HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982_10_20 Town Board Regular Minutes 1R4 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD ON THE 20TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1982 IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. The meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Supervisor Goldsmith who then thanked all members of the Board particularly Deputy Super- visor Bloom for the hard work performed during his absence. He then said that, since there no doubt were items carried over from earlier meetings, he was asking Deputy Supervisor Bloom to preside at this meeting. Deputy Supervisor Bloom asked that the record show this Board's joy and sense of gratitude for the Supervisor's return to good health and to his Town duties, this Board's hope that God will continue to bless him with good health and that these sentiments unanimously ex- pressed by this Board be spread upon the minutes of this meeting. it Present were the following: li Supervisor Leo Goldsmith, Jr. Deputy Supervisor Lee H. Bloom Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone Councilman Stewart J. McMillan was not in attendance at this meeting. Also present were the following: Dorothy S. Miller, Town Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Carmine DeLuca, Comptroller Charles R. Elfreich, Town Engineer P. Thomas Leddy, Highway Superintendent CALL TO ATTENTION: Location of Exits Deputy Supervisor Bloom at this time pointed out to those assembled the location of the exits as required by law for public gatherings. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Claims Commissioner Bloom presented fire claims for authorization of payment and on motion by Commissioner Silverstone, seconded by Commissioner Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office: Con Edison . $ 51.18 Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 375.00 Economy Uniforms 1,398.20 21.60 Harbour Tyre Ltd. 821.34 Village of Scarsdale Water Dept. 308.00 $2,975.32 -1- 2. Reports The Fire Report for the month of September 1982 was presented by Commissioner Bloom. ADJOURNMENT IIIThere being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion duly made and seconded, this meeting was declared adjourned at 8:22 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town Board was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Board of Fire Commissioners' meeting. Present were the following: Supervisor Leo Goldsmith, Jr. Deputy Supervisor Lee H. Bloom Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone Councilman Stewart J. McMillan was not in attendance at this meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: Reconstruction of Sanitary Sewer - Ferndale Place III On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it hereby is declared open. The Town Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of the Notice of Hearing as required by law. Deputy Supervisor Bloom's presentation of copies of the Engineer's letters to the Contractor of the project, Manny Equipment Company, Inc. and the Manager of the Westchester Joint Water Works precipitated some discussion relative to the problem of a water line located directly above the sanitary sewer to be replaced. Supervisor Goldsmith stated that this topic had been discussed at a recent meeting of the Water Board which authorized that the portion of the water main in conflict with the sewer line be temporarily relocated by the Contractor and a valve installed by Westchester Joint Water Works personnel and after completion of the project, the replacement will possibly go out to public bid. Councilwoman Silverstone noted her discussion with Marlene Kolbert, School Board President who expressed her concern for safety of Central School pupils, with respect to the ditch in the back of the school, interference with a new gas line, how trucks will enter and exit the project site and restoration of the field to its original status. The Engineer answered that he had spoken to Mrs. Kolbert and advised her that a fence will surround the ditch area to keep students out. The gas line will be supported as is usually done, back filling will be done to restore the area to its normal status and he emphasized that the contractor, his employees and the Town Engineer will exercise all precaution relative to the children's safety during the time work is in progress on the project. On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Supervisor Goldsmith, it was unanimously -2- 186 RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it hereby is closed. Upon query by Deputy Supervisor Bloom as to the Board's pleasure on this matter, on roll call with four affirmative votes, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the reconstruction of the sanitary sewer in Ferndale Place and authorizes the Comptroller to take steps to obtain the necessary papers from the Bonding Attorney relative to approval of a $182,000 bond to finance the project. PUBLIC HEARING: 1983 Proposed Uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it hereby is declared open. The Clerk then presented for the record the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of the Notice of Hearing. In answer to a question from Councilwoman Silverstone, Comptroller DeLuca stated that $77,000 in revenue sharing funds has been unexpended. At this time the Town Administrator and Comptroller explained the items set forth to be purchased with federal revenue funds in 1983 and empha- sized that typewriters will be rotated. The pool maintenance item is Illthe Town's share of the $150,000 for repairs to the pool. The money for judgements and claims is relative to certioraris, and that the mimeograph machine is for the Recreation Office, where a great deal of copying for all Town departments is done. The Supervisor noted that the presentation tonight is an expression of intent on how the money will be expended and can be changed if necessary. On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it hereby is declared closed. Thereupon, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous._:vote of the Board: WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on this date at the time and place specified in the Notice of Public Hearing on the Pro- posed Uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds and has heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby adopt the Proposed Schedule of Spending of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds in the amount of $170,000 as a part of the 1983 Budget for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of January 1983, the itemized statement of expenditures hereto attached and made a part of this resolution; -3- . PROPOSED FRS SPENDING FOR 1983 • GENERAL FUND - G.T. -DEPT.;. ' ITEM AMOUNT TOWN JUSTICE TYPEWRITER $ 900. r SUPERVISOR CONSULTANT 5,000. COMPTROLLER TYPEWRITER - 900. TOWN ATTORNEY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,500. ENGINEER AUTOMOBILE 8,000. TOWN CENTER EQUIPMENT 13,000. • ' CENTRAL SERVICES MIMEOGRAPH MACHINE 2,500. . ' GENERAL RECREATION TYPEWRITER 900. POOL POOL MAINTENANCE 50,000. • DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL (BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE) 17,000. $101,700. . GENERAL FUND - P.T. SPECIAL ITEMS JUDGEMENTS & CLAIMS $ 15,000. POLICE AUTOMOBILES (4) 25,000. " RADIOS & RECORDER 6,300. BUILDING INSPECTOR AUTOMOBILE 8,000. • '° it " TYPEWRITER 900. $ 55,200. HIGHWAY . ' HIGHWAY, ITEM I REPAVING 5,000. II. If REFUND OF TAXES 4,000. HIGHWAY, ITEM III • EQUIPMENT (CEMENT MIXER, WALKIE TALKIE, 4,100. & CONVERTERS) $ 13,100. . - • i i GRAND TOTAL $170,000. II ' - r Z •. i _ - -4- 1 188 and be it RESOLVED, that in accordance with the Amendments to the Federal Revenue Sharing Act, said adoption is made subject to a second hearing to be held in conjunction with the budget hearing on December 1, 1982. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon presentation for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 31, 1982, Councilwoman Silverstone expressed her inability to remember that far back and further noted this backlog is a clear violation of the Open Meetings Law. She also noted that keeping up to date minutes is important for follow-up on various matters taken up by the Board and suggested that audio tapes be used at meetings and kept for one year with minutes being written in a briefer form. Her state- ments precipitated a discussion relative to the ways in which the Clerk can be aided in bringing minutes up to date and maintaining them that way. Deputy Supervisor Bloom noted a partial solution is to have res- olutions prepared ahead of time and Councilman Amlicke asked that the Town Attorney assist the Clerk in writing such resolutions. Thereupon, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, the minutes were unanimously approved as corrected. NEW BUSINESS 1. Salary Authorizations - Recreation Following presentation by Town Administrator Stephen Altieri of the Recreation Superintendent's memorandum, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman..Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes payment to the following persons for the positions and at the rates and effective dates as listed below: NAME POSITION RATE EFFECTIVE Clinton, Edward Manager $ 6.00 per hr. 10/13/82 Clinton, Peter Manager $ 6.00 per hr. 11/11/82 Singletary, Bob Manager $ 6.00 per hr. 11/11/82 Decimes, Bernier Custodian $ 5.00 per hr. 10/14/82 Walker, Beresford Custodian $ 5.00 per hr. 10/14/82 Powell, Ruth Sr. Skate Guard $ 3.00 per hr. 11/11/82 Connolly, Tami Skate Guard $ 2.75 per hr. 11/11/82 Judice, Matthew Skate Guard $ 2.75 per hr. 11/11/82 Moore, Julian Skate Guard $ 2. 75 per hr. 11/11/82 YOUTH HOCKEY Chiapparelli, Michael Sr. Rec. Leader $10.00 per hr. 11/13/82 Fletcher, Alexander Sr. Rec. Leader $10.00 per hr. 11/13/82 Gill, Oliver Sr. Rec. Leader $10.00 per hr. 11/13/82 Mastrangelo, Mark Sr. Rec. Leader $10.00 per hr. 11/13/82 MacConnell, John Sr. Rec. Leader $10.00 per hr. 11/13/82 Morgan, Arthur Sr. Rec. Leader $10.00 per hr. 11/13/82 Paglieri, Dominick Sr. Rec. Leader $10.00 per hr. 11/13/82 Talgo, Kristen Sr. Rec. Leader $10.00 per hr. 11/13/82 -5- 1R9 Eaton, Kim Sr. Rec. Leader $ 9.00 per hr. 11/13/82 Margotta, Henry Sr. Rec. Leader $ 9.00 per hr. 11/13/82 Demasi, Daniel Rec. Assistant $ 3.00 per hr. 11/13/82 Phillips, Jeffrey Rec. Assistant $ 3.00 per hr. 11/13/82 Reilly, Brad Rec. Assistant $ 3.00 per hr. 11/13/82 Ronan, Timothy Rec. Assistant $ 3.00. per hr. 11/13/82 Wolf, Russel Rec. Assistant $ 3.00 per hr. 11/13/82 IIIFIGURE SKATING Nelson, Lorraine Sr. Rec. Leader er 11/12/82 . 20 hr. 11 12 $ per / / *Nelson, Lorraine Sr. Rec. Leader $10.00 per hr. 10/14/82 Nelson, Mark. Sr. Rec. Leader $10.00 per hr. 10/14/82 *Lorraine Nelson will be paid the $10.00 rate for administrative work and the $20.00 rate for teaching. 2. Dr. Maurice E. Serling's Request for Change of Zoning - Lot on Weaver Street Dr. Serling's request was presented by Deputy Supervisor Bloom who noted . the location of the property in question, and on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby refers to the Planning Board for its study and rec- ommendations and report back to this Board the request of Dr. Maurice. E. Stirling for a change of zoning for the lot next to his III Animal Hospital from R6 to Business. 3. Authorization - Continued Participation in Muncipal Purchasing Program Stephen Altieri, Town Administrator advised the Board that continued participation in the County plan could help the Town to obtain better prices and that both he and Carmine DeLuca, Comptroller recommend the Town's use of this option. Thereupon, on motion by Supervisor Goldsmith, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the continued participation by the Town of Mamaroneck in the Westchester County Munic- ipal Purchasing Program for the period January 1, 1983 to December 31, 1983. . Not on Agenda 4.. Bar Closings III Councilwoman Silverstone referred to Larchmont Village Mayor Martin S. Quigley's letter relative to earlier bar closing hours and asked if this Board wish to endorse that idea. Some discussion followed in which it was noted by the Supervisor that the matter deserved further study especially since most of those located in the Unincorporated Area were in conjunction with dining and before this Board acts, it would be im- portant to find out what affect the earlier closing would have on such restaurants. It was pointed out by Angelo Rigano that if the earlier closing were to become effective in Larchmont, perhaps the patrons would then go to the bars in the Town if the law were not the same. -6- 190 Although Councilman Amlicke thought that was a good point, he further stated that perhaps the restaurants did not stay open as late as regular bars. At the close of the discussion, the Administrator and Clerk were asked to enumerate the bars in the Town, and their locations, find out what the economic affects would be with earlier closings imposed and redis- tribute to the Board members the communication from Mayor Quigley... Not on Agenda 5. Cathy Siconolfi, on behalf of Gilda Kaplan who could not attend this meeting, presented to the Board copies of a article from the Sound View News and then asked for clarification of the liens on the Guadagnolo property. Deputy Supervisor Bloom referred to a meeting with an expert in such matters who outlined to the Board the procedure for handling liens and although no decision has been reached by this Board, the members are now aware of an orderly way to go about handling such matters. He further clarified the manner of one purchasing his or her own lien by paying the oldest tax bill first. Following that brief discussion, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it -was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the hiring of Special Counsel, Mr. Howard Litt to proceed in the Town's behalf for an In Rem proceeding. Not on Agenda 6. Dolores Battalia, Secretary to the Town Democratic Committee in- quired of the status of the Town Attorney since he had not been appointed at the Organization meeting and asked if that had been done at a subse- quent meeting and also asked if he has to attend Planning or Zoning Board meetings. Deputy Supervisor Bloom answered that he has not been appointed this year and noted that by law he can be carried over. He also stated that it was not mandatory for him to attend such meetings. Not on Agenda 7. Following Town Democratic Chairman Tom Nealon's suggestion to the Board that the pay for election inspectors be increased, and after some. discussion, the Board instructed the Town Clerk to survey other munici- palities to ascertain their pay scale, and give consideration to increas- ing the inspectors' fees in the Town in 1983. Not on Agenda 8. Councilwoman Silverstone urged parents to be more careful with their children this year during the customary trick or treating for Halloween and to check the things they bring home. Dr. Alan Mason, Chairman of the C.A.C. reiterated the suggestion of-the Town Youth Officer for children to carry their own treats instead of eating unchecked goodies. REPORTS - SUPERVISOR or DEPUTY SUPERVISOR • 1. Supervisor Goldsmith noted it would be necessary to hold an Executive Session following this meeting relative to a proposed appointment and -7- 191 thereupon on motion,by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board will meet in Executive Session immediately following the adjournment of this meeting to discuss a proposed appointment. REPORTS - COUNCILMAN and COUNCILWOMAN Mr. Amlicke Councilman Amlicke announced that he had received the Lehr Associates contract and preliminary design phase regarding the Hommocks Pool and advised the Administrator a copy would be forthcoming to him and -re- quested that he distribute copies to the Town Engineer, Town Attorney and Recreation Superintendent for their review and recommendations. Mr. Amlicke added that he had advised John Ibelli of the School Board to put into writing any request for additional funds relative to keep- ing the pool open. Councilman Amlicke referred to the Coastal Zone Management Program and indicated his desire for the Town to be represented at a meeting to be held on November 4th. After some discussion, Supervisor Goldsmith stated he would ask Elinor Fredston to be the Town's representative at said meeting. Councilman Amlicke added that the Town's coast is filling up with silt and it is important for the Town to consider the kind of im- provement that would revitalize the marshland. Councilman Amlicke thanked the newspaper for the excellent coverage of the early opening of the pool and related to the Board that at a recent meeting of the Recreation Commission, it was decided that the pool would close at seven on Saturdays instead of nine making it possible to open the pool at six in the evening two days per week instead of seven. He further advised that this is an experimental situation that will depend upon the number of swimmers using the pool during the early time. Councilman Amlicke asked the Engineer about the status of the Upper Weaver Street sidewalk plan who advised the plan has not as yet been forwarded to::the State Department of Transportation due to the need for clarification relative to the sidewalk going through the Conservation Area as opposed to remaining on Weaver Street. Councilman Amlicke inquired of the status of this Board's decision to call the Bond Relative to;_the Hommocks Field which prompted a discussion similar to those held at previous meetings on this matter. The Engineer and Highway Superintendent described the present condition of the field and Councilman Amlicke insisted that there are strong reasons for calling the bond and asked the Administrator to so advise the Town Attorney upon his return. -8- i 192 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this Board, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was unanimously declared adjourned at 9:49 P.M. 1 I Town Clerk III 1 1 1 I . 1 1 1 -9- I