HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982_12_15 Town Board Regular Minutes 219 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF.MAMARONECK, HELD ON THE 15TH DAY OF DECEMBER 1982 IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits Deputy Supervisor Bloom pointed out to those assembled the location of exits as required by law for public gatherings. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting was called to-order by Commissioner Bloom at 8:15 P.M. Present were the following: Commissioner Lee H. Bloom Commissioner Stewart J. McMillan Commissioner Thomas R. Amlicke Commissioner Caroline Silverstone Commissioner Leo Goldsmith, Jr. was recuperating from recent surgery and was not in attendance at this meeting. Also present were the following: Dorothy S. Miller, Town Clerk James J. Johnston, Town Attorney Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller Charles R. Elfreich, Town Engineer P. Thomas Leddy, Highway Superintendent 1. Claims Commissioner Bloom presented fire claims for authorization of payment and on motion by Commissioner Amlicke, seconded by Commissioner Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's office: Westec Industries, Inc. $639.48 Chief Richard Shaw 3.08 $642.56 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion duly made and seconded, this meeting was declared adjourned at 8:23 P.M. -1- 220 The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Board of Fire Commissioners' meeting. . Present were the following: Deputy Supervisor Lee H. Bloom Councilman Stewart J. McMillan Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone Supervisor_Leo Goldsmith, Jr. was recuperating from recent surgery and was not in attendance at this meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 17, 1982 were presented, and deferred to the next meeting for action since a quorum of those present at said meeting were not in attendance this evening. OLD BUSINESS I , 1. Adoption of 1983 Budget The Administrator reviewed the changes made since the public hearing as outlined on the sheet annexed hereto. Deputy Supervisor Bloom answered Leonard Martin and Councilwoman Silverstone, who raised questions about points made in the Budget Committee's Report, by stating that Administrator Stephen Altieri is preparing a report to the Board responding to each point raised by the Committee which will also include a commentary on the idea of a permanent budget committee. Thereupon, on 'motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous. vote of the Board: WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on. December 1st at the time and place specified in the Notice of Public Hearing on the adoption of a Pre- liminary Budget for 1983 and has heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Budget as approved on November 3rd has been mod- ified as of this date; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby adopt such Preliminary Budget as mod- ified as the Annual Budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the first (1) day of January 1983, and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the Proceedings of this Town Board; -2- 221 CHANGES TO 1983 BUDGET REVENUES INC. FUND ACCT. # PAGE FROM 10 (DEC.) FRS-Gen. Town 04001 117 58,700. -0- (58,700.) FRS-Part Town . _ CR4001 . 117 32,300. 58,300. 26,000. Highway III DM2956. 118 -Q- 7,000. 7,000. Sewer SS2956 102 -0- 11,700. 11,700. Garbage SR2956 93 -0-. 3,200. 3,200. UNEXPENDED BALANCE Gen Fund-G.T. 113 225,000 228,000 3,000 FRS-Gen. Town 117 43,000. 101,700. 58,700.. FRS-Part Town 117 . 27,900. 1,900. (26,000.) Water 97 55,000. 50,000. (5,000.) APPROPRIATIONS Gen Fund- G.T. A-1410-403 14 -0- 3,000 3,000 Highway III DM9730.7 88 11,200. 18,200. . 7,000. Garbage SR9730.7 . 93 -0- . 3,200. 3,200. Sewer SS9730.7 101 -0- 11,700. 11,700.. Water . - SW8340.402 96 108,000. 103,000. (5,000.) TOTAL NET INC. (DEC.) -0- III t -3- 222 RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify, in duplicate, copies of said Annual Budget as adopted by this Town Board, together with the estimates, if any, adopted pursuant to Section 202-a, subdivision 2 of the Town Law, and deliver one (1) copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by him to the County Board of Legislators of this County; and it is further RESOLVED, that for the fiscal year 1983, the sum hereinafter set forth in the attached budget be levied, assessed, and collected upon the taxable properties in the Town of Mamaroneck outside of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck (Part Town) , the properties of the several districts and the several parcels of taxable property, franchise and assessements, and persons within the Town and within such special districts, be ex- tended on the tax roll of the Town of Mamaroneck against each of the several parcels affected by such assessments, or parts thereof; and it is further RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927 as amended, and the provisions of Article 12 of Chapter 61 of the Consolidated Laws, known as the Town Law, as amended, there be levied against the several lots and parcels of land contained upon the statement.:hereto annexed and marked "Exhibit A", the several sums set forth oppo- site each such parcel or lot of land on such statement as and for unpaid water charges due upon said lots or parcels, which said sums shall be placed in a separate column of the tax roll of the Town of Mamaroneck under the name "Water Rents". 2. Discussion - Lot #1 - Non-Resident Parking Permits Councilwoman Silverstone presented her fact sheet and during the discussion that followed, Councilman Amlicke suggested that a final decision not be made at this time and that current non-resident permit holders be advised that there are meters in Lot #1 and additional ones along Vine Street and Station Way for their use after their permits expire on January 31, 1983. It was further noted that the entire situation should be reviewed in early March 1983, after which a final determination will be nade. Thereupon, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby reserves decision on the matter of issuing non-resident daytime parking permits in Lot #1 until such time as the feasibility of the permanent instal- lation of meters along Station Way and Vine Street is determined at this Board's first meeting in March of 1983; and be it further -4- 2?3 RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized to so notify current non-resident permit holders. 3.. . __Resolution -_.In Rem Proceeding Mr. Altieri explained that no action is necessary on this matter since he had been advised by Mr. Litt that the resolution adopted by the Board in September was sufficient. 4. Not on Agenda - Plumbing Fixtures at Town Center Councilwoman Silverstone inquired of the status of above noted situation. The Town Attorney answered that he had not received a response from Hunter Meighan to whom he had sent a letter about the fixtures removed by Dr. Schlick from his former office at the Town Center. Some discussion ensued and the Administrator was asked to follow,up relative to the restoration of the removed plumbing fixtures as well-as the mirror and counter from the second floor ladies' room or restoration to a decent condition. NEW BUSINESS 1. Comptroller's Request - Authorization for Blanket Resolution re Budget Transfers and Necessary Journal Entries to Close 1982 Books On motionby Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Comptroller to make all transfers of funds within the 1982 budget necessary to close out the books for the end of the fiscal year 1982. Some discussion followed Leonard Martin's request that auditing of he Town's books be done in closer proximity to the year being audited. Mr. DeLuca, Comptroller, noted that he has already followed through on that matter with the auditor. 2. Salary Authorizations: a) Recreation On motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Donna Chiodo, Substitute Recreation Attendant at the Hommocks Ice Rink be compensated at the rate of $2.75 per hour, effective December 22, 1982; and be it further RESOLVED, that Lance Wachenheim, Recreation Attendant at the Hommocks Ice Rink, tempo- rarily replacing Matthew Judice, be com- pensated at the rate of $2.75 per hour, effective December 22, 1982. -5- 224 b) Highway Department On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that Michael J. Comblo and Dominick J. Forti, Laborers be compensated at the rate of $14,575.00 per annum, effective January 3, 1983. • 3. Authorization - Sale of Sailboat and Trailer Upon presentation of Recreation Superintendent's memorandum, Councilman Amlicke requested that the bids be solicited for the sale of the boat and trailer in an effort to secure more money for the Town. Other suggestions were made and the Administrator was asked to confer with Mr. Kronenberger and Mr. Finn. Thereupon, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board reserves decision on the sale of one (1) Mobjack Sailboat and Trailer and authorizes the solicitation of bids for same. 4. Authorization - Invest Funds The Comptroller?s memorandum was presented and Councilman Amlicke expressed reservation about granting approval without knowing if the funds would be fully insured. The Comptroller was requested to check further and report back to the Board before any action is taken. 5. . Not on Agenda - Local Law No. 1-1977 & Proposed Apartment Building Cathy Siconolfi addressed. the Board asking, among other things, that this Board put on hold any decisions on all Environmental Impact Statements until Local Law No. 1 of 1977 can be reviewed for compli- ance with state regulations and appoint a citizens committee to review and draft amendments before action is taken by the Town Board. A. rather lengthy discussion ensued during which Deputy Supervisor Bloom advised that this Board has no legal right to interfere with the Planning Board's decisions; that the Town's law was properly filed and it is not the Town's fault that it was lost in Albany, but further advised that the law has been refiled. He also stated that he has reviewed the State's amendments and finds that actions taken by both the Town Board and the Planning Board have been entirely consistent with both old and new regulations and the changes in the state law do not invalidate any proceedings or decisions made thus far. He also added that he is drafting answers to the comments and concerns which have been raised, especially by. Mary Carlson and will provide the Conservation Advisory Commission, Planning Board and Zoning Board with his findings. Marshall Kaplan and Mary Carlson also spoke during the discussion and Mrs. Carlson wished to go on record as disagreeing with Mr. Bloom on inter- pretation of certain parts of the Town Code. Councilman Amlicke ad- vised that the original draft of the local law had been reviewed by an expert citizen committee before this Board's adoption, and that this Committee had offered changes to the draft which would better adapt the draft to our community. -6- 225 6. Not on Agenda - Set Date for Public Hearing --Establish-:.Fee . for Redeeming Animals The Administrator advised the Board of the need to hold a public hearing on 'the above noted matter and on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously • RESOLVED, that this Board hereby sets January 5, 1983 as the date to hold a public hearing to consider adding a new section to Chapter 6 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck in order to • . r establish a fee schedule for redeeming' impounded animals; • and it was further RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and she hereby is authorized to publish in the Daily Times, the Notice of said hearing as. required by law. TOWN CLERK Regular Reports The Clerk presented the Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector for the month of:.November 1982 and the report of the Town Clerk's Office for the month of November 1982. THE DEPUTY SUPERVISOR Reports Mr. Bloom announced that Supervisor Goldsmith was recuperating at home from recent surgery and because there are personnel matters to be taken up, an executive session was necessary and upon motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board will meet in Executive Session at the Supervisor's home at 3 Poccia Circle, Town of Mamaroneck, at a date and time yet to be established and then properly posted, to discuss personnel matters. THE COUNCILMEN AND COUNCILWOMAN Councilman Amlicke reported on the meeting he attended at the Rye Town Hilton on December 13th with Assemblyman Perone and representa- tives of the M.T.A. relative to the commuter trains problem. He specifically explained the problem with_the wheels and axles and the manner in.which correcting those problems will. be handled, and ad- "' that a Committee will be formed to work with the Legislators and the M.T.A. to alleviate concerns and asked that he be appointed to such a committee . Thereupon, on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Committee to be formulated to work with the State Legislators and the M.T.A. to alleviate concerns relative to the commuter train situations. -7- I 26 Councilman Amlicke noted the receipt of Mrs. Dimitriadis' letter in his packet about smoke emissions in the North Chatsworth and Washington Square areas. Some discussion ensued with comments and clarifications by the Town Engineer, Deputy Supervisor and Town Attorney about state regulations relative to smoke emissions and the fact that the County Health Department is the State's agent in these matters. Mr. Johnston and Mr. Elfreich were asked to check_further with Mrs. Dimitriadis on which buildings were in violation and follow through on the matter. III Councilwoman Silverstone reported that the Committee Studying Uses of the Town Center met and held a very useful meeting concerning mostly the roof situation and items relative to fire safety in the building. ADJOURNMENT There being no. further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:00 P.M. III Town Clerk III -8-