HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979_04_04 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD ON APRIL 4, 1979 IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK (compiled on February 9, 2007 from the April 4, 1979 file) PRESENT: Supervisor Vandernoot Councilman Bloom Councilwoman Monsell Councilman McMillan Councilman DeMaio ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Mrs. Miller - Town Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mr. Aitchison - Superintendent of Highways Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of November 15, 1978 were presented and on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, approved as submitted. Both Councilman DeMaio and Councilwoman Monsell abstained from voting since neither had been in attendance at the meeting. DISCUSSION - Report of the Town Manager Study Committee Supervisor Vandernoot stated he had received a majority report from Leo Goldsmith, Mrs. Schultz and Mr. Miralia and acknowledged the letter received from Mr. Brush, Jr. and Mr. Page as the minority report. Mr. Goldsmith commented that Jerry Page had called and told him he could not attend and noted that Mr. Page stated he did not have anything to add to the report. Mrs. Beth Melkin presented a prepared statement as President of the Larchmont League of Women Voters. The statement was ordered received and filed and a copy was given to the Town Clerk. Leo Goldsmith commented that he had spoken to people in the.Municipal Managers Association who noted there was no problem in finding qualified persons. He also made reference to page 9 of the report and noted that the Committee felt the Town Board would give a person a fair and adequate test. Mrs. Shultz commented regarding Local Law #1-1977 of Batavia, New York and a letter from their Manager. She noted that this is a trend in many communities. She further stated it must be a full town charge and that should not hinder the Town's quest for an administrator or manager. Mr. Miralia noted there is certainly no lack of interested or qualified persons. He recommended a group be set up to go forth with structuring or setting up the position. Councilman DeMaio stated his skepticism of how this Board should go about setting this up. Mr. Goldsmith stated he has complete faith in the Board as to their actions in determining this. Councilman McMillan noted his concerns about how to get out of the situation if it is not working. Mr. Goldsmith commented that is why they recommended an administrator instead of a manager as it is easier to get out of. Mr. Miralia added that there should be an understanding from the beginning of the test. Mrs. Tonsek noted the possibility of not attracting good people if there are certain limitations on the time, etc. Councilman Bloom was concerned about the attendance tonight and noted one could draw conclusions about that. He felt it would be a problem to come to a decision without more input from the community. Mrs. Ellie Berlin noted there were no actual dollars and cents figures mentioned as yet. There ensued some discussion regarding this point. Councilman DeMaio stated the Board should set up some ground rules and let another group or committee follow through. Mr. Goldsmith commented that the Board delegate to the administrator as many duties as possible in order to have a fair test. He felt they should turn over all duties except those that cannot be done according to the law (including personnel). He noted that a manager is given duties, an administrator can be given duties and they can be taken back. Mr. Miralia agreed with Mr. Goldsmith and noted an outsider would not have the same feeling on quality of life as we now do and mainly wished to have a person continue this way of life while maintaining expenses. Councilman McMillan asked if the Committee looked at the City's having gone from "Strong Mayor" to "Weak Mayor" situations and how did that transpire? Mr. Goldsmith noted that depends on from whom the answers come from and noted further complications due to our Supervisors previously being such dedicated persons who were on full time in a part time position and payment. A member of the league noted this proposal would give the Board more time to devote to long-term planning. Councilman McMillan felt it would not be likely to go back to the old way of life with the Supervisor at the head of government. Councilman Bloom stated he was not in agreement and felt a person interested in sitting on the Board should not be qualified in matters of the Town as those now were. Councilman DeMaio noted a large part of the test would before the Board to agree upon what the Council's function need be during this interim test period. Mr. Tonsek felt that the Board will have time to take care of other matters, ie. Working with other communities, the state and the county. There was discussion abut what degree of change will take place as far as the Board members' responsibilities are concerned. Councilman DeMaio commented on the transaction from manager body to a policy making body was an important consideration also. Mr. Goldsmith commented that over the course of time a major change will come about and who is to determine if this is good or bad? The change will be removed to some extent from the people.. Is that good or bad? He used an example of the school board as a good example. The Committees investigation for its report noted a trend towards this kind of government. He noted there must be a good reason for this. Councilman DeMaio commented on whether the evaluation was of the system or the person and are these hard to separate? Beth Melkin asked the Board members their feelings about their job. There were comments from Councilwoman Monsell. Dick Felmer, also a member of the Committee, noted there is flexibility and legally alternate statues which can give allowances for entering upon this. Mr. Miralia asked what exact powers will this Board delegate to this person and the differences to be made if it's a manager or an administrator. There was some discussion about a new person as opposed to someone already on staff. Councilman McMillan gave an accounting of the situation in Scarsdale regarding the long time manager and approximately three assistants. He commented on the admirable job and gave his thanks to the Committee and feels there should be further discussion with the public and put this to a referendum. Councilwoman Monsell commented she was not on the Board at the time of the committee charge and thinks the time has come that we may not always have persons willing to serve full time as they now do. Supervisor Vandernoot echoed things already said about the superb job done by the committee. Mr. Goldsmith extended his thanks to Councilman Bloom and Councilman DeMaio. The Board will not take action on this proposal tonight. OLD BUSINESS 1. Report of Bids - Sale of Bucket Truck Pursuant to Comptroller Carmine DeLuca's presentation of his memorandum addressed to the Board under date April 4, 1979 recommending award to the high bidder, herewith ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman DeMaio, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the sale of a 1966 Ford Bucket Truck, Serial No. FS0AE874734 to West Tec Systems, the high bidder, for the price of$1,355.00. 2. Rescind Resolution of March 7, 1979 re: Cable TV and Authorize New Resolution Councilman McMillan commented regarding putting out the notice and was informed by Mrs. Lipton that the notice was too long and $2,000 non refundable fee too high. The notice is to be in the local paper as well as trade publications. On motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that this Board hereby rescinds the resolution adopted on March 7, 1979 authorizing the publication of a Notice of Solicitation for Cable TV Proposals; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes publication of the following Notice: NOTICE OF SOLICITATION FOR CABLE TV PROPOSALS FOR THE VILLAGE OF LARCHMONT, VILLAGE OF MAMARONECK, AND TOWN OF MAMARONECK, STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all applications for a franchise to provide CABLE TELEVISION SERVICE in the above three municipalities will be received by the Village Clerk of the Village of Larchmont, Municipal Building, Larchmont, New York 10538 (Phone: 914-834-6230), until 4:00 o'clock P.M. prevailing time on Tuesday, August 7, 1979. Subsequent to such time all applications will be available for public inspection at the said office during regular business hours. Applications shall be prepared and submitted pursuant to a REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS available from the Village Clerk, Village of Larchmont, New York. BY ORDER OF THE BOARDS OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LARCHMONT AND THE VILLAGE OF MAMARONECK, AND THE TOWN COUNCIL, TOWN OF MAMARONECK, STATE OF NEW YORK. 3. Engineer's Report - Dredging - Little Harbor Sound Mr. Elfreich stated orally that 40% of dredging was done with no problems. It is functioning well. Mr. Pound is still optimistic about it taking 6 weeks. However, the engineer sees it taking 8 weeks. He further noted that where dredged materials has piled up, it is just like beach sand after the machinery has stopped. NEW BUSINESS 1. Acceptance - Conservation Advisory Commission's 1978 Annual Report Councilman Bloom commented on receipt of the report just a few days ago. The report seems to be in order. He feels they should have reported to the Board prior to printing, but would move for approval so that the filing can be done in Albany. Motion made by Councilman Bloom, Seconded by Councilman DeMaio. Not on Agenda The Board noted a letter from the Conservation Advisory Commission to the Board. The letter was referred to the Town Attorney. 2. Salary Authorizations - Recreation In accordance with memorandum of March 26, 1979 addressed to the Honorable Town Board by James Kronenberger, Superintendent of Recreation, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1979 Town Budget, this Board hereby authorizes the following persons to be compensated at the rate set forth and effective date as listed below: LaRue Best, Rec. Attendant, Memorial Park, $3.00 per hour, effective 3/26/79. Robert Lunde, Rec. Attendant, Memorial Park, $2.50 per hour, effective 4/1/79. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter, Mamaroneck Village Manager Re: Consolidation of Police Departments Supervisor Vandernoot commented regarding the letter of March 27, 1979 and his discussion with Mayor Mayer who appointed a member of his Board and himself to meet with Mr. Gianunzio for a preliminary meeting. 2. Letter, Assemblyman Perione Re: Commuter Committee Supervisor Vandernoot noted the letter received from Assemblyman Perone dated March 26, 1979. He noted the appointment of Councilman Bloom (a commuter) to talk to fellow commuters and urge them to contact the Assemblyman. Considerable improvements have been made according to Councilman Bloom. THE TOWN CLERK Regular Reports THE SUPERVISOR 1. Announcement - Compost Opening at Taylors Lane Supervisor Vandernoot made an announcement that residents may obtain free compost for private use this weekend and next at the composting area on Taylors Lane, off E. Post Road in Mamaroneck. The area will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, this week and next. THE TOWN ATTORNEY 1. County Equalization Rates - 1972 & 1973 The State Board said the County Board's assessment had been erroneous. The impact would have been a real hardship and asked that it be spread out over at least five years. This was explained by Jim Johnston. This was a result of a New York State temporary committee on tax reassessment. It is worthy of readdress as noted by Mr.. Miralia. There is $200 million in certioraris in Nassau County. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:54 p.m. in memory of Joseph Downey who served the Town on the Narcotics Guidance Council. Councilman Bloom commented there is a very special place in our hearts for Joe who worked with certain kids. Councilman McMillan added that Mr. Downey was extremely perceptive and warm. On motion of Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman DeMaio, it is unanimously, WHEREAS Joseph T. Downey who served the people of the Union Free School District No. 1, Town of Mamaroneck, as a teacher, guidance counselor, Principal of the Murray Avenue School, Distrct-wide Director of Pupil Personnel Services, and finally as Principal of the Mamaroneck High School for the past twelve years, died on March the 28th, 1979; AND WHEREAS, During all of his twenty-seven years of complete and absolutely dedicated service, he showed himself to be a leader of great ability, warm understanding and broad vision and wisdom; AND WHEREAS, His contributions to education and to youth, especially his service on the Narcotics Guidance Council of the Town, have been recognized not only in this community but in the State and the Country; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the members of this Board, the staff, and all of our residents convey to Mrs. Downey and the members of her family our deep sense of loss, grief and sorrow; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this meeting stands adjourned in respect to and in honor of the memory of — Joseph T. Downey And that this resolution be entered upon the minutes of this meeting as a permanent and lasting tribute to him. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Claims Pursuant to a memorandum addressed to the Honorable Town Board from Genevieve F. Soriano, Deputy Comptroller, dated April 4, 1979, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, to pay the following claims: AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc. 55.00 Albertson Communications, Inc. ..52.50 R.G. Brewere, Inc. 7.91 Larchmont Hardware 1.85 Edward Lasus, Inc. 8.30 Chris Murphy 945.75 New York Telephone Co. 407.28 New York Telephone Co. 19.94 Portronix Communications, Inc. 7.00 Portronix Communications, Inc. 5.25 Westchester Joint Water Works 49.33 Westchester Joint Water Works 5,135.00 $6,695.11 This motion is subject to being audited by the Comptroller's office. There was some discussion regarding looking at the telephone system in the fire department. 2. Reports No Reports 3. Other Business No other business ADJOURNMENT The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 9:56 p.m. Transcribed on February 9, 2007 Patricia A. DiCioccio Town Clerk For Dorothy Miller Town Clerk