HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926_03_12 Town Board Minutes MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD
held March 12,1926.
In the absence of the Supervisor, the meeting was
called to order by Justice Boyd, at 3.45 o'clock P.M.
PRESENT: Justices Boyd, Collins, Howell & Leeds
Town Clerk Sherman
Counsellor Gamble.
Upon motion duly seconded it was voted to dis-
pense with, the reading of minutes of meetings not yet approved.
A committee on the fire alarmrpresented their
report relating to the installation and changes to the fire
alarm system and after due consideration, upon motion duly
seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that Counsel be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to prepare the
necessary advertisement, form of proposal
etc. for furnishing all materials and
erecting one complete fire alarm system at
the Weaver Street Fire House in accordance
with specifications for a fire alarm
system for Weaver Street Fire House, Town
of Mamaroneck,Xamaroneck,N.Y. , dated March
8,- 10,26, approved by this Board, laid
proposal to be in the alternative
1- complete with alarms for the two present
compressors, and
2- complete except with omission of air
compressor unti, being items 11 and 12 of
Paragraph 3 of specifications. The same
to be furnished by the Town; and be it further
RESOLVED, that said proposals be received
and opened at a special meeting of the
Board to be held at 4 P.M. March 30, 1926,
be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he
hereby is authorized and directed to publish
said. advertisement in the Daily Times and
Fire Engineering Magazine.
Mr. Richard Heather appeared before the Board in
relation to the acceptance of Heather Lane as a town highway.
Due to the absence of the Supervisor and Mr.Coles, Superin-
tendent of Highways, the matter was laid over for future
A communication from the Howell Park Association
together with a copy of letter sent to the Board of Trustees
of the Village of Larchmont was received and read in relation
to the erection of apartment houses on Palmer Avenue. The
communication was ordered received, placed on file and the
matter referred to Justice Leeds.
A communication from the Weaver Street Fire
Company was received and read advising the Board of the
appointment of John A. Cameron, ss a paid driver for the Company
in the place of J. F. Ulrich.
Upon motion dulyrrseoonded it was resolved that
the action of the Fire Company be approved.
Mr. H. J. Brewer, representing the County Park
Commission appeared before the Board with a copy of a letter
from the Town Board of Appeals in relation to changes',.in the
zoning ordinance affecting property in the vicinity of Myrtle
Avenue and Cedar Street. After considerable discussion
the matter was laid over for a future meeting.
The Supervisor presented the Budget for the year, ,
1926. After reading and upon discussion, it was
RESOLVED, that the Budd et'Ibe and it hereby
is approved; spread upon the minutes ;placed
on file and the Supervisor is authorized
and directed to present a copy of same to
the Board of Supervisors.
The budget is as follows :
for the year
1 926.
FIRST:- RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed
upon the taxable property of the Town of
Mamaroneck and collected, and when collected
paid to the Supervisor, the following amounts
for the purposes hereinafter set forth, towit:
A. To pay the salary of the Supervisor under
the Westchester County TaxAct, 3, 000.00
B. To pay the salary of the Clerk to the
Supervisor, 2, 500.00
C. To pay the salary of the Town Clerk, 3, 500.00
D. To pay the salary of the neceiver of
Taxes and Deputy, 5, 500.00
E. To pay the salary of three Assessors, 7, 150.00
F. To pay the salary of the Overseer of Poor, 1, 800.00
—" G. To pay the compensation for Janitor service, 1, 500.00
H. To pay for the rent of town offices, 3, 960.00
I. To pay for the temporary support of the
poor, $6, 000.00 less amount available for 1 000.00
such purpose,
J. To pay the allowances for Public Health
nurses, 2, 380.00
K. To pay for Memorial Day appropriation and
rents American Legion quarters, 300.00
L. To pay the principal on voting machine
bond #6, $p 1, 000.00
M. To pay the interest on voting machine bond, 150.00
N. To pay the salary of the Superintendent
of Highways, allowances, etc. , 49000.00
0. To pay the salary of the Supervisor
-- under the Highway Law, 2, 000.00
P. . To pay for the removal of snow, cutting
weeds, brushes, etc. , 2, 500.00
Q. To pay for the purchse and repair of
machinery, tools, etc. , 2, 000.00
R. . To pay the principal of Otate Highway
Bond #12(B.P.R, improvement ), 2, 000.00
S. To pay the interest of State Highway
Bonds (B.P.R. improvement ), 405.00
T. To pay the interest of State Highway
bonds (W.S.Part 1 improvement ), 675.00
U. To pay for the construction and repair of
bridges, $4, 500. less amount available for
such purposes, 1. 500.00
Total amount, Town at large, 49, 820.00
SECOYv'D:- RESOLVED: that there be levied and assessed
upon the taxable property of the Town of
Mamaroneck, lying outside of the corporate
limits of the Villages of Larchmont and
Mamaroneck, and collected, and when
collected paid to the Supervisor, the
following amounts for the purposes herein-
after set forth, towit:
A. To pay for the repair and improvement of
Highways, $ 27, 500.00
B. To pay the principal of Murray Avenue
completion Bond #11, 1, 000. 00
C. To pay the interest of Murray Avenue
completion bonds, 202.25
D. To pay the principal of Chatsworth Avenue
improvement bond #4, 1, 000.00
E. To pay the interest of Chatsworth Avenue
improvement bonds, 325.00
F. To pay the principal of sidftalk bond '#9, 1, 000.00
G. To pay the interest of sidewalk bonds, 75.00
H. To pay the interest of Murray Avenue
widening bonds, 1, 080.00.
261-B X
I. To pay for the preservation of Peace, ° '3£, 000.00
J. To pay the salary of the Health Officer, 19200.00
K. To pay the salary of the "egistrar of
vital Statistics, 500.00
To pay the salary of the Building
Inspector, 2, 250.00
M. To pay the salary of Inspector of
Construction, 2, 040.00
N. To pay the rental of street lights, 6, 000.00
0. To pay the interest of Park bonds $6, 600.
less amount available for such purposes, 54600.00
Total amount, Outside District, $ 84, 772.25
THIRD:- RESOLVED that there be levied and assessed
upon the taxable property of the Town of
Mamaroneck, lying within Fire District No. 1
and collected, and when collected., paid to
the Supervisor, the following amounts for
the purpose hereinafter set forth, towit:
A. To pay the principal of Fire House Bonds
Nos. 22 to 28 inclusive, 6 6, 500.00
B. To pay the interest of Fire House Bonds, 2, 112.50
C. To pay the principal of Fire Apparatus
bonds, Nos . 3 and 4, 2, 000.00
D. To pay the interest of Fire Apparatus
bonds, 250.00
E. To pay the rental of Fire hydrants, 3, 250.00
F. To pay the compensation of Special
Officers, 6, 600.00
G. To pay for the collection and disposal
of ashes, garbage, refuse, etc. , 8, 500.00
H. To pay for supplies, equipment,
maintenance, etc. of fire apparatus,
buildings, etc. , _3 500.00
Total amount, Fire Dist.No. 1- $$ 32, 812.50
FOURTH: RESOLVED that there be levied and assessed
upon the taxable property of the Town of
Mamaroneck, lying within Fire District
No. 2 and collected, and when collected
paid to the Supervisor, the following
amounts for the purposes hereinafter set
forth, towit:
A. To pay for the rental of fire hydrants, 120.00
B. To pay for the rental of fire houses,
repairs, maintenance, etc. , Fire 350.00
Company No. 21,
C. To pay for the collection and disposal 1 00.00
of Igarbage, refuse, etc. , __&m200.00
Total amount, Fire District No. 2, 1, 670.00
FIFTH;- RESOLVED, that there be levied and
assessed upon the taxable property of
the Town of yamaroneck, lying within
Sewer District and collected, and
when collected, turned over to the
Supervisor, the following amounts for
the purposes hereinafter set forth,
A. To pay the interest of bonds and main-
tenance of plant,
Total amount, Sewer District-gyp 23, 657. 50
Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 5 o' clock P.M.
To C erk.