HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_05_06 Town Board Minutes 281
held May 6th, 1925
---- The meeting was called to order by Supervisor
Burton at 9 .45 o ' clock P.M-
PRESENT; Supervisor Burton
Justices Collins and Shafer
Town Clerk Sherman
Upon motion duly seconded it was voted to d is-
pense with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet
Captain Birch and a committee of the Weaver
Street Fire Company appeared before the Board and took up
numerous fire matters. A fter a full discussion, it was
voted that the fire matters be laid over until the next
A communication from the Leaver Streetb'F'ire
Company was received and read requesting permission to use
the auditorium floor of the fire house on May 18,19 and
20th, 1925, for the staging of boxing bouts. Upon motion
duly seconded, it 'qas
mn.-=, that the request of the
Weaver Street F ire Company for the
use of the auditorium floor in the
Weaver Street Fire House on May
18, 19 and 20th, 1925, for the pur-
pose of staging boxing bouts be and
the same hereby is granted.
A communication from the American Legion of
Mamaroneck, Post No . 90 was received and read, inviting the
Town Board to participate in their ceremonies on Memorial
Day. The communication was ordered placed on file and the
Glerk was requested to acknowledge its receipt stating that
the To7m Board would be present at that time .
A communication from the Board of Appeals was
received and read stating that it its meeting held April
16th, 1925, resolutions had been approved, recommending
to the Town Board that the application of Joseph Vitro to
move a present one family resident dwelling on the south
side of Myrtle Avenue about 50 feet west of Oak Street
to the southwest corner of Myrtle Avenue and Thompson Street
be granted and the decision of the Building Commission
reversed, provided that no part of the said building be
nearer than 30 feet to Myrtle Avenue or 15 feet to Thompson
-- Street and also recommending that the application of Nickola
Staropoli to erect a Club building on the south side of
Myrtle Avenue , 50 feet west from 'r7ood Street, in excess of
40;� of the area, be granted and the decision of the Building
Commission reversed, provided that no part of the said
Building be nearer than 30 feet to the street line and 18
inches to e ither aide line .
A communication from the Board of Appeals wus
also received, stating that at its meeting held April 23rd,
1925, resolutions were adopted, recommending to the Torn
Board that the application of R. Kirchoff to erect a two
car garage on the north s ide of Edgewater Road same
being the northwest corner of Edgewater Road and Locust
Terrace , within 75 feet of Locust Terrace , be granted
and the decision of the Building Commission reversed,
provided that no part of the garage be nearer than 68
feet to Locust Terrace or 30 feet to Edgewater Road.
That the application of Andrew Toti to erect
a one family dwelling on the southwest corner of Myrtle
Avenue and 'Mood Street, w ithin 30 feet of Wood Street, be
granted and the decision of the Building Commission rever-
sed, provided that no part of the building be nearer than
10 feet to the westerly side line or 15 feet to Wood Street.
That the application of C.C. Merritt to erect
a one family dwelling on the north side of Myrtle Avenue
about 463 feet west of Weaver Street within 30 feet of
Myrtle Avenue , be granted, and the decision of the Building
Commission reversed, provided that no part of the said
building be nearer than 20 feet to the street line .
That the application of Albert Telschow to erect
a one family d we 11 ing on the s oath s i de of Myrtle Ave nue,
500 feet west of Weaver Street within 30 feet of the street
line , be granted and the decision of the Building Commission
reversed, provided no part of the building be nearer the
street than the building adjoining on the west.
That the application of Robert E.Hare to erect
sidevDrive andgeittlehFarmstRoad, within 75 feet ofoLiittle
Farms Road, be granted and the decision of the Building
Commission reversed, provided that no part of the garage
be nearer than 15 feet to Little Farms Road.
That the application of the Harimo Corporation to
erect a one family dwellin on the northwest corner of
Alden and Copley Roads within hin 30 feet of Alden Road, be
granted, and the decision of the Building Commission re-
versed, provided that no part of the building be nearer
than 18 feet to Alden Road.
Tht the
one family dwellingaonithetnorth sidevofMMyrtle Ave ueV583a
feet west of Weaver Street, within 30 feet of the street
line , be granted and the decision of the building commission
reversed, provided that no part of the building be nearer
than 20 feet to the street line ;
YBEREUFON, the following resolutions were presented
and upon Roll Call unanimously adopted
VIHMEAS, the Board of Appeals has
recommended to the Torn Board that
the application of Joseph Vitro to
move a present one family resident dwell-
ing from the south side of Myrtle
Avenue about 50 feet west of Oak
Street to the southwest corner of
Myrtle Avenue and Thompson Street, and
to alter same too ome within 30 feet
- of Thompson Street, be granted and the
decision of the Building Commission
reversed, provided that no part of the
building be nearer than 30 feet to
Myrtle Avenue or 15 feet to Thompson
Street , therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board pir suant
to Art icl 5 sect on 26 o° the Town
.0aw, Faere�y donsenis to ant confirms
the action of the Board of Appeals in
reversing the decision of the Build-
ing Commission.
WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals has
— recommended to the Town Board that
the application of Nickola Staropoli
to erect a Club Building on the south
side of Myrtle Avenue , 50 feet west
from Wood Street, in excess of the 40/0
of the area, �e granted and the decis-
ion of the Building Commission rever-
sed, provided that no part of the said
building be nearer than 30 feet to the
street line and 18 inches to either
side line, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board pursuant
to Article 5 , section 26 of the Town
Law, hereby consents to and confirms
the action of the Bcard of Appeals in
reversing the decision of the Build-
ing Commission.
'In=AS, the Board of Appeals has
recommended to the Town Board that
the application of R. Kirchoff to
erect a two car garage on the north side
of Edgewater Road same being the north-
- west corner of Edgewater Road and Locust
Terrace , within 75 feet of locust
T rT ce b an ed and -the decision
o� uie mild Fng Commission be reversed,
provided that no part of the garage be
nearer than 58 feet to locust Terrace or
30 feet to Edgewater Road, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town B card pursuant
to Article 5, section 26 of the Town
:yaw, hereby consents to and confirms
the action of the Board of Appeals in
reversing the decision of the Building
WHEREAS, the Bca rd of A peals has re-
commended to the Town tcu rd that the
application of Andrea Toti toe rest a
one family dwelling on the Southwest
corner of Myrtle Avenue and Good Street
within 30 feet of Wood Street be granted
and the decision of the Building Commiss-
ion be reversed, provided that no part
Of the building be nearer than 10 feet
to the westerly side line or 15 feet to
Wood Street, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board, pursuant
to Article 5, section 26 of the Town
Law, hereby consents to and confirms
the action decisiondoffthepBeuilding
EM:EAS, the Board of Appeals has re-
commended to the Town Board that the
application of C.C.Merritt toe:rect a
one family dwelling on the north side
of Myrtle Avenue about 463 feet Vest
of 57eaver Street within 30 f eet of
Myrtle Avenue , be granted and the de-
- cision of the Building Commission be
reversed, provided that no part of
said building be nearer than 20 feet to
- the street lines , therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board, pursuant
to Article 5, secti on 26 of the T own
law* hereby consents to and confirms
the action o f the Board of Appeals
in reversing the decision of the Build-
ing Commission.
MMIREAS, the Board of Appeals has re-
commended to the Town Board that the
application of Albert Telscnow to
erect � one family dwelling on the south
s3 e o Myrtle Avenue , 500 feet west
of :Veaver Street within 30 feet of the
street line beg ranted and the decision
of the Building Commission be reversed,
provided that no part of the building be
nearer the street than the building ad-
joining on the west, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board, pursuant
to Article 5, section 26 of the Town
.Laud, hereby consents to and confirms
the action of the Board of Appeals in
reversing the decision of the Building
I EREAS, the Board of Appeals has re-
commended to the Town Board that the
application of Robert E.Hare to erect
a one car garage on the southeast cor-
ner of East Brookside Drive and Little
Farms Road, within 75 feet of Little
Farms Road, be granted and the decis-
ion Of the Building' Commission be re-
versed, provided that no part of the
garage be nearer than 15 feet to Little
Farms Road, therefore be it
RESOI+VED, that the Town Board, pursuant
to Article 5, section 26 of the Town
law, hereby consents to and confirms
the action of the Board of Appeals in
reversing the decision of the Building
WMREAS, the board of Appeals has re-
cosamended to the Town B oard that the
applicationo f the iIarimo Corporation
to erect a one family dwelling on the
northwest corner of Alden and Copley
Roads within 30 feet of Alden Road, be
granted and the decision of the
Building Commission be reversed,
provided that no part of the build-
ing be nearer than 18 feet to Alden
Road, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town B card, pursuant
to Article 5 , section 26 of the Town
Law, hereby consents to and confirms
then ction of the Board of Appeals in
reversing the decision of the Building
VIIMREAS, the Board of Appeals has re-
commended to the Town Board that the
application of C.C.Merritt toe rest
a one fammly dwelling on the north
side of Myrtle Avenue 593 feet crest
of Weaver Street ,within 30 feet of the
street line , be granted and the decis-
ion of the Building Commission be
reversed, provided that no part of the
building be nearer than 20 feetto the
street line , therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board, pursuant
to Article 5, section 26 of the Town
:yaw, hereby consents to and confirms
the action of the Board of Appeals in
reversing the decision of the Building
The Town Clerk advised the Board that the owners
of property occupied by the Town of Mamaroneck for its offices
had notified him that the rental for said offices would be
$150.00, per month effective April 1st, 1925. After due
consideration it was upon motion duly seconded and upon Roll
RESOLVED, that the rental of $150.
per month beginning April 1, 1925,
for the rental of Town offices at
Nos. 4, 6, 8 and 10 Elm Street,
Mamaroneck,New York, be and the
same hereby is approved.
The Park Commissioners advised the Board that in
connection with the moving of the New York, New Haven &
Hartford Railroad station at Larchmont necessitated by the
extens ion o f the New York,vdestchester & Boston Railroad
to Mamaroneck, the officers of the New York New Haven &
Hartford Railroad Company had requested the right and pri-
vilege from the Park Commission to use a small portion
(approximately to x 100 ft. ) of Park property f or station
purposes. 2 hey stated that the re-location of the station
had been arranged to it in with the plans for the develop-
ment of the Park and recommended that the request of the
railway company be granted. Upon motion duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board approves
of the recommendation of the Park
Commission to grant the right to
the New York,New Haven & Hartford
Railroad Company to use a portion
of the Park property in connection
with the re-location of its station,
and it was further
- 291
RESCIVED, that this entire matter
be left in the hands of the lark
Commission and Counsel with power
to consummate in such manner as in
their discretion shall protect the
interests of the Town of Mamaroneck.
Counsel reported that he had conferred with
Julian Z. Frank regarding the claim for personal injuries
made bt Mr. Frank in connection with the accident to him
which occurred in f ront of the new Police Headquarters on
Edgewood Avenue , and stated that Mr. Frank had agreed to
make no claim for personal injuries but believed that the
Town should reimburse him for the value of a new sift of
clothes which was destroyed in said accident plus the cost
of repairing his watch.
Counsel stated that he believed the Town should
accept the offer made by Mr. Frank and settle the matter at
On motion duly seconded, it was
RESOVED, that the Supervisor is author-
ised and erreoi:ered to pay to Julian Z.
Frank in full settlement of the claim
made by him on account of the above
accident an amount not to exceed the s=of $55.00. upon presentation of a proper
town claim therefor, and it is further
RESO.+IVED, that the counsel be and is
hereby authorized and empowered to con-
clude the settlement heretofore negotiated.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11 o 'clock