HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994_10_25 Housing Authority Minutes11% TOWN OF t-,IWIMARONECK HOUSING' AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 25, 1994 -1 ( -Ve --RrWa5- PPI Q PaUl Winlek , -- -- Chairmaq.- This meeting was held in Conference Room A in the Mamaroneck Town Hall. Mamaron&K Housing Authority members in attekdance were: Paul WinicK, Chairman Sus6n Sidel, Vice Chair Jet -t -ray Marston, Secretary Mary- Regmna Carlson, Member Michael S. Mosley, Member. Visitors and staff in attendance were: Barry Weprin, Town Council liaison Tom- -Rothman, WilKie Farr Carmine de Luca, Town Comptroller Sancti. Vanderslice, Assistant Town Comptroller. I- The Chairman stated that tie received Gt payment memo from Ms. Vanderslice, dated 102194, with invoices an(, -1 that he had reviewed the attached invoices. The Chairman moved, • 5econded by Jeff Marston, that the Authority authorize the Chairman to approve the invoices for payment and to sign checks for payment once sutticient funds are available. The motion was passea 3 - 0. 2. The Chairman summarized the terms of the construction loan which would be provided through A.H. Williams Co.: i)ni:? yei_.,,r dU i -ct 4 =9 o,ouo amount loan based on the project's protorrl a. castribumen an expense and revenue scheauls u5ed to M - -1(1, 71 -.'i .1.1 -A ! n .3 . `J ot callactmnq qranL runOS TrLm wesmcnesmar County and Tne raceral Monarcri unreimburoeo items wiqTbln ro(- la scheduied "CrNovember 1, L994. Tom RoWman is tns!z�� rQuovIrLov s attorney ror CA- tranaacmion. Ed Lnebmimun, tn'.,, intory,y, rots r"*/iowed [me wvcumvr=�­ Dy L 4 ..'.t..,, T'r IC3r 1 11 Wal riow, Ir1(`1 "A A 1 documents t at are necessary to effectuate the resaltt� € n attached hereto. The resolution waw, passed on a roll call vote at 4 - O. Signage".. The Cria.i.rnian stated that the E:;card of Architectural Rev:J..eww had approved the 's'.7p1 Ari 1411 "i'.h minor mach t7.Ct t:1 ons... The c.:an u ttarrt-has--been ai rtrto-r i ze&-'t o order all signs, exccp for two:: the_-portal and Boston Post Road. Thse two signs have been delayed, not eliminated. i... Secretarial Compensation. 'the Chairman reported that two people have giventhe Authority extraordinary service,. One of them is Lillian Rosbustelli with whom the Author•%ty has a $2.000 compensation agreement.. Ms. Rosbustelli has been the rental agent., applicant aide, arid problem-solver„olver„ Her actual. hours in 1994 will be worth approximately $10,000. Paul. Wi.r1ick. proposed, seconded by Jeff Marston, that the Authority express its appreciation by paying Ms,. Roshustelli an additional $4,000 for 1994. - The motion passed The Chairman reported that his secretary, Dayle Licht, had provided extensive assi •harts -tC' the Authority without compensation.. Atter discussion„ Jett Marston moved, seconded by Mary Rem na Car l.:son, that the Au'charity pay Ms. Licht $2;,50C) with thanks for her assistance_ The motion passed 4-0. :. • • 5. Meetings with Managinc.1 Agent.. ,Jet`ia Marston asked when Gr'amata.n Management would begin attending monthlri meetings. It was decided that Cir'ama..tar( would attend the next meeting. Paul Winick agreed to contact (fir ir'Iatan regarding their attendance arid 'to request. that they present a suggested monthly reporting package tor -the Authority' sreview,. There was a discussion of estab.Li..shing a proto? o]_ wi.ti! the managing agent allowing its officers 'to pay routine tine bi.l is under a certain amount:. 66. { i7i"r r`=E,:l. onaerlce.. • O<;?1`:u i.;: 'i-' 'i.i•e ('h'1 of Ac.Locs: l i. I"='! !!t he?["1 t iat, :l r'r? 'C;i 1...1. c' <711r! 1.,.,[1 :!.!i.. t:.r ..-7;•to,`J'.. 2 9 `.4. ..!_ .., il! 'r.% (' ... '.r! _ .:! !'. ._. ..."`i ti.. . ..'t1:., vie { "'Ica.L("tr1i lr'i w[:7i!,).{7 C i ! f.'.'?..::' l.'i'1"t.'s f• taia? i 1 .1 t;.)0r1,.'.171,::ri.. - 19X1 CRITI=: .L`.. ?:r.":r'w sem, i.'t .'..I. to 1-'c'!..!1 tai !.r! i; "r.ti "r'?i:.r. 111.11i L+Jr'J..' "r.. r'I i-'e;: iof..ar..ise to i.1 ;r. 1_.i..en <::oilip !i1,' .- ;; :: eit[Jr''.... (-A it;,t:.,i'.= .i"..Lt. i �,+11. C:1i ti"ie:s i f4:1"i:' r." t h';e':; ((i:"'r1ac t'11'i{::' .AC.jt .. Li'l • 1 .:i: • • Sound Shore Pest: Control sent. a letter recquest:i.ngr .tO be, included in .theAu�t..hori.ty` .. pest control RI-"P list: • Diana rte;' Santiago sent a letter to the Authority thanking it 'for her apartment. • =rr I. • Tech :aer' r~ ita Septet-fiber= •G-f.::on tr+ r.t: o(r- 7. Landscaping. Susan Sidel asked about the status of • landscaping work. Chairman ‘q_t,nick answered that it underway and progressing well. 8,. Next Meeting. The next meeting will be hIeJ.d on rues-day, November . 29, 1994. The meeting was adjourned at 10z00 PM. • Submitted by Je.ftrey L. Marston, Secretary. 943`2.`>i'iH