HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994_02_18 Housing Authority Minutes MEETING MINUTES
FEBRUARY 18 , 1994
The meeting was called to order at 8 : 20 PM byPaul at 1 W 'snick,
Chairman . The meeting was held in Conference Room A in the .
Mamaroneck Town Hall . ---
Mamaroneck Housing Authority members in attendance were :
Paul Winick, Chairman
Jeffrey Marston, Secretary
Mary Regina Carlson, Member
Susan Sidel , Member.
Visitors and staff in attendance were :
• Steve Altieri , Town Administrator
• Carmine de Luca, Town Comptroller
• Sandi Vanderslice , Deputy Town Comptroller
Don Derrico, Resident
Stephanie Fuller, Resident . -
1 . Status of Construction. Paul Winick stated that the pace of
construction appears to be good. Despite the significant snows ,
the workers have only lost one day' s work.
® 2 . Payment of Bills . It was moved by Paul Winick, seconded by
Susan Sidel , that the Authority approve and authorize the Chairman
to sign checks to pay the outstanding bills , see the attached list .
The motion was passed 4-0 .
3 . Cash Statements . Carmine de Luca presented a report on recent -
movements on the Authority' s fund. $1 , 000 ,000 was moved out of the
Construction Fund into short term certificates of deposit , at the ,
advice of Construction Manager Bob Stern.
As of February 1 , 1994 , the Authority had spent S2 , 549 , 000 and had
$796 , 000 left in the Construction Fund.
It was reported to the Authority that the 1993 audit had been
conducted and the books closed.
Chairman Winick requested that Jeff Marston research the status of
the Authority' s funds versus pre-construction pro forma.
Mr. de Luca left the meeting following the passage of the motion.
4 . New York State insurance Disclosure rorm. Paul Winick stated
that Authority Attorney Lieberman had contacted Steve Altieri about
getting this form signed. Paul Winick stated he would follow up on
this matter with Steve Altieri .
. 4:1)
5 . Reservation Application Form and Information. There was an
estensivp. disenssinn of this matter:
• It was decided to change the application due date from April
15 to May 16
▪ P . Winick reported on an information meeting that he and E.
Price had with volunteer members of the fire and ambulance
corps . There was a discussion on how to increase people ' s
knowledge of the Hammocks Park housing opportunity.
Suggestions included:
- Unions
- Community bulletin boards
- Newspapers
- A mailing to all people who have inquiries on file
- Contacting all religious institutions
• There was a general discussion of "affordability"
• There was a general discussion of the selection process
S . Fuller ( guest ) suggested that the project and the selection
process might expose the Authority to legal charges through
actual or the appearance of discrimination. This matter was 410
discussed extensively. S . Fuller , although asked repeatedly,
could not identify any specific , planned activities of the
Authority as examples of her concerns
There were several minor revisions of the draft for clarity
and accuracy.
6 . Minutes . Minutes of the August, September , October , and
December , 1993 meetings were distributed and reviewed. S . Sidel
moved ( P . Winick seconded ) that the minutes be approved as written.
Approved: 4-0 .
7 . Telephone Service to Tenants . S . Altieri made a presentation
( hand out included ) on the location of telephone interface
equipment and on how telephone lines in apartments would be
maintained. Authority members asked about various details and
about how some possible decisions might be changed based on tenant
requests . S . Altieri stated that he would carry out further
research and report at the next meeting .
• 8 . Management Agreement . S . Altieri reminded the Authority that
a decision on a management agent needed to be made as soon as
possible . There was discussion about the selection process and on
whether or not the Authority would hire an employee . P . Winick and
J . Marston stated that they would produce the form of a Request' for
Proposal at the next meeting .
9 . Tri-Tech Payment Adjustment . The Authority went into
Executive Session. All visitors left the room. The issue was the
Authority' s reaction to the Town of Mamaroneck' s decision not to
provided one half ( $15 , 000 ) towards a payment adjustment , as voted
The Authority returned to Regular Session. Due to unanticipated
pre-construction activities , P. Winick moved that the Authority .
approve a Change Order request ,for an amount of up to $30 , 000 to be •
paid, as follows:
• $15 , 000 , as soon as practicable , after the receipt and review
of the Change Order •
▪ Up to $15 , 000 , at the end. of the construction period, upon
receipt of a Change Order from the construction manager, if
the Authority
e all necessary documents. Mot-ion passed: 5-0 .
7 . Tri-Tech . Contract. There was extensive discussion about the
request of Bob Stern, Tri-Tech, to amend the contract providing
additional compensation due to additional time spent and services
provided by Tri-Tech in the planning/design stage . Paul Winick
moved, seconded by Susan Sidel , that the Authority approve :
® An amendment to the Tri-Tech contract to increase compensation
by $30 , 000
• Authorization for the Authority to increase its compensation
to Tri-Tech by $15 , 000 , contingent upon the Town of Mamaroneck
agreeing to match the increase ( $15 , 000 )
Authorization to the Chairman to sign the claim form from Tri-
Motion passed : 5-0 .
8 . Application Tier Descriptions . The Authority reviewed and
slightly revised the tiers , primarily the residency requirements .
9 . Managing Agent Agreement :. Marston reported on his review
of the model managing agent agreements provided by Montrose
Management . In summary, the agreements can be combined to •
provide the basis for the Authority' s contract . Paul Winick
suggested and the Authority members agreed that the Authority
buy full managing agent services , especially at the beginning
of the operating phase .
There was a discussion of how to select a managing agent . It
was agreed that a Request for Proposal would be issued,
summarizing the requested services . The Chairman will discuss
legal issues with Ed Lieberman.
Jeff Marston will outline service issues 'and circulate
10 . Next Meeting . The next meeting was set for February 17 , 1993 .
The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 00 PM.
Submitted by Jeffrey L. Marston, Secretary.
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