HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994_03_24 Housing Authority MinutesroWN 01 MAMARONECK H0031NO AurHORITY
MARCH 24, 1994
The Meeting WaS ealled te 0i'deF Q -t S. RM PaWl WIRIek,
Chairman. The meeting held :-n- (--onb.-z!rence Room A in 'trie-
Mamaroneck Town Hall. I
Mamaroneck Housing Authority members in attendance were:
Paul Winick, Chairman
Jeftrey Marston, Secretary
Mary Regina Carlson, Member
Michael S. Mosley. Member
Susan Sidel, Member.
Visitors and staff in attendance were, -
Elaine Price, Town SUpell-VISOr
Altieri., Tote,ari `,c rn�.rlie-it,rca'ttai
Carmine do Luca, Town Comptrollpr.
Sandi Vanderslice, Oepuzy Town Comptroller
Robbie O"Hara, Resident.
I... n P�f , k:.Lainew Price introauced to
Michael Mosiey who had been appoint1d oy the Town Mari aronecll<
B oard oSpervisos at their ...... n ---------
1994 meeting as an
Authority member to replace Barry Weprin.
2. assAx...
.!� t�
Wini..cl< 'tnifrl-r, he
iatesm version
xf he
Con, trU(--t-L.on Update Rs -:port
the construction
It, becaml�--, tl-iat -U-ie
Lle,-Lng 4,.,o ;i].`
and dis,LribLXU�-d
to other Au trio rimy
members. Mr.
Winick will reqUeSt that
"ti"e Report be distributed in
We Vuzure..
beLnq avalla=s
�,,J-ixrix-lk.. t1hat C..wl
August 26 continues to Lve mne scrieculed compLetnon date,.
mks, following onropkicyan.:
PnaiYaW or Wn/%,
Newsm.:et r (,_L;. 1 a k 6/24/94) i n T'..; -!e
beLnq avalla=s
+df 1':.! �..E;. !,i'.;. I :: rl"XIILI" Or
Construction Account.
• ::r F•aYm4;:.rl.t, of &il.l > Lt was moved by Paul WLr`I1cRa seconded by III
3LI._- in aide' , 'that the Authority approve and authorize the Chairman
� . a the oUt:.,l `n din g bills. see ..die attached list
..�.(,.i rw•..I C5r'I r`t"I`'q.. i`mss to pay�i c;.. .
Nle motion was passed 5-0.
Mr„ de Luca and Ms. Vanderslice left the meeting following the
. passage of the motion. .
:, Housing Authority RRG Paul Winick,
following up on a matter presented at the February meeting,
reported that Authority Attorney Lieberman had identified two
. Issues of concern in the HARRO policy
.• Withdrawal of the Aruthority'S initial surplus contribution if
the Authority decides to leave the insurance pool before. _
,, Prohibition against assignment of rights. 1 he Authority needs
to be able to do this and Mr.. Lieberman negotiated a- variance
for the Authority.
PaL!.L Winick will research the matter with Mr . Lieberman and produce
a document for signature at the next meeting.
• 6H Residential Application Form and Information. The form •
distributed recently wascirculated by Pau.l.. Winick. S . Sidel asked
about the elimination of the maximum income grid, P. Winick and E .
Price reported that Westchesterstchester County and New York k a
" attiallowed
flexibility in this matter. They do not require str'ict. Limits..
• Approximately y .1..000 forms have been sent ou"L.. There was a
cont:1....iu tion of tile discussion at the last meeting about maximizing
iriror'matior) dissemination on the apartments.. rel. R. Carlson asked
about meeting with the PSA a tr IC! school. employees., l Price stated
that she would research these groups.
• M. R. Carlson asked whether other Authority members can attend the
int t orma(;ion meetings, P. iiia.:.r<. and E . Pr 'i... 1I'IVit d di`)_, and %t_L.I.
me:xfWer . `:o :_a.. ..Lend and ;::ar?:..L' r'.e,
I. r`i:ui;Lam: F'.. w i r1 a L:1'�. C.i:,_:.?L .1,.I,�1L.i _� d r`�...a t.:i.s. 07' -l., "1:i i IL. I C. I In
. .......... ..... ...:.......
!''•:f:7'•/r ,mbe 3r , .L?9: meeting .'.r1(:. MarMon dt:. rliA• "t"d drafts of the
' Minutes o.r the .January and FeDrudrfr 4-'?9.4meetings for r /i<.:'I,••t by
Authority members.
i , 0<". :I rP,, ra C, . :Ie'.r 'r J . lar.,,i7 c.ci ..r_ "', .
IIIA tt`''trlent agent. "There er';' 4t: C. general Ci. ;:-:.. _.i.•.?' i C.J ! ..W-' 01"0..... 0
and anspecial requirements because of tne bond issue and granmw
i,aid. S. Altieri stated that he wo uid research these matters.
ton wille
prpre t
aa first drat ans
d ubtAlti
mit it o S. eri
lfC,,ir re -view prior to distributing -Vor AU-T.Jlhority
A was WS0 deetded theY - I
The Authority would carry out the maximum possible activitiao,
to screen applications. Someoneur a firm would be hired ma.
verify applicant information, carry out credit checks, etc.
'11-1f-. Authority would not employ directly an on-site
superintendent, but would expect the managing agent to do so,
It -was discussed, but not decided, whether or not the Authority
would hire or recommend a local person to be the superintendent
WIth a rent free apartment.
There was a general discussion of the screening process and the
questions that the Authority could ask or should avoid asking. M,,
R;, Carlson will review the Authority's book on the matter; M..
MoBley will also carry out research. .
40 (.tJeistion:: term of tenant leases? Answer: initially, one year.
Westion: will their be a preterence weighting by Tier'I' An sw 2 r
the Authority will review this once the initial applications are
recelvea and screened; xx is reserving the righm mo allocate
among Tiers.
Paul Winick presentml the Retainer Agreement for, legal servi.ca.,
from Ed Lieberman. After a review, he moved that Authority adopt
the Agreemnit and authorize the Chairman to sign im; seconded by M
Mo5ley; approved 5-0.,
1p, The Autmority-wenm into Qxecutive session
no discuss various construcTmon MaLterla, An vTsitors left
T#,,,,`-.? eturnea to Regular 3o:sl on ( t,
Wait unULL atter a marcn 28 meaming noacm upon a mamter regaraing
electricaL wit irvj. L t tww5 Wso CIACOICARCA to wait TO f"
rVammencation rrom Trz-1ech an a Change Order regarding a change -
Ln some r oar r1asning.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 PM.
Submitted by Jeffrey L. Mars=tor?, Secretary.. •