HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980_01_08 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD JANAURY 8th, 1980, IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Goldsmith Councilman Bloom Councilman Mc Millan Councilwoman Monsell Councilman Amlicke Absent: None Also Present: Mrs. Miller - Town Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mr. De Luca - Comptroller Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer Mr. Santoro - Acting Supt. of Highways Mr. Leddy - Conservation Director and Acting General Foreman of the Highway Department ORGANIZATION MATTERS FOR 1980 The Supervisor presented the organization matters as set forth on the agenda and thereupon on a motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, the following resolutions were adopted for: 1 . Appointment of Town Officials (2-year term of office) RESOLVED, that the following Town Officials be and they hereby are appointed to the posi- tions listed here below: Attorney (part time) - James J. Johnston Building & Plumbing Inspector - William Paonessa Comptroller and Direc- tor of Finance - Carmine A. De Luca Conservation Director - P. T. Leddy Acting General Fore- man (Highway Dept.) - P. T. Leddy Engineer - Charles R. Elfreich Acting Supt. of Highways - Joseph V. Santoro Supt. of Recreation - James W. Kronenberger Registrar of Vital Statistics - Dorothy S. Miller -1- 2. Appointment of Deputies (1 year term of office) On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following persons be and they hereby are appointed to the posi- tions listed herebelow: a. Deputy Town Clerk RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recommendation of the Town Clerk, Clara Tracy be and she hereby is appointed Deputy Town Clerk to so serve without sal- ary for the year 1980. b. Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recommendation of the Town Clerk, Clara Tracy be and she hereby is appointed Dep- uty Registrar of Vital Statistics to so serve without salary for the year 1980. c. Deputy Comptroller RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recommendation of the Comptroller, Genevieve Soriano be and she hereby As appointed Deputy Comptroller of the Town of Mamaroneck, to so serve without addi- tional salary for the year 1980. d. Deputy Receiver of Taxes RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recommendation of the Comptroller, Raymond Bingman be and he hereby is appointed Deputy Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck, to so serve without additional salary for the year 1980. 3. Appointment of Trustees Police Pension Fund RESOLVED, that Supervisor Leo Goldsmith Jr. and Councilman Stewart J. McMillan be and they hereby are appointed Trustees of the Police Pension Fund of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1980. -2- 4. Appointment of Treasurer Police Pension Fund RESOLVED, that Carmine A. De Luca be and he hereby is appointed Treasurer of the Police Pension Fund of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1980 . 5. Appointment of Civil Officers RESOLVED, that the following persons be and they hereby are reappointed Civil Offi- cers of the Town of Mamaroneck with the powers and duties of Constables in civil ac- tions and proceedings only as provided in Section 20 - 1 a of the Town Law; said per- sons to serve without salary for a term of office of one year, starting January 1st, 1980 and terminating December 31st, 1980. Frank Comblo 225 Highview Street Mamaroneck, N. Y. Ralph Condro 300 Richbell Road Mamaroneck, N. Y. Dominick Faillace 1421 Mamaroneck Avenue Mamaroneck, N. Y. Peter J. Reale 975 Louise Avenue Mamaroneck, N. Y. 6. Approval of Supervisor's Appointments of -- a. Executive Assistant & Confidential Secretary RESOLVED, that the Supervisor's appointment of Lavenia Brewer as his part-time Executive Assistant and Confidential Secretary is hereby approved. b. Examining Board of Plumber's RESOLVED, that the Supervisor's appointments of Sam Paonessa, Stewart J. McMillan and Charles R. Elfreich to the Examining Board of Plumbers are hereby approved. -3- 7. Designation of -- a. Town Board Meeting Dates • RESOLVED, that regular meetings of the Town Board be held at 8:15 p.m. in the Council Room or Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, on the first and third Wednesday of each month with the exception of the months of June, July;.-Aug- ust and September when the Board shall meet only on the first Wednesday of the month. and be it further RESOLVED, that said meeting dates may be changed from time to time at the pleasure of the Board upon adequate Notice being given. b. Official Newspaper RESOLVED, that "The Daily Times" be and it hereby is designated the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, in which newspaper Public Notices and related items will appear. c. Depositories of Funds and Bank Signatures RESOLVED, that the following Banks and Trust Companies are hereby designated as depositories for funds of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1980, to be continued in their present status: The Bank of New York-County Trust Region 242 Mamaroneck Avenue Mamaroneck, New York Barclays Bank of New York 213 Mamaroneck Avenue Mamaroneck, New York National Bank of Westchester Chatsworth Avenue Larchmont, New York Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York 1043 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York and be it further RESOLVED, that all authority heretofore granted to withdraw funds from, and to checks, drafts, and other orders upon the Town of Ma- maroneck accounts maintained at the aforesaid -4- banks is hereby rescinded and revoked, and hereafter such withdrawals, checks, drafts, and other orders shall be authorized when signed by signature or facsimile signature by Leo Goldsmith, Jr. , Supervisor, and Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller; or by Leo Goldsmith, Jr. , Supervisor, and Gen- evieve F. Soriano, Deputy Comptroller. 8. Approval of Contract with Westchester Shore Humane Society RESOLVED, that by a vote of four to one, ehe contract with Westchester Shore Hu- mane Society, Inc. , a copy of which is an- nexed hereto, be and the same is hereby approved in all respects, and the Supervi- sor is authorized and directed to execute such contract on behalf of the Town. OLD BUSINESS 1,. Engineer's Report re Bids Sheldrake River Improvements Pursuant to the Town Engineer's Report of the Bids, on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the bids heretofore re- ceived in connection with the Sheldrake River Improvements be and they hereby are rejected, and the Engineer is author- ized and requested to prepare new speci- fications and to seek new bids, all to be done as promptly as possible. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Change of Polling Places for 8th and 25th Election Districts The Clerk stated that she had a call from St. Augustine's School relative to changing Polling Places and thereupon on a motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to take such steps as may be necessary to change the 8th and 25th Election Districts Polling Places from the Auditorium to the Cafeteria of the St. Augustine School. -5-- 2. Approval of Agreement for Expenditure of Highway Moneys Pursuant to memorandum from the Comptroller, on a motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that all members of the Town Council, including the Supervisor, execute the original of the Agreement for Expendi- ture of Highway Moneys, a copy of which is annexed hereto. 3. Request for Installation of Metal Fireplace and Chimney - 693 Weaver Street The request of Dr. Danne Lorieo for the installation of a metal fireplace and chimney at 693 Weaver Street was presented for action by the Council. After the Council was assured that all preliminary steps and approvals as to design and otherwise had been approved by the necessary authorities, on motion by Coun- cilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the request of Dr. Danne Lorieo of 693 Weaver Street, Town, for the installation of a metal fireplace and metal chimney be approved as submitted. 4. Application for Special Permit Winged Foot Golf Club for New Storage Building There was submitted on behalf of Winged Foot Golf Club an ap- plication for a Special Permit for the construction of a new storage building, such application including the design, speci- fications and various supporting data. Whereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Special Permit Appli- cation submitted on behalf of Winged Foot Golf Club for the construction of a new storage building be and it hereby is referred to the Planning Board for its study and rec- ommendation and report back to the Town Council . 5. Salary Authorizations - Recreation A request for authorizations for salaries to be paid to certain persons employed by the Recreation Commission was sub- mitted to the Council. It was pointed out that the appropria- tions had been made, that the salaries had been approved, and that the only action required of the Council was the approval of the payment to specified individuals. • -6- Whereupon on a motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Melanie Becker be paid, as Senior Skating Instructor, the sum of $10.00 per hour, and that Karen Jacobs, as Junior Skating Instructor, be paid at the rate of $2.50 per hour. COMMUNICATIONS 1 . Notice of Annual Meeting - Association of Towns Designation of Delegate and Alternate The Clerk presented a letter, dated December 31st, 1979, addressed to her by the Association of Towns announcing the dates for a general opening session and meeting of the Association, to be held in New York City on February 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th, 1980. Whereupon following discussion, on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor, Leo Goldsmith, Jr. be named as Delegate to the convocation of the Association of Towns and that Councilman Lee Bloom be named as alternate thereto. THE TOWN CLERK Regular and Special Reports The Council received with thanks the report of the Town Clerk with respect to the Building and Plumbing Report of funds re- ceived for the month of December 1979, as well as the Report for the year 1979, and the Clerk's Report of funds received for the month of December 1979. Thereafter the Town Clerk reported to the Council that there was a shortage of voting machines. Some discussion ensued, as a result of which it was, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Town Clerk be and they hereby are author- ized and directed to make inquiries with respect to the borrowing of voting machines and the Supervisor is hereby authorized to make inquiries concerning the renting of voting machines and to enter into such ar- rangement with respect to the rental of vot- ing machines as to him shall seem appro- priate. -7- =BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Council meeting. 1 . Claims and 2. Reports Upon request of the Chairman, Commissioner Bloom reported that there were no claims or reports to be presented and following his explanation as to the ab- sence of reports, on motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby expresses its best wishes for a speedy recovery to -- Arthur Brown, Secretary of the Fire Council. 3. Other Business • In accordance with Commissioner Bloom''--s request for approval of the Fire Department Officers elected for 1980 and on his motion, which was seconded by Com- missioner McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby approves the slate of Officers of the Fire Department for the year • 1980 as named herebelow: Fire Chief - Richard Tortorella 1st Deputy Chief - Richard Shaw 2nd Deputy Chief - L. Douglas Fletcher Capt. Ladder 19 - S. Cassiero Capt. Quad 5 - Jay Reynolds Capt. Engine 36 - J. Clinton Capt. Engine 37 - D. Tortorella 1st Lt. Ladder 19 - M. Flanigan 1st Lt. Quad 5 - D. Burrell 1st Lt. Engine 36 - L. Santoro , 2nd Lt. Ladder 19 - J. Mitchell 2nd Lt. Quad:-5 __ - N. Condro 2nd Lt. Engine 36 - J. Musacchio, Jr. and Lt. Engine 37 - J. Perri Ladder 19 Warden - G. Reynolds (2 yrs.) Ladder 19 Warden - A. Funck (1 yr.) Ladder 19 Secretary - A. Funck Ladder 19 Sgt. atArms - C. Carpino, Sr. Engine 1 Warden - Jay Reynolds (2 yrs.) Engine 1 Warden - A. Mirande (1 yr.) Engine 1 Secretary D. Burrell Engine 1 Sgt. atAr• ns - J. Torre - 1-0- Engine 2 Warden - D. Forti (2 yrs.) Engine 2 Warden - S . Loiaconi (1 yr.) Engine 2 Secretary - C. Garofalo Engine 2 Sgt. atArms - C. DeBartolo Engine 3 Warden - J. Perri (2 yrs.) Engine 3 Warden - E. Kinney (1 Yr.) Engine 3 Secretary - A. Brown Engine 3 Sgt. atArms - T. Francella ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:16 p.m. Town Clerk -11-