HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995_02_21 Housing Authority Minutes fr/
71-64 r
moivxmazY 1.99S
he meeg' was called to order at 7-:1S PM by Paul
Chairmani, 1110 mootl:09 wat3 bold :in 'Itto Son.l.or. Center in. the
Mamaroneck Town Hall .
Mamaroneck. Dousing. Authority members in attendance wore
Paul WinAck, Cbairuwn.
Susan. Sidel, Vico Chair
folfl:roy Secretary
Mary :Regina Carlson., Member%
The E;p moot;:i.n.q was a d:i.sauss:i.o:(..t with. Hommocks Park. Apartment I,I
tenants. i:u attendance wo:ro:
• 1.4 t on.ant;s
, Section. 8 program
Bram Vierstein, Gramatan. Management.
decu during the meeting included some general issues
ICIand some apartment-specific ones:
:Efommoc:ktt School students walk.in.(.1 a.cross the property
P:lows put snow into the disabled par:KAI:1g spots
• Could barrels 01' sand be, placed. on. the property for
miscellaneous, small-scale icing situations?
• t)ra.:ift;y wsi.ndows :i.n some a.partment;s
Brown water in some kitchen oinks
Chan c ount;or top c(xtri.n.(3. away :i :r.1.)(n the ono apa.r
Design p:robleut ,v;outo kitchens with clearance 0:1" a cu.pboarsCi
door axid the stove
• ,..;1;a.t.u.s utmoko detector. l'i:xl.:(1(1?
Work:mo:u crow unduly :1 orward. in. one apartment
• Di shwa ober °nal:,o a burning smol w.h.on. it. begins operations
one apartment
Border strips between. vinyl and cart)ot t.I.00rs neem to :be too
Sett:IA:n(1 cracks appearing. 1.:u several apartmenti:;
Corago water 1.1.:ne leak. 1,:o. one ai,,ortment
Dad the Authority made a decision. on. allowing (),I.octricall
garage door openers
Illegal parking in front of garages near, entrance
Tough to hoar the doorbell in some apartments
Apartment front door: peek bolos aro too high.
• Does the bathroo' t vent have a flap onthe exterior? Ono
apartment; bathroom iN very cold in. the morning
Boiler kicking off mysteriously in ono apartment
: 'root door: t 00 :1.91:11; and needs ad: Unent; an a few
apartment s
Would trie :Authority kostall carbon. monoxide detectors?
• Some window screens are :popping out;
• Water In. the overflow L.roy is hot drals..611- properly in some
• Some ref:rig:orator doors •need. •adjustimmt to close easiTAT
• Can. tenants have appliance manuals .retAEraed2
• $am) kitchen. shelf supports missing
Cahtenants instaii coiling fans?
Heating bills aro higher than some tenants expected.
Suggostion to install 01001••wrapped hoses for now washer dryer
installatioos to reduce chances of burstiog pipet;
• :CW.0 the esxt ormsi.nat:or.• been coming: :r.1 ntl:I. I ? SOW. t°Dant 13 haVO
Been ; WNW) b.a.ve riot;
The terlants and Section 8 :representative, left.
• A.
The :regular UK)C) bc•:g:an. at; 8 :20.
Additional. a.t.1;endees were Carm:i.no 'Vow). oi Mama.rone ck
Co:apt:roller, and. Sa.o.di Vanderslice, '1)opu.1..y C.omptroller.
)?avment; of :1
a) Chairman Wirii f.3 t 0(.1 that '.1.'r:"1.•.1.'0(711. :ha..1.1 not provi.d.ed.
invoices, although :i.t; did p:rovide certificates of completion..
:Et did. provide invoice 21:1.••36, $ , '.or construction
maaagement costs for the period 01019S •• 01319.S .
Chairman. Winick. moved. a.:o.d. irof Ma:rotor). seco:oded a motion to
authorize tb.e C.b.a.i:rmanto approve the claim ib:rm -for pa.yment
once be :received a prope:rly executed. claim form. The motion
passed. ,1, •• 0 .
b) Chair:maxi Winick repo:rted on al.° COn.t.;t::rue t COOL. Cash
Analysis (sec attaxImM . De projected a. $40, 000 surplus after
release of all constructio:u retootion amounts.
C) (191.0...nmxa WioAck stated that he harl received and. reviewed. the
02209S memorandum. from Sandi Vanderslice, with attached
documentation, regarding construction. and. related. items. He
movod that the Authorityapprove the invoices and. that ho be
authorized to 019.0 required documeoto and chocks to pay the
:i.:n:v'o:i.cen The motio:rl wan soconded by. Mary 'Regina Carlso:ri and
passed 4 - 0 .
d) Chairman. Winick stated that. be had. received and, reviewed the
02169S memorandum. from Cramatan. Mauagemont, with attached
documentation, regarding operating: costs. Ho moved that the
Authority approve the in.voices aod that b.o.) be authorized to
• siqa required documents andchocks to pay the invoices. The
motion was seconded by. Mary Regina Carlson and passed 4 - O .
2 . Ant,;norization, :Vor t he an.d. Vico Chair to Pay Cr r1,-;a:in •
0QQ:oat inq 1.1.'horn was a gonclra.:1. CU 0-107X-0.1: whet hex
Authority would authorize t he Chj r or Vic v. Cha.:i.:r 1 o appove
certain. operating expeases, not to exceed a certain, amount, without
Au.thor:i.ty app:rova.:1.
Chairman W:Loic k moved a hat 1;he Aut ho:rity authorize t he Chai.:r or
Vice Ch.air to a.pp:rovo and sigxi c:hocks to piw for the Authority' s
reglita:r opera.tinq expenses wa houl Au.L:b.ority app:rova:I. at a :regal ar
meeting 'up to $S00„ except; chocks to Grasnatan Management :o.ot to)
exceed $1200 for IllariacTOUK.Mt EOCI0 and. $10 0 0 :Vac Lb° Supo:rintoodontis
:En further. dismission, it was aq:ro.cd. 1.39.01, ( :ramatan Mana.gemeat would
send suoturta:ries to) all other :Authority metribe:rs di; the. SaiKte triino as
it sends :requests for approval to) the Chair or Vice (7:toil:ix°
The mot was seC7,on.d.od. by' Su.0 a:O. 1d0 . and. pat;F3 d. 4 •• O .
3 Pa:rty Aq:reement The agreameo.t. with fludson. Han.k.
Wall; prose:at:0d aft o:r :review and :revision by a he Author:it y' s Caunso:I.,,
1111) fil.eberma.n.0 The ag:reement... :oleo::oil 0 ary to :r:oqu.:i.r:oment
t 00(MT:it Ize u.n.l.:nournd. portion. of amounts on deposit at Ube bank.
Cha.l.roten. Win.ick. moved I Autho:rityt horl.v, t he MIA:ix to
execute the in).:i.rd Party .Agreentent :between. Hudson Valley :Ba.:ok and.
Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co (as bondaustodiao) in the form
approved :by counsel . 'Elie motioyn was 0c:co:ruled by ausan. Sidel and
passed 4 •• O .
4 . Ma.na.geme:ot Coni,;:rac , 111.0VT.)(i t bat. AUL bar:
app:rove a.:o.(j authorize the Chair to execute the cont:ract between the
Authority and. Grama.ta.n. Mana.gement, effective 091494, :in the form
a•PP:roved• bY ounse:1• 0 mot:i.o:ri was sec()ruled by' Ma:rst on. and
pas Sed 4 •• O .
Computer WO:0c. Station.,. Mary Regina Carlson moved that tho
Authority establish a. workplace ibr Ch.air autho:riy,:ing the
pu.:rch.ase a c output wo:rk.. station and instal:I.ation a telephone
The MOL1M. was seconded. by deff Marstori and was passed. 3 -0 - 1 .
6 . Ynvonue Projection. Winick. dlocussod. his 02P59S
memorandum concernioq the cash flow of the Authority as it; relates
to regular operations, hoods, notes, aod obligaLloos to the Town. 01:
7 Max.i.aq,aine:'cut Aq,ox.d. :11.oport'... BrOxfl
of 71-2 1A.Cmus, for (men attactux'j.), as •
a.. AT- 11 (vac 1,; are ranced, axxd I'tto roxx
b Inntallation of Half door locks, ha's boon
C. installation of fire extimquimbnro has b00:0. Coff%):1.0tod
d. 'I'ho:r.,o were :1.3 froxoti. :i.:n. certa:i..-rx crav:l. to
design, and innulaUott. was wal-ox: daulaqo :Lrx one
apixr.,tutoxxi- ax.i.('J. 1J),at, ("j.aTrIaqo wan", ("I.oax.f.od -yp. UnLrovAting has
been completed. -11)(XII0 di),Inaq-ci to bo c(XT.V,,p:I.otod
Ca .13):n.ow roynoval was Carried CM11; by' a private contractor. I'ho
cot:'i- was 'o. � C., K :1::I:(l :r:atod LIxe
-I, with '.Vowx�.t Of Ma:(TW.:r.'o-.0.(
ovurall por:Vo:r.-(.Tv)..r.I.co to be
t Heating comLs for I.I.to a.:co :i.x-.1. line with oApectationts
9," Sruok.o detvcLorn have :bclo.r.). ro:I.ocatod to bn(J.:coolu's
J.o waJJ--J.:rI.q-
J.. I�.It.C: (Ila):f..t.ale':L,r.1.C' aqo.,cut will Toaton ox.to tonant'n gurago for �,.. ac+ •
'.Vho:r.-o Im onto probAwl LonanL, but that :i.:', b(,x.c)Yr6.:rxq- A.oss
toxl.ax.11. 1,:o. oxl. :cexxi- a'.r.id.of a
collocUon/ovicUon act:i.ox.i. inay- be soon
k. ',I.':r.-oov,, Ixave :booxx
1. See item 3 abawn.,
B. x1ma"')
a. waiting- Lint. HuHan ",ko('A. whether a waiting I.t
exinted. Wam Vinrutoln romponded that a :Lint doom not WRI.-
boca-uso the.: aqotii, has :o.ot rounivud uunolicited
inquirion. Mr. Viormtoin uuqqcuLcd UhuL Gramatanwill put qp
a "J.qxx on Ltx() prqporLy. C:haJ,:cfr.uj.:rx W:i.:nJ.c.,:K asko(J. 1,Ixat,
S:i.doI. to cotIA'act.... :1"A.A.I.I.ax.l. to x-o:Vor :jVtjJ,-(j.:re
to G:r.,amatan.
b. NI OCLUC Ouragn Dour., O:po:r.I.o:r.,o.
dimcusmion of this
consensus Min Uti.a.L
U.11,oy- :ctot. bo a.lTown(J.; ttxal; the
garage aroan
worn not dnnigund
to handle
-I; •
C. T99h "UdgOL.
JOY Marston uLaWl Lbal,
ho :Vo]. Cti.al. t1to
• *
• •
AD.1. b.or .011011:1.d. a:pp:rave a 199!,i operating budget as soon. ni
po tiv;tbSI.o :1:1; was agreed 1;b.a.1; Mr. Vie:rote:1n will revise the-)
current hulqet arid mgmOt to the motawyril barAyro the next
IncoLing and. that the .Aut.b.or:ity would consider and 'vote on the
budget at the :ue:x:L meet in.g.
d.. ar:infj. ter Mar st on :reminded Mr. V-si.orat t h.at
the Au.th.ority had. ilgrond in. 1.994 Lc ask. his 1;o p:repare
a.n.d submi.1; mon.i.:11-by•Inont :r<lvonuo, o 11 i , and rent a.:1.
arrear in.:Vormation. M:r. :1' i ortein said. Chat ho will draft
such. :Vorms for :review at the next meet lag%
The next. meeting Wa scheduled. :roc: '.1.`u.osday, March 21, :1.99!:i at; 8 : 00
The ineot:mg was ad.:j ourned at 1.0 7,2
Subm.i.tto<i by ifolTrey .. Marston., Soc:retary.
L .
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