 10 10 to 10,000 mg/L default Sulfide-Pre injection 0.1 0.1 to 100 mg/L estimated - Sulfide-Post injection 0.0 0.1 to 100 mg/L _ B.Aquifer Matrix _ _ Total Iron 60 , 200 to 20,000 mg/kg MW-02 in recent data Cation Exchange Capacity _ NA 1.0 to 10 meq/100 g Neutralization Potential 10.0% 1.0 to 100 Percent as CaCO3 default NOTES: s-1 ER-200627 Substrate Design Tool-SRS-EMCA 2/24/2012 Substrate Estimating Tool (Version 1.2) Table S.2 Substrate Calculations in Hydrogen Equivalents Site Name: Example Site RETURN TO COVER PAGE NOTE: Open cells are user input. 1.Treatment Zone Physical Dimensions Values Range Units Width(Perpendicular to predominant groundwater flow direction) 35 1-10,000 feet Length(Parallel to predominant groundwater flow) 45 1-1,000 feet Saturated Thickness 25 1-100 feet Treatment Zone Cross Sectional Area 875 -- ft2 Treatment Zone Volume 39,375 - ft3 Treatment Zone Effective Pore Volume(total volume x effective porosity) 50,083 -- gallons Design Period of Performance 2.0 .5 to 5 year 2.Treatment Zone Hydrogeologic Properties Total Porosity 0.28 .05-50 Effective Porosity 0.17 .05-50 Average Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity 3 .01-1000 ft/day Average Hydraulic Gradient 0.007 0.1-0.0001 ft/ft Average Groundwater Seepage Velocity through the Treatment Zone 0.12 -- ft/day Average Groundwater Seepage Velocity through the Treatment Zone 45.1 -- ft/yr Average Groundwater Flux through the Treatment Zon 0 50,181 -- gallons/year Soil Bulk Density 1.9 1.4-2.0 gm/cm3 Soil Fraction Organic Carbon(foc) 0.0049 0.0001-0.1 3.Initial Treatment Cell Electron-Acceptor Demand(one total pore volume) Stoichiometric Hydrogen Electron A.Aqueous-Phase Native Electron Acceptors Concentration Mass demand Demand Equivalents per (mg/L) (Ib) (wt/wt h2) (Ib) Mole Oxygen 0.0 0.00 7.94 0.00 4 Nitrate(denitrification) 0.1 0.04 12.30 0.00 5 Sulfate 18 7.52 11.91 0.63 8 Carbon Dioxide(estimated as the amount of methane produced) 15.0 6.27 1.99 3.15 8 Soluble Competing Electron Acceptor Demand(lb.) 3.79 Stoichiometric Hydrogen Electron B.Solid-Phase Native Electron Acceptors Concentration Mass demand Demand Equivalents per (Based on manganese and iron produced) (mg/L) (Ib) (wUwt h2) (Ib) Mole Manganese(IV)(estimated as the amount of Mn(II)produced) 7.7 9.67 27.25 0.35 2 Iron(III)(estimated as the amount of Fe(II)produced) 50.0 62.77 55.41 1.13 1 Solid-Phase Competing Electron Acceptor Demand(lb.) 1.49 Stoichiometric Hydrogen Electron C.Soluble Contaminant Electron Acceptors Concentration Mass demand Demand Equivalents per (mg/L) (Ib) (wt/wt h3) (Ib) Mole Tetrachloroethene(PCE) 0.000 0.00 20.57 0.00 8 Trichloroethene(TCE) 0.000 0.00 21.73 0.00 6 Dichloroethene(cis-DCE,trans-DCE,and 1,1-DCE) 0.000 0.00 24.05 0.00 4 Vinyl Chloride(VC) 0.000 0.00 31.00 0.00 2 Carbon Tetrachloride(CT) 0.000 0.00 19.08 0.00 8 Trichloromethane(or chloroform)(CF) 0.000 0.00 19.74 0.00 6 Dichloromethane(or methylene chloride)(MC) 0.000 0.00 21.06 0.00 4 Chloromethane 0.000 0.00 25.04 0.00 2 Tetrachloroethane(1,1,1,2-PCA and 1,1,2,2-PCA) 10.000 4.18 20.82 0.20 8 Trichloroethane(1,1,1-TCA and 1,1,2-TCA) 0.000 0.00 22.06 0.00 6 Dichloroethane(1,1-DCA and 1,2-DCA) 0.000 0.00 24.55 0.00 4 Chloroethane 0.000 0.00 32.00 0.00 2 Perchlorate 0.000 0.00 12.33 0.00 6 Total Soluble Contaminant Electron Acceptor Demand(lb.) 0.20 Stoichiometric Hydrogen Electron D.Sorbed Contaminant Electron Acceptors Koc Soil Conc. Mass demand Demand Equivalents per (Soil Concentration=Koc x foc x Cgw) (mL/g) (mg/kg) (Ib) (wt/wt h2) (Ib) Mole Tetrachloroethene(PCE) 263 0.00 0.00 20.57 0.00 8 Trichloroethene(TCE) 107 0.00 0.00 21.73 0.00 6 Dichloroethene(cis-DCE,trans-DCE,and 1,1-DCE) 45 0.00 0.00 24.05 0.00 4 Vinyl Chloride(VC) 3.0 0.00 0.00 31.00 0.00 2 Carbon Tetrachloride(CT) 224 0.00 0.00 19.08 0.00 8 Trichloromethane(or chloroform)(CF) 63 0.00 0.00 19.74 0.00 6 Dichloromethane(or methylene chloride)(MC) 28 0.00 0.00 21.06 0.00 4 Chloromethane 25 0.00 0.00 25.04 0.00 2 Tetrachloroethane(1,1,1,2-PCA and 1,1,2,2-PCA) 117 5.73 26.78 20.82 _ 1.29 8 Trichloroethane(1,1,1-TCA and 1,1,2-TCA) 105 0.00 0.00 22.06 0.00 6 Dichloroethane(1,1-DCA and 1,2-DCA) 30 0.00 0.00 24.55 0.00 4 Chloroethane 3 0.00 0.00 32.00 0.00 2 Perchlorate 0.0 0.00 0.00 12.33 0.00 6 Total Sorbed Contaminant Electron Acceptor Demand(lb.) 1.29 (continued) ER-200627 Substrate Design Tool-SRS-EMCA S-2 2/24/2012 Substrate Estimating Tool (Version 1.2) Table S.2 Substrate Calculations in Hydrogen Equivalents 4.Treatment Cell Electron-Acceptor Flux(per year) Stoichiometric Hydrogen Electron A.Soluble Native Electron Acceptors Concentration Mass demand Demand Equivalents per (mg/L) (Ib) (wt/wt h2) (Ib) Mole Oxygen 0.0 0.00 7.94 0.00 4 Nitrate(denitrification) 0.1 0.04 _ 10.25 _ 0.00 5 Sulfate 18 7.54 _ 11.91 _ 0.63 8 Carbon Dioxide(estimated as the amount of Methane produced) 15 6.28 1.99 _ 3.16 8 Total Competing Electron Acceptor Demand Flux(lb/yr) 3.8 Stoichiometric Hydrogen Electron B.Soluble Contaminant Electron Acceptors Concentration Mass demand Demand Equivalents per (mg/L) (lb) (wUwt h2) (Ib) Mole Tetrachloroethene(PCE) 0.000 0.00 20.57 0.00 8 Trichloroethene(TCE) 0.000 0.00 21.73 _ 0.00 6 Dichloroethene(cis-DCE,trans-DCE,and 1,1-DCE) 0.000 0.00 24.05 0.00 4 Vinyl Chloride(VC) 0.000 0.00 31.00 0.00 2 Carbon Tetrachloride(CT) 0.000 0.00 19.08 0.00 8 Trichloromethane(or chloroform)(CF) 0.000 0.00 19.74 0.00 6 Dichloromethane(or methylene chloride)(MC) 0.000 0.00 21.06 0.00 4 Chloromethane 0.000 0.00 25.04 0.00 2 Tetrachloroethane(1,1,1,2-PCA and 1,1,2,2-PCA) 10.000 4.19 20.82 0.20 8 Trichloroethane(1,1,1-TCA and 1,1,2-TCA) 0.000 0.00 22.06 0.00 6 Dichloroethane(1,1-DCA and 1,2-DCA) 0.000 0.00 24.55 _ 0.00 4 Chloroethane 0.000 0.00 32.00 0.00 2 Perchlorate 0.000 0.00 12.33 _ 0.00 6 Total Soluble Contaminant Electron Acceptor Demand Flux(Ib/yr) 0.20 Initial Hydrogen Requirement First Year(Ib) 10.8 Total Life-Cycle Hydrogen Requirement(Ib) 14.8 5. Design Factors Microbial Efficiency Uncertainty Factor 2X-4X Methane and Solid-Phase Electron Acceptor Uncertainty 2X-4X Remedial Design Factor(e.g.,Substrate Leaving Reaction Zone) 1X-3X Design Factor 2.5 Total Life-Cycle Hydrogen Requirement with Design Factor(Ib) 36.9 6. Acronyns and Abbreviations °C=degrees celsius meq/100 g=milliequivalents per 100 grams µs/cm=microsiemens per centimeter mg/kg=milligrams per kilogram cm/day=centimeters per day mg/L=milligrams per liter cm/sec=centimeters per second m/m=meters per meters ft`=square feet mV=millivolts fUday=feet per day m/yr=meters per year ft/ft=foot per foot su=standard pH units ft/yr=feet per year wt/wt H2=concetration molecular hydrogen,weight per weight gm/cm3=grams per cubic centimeter kg of CaCO3 per mg=kilograms of calcium carbonate per milligram lb=pounds ER-200627 Substrate Design Tool-SRS-EMCA S-3 2/24/2012 Substrate Estimating Tool (Version 1.2) Table S.3 Hydrogen Produced by Fermentation Reactions of Common Substrates RETURN TO COVER PAGE Substrate Moles of Hydrogen Ratio of Hydrogen Molecular Molecular Weight Produced per Mole of Produced to Substrate Range of Moles Substrate Formula (gm/mole) Substrate (gm/gm) H2/Mole Substrate Lactic Acid C3H6O3 90.1 2 0.0448 2 to 3 Molasses(assuming 100%sucrose) C12H22011 342 8 0.0471 8 to 11 High Fructose Corn Syrup(assuming 50%fructose and 50%glucose) C6H12O6 180 4 0.0448 4 to 6 Ethanol C2H6O 46.1 2 0.0875 2 to 6 Whey(assuming 100%lactose) C12H22O11 342 11 0.0648 11 HRC" (assumes 40%lactic acid and 40%glycerol by weight) C39H56039 956 28 0.0590 28 Linoleic Acid(Soybean Oil,Corn Oil,Cotton Oil) C18H32O2 281 16 0.1150 16 Table S.4 Estimated Substrate Requirements for Hydrogen Demand in Table S.3 Design Life(years): 2 Pure Substrate Mass Required to Substrate Product Substrate Mass Fulfill Hydrogen Required to Fulfill Required to Fulfill Effective Substrate Substrate Design Factor Demand Hydrogen Demand Hydrogen Demand Concentration (pounds) (pounds) (milligrams) (mg/L) Lactic Acid 2.5 824 824 3.74E+08 656 Sodium Lactate Product(60 percent solution) 2.5 824 1,709 3.74E+08 656 Molasses(assuming 6 0 2.5 783 1,304 3.55E+08 623 HFCS(assuming 40%fructose and 40%glucose by weight) 2.5 824 1,030 3.74E+08 656 Ethanol Product(assuming 80%ethanol by weight) 2.5 421 527 1.91E+08 336 Whey(assuming 100%lactose) 2.5 569 812 2.58E+08 453 HRC® (assumes 40%lactic acid and 40%glycerol by weight) 2.5 625 625 2.83E+08 398 Linoleic Acid(Soybean Oil,Corn Oil,Cotton Oil) 2.5 321 321 1.45E+08 255 Commercial Vegetable Oil Emulsion Product(60%oil by weight) 2.5 321 534 1.45E+08 255 NOTES: Sodium Lactate Product 1. Assumes sodium lactate product is 60 percent sodium lactate by weight. 2. Molecular weight of sodium lactate(CH3-CHOH-COONa) =112.06. 3. Molecular weight of lactic Acid(C6H6O3)=90.08. 4. Therefore,sodium lactate product yields 48.4(0.60 x(90.08/112.06))percent by weight lactic acid. 5. Weight of sodium lactate product=11.0 pounds per gallon. 6. Pounds per gallon of lactic acid in product=1.323 x 8.33 lb/gal H2O x 0.60 x(90.08/112.06) =5.31 lb/gal. NOTES: Standard HRC Product 1. Assumes HRC product is 40 percent lactic acid and 40 percent glycerol by weight. 2. HRC°weighs approximately 9.18 pounds per gallon. NOTES: Vegetable Oil Emulsion Product 1. Assumes emulsion product is 60 percent soybean oil by weight. 2. Soybean oil is 7.8 pounds per gallon. 3. Assumes specific gravity of emulsion product is 0.96. ER-200627 Substrate Design Tool-SRS-EMCA S-4 2/24/2012 Substrate Estimating Tool (Version 1.2) Table S.5 Output for Substrate Requirements in Hydrogen Equivalents Site Name: Example Site RETURN TO COVER PAGE 1.Treatment Zone Physical Dimensions Values Units Values Units Width(perpendicular to groundwater flow) 35 feet 11 meters Length(parallel to groundwater flow) 45 feet 13.7 meters Saturated Thickness 25 feet 7.6 meters Design Period of Performance 2 years 2 years 2.Treatment Zone Hydrogeologic Properties Values Units Values Units Total Porosity 0.28 percent 0.28 percent Effective Porosity 0.17 percent 0.17 percent Average Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity 3 ft/day 1.1E-03 cm/sec Average Hydraulic Gradient 0.007 ft/ft 0.007 m/m Average Groundwater Seepage Velocity 0.12 ft/day 3.8E+00 cm/day Average Groundwater Seepage Velocity 45 ft/yr 13.7 m/yr Effective Treatment Zone Pore Volume 50,083 gallons 189,578 liters Groundwater Flux(per year) 50,181 gallons/year 189,950 liters/year Total Groundwater Volume Treated 150,444 gallons total 569,478 liters total (over entire design period) 3. Distribution of Electron Acceptor Demand Distribution of Electron Acceptors Hydrogen - Percent of Total Demand(lb) ' Aerobic Respiration 0.0% 0.002 1 0.0% ■Aerobic Respiration Nitrate Reduction 0.1% 0.012 ' G 0.1% ■Nitrate Reduction Sulfate Reduction 12.9% 1.897 O Manganese Reduction 2.4% 0.355 m ' 2.4% GManganese Reduction v Iron Reduction 7.7% 1.133 Q ■ 7.7% olron Reduction Methanogenesis 64.2% 9.463 c 12.9% ■Sulfate Reduction Dechlorination 12.8% 1.889 0 Perchlorate Reduction 0.0% 0.000 3 11111111111111111iiiiiik �•2% ■Methanogenesis Totals: 100.00% 14.75 N 1..8% W ■Dechlorination Hydrogen demand in pounds/gallon: 9.80E-05 0.0% OPerchlorate Reduction Hydrogen demand in grams per liter: 1.17E-02 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Percent 4. Substrate Equivalents: Design Factor= 2.5 Effective Quantity Quantity Concentration Effective concentration is for total Product (Ib) (gallons) (mg/L) volume of groundwater treated. _ 1.Sodium Lactate Product 1,709 155 656 as lactic acid 2.Molasses Product 1,304 109 623 as sucrose 3.Fructose Product 1,030 92 656 as fructose 4.Ethanol Product 527 76 336 as ethanol 5.Sweet Dry Whey(lactose) 812 sold by pound 453 as lactose _ 6.HRC® 625 sold by pound 398 as 40%lactic acid/40%glycerol 7.Linoleic Acid(Soybean Oil) 321 41 255 as soybean oil _ 8.Emulsified Vegetable Oil 534 69 255 as soybean oil Notes: 1.Quantity assumes product is 60%sodium lactate by weight. 2.Quantity assumes product is 60%sucrose by weight and weighs 12 pounds per gallon. 3.Quantity assumes product is 80%fructose by weight and weighs 11.2 pounds per gallon. 4.Quantity assumes product is 80%ethanol by weight and weighs 6.9 pounds per gallon. 5.Quantity assumes product is 70%lactose by weight. 6.Quantity assumes HRC®is 40%lactic acid and 40%glycerol by weight. 7.Quantity of neat soybean oil,corn oil,or canola oil. 8.Quantity assumes commercial product is 60%soybean oil by weight. ER-200627 Substrate Design Tool-SRS-EMCA S-5 2/24/2012