HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979_10_03 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman DeMaio
Councilwoman Monsell
Absexit� . Councilman McMillan
Also Present: Mrs. Miller - Town Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Barasch - Chief of Police
Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer
The minutes of the regular meeting of October 18, 1978 were
presented and on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by
Supervisor Vandernoot, approved as submitted.
The minutes of the regular meeting of November 1 , 1978
were presented and on motion by Councilman DeMaio, sec-
onded by Councilman Bloom, approved as submitted.
PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Local Law No. 4 - 1979
New Schedule of Fees for Licensing
On motion by Councilwoman Monsell, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing
be and it hereby is declared open.
The Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication and Posting
of the Notice of Hearing for the record. Supervisor Vander-
' noot reviewed the new State Law which increases the statu-
tory fees to be received by the State, thus causing the Town
to increase the total fee paid to the Clerk, and the Clerk also
called to attention the new category of neutered and unneutered
• -1-
Caroline Silverstone, 22 Glenn Road, Town, addressed the
Board in favor of the increase, and since no one wished to
speak in opposition, on motion by Councilman Bloom, sec-
onded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Hearing be and
it hereby is declared closed.
And thereupon, on motion b y Councilman Bloom, seconded
by Councilwoman Monsell, the following resolution was
adopted by unanimous vote of the Board:
WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on
this date, at the time and place specified
in the Notice of Public Hearing, to con-
sider the adoption of Local Law No. 4 -
1979 - New Schedule of Fees for Licens-
ing Dogs - and has heard all persons de-
siring to be heard thereon;
RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby
adopt Local Law No. 4 - 1979 - entitled
"To Create a New Schedule of Fees for
Licensing Dogs", and that such Local
Law as so adopted and herein stated be
made a part of the minutes of this
1 . Each dog harbored in the Town of
Mamaroneck must be licensed to a specific
adult applicant.
2. Each applicant shall pay the Town
Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck at the
time of making the licensing application
the following fees:
(a) Five Dollar's ($5.00) license fee for
each neutered male or each spayed fe-
male dog;
(b) Ten Dollars ($10.00) license .fee for
unneutered male or unspayed female dog.
3. This Local Law shall take effect im-
mediately-upon;filing in the office of the
Secretary of State.
4. The Town Board, upon adoption of
this Local Law, hereby rescinds in its
entirety Local Law No. 1 - 1978, adopted
on November 1 , 1978.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby
authorized to publish in the official news-
paper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The
Daily Times, Notice of the adoption of the
aforesaid Local Law and to post same on
the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board as re-
quired by law.
Discussion re Group Homes
With the unanimous consent of the Board, Supervisor Vander-
noot interrupted the order of business and acknowledged the
presence of a delegation from the Howell Park Association.
He reviewed the matter of the search for a Group Home for the
Retarded, including the appointment of the Site Search Com-
mittee, and the results of the search to date including all of
the homes under consideration. A very lengthy discussion fol-
lowed during which the following persons addressed the Board
and the Supervisor either clarified their statements of ans-
wered their questions.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hines, 1281 Palmer Avenue, Town
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hoffman, Jr. , 69 Carleon Avenue, .Town
Mr. Frank Taylor, 12 Carleon Avenue, Town
Mrs. F. M. Brookfield, 60 Carleon Avenue, Town
Mr. Thomas Amlicke, 60 Maple Hill Drive, Town
Mr. Steven Lowy, 1261 Palmer Avenue, Town
At the close of the discussion, on motion duly made and seconded,
it was unanimously so ordered that the Supervisor, on behalf of
the Board, be authorized to write a letter to the State voicing all
of the feelings and concerns expressed this evening.
1 . Acceptance of Laurel Avenue
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Town Board by the
Engineer under date of September 28, 1979, herewith pre-
sented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Coun-
cilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman- Monsell, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts
as a public street or highway of the Town of
Mamaroneck the street known as Laurel Ave-
nue (0.03) located in the Subdivision known
as Laurel Avenue Extension shown on Map No.
19041 filed in the Office of the County Clerk
of Westchester County, New York- Division
of Land Records, on January 28, 1977;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and
she hereby is authorized to return to Mr.
Carducci .a Savings Bank Pass Book in
the amount of $5,000. which had been ac-
cepted in lieu of a bond.
2. Set Date for Public Hearing - Special Permit
Application - Proposed New Car Agency
Supervisor Vandernoot presented a memorandum addressed to
the Town Board by the Planning Board under date of September
19, 1979, herewith ordered received and Filed, recommending
approval of the application and stated that it was in order for
this Board to set a date for a Public Hearing. Thereupon on
motion by Councilman DeMaio, seconded by Councilwoman
Monsell, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby fixes
the date of October 17, 1979, for holding
a Public Hearing on the request for a
Special Permit to allow the premises at
2155 Palmer Avenue, Town, to be used
for the service and repair of motor ve-
hicles sold by the proposed new car agency;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and
she hereby is authorized to publish in the
official newspaper of the Town of Mamar-
oneck, The Daily Times, the Notice of
said hearing as required by law.
3. Authorization - Capital Notes for
Reconstruction of Storm Drains - Bonnie Way
Pursuant to the Supervisor's review of the project, the follow-
ing resolution was offered by Councilman Bloom, who moved.
its adoption, and seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, to-wit:
OCTOBER 3, 1979.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamar-
oneck, Westchester County, New York, as follows:
Section 1 . The specific object or purpose to be financed pur-
suant to this resolution is the reconstruction by
the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County,
New York, of storm drains on Bonnie Way in and
for said Town.
Section 2. The maximum estimated cost of such specific
object or purpose is $20,000. , and the plan for
financing thereof- consists of the issuance of
$20,000. capital notes of said Town, hereby au-
thorized to be issued pursuant to the Local Fi-
nance Law. All further powers in connection
with the details and sale of said capital notes are
hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fis-
cal officer of said Town.
Section 3. It is hereby determined. that the period of probable
usefulness of the.aforesaid specific object or pur-
pose is forty years, pursuant to subdivision 4 of __ : -,
paragraph a of Section 11 .00 of the Local Finance
Section 4. The faith and credit of said Town of Mamaroneck,
Westchester County, New York, are hereby irre-
vocably pledged for the payment of the principal of
and interest on such notes as the same respectively
become due and payable.
Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly
put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Joseph F. Vandernoot-Voting - Aye
Lee H. Bloom -Voting - Aye
Harry B. DeMaio -Voting - Aye
Charlotte P. Monsell -Voting - Aye
Stewart J. McMillan -Voting - Absent
The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.
4. Set Date for Public Hearing - Zoning
Upon discussing the advisability of a Hearing on the Clark Report,
merely on the proposals of RT-A zoning, it was unanimously agreed
by the Board to postpone the holding of a Public Hearing until such
time as the Report in full can be heard.
Changes in Police Department
Pursuant to memoranda addressed to the Board by the Chairman of
the Board of Police Commissioners under date of October 3, 1979,
herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record,
and following some discussion in which clarifications were made by
Police Chief Barasch, on motion by Councilman DeMaio, seconded
by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby author-
izes the following changes in the Police De-
partment as approved by the Board of Police
The appointment of Detective Paul Adamo to
Sergeant, effective October 1 1 , 1979, to be
compensated at the rate of $22,375.00 per
The appointment of Patrolman Louis Mosiello
to Sergeant, effective October 1 1 , 1979, to
be compensated at the rate of $22,375.00 per
The appointment of Patrolman Michael Nar-
delli to Detective, effective October 1 1 , 1979,
to be compensated at the rate of $21 ,270.00
per annum.
1 . Authorization - Replacement of Valves
Kenilworth Road
The Supervisor presented a communication from John G. Hock,
Manager of the Westchester Joint Water Works, which was here-
with ordered received and filed, and thereupon following some
discussion relative to the benefits from the valves to the Unin-
corporated Area of the Town of Mamaroneck, on motion by
Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby author-
izes the Westchester Joint Water Works to
install two 24" Butterfly Valves on the exist-
ing 24" transmission main which extends
along Kenilworth Road in the Town of Harri-
son, and delivers water to all three munici-
palities from the Kenilworth Tank. The Town
of Mamaroneck's share of said Project A-865
is estimated to be $4,775.00.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution is subject to
confirmation that the valves would benefit the
Town of Mamaroneck.
2. Salary Authorizations - Recreation
In accordance with memoranda of September 10th, 25th, and Octo-
ber 1st, 1979, addressed to the Town Board by the Superintendent
of Recreation, herewith presented and ordered received and filed,
on motion by Councilwoman Monsell, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1979
Town Budget, this Board hereby authorizes
the following persons to be compensated at
the rate set forth and effective date as listed
Nick Paine, Recreation Attendant, Hommocks
Tennis Courts, $2.50 per hour, effective 9/8/79,
replacing Daniel Lord.
Michael Yans, Sr. Rec. Leader, $8.00 per hr. ,
effective 10/16/79.
Judy Allinson, Rec. Assistant, $5.00 per hr. , ef-
fective 10/16/79.
Julie Tighe, Rec. Assistant, $3.00 per hr. , effec-
tive 10/20/79.
Cathy Cilento, Sr. Rec. Leader, $20.00 per session,
effective 10/10/79.
Cindy Owen, Rec. Assistant, $9.00 per session, ef-
fective 10/10/79.
Barbara Reilly, Rec. Assistant, $9.00 per session,
effective 10/10/79.
Larry Armstrong, Rec. Assistant, $30.00 per ses-
sion, effective 10/12/79.
Richard Owen, Rec. Assistant, $30.00 per session,
effective 10/12/79.
Dean Reban, Rec. Assistant, $30.00 per session, ef-
fective 10/12/79.
Richard Rella, Rec. Assistant, $30.00 per session,
effective 10/12/79.
Nancy Neumeister, Rec. Assistant, $3.00 per hr. ,
effective 10/12/79.
Mercedes Yans, Sr. Rec. Leader, $20.00 per
session, effective 10/6/79.
Robert Lunde, Rec. Assistant, Installation
of Hommocks Ice Rink, $2.50 per hr.
Daniel Purcell, Rec. Assistant, Installation
of Hommocks Ice Rink, $2.50 per hr.
1 . Letter re Storm Clean-up
Supervisor Vandernoot presented a copy of a letter addressed
to Mr. Aitchison by Edward J. Fontana under date of Septem-
ber 10th, 1979, commending him and his Department on the
removal of the vast amount of fallen foliage which accumulated
during the storm of September 6th.
2. Letter re Conrail
Some discussion followed Supervisor Vandernoot's acknowl-
edgement of receipt of a letter addressed to him by Doug Fais
under date of September 19th, 1979 relative to the problems
with the commuter trains and noted that he had spoken to a
representative of the MTA who assured him the problem would
be alleviated. The letter was ordered filed and on motion unan-
imously made and seconded, it was unanimously resolved that
Councilman Lee H . Bloom is hereby appointed to the Conrail
• NOT ON AGENDA - Mrs. Mary Carlson
A brief discussion was precipitated by Mary Carlson's refer-
ence to a new bus route through the Unincorporated Area of
the Town of Mamaroneck.
3. Report - Inventory of Highway Machinery,
Tools and Equipment
A copy of the above captioned Report by the Highway Super-
intendent was herewith presented and ordered received and
4. Letter - Caroline Silverstone
Mr. Vandernoot acknowledged receipt of a letter addressed
to him by Caroline Silverstone under date of September 28th,
1979, which was ordered filed.
Regular Reports
The Clerk presented the following reports which were here-
with ordered received and filed:
Reports of the Town Clerk for the
months of August and September
Reports of the Building and Plumb-
ing Inspector for the months of
August and September 1979.
1 . Proclamation - Volunteer Recognition Week
Supervisor Vandernoot made reference to the ceremony
held tonight prior to the Town Board meeting and with
the unanimous consent of the Board, the following
proclamation was issued.
(see next page for Proclamation)
W h e r e as , The Town of Mamaroneck recognizes the
vital role its volunteers play in making
and keeping our community a good place
in which to live,
Whereas , they, through their generous contribution
of time and energy, provide those ser-
vices so essential to the comfort and well-
being of the many who need them,
Whereas , to commemorate appropriately the work
of our volunteers and their tireless ef-
forts, the Town of Mamaroneck has des-
ignated the week of October 3rd, 1979
as --
Volunteer Recognition
Now , Therefore ,
I, Joseph F. Vandernoot, Supervisor of
the Town of Mamaroneck, do hereby
honor and acclaim all those who have made
it possible to establish and develop such •
programs in the Town -- and urge all of
our citizens who can to participate in the
continuance of these invaluable services.
Joseph F . Vandernoot
For the Town Board
Dated : October the 3rd , 1979 .
2. Announcement - Budget Calendar
Supervisor Vandernoot presented for the record the following
budget calendar schedule relative to the 1980 Town Budget
adoption process and explained that it was in order for the
Board to set a date-for the first of two Public Hearings rela-
tive to Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, and thereupon on a
motion by Counsilwoman Monsell, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that a Public Hearing will be
held by this Board at its next regular meet-
ing on Wednesday, October 17, 1979, in the
Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse,
Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, for
the purpose of considering the proposed uses
of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds during
the Budget Yeat 1980;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and she here-
by is authorized to publish in the official
newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The
Daily Times, the Notice of said Hearing as
required by law
Calendar --
10/17 Public Hearing - Proposed Use Federal
Revenue Sharing Funds
10/30 File Tenative Budget with Town Clerk
11/7 Clerk submits Tenative Budget to Town
11/21 Set Date for Public Hearing
12/5 Public Hearing on Preliminary Budget
and Federal Revenue Sharing Funds
12/19 Adoption of Budget
3. Report - TOPICS Study
Supervisor Vandernoot acknowledged receipt of the first portion
of the above captioned study and reviewed the recently held meet-
ing and reiterated the various recommendations by Brown & As-
sociates which excluded the Boston Post Road. Some discussion
followed in which it was noted that increased lighting on the Bos-
ton Post Road will be recommended to TOPICS. Councilman De-
Maio asked the Town Engineer to look into ways to increase park-
ing spaces in the Town lots, more specifically by rearranging the
lot with spaces for small cars and large cars being denoted.
4. Second Quarterly Report - Westchester Joint
Water Works
The above captioned Report was herewith presented and ordered
received and filed for the record.
5. Firefighters' Contract
The Supervisor reported for informational purposes that the
Contract has been signed following negotiations with the Fire-
fighters' Union.
Mr. McMillan
1 . Announcement - Public Hearing re Cable TV
In the absence of Mr. McMillan, Supervisor Vandernoot an-
nounced that the above referenced Hearing will be held on
Thursday, October 4, 1979 at St. Augustine's Auditorium on
Larchmont Avenue at 8 p.m.
Mrs. Monsell
1 . Report - Family & Youth Advocate
Councilwoman Monsell complimented the Screening Committee's
diligent work in seeking and interviewing applicants for the
Youth Advocate position and noted that an announcement will be
made at the next meeting of the Screening Committee's choice
and will include an outline of what will be expected of that per-
son during the first year.
2. Opening - Parents' Center
Mrs. Monsell further noted the coming opening of the Parents'
Center at the Westchester Jewish Center.
Mr. Thomas Amlicke re Larchmont Reservoir
Mr. Amlicke, Chairman of the Town's Conservation Advisory.
Commission and also Chairman of the County's Environmental
Management Council, reported that his Council was asked by
the County Executive to study the situation relative to the
Larchmont Reservoir and stated that he felt a decision would
be forthcoming from Mr. Del Bello.
There being no further business to come before the Board,
following Supervisor Vandernoot's tribute to Sergeant
William O'Rorke, who, he noted, was a conscientious and
effective Policeman who was looking forward to his retire-
ment, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Coun-
cilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this meeting, to reconvene
on October 17, 1979, was declared adjourned
at 11 :21 p.m. in memory of Sergeant William
O'Rorke of the Town of Mamaroneck Police
and it was further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor address a
letter to Mrs. O'Rorke expressing the Board's
appreciation of her husband's dedicated ser-
vice to the Town and conveying its deepest
sympathy and condolences to her along with
its best wishes for the future.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1 . Claims
Upon Commissioner Bloom's presentation of the Fire claims
for authorization of payment, on his motion, seconded by
Commissioner Monsell, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following Fire
Department claims as approved by the Fire
Chief and audited by the Comptroller's
AAA Emergency Supply Co. $ 159.65
Albertson Communications 60.00
B & C Smith, Inc. 4.50
Brewer's 13.92
Chief Ralph Condro 199.66
Con Edison 19. 13
Dri-Chem Extinguisher 163.00
n » rt 142.00
Excelsior Garage & Machine 171 .42
Exterminating Services 11 .75
General Tire Service 233. 12
N. La Russell 172.50
Micro-Bio-Medics, Inc. $ 13.70
" 11 " 155.34
New York Telephone 19.94
11 " 410.03
Office Essentials 13.37
Peter Perciasepe, Jr. 60.47
Department Chief R. Shaw 158.75
" " 15.40
Town & Village Roofing 1 ,040.00
Westchester Rockland
Newspaper 49.92
$ 3,287..57
2. Reports
There were no reports to come before the Commission.
3. Other Business
There was no other business to come before the Commission.
There being no further business to come before the Fire Corn-
mission, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was
declared adjourned at 11 :22 p.m. , to reconvene on October
17, 1979.
Town Clerk