HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020_10_21 Town Board Meeting Packet 9 0 O Z UJ m x r) •FOUNDED 1661 • TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, October 21, 2020 5:00PM TOWN BOARD WORKSESSION: Work Sessions of the Town Board are public meetings. The public is able to view the work sessions on local municipal access television channels (Cablevision 76 or Verizon 35) or on https://lmcmedia.org/, however, there is no public commentary. Opportunity for public comments is provided during the regular Town Board meetings when citizen comments are requested or when public hearings are held. 1. Presentation - Westchester County Commissioner of Planning Status of Housing Settlement 2. Presentation - Sustainable Westchester - Westchester Power 3. Continued Review - Rock Removal Law 4. Continued Review - Town of Mamaroneck COVID - 19 Response 5. Overview - 2021 Tentative Town of Mamaroneck Budget 6. Overview - Town of Mamaroneck Website Redesign 7. Update - Election Polling Places - Town of Mamaroneck 8. Proposed Local Law Amendment - Resident Parking Permits 9. New Business 10. Request for Executive Session SUPERVISOR'S REPORT PUBLIC HEARING 1. Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing Administrative Plan CITIZEN COMMENTS BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims 2. Other Fire Department Business 8:00PM CALL TO ORDER - The public may view the regular Town Board meeting on local municipal access television channels (Cablevision 76 or Verizon 35), on https://Imcmedia.org/, or via zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87149909452?pwd=aTZSQkpTS2d3VTBgRnhnWU9RdERaQT09 Passcode: 442856 During a public hearing or the citizens' comment section, residents may "raise their hand" in Zoom to be granted access to speak directly to the Town Board. Those who are viewing the meeting on local municipal access television or LMC Media's website may submit their comments or questions to publicgc@townofmamaroneckny.org. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1. Submission - 2021 Town of Mamaroneck Tentative Budget Paae 1 of 57 2. Authorization - Westchester County Snow & Ice Agreement 3. Report of Bids - TA-20-06 Larchmont VAC - HVAC Improvements 4. Consideration of Certiorari REPORT OF MINUTES REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL TOWN CLERK'S REPORT NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING - NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should contact the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. Paae 2 of 57 PRESENTATION - WESTCHESTER COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF PLANNING STATUS OF HOUSING SETTLEMENT THIS ITEM HAS NO ATTACHMENT O . . . n W HOUSING NEEDS •.. .'..J V ASSESSMENT4x) NOVEMBER 2014 W - -- ',lirC p s— .. ,__.,-- i EB Eid gm E ■. ,_ I 11••• al kohl 0 co RESEARCH W ...J DATA ^^ '' ANALYSIS W RECOMMENDATIONS V MO , .. _ ... . . ,_. _, .. _ 'i' preparuJ by. ,�/� �. I ^V J,, O ! HUDcnN VALLEY PATTERN for PROGRESS W n "Westchester's long and short-term economic viability is predicated upon our housing inventory meeting the demands of our workforce. The County Executive's report demonstrates our dereliction in delivering adequate, accessible and affordable housing. It's a call to action . If we don't address the miscarriage of our policies and perspectives, we fail our families and workers. The problem may be intractable, but it isn't insurmountable." William V. Cuddy, Jr. Executive Board Member --- - Westchester County Association Executive Vice President - CBRE Last Housing Needs Assessment completed in 200A 1 THERE ARE 345, 885 HOUSING UNITS IN WESTCHESTER 81% ( 302, 277 ) WERE BUILT BEFORE 1979 YONKERS HAS THE MOST HOUSING UNITS 82,562 BUCHANAN HAS THE FEWEST 864 MAMARONECK TOWN has 4, 511 ( 4, 304 were occupied ) Only 2 . 6% of MAMARONECK'S housing stock ( 117 units ) has been built since 2000 62 % OF COUNTY UNITS ARE OWNERSHIP - BELOW NATIONAL AVERAGE OF 63 % 83 . 3 % of Mamaroneck Town 's housing 41 stock is Ownership ( 3 , 584 units ) 38% ARE RENTAL UNITS - BOVE ATIONAL AVERAGE OF 37% 16 . 7% of Mamaroneck Town 's housing stock is Rental ( 720 units ) 40 We don ' t have enough housing that is affordable 172 , 595 Live & Work in Westchester 206, 736 Commute out of Westchester to Work 199 , 328 People Commute into Westchester to Work 89 , 829 People Living in Poverty Grew 13 . 8% between 2000- 2017 408 People Living in Poverty in Mamaroneck Town in 2017 Grew 47 . 3 % between 2000- 2017 4,523 Severely Overcrowded Units -1.3% of HHs 45 Severely Overcrowded Units in Mamaroneck Town ( 1%) _ . ore than 1.5 persons per room in un `- 2,556 Substandard Units ( .7%) 0 Subs ` ndard Units in Mamaroneck T• n (0%) 72, 327 Severely Cost- burdened Households ( 21 • 2 /o ) Pay more than 50% of income toward housing costs 620 Severe yCost- burdened Households iriMamaroneckTown 14 . 4% ) 500 Owners/ 120 8, 168 Units Have Been Foreclosed Upon 2008 - 2018 Peak in 2015 ( 1, 177) and 2016 ( 1, 172) Highest - Yonkers 1,753 total (2. 18%) Most Affected (as percentage of total housing units) : Peekskill 4. 79% Mount Vernon 4. 14% Yorktown 3.08% Cortlandt 3.03%* Lewisboro 3.01% North Salem 2 .79% Owners hi,. • Affordability Medi . n Ho - - 650, 001 $71, 500N * * d . . C . e ( 5% . . rr & clo ' ng costs Requires Annual Income of $ 235, 000 80% AMI ( $93, 650) gap = $395,000 100% AMI ( $ 117, 100) gap = $327, 000 Mamaroneck Town Median House : $ 1, 145,000 = -$865,000 gap @ 80% and -$792,000 gap @100% AMI Annual Income Needed in Mamaroneck Town = $370,000 Mamaroneck Town Median Owner Income= $ 174, 321 .„..,......,. .„ • Renter Afforda bi I '_ . . - •.. Median Renter 's income = $ 36, 690 . : D F . . . .. , , . .. .... .. ..,..... . . .,... ,,.. . . .. , . . , , ... , . . . . . •... - @30%/12 months = $917 available to pay rent _ $770/month gap in rental income Only in 3 municipalities can renters afford rents : . . - - ., New Castle, Bronxville and Pelham Manor MamaroneckTown. ._ Me . ian � en e .. . „. . , r income $ 75 , 221/$ 1, 368available = -$ 3l9gap ,.,, Jobs follow the Housing Link between housing & jobs Housing has slowed since recession — but stronger in NJ than in Hudson Valley NYC ahead in job growth - outpacing all other areas of the region in job growth . Aging workforce outside NYC Strain on transit system - • * NYC Geography of Jobs Report - 2018 Housing Permits Issued Between 2010 and 2017 , .,,, , .. ,.." ,,.a ' ..,'"' .•"`, ,..-.V+.. x, , '-.'.-1 / .•.. a,..,....,. . ,,g ' 3-7-' . .,.I , +378.000 Housing Units Permitted 1010. 2017 I' 1 Dot=50 units permitted New York City 164,000+ building • In 1 2 unit In i. .• Hudson'Val ; North NJ 151,000+ +25k CT _ • ". +23k Hudson Valley 25,000+ • Connecticut 23,000+ _ i Long Island 16,000+ • f North NJ • Long Island" JY +151k . NYCGeography of Jobs {,. NYC Stmre of housing permits _ y .vs.3+unit b uJIGIm g Report - 2018 • "-�,.,I off. M. +1sak ti,• • ;s ,4 .. ;...« Penn&Grand Central Stations Travelstieds' 61% 94% MI Within 60 mutes a •Within 90 minutes — Commuter Rail Lines t' i See E !toes'-1 trn .e tic rao:+r-: .i s/� m7 . and E holes 15 for adjttnal Kerrreacr s`•• ng geograp.r accuacr Saar.s •"•, �/� U.S.Cemd.e gun 9au B i Srg( rt Su*+av .� 7RW Q,y. Ell C01/4yievel amusl files.20'R r 2L'r •b t NYC DepoYnentofCtrPxnrrg LI CT HV NJ NYC The Geography of Jobs:NYC Metro Region Economic Snapshot 1 TOTAL GROSS NEED FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING : 82 , 451 GREATEST NEED IS FOR RENTAL ASSISTANCE NEED FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION ASSISTANCE NEED FOR FORECLOSURE COUNSELING/ASSISTANCE NEED IS ALL OVER WESTCHESTER Estimated demand for NEW construction : 11 , 703 units 4, 523 Severely Overcrowded Households 846 Homeless families 6, 334 HOMESEEKERs New Initiatives for 2020 Education & Training $35 , 000 Housing Training $50, 000 Homeownership Counseling Housing Services $300, 000 Housing Stabilization Fund $ 500, 000 Employer Assisted Housing New Initiatives for 2020 Brick & Mortar $ 10M New Homes Land Acquisition $ 10M Housing Implementation Fund $500,000 Pre-development & Feasibility Land & Zoning Initiatives Affordable Housing Inventory & Tracking Model Ordinances Provisions Accessory Apartments AFFH Units Senior Housing Parking Requirements Office Parks & Adaptive Reuse PRESENTATION - SUSTAINABLE WESTCHESTER - WESTCHESTER POWER THIS ITEM HAS NO ATTACHMENT [ 01) 1(7021D WESTCHESTER POWER Bid Results & New Contract Information Westchester �• SUSTAINABLE ` Westchester Power AGGREGATION Car WESTCHESTER October 21 2020 A• ..1, w r w • w .n.. a x A n ppy a5. sg:. r_ T +v am .00 ir r WHAT IS - , , POWER . • Vetted Community Energy program adopted by municipalities • Creating energy choice since 2016 • Collective purchase of clean energy power at "fixed rates" • Making a positive environmental impact '` SUSTAINABLE �7 WESTCHESTER ` ; ,,, ' t �l .� • ^ Y.G._ ilik: leirr , . . ,,_ cc r; •..max,. y ellOff w!;�. f ter... BUILDING HEALTHY, RESILIENT COMMUNITIES Access to affordable clean, renewable power • Helps address climate change and secure a good future for our children Improves air quality Boosts green economy, green jobs SUSTAINABLE Ilkv WESTCHESTER i I t ira I WESTCHESTER POWER CCA MUNICIPAL PARTICIPATION Ardsley Larchmont North Salem Rye Brook Bedford Lewisboro Ossinin Villa e R e Cit 9 g Y Y r A Croton-on-Hudson Mamaroneck Village Ossining Town Sleepy Hollow Dobbs Ferry Mamaroneck Town Peekskill Somers Greenburgh Mount Kisco Pelham Village Tarrytown &VI Hastings-on-Hudson New Castle Pleasantville White Plains IF Irvington New Rochelle Pound Ridge 1 11,110 27 24 115 000 Municipalities Green Supply / Residents and Municipalities Small Businesses iv C SUSTAINABLE MIII WESTCHESTER HOW DOES IT WORK? How Local Energy Aggregation Works 4 h ►tet SOURCE DELIVERY CUSTOMER WESTCHESTER CONED POWEP delivers energy, maintains have energy choice, buys electricity supply lines, bills customers support clean energy � '`" SUSTAINABLE Adapted from original Lean Energy image '1'7 WESTCHESTER WESTCHESTER POWER : BID RESULTS & 2021 CONTRACT BID RES ' II TS .---- Constellation . An Exelon Company 8 750c Residential Standard 8.500c Supply 8.250c 0 8000C Ct al 7.7500 _. 1 7 500c 7.250c 70000 6 750c -- 6.500c 12 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 18 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 i 24 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 36 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 48 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 6.749 cents Best Bids 36 48 for 18 months 12 Month 18 Month 24 Month Month Month Best Bid 6.689C 6.749C 6.855c 7.121c Supplier Constellation Constellation Constellation Ellgo NewEnergy NewEnergy NewEnergy Energy ..1VSUSTAINABLE I7 WESTCHESTER .moi BID RES ' LTS 90simi- Constellation W An Exeton Company Residential Green s75°` Supply 8500c e 6.250c 9 a a 000( .i.'i' ) 7500 -"..."111111.1011111111111L7.2 sOc t 12 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 t 18 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 f 24 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 36 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 —..48 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 JI lest/Ws Current aids 7 .405 cents 12 24 36 48 12 18 24 36 48 Month 18 Month Month Month Month Supplier Month Month Month Month Month Best Bid 7.340c 7.405C 7.SOOc 7.890c Indra Energy 7.3400 7.600C 7.5000 7.8900 for18 monthsConstellation 7.347c 7.405c 7.505c Supplier Indra Constellation Indra Indra NewEnergy Energy NewEnergy Energy Energy Eligo Energy 7.490c 7.667C 7.775c 7.9700 Genie 8.6800 8.5000 8.730C 8.730C Energy SUSTAINABLE 11/ WESTCHESTER 9o�t � Constellational BID RESULTS An Exeton Company Commercial Standard 8.500c Supply e 80001 7.5001 1 7 000c 6 500c 6.000t Mk (f 12 fixed/rite 2021-01-01 +Waxed Pnce 2021-01-01 i 24 Faced Price 2021-01-01 36 Fated Price 2021-0/-01 48 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 Met lids Current Bids 6.445 cents 12 24 36 43 12 18 24 36 48 Month 18 Month Month Month Month Supplier Month Month Month Month Month for 18 months Best Bid 6305< 6.445` 6.5900 6.7900 Indra Energy 6.3050 6.8000 6.5900 6.7900 Constellation 6.3070 6.4.450 6.6000 Supplier Indra Constellation Indra Indra NewEnergy Energy NewEnergy Energy Energy Eligo Energy 6.5000 6.6000 6.7000 6.8000 Genie 7.2000 6.990c 7.1600 7.1400 Energy 2 SUSTAINABLE Mt WESTCHESTER Adomir BID RES' ' LTS 900CC = Constellation . Art Exelon Company 8750 Commercial Green 8500 Supply 8250 Y .Y - 8000[ 9 7.750[ __ (f) L 5007 __. _ - 7.250[ 7 000c 6 750[ ♦12 fixed Pnce 2021-01-01 +18 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 i 24 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 36 Fixed Price 2021-01-01 48 Fixed Pace 2021-01-01 7 . 1 0 0 cents 12 Best Bids 24 36 48 Current Bids 12 18 24 36 48 Month 18 Month Month Month Month Supplier Month Month Month Month Month nera Energy 6.950[ 7.3301 7.270[ J.e20c for 18 months Best Bid 6.950C 7.1000 7.2700 7.420C Constellation 6.979C 7.100c 7.283C Supplier Indra Constellation indra Indra NewEnergy Energy NewEnergy Energy Energy Eligo Energy 7.6500 7.6500 7.3500 7.4500 Genie 8.050Cc 7.840[ 8.0,0c 7.990[ Energy (' ► SUSTAINABLE illir WESTCHESTER KEY DATES NOVEMBER t" Notification Letters sent to Residents NOVEMBER 15th — DECEMBER 15th 30 Day Opt Out Period JANUARY 1 ° — Enrollment begins Sunt nnahlc\\'cstchcctcr 4u(;recn Strcct \taunt Ktsco,Nl' 111549 Information Regarding [Municipality's] Community Choice Aggregation Electricity Program Muni Seal Phase Do Nat Diaaanl. Official Notification. SUSTAINABLE �� WESTCHESTER OPTING OUT & SWITCHING SUPPLY OPTIONS Residents can opt out at any time with no penalty POSTCARD — Sign and send back postage-paid postcard PHONE— Call our office (914) 242-4725 and we'll help you switch your supply option or opt out ONLINE— www.sustainablewestchester.org/wp SUSTAINABLE WESTCHESTER OUTREACH & EDUCATION Outreach is ongoing and a robust emphasis on digital outreach that includes: DIGITAL COLLATERAL & CONSUMER gl PRESS COUNTY & LOCAL PRESS (http:// EDUCATION VIDEO SERIES R ' sustainablewestchester.org/wp or Sustainable Westchester Media on YouTube 0 VIRTUAL COMMUNITY EDUCATION SESSIONS SOCIAL MEDIA POSTING (transitioning to in person & events as allowable) Westchester Power Information Session- October 29th, at 5:30 PM 1''"'` SUSTAINABLE I7 WESTCHESTER Aeirk. 1111 QUESTIONS? COMMENTS ? (914) 242- 4725 INFO@SUSTAINABLEWESTCHESTER.ORG Thank you for helping us transition towards a sustainable future! SUSTAINABLE 111 WESTCHESTER wG Town of Mamaroneck , n Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 svaltieri@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Continued Review—Rock Removal Law Date: October 16, 2020 This will be a continued review of the draft of the law provided to you at the October Th Town Board Meeting. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Paae 5 of 57 Suspension of Certain Local Laws during the Town of Mamaroneck's State of Emergency due to COVID-19 Whereas, acting pursuant to section 24 of the New York State Executive Law, I, Nancy Seligson, Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, declared a state of emergency in the Town of Mamaroneck effective March 16, 2020 at 12:15 pm (prevailing time) due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and Whereas, since the COVID-19 virus remained a threat to the health, welfare and safety of the public,I extended the state of emergency in the Town of Mamaroneck effective April 16,2020 at 12:15 pm (prevailing time), again effective May 15, 2020 at 12:16 pm (prevailing time), again effective June 13, 2020 at 12:16 pm (prevailing time), again effective July 12, 2020 at 12:15 (prevailing time), again effective August 11, 2020 at 12:16 pm, and again effective September 10, 2020, and Whereas, I have extended the state of emergency from October 9, 2020 at 12:16 pm (prevailing time) to November 7, 2020 at 12:15 pm (prevailing time) because the conditions that led to my declaring a state of emergency have not sufficiently changed in that the COVID-19 virus remains a threat to the health, welfare and safety of the public, Now, therefore, I, Nancy Seligson, acting pursuant to section 24 of the New York State Executive Law and my declaration of a state of emergency in the Town of Mamaroneck, declare the following: • I suspend the provisions contained in sections 219-20 and 219-22 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck that prohibit parking on the streets and at the times mentioned on the attached sheet be suspended with the following exception: On the section of Myrtle Boulevard, from 172 Myrtle Boulevard to 176 Myrtle Boulevard, parking shall be allowed for a maximum of 15 minutes between the hours of 9:00 am and 6:00 pm (prevailing time) from Monday to Saturday. • I modify section 154-3 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck to provide: "No person shall barter, sell, peddle, hawk or vend goods, wares, merchandise, produce or services of an established business upon the streets, roads,highways or public places of the Town or by going from house to house soliciting purchases, except that the sale of food prepared for consumption,ice cream,beverages and candy from a truck shall be permitted,provided that each person within the truck obtains a license from the Town Clerk pursuant to this chapter, remains within the truck when sales are made, and wear masks and plastic gloves when dispensing product." • I modify section 154-4 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck to provide: Paae 6 of 57 "No vehicle of any kind or description drawn by an animal or animals or propelled by hand or other power shall be used for the barter and sale of goods, wares, merchandise or produce therefrom upon the streets, roads, highways or public places of the Town,except that the sale of food prepared for consumption, ice cream,beverages and candy from a truck shall be permitted provided that the truck receives a license from the Town Clerk pursuant to this chapter and the persons working within the truck abide by conditions imposed by section 154-3, as modified hereby." • Except with respect to the sale of food prepared for consumption, ice cream, beverages and candy from a truck,I suspend sections 154-5 and 154-6 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck and direct the Town Clerk not to issue licenses for peddling and soliciting. • I modify section 219-63 D.of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck to provide: "The Town Clerk shall collect the amount shown in§A250-1A for each resident parking permit and shall be valid until the last day of October in the first October after the permit is issued. The suspensions and modifications mentioned above shall be effective on October 14, 2020 at 12:03am(prevailing time)and shall continue until October 18,2020 at 11:59 pm(prevailing time). Dated: Mamaroneck,NY e•..‘ October 13,2020 • / q I :11, Seligson, ' -pervisor • Town of Mamaroneck Page 7 of 57 actn i T vn of 1,11.. roaRltS_ f ►e _N CfnAarbra During the period of the Town's Declaration of a State of Emergency the following parking regulations are waived: • 9:00am-12:00pm Parking Ban Waived on Palmer Avenue,Rlchbell Road,Burton Road& Harmony Drive • 3:00am-6:O0am Overnight Parking Ban Waived throughout the unincorporated area • Irtcludine: Murray Avenue between Myrtle Blvd and Leafy Lane New Jefferson Street North Chatsworth Avenue between Myrtle Boulevard and 35 North Chatsworth Avenue All timed parking restrictions are waived with the exception of the 3-hour parking limitation for those without e Washington Square Parking Permit • o • Nor*C, firth Avenue between Avenue and Echo Mapte Hit Drive between Murray Avenue and Orsini Drive ,..., RCldligahxre Avenue between North Chatsworth Avenue and Seton Road Ovtaii ik Terrace NgMparidy Road Hillside Road Ptettentreet CamitRoatt barrel Avenue Ttiompeon Street Wood Sheet lyylor Plow Mountain Avenue Pane 8 of 57 o� ^�y Town of Mamaroneck F `�.j z Town Center •FOUNDED,GG, • 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 svaltieri@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: 2021 Tentative Town Budget Date: October 16, 2020 As we continue to navigate through the COVID world, the distribution of the budget will be slightly different from previous years. Because the Town Board meeting and work session will be in zoom format, the budget book will be delivered to your homes on Wednesday, October 21. If this is not convenient, please let me know and alternate arrangements can be made. On Wednesday afternoon, the 2021 Tentative budget will be filed with the Town Clerk and posted on the Town website on the homepage and Town Administrator's website page. The presentation of the budget that evening is typically very short and an overview of the document. A more detailed presentation is made at the public hearing in the first week of December. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Page 9 of 57 o po Town of Mamaroneck LII Town Center 2n F 'FOUNDED 1661 . 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: (914) 381-8462 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: (914) 381-7809 Iluft@townofinamaroneckny.org TO: Stephen Altieri, Town Administrator Nancy Seligson, Town Supervisor Town Board Members FROM: Lindsey M. Luft, Assistant to the Town Administrator DATE: October 16, 2020 SUBJECT: Website Redesign The Town has the opportunity to undergo a free website redesign. This is a time to refresh the look of the website. Things such as placement, color, pictures, and content cleaning will all be addressed. Prior to the official website redesign process commencing, a preparation process is necessary. In order for clear objectives to be set, we would like to gather an understanding of what aspects of the website users would like reviewed. Additionally, during the preparation process, web pages will be "cleaned" of old content. To begin an electronic paper trail of the topics to address, a website review form has been created. We are asking that you complete the form to indicate which topics you would like addressed. Please provide as much detail as possible and complete a separate form for each topic. A blank copy of the fillable website review form will be emailed to you. Please determine a priority level for each form you complete. For example, if you complete six (6) website review forms, they would be prioritized one (1) through six (6) and this would be indicated on the form. After forms have been prioritized, please submit them electronically to me via email at Iluft@townofmamaronecknv.orq by close of business Friday, November 6. After receiving the website review forms, the website review committee will evaluate the forms and try to come up with a feasible resolution. Throughout the process of the website redesign, a member of the committee may reach out to you to ask for clarification. If something does not have a feasible resolution, the form will be returned indicating such and the reason as to why it is not feasible. If the reason the item is not feasible is that it produces an additional financial obligation, your topic will be discussed at a following Town Board meeting. The Town Board has the opportunity to decide if/how the pictures on the homepage will be replaced. There is the option to hold a community submission contest or have the IT department take pictures of desired locations.The pictures need to be 24 megapixels or 1500x3000 pixels. This preparation process will allow the website redesign committee to assess where the Town's website is currently, prior to beginning the official redesign process.The preparation for the redesign is expected to last the remainder of 2020, attached is a plan of action and timeline. The official five-phase redesign process will begin in January 2021 and is expected to take between six (6) and eight (8) months. Cc: Shyam Pandya, It Director Attila Papp, Technical Support Specialist Page 10 of 57 Website Redesign Plan of Action 1) Website Redesign Committee a) Assistant to the Town Administrator b) IT Director c) Technical Support Specialist d) CivicPlus Consultant 2) 10/06/2020 -Had an initial Committee meeting to review the plan of action,review the Website Review Form within the committee and develop a timeline. 3) 10/08/2020-Discuss the purpose of and timeline for redesign at the Department Head meeting. After the department head meeting, an email will be sent to department heads requesting the Website Review Form. Each department will come up with their priorities by completing the Website Review Forms. At the time, Departments should begin cleaning their web pages. 4) 10/19/2020—Committee meets to review website analytics. 5) 10/21/2020 -Discuss the website redesign process/timeline with the Town Board. Provide each Town Board member with the electronic Website Review Form. 6) 11/06/2020—Website Review Forms due. 7) 11/11/2020 - Committee meets to review submitted forms. a) Separate forms into categories & separate out any forms that are not feasible or have an immediate resolution. 8) 11/18/2020& 11/19/2020 -At the Town Board meeting&Department Head meeting explain categories and return any forms that have an immediate resolution or are deemed not feasible. The returned forms will provide an explanation as to why it is being returned and, if applicable, it should be passed along to the employees within that department. 9) 11/23/2020 -Committee meets to review the categorized forms and will work to determine a possible resolution for each. 10) 11/30/2020 -Committee meets to review the categorized forms and will work to determine a possible resolution for each. —Second Meeting 11) 12/09/2020 -Discuss the determined potential resolutions with the Town Board. 12)12/14/2020 -Committee meets with Departments heads and any key staff members to review implementation process. 13)Starting January 2021, the committee will work with CivicPlus within the discussed parameters to draft the new website. This five(5)phase process will take between six (6)and eight(8)months. Paae 11 of 57 Town of d 414. 15 Mamaroneck New York Website Review Form The website review form will be used to evaluate a page or specific aspect of the website. Please try to complete the form in its entirety. If additional room is needed for describing the item, please attach a separate sheet and any supporting documentation (i.e. pictures or documented call summaries). This form is intended to be completed electronically. Department: Priority of Title of Page: Page is Managed by: Please describe the item for review: Please list any other departments or vendors involved: Form Completed by: TO BE COMPLETED BY WEBSITE REVIEW COMMITTEE Is there a feasible resolution: Yes No Potential resolution: Reason no feasible resolution: Pape 12 of 57 4, 4j Z Town of Mamaroneck F0 Town Center •FOUNDED,bb, • 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 svaltieri@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Update- Election Polling Places Town Facilities Date: October 16, 2020 There has been a great deal of planning for this upcoming general election on November 3, so I thought it best to re-cap with the Board how the Town is involved in the process: Early Voting: Early voting will take place between October 24 and November 1 at the Mamaroneck Town Center Conference Room C. Daily times for voting are listed on our website. Election Day Polling Places: The following Town facilities will be used as polling places: the Mamaroneck Town Center (court room), Town of Mamaroneck Senior Center and Town of Mamaroneck Highway Office Building at Maxwell Avenue. The Town is still working out some last minute details with the Board of Elections on the logistics of Election Day. The Town will be reimbursed by the Board of Elections for the use of the facilities and any overtime needed by our custodial personnel for the opening and closing of the buildings. fr--. - Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Pape 13 of 57 ° 9 ° ° Town of Mamaroneck z - County of Westchester 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 . COUNSEL TEL: 914/381-7815 FAX: 914/381-7809 WMakerk@TownofMamaroneckNY.org MEMORANDUM To: Members of the Town Board cc: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Christina Battalia, Town Clerk From: William Maker,Jr., Attorney for the Town Subject: Changes in the rules for resident parking permits Date: October 16, 2020 I attach a proposed local law, as requested by the Town Clerk, which (a) moves the expiration date for resident parking permits on Lester Place and in Washington Square from the end of September to the end of October and (b) eliminates the pert-year resident parking permit. If the Town Board considers this proposed law worthy of public discussion, it may set a public hearing and after the hearing is closed, decide whether to enact it. ice, Printed on Recycled Paper Paae 14 of 57 Local Law No. -2020 This local law shall be known as the "Change in the Permit Expiration Date and Elimination of the Part-Year Permit" Law BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 1 -Purpose: The purpose of this law is to change the annual expiration date for resident parking permits from September 30 to October 31 and to eliminate the part-year resident parking permit. Section 2-Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: Section 219-63 D. of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is repealed and the following substituted in its place: "D. The Town Clerk shall collect the amount shown in §A250-1A for each resident parking permit which shall be valid until the last day of October in the first October after the permit is issued." Section 3-Repeal of a portion of a section of the Mamaroneck Code: The entry in§A-250-1 that provides Code Subject Fee or Section Deposit 219-63 Residential parking permit issued in the months of April, May,June, $10 July, August or September is repealed. Section 4-Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. Section 5-Effective Date: This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. October 16,2020 Paae 15 of 57 NEW BUSINESS THIS ITEM HAS NO ATTACHMENT REQUEST FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION THIS ITEM HAS NO ATTACHMENT Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: Town Board FROM: DATE: October 21, 2020 SUBJECT: Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing Administrative Plan ATTACHMENTS: 1 . Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing Administrative Plan Paae 18 of 57 Ok 479 _ O `. /-7.;J z m Town of Mamaroneck • TOWN CENTER • ROOM 110 FOUNDED 1661 • 740 West Boston Post Rd Mamaroneck, NY 10543 COMMUNITY SERVICES CommunityServices@TownofMamaroneckNY.org September 28, 2020 The Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing Agency (PHA) is required to submit an Annual Public Housing Agency Plan and an Administrative Plan to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)once every five years, and to update those plans annually as needed.The purpose of the Annual PHA Plan (HUD Form 50075-HCV)for 2020-2024 is to state the Town's proposed goals and objectives of the Housing Choice Voucher Program for the next 5 years. • Increase leasing to 550+vouchers by maintaining an active waiting list, issuing 5-10 vouchers monthly,and encouraging applicants to look for appropriate housing within the guidelines given; • Prevent income discrepancies by continuing to use online databases including HUD Ely,credit reports and other sources of information to ensure tenants report all household income; • Enter into repayment agreements with tenants who fail to report additional income as required by HUD; • Continue to add new landlords to the program throughout Westchester County; • Continue using the Small Area Fair Market Rents to encourage applicants and tenants move to areas of opportunity with decent, safe and affordable housing; • Provide training to local brokers to ensure they are aware of the guidelines and process for assisting applicants and tenants to find suitable housing. The Administrative Plan is a document containing all of the policies, rules and regulations of the Housing Choice Voucher Program.Where permitted,the Town of Mamaroneck PHA may include additional policies and procedures used to administer the Voucher program.The Administrative Plan Guide published by Nan McKay and Associates serves as the basis for the Town of Mamaroneck PHA's Administrative Plan. There were no changes to the Administrative Plan for 2020-2024 except for statutory or regulatory changes required by HUD.The Administrative Plan is available on the Town of Mamaroneck's website at http://www.townofmamaronecknv.org/438/Approved-PHA-and-Administrative-Plans The Town of Mamaroneck PHA welcomes feedback and comments regarding the 2020-2024 PHA Plan and Administrative Plan. Comments should be e-mailed to CommunityServices@townofmamaroneckny.org no later than 10/2/2020. Paae 19 of 57 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: Town Board FROM: DATE: October 21, 2020 SUBJECT: Fire Claims ATTACHMENTS: 1. Fire Claims- Oct 21 Paae 20 of 57 Town of Mamaroneck From: Tracy Yogman - Town Comptroller Re: Fire Claims Date: October 21, 2020 The following Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department claims have been certified by Chief Joseph Russo and submitted to the Comptroller's Office for payment: VENDOR DESCRIPTION Amount Chatsworth Cleaners Uniform cleaning Sept. 2020 50.95 Fire-End&Croker Corp. Akron 1.5"Fog Nozzle 1,211.90 Foley Hardware Brush and glue for fire extinguisher repair 17.08 Grainger Medical supplies, glass& bathroom cleaners, brush &handles 128.47 Home Depot Faucets and sinks for Career Staff vanities 436.00 Sound Shore Pest Control Exterminating Services on 9/23/20 65.00 Tony's Nursery Inc. (2) propane tank exchange and 4 begonias 89.97 Town of Mam'k PFFA Life Insurance for Career Staff of 14 for July-October 2020 990.36 UniFirst Corp Cleaning Supplies 9/18, 10/2, 10/9/202C 275.29 Verizon TMFD 300M Fios Redundant Circuit 9/26-10/25/2020 268.86 Villa Maria Pizza Food for Explorer and New Member Drill Oct. 2020 34.90 Total $ 3,568.78 Panu71 nfC7 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: Town Board FROM: DATE: October 21, 2020 SUBJECT: Other Fire Department Business ATTACHMENTS: 1 . OTHER FIRE DEPARTMENT BUSINESS - THIS ITEM HAS NO ATTACHMENT Paae 22 of 57 OTHER FIRE DEPARTMENT BUSINESS THIS ITEM HAS NO ATTACHMENT Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: Town Board FROM: DATE: October 21, 2020 SUBJECT: Submission - 2021 Town of Mamaroneck Tentative Budget ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2021 Tentative Town Budget. Paae 24 of 57 0 .k 0 '1 own of Mamaroneck _1?f . ' n Town Center FOUNDED 1161 • 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 svaltieriLtownofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: 2021 Tentative Town Budget Date: October 16, 2020 As we continue to navigate through the COVID world, the distribution of the budget will be slightly different from previous years. Because the Town Board meeting and work session will be in zoom format, the budget book will be delivered to your homes on Wednesday, October 21. If this is not convenient, please let me know and alternate arrangements can be made. On Wednesday afternoon, the 2021 Tentative budget will be filed with the Town Clerk and posted on the Town website on the homepage and Town Administrator's website page. The presentation of the budget that evening is typically very short and an overview of the document. A more detailed presentation is made at the public hearing in the first week of December. )/ P. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Page 25 of 57 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: Town Board FROM: DATE: October 21, 2020 SUBJECT: Authorization - Westchester County Snow & Ice Agreement ATTACHMENTS: 1 . Authorization - Westchester County Snow & Ice Agreement Memorandum 2. Authorization - Westchester County Snow & Ice Agreement Paae 26 of 57 0 'y S� Town of Mamaroneck Town Center •FOUNDED 1661 • 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 svaltieriLtownofrnamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Authorization- IMA Westchester County Snow and Ice Control County Roads Date: October 16, 2020 Attached is a proposed renewal agreement between the County and Town for snow and ice control on County Roads. In the Town of Mamaroneck, Murray Avenue and that portion of Palmer Avenue in the unincorporated area comprise 1.64 miles of County roads for which the Town has responsibility under this agreement. The agreement is essentially the same as the prior agreement. There have been some minor changes with regard to the County's right to add or remove roads from the contract. As in the previous contract, the Town is entitled to the higher rate of reimbursement because of our compliance with Section 208 of the Best Practices manual for road salt storage. The Town complies with Section 208 by storing road salt indoors in a shed. For the 2019/2020 winter season, the Town received payments totaling $9,700 dollars for snow and ice control on County roads. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD APPROVE THE RENEWAL OF THE SNOW AND ICE CONTROL AGREEMENT WITH WESTCHESTER COUNTY AND THAT THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Pane 27 of 57 Agreement No. 20-900 THIS AGREEMENT made the day of 20 by and between THE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having an office and place of business in the Michaelian Office Building, 148 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains, New York 10601, (hereinafter referred to as the "County"); and THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having offices at Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York 10543 (hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County desires to obtain services for the removal of snow and ice from designated County roads within the Municipality to provide for reasonable passage and movement of vehicles over such roads; and WHEREAS, the Municipality is willing to furnish such services and the County desires to purchase same subject to the terms of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions and covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: FIRST: This Agreement shall commence on October 1, 2020 and shall expire on September 30, 2025 unless sooner terminated as herein provided. SECOND: The Municipality agrees to furnish all necessary personnel, machinery, tools, supplies and equipment to provide snow removal and ice control services upon County roads within the boundaries of the Municipality as identified in the list attached hereto and made a part hereof as Schedule "D". Said services shall be provided upon the paved portions of County roads as well as County road bridges and bridge sidewalks and shall include the plowing or removal of snow and ice, all necessary sanding, and appropriate measures to keep catch basins and drains clear of ice and debris, until the end of the snow removal season. Paae 28 of 57 The Municipality shall not be required to provide the following services: filling pot holes, removal of trash, removal of dead animals, grass and weed cutting, maintenance and repair of guide rails, or graffiti removal upon County roads as identified in Schedule "D", unless damage to County property is caused by the Municipality, its employees, agents or contractors. All work shall be performed in the manner prescribed by the Westchester County Commissioner of Public Works and Transportation ("Commissioner") or his authorized representative and shall be completed to his satisfaction. THIRD: For the services performed pursuant to Paragraph SECOND above, the County shall pay the Municipality as follows: (i) At such time as the Municipality's salt storage and application rates shall be in compliance with the recommendations of the 208 Water Quality Program, as described in the "Best Management Practices Manual" published as part of that Program as amended or supplemented, then payment shall be provided in accordance with the rates set forth in Schedule "B" for those seasons the municipality is in compliance. (ii) In the event the Municipality shall not be in compliance with the 208 Water Quality Program "Best Management Practices Manual" as amended or supplemented or, if in compliance, shall fail to so comply duri g the term of this Agreement, then the Municipality shall be entitled to payment only for th actual amounts expended to provide snow and ice removal services up to the maximum rates set forth in Schedule"A". (iii) Schedule "D" will be modified to add and/or delete roads, or sections of roads, as they may be added to and/or deleted from /he County road system. Such addition and/or deletion may only take place upon the completion of action by the Westchester County Board of Legislators. Payments will be prorated to pay as follows: Roads Added Roads Deleted November 90% 10% December 80% 20% January 60% 40% February 30% 70% March 10% 90% Page 29 of 57 FOURTH: Any and all requests for payment to be made shall be submitted within thirty (30) days after notice by the Department of Public Works and Transportation, on a properly executed claim form together with an itemized schedule of amounts expended to furnish such services. Payment shall be made only after approval by the Commissioner. This Agreement shall be deemed executory only to the extent of money appropriated and allocated by the County for the performance of the terms hereof and no liability under this Agreement shall be incurred by the County beyond moneys available for the purposes thereof. FIFTH: The Municipality shall keep accurate records of its business operations hereunder in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The Commissioner, or his duly authorized representative, shall have the right to inspect and audit such records and statements at all reasonable times to insure that the Municipality is complying with the terms of this Agreement. To the extent practicable such inspections shall take place at the offices of the Municipality. The Municipality agrees that all equipment charges shall be in accordance with rates established by the New York State Department of Transportation and all labor charges shall be in a •ordance with the prevailing rates within the Municipality for similar highway work. SIXTH: The parties recognize and acknowledge that the obligations of the County under this Agreement are subject to annual appropriations by its Board of Legislators pursuant to the Laws of Westchester County. Therefore, this Agr1ement shall be deemed executory only to the extent of the moneys appropriated and available. The County shall have no liability under this Agreement beyond funds appropriated and available for payment pursuant to this Agreement. The parties understand and intend that the obligation of the County hereunder shall constitute a current expense of the County and shall not in any way be construed to be a debt of the County in contravention of any applicable constitutional or statutory limitations or requirements concerning the creation of indebtedness by the County. nor shall anything contained in this Agreement constitute a pledge of the general tax revenues, funds or moneys of the County. The County shall pay amounts due under this Agreement exclusively from legally available funds Page 30 of 57 appropriated for this purpose. The County shall retain the right, upon the occurrence of the adoption of any County Budget by its Board of Legislators during the term of this Agreement or , any amendments thereto, and for a reasonable period of time after such adoption(s), to conduct an analysis of the impacts of any such County Budget on County finances. After such analysis, the County shall retain the right to either terminate this Agreement or to renegotiate the amounts and rates set forth herein. if the County subsequently offers to pay a reduced amount to the Municipality, then the Municipality shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon reasonable prior written notice. This Agreement is also subject to further financial analysis of the impact of any New York State Budget (the "State Budget") proposed and adopted during the term of this Agreement. The County shall retain the right, upon the occurrence of any release by the Governor of a proposed State Budget and/or the adoption of a State Budget or any amendments thereto, and for a reasonable period of time after such release(s) or adoption(s), to conduct an analysis of the impacts of any such State Budget on County finances. After such analysis, the County shall retain the right to either terminate this Agreement or to renegotiate the amounts and rates approved herein. If the County subsequently offers to pay a reduced amount to the Municipality, then the Municipality shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon reasonable prior written notice. SEVENTH: Either party, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other, may to inate this Agreement in whole or in part when deemedto be in its best interest. Subject to the vailability of funds, the Municipality shall be compen ated for services rendered under this Agreement prior to the effective date of such termination. In the event the Commissioner determines that there has been a material breach by the Murjicipality of any of the terms of the Agreement and such breach remains uncured for forty- eight (48) hours after service on the Municipality of written notice thereof, the County, in addition to any other right or remedy it might have, may terminate this Agreement and the County shall have the right, power and authority to complete the services provided for in this Agreement, or contract for their completion, and any additional expense or cost of such completion shall be charged to and paid by the Municipality. Notice shall be effective on the date of receipt. Without limiting the foregoing, upon written notice to the Municipality, repeated breaches by Municipality of any particular duty or obligation under this Agreement shall be Page 31 of 57 deemed a material breach of the Agreement justifying termination for cause hereunder without requirement for further opportunity to cure. Notice shall be effective on the date of receipt. EIGHTH: Except in an emergency, the Municipality shall not assign, sublet, subcontract or otherwise dispose of this Agreement, or any right, duty or interest herein, without previous written consent of the County. No assignment, subcontracting. subletting or other such disposition of this Agreement, either with or without such consent of the County, shall serve to relieve the Municipality of its obligations hereunder. All subcontracts entered into by the Municipality shall provide that subcontractors arc subject to and must comply with all terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. All work performed by the subcontractor shall be deemed work performed by the Municipality. NINTH: The Municipality shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations including, but not limited to. all applicable provisions of the Labor Law, Workers' Compensation Law. State Unemployment Insurance Law, Federal Social Security Law and any and all rules and regulations promulgated by the United States Department of Labor and/or the Industrial Commissioner of the State of New York and all amendments and additions thereto. TENTH: The Municipality hereby acknowledges and agrees: (a) t at in the hiring of employees for the performance of w rk under this Agreement or any subcontract hereunder, no Municipality, subcontractor, nor any person acting on behalf of such Municipality or subcontractor, shall by reason of race, creed. color, religion, gender, age, ethnicity, disability, sex, alienage or citizenship status, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, familial status, genetic pre-disposition or carrier stats, discriminate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates; (b) that no Municipality. subcontractor, nor any person on his behalf shall, in any manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this Agreement on account of race, creed, color, religion, gender, age, ethnicity, disability, sex. alienage or citizenship status, national origin, marital status. sexual orientation, familial status, genetic pre-disposition or carrier status; Page 32 of 57 (c) that there may be deducted from the amount payable to the Municipality by the County under this Agreement a penalty of FIFTY (S50.00) DOLLARS for each person for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of this Agreement; (d) that this Agreement may be cancelled or terminated by the County, and all moneys due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited, for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms and conditions of this section of the Agreement; and (e) the aforesaid provisions of this section covering every agreement for or on behalf of the County for the manufacture, sale or distribution of materials, equipment or supplies shall be limited to operations performed within the territorial limits of the State of New York. ELEVENTH: The Municipality, in its own name and naming the County as an additional named insured, shall, at the commencement of the term hereof, obtain and maintain in continuous effect for the term of this Agreement, policies of insurance providing for coverage in the limits and subject to the conditions set forth in Schedule"C", attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Municipa ity agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the County of estchester and its officers, employees a d agents harmless from and against any and all liabili y. loss, damage or expense the County may suffer as a result of any and all claims, demands, causes of action or judgments arising out of this Agreement due to the negligent acts or omissions of the Municipality. The Municipality shall, within ten (10) days of the occurrence thereof, notify the Commissioner of any action, proceeding, claim or demand arising hereunder. Notwithstanding the requirements set forth in the above and as set forth in Schedule"C". the Municipality may act as a self-insurer for the general liability insurance in lieu of procuring from an insurance company the insurance required by the terms of this Agreement and heretofore described. The Municipality hereby agrees that it will provide the exact same insurance coverage and protection for the benefit of the County and any other covered entity herein. in the Paae 33 of 57 same amount and under the same terms set forth in the paragraph above and as set forth in Schedule "C", as it would provide County if the Municipality were to purchase commercial insurance. The Municipality further agrees that its decision to self-insure shall in no way limit the defenses or indemnification available to the County. TWELFTH: All notices of any nature referred to in this Agreement shall be in writing and either sent by registered or certified mail postage pre-paid, or sent by hand or overnight courier, or sent by facsimile (with acknowledgment received and a copy of the notice sent by overnight courier), to the respective addresses as set forth below or to such other addresses as the respective parties hereto may designate in writing. Notice shall be effective on the date of receipt. To the County: Commissioner Westchester County Department of Public Works and Transportation Michaelian Office Building 148 Martine Avenue, Room 518 White Plains, New York 10601 With a copy to: County Attorney Michaelian Office Building 148 Martine Avenue, Room 600 White Plains, New York 10601 To the Municipality: The Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 THIRTEENTH: VENDOR DIRECT PAYMENT: All payments made by the County to the Municipality will be made by electronic funds transfer("EFT") pursuant to the County's Vendor Direct program. Municipalities doing business with Westchester County, who are not already enrolled in the Vendor Direct Program, will be required to fill out and submit an EFT Authorization Form prior to receiving an award or purchase order. The EFT Authorization Form, Instructions and related information are annexed hereto as Schedule "E." Payments will be automatically credited to the Municipality's designated bank account at the Municipality's Paae 34 of 57 voucher/invoice is processed for payment. Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays are not considered business days. Under the Vendor Direct program you will receive an e-mail notification two days prior to the day the payment will be credited to your designated account. The e-mail notification will come in the form of a remittance advice with the same information that currently appears on County check stubs and will contain the date that the funds will be credited to your account. All information received will be treated and handled as strictly confidential. The completed Authorization Form must be returned by the Municipality to the County prior to award of the contract. In rare cases, a hardship waiver may be granted. For a Hardship Waiver Request Form, please contact the Finance Department. Any Municipality that fails to return the completed authorization form(s) prior to award of the contract may be considered non-responsive and the proposal may be rejected. FOURTEENTH: The failure of either party to insist, in any one or more instances, upon strict performance of any term or condition herein contained shall not be deemed a waiver or relinquishment for the future of such term or condition, but the same shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver by either party or any provision hereof shall be implied. FIFTEENTH: This Agreement shall bind the successors, assigns and representatives of the parties hereto. SIXTEENTH: This Agreement and its attachments constitute the entire Agreement between the parties with res ct to the subject matter hereof and shall supersede a 1 previous negotiations, commitments and writings. No change, modification or cancellation of this Agreement shall be effective except by an instrument in writing signed by a duly authorized representative of each of the parties. SEVENTEENTH: Tltis Agreement shall not be enforceable until signed bylall parties and approved by the Office of the County Attorney. [NO FURTHER TEXT ON THIS PAGE. SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS]. Pane 35 of 57 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Westchester and the Municipality have executed this Agreement. THE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER . By: Hugh J. Greechan,Jr., P.E. Commissioner of Public Works and Transportation THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK By: Name: Title: Authorized by the Westchester County Board of Legislators on the day of 00/1/12( 20 al) Approved as to form and manner of execution Senior Assistant County Attorney County of Westchester S:JPI/DPW/Snow&Ice.IMA.Template.7.24.20 Page 36 of 57 • MUNICIPALITY'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.: COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER) On this day of , 20 , before me, the undersigned, personally appeared . personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is(are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. Date: Notary Public Page 37 of 57 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (Municipality) 1. (Officer other than Officer signing agreement) certify that I am the of the (Title) (Name of Municipality) (the"Municipality"), a corporation duly organized and in good standing under the (Lair under►rlrich organi:ed, e.g., the New York Village Law. Town Lair, General Municipal Law) named in the foregoing agreement that (Person executing agreement) who signed said agreement on behalf of the Municipality was, at the time of execution of the Municipality, that said agreement (Title of Person Executing Agreement) was duly signed for on behalf of said Municipality by authority of its thereunto duly (Town Board, Village Board, Town Council) authorized, and that such authority is in full force and effect at the date hereof. (Signature) STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.: COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER) On this day of , 20__, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the above certificate and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the above certificate in his/her capacity as of (Title) (:Municipality) the municipal corporation described in and which executed the within instrument. Notary Public Paoe 38 of 57 SCHEDULE "A" • WITHOUT "208" INCENTIVE The rates of reimbursement for the 2020202 1 season shall be as follows: $2,950.00 per mile for 2 lane roads; $3,891.00 per mile for 3 lane roads; $4,300.00 per mile for 4 lane roads. After the first year, the rates shall be increased annually by the allowable levy growth factor(tax cap) as defined in Chapter 97 of the New York State Laws of 2011, calculated by using the County's fiscal year(calendar). Paae 39 of 57 SCHEDULE "B" WITH "208" INCENTIVE $4,556.00 per mile for 2 lane roads; $5,924.00 per mile for 3 lane roads; $6,636.00 per mile for 4 lane roads. After the first year, the rates shall be increased annually by the allowable levy growth factor(tax cap)as defined in Chapter 97 of the New York State Laws of 2011, calculated by using the County's fiscal year(calendar). Paoe40of57 • SCHEDULE " C" STANDARD INSURANCE PROVISIONS iMunicipality) 1. Prior to commencing work, and throughout the term of the Agreement, the Municipality shall obtain at its own cost and expense the required insurance as delineated below from insurance companies licensed in the State of New York, carrying a Best's financial rating of A or better. Municipality shall provide evidence of such insurance to the County of Westchester("County"), either by providing a copy of policies and/or certificates as may be required and approved by the Director of Risk Management of the County("Director"). The policies or certificates thereof shall provide that ten (10) days prior to cancellation or material change in the policy, notices of same shall be given to the Director either by overnight mail or personal delivery for all of the following stated insurance policies. All notices shall name the Municipality and identify the Agreement. If at any time any of the policies required herein shall be or become unsatisfactory to the Director,as to form or substance, or if a company issuing any such policy shall be or become unsatisfactory to the Director, the Municipality shall upon notice to that effect from the County, promptly obtain a new policy, and submit the policy or the certificate as requested by the Director to the Office of Risk Management of the County for approval by the Director. Upon failure of the Municipality to furnish, deliver and maintain such insurance, the Agreement, at the election of the County, may be declared suspended, discontinued or terminated. Failure of the Municipality to take out, maintain, or the taking out or maintenance of any required insurance, shall not relieve the Municipality from any liability under the Agreement, nor shall the insurance requirements be construed to conflict with or otherwise limit the contractual obligations of the Municipality concerning indemnification. All property losses shall be made payable to the"Co my of Westchester" and adjusted with the appropriate County personnel. In the event that claims, for which the County may be liable, in excess of the insured amounts provided herein are filed by reason of Municipality's negligent acts or omissions under the Agreement or by virtue of the provisions of the labor law or other statute or any other reason, the amount of excess of such claims or any portion thereof, may be withheld from payment due or to become due the Municipality until such time as the Municipality shall furnish such rdditional security covering such claims in fdrm satisfactory to the Director. In the event of any loss, if the Municipality maintains broader coverage and/or higher limits than the minimums identified herein, the County shall be entitled to the broader coverage and`or higher limits maintained by the Municipality. Any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum limits of insurance and coverage shall be available to the County. 2 The Municipality shall provide proof of the following coverage(if additional coverage is required for a specific agreement, those requirements will be described in the Agreement): Paae 41 of 57 a) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Certificate form C-105.2 or State Fund Insurance Company form U-26.3 is required for proof of compliance with the New York State Workers' Compensation Law. State Workers' Compensation Board form DB-120.1 is required for proof of compliance with the New York State Disability Benefits Law. Location of operation shall be "All locations in Westchester County, New York." Where an applicant claims to not be required to carry either a Workers' Compensation Policy or Disability Benefits Policy, or both, the employer must complete NYS form CE-200, available to download at: http://www.wcb.nv.eov. If the employer is self-insured for Workers' Compensation, he/she should present a certificate from the New York State Worker's Compensation Board evidencing that fact (Either SI-12, Certificate of Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance, or GSI-105.2, Certificate of Participation in Workers' Compensation Group Self-Insurance). b) Commercial General Liability Insurance with a combined single limit of S1,000,000 (c.s.l) per occurrence and a $2,000,000 aggregate limit naming the "County of Westchester" as an additional insured on a primary and non-contributory basis. This insurance shall include the following coverages: i. Premises - Operations. ii. Broad Form Contractual. iii. Independent Contractor and Sub-Contractor. iv. Products and Completed Operations. c) Commercial Umbrella/Excess Insurance: S2,000,000 each Occurrence and Aggregate naming the"County of Westchester"as additional insured, written on a"follow the form" basis. NOTE: Additional insured status shall be provided by standard or o her endorsement that extends coverage to he County of Westchester for both on-going and comp ted operations. d) Automobile Liability Insurance with a minimum limit of liability per occurrence of S 1,000,000 for bodily injury and a minimum limit of S 100,000 per occurrence for property damage or a combined single limit of S 1,000,000 unless otherwise indicated in the contract specifications. This insurance shall include for bodily injury and property damage the following coverages and name the"County of Westchester" as additional insured: (i) Owned automobiles. (ii) Hired automobiles. (iii) Non-owned automobiles. 3. All policies of the Municipality shall be endorsed to contain the following clauses: (a) Insurers shall have no right to recovery or subrogation against the County(including its employees and other agents and agencies), it being the intention of the parties that the insurance policies so effected shall protect both parties and be primary coverage for any and all losses covered by the above-described insurance. Page 42 of 57 • (b) The clause "other insurance provisions" in a policy in which the County is named as an insured, shall not apply to the County. (c) The insurance companies issuing the policy or policies shall have no recourse against the County(including its agents and agencies as aforesaid) for payment of any premiums or for assessments under any form of policy. (d) Any and all deductibles in the above described insurance policies shall be assumed by and be for the account of, and at the sole risk of, the Municipality. Rei:exi Jan 20I8-Municipality 3 Page 43 of 57 • SCHEDULE "D" COUNTY ROADS-SNOW AND ICE AGREEMENT • 4 Page 44 of 57 • SCHEDULE "D" COUNTY ROADS—SNOW AND ICE AGREEMENT TOWN OF MAMARONECK CTR- LINE 2 LANE 3 LANE 4 LANE C.R.NO. COUNTY ROAD NAME MILES MILES MILES MILES 44A PALMER AVENUE 0.64 0.00 0.64 0.00 67II PALMER AVENUE 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.05 74 MURRAY AVENUE 0.95 0.00 f2,22 0.22 TOTAL MILEAGE—MAMARONECK 1.64 0.00 1.37 0.27 Page 45 of 57 L910 9p 86ed • SCHEDULE"E" Westchester County Vendor Direct Program Frequently Asked Questions 1. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THE ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER(EFT) ASSOCIATED WITH THE VENDOR DIRECT PROGRAM? There are several advantages to having your payments automatically deposited into your designated bank account via EFT: Payments are secure- Paper checks can be lost in the mail or stolen, but money deposited directly into your bank account is more secure. You save time- Money deposited into your bank account is automatic. You save the time of preparing and delivering the deposit to the bank. Additionally, the funds are immediately available to you. 2. ARE MY PAYMENTS GOING TO BE PROCESSED ON THE SAME SCHEDULE AS THEY WERE BEFORE VENDOR DIRECT? Yes. 3. HOW QUICKLY WILL A PAYMENT BE DEPOSITED INTO MY ACCOUNT? Payments are deposited two business days after the voucher/invoice is processed. Saturdays, Sundays. and legal holidays are not considered business days. 4. HOW WILL I KNOW WHEN THE PAYMENT IS IN MY BANK ACCOUNT AND WHAT IT IS FOR? Under the Vendor Direct program you will receive an e-mail notification two days prior to the day the payment will be credited to your designated account.The e-mail notification will come in the form of a remittance advice with the same information that currently appears on your check stub,and will contain the date that the funds will be credited to your account. 5. WHAT IF THERE IS A DISCREP CY IN THE AMOUNT RECEIVED? Please contact your Westchester County representative as you would have in the past if there were a discrepancy on a check received. 6. WHAT IF I DO NOT RECEIVE THE MONEY IN MY DESIGNATED BANK ACCOUNT ON THE DATE INDICATED IN THE E-MAIL? In the unlikely event that this occurs, please contact the Westchester County Accounts Payable Department at 914-995-4708. 7. WHAT MUST I DO IF I CHANGE MY BANK OR MY ACCOUNT NUMBER? Whenever you change any information or close your account a new Vendor Direct Payment Authorization Form must be submitted. Please contact the Westchester County Accounts Payable Department at 914-995-4708 and we will e-mail you a new form. 8. WHEN COMPLETING THE PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION FORM,WHY MUST I HAVE IT SIGNED BY A BANK OFFICIAL IF I DON'T INCLUDE A VOIDED CHECK? This is to ensure the authenticity of the account being set up to receive your payments. Westchester County•Department of Finance•Treasury Division Authorization is: 7 stchester (check one) gO .com Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) New Vendor Direct Payment Authorization Form O Change INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete both sections of this Authorization Form and attach a voided check. See the reverse side for more information and instructions. Mall to:Westchester County,Department of Finance.Treasury Division, 148 Martine Avenue,White Plains,NY 10601 Attention: Vendor Direct Section I-Vendor Information 1.Vendor Name: 2.Taxpayer ID Number or Social Security Number: I � 3.Vendor Primary Address 4.Contact Person Name: Contact Person Telephone Number: 5.Vendor E-Mail Addresses for Remittance Notification: 6.Vendor Certification: I have read and understand the Vendor Direct Payment Program and hereby authorize payments to be received by electronic funds transfer into the bank that I designate in Section Il.I further understand that in the event that an erroneous electronic payment is sent, Westchester County reserves the right to reverse the electronic payment.In the event that a reversal cannot be implemented. Westchester County will utlizo any other lawful means to retrieve payments to which the payee was not entitled. Authorized Signature Print Name/Title Date Section II- Financial Institution Information 7.Bank Name: 8.Bank Address— ._ 9. Routing Transit Number: 110.Account Type: I (check one) 0 Checking ❑Savings 11.Bank Account Number I 12.Bank Account Title: 13.Bank Contact Person Name: Telephone Number: 14 FINANCIAL INSTITUTION CERTIFICATION(required ONLY if directing funds into a Savings Account OR if a voided check is not attached to this form): I certify that the account number and type of account is maintained in the name of the vendor named above. As a representative of the named financial Institution.I certify that this financia Institution is ACH capable and agrees to receive and deposit payments tc the account shown. Authorized Signature Print Name I Tile Date (Leave Blank-to be completed by —� — Westchester County)•Vendor number assigned Page 47 of 57 • Westchester County•Department of Finance•Treasury Division Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Vendor Direct Payment Authorization Form GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Please complete both sections of the Vendor Direct Payment Authorization Form and forward the completed form (along with a voided check for the account to which you want your payments credited) to:Westchester County Department of Finance, 148 Martine Ave, Room 720, White Plains, NY 10601, Attention: Vendor Direct. Please see item 14 below regarding attachment of a voided check. Section I -VENDOR INFORMATION 1.Provide the name of the vendor as it appears on the W-9 form. 2.Enter the vendor's Taxpayer ID number or Social Security Number as't appears on the W-9 form. 3. Enter the vendor's complete primary address(not a P.O. Box) 4.Provide the name and telephone number of the vendor's contact person. 5.Enter the business e-mail address for the remittance notification.THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. This is the e-mail address that we will use to send you notification and remittance information two days prior to the payment being credited to your bank account.We suggest that you provide a group mailbox(if applicable)for your e-mail address. You may also designate multiple e-mail addresses. 6.Please have an authorized Payee/Company official sign and date the form and include his/her title. Section II- FINANCIAL INSTITUTION INFORMATION 7. Provide bank's name. 8. Provide the complete address of your bank. 9. Enter your bank's 9 digit routing transit number. 10. Indicate the type of account(check one box only). 11.Enter the vendor's bank account number. 12. Enter the title of the vendor's account. 13.Provide the name and telephone number of your bank contact person. 14. If you are directing your payments to a Savings Account OR you can not attach a voided check for your checking account,this line needs to be completed and signed by an authorized ban official.IF YOU DO ATTACH A VOIDED CHECK FOR A CHECKING ACCOUNT,YOU MAY LEAVE THIS LINE BLINK. NEW/CHANGE'IEN EFT 9'08 I Page 48 of 57 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: Town Board FROM: DATE: October 21, 2020 SUBJECT: Report of Bids - TA-20-06 Larchmont VAC - HVAC Improvements ATTACHMENTS: 1 . Upgrade HVAC Systems for Larchmont VAC 2. BUDGET AMENDMENT MEMO- 2020 CAPITAL-LARCHMONT HVAC-Oct 21 2020 Paae 49 of 57 9?, Town of Mamaroneck TEL:914/381-7835 . p Engineering Department, Town Center FAX:914/381-8473 _ ' ®Z 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 Rrn obert P. Wasp, P.E., C.D. rwasp@townofmamaroneckNY.org 1661 • Trwas P g Town Engineer INTERDEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: October 16, 2020 TO: Steve Altieri, Town Administrator CC: Tracy Yogman, Town Comptroller FROM: Robert Wasp, P.E., Town Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization of Construction Proposal Upgrade of HVAC Systems for Larchmont VAC (CP-2020-59) GENERAL: The design of upgrades to the Larchmont VAC building, 155 Weaver Street was previously completed as detailed on the plans prepared by mechanical engineering consultant, Tietjen Venegas. The renovation scope includes the replacement of two (2) air handling units, installation of garage climate controls, ductwork improvements. three new (3) exhaust fans in the attic spaces, system balancing and control upgrades. Bid documents were publicly advertised on the Empire State Purchasing Group platform ("BidNet") for a period of several weeks. In total ten (10) proposals were received from prospective firms on September 11, 2020. Bid pricing was structured as a lump sum with no alternatives. Please refer to the attached tabulation summary of all contractor proposals. Contact was made with the prospective low bidder, Tri-Cat Electric Corp. Prior work references and the contractor's detailed schedule of values were evaluated by the project team as part of the bid review process. Tri-Cat Electric Corp has previously contracted with the Town of Mamaroneck for the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and has served as subcontractor on other recent capital projects. Tri-Cat Electric Corp and their mechanical sub- contractor Evolution HVAC have confirmed their understanding of the technical requirements for the project. The Engineering Department recommends award of contract to Tri-Cat Electric Corp based upon their submitted bid in the amount of$147,756.95. The original approved capital budget for project CP-2020-59 is$114,500.00. Budget amendment is necessary to provide for award of construction scope and contingency. Project soft costs for the engineering consultant in the amount of$9,000.00 are already encumbered on the capital project but still need to be considered. Incorporation of a contingency budget in the amount of $15,000.00 for potential unforeseen additional work is recommended for inclusion. The revised project budget based upon the award of the low bidder with engineering fees and contingency is: $17I,756.95. Potential budget amendment as calculated less the original approved budget of$1 14,500.00 identifies the necessary increase as S57,256.95. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Paae 50 of 57 V I,�, � TIETJEN VENEGAS A v CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PLLC October 16, 2020 Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10547 Attention: Robert P. Wasp, P.E., C.D.T Reference: HVAC Upgrade Larchmont VAC Dear Mr. Wasp, We have reviewed the bids submitted and we recommend that the contract be awarded to Tri-Cat Electric of Cortlandt, NY for the amount of$147,756.95. Tri-Cat's bid is the lowest of ten (10) bids submitted. Their references were checked and they were interviewed to confirm that their bid covers the complete project scope. If you require anything further, please advise. Yours Truly, TIETJEN VENEGA CO TING EN NE; RS, PLLC Werner Tietjen, P.E. / WT: ea la Purchase 105 phone 914.967.9505 Rye, New Yorkk 10580 www.fiefjenpe.com Page 51 of 57 ' town of Mamaroneck O : frg.eenno Mvartmrnt.Town Center leo w.Joston awt Aoad,Mamaroneck,NV 1054.1.335) F (anima e TA-2006 Upped,al HVAC inform Jo,lwoAnwnM VAC .,a upenno mama.aep.atu.T II.4ut0 01 rU tv a m c a I. 14ICM Mar*CTR HIM I.4...ie,W. AIM AM C.44114444 I J i Al Nesting i Nr C1444 Al.170•1115 fenlre,lac 1''�ard°Plumbing i A«Spa•.Afo.riuw 4r. SarOuer Y.ero Cull's... Soothe.AI«S..kd 11.111.1 Crtonia&14o.011/1te� Ile sties lot C..d.l..l.e Ile. lleat.42.f R«51u/.1«. l. C«00rd1•0 Ceara M.•0e.NY 10007 &re.rr,NY 10500 IIa.A«.e,NY 10331 Mdf«d 11111.NV 10507 Ha.10«te,NY 105!1 Sonora.NV 10001 Jlkknik.NV 11101 ?MAIL NY 10504 4e.tas,NV 10500 hod Mnr,NY 10045 INreni res NMe..i:rn Ad Monk Yr, All 4I J r.. Ski hark r 1e.IHawk Yes Bid Dna:ret SYIli c rn Ilid&ant rn SW amok rn 1.1410 of die HYAC Ss... SI47,75%03 SIM...4/o 516470 uu IIIr.4uw 1215.01.03 5217.1WW 1121!14/014/ 1211-132 En 523).71114/ 1321.134 10 TMa11d Amami SJJ77)011.1 531,410140 54.!,7.1•0 3450 M.•0 3215,05910 (21754010 1221,00115 37)4.1)2•0 i23J,IJ1... 332113010 The following budget transfer is recommended for the upgrade of the HVAC Systems for Larchmont VAC: 2020 CAPITAL BUDGET AMENDMENTS Item CAPITAL FUND # (FUND H): _ Amount Transfer from General 1 Revenue H.0000.5031.2020-59 Fund Increase $57,300 Expense H.4191-0400-2020-59_ LVAC Building Improvs Increase 57,300 Item GENERAL FUND # (FUND A): _ 2 Expense A.9900.9950 Transfer to Capital Increase $ 57,300 Appropriated Fund Income A.0000.5995 Balance Increase $57,300 REQUESTED ACTION: THAT THE TOWN BOARD AWARD THE CONTRACT, APPROVE THE PROPOSED BUDGET AMENDMENT AND AUTHORIZE THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT. Pace 53 of 57 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: Town Board FROM: DATE: October 21 , 2020 SUBJECT: Consideration of Certiorari ATTACHMENTS: 1. Consideration of Certiorari - October 21, 2020 Paae 54 of 57