HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020_12_14 Town Board Meeting Packet TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 6:00PM TOWN BOARD WORKSESSION AGENDA: 1. Comprehensive Plan Peter Feroe from AKRF will join the Town Board to discuss the current status of the plan and a proposed timeline to initiate the scope of work. 2. Discussion — Floor Area Ratio Law 3. Update — December 17th Forum — Racial Equity Task Force — Police Reform. 4. Update — Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation Project Battalia, Christina From: Altieri, Stephen Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 3:29 PM To: Katz, Abby; Fiddelman, Sabrina; Eney, Jaine; King, Jeffery; Seligson, Nancy Cc: Battalia, Christina; Green ODonnell, Connie; Luft, Lindsey; Maker Jr., William Subject: Sewer System Rehabilitation- Clarification Members of the Board: I will explain this further this evening, but I did want to clarify the confusion on the listing of sewer rehab projects discussed at the Monday work session. The projects highlighted in pink that appeared to conflict with the legend for the listing are hybrid projects. Meaning, the projects require both excavation trench work to make repairs to individual sewer panels. The balance of the work is the lining of the sewer line on the street which is trenchless work. Steve Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Rd Mamaroneck, New York 10543 (P) 914 381-7810 (F) 914 381-7809 SVa!tieriCa to wn ofmamaroneckn y.org 1 O . 9 r p •pz }9 o Town of Mamaroneck Z W - rk' m Town Center x 740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 FCL .... OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TEL 914-381-7810 FAX 914-381-7809 svaltieri@townofmamaroneckny.org www.townofmamaroneckny.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Comprehensive Plan Date: December 11, 2020 Attached is the most recent proposed schedule, prepared by AKRF, for the preparation and implementation of the comprehensive plan. AKRF will appear at the work session to update the schedule and discuss with Board the preparation time they will need to begin the public engagement process. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator • CI Printed on Recycled Paper October 21, 2020 MAMARONECK COMPRENEHSIVE PLAN UPDATE SCHEDULE Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec -Jan .o c g Existing Studies Community Final Report Review Survey Analysis & Emerging themes . Technical Draft Analysis Recommendation a ( A/ 3MONTHS ENVISION: - : • : . : : . . . ADOPT Town of INITIATE. : • : • : • : • : • : • - � • � • � - � ' � � � • � ' � � � � � - � . � - � • � . � . � . . \ • • • • • • • - , • • • • • , • •i C/. . MONTHS r E/ 2 MONTHS 1 Mamaroneck 4 5-5 MOTHS • • • • d•/3 MONTHS O tComprehensive ENGAGE - : : : : : : : • : : : : : - ILLUSTRATEPlan 2040 C. / .0 fa DIGITAL COMMUNITY PLANNING TOOL11111111 o :•L• .i.irl .i .i •i. t• .f• •i. Steering Committee kickoff Online Survey iFeb 2021] Tit Stak.eholder Interviews [May;Jun 2021] &Community 0Communil[y & Publit: Community Master Plan Exhibition; Workhop Town Hall i • Launch [Jun 2021 [Aug[2021] presentaticgn [Mar/Apr tNov-Dec 2b21] iATown 2021] mon Towri Board :IL Board Town Board Town BQard Analysis WorkshopDraft Pian Kickoff Presentation [Jul/Aug X20211 Presentation [Feb 2021] [May 2021] [Oct-Note 2021] O , Town of Mamaroneck z W m Town Center S n 3,. 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 • FC6ADED 'EE1. OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TEL 914-381-7810 FAX 914-381-7809 svaltieri@townofmamaroneckny.org www.townofmamaroneckny.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Floor Area Ratio Law Date: December 11, 2020 On the agenda for December 14 is a continuing discussion of the Floor Area Ratio Law. Previously, I have distributed to the Board the FAR Legislation. For this upcoming meeting, I believe members of the Board were going to identify homes in the Town that would be good examples of how the FAR could be adjusted. If you require any additional information, please let me know. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Printed on Recycled Paper 4 40 O li { o Town of Mamaroneck m Town Center • • • { 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TEL 914-381-7810 FAX 914-381-7809 svaltieri@townofmamaroneckny.org www.townofmamaroneckny.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Public Forum- Racial Equity Task Force Police Reform and Reinvention Date: December 11, 2020 On Thursday, December 17, the task force will hold a public listening forum to hear from residents regarding the Town Police Department. It will be the first of two public forums in connection with the Governor's Executive Order 203 concerning police reform. In February, a second public forum will be held to receive comments on the draft plan. The final version of the plan must be submitted to the Governor's office by April 1, 2020. The tentative agenda for the forum is as follows: * Opening Comments from the Town Supervisor * Task Force Chairman will then make opening comments o Purpose of the task force and the target audience o Introduction of the task force members * Open the forum to comments from the public Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator CoPrinted on Recycled Paper �� , Town of Mamaroneck TEL:914/381-7835 Engineering Department, Town Center FAX:914/381-8473 �V` i 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 m C) 'FOUNDED 1661 ' Robert P. Wasp, P.E., C.D.T. rwasp@townofmamaroneckNY.org Town Engineer INTERDEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: December 11,2020 TO: Steve Altieri, Town Administrator CC: Tracy Yogman, Town Comptroller FROM: Robert Wasp, P.E.,Town Engineer SUBJECT: Project for Sewer System Repairs SSES Consortium Project GENERAL: Construction of sanitary sewer system repairs implemented through phase I of the Town's participation in the SSES Consortium project were recently completed in fall 2020. Phase 1 repairs consisted of numerous open cut pipe replacements,manhole rehabilitation and installation of trenchless sewer liners and joint grouting. The Town Board was provided a more detailed summary of phase I repair accomplishments at one of its November 2020 meetings. Work completed in phase 1 addressed a significant portion of the necessary repairs identified in the 2018 Sanitary Sewer System Evaluation Study prepared by GHD Consulting Services, Inc. As part of that study, Town sanitary sewers and defects were mapped into smaller"sewersheds"based upon connected networks of piping within respective neighborhoods. Phase 1 repairs were prioritized based upon the highest calculated removal of surface/groundwater infiltration and inflow(I/I)per dollars spent on construction for each sewershed.While the highest priority repairs have been completed,the Town remains responsible to continue repairs on remaining defects identified in the 2018 study. Grant funding received by the consortium through the New York State Department of Environmental Facilities (NYSEFC)provides significant fmancial contribution to the project. The Town of Mamaroneck remains eligible to submit approximately$2.0 M of additional project costs for 40%reimbursement through the NYSEFC grant. The project consultant team is ready to proceed with the design of additional open-cut sewer repairs. The scope for phase II has been conceptualized to maximize utilization of all remaining balance eligible for reimbursement through the NYSEFC grant. GHD Consulting will continue to serve as Engineer of Record and Grant Administrator during Phase II. Construction Management services will continue to be provided by Tectonic based upon their successful execution of phase I work. Existing construction contract in place with open-cut contractor"ELQ Industries" is intended to be utilized for execution of Phase II work through change order. The attached letters received from GHD Consulting and Tectonic contain budgetary estimates for their respective work scopes in phase II. Consultant fees for Phase II are budgeted at approximately$375,000. Costs for phase II construction will be identified upon receipt of contractor quotes following the completion of design, but are estimated in the range of$1.8M -$2.4M based upon known defects identified in the study and the Town's experience in Phase I. Adjustments to the final phase II scope will be made based upon actual available grant balance as determined closer to construction. 47 Town of Mamaroneck TEL:914/381-7835 0� 1 vo Engineering Department, Town Center FAX:914/381-8473 Z 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 w w • rn _ ' •FOUNDED 1661 ' Robert P. Wasp, P.E., C.D.T. rwasp@townofmamaroneckNY.org Town Engineer The current list of Phase II work locations organized by Town sewershed number is attached to this memorandum. It can be noted that locations highlighted in orange fill reflect trenchless lining work items that are not included in the scope to be executed by contractor ELQ Industries. Trenchless lining work is intended to be completed at a later date through future construction bid. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. New Rochelle Sewer Rehab Project Identification of Additional Work Mamaroneck MT-01 Open Cut Upstream Downstream Depth to Surveyed Length Pipe MH MH Invert ft of PiLocation Rehabilitation Method Recommendation Pe(LF) Diameter 68823 68822 6.1 149.7 HICKORY GROVE DR EAST 8 recommend complete replacement 68593 68592 8 117.8 MARDON RD 8 recommend complete replacement 68722 68721 11.1 81.4 BOSTON POST RD 8 recommend complete replacement 68799 68798 8 66.0 MYRTLE BLVD 8 recommend complete replacement 68592 68591 8 282.2 HICKORY GROVE DR WEST 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68822 68821 10.1 156.7 HICKORY GROVE DR EAST 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68824 68823 7.2 143.2 HICKORY GROVE DR EAST 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68717 68716 18.7 221.2 WINTHROP AVENUE 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68729 68728 NA 303.6 HARMONY DR 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68695 68694 7.9 286.2 ROCKRIDGE RD 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68696 68694 7.9 214.4 ROCKRIDGE RD 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68797 68796 8 217.3 HARMON DR 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68591 68590 12.11 148.7 HICKORY GROVE DR WEST 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68759 68757 NA 169.7 ELKAN RD 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68590 68589 8.5 195.8 HICKORY GROVE DR WEST 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68679 68678 9.6 129.7 HOMMOCKS RD 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68728 68727 NA 105.3 HARMONY DR 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68559 68558 8 78.2 HARMON DR 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68776 68775 NA 203.9 BURTON RD 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68772 68771 NA 129.2 ELKAN RD 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68788 68785 NA 98.9 PALMER AVE 10 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68681 68680 6.11 207.3 HOMMOCKS RD 8 recommend spot repairs 68723 68722 6.4 106.2 BOSTON POST RD 8 recommend spot repairs 68803 68802 NA 207 MYRTLE BLVD 24 recommend spot repairs 69708 69707 11.2 145.6 WEAVER ST 8 recommend spot repairs 68680 68679 8.4 104.5 HOMMOCKS RD 8 recommend spot repairs 68741 68740 NA 172.9 COLPEY RD 8 recommend spot repairs 68803 68802 NA 207 MYRTLE BLVD 24 recommend spot repairs 69708 69707 11.2 145.6 WEAVER ST 8 recommend spot repairs 68680 68679 8.4 104.5 HOMMOCKS RD 8 recommend spot repairs Denotes Trenchless Work New Rochelle Sewer Rehab Project Identification of Additional Work Mamaroneck MT-02 Open Cut Upstream Downstream Depth to Surveyed Length Pipe e MH MH Invert(ft) of PipeLocation Rehabilitation Method Recommendation LF) Diameter 69089 69088 13.1 261.0 MYRTLE BLV EASEMENT 12 recommend complete replacement 69092 69090 7.8 292.7 MYRTLE BLV EASEMENT 10 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 69168 69164 8.4 224.0 MURRAY AVE 12 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 69042 69041 NA 260.6 WEAVER ST 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 69124 69123 7.1 190.4 DANTE ST 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 69121 69120 7.9 186.6 DANTE ST 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining_ 69052 69051 NA 139.4 PALMER AVE EASEMENT 15 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 69041 69040 NA 261.1 PALMER AVE 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 69043 69042 NA 154.5 WEAVER ST 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 69037 69036 NA 126.3 CAERLEON AVE 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 69033 69032 NA 100 CAERLEON AVE 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 69022 69021 NA 91.8 CAERLEON AVE 8 recommend spot repairs Denotes Trenchless Work New Rochelle Sewer Rehab Project Identification of Additional Work Mamaroneck MT-07 Open Cut Upstream Downstream Depth to Surveyed Length Pipe MH MH Invert ft of PiLocation Rehabilitation Method Recommendation Pe(LF) Diameter 69924 69923 7 98.6 BRIAR CL 8 recommend complete replacement 69905 69904 0 142.4 SACKETT DR EASEMENT 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 70000 69891 NA 185.9 WEAVER ST 10 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining Denotes Trenchless Work New Rochelle Sewer Rehab Project Identification of Additional Work Mamaroneck MT-08 Open Cut Upstream Downstream Depth to Surveyed Pipe MH MH Invert(ft) Length ofPipe Location Diameter Rehabilitation Method Recommendation 68981 68980 6.2 152.2 ORMAND RD 8 recommend complete replacement 68901 68900 7.1 108 DUDLEY RD 8 recommend complete replacement 68900 68903 6 127.8 DUDLEY RD 8 recommend complete replacement 68898 68892 8.3 301 GLENN RD 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68945 68944 13.1 210 MOHEGAN RD 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68922 68921 10.11 121.8 MOHEGAN RD 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68923 68922 10.11 76.2 MOHEGAN RD 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68902 68901 5.3 150.2 COUNTRY RD 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68931 68930 6 83.4 BERESFORD LANE 8 recommend open cut repairs with full CIPP lining 68886 68885 13.4 186.8 COUNTRY LANE 8 recommend spot repairs 68937 68936 8.11 376 LANCIA LANE 8 recommend spot repairs 68899 68898 4.4 261.2 GLENN RD 8 recommend spot repairs 68965 68964 5.6 240.4 BRIAR DEL CIRCLE 8 recommend spot repairs 68893 68892 8.3 125 LEATHERSTOCKING LANE 8 recommend spot repairs Denotes Trenchless Work New Rochelle Sewer Rehab Project Identification of Additional Work Mamaroneck MT-01 Manholes Manhole Depth Location Construction Rehabilitation Recommendation 68823 7.2 Hickory Grove drive E Block Channels and/or Bench Rehabilitation 68681 4.5 Hommocks road Brick Chimney Rehabilitation 68803 12.7 Myrtle blvd Brick Drilling and Grouting 68804 10 Lakeside drive Cement Drilling and Grouting 68821 10.1 Hickory Grove drive E Cement Drilling and Grouting 68808 10.9 Lakeside drive Brick Drilling and Grouting 68676 12.8 Hommocks Precast Drilling and Grouting 68673 14.9 Boston Post Rd. Precast Drilling and Grouting 68675 12.2 Hommocks Rd. Precast Drilling and Grouting 68714 9.5 Weaver Rd Precast Replace Manhole Cover and Frame Denotes Open Cut Work Denotes Trenchless Work New Rochelle Sewer Rehab Project Identification of Additional Work Mamaroneck MT-07 Manholes Manhole Depth Location Construction Rehabilitation Recommendation 69913 5 Althea Ln. Precast Replace Manhole Cover and Frame 69870 8.8 Oakdale road Brick Drilling and Grouting Denotes Open Cut Work Denotes Trench less Work New Rochelle Sewer Rehab Project Identification of Additional Work Mamaroneck MT-08 Manholes Manhole Depth Location Construction Rehabilitation Recommendation 69222 6.9 Homer Ave Precast Replace Manhole Cover and Frame 69275 7.7 Murray Precast Channels and/or Bench Rehabilitation 69211 16.3 Murray Precast Drilling and Grouting 69245 11.5 Murray Precast Chimney Rehabilitation 69268 8 Murray Precast Drilling and Grouting Denotes Open Cut Work Denotes Trench less Work December 11, 2020 Reference No. 11153080 Mr. Robert P.Wasp, P.E., C.D.T. Town Engineer Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Dear Mr.Wasp: Re: Amendment for Additional Engineering Services for Phase 2 Sewer Rehabilitation In the Town of Mamaroneck, NY GHD Consulting Services Inc. (GHD) has been providing engineering services as part of the Consortium SSES Project since September 2016 (Agreement date 9/22/2016). Our original contract included the evaluation of over 1,000,000 feet of sewers in the Consortium municipalities, which include the City of New Rochelle, the Town of Mamaroneck, and the Villages of Larchmont and Pelham Manor. The original contract has been amended six times for additional engineering services, generally following the normal course of a municipal project from evaluation to design to construction phase services. Further, this project is being partially funded through a grant from the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC). GHD submits this amendment to our original contract to include additional engineering services for Phase 2 sewer rehabilitation in the Town of Mamaroneck (Town). Specifically, this amendment includes design services, construction phase services, and EFC administration for the Phase 2 sewer rehabilitation work. Following completion of the Phase 1 sewer rehabilitation work, the Town of Mamaroneck has approximately$2 million of remaining budget with which to complete additional sewer rehabilitation, approximately$0.8 million of which will be reimbursed through the EFC grant. The intent is for the Town to use the remaining budget for Phase 2 sewer rehabilitation work. GHD proposes to provide the following scope of work for Phase 2 sewer rehabilitation work under the terms and conditions of the original contract and amendments. Design Services-GHD will provide the technical component of a change order for ELQ Industries(ELQ) for Phase 2 construction open cut work. The technical component will only include drawings that are similar to those in the original bid documents, with the exception of utility demarcation. In coordination with ELQ, GHD will call for utility mark-out and ELQ will survey the utilities before beginning construction work. The design effort will include 60 open cut repairs. Permitting was completed during Phase 1, and no Phase 2 permitting is anticipated. Construction Phase Services- It is anticipated the Phase 2 rehabilitation work will be completed in six months. Similar to the Phase 1 rehabilitation work, GHD will participate in periodic construction progress meetings, respond to RFIs, conduct final completion reviews, and provide certifications. Material submittals were reviewed and approved as part of Phase 1, and no material submittals are expected in Phase 2. If needed, GHD will review and approve traffic control submittals. GHD .,..,..,...°...,... 5788 Widewaters Pkwy Syracuse New York 13214 USA ISO 9001 T 1315 802 0260 F 1315 802 0450 W www.ghd.com ACM{"°i°e='c. Nghdnehghd\US\Cazenovia\Projects\111\11153080 Consortium SSES iDesign\WP\Letters\Wasp-12-11-20JJL-Phase 2 Eng Services.docx WIS t , 1 bowl EFC Administration - GHD will continue our administrative duties from Phase 1, which includes submitting quarterly M/WBE reports, making grant disbursements requests, and completing final completion certification to close out the project. It is anticipated that project closeout will be within eight months. GHD will complete the above scope of work for the fees provided in the following table. Task Fee Design Services $87,500 Lump Sum Construction Phase Services $60,000 T&M EFC Administration $25,000 T&M GHDs rates for time and material are provided in the following table. Category Hourly Rate Project Director $250 Project Manager $150 Engineer $130 Designer $120 Administrator $80 This has been an important project for both the Consortium municipalities and GHD. We look forward to continuing our work on the project and completing additional sewer rehabilitation during Phase 2. We appreciate your confidence in GHD and your continued business. Sincerely, GHD p) , John J. LaGorga, P.E., BCEE Principal J J L/ct \\ghdnet\ghd\US\Cazenovia\Projects\111\11153080 Consortium SSES Design\WP\Letters\Wasµ12-11-20-JJL-Phase 2 Eng Services.docx 2 Tecton Id � PPACLICAL SOLUTIONS LtCCPSIONAL SLPVICL. Mr. Robert Wasp,P.E. Town Engineer Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck,NY 10543 October 7,2020 RE:Four Town Sewer Consortium open cut repairs Sewers Contract#2019-0006—Construction Oversight—Phase 2 proposal Tectonic Project number 9718.01 Dear Mr.Wasp: On October 17,2018,Tectonic executed a proposal with the City of New Rochelle,Town of Mamaroneck,Village of Pelham Manor,and the Village of Larchmont,for Construction Oversight for the four-town sewer consortium repair project. The project kicked off construction in early 2019. Later that year it became apparent that the contractor would complete all the designed work leaving a significant amount of funding available for future work. The first segment of design work was identified as phase 1. A second phase of work was identified(see attached spreadsheet with Mamaroneck work and yet to be designed Shore Road in Larchmont)as phase 2.The cost of phase 2 work is approximately$3 million and will take 6 to 7 months to complete. It is anticipated that the work will be constructed concurrently in the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont. Please see the attached cost proposal. For budgeting purposes,I recommend each municipality use$200K assuming the management work will flank a 6-month construction window. This amended proposal is being submitted under Contract#2019-0006 Construction Management Services approved January 28,2019 of which the Town of Mamaroneck was a party to. Tectonic is using the same team to complete phase 2 work that is currently completing phase 1 work. Thank you for your consideration for this project. Should you have any questions or require additional information,please contact me at 718-391-9200 or at dtraver@tectonicengineering.com. Sincerely, TECTONIC Doug Traver,RLA Vice President Attachment: Tectonic Staffing plan dated 10.7.20 and location of phase 2 sites CC: Mr.Justin Datino/Village of Larchmont 111 White Plains Office 1 North Lexington Avenue,Suite 530 I White Plains,NY 10601 914.358.9783 Tel 1914.358.9788 Fax tectonicengineering.com Equal Opportunity Employer