HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926_02_18 Town Board Minutes n ETTYG OF THE TOWN BOARD
held February 1c�, 1S26.
The :'.I.ewtir.E was called to order by Supervisor
Burton at 4 o' clock.
PRESENT: supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Colli.ns,Howell & Leeds
Torn Clerk Sherman
Counsellor Gamble.
Upon motion it was voted to dispense: with the
reading of minutes of meetings not yet approved.
The Committee on fire house brought up the question
of increase in companaRtIon for the paid firemen and after
considerable discussion, the matter was laid over for
future action.
The Board discussed the ?resent situation in
connection t Weaver Street fire whistle and upon
motion it was
i "
R.i'.�'�SVL�].��-'''�D, that the Committee G"�". ?`1e.�°f'
Street fire house be and the same hereby
is authorized- and empowered to secure
estimates of the cost of the proposed
change to be :wade to the Weaver Street
fire house whistle and to report the
same; to this Board.
The Committee on the Weaver Street fire house L.r';tters
r f the apparatus
reported i'P. CCn2:2Ctii;ft with the reconstruction 0
Upon motion. duly seconded it was
RESOLMOD, that the Committee be authorized
to proiceed at once with the alteration and
reconstruction of the c`1�':,^,pa:.ra?,':::a . floor of the
Weaver Street fire house at a cosy cf not to exceed Q, 000. 00, wand �_� Was
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the cost of same be
and the same hereby is made a charge upon
the Fire, Lighting and Water Supply District
Art . 1 of the Town of yamaroneck and the same
is t0 be levied and collected upon the
taxable property situate within said District,
and it was
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the absence of funds
being immediately available with which to Day
for the cost of the aforesaid, work, that the
Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and
empowered in accordance with the law to borrow
upon the faith and credit of the Town of
t to exceed $3, 000,
Liia�:a'rGneck ir. the s��.:r c�" no �
in anticipation f the taxes to be collected
on April 1, 1927, and to be levied against the
?',a.xable,real property situate within the Fire,
Lighting and Water Supply District yo. 1 of
the Town of p!Iama.roneck, j-zA as
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and
he hereby is authorized and empowe'=ed to issue
a temporary certificate or Certificate` Of
indebtedness in the total as; oun.t of not to
exceed the said MGM which shall bear
interest at the rate of not to exceed 65
per annum payable at such time or times
an the Supervisor may fix not exceeding
IS months from the date hereof and to
dispose of ssid , temP0rarY certificate Or
certificat6s of indebtedness for not less
than thepar value thereof, and it was
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and
Town Clerk be and they here-by are authorized
and emDowerea to execute and attest,
reppectiveiy, the aforesaid temporary
certificate or certificates of indebtedness
in the name of and on behalf of the Town.
bf Yamarnneck and to execute auch other
and further documents as may be necessary
to effect the sale the.^nlft
The committee onTown Hall submitted their report
in connection with the alteration and remodeling of same
and upon motion duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that the Committee on Town Hall
be authorized toprocure an option on the
property 50 feet in width fronting on
yt.pleasant Avenue abutting upon theToWMI
Hall Property; anal theyroperty in the
rear of The Town Hall upon terms and for
a period within the discretion of the
Committee but without cost to the Town; and
it was
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the aforesaid
Committee be and they are hereby authorized
and empowered to secure the service of P-
competent architect to prepare additional
plans and specifications covering the
proposed alteration and reconstruction
of the Town Hall together with estimate of
cost for performing the work called for
by said plans and slecificatic'ns, all
without cost to the Town.
Mr. R. H. Stevens appeared before the Board or,
behalf of the application of Hillside holding CoI?DOrRti0n
for the erection of an apartment house at the northwest
corner of Chatsworth and myrtle Avenues, and requested
ttyt 7pryission be given to erect said building on the
property line of Hyrtle Avenue. He was advised that the
proper prcceedure for him to take would be to file an
the B-
application on Appeal to ard_ of Appeals for public
hearing and determination by them.
Supervisor Burton recommends that he be
authorized to raise the sum of $5, 000- 00 for highway
Durposes by the sale of a certificate of indebtedness in
anticipation of the collection of taxes which have been
levied and which will become due on April 1, 1926.
justice Leads, thereupon offered for adoption
the following resolution: be it
RESOLVED, that the supervisoT be and he
herdby is authorized and empowered to
borrjw upon the faith and credit of the
Town of Mamaroneck the stun of five Thousand
($5y000e ) dollars for which sum he shall.
issue in the name and under the seal of
said Town, in anticipation of the collection
r 1 n for highway
c! �:;�� �v�e,o, and assessed .o. �_..�ra;;a
purposes against to taxable property
situated outisdc of the Villages of Larch-
, mont and Mamaroneck and which will become
duce and payable on April 1, 1926; said
certificate to be sold for not less than
the par value thereof, to bear interest
at the rate not to exceed six (6%) per
cent per army: and to mature at such time
as the Supervisor may determine. Said
certd-fica e si be : n i ,'.. ;ti.''h the taxes which
tall eccme .dse ,or. tjzil .lylT26 and which
have been levied and assessed for highway
purposes, as aforesaid., and it was further
RESC170, tz7t *he Supervisor and Town
Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and
empowered to sign and execute such papers
and instruments as may be PWOPer to effect
the sale and delivery of such certificate;.
The question being taken upon_ the foregoing
resolution, the same was upon Roll. Call unanimously adopted.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 6. 40 P.M.
_ Town