HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979_01_03 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor.Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman McMillan
Councilman DeMaio
Absent: None
Also Present: Mrs. Miller - Town Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller
Mr. Aitchison - Supt. of Highways
Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer
The Supervisor presented the first order of business on this
evening's agenda -- the appointment of a Town Councilman
to fill the seat vacated by John Perone's election to the State
Assembly and stated that nominations were now in order.
Councilman DeMaio with pleasure offered in nomination the
name of Mrs. Mary Carlson of 17 North Chatsworth Avenue,
Larchmont, who, he stated, was indeed well qualified tofill
this post by her background and experience which he re-
viewed at some length. He further said he was aware of the
matter of Village representation on the Board but questioned
its need inasmuch as the Council's primary concern was the
Unincorporated Area.
The nomination was not seconded and was therefore lost al-
though each of the members of the Board expressed his ap-
preciation of the service Mrs. Cartson had rendered to the
Town through her membership on its Planning Board and
her Chairmanship of the Master Plan Review Committee.
Councilman Bloom, after expressing his pleasure that both
the Republican and Democratic Town Committees had rec-
ommended a woman to fill this seat, placed in nomination
the name of Mrs. Charlotte Monsell of 808 Fairway Place,
Mamaroneck, describing her background and experience
so aptly qualifying her to serve in this post. The nom-
ination was seconded by Councilman McMillan, and
thereupon since there were no further nominations, on a
- 1 -
motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously resolved
that the nominations be closed.
And thereupon on a motion duly made and seconded, the fol-
lowing resolution was adopted by a majority vote of three
ayes and one naye:
Resolved , that Charlotte P. Monsell of 808
Fairway Place, Mamaroneck,
be and she hereby is appointed
Town Councilwoman of the Town
of Mamaroneck to serve for the
unexpired term of office of for-
mer Councilman John M. Perone,
or until December 31st, 1981 ,
subject to the further provisions
of subsection 5 of Section 64 of
the Town Law, to-wit:
"She shall hold office until the
commencement of the calendar
year next succeeding the first
annual election at which this va-
cancy may be filled."
The Supervisor then recessed the meeting and the Clerk ad-
ministered the Oath of Office to Mrs. Monsell, who took her
seat on the Town Board and was welcomed to the Town family
by Mr. Vandernoot on behalf of the Board.
County Legislator Diane Keane, upon recognition, then ad-
dressed the Board expressing her congratulations to both ma-
jor political parties for selecting women as their nominees
and adding her personal congratulations and best wishes to
the newly-seated Councilwoman.
Mrs. Monsell in accepting the post thanked the Council for
its confidence in appointing her to this seat and stated that as
she saw her role, it was to represent the people she served --
therefore expressing her hope that any person who had any
matter he or she might wish to bring before the Board would
feel free to get in touch with her at any time.
The Supervisor then declared the meeting reconvened.
The Supervisor briefly reviewed the discussion at the Decem-
ber 20th hearing and the reasons for its adjournment to this
evening. Following some question of the Board's proposed in-
tention to deny the issuance of parking permits to non-residents
as had been discussed at the December 20th hearing, the At-
torney advised the Board that the issuance of parking permits
in Lot # 1 could not be restricted to Unincorporated Area resi-
dents only inasmuch as the land had been transferred to the
Town by the County on the condition that it not be restricted.
- 2 -
Various aspects of the Clerk's issuance of permits in all
three lots were then discussed with Mrs. Miller clarify-
ing certain questions and details. At this time upon rec-
ognition, Mrs. Virginia Scully addressed the Board
requesting that Senior Citizens be given the same con-
sideration the Village of Larchmont had given them when
it adopted its new schedule.
A rather lengthy discussion regarding raising the fees
for Daytime resident and non-resident parking in Lot #1
concluded with the Board agreeing that the new fees to
be proposed for both resident and non-resident parking,
which were higher than those previously proposed, would
be fairer as to distribution of increases inasmuch as
those for non-residents would be proportionately greater
than those for residents.
Councilman Bloom then moved that another Public Hear-
ing on these changes be held at the next regular meeting
of the Board on January 17th, and following the Super-
visor's question to the Town Attorney as to whether the
said proposed changes would have to be set forth in the
Notice for said hearing, if it were held, and his affirm-
ative reply, Councilman McMillan seconded the motion
with notation that waiver for the Senior Citizens be in-
cluded, and the following resolution was thereupon
unanimously adopted:
Re s o l v e d , that a Public Hearing be held by
this Board at its next regular
meeting on Wednesday evening, January 17th,
1979, at 8:15 p.m. in the Auditorium of the
Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street,
Town of Mamaroneck, for the purpose of con-
sidering amending the schedule of fees set
forth in Chapter 54 of the Code of the Town of
Mamaroneck entitled, "Parking Lots";
and be it further
Resolved , that the Clerk be and she here-
by is authorized to publish in
the official newspaper of the Town of Mamar-
oneck, "The Daily Times", Notice of said
hearing as required by law and setting forth
the proposed changes;
and be it further
Resolved , that consideration will also be
given to the exemption of fees
for overnight parking by Senior Citizens.
And thereupon since there was no further discussion or
question of the fees for Overnight and 24-Hour parking, on
motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Mc-
Millan, it was unanimously
- 3 -
Resolved , that the schedule of fees for
Overnight parking in Lots
#1 , 2 and 3 and 24-Hour parking in Lot #3
be and it hereby is adopted as set forth
herebelow, effective as of January 1 , 1979:
Lots 1 ,2,3
1 Year 1/2 Year 1/4 Year
$50.00 $30.00 $15.00
Lot #3
1 Year 1/2 Year 1/4 Year
$125.00 $70.00 $35.00
The Supervisor presented the organization matters as set
forth on the agenda:
Adoption of Resolutions --
1 . Appointing
a. Deputy Receiver of Taxes
and Deputy Comptroller
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
McMillan, it was unanimously
R e s o l v e d , that in accordance with the recom-
mendation of the Comptroller, Mr.
Raymond Bingman be and he hereby is appointed
the Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Miss Genevieve
Soriano the Deputy Comptroller of the Town of
Mamaroneck, to so serve without additional salary
for the year 1979.
b. Trustees - Police Pension Fund
On motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Council-
woman Monsell, it was unanimously
Resolved , that Supervisor Joseph F. Vander-
noot and Councilman Harry B. De-
Maio be and they hereby are appointed Trustees
of the Police Pension Fund of the Town of Mamar-
oneck for the year 1979.
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c. Treasurer - Police Pension Fund
On motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Council-
woman Monsell, it was unanimously
Resolved , that Mr. Carmine DeLuca be and
he hereby is appointed Treasurer
of the Police Pension Fund of the Town of Ma-
maroneck for the year 1979.
d. Civil Officers
On motion by Councilwoman Monsell, seconded by Council-
man Bloom, it was unanimously
Resolved , that the following persons be and
they hereby are reappointed Civil
Officers of the Town of Mamaroneck with the
powers and duties of Constables in civil actions
and proceedings only as provided in Section 20,
1 a of the Town Law; said persons to serve with-
out salary for a term of one year, starting on
January 1st, 1979 and terminating on December
31st, 1979:
Frank Comblo
225 Highview Street
Mamaroneck, New York
Ralph Condro
300 Richbell Road
Mamaroneck, New York
Dominick Faillace
1421 Mamaroneck Avenue
Mamaroneck, New York
Peter J. Reale
975 Louise Avenue
Mamaroneck, New York
2. Board of Ethics
On motion by Councilman DeMaio, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, it was unanimously
Resolved , that the following persons are here-
by reappointed members of the
Board of Ethics, to serve for a term of office of
one year, effective immediately and terminating
on December 31st, 1979;
Thomas E. White
William T. Aitchison
Richard J. Creedy
Mrs. Pierce McCreary
Martin J. Waters, Jr.
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and be it further
Resolved , that Thomas E. White be and he
hereby is appointed Chairman of
the Board of Ethics for the year 1979.
3. Conservation Advisory Commission
a. Resignation
Councilman Bloom advised the Board that Mr. Jack Burke
whose term of office had expired on December 31st of
1978 had requested that he not be reappointed to the Com-
mission because of present demands on his time thereby
moving the acceptance of his resignation. The motion
was seconded by Councilwoman Monsell and the following
resolution thereupon unanimously adopted:
R es o l v e d , that this Board hereby accepts
the resignation of Mr. Jack
Burke as a member of the Town of Mamaro-
neck Conservation Advisory Commission with
regret and herewith expresses its thanks and
appreciation to him for the time he gave and
the contributions he made while serving on
this Commission.
b. Reappointments
Councilman Bloom spoke briefly of the excellent qualifica-
tions both Mr. Amlicke and Mr. Ciraco had for reappoint-
ment to the Commission and thereupon on his motion,
which was seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was
Resolved , that Thomas R. Amlicke and Or-
lando Ciraco be and they hereby
are reappointed as members of the Town of Ma-
maroneck Conservation Advisory Commission,
to serve for a term of office of two years effec-
tive January 1st, 1979 and terminating on De-
cember 31st 1980;
and be it further
R es o l v e d , that Thomas R. Amlicke be and
he hereby is appointed Chairman
of the Commission;
and be it further
Resolved , that a letter be sent to them ex-
pressing the Board's thanks and
appreciation for their past outstanding service
and their willingness to continue to serve in
this very important post.
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4: Freshwater Wetlands Commission
(5-year Term of Office by Rotation)
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
McMillan, it was unanimously
Resolved , that James R. Gunsalus be and
he hereby is reappointed a
member of the Freshwater Wetlands Commis-
sion, to serve for a term of office of five
years, effective January 1st, 1979 and term-
inating on December 31st, 1983.
5. Approval of Supervisor's Appointments
a. Executive Assistant and
Confidential Secretary
The Supervisor advised the Board that Mrs. Brewer would
retire as of June 1st, 1979 therefore requesting approval
of her appointment only until that date.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by
Councilman DeMaio, it was unanimously
Resolved , that this Board hereby approves
the Supervisor's appointment of
Mrs. Lavenia Brewer as his Executive Assis-
tnat and Confidential Secretary to so serve
until June 1st, 1979.
b. Member - Examining Board
of Plumbers
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
DeMaio, it was unanimously
Resolved , that this Board hereby approves
the Supervisor's appointment of
Paul Rigano, Jr. as a member of the Examin-
ing Board of Plumbers, to serve for a term of
office of two years, effective immediately and
terminating on December 31st, 1980.
6. Designation of:
a. Town Board Meeting Dates
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
McMillan, it was unanimously
- 7 -
R-e solved , that regular meetings of this
Board be held at 8:15 p.m. in
the Council Room or Auditorium of the Wea-
ver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town
of Mamaroneck, on the first and third Wed-
nesday of each month with the exception of
the months of June, July, August and Sep-
tember when the Board shall sit only on the
first Wednesday of the month.
b. Official Newspaper
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
McMillan, it was unanimously
Resolved , that "The Daily Times" be and
it hereby is designated as the
official newspaper of the Town of Mamaro-
neck for the purpose of publishing legal no-
tices during 1979.
At this time the Supervisor expressed for the record the
Board's thanks and appreciation for the splendid coverage
given to Town Board Meetings during the past year.
c. Depositories of Funds
and Bank Signatures
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
McMillan, it was unanimously
Resolved , that the following Banks and
Trust Companies are hereby
designated as depositories for funds of the
Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1979,
and that the escrow agreements between
these banks and the Town of Mamaroneck
presently in effect shall be continued:
The Bank of New York-County Trust Region
242 Mamaroneck Avenue
Mamaroneck, New York
Barclays Bank of New York-Mamaroneck Branch
213 Mamaroneck Avenue
Mamaroneck, New York
The National Bank of Westchester-Larchmont Branch
Chatsworth Avenue
Larchmont, New York
Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York
Mamaroneck Branch
1043 West Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, New York
- 8 -
and be it further
R es o l v e d , that all authority heretofore
granted to withdraw funds
from, and to draw checks, drafts and other
orders upon the Town of Mamaroneck ac-
counts maintained at the following banks
hereby is rescinded and revoked and here-
after such withdrawals, checks, drafts and
other orders shall be authorized when
signed by signature or facsimile signature
by Joseph F. Vandernoot, Supervisor, and
Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller; or by
Joseph F. Vandernoot, Supervisor, and
Genevieve F. Soriano, Deputy Comptroller:
The Bank of New York-County Trust Region
Barclays Bank of New York
Mamaroneck Branch
The National Bank of Westchester
Larchmont Branch
Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York
Mamaroneck Branch
7. Approval of Contracts with
a. Westchester Shore Humane Society
On motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Council-
woman Monsell, it was unanimously
Resolved , that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized to execute
the contract between the Westchester Shore
Humane Society, Inc. and the Town of Ma-
maroneck for the year 1979, totaling
$8,736.00 as provided in the 1979 budget and
approved by the Town Attorney.
b. Larchmont Public Library
On motion by Councilman DeMaio, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, it was unanimously
Resolved , that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized to execute
the contract for the year 1979 between the
Town of Mamaroneck, Village of Larchmont,
and the Larchmont Public Library in the
amount of $164,605.00 as provided in the
1979 budget.
- 9 -
1 . Set New Date for Public Hearing -
Application for Special Permit - Proposed Restaurant
Following the Supervisor's explanation of the non-publication
of the Notice for tonight's hearing and consequent request to
set a new date therefor, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was unanimously
Resolved , that a Public Hearing will be held
by this Board at its next regular
meeting on Wednesday evening, January 17th,
1979, in the Auditorium of the Weaver Street
Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaro-
neck, for the purpose of considering an appli-
cation for a Special Permit for a proposed
and be it further
Resolved , that the Clerk be and she hereby
is authorized to publish in the of-
ficial newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck,
"The Daily Times", Notice of said Hearing as
required by law.
Not on Agenda
Councilman DeMaio introduced two representatives of the
Larchmont-Mamaroneck Committee on Family and Youth who
were present this evening, Dr. William Di Scipio and Mr.
Thomas Nealon, welcoming them to the meeting.
Dr. Di Scipio and Mr. Nealon thanked Mr. DeMaio and ad-
dressed the Board reporting on the various activities of the
said Committee and particularly calling attention to a series
of community forums comprised exclusively of resident
teenagers, parents and professionals to be held on January
11th, 18th, and 25th at 8 p.m. at the Hommocks School.
They described the sessions to be held and spoke to the
topics therefor in some detail.
Mr. DeMaio stated that he sincerely felt that these forums
would indeed be worthwhile for both teenagers and parents
and expressed the hope that the community would support
Councilwoman Monsell said she hoped that each of the
Catholic schools had been apprised of these meetings be-
- cause she felt they would be of tremendous value to all in
the community -- and Supervisor Vandernoot, after ex-
pressing the Board's thanks to Dr. Di Scipio and Mr. Nea-
lon for coming this evening, expressed the hope that the
last session, the topic for which was "What Teenagers
Want From Their Community", would also include "What
Teenagers Can Do For Their Community" .
- 10 -
Not on Agenda -- Police Department
Pursuant to memoranda addressed to the Board by the Police
Chief and Chairman of the Police Commission under date of
January 3rd, 1979, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
s. seconded by Councilman DeMaio, it was unanimously
Res o 1 v e d , that this Board hereby authorizes the
following changes in the Police De-
partment as recommended by the
Police Chief and Chairman of the Police Commission:
The transfer of Detective Frank DeVico from the De-
tective Division to Patrol, effective January 10th,
1979, to be compensated at the rate of $19,570.00
per annum;
The addition of Records Clerk to Mrs. Donna Mc-
Guane's secretarial duties in the Police Depart-
ment, effective January 10th, 1979, to be compen-
sated at the rate of $10,949.00 per annum;
The appointment of Patrolman Arthur LeViness to
Detective, effective January 10th, 1979, to be
compensated at the rate of $20,646.00 per annum.
1 . Snow and Ice Agreement
State Highways
Pursuant to communication addressed to the Board and Super-
intendent of Highways by Arthur D. Ludwig, Director of
Transportation Facilities for the County of Westchester under
date of December 20th, 1978, herewith presented and ordered
received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman
McMillan, seconded by Councilwoman Monsell, it was
Resolved , that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized to sign the Agreement
with the County of Westchester for the removal of
snow and ice on State Highways within the Unin-
corporated Area of the Town of Mamaroneck, at a
sum not to exceed the estimated expenditures of
$2,700.00 for the 1978-1979 winter season.
Not on Agenda -- Agreement for the Expenditure
of Highway Monies
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comp-
troller under date of January 3rd, 1979, herewith presented
and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by
Councilman DeMaio, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it
was unanimously
- 11 -
Resolved , that this Board hereby approves
the "Agreement for the Expen-
diture of Highway Monies for the year 1979"
in accordance with Section 284 of the Highway
2. Bond Resolution - Town's Share of
Acquisition of Garbage Commission
Trailers and Trucks
Pursuant to the Supervisor's request re the Town's share of
the cost for the acquisition of the trailers and trucks to be
purchased by the Garbage Commission which, in accordance
with usual custom, were replaced every five years, the fol-
lowing resolution was offered by Councilman DeMaio, who
moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman McMillan,
W h e r ea s , The Board of Commissioners of
the Larchmont-Mamaroneck
Joint Garbage Disposal Commission duly adopted
a resolution on the 15th day of December, 1978,
authorizing the acquisition of trailers and
trucks at a maximum estimated cost of $181 ,000
to be utilized in connection with the disposal of
garbage, refuse, decayed animal matter, or
other substances, as authorized by Chapter 139
of the Laws of 1969; and
Whereas , it is now desired to provide for
the financing of the Town's share
of the cost thereof for and on behalf of Refuse
and Garbage District No. 1 of said Town:
Now , Therefore , Be It
Resolved , by the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County,
New York, as follows:
Section 1 . The class of objects or purposes
to be financed, in part, pursuant
to this resolution is the acquisition of trailers and
trucks, as aforesaid, for use by the Larchmont-
Mamaroneck Joint Garbage Disposal Commission.
- 12 -
-Section 2. The maximum estimated cost of
such class of objects or purposes
is $181 ,000. of which $24,500 will be provided
by a trade-in of used equipment, and the balance,
in the amount of $156,500. will be financed as
a) By the issuance of $93,915 serial
bonds of the Town of Mamaroneck,
Westchester County, New York,
hereby authorizes to be issued
therefor pursuant to the local Fi-
nance Law; and
b) By the expenditure of $62,585 to
be provided by the Village of
Larchmont, Westchester County,
New York.
Section 3. It is hereby determined that the
period of probable usefulness of the
aforesaid class of objects or purposes is five
years, pursuant to subdivision 29 of paragraph a
of Section 11 .00 of the Local Finance Law. It is
hereby further determined that the maximum ma-
turity of the serial bonds herein authorized will
not exceed five years.
Section 4. The faith and credit of said Town
of Pv1t.mat'oneck, Westchester
County, New York, are hereby irrevocably pled-
ged for the payment of the principal of and interest
on such bonds as the same respectively become
due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be
° made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of
and interest on such bonds becoming due and pay-
able in such year.
Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Lo-
cal Finance Law, the power to au-
thorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipa-
tion notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale
of the serial bonds herein authorized, including
renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the
Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes
shall be of such terms, form and contents, and
shall be sold in such manner, as may be pre-
scribed by said Supervisor, consistent with the
provisions of the Local Finance Law.
Section 6. The validity of such bonds and bond
anticipation notes may be con-
tested only if:
1) Such obligations are-authorized for
an object or purpose for which said
Town is not authorized to expend
money, or
- 13 -
2) The provisions of law which should
be complied with at the date of pub-
lication of this resolution are not
substantially complied with,
and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such valid-
ity is commenced within twenty days after the date of
such publication, or
3) Such obligations are authorized in
violation of the provisions of the
Section 7. This resolution, which takes effect im-
mediately, shall be published in full in
The Daily Times, the official newspaper, together
with a notice of the Town Clerk in substantially the
form provided in Section 81 .00 of the Local Finance
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as
Joseph F. Va.ndernoot VOTING -Yes
Lee H. Bloom VOTING Yes
Stewart J. McMillan VOTING Yes
Harry B. DeMaio VOTING Yes
Charlotte Monsell VOTING Yes
The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.
3. Request to Install Metal Heat-circulating
Fireplace and Chimneys
The Supervisor presented a memorandum addressed to the
Town Board by the Building and Plumbing Inspector under
date of December 19th, 1978, which was herewith ordered
received and filed for the record.
Councilman Bloom observed that the Board could vary the
provisions of the Building Code and that he felt it would be
appropriate to grant this variance in view of the comments
in the Building Inspector's memorandum. However, he
said, he felt that the Town Attorney should be requested
to prepare a proposed change in the Building Code, to be
adopted following public hearing, so that this type of vari-
ance would not have to be brought before this Board.
Councilman DeMaio requested clarification of the one
fireplace and two chimneys -- which was supplied by Mrs.
Stein, the appellant.
- 14 -
And thereupon, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded
by Councilman DeMaio, it was unanimously
Resolved , that this Board hereby varies
the regulations of the Build-
ing Code as permitted under Article V Sec-
tion 14-19 so as to permit the installation
of the metal heat-circulating fireplace and
chimneys as shown on the plans and in ac-
cordance with the manufacturer's specifi-
cations, in residence now under construc-
tion on property known as Block 121 - Par-
cel 737 on the Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck and located at 31 Byron
Lane in the said Town.
and be it further
Resolved , that the Town Attorney be and
he hereby is requested to
prepare a proposed change in the Building
Code so that this type of variance would not
have to be brought before this Board.
1 . First Topics Report
The Supervisor presented the first Topics Study report dated
December 18th, 1978, herewith ordered received and filed
for the record, and briefly reviewed those sections which
applied to the Unincorporated Area for informational purposes.
2. Notice of Annual Meeting of
The Association of Towns
and Designation of Delegate
and Alternate
Pursuant to the Supervisor's announcement of the Annual Meet-
ing of the Association of Towns on February 18th, 19th, 20th,
and 21st, 1979, at the New York Hilton Hotel, New York City
and upon his query as to the Board's pleasure in designating
the Delegate and Alternate thereto for voting purposes, on mo-
tion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilwoman
Monsell, it was unanimously
Resolved , that Supervisor Joseph F. Vandernoot
be and he hereby is designated Dele-
gate of the Town of Mamaroneck to the 1979 Annual
Meeting of Towns for the purpose of voting, and
Councilman Lee H. Bloom be and he hereby is des-
ignated Alternate.
- 15 -
Regular Reports
The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered
received and filed for the record:
_ Report of the Town Clerk for the month of
December 1978.
Reports of the Building and Plumbing In-
spector for the months of November and
December, 1978.
1 . Reappointment to Board of Review
The Supervisor called to the Board's attention the expiration of
William Steinam's term of office on the Board of Review on
December 31st, 1978, briefly recounting his exceptional work
and outstanding service to the Town as a member and Chairman
of this Board and recommending his reappointment thereto.
The members of the Board seconded the Supervisor's remarks
about Mr. Steinam and expressed their sincere thanks and ap-
preciation to him, and thereupon on motion by Councilman Mc-
Millan, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
Resolved , that this Board hereby reappoints
Mr. William N. Steinam of 19
Locust Avenue, Larchmont, to sit on the Board
of Review of the Town of Mamaroneck, to serve
for a term of office effective immediately and
terminating on December 31st, 1983;
and be it further
Resolved , that Mr. Steinam be notified of
his reappointment with the
Board's pleasure and gratification that he is
willing to continue his exceptional and outstand-
ing work as a member and Chairman of this
vitally important Board.
Mr. Bloom
1 . Apportionment
Councilman Bloom presented the following apportionment and
on his motion, which was seconded by Councilman DeMaio,
the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
- 16 -
Whereas , the Assessor has presented pe-
tition for the correction of the
assessment roll for certain years pursuant to
the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of
the Westchester County Tax Law;
Whereas , after due consideration, this
Board finds it desirable to
grant said petition for the correction of said
assessment roll;
Now , Therefore , Be It
Resolved , that the assessment roll of 1978-
1979, taxes of 1979, which shows
property now appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total
102 1 Reynolds, H. $12,400 -- $12,400
be apportioned as follows in accordance with
the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section
Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total
102 1 Ronay, T. &N. $ 8,400 -- $ 8,400
102 181 IT II IT 4,000 -- 4,000
Not on Agenda
Councilman McMillan - Cable TV
Councilman McMillan reported receipt of the Joint Cable
TV Committee's report and announced that in accordance
therewith, a public meeting to determine the necessary
steps for franchising would be held on January 24th, at
8:15 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Weaver Street
The Town Attorney - Con Edison
Mr. Johnston reported that the Town had been served with
its copy of a lawsuit brought by Con Edison against the
State Board of Equalization and Assessment protesting the
assessed valuation of its property in sixteen municipali-
ties. The proceeding returnable in Albany County on
February 23rd.
He further noted that he had met this morning with several
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Corporate Counsels from some of the fifteen other munici-
palities concerned, though some were only mildy affected
while the Town was the fourth highest on the list. He said
no determination of procedure had resulted from this
meeting and that he would keep the Board advised of all
future developments.
There being no further business to come before the Board
following the Supervisor's tribute to Officer John P. Cos-
tello, on motion duly made and seconded, this meeting, to
reconvene on January 17th, 1979, was unanimously de-
clared adjourned in memory of Officer John P. Costello
of the Town of Mamaroneck Police Department; and
It was further resolved chat the Supervisor address a
letter to Mrs. Costello expressing the Board's apprecia-
tion of her husband's long and dedicated service to the
Town and conveying its deepest sympathy and condolences
to her with best wishes for the future.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was
convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town
L oard meeting.
1 . Claims
Upon Commissioner Bloom's presentation of the fire
claims for authorization of payment, on his motion,
seconded' by Commissioner DeMaio, it was unani-
Resolved , that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the
following Fire Department Claims as ap-
proved by the Fire Chief and audited by the
Comptroller's office:
AAA Emergency Supply
Co. , Inc. $165.04
I. & T. Plumbing & Htg.
Co. , Inc. 78.55
Larchmont Auto Parts
Dist. , Inc. 8.94
New York Telephone Co. 435.38
" 18.77
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2. Reports
There were no reports to come before the Commission.
3. Other Business
Installation of Officers
The Supervisor expressed the Commission's congratu-
lations to former Chief Perciasepe and announced that
the installation of the new officers would be held on
January 13th, 1979.
There being no further business to come before the
meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was de-
clared adjourned at 10:07 p.m. , to reconvene on Janu-
ary 17th, 1979.
Town Clerk
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