HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994_11_29 Housing Authority MinutesT% -.1N OF MA1-iARO1%..1E(_,K FIOUSING AUTHORITY MEETINGMINUTE5 NOVEMBER 29, 1994. The -meYTTng-- Gnairman. meeting _ was held in Conference Room A in the Mamaroneck Town Hall, Marnaronerck. Housing Authority members in attendance wczz-re_- Paul. Winicl<., Chairman Su,,c-�an Sidel, Vice Chair. Jetfrey Marston, Secretary Mary Regina Carlson, Member Hichal S. Mosley, Member_ Visitors and staff in attendance were: Rosemary Eggle, Tenant Or -in Oerr-Lco, Town resident Bram Fierstein, Gramatan Management. hpW,1p,Pgy,P111q,, There was general discussion of how to pay the Authority's regular operating bills comnining pa se and proper financial management- Chairman Winick suggested authorizing the Managing Agent 'to pay certain bills without specific approval - One option discussed was setting a limit on all invoices; an6ther was to allow the Managing Agent to pay certain reoccurring vendors, such as Con Ed,, regardless of the amourit,, Thk--3 vj�xis until the next meetine..j 2;. .... .3'.1, The Managing Agent ,.-ntateo 'that the Superintendent does not nacre enough on-site storage in his garage for his equipment, supplies, and items vApplied to the pr9ject by the construction contractors, such as carpeting. Tn;!�Dse items WOUld, not be� needed regularly, but many of them are iarge. Severei major choices were consxciared, namely- RentLnq a Want's qaragc,, Contacming various governmerim entimies regarUing ,,p,= CE' Buildi.ng a storage structure. Ti" e Conscrw%tioh "Manager estimated that sucn a buliding wou= cost $5,OuO Mo $T0,00G.. Ths�irplilere also concferns about Lo-r, 'and ti-io appearance of such a buiiding, T t was meal and to - r r:N,er oo1"?rnmtxit njiviLm. isk .3,tevw Altieri to inscru cm the 8uperintenuent'. c.,c) renn a garaaw is • . . . . per' month from a tenant Ask Gramatan to supply a firm space need estimate. 4 Photocopier. The Chairman reported that the photocopier purchased by the Aithority rgrid usedjn the construction trailer 'bias nomrsurplusproperty7.--Ift-the search to dispose ot-thel-pnoto4Locri ___, .. :_o . the. Chair_ found that: The Town of Mamaroneck was not interested An equipment copy was willing to purchase it for $400 The office manager at. the chairman's firm was willing to match the $400 offer. • The Authority gave the Chairman authorization to dispose of the photocopier, as his discretion, in an amount not less than $400. .4 Vacancies/Policies on Pets. There are currently 6 vacancies, as follows: 2 bedroom, with loft - 1 1 bedroom, with loft 7 S. There are three current applicants within the residency requirements; one has a. dog. Tne Authority discussed changing its no pets policy. It was stated that tour or five applicants declined units because of trie policy.. Inc Aumnority agreed to maintain its no pets policy.. 4 1 S. Boiler Rooms Inspections. The Superintendent has inspected • most apartment boiler rooms to insure that tenants are not using them storage space. Such usage could create a fire access hazard.. The Authority Instructed the Superintendent to continue until he . had inspected 10O of the rooms. 6. Smoke Detector Sensitivity. There have been a few complaints to the Superintendent about overly-sensitiVe detectors (located in the hall near the kitchen).. The units are hardwired and Cannot b:,, reduced in sensitivity. The units can b mo,,, c1 at a cot o approximately $200 per unit, It was reported that there were not an Coffp_L:Aint& over Thanksgiving '4 .,2%3KfMCI, IncAuLiccity cicidHc! to • monitor The situation rather than taKe specific action, 7. Fences There was an extended discussion of -fencing along the Boston Post Road.. The objectives of fencing include safety, esthetics, and the stopping of people walking througn the lancapin.:.-i area. The Chairman stata tnat a $1700 credit existed ;Mom tlie 1:- .1.1iltiock contract I ..F,tyl or trontq, r-ILAcK mc t. rrices wou.t.o .,:ost considerably more. 1 I • . . Fencing styles and locations should:: Not conflict with the style of the future porta.l on the Hammocks Road Consider putting in a walk through the _Landscaping. to pegs-tpr-ane-a-aecisa-on _ _member_ memberS were encouraged 'tovisit the site before the meeting, 8. Fire Extinguishers. Apartment tire extinguishers are not required in apartments; but they are prudent. the Authority authorized Gramatan Management to purchase and install tire extinguishers under the kitchen sinks in all apartments, at 'the_ - Authority's expense„ 9. Snow Removal. There was extensive discussion of this matter. The design of the parking lot and the fact that the road in the complex is a public road makes snow removal a difficult situation. The options considered were: Purchasing equipment Hiring a, snow removal :service Lasing Town personnel. • The Authority asked Gramatan Management to solicit snow removal service bids for clearing the entire roadway and driveways, including hand work. Gramatan was also asked to provide an information update to tenants. • The possible liability insurance implications o'r the divided Authority and Town ownership of the road and driveways and sidewalks was discussed. 10. Superi.nte"•rldents Garage.. The Superintendent., using his garage as storage. and a workshop, wants to make access easier by building a wa.1..1. acro::.,.. the opening behind the regular door and by cutting ._. special. door in 'the regular door.,. Tne authority araoroved the upon i':i.h,,provaJ o Jake ........,..„.................__.,...,...,..._�....,_....._..,.._ 11. Garage Door Openers. Several, uu't not; a ground "sweli of, tenants have asked the Superintendent.ntendentt about being able to i r7: ta.l. I garage door opener_ ,. The Authority discussed changing i. .a policy on a_i.ow.7 nc::i a.ra.ge openers, opener-s... I.."irar::.L.L'.ty insurance and oual t..t'y IfEues were discussed, i h'a primary crioi?::u.... s,aem to .d?-r..!.i:1w J.i'Icj tenant! P, t.:+ install l:i", :._i" own OC ri ..L."f::.... ;y�.L`. . +:... c'y an approved cant r<za.L....o r . . ne 1=1!..n T.i`1o' a. t.•';i OO ' p0(1e3 �„C:I_+wir'I 00 the matter . . • • " y 12. Holiday Tips for Employees. The Authority decided that it would not provide a holiday tip for employees. Tenants are allowed to provide Su ch tips. • 13. 'Vacancy Sit ratirarr A change in the marketing strategy was discussed-, Su<--;hri -list nc--wi-th. th P11 fl'r i t i~ t > rrg : er -:i_ e_. 1 t ie Authority. decided not to chance its strategy since vacancies were within the proforma financial projections„ The Authority decided that it w!duld continue not to pay marketing . fees, as would be necessary ,tor the MLS. • ,t.. i., Holidays Bonus. Gramatan Management asked that the Superintendent be granted a holiday bonus, given the extraordinary amount of work he had done during the phase-in period. The amount requested was $350, one week's salary. They also asked for a thank you card. The Authority approved the request, but stated that it would be a -start-up" bonus, not a re-.occurir!g "holiday" one•, • 15. ' Security Locks. The locks on the exterior apartment doors were installed as per the specifications, but. they do not work well, The Authority approved Gramatan securing bids for replacing the .Locks.' The Authority expressed itslocal business preference. 16.. Parking 1''la't'ters„ Signs have been ordered for the on-site/off- site parking plan with signs directing visitors to the Hammocks • School parking lot. It was stated that some people have been parking illegally, especially in bad weather'.. The Authority directed the Superintendent to call the police in such cases. Elaine Price will be asked to coordinate this matter 'i.ri.th the police. " • 17. Hudson Valley Bank Relations. The Managing Agent asked whether the Authority has received the final copies of the Collateral.ixation ,Agreement and Resolution. The Chairman does riot. expect that the Authority will bark.. with HVB He and Gramatan Management will coordinate selecting another bank , : r iw= i n _ o" management whether it. 'riCl..i._d pay . an extra":,"+. $20 per month for Saturr;;a.;•/ service. The Authority'. decided not to pay "tris: extra tee aria to nave wPokc ay iho: Superintendent was ordered to accompany the exterm.tnator on his rounds_ • .,. " a•.,. .n .y ai •neriryr.E _ ervE r^ir '!(".!_ ihe •,1 ]"!'.._t!.1.,..i.:"�("rlri:. r`I t, t: ��. ;(`i+ -t- `I i7 t"fi%7.n ., ............ ... ...... .... A ' r" r, i r r stazed that was ln ravorof sucn a Tung it ar,x aliU:+i''i:. ir7 n.'.I"Iracjemen"t and Mr , I.,oriar to create :a. .1.1...; at ;r'!c_. ra:?'c 'L'._ in order" 'Co size a fund. 11111 ,. % . 20... Tenant Attitudes. The Chairman asked Ms.. Eggle about this. , CI The answer was that attitudes were basically good. Public area cleaning has not been satisfactory, due-to the extra work that the Superintendent has done during the start up time. Gramatan will : nst:LtL.... C a regular cleaning schedule. Lt was stated. that Con Ed bills for the. .Autharity than expected. Gaps under front doors .will be fixed • - - Some tenants are talking about forming .a Tenants Association. The Authority stated that it will assist in the endeavor, beginning atter the new year. There, have been questions about whether or not sleeping is allowed in the lofts. The Authority stated that it was not against the law and not allowed. . • 21. - Financial Statement Review. Gramatan presented a full set of monthly financial reports. These were discussed. The Authority asKed that summary information he asked to make month by month monitoring easier, including: . . ' Arrears ". Vacancies . . Revenues Expenses 4 CAccounts Payable . , Bond accounts deposits. Gramatan was asked to research adding these summaries to thear - regular reports. 22 , - 1995 Budgets. The Authority discussihow and when to produce Its first annual budget. It was decided to take this matter up at the ,next meeting. 27; . payment ot Bills The Chaarman stated that the invoices and ,t,a. ent were received on the day at the meeting. Since tnere we some quetions, Lt was agreed to postpon pa ,meryt of -th :- ..ct,LLng invices until fur CIOCUMLtion nad rQceiveci% , • Delvi to Cc-1 tr-ac tulg Flint1o(..K Construction . . . Mengler Contracting Capor!e Enterprises f,piumbing) . • C.,,uslir 1.Hnterprias ( altric .1) .. Tri-T, 1..anning C.onsui.tan ra ,genera.. comaitlon .) . fri - r: iAn ,J, ninq C,N-1vi cconstw-LA(:tmon !managE,mnt rk,=k?) . mo,/ o and M.:1-t naton secondec; a ruo 'Go autpc .i.:, r.1, OlaLrmn rx) . ay anci sign trtt remaining c[aliv, t1:3LCA on anc.n. 1 1 I . • . himimmi......... ... ' • • - Vanderslice's November 29 memo.. The motion was ',passed, 5-0. 24. Next riee.ting. The ne.xt Meetinc,1 twill be held on Tuesday, oecember 20„ 1994.. -The meeting was, adjourned .ait_11._:,L5 Submitted by Jeffrey L. Marston', Secretary. 94K29M1---IA • 4110 • • • - • •