HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979_12_05 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman De Maio
Councilwoman Monsell
Absent: Councilman McMillan
Also Present: Mrs. Miller - Town Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Superintendent of Highways
Mr. Barasch - Chief of Police
Mr. Leddy - Conservation Director
Mr. Kronenberger - Recreation Superintendent
Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer
Mr. Emanuelson - Environmental Consultant
Mr. De Luca - Comptroller
PUBLIC HEARING - 1980 Preliminary Budget & Proposed
Use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds
On motion by Councilman De Maio, seconded by Councilwoman
Monsell, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be
and it hereby is declared open.
The Town Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication and
Posting of the Notice of Hearing as required by law which
were herewith ordered received and filed for the record.
Supervisor Vandernoot reviewed the changes in the items
listed for spending under Federal Revenue Sharing Funds
which precipitated some discussion relative to the possible
discontinuation of those funds in October of 1980, and it
was noted that as the result of that, the funds were being
expended conservatively with some being held for possible
use in 1981 .
And thereupon since no one else wished to be heard either
in favor of or in opposition to the spending of the Federal
Revenue Sharing Funds, on a motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman De Maio, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the portion of the Hearing
relative to Federal Revenue Sharing Funds
be and it hereby is declared closed.
Whereupon on a motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by
Councilwoman Monsell, the following resolution was adopted
by unanimous vote of the Board with the members in atten-
dance voting aye:
WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on this
date at the time and place specified in the No-
tice of Public Hearing on the Proposed Uses
of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds and has
heard all persons desiring to be heard
RESOLVED, that this Town Board does here-
by approve the Preliminary Schedule of
Spending of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds
in the amount of $128,925.00 for the fiscal
year beginning on the first day of January
1980 with the itemized statement of expen-
ditures attached hereto and made a part of
this resolution.
At this time, as had been expressed earlier by Councilwoman
Monsell, Supervisor Vandernoot thanked the members of the
Citizens Budget Committee for their imput. Councilman De-
Maio joined the others in expressing their appreciation to the
Committee but noted that although it was indeed helpful, it in
no way lessened the Town Board's responsibility for the
And thereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by
Councilman De Maio, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the portion of the Hearing
relative to the 1980 Preliminary Budget be
and it hereby is declared open.
The Clerk noted that the same Affidavits presented earlier
were to be received and filed for this portion of the Hearing.
Mrs. Marie Wolf, President of the Larchmont League of Wo-
men Voters, read a prepared statement which was herewith
ordered received and filed as part of the record of this
Hearing, and the following persons also addressed the Board.
Mrs. Caroline Silverstone
Mr. Ralph Fisher
Mrs. Mary Carlson
Mrs. Margaret Shultz
Mrs. Marie Wolf
Mr. Irving Scharf
The following matters then were discussed with clarifications
being made by Department Heads, the Comptroller, and the
members of the Board:
1 . Increase in Library Budget
2. Items in the Assessor's Budget
3. The Larchmont Junior Soccer League's
request for additional monies
4. The request of the Westchester Joint
Water Works for an increase in Fire
Hydrant Rental Fees
5. Revenue projections for the Hommocks
Pool and the matter of the present clos-
ing of the Pool due to structural prob-
lems; also, the Town's imput into the
repairs of the Pool
6. Teen Center appropriations
7. Professional development in Police
8. The Fee Schedule differential at the
Ice Rink for residents and non-
9. The matter of automotive repairs for
Town owned vehicles
10. The matter of part-time assistance
for the Town Clerk at Board meetings
11 . Interest rates on bonding
At the close of the discussion relative to the 1980 Budget, Coun-
cilman Bloom thanked Brian Tumulty for his recent articles in
the newspaper covering various aspects of the Budget - and there-
upon on his motion, which was seconded by Councilwoman Mon-
sell, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Hearing be and it hereby
is declared closed;.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that action t mE the Budget be de-
ferred until the next meeting of the Board so
as to afford the members thereof time for
further study and consideration of the sugges-
tions and recommendations presented this
In addition to thanking those present for their imput in the Budget
discussion, the Supervisor noted that the Paper Recycling Pro-
gram continued to go well and expressed the Board's thanks to
the residents of the Town for their present and continued partici-
pation in the program.
1 . Request for Release of Retained Percentage
Contract 79-4
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Town Board by the
Town Engineer under date of November 28th, 1979 herewith
presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Coun-
cilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was
RESOLVED, that this board hereby author-
izes the acceptance of a Maintenance Bond
on Contract 79-4 - Storm Drain Improve-
ments - Bonnie Way in the amount of
$1 ,344.30 in lieu of the 10% retained per-
centage to Manny Equipment Co. , Inc. as
approved by the Town Attorney.
2. Request for Release of Retained Percentage
Contract 78-8
In accordance with memorandum addressed to the Town Board
by the Town Engineer under date of December 5th, 1979 here-
with presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by
Councilman De Maio, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby author-
izes the acceptance of a Maintenance Bond
on Contract 78-8 in the amount of$2,643.44
in lieu of the 10% retained percentage to
Joseph Carducci, Inc. for the storm drain
improvements on Jason Lane as approved by
the Town Attorney.
3. Report on Bids for:
a) Police Uniforms
A memorandum addressed to the Town Board by Robert M.
Barasch, Police Chief, under date of November 30th, 1979
enumerating the bids and recommending award to the low
bidder was herewith presented and ordered received and
filed, and thereupon, on motion by Councilman Bloom and
seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
accepts the bid of the low bidder,
namely Universal Uniform Company,
in the amount of $157.00.
b) Cleaning of Police Uniforms
The above noted memorandum also covered this item and on
motion by Councilwoman Monsell, seconded by Councilman
De Maio, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
accepts the bid of the only bidder,
namely Excelsior Cleaners in the
following amounts:
Uniform shirts - $ .65 each
Uniform trousers - 1 .50 each
Uniform blouses - 1 .80 each
Uniform leather jackets - 16.50 each
4. Resolution - Recommendation of Traffic
Commission re Parking -
Boston Post Road
Supervisor Vandernoot referred to the Board's last meeting
and presented the above noted recommendation adopted by
the Town's Traffic Commission, and thereupon on a motion
by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the reso-
lution adopted by the Traffic Commis-
sion, this Board hereby approves its
recommendation to prohibit parking
on the North Side of the Boston Post
Road for a distance of 145 feet West of
Alden Road and 31 5 feet East of Alden
Road, and also to prohibit parking on
the South Side of the Boston Post Road
from the Village of Larchmont line to
Weaver Street.
1 . Authorization - Continuance of Westchester County
Municipal Purchasing Program
Pursuant to the presentation of a letter addressed to the Comp-
troller under date of November 27th, 1979 herewith ordered re-
ceived and filed, on motion by Councilwoman Monsell, seconded
by Councilman De Maio, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the Town of Mamaroneck's continued participa-
tion in the Westchester County Municipal Pur-
chasing Program beginning January 1st, 1980
and ending December 31st, 1980.
2. Salary Authorizations - Recreation
Upon presentation of memoranda addressed to the Board by Mr.
Kronenberger under dates of November 29th and 30th, 1979
herewith ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilwoman
Monsell, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1979
Town Budget, this Board hereby authorizes
the following persons to be compensated at
the rate set forth and effective as listed below:
Compensation Effective
Name Position Rate 'Date
Jacob Gottfried Skating Instructor $10.00 per hr. 11/9/79
Hommocks Ice Rink
John Teller, Sr. Recreation Leader 24.00 per 12/15/79
Basketball Program session
David Vaughn, Sr. Sr. Rec. Leader 24.00 per 12/8/79
Basketball Program session
Michael Sudano Sr. Rec. Leader 24.00 per 12/8/79
Basketball Program session
Howard Jordan Rec. Assistant 3.00 per hr. 12/8/79
Basketball Program
Ben Pacewicz Rec. Assistant 3.00 per hr. 12/8/79
Basketball Program
Ramon Rama Rec. Assistant 2.50 per hr. 12/8/79
Basketball Program
David Vaughn, Jr. Rec. Assistant 2.50 per hr. 12/8/79
Basketball Program
3. Authorization - Increase Hydrant Rentals
Westchester Joint Water Works
Supervisor Vandernoot presented a memorandum addressed to
the Westchester Joint Water Works Board of Trustees under date
of November 30th, 1979 herewith ordered received and filed, and
thereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, who noted that this
had been discussed earlier in the meeting during the Budget Hear-
ing, seconded by Councilman De Maio, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the
Westchester Joint Water Works, this
Board hereby authorizes that Hydrant Ren-
tal Rates be increased to the $25.00 per
quarter level in the Unincorporated Area
of the Town of Mamaroneck.
1 . Statement of Canvass - November 6th, 1979
General Election
The Clerk presented the above captioned Statement which was
herewith ordered received and filed for the record.
2.. Notices of Public Hearings -
New Rochelle City
The above captioned Notices were herewith presented and ordered
received and filed.
3. Notice of Public Hearing -
Village of Mamaroneck
The above-mentioned Notice was presented and herewith ordered
received and filed with the notation that the items to be covered
were of no real concern to the Town of Mamaroneck.
4. Letter, Otto Scheuble
Supervisor Vandernoot acknowledged receipt of a letter addressed
to the Town Board by Otto Scheuble under date of December 3rd,
1979 which was herewith ordered filed as part of the record of
this meeting with the Supervisor noting that since the Certiorari
referred to in said letter was presently in litigation, the Board
could not comment. A great deal of discussion then followed with
clarifications being made to Mr. Scheuble by Councilman Bloom,
after which on a motion duly made and seconded, it was unani-
mously so ordered that the Town Attorney arrange to meet with
Mr. Scheuble in order to work out a compromise settlement.
1 . Regular Reports
The Clerk presented the Report of the Building and Plumbing In-
spector for the month of November 1979 which was herewith or-
dered received and filed.
1 . Change of Dates for January 1980
Town Board Meetings
Councilman Bloom noted that for various reasons it would be
appropriate for the Board to change the dates of the Town Board
meetings in January 1980, and thereupon on a motion by Council-
man De Maio, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unan-
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby changes
the dates of the two regular meetings in Jan-
uary 1980 from Wednesday, January 2nd, 1980
to Tuesday, January 8th, 1980 - and from
Wednesday, January 16th, 1980 to Wednesday,.
January 23rd, 1980.
The Town Attorney
1 . Teck Realty Company Certiorari
Mr. Johnston stated that he was in receipt of a memorandum,
from the Town Assessor, George Derderian, regarding the
above captioned matter and pursuant to his request, on mo-
tion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman De Maio,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the
Town Assessor, this Board hereby au-
thorizes the Town Attorney to enter into
negotiations to settle the Teck Realty Com-
pany Certiorari.
There being no further business to come`before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 10:15 p.m. , to reconvene on December 19th, 1979.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1 . Claims
Pursuant to the memorandum addressed to the Commission by
the Deputy Comptroller under date of December 5th, 1979,
herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion
by Commissioner Bloom, seconded by Commissioner Monsell,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following Fire
Department claims as approved by the
Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's
Albertson Communications, Inc. $ 1 , 106.30
Coyne Industrial Laundries, Inc. 66.00
Excelsior Garage & Machine Works Inc. 481 .22
Exterminating Division 11 .75
Franklin Cleaners 330.25
General Tire Service 53.63
International Map Company 157.50
Larchmont Auto Parts Dist. , Inc. 35.02
New York Telephone Co. $ 410.02
New York Telephone Co. 19.94
Portronix Communications, Inc. 258.00
Signacon Controls, Inc. 302.25
Village of Larchmont 107.00
$, 3,338.88
2. Reports
There were no reports to come before the Commission.
3. Other Business
a) New Traffic Control System
Some discussion followed Commissioner
Bloom's and Deputy Fire Chief Tortorella's
announcement about the new Traffic Con-
trol System almost in complete operation
near the Firehouse.
b) Communication from Fire Chief
Commissioner Bloom presented a com-
munication from Fire Chief Condro, dated
December 4th, 1979 herewith ordered re-
ceived and filed, and thereupon on his mo-
tion, seconded by Commissioner Monsell,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes Stephen Cassiero and William
McDermott, who have been trained and ap-
proved, to act as Emergency Drivers for
Engine 36;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Commission herewith
thanks and congratulates the heretofore men-
tioned Volunteer Firemen.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 10:22 p.m. , to reconvene on December 19th, 1979.
Town Clerk