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2019_12_04 Town Board Meeting Packet
n - TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2019 THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE AT 5:00PM, IN CONFERENCE ROOM A TO OUSCUSS: 1. Community Solar Agreement 2. Mechanical Rock Removal Law (>3. Comprehensive Plan '-)4. Parking Lot Permits 5. 2020 Operating/Capital Budget 6. LMC-TVJe-1e N s 7. New Business..._ t4 8. Request for Executive Session 8:00PM CALL TO ORDER -COURTROOM SUPERVISOR'S REPORT PUBLIC HEARINGS -1 . Preliminary 2020 Town Budget 2. Proposed Sewer Rent Rate Adjustment 3. Yield Sign on Country Lane Law CITIZEN COMMENTS BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims 2. Other Fire Department Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2. R: _ e • : ' . - -•• _ . _ 3. Authorization to Pay Out of Title - IT Department 4. Consideration of Certiorari REPORT OF MINUTES REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL TOWN CLERK'S REPORT NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING - December 18, 2019 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should contact the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. TOWN BOARD MEETING WORKSESSION AGENDA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2019 5:00PM - CONFERENCE ROOM A 1. Community Solar Agreement (No attachment). 2. Mechanical Rock Removal Law (See attachment). 3. Comprehensive Plan (No attachment. This is a continued discussion of the proposal to change the term of the parking permit). 4. Parking Lot Permits ') (No attachment). 5. 2020 Operating/Capital Budget (No attachment - This matter is on the agenda to review revisions made to the Tentative Budget and to again review the Capital Budget). 6. LMC-TV (No attachment). 7. New Business 8. Request for Executive Session Per Members of Town Board-alongwith Steve Altieri & Nancy Seligson 12/4/2019 m Clit4 As per the attached it is the determination by me & my neighbirs in Larchmont Acres West , that you are not abiding to the tenants in L the town regulations(see attached) Specifically as noted pg(1)187-10, Deposits on streets pg(2)187-15-penalties for offenses. pg(3) To have your leaves collected-property owner must place them at curb, not in the street. Articles 161-8- pg (4) B(leaving of shopping carts, pg(4) F- maintaining walks & parking spaces, for safe passage, pg(4)I(, no deposit of leaves on any public highway, public place or private property. It is the recommendation of myself & my neighbors to enforce these tenents, meaning, fining the violators. Exhibits, 1 through 6 speak to these issues-along Burton Rd, I have mentioned about the owners of houses on Palmer Ave at the meeting on NOV 20, but the Board seemed more sympathetic to their plight versus, them piling leaves in the street and affecting our limited parking. They violate the tenants just like Larchmont Acres West & private homes on Burton Rd do. Speaking to the problem of the littering on the Boston Post Rd, please refer to exhibits 7 & 8. For the town to not have posted no littering signs/with fine amount, along with heavy duty garbage cans that Stop & Shop uses is just again not making an honest effort to uphold your no littering code as per exhibit 8 email. It is a pig-sty on the Post Rd, and the only thing people hear, kids too, is the potential to pay a fine. Exhibit 9 , speaks to the deceptiveness of the firelane sign in the circle at Larchmont Acres West. Meaning, there is never any towing, it is only a potential ticket. Then why does the sign not state " no parking -100$ fine. In conclusion , in speaking ,the said amount, the ticket for years & years was 50$, why did you double it now, and why were residents not made aware of the increase. You talk about not wanting to burden homeowners with the leaves, but you have , NO PROBLEM, BURDENING US WITH AN EXTRA 50$ DOLLARS. I NEARBY DECLARE THAT ALL THE ABOVE BE PUT TO A VOTE/FORUM, FROM THE LEAVES ISSUE, TO THE SHOPPING CART ISSUES, TO THE LITTERING ISSUE & TO THE FIRELANE SIGN ISSUE and that you lower the cost of the ticket, so it it more in line with your other parking ticket increases. Thank You Michael Katz- 213c Larchmont Acres and-the support of my neighbors in LAW. • 12/2/2019 • Town of Mamaroneck,NY Streets and Sidewalks f HISTORY:Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck 7-17-1996 by L.L.No.1-1-1990.Amendments noted,where applicable.; GENERAL REFERENCES1 \ Peddling and soliciting—See Ch.154. \*) r Solid waste—See Ch.183. E �p Vehicles and traffic—See Ch.219. ��W\ ON\ §187-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter,the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: COUNTY ROADS Those roads constructed,improved,maintained and repaired under Article 6 of the Highway Law and roads constructed or improved under a general or special law which are maintained by the county. PERSON Includes individuals,copartnerships,corporations and incorporated and joint-stock associations. SIDEWALK That paved portion of a street intended for pedestrian use and lying between the curbline of the street and the adjacent property line. STATE HIGHWAY Those highways constructed or improved under the Highway Law at the sole expense of the state,including the highways specified and described in§§340 and 341 of the Highway Law and acts amendatory thereof,including the highways heretofore classified or referred to as county highways elsewhere in the Highway Law and heretofore constructed or improved at the joint expense of the state,county and Town or state and county,as heretofore provided by law. STREET Any street,road or other public way dedicated to and accepted by the Town,including all the area thereof lying within the bounds of the dedicated right-of-way. TOWN The unincorporated section of the Town of Mamaroneck. TOWN HIGHWAY Those highways constructed,improved or maintained by the Town with the aid of the state or county,under the provisions of the Highway Law,including all highways in towns,outside of incorporated villages constituting separate road districts which are not state highways or county roads,as defined in this section. TOWN SUPERINTENDENT The Town Superintendent of Highways. VEHICLE Every device by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon the street. §187-2 Construction of sidewalks along county roads or state highways. A. The Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck may,by resolution,direct the Town Superintendent to construct a sidewalk along a described portion of any county road or state highway in the manner and not exceeding an expense to be specified in the resolution,and the expense of constructing such sidewalk shall be a Town charge and shall be paid in the same manner as other Town charges. B. No such sidewalks shall be built along any state highway until the State Superintendent of Public Works shall have given his consent thereto,pursuant to§54 of the Highway Law,and no such sidewalk shall be built along any county road until the County Superintendent of Highways shall have given his consent thereto,pursuant to§136 of the Highway Law. §187-3 Construction of sidewalks by property owner. Any property owner,after applying for and receiving a permit,may construct a sidewalk or curb on Town property or may build a drain from any structure,enclosure or lot of ground at his own expense.Before the owner may proceed with the work,the Town Engineer shall establish proper grades and the same shall be followed in laying such sidewalk,curb or drain.The width,materials and construction of such sidewalks, curbs and drains shall fully conform to standard specifications for such work.No drainage piping shall be allowed to discharge onto the surface of any public right-of-way. §187-4 Supervision of work. No person or corporation shall have the right to make any opening in any street or highway,including any sidewalk or curb,and all such openings in streets,sidewalks or curbs must be made under the supervision of the Superintendent of Highways and by employees working under him,except as hereinafter provided. §187-5 Street opening permit required;fee. [Amended 8-17-2011 by L.L.No.8-2011] Any individual,corporation,public service corporation or any municipal board or body which is required to maintain substructures in any street or highway,desiring to make or to have made an opening in a street or highway,must make written application for the same,addressed to the Superintendent of Highways.The Superintendent of Highways,except in the case of a public service corporation or municipal board or body required to maintain such substructures in any street or highway,shall have the discretion whether the opening shall be made by Town employees or may be made by the applicant.An application for a permit must be accompanied by the fee set forth in§A250-1,made payable to the Superintendent of Highways. §187-6 Bond or indemnity agreement for street openings. A. If the street opening is to be made by a person or corporation other than a municipal or public service corporation,the Town Superintendent of Highways may grant a permit for such street opening and make such conditions for the granting of such permit as he considers necessary under the circumstances,including a condition that such person or corporation shall furnish to the Town of Mamaroneck a surety bond in an amount approved by him and in such form as may be approved by the Counsel to the Town,issued by a casualty or indemnity insurance company,which bond shall indemnify the Town against all liability and expense by reason of any act or omission in and about the opening of such street.In every case where the Superintendent of Highways issues a permit for the opening of a street or highway,he shall require the applicant for the permit to obtain proper public liability insurance for himself,his contractors,agents or servants,protecting the Town and its Superintendent of Highways against any claim for injury to person or property occasioned by the opening of such street. B. In the case of a public service corporation or municipal board or body which is required to maintain substructures in any street or highway,the Counsel to the Town,in lieu of a bond,may accept and approve an indemnity agreement between the Town and such public service corporation,municipal board or body which is required to maintain substructures in any street or highway or liability insurance protecting the Town and its Superintendent of Highways against all liability or expense of whatever kind or nature,by reason of any act or omission of such public service corporation,municipal board or body. §187-7 Safety measures. All openings in highways shall be properly guarded and shall,between sundown and sunrise,be plainty lighted with red or yellow lights. §187-8 Responsibility for utilities. When the work is not done by Town employees,every applicant obtaining a permit to open a highway shall be solely responsible for the protection and functioning of all drains,sewers,basins,gas,water pipes, telephone and electric wires and conduits. §187-9 Restoration of surface. The surface of the highway opened shall be restored to as good condition as previous to the excavation. 187-10 Deposits on streets. /r Nppersan shall deposit any.aevicte,material or refuse or in any manner obstruct the highway or any part thereof except as provided in§187-11 of this chapter.Nor shall they pipe a sump pump,roof or footing drains or other water source directly onto or directed from a pointsource towards or onto the streets,sidewalks or rights-of-way. https://ecode360.com/9160203?highlight=jn,streets,the,the%20streets&searchld=13261341349906425#9160203 1/2 . 12/2/201'9 Town of Mamaroneck,NY Streets and Sidewalks §187-11 Building materials permit. No building material shall be placed upon any highway without a permit for the Superintendent of Highways.Such permit shall be for a period no longer than three months and shall not authorize the obstruction of any sidewalk or gutter or of more than one-third(1/3)of the roadway immediately opposite the lot upon which the building is to be erected and shall be revocable for cause by the Town Board.The holder of such permit shall so guard such material with red lights at night as to avoid accidents.Upon revocation of such permit,all materials deposited pursuant to such permit shall be removed within 48 hours and the highway restored to its original condition. §187-12 Driving across sidewalks and curbs;permit. No vehicle shall be driven across any sidewalk or curb except at graded crossings in existence and such as may be hereafter constructed without a temporary permit from the Superintendent of Highways.The applicant for such a permit shall deposit with the Superintendent of Highways such sum as is considered by the Superintendent of Highways sufficient to indemnify the Town of Mamaroneck against any damage to the sidewalk or curb but not less than$100. §187-13 Prompt removal of snow and ice. Every owner,lessee,tenant,occupant or other person having charge or control of any building or lot of land abutting upon any street or public place where the sidewalk is flagged,concreted or otherwise paved or laid shall,within 24 hours after the snow ceases to fall,remove the snow and ice from such sidewalk so as to provide a continuous passageway.In case the snow and ice on the sidewalk shall be frozen so hard that it cannot be removed without injury to the pavement,the owner,lessee,tenant,occupant or other person hereby charged with the duty to remove the same shall,within the time specified above,cause the sidewalk to be strewn with ashes,sand and/or some other abrasive substance and,thereafter as the weather shall permit,shall thoroughly clean said sidewalk. §187-14 Applicability;supersession of§151 of Highway Law. A. This chapter shall not apply to the opening of streets or highways for the purpose of making sewer house connections which are covered by the provisions of resolution or ordinance adopted by the Town Board,August 18,1936,and amended April 23,1947,pursuant to the provisions of§201 of the Town taw.t'i -.1 Editor's Note See now Ch.158.Plumbing and Ch.173,Sewers. B. This chapter supersedes the provisions of§151 of the Highway Law as it relates to the construction and maintenance of sidewalks along county roads and state highways as they apply to the Town of Mamaroneck,Westchester County,State of New York. §167-15 Penalties-for offenses. A. Any poem violating any ofthe provisions of this chapter,as the same may be from time to time amended,for which no otherpenalty is provided,shall be guilty of a violation punishable by imprisonment for not more than io days or by a fine of not more than$500,or both. B. Additional penalties.Violation of 8187-13 of this chapter shall subject the offender,for each offense,to a civil penalty not to exceed$25. C. Every day or part thereof that such violation shall continue shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct violation of said several provisions of this chapter and shall render every person liable for a separate penalty for each such violation. l\ 1 � , https://ecode360.com/9160203?highlight=in,streets,the,the%20streets&searchld=13261341349906425#9160203 2/2 d b Metal and Leaf Collection Seasonal Leaf Collection From mid-October to late December,the Highway Department devotes most of its operations to collect leaves piled onto the Town streets by residents and property owners.Dunng this seasonal task,the department collects an average of approximately 4,000 tons of leaves.Heavy equipment and hard labor is used to load trucks with leaves to be hauled to the leaf pen at the Hommocks School.In addition,the Town utilizes one leaf vacuum truck to supplement its collection operations.Residents can expect leaves to be collected from their street two to three times during this period. To Have Your Leaves Collected... Please note that property owners must • Place teems at the curb,not in the street. • Leaves left in the streets can create road hazards and clog storm drains. • Make certain the leaves are free of branches,logs,grass clippings,and other organic waste and garbage. Leaf piles contaminated with any of the above debris will not be collected until the property owner removes contaminates. Metal Items • Curbside collection for metal items takes place on Wednesdays by appointment only.To make an appointment,contact the Highway Department office at 914-381-7825 before 2 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the intended pickup date.Items must be placed curbside by 7 a.m.on the Wednesday of the appointment,and set out no earlier than the night before(after dusk). There may be an occasion when metal collection is postponed so the department may tend to other tasks such as leaf collection,snow removal and other operations.In addition, should the metal list be full,your appointment will be scheduled for the next available Wednesday. Please note that metal items placed at the curb when not confirmed by appointment is a violation of town code. Annual Holiday Tree Collection Curbside pickup of holiday trees is available from the last week in December until mid-January.Holiday wreaths will be collected by the Sanitation Department as"rubbish"on the second pick-up day of the week. Other Rubbish All other rubbish is handled by the Joint Sanitation Commission. Contact Us Highway Department Email the Highwayaepartment Physical Address 740 West Boston Post Road Second Floor Mamaroneck,NY 10543 Phone:914-381-7825 The Town Center is open from Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Highway Yard Hours Monday-Friday 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Directory. Enable Google Translate 12/2/2019 Town of Mamaroneck,NY Property Maintenance ' §161-7 Definitions and word usage. The following definitions shall govern the interpretation of this article unless otherwise expressly defined herein.Words used in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.The word'shall'is always mandatory. PERSON A natural person or persons,corporations,copartnerships,unincorporated associations or any other organizations of two or more persons who is or are the owner or owners,mortgagee or vendee in possession,assignee of rents,receiver,executor,trustee,lessee or agent directly or indirectly in control of a building within the confines of the own,as defined aforesaid. TOWN All areas within the Town of Mamaroneck,exclusive of areas wholly within any incorporated village. §161-8 Standards for open areas. A. Surface and subsurface water shall be appropriately drained to protect buildings and structures and to prevent the development of stagnant ponds. B. No shopping baskets,carts or wagons shall be left unattended or standing,and said baskets,carts or wagons shall be regularly collected and removed to the interior of the building or buildings from which they were taken by the person responsible for said building or buildings. C. All fences shall be maintained by the person responsible for the property.Such maintenance shall include but not be limited to the replacement and/or repair of fences which may become in disrepair. D. All landscaping shall be well maintained so that lawns,hedges,bushes and trees shall be kept trimmed and free from becoming overgrown and unsightly where exposed to public view and where the same may constitute a blighting factor,thereby depreciating adjoining property.Such maintenance shall include but not be limited to the replacement of trees and shrubs which may die and/or otherwise be destroyed. E. All recharge stormwater basins shall be maintained by the person responsible for the property.Such maintenance shall include but not be limited to: (i) The cleaning of storm sewers and other drainage appurtenances serving said basin so that said installations function as designed. (z) The removal of any garbage,rubbish,silt,topsoil or other foreign material which creates an unsanitary condition or prevents or impedes the leaching action of said basin. F. Steps,walks,driveways,parking spaces and similar paved areasshall be maintained so as.to afford safe passage under normal use and weather conditions.Any holes or other hazards that may exist shall be filled or necessary repairs or replacement carried out.All Off-street parking facilities shall be swept at least twice a year. G. Yards,courts and vacant lots shall be kept clean and free of physical hazards,rodent harborage and infestation.They shall be maintained in a manner that will prevent rubbish from being blown about the neighborhood.Open wells,cesspools or cisterns shall be securely dosed or barricaded from access to the public. H. All permanent signs exposed to public view shall be maintained in good repair.Excessively weathered or faded signs shall be removed or put into a good state of repair.All nonoperative or broken electrical signs shall be repaired or removed. --'7-1996 by L.L.No.14-1996', I. No person shall deposit,throw or scatter or suffer,permit or allow the accumulation of any filth,dirt,ashes,junk,garbage,wastepaper,dust,rubbish,sticks,stones,grass,wood,leaves,paper or paper boxes, iron,tin,nails,bottles or glass of any kind,old cars and parts thereof or any other kind of rubbish or waste material upon any sidewalk,highway or public place or upon any vacant or improved lot,piece or parcel of ground abutting upon any sidewalk,highway or public place or upon any private property within the Town except in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 183,Solid Waste,of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck. §161-9 Standards for buildings and structures. A. All exterior exposed surfaces not inherently resistant to deterioration shall be repaired,coated,treated or sealed to protect them from deterioration or weathering. B. Floors,walls,ceilings,stairs,furnishings and fixtures of buildings shall be maintained in a clean,safe and sanitary condition.Every floor,exterior wall,roof and porch or appurtenance thereto shall be maintained in a manner so as to prevent collapse of the same or injury to the occupants of the building or to the public. C. The foundation walls of every building shall be maintained in good repair and be structurally sound. D. Exterior walls,including doors and windows,roofs and the areas around doors,windows,chimneys and other parts of a building shall be so maintained as to keep water from entering the building and to prevent undue heat loss from occupied areas.Materials which have been damaged or show evidence of dry rot or other deterioration shall be repaired or replaced and refinished in a workmanlike manner. Exterior walls,roofs and other parts of the building shall be free from loose and unsecured objects and material.Such objects or materials shall be removed,repaired or replaced. E. The owner of a vacated building shall take such steps and perform such acts as may be required of him from time to time to ensure that the building and its adjoining yards remain safe and secure and do not present a hazard to adjoining property or to the public. F. Buildings and structures shall be maintained free of insect,vermin and rodent harborage and infestation.The methods used for exterminating insects,vermin and rodents shall conform to generally accepted practice. §161-10 Heating of occupied buildings and potable water. [Added 1-2-197,1D)Li-L.No. A. Every owner,operator or person who shall have contracted or undertaken to heat or to furnish heat for any building or portion thereof,or has a business establishment where ore or more persons are employed,shall heat or furnish heat for every occupied room in such building or portion thereof so that a minimum air temperature of 68°F.shall be maintained therein between the hours of 6:00 a.m.and 11:o°p.m.and not less than 60°F.between the hours of 15:00 p.m.and 6:oo a.m.,whenever the outer or street temperature shall fall below 50°F.Potable water-.- 'acing equipment shall be maintained to supply sufficient domestic hot water at adequate pressure to each hot-water plumbing outlet at a minimum temperature range of one hundred thirty degrees to one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit(130°to 14o°F.)at all times. (1) This section shall not apply where the failure to maintain the minimum requirement is caused by a general shortage of fuel,negligent or malicious act of the occupant,necessary repairs or alterations or any cause beyond the control of the owner or occupant. (z) The term'air temperature"shall mean a temperature of the atmosphere obtained at the approximate center line of any interior wall at a distance of 48 inches above the average floor level of the room. (3) This section shall not apply to buildings or portions thereof used and occupied for trades,businesses or occupations where high or low air temperatures are essential and unavoidable. B. No person shall cause any service facility,equipment or utility which is required to be supplied by the provisions of this article to be removed or shut off from or discontinued for any occupied dwelling unit except for necessary repairs,alterations or emergencies. §161-11 Penalties for offenses. A. Any person violating any provisions of this article shall be guilty of an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment,or both.Any person violating any provisions of this article shall be subject to a penalty in the sum of not more than$5o for the first violation and in a sum of not more than$loo for subsequent violations,said penalties to be recovered in a civil action in the name of the Town of Mamaroneck. Amended 7-17-1996 _.L.No.14-19961 B. Each and every day of violation is to be considered a separate violation under this article II and,therefore,subjects the offender to a separate penalty for each and every day. [Added 12-17-1975 by L.L.No.1-1975J §161-12 Enforcement. [Amended l-20-2010 i-20161 The Building Inspector or the Director of Building Code Enforcement and Land Use Administration or either's designated representative shall enforce this article. https://ecode360.com/9159479 2/3 . • ' ''tar t . . ... . . . . • -.IC .. ,• ....... - 44 .... ; • • 4 * i ..'" 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I •4• .... --.'1 . „, .46,-• . -"1 ,......., .... t : - ... • - - - V i 4t r, . ..h. e 1161 li P ' * i .. . . .. . .%., • 1.li 7, . . ' e__)(\\\ -•- - - - - --"' . ..... , - .„iiipplpf•'- - .., • . ...• . - , •. -. ......1 itillW°.. . ....... ...... •f -,.......--- . ,•___ . 4 . . . , .. .. . . _ ...., .... ... ., - . .a...g"'`' ,.... - _ - • . . ...• ) '. .., _., . .„ ......• . -, ... .. ' 4 , - ,..., .1f .. 4 . ' . 12/4/2019 Garbage cans porn:easnMlT.,luno raman. `To:Supenisor<SupenscreTrwoMamario.d0V.oq,.katrrMre'Ynmlms©reNv..ow Sups Gemap•ores N:rim..Now AIa 1113 Arocmeob:KIMGI1a1.J1G(2130) Come on nancy,these are the one al stop and shop.They arc heavy and in spite of Stever assertion no one will slop on pan rd to throw out their home garbage.You said you are stickle with littering is gets in sewers then act already and mol. • aeries Ow. I�. c\I https://mail.aol.com/webmaii-std/en-gb/PrintMessage 1/1 12/4/2019 RE:on the meeting-no littering signs,and the leafs-asking for motions at next meeting From:Seligson,Nancy cSupervisor@TownofMamaroneckNY.org> To:katzmhome@verizonnt<kalzmhome@verizon.net>;Alfieri,Stephen oSVAI ieri@TownorMamaronec*NY.org> Subject RE:on the meeting-no littering signs,and the feats-asking for motions at next meeting Date:Mon,25 Nov 2019 17:50 Dear Michael: Thank you for your email.The Town will consider putting a No Littering sign on the Post Road.We don't need to pass a law since we already have the law for no littering in the Town code.We have to determine where to place the sign.We will review the signage and spacing on the Post Road for a site. As for the bagging of leaves,the Town Board is not in favor of changing the current system at this time.There are considerations of increased costs for residents and increased man power needed to pick up bags.The Town doesn't have the extra garbage trucks needed for bag pick up.We currently use Highway Department equipment to pick up the leaf piles. Sincerely, Nancy Seligson Nancy Seligson Supervisor Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck,NY 10543 (914)381-7805 supervisorttownofmamaroneckny,Qrg From:katzmhome@veirizon.net Imailto:katanhome@vcrizon.net] Sent:Wednesday,November 20,2019 10:49 PM To:Seligson,Nancy<Supervisor@TownofMamaroneckNY.org>;Altieri,Stephen<SVAltieri@TownotMamaroneckNY.org> Subject:on the meeting-no littering signs,and the leafs-asking for motions at next meeting Nancy,Steve,thank you for the opportunity to speak. When I mentioned about putting no littering signs along the Post Road, with what the fine is, Nancy you said that is a possibility& other members seemed to agree with that being a good idea. To put it into action can we have a motion on it for the Dec 4, meeting. Thank you. Michael Katz- Ps- Ms.Katz , mentioned when I brought up the leaf issue, she said, there is an ordinance about not putting them in the street. Hence, why is this not enforced, also when I mentioned about the bagging of the leaves, you keep saying about it being more expensive. The expense has nothing to do with you. Whether it is the leaf blowers or individuals on their lawns, they are paying for the means of bagging them. Wouldn't that make it easier for the Town to remove, instead of having to scoop up these 2 to 4 ft piles? Whether raking or a blowing, they should not be left on a public road, and I propose that going to a motion on Dec 4th also. https://mail.aol.com/webmail-std/en-gb/PrintMessage 1/1 A , , . i.„. ,, , ,, , k \ ‘ % •A g ' . F r 1. 1111 ,!i 1 ' .M tPIO ;tom - , .,- ',. i.,..,:.-, ..--kr,-..i....i,,.::.4„,..-,,,,..., -',.tit.%„iy:**tle:•' to Ni _i . hz ‘44 .i,i ti 4 aViti, s 110 i .44 C..\ .. I At a ''matili* Oh" l 'AN KIN , it ,,4 1 et w iis 10Nt .. . ,.. .. .., , • kt At • • .,, >. L M' a.�. 'm . aye �e I ,i1:, IA 4 06K--\ c`dee/ki-bd-A (,0_,,, Gc 1 ct,^ Calculation of Termination Fee otocufylefi7r System Size (W) 519,500 Capitalization Price/W $2.26 Tax Credit 35.00% ##### Vder Rate $0.1919 Local Grant ##### less mkg&mgmi $0.0150 Opex 20 less 10% dlscoun $0.019 Electric Sales $0.158 Escalation Sales 0.50% OperEx Escalatior 0.5% Panel Degradatioi 0.5% Discount Rate 5.00% NPV of LEASE- NPV of Remaining Proposed Straight production Electric Net Flec EC_ year_ Per lease Payment Q Remaining Net Sales Start Date End Date Termination Amort (kWh) Sales S SES Net Sales reraf vire incl. ITC' Table Value 1 $1,172,861 $1,172,861 594,828 $93,810 $30,250 $10,390 $53,170 $704,843 $410,501 $1,115,345 0 1 $1,115,345 2 $1,114,218 $1,114,218 591,854 $94,279 $30,250 $10,442 $53,587 $686,915 $328,401 $1,015,316 1 2 $1,015,316 3 $1,058,507 $1,055,575 588,895 $94,751 $30,250 $10,494 $54,007 $667,674 $246,301 $913,974 2 3 $913,974 4 $1,005,582 $996,932 585,950 $95,225 $30,250 $10,547 $54,428 $647,051 $164,201 $811,251 3 4 $811,251 5 $955,303 $938,289 583,020 $95,701 $30,250 $10,599 $54,851 $624,975 $82,100 $707,076 4 5 $707,076 6 $907,538 $879,646 580,105 $96,179 $30,250 $10,652 $55,277 $601,373 $0 $601,373 5 6 $601,373 7 $862,161 $821,003 577,205 $96,660 $30,250 $10,706 $55,704 $576,165 $576,165 6 7 $576,165 8 $819,053 $762,360 574,319 $97,143 $30,250 $10,759 $56,134 $549,268 $549,268 7 8 $549,268 9 $778,100 $703,717 571,447 $97,629 $30,250 $10,813 $56,566 $520,598 $520,598 8 9 $520,598 10 $739,195 $645,074 568,590 $98,117 $30,250 $10,867 $57,000 $490,061 $490,061 9 10 $490,061 11 $561,788 $586,431 565,747 $98,608 $30,250 $10,921 $57,436 $457,564 $457,564 10 11 $457,564 12 $505,609 $527,787 562,918 $99,101 $30,250 $10,976 $57,875 $423,006 $423,006 11 12 $423,006 13 $455,048 $469,144 560,104 $99,596 $30,250 $11,031 $58,316 $386,282 $386,282 12 13 $386,282 14 $409,543 $410,501 557,303 $100,094 $30,250 $11,086 $58,758 $347,280 $347,280 13 14 $347,280 15 $368,589 $351,858 554,517 $100,595 $30,250 $11,141 $59,203 $305,886 $305,886 14 15 $305,886 16 $294,871 $293,215 551,744 $101,098 $30,250 $11,197 $59,651 $261,977 $261,977 15 16 $261,977 17 $235,897 $234,572 548,985 $101,603 $30,250 $11,253 $60,100 $215,425 $215,425 16 17 $215,425 18 $188,718 $175,929 546,240 $102,111 $30,250 $11,309 $60,552 $166,096 $166,096 17 18 $166,096 19 $150,974 $117,286 543,509 $102,622 $30,250 $11,366 $61,006 $113,849 $113,849 18 19 $113,849 20 $120,779 $58,643 540,792 $103,135 $30,250 $11,423 $61,462 $58,535 $58,535 19 20 and after FMV r Sample Calculation of Electric Savings- LMI Customer Town of Mamaroneck Community Solar Project System Size(KW) 520,000 System Output (kwh) 590,000 Community Solar ("VDER") Rate (1) $0.190 Typical LMI Customer • Annual Electric Usage (kwh) 3,000 Subscription Allocation (kwh) 2,700 Typically set at 90% of annual usage Current Bill Rates ($/kwh) ESCO Supply $0.070 Con Ed Charges - delivery, taxes $0-13D Total $0.200 Current Bill-Annual Electric Charges ESCO Supply $210 Con Ed Charges - delivery, taxes ($/kwh) $3411 Total - Current $600 Customer Bills with Community Solar 1) Bill from Sunlight Electric Rate(2) $0.171 Usage (kwh) 2,700 Annual Amount paid to Sunlight $462 2) Bill from Con Ed Electric Rate $0.200 Usage 3,000 Con Ed Bill before Solar Credit 600 less Solar Credit(3) (513) Sunlight has confirmed can be taken against entire bill including ESCO supply cost. Net Con Ed Bill 87 Both Bills 549 Total Savings with Community Solar $51 (1) Set by Con Ed. Will increase over time. (2) Equal to VDER rate less 10% = $0.171 (3) Equal to VDER rate x kwh subscription allocation. SARIZE '•-.:/L/ ESTCHESTER Community Solar Credits and Payment Example This ConEd customer receives both electric and natural gas service from the utility as well as being a community solar subscriber. Her bill is the same as a utility customer who is not a community solar subscriber,with one addition.As a community solar subscriber,the monthly value of the subscriber's share of solar energy produced, is shown as a credit,labelled "Adjustments."The total this customer pays to the utility is the total electric plus the total gas charges minus the Adjustments,or community solar credit. In this case the new charges due are$60.27. Your billing summary as of Oct 16,2017 Your previous charges and payments Total charges from your last bill $49.07 Payments through Oct 12, thank you -$49.07 Remaining balance None Your new charges -details start on page 2 Billing period: Sep 13, 2017 to Oct 12,2017 Electricity charges -for 29 days $213.43 Gas charges -for 29 days $52.10 Adjustments -$205.26 Total new charges $60.27 Total amount due $60.27 Payment is due upon receipt of this bill.To avoid a late payment charge of 1.5%, please pay the total amount due by Nov 7,2017. The community solar subscriber is then later billed a discounted amount by the owner of the community solar project. In the case of a community solar plan that offers a 10%discount,as in this example,the customer is billed the value of the community solar subscription credit minus 10%,or$184.73 ($205.26 —$20.53=$184.73). 1111.01g ---Met*Ot -- The savings from her community solar subscription for this month is$20.53—the 10%difference between the value of the credit and the discounted amount the subscriber pays for that credit. Regardless of the size of the community solar credit for any month,a subscriber with a 10%discount plan will always be billed 10%less than that amount. o 9 w/SAZ Z Town of Mamaroneck .1p -�—. "�` m County of Westchester 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 • FOUHDE0766t. COUNSEL TEL: 914/381-7815 FAX: 914/381-7809 wmaker@townofmamaroneck.org MEMORANDUM To: Members of the Town Board ccs: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Richard Polcari, Building Inspector From: William Maker, Jr., Attorney for the Town Subject: Amendment to the law regarding Rock Removal by Mechanical Means Date: November 22, 2019 I accepted the changes to the existing law that appeared in the November 15th redline and proceeded to redline further changes based upon the Town Board's comments and the Building Inspector's research. I also made two non-controversial alterations. The Building Inspector found little information regarding air sampling when rock is removed by mechanical means from small sites, such as the typical residential lot in the Town. However, because there may be situations where air quality is an issue, I provided for the possibility of testing air quality (last sentence of section B on page 2). The Board should realize that if air quality is tested, rock removal will come to a halt while the air sampling equipment is set up and the test performed. Such delay may result in having to extend the number of days for rock removal beyond the statutory fifteen. There never has been confusion within the building industry as to what is meant by conducting a survey of nearby properties before blasting is done. I do not foresee confusion when it comes to surveying before chipping. I did change section E. to require that the inspection be done by a third party and emphasized that all improvements be inspected. In other words, the survey is not limited houses and garages, but includes swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. Upon reflection, I did not alter the letter to the neighbors to mention surveying. The letter must specify when the chipping will begin. It may not be possible for the applicant to project when the surveys will be completed and therefore set the dates for rock removal in the letter. The more logical course is to conduct the surveys prior to filing for the permit which is before the letter is sent. to Printed on Recycled Paper To: Members of the Town Board ccs: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Richard Polcari, Building Inspector From: William Maker, Jr.,Attorney for the Town Subject: Amendment to the law regarding Rock Removal by Mechanical Means Date: November 22, 2019 Page Two The non-controversial changes start with the addition of the position of Director of Building Code and Land Use Administration. Although that position currently is vacant, there may come a time when it is filled. The person in that position should be able to issue a rock removal permit. The other change is to conform the method for setting the starting date for chipping original construction (section D., page 2) to the new method for setting the starting date for chipping in other circumstances in section C. on page 2. If the proposed law is in acceptable form, the Town Board can set a public hearing where members of the public can express their views on the proposal. 4111 �� ,1. §106-58.1 Duration and hours for mechanical rock removal. As used in this section,the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: A. MECHANICAL MEANS The use of any tools that are not operated solely by human muscular power. Explosives and the tools used in connection therewith shall not be considered mechanical means. ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION Streets and curbs, and the lines, pipes, culverts and conduits used for transporting potable water, storm water, sewage and utilities, such as gas, telephone, electricity, cable television and Internet service,that are built on land subdivided after February 1, 2004, if the subdivision plat creating the lots in that subdivision also created one or more new private or public streets or created extensions to any existing private or public street. ROCK Natural stone. ROCK REMOVAL The reduction in size of rocks by mechanical means and the removal of such rock from the subject property. ROCK REMOVAL PERMIT A permit issued for rock removal on a subject property. SUBJECT PROPERTY A lot for which a rock removal permit is required,or land where original construction is to occur if such land lies outside a lot. B. A rock removal permit is required for the removal of rock of any quantity. No rock removal permit shall be issued until the Building Inspector or the Director of Building Code Enforcement and Land Use Administration approves the dust mitigation plan submitted by the applicant. Such plan must incorporate the best dust control practices, including but not limited to, a water spray system(air suppression or surface wetting)or other practices that are considered best dust practices at the time the application for a rock removal permit is made.The dust mitigation plan also must present the measures the applicant intends to use to control water runoff as a result of water spraying. In the sole discretion of the Building Inspector or the Director of Building Code Enforcement and Land Use Administration, air quality sampling may be required during the course of rock removal. C. Rock removal shall be allowed only on the 15 days (not including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays listed in §24 of the New York General Construction Law) starting on the date specified for the commencement of rock removal contained in the notice to neighbors described in§106-58.1 F.The rock removal permit shall contain the date after which rock removal no longer will be allowed to be done pursuant to that permit. Upon a showing of undue hardship, the Building Inspector or the Director of Building Code Enforcement and Land Use Administration may extend the last day on which rock may be removed pursuant to a rock removal permit by up to five days. If the number of additional days would include a day or days on which rock removal is prohibited by this section,the extension period will bypass such days and resume on the first day thereafter when rock removal is permitted by this section. This subsection shall not apply to original construction. D. For original construction, rock removal shall be allowed only for the 180 days (not including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays listed in §24 of the New York General Construction Law)starting on the date specified for the commencement of rock removal contained in the notice to neighbors described in§106-58.1 F. :•. - . . . : , - . . - . - . .. . That permit shall contain the date after which rock removal no longer will be allowed to be done pursuant to that permit. E. Before rock removal can begin, the applicant shall have a third-party conduct a survey of the condition of all the improvements existing on each lot that has a lot line lying within 150 feet of any lot line of the subject property. If the occupant of a lot lying within the area to be surveyed refuses to allow a survey to be done, the applicant shall submit an affidavit stating that he/she had attempted to gain access but was denied. Submission of such an affidavit will be obviate the requirement for a survey of that lot. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a survey shall not be required if all of the rock removal will be done using mechanical means that are designed to be handheld while operating. F.Notice to neighbors; affidavit of mailing. 2 i f (1)No later than 10 days before rock removal, the following notice shall be mailed to the owners of each lot that has a lot line lying within 150 feet of any lot line of the subject property: "Dear Neighbor, Rock removal from the property known as [INSERT THE STREET ADDRESS OR THE LOCATION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IF IT HAS NO STREET ADDRESS]by mechanical means,such as drills,jackhammers and other types of gas, diesel or electric powered equipment is scheduled to begin on[INSERT EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ROCK REMOVAL PERMIT]. The law does not permit rock removal by mechanical means to occur on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays.It also prohibits such removal before 9:00 a.m. (prevailing time)and after 3:00 p.m. (prevailing time) on those days when rock removal by mechanical means is permitted. The last day on which rock can be removed from this site by mechanical means is [INSERT THE LAST DATE ON WHICH ROCK REMOVAL BY MECHANICAL MEANS CAN OCCUR]. For further information,please contact[INSERT THE NAME OF THE OWNER OR THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE PROJECT] at the following telephone number: [INSERT CURRENT TELEPHONE NUMBER OF THE PERSON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ABOVE]. Very truly yours, [SIGNATURE OF THE OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY] [PRINT OR TYPE THE NAME OF THE OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY]" (2) An affidavit attesting to that mailing must be filed with the Building Department before a rock removal permit can be issued for the subject property. The owner of the subject property shall attest to that affidavit. G. There shall be no more than two machines and two hammers operating on the subject property at the same time. H. Rock crushing on the subject property is not permitted at any time. I. Motor vehicles used to transport particulate matter must be covered. J. While on the subject property, any particulate matter must be sufficiently soaked or stored so as to prevent the particulate matter from becoming airborne.The Building Inspector may require secured tarps or coverings made of plastic or other material to further reduce dust emissions. 3 K. Rock removal shall not be permitted in any residence district or in the Recreation District of the Town of Mamaroneck: (1) On Saturdays; (2) On Sundays; (3) On public holidays listed in§24 of the New York General Construction Law;or (4) Before 9:00 a.m. (prevailing time) or after 3:00 p.m. (prevailing time) on weekdays which are not public holidays listed in§24 of the New York General Construction Law. L. No more than one rock removal permit shall be issued for a subject property within any twelve-month period. M. Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a violation which shall be punishable by a fine of not more than$1,000, and also shall be liable for the civil penalty imposed by§106- 55C of the Code.Each use of mechanical means to remove rock on a day or at an hour when rock removal is prohibited by this section shall constitute a separate offense. N. If there is a violation of this section by someone other than the owner of the subject property, the owner of the subject property also shall be guilty of a violation which shall be punishable by a fine of not more than$1,000, and also shall be liable for the civil penalty imposed by§ 106-55C of the Code. O. This section shall not apply to the removal of rock which is excavated without first being reduced in size. P. This section shall not apply to public utility companies,the United States of America,the State of New York,the County of Westchester,the Town of Mamaroneck,the Mamaroneck Union Free School District, the Villages of Larchmont, Mamaroneck or Scarsdale or any independent contractors engaged by any of them. November 22,2019 changes made on November 15,2019 accepted r 4 1 - -I ,) Battalia, Christina From: Altieri, Stephen Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2019 3:48 PM To: Katz, Abby; Fiddelman, Sabrina; Eney,Jaine; King,Jeffery; Seligson, Nancy Cc: Yogman, Tracy; Battalia, Christina Subject: FW: Permit Fee Analysis.xlsx Parking Lots A & B Attachments: Permit Fee Analysis.xlsx Members of the Board: On tomorrow evenings work session agenda is a continued discussion of the sale of parking permits, the fees and term of the permits. We have been evaluating the financial implications of the changes being discussed. As part of the discussion, we would like for the Board to consider the sale of a 19 month permit that would run from June 2020 to December 2021. The 19 month permit would be an option open to residents. They could still purchase a 7 month permit from June 2020 to December 2020. To incentivize the purchase of a 19 month permit a discount can be offered. Attached is a permit fee analysis prepared by the Comptroller that provides alternative scenarios for parking permit sales. Her analysis provides different scenarios with alternative fees and discounts. One potential advantage of a 19 month permit is the front loading of revenues to the Town in 2020 and can be used in 2021 to make up for any shortfall in permit revenue caused by the sale of a 19 month permit. If you have questions or need additional information before the meeting let me know. Steve Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Rd Mamaroneck, New York 10543 (P) 914 381-7810 (F) 914 381-7809 SValtieri@townofmamaroneckny.org From:Yogman,Tracy Sent:Tuesday, December 3, 2019 3:33 PM To:Altieri, Stephen <SVAltieri@TownofMamaroneckNY.org>; Battalia, Christina <CBattalia@TownofMamaroneckNY.org> Subject: RE: Permit Fee Analysis.xlsx Attached is revised with a no increase scenario for Lot B. From: Yogman,Tracy Sent: Monday, December 02, 2019 5:33 PM To:Altieri, Stephen<SVAltieri@TownofMamaroneckNY.org>; Battalia, Christina <CBattalia(ai iownotiViarnaroneckNY.orp> Subject: Permit Fee Analysis.xisx Hi Steve/Christina- Attached is a revised analysis with a tab for Lot A and a tab for Lot B for review tomorrow. Tracy 2 Town of Mamaroneck 2020 Lot B-PERMITS-24 hr access Total Permit Fee 2020 2021 Annual for 19 Revenue Revenue 2020/21 Scenario Description Discount Permit Period B Permits Permit Fee months 7 Months 12 Months TOTAL Results N/A Lot B-Regular 6/1/20-5/31/21 70 $ 900 $ 1,425 $ 63,000 $ 63,000 $ 126,000 N/A Lot B-Seniors 6/1/20-5/31/21 46 $ 725 $ 1,148 $ 33,350 $ 33,350 $ 66,700 1 Current N/A Lot B-Area Business 6/1/20-5/31/21 28 $ 625 $ 990 $ 17,500 $ 17,500 $ 35,000 TOTAL $ 1,625 $ 2,573 $ 113,850 $ 113,850 $ 227,700 No Savings for residents, None Lot B-Regular 6/1/20-12/31/21 70 $ 900 $ 1,425 $ 36,750 $ 63,000 $ 99,750 Residents pay 19 months 'Issue 19 month permit 'No No Savings for residents, Fee Increase *No None Lot B-Seniors 6/1/20-12/31/21 46 $ 725 $ 1,148 $ 19,454 $ 33,350 $ 52,804 Residents pay 19 months discount *Defer No Savings,Residents pay 19 2 12 months OR Appropriate 12 None Lot B-Area Business 6/1/20-12/31/21 28 $ 625 $ 990 $ 10,208 $ 17,500 $ 27,708 months months from Fund Balance in 2020 Budget($107k annual)over 2021 budget$73k,after deferral/appropriation net 2020 TOTAL $ 2,250 $ 3,563 $ 66,413 $ 113,850 $ 180,263 shortfall$41k 1 No Savings for residents, None Lot B-Regular 6/1/20-12/31/21 70 $ 1,000 $ 1,583 $ 40,833 $ 70,000 $ 110,833 Residents pay 19 months "Issue 19 month permit - "Fee Increase$100 reg/$75 None No Savings for residents, Srs/business Lot B-Seniors 6/1/20-12/31/21 46 $ 800 $ 1,267 $ 21,467 $ 36,800 $ 58,267 Residents pay 19 months 3 "No discount None No Savings,Residents pay 19 ,Lot B-Area Business 6/1/20-12/31/21 28 $ 700 $ 1,108 $ 11,433 $ 19,600 $ 31,033 months 'Defer 12 months OR Appropriate 12 months from 2020 t$93k,udget iter nnual)over budget$93k,after Fund Balance in 2021 deferral/appropriation net 2020 TOTAL $ 2,500 $ 3,958 $ 73,733 $ 126,400 $ 200,133 shortfall$33k 5% Residents save 5%or$79 for •Issoe 19 month permit Lot B-Regular 6/1/20-12/31/21 70 $ 950 $ 1,504 $ 38,792 $ 66,500 $ 105,292 paying 19 months *Fee Increase$100 reg/$75 None No Savings for Seniors,Residents Srs/business Lot B-Seniors 6/1/20-12/31/21 46 $ 800 $ 1,267 $ 21,467 $ 36,800 $ 58,267 pay 19 months 4 '5%discount-Reg/business 5% Residents save 5%or$55 for Lot B-Area Business 6/1/20-12/31/21 28 $ 665 $ 1,053 $ 10,862 $ 18,620 $ 29,482 paying 19 months 'Defer 12 months OR Appropriate 12 months from 2020 tB$86k,dget iter nnual)over budget$86k,after Fund Balance in 2021 deferral/appropriation net 2020 TOTAL $ 2,415 $ 3,824 $ 71,120 $ 121,920 $ 193,040 shortfall$36k 10Y Residents save 10%or$158 for 'Issue 19 month permit Lot B-Regular 6/1/20-12/31/21 70 $ 900 $ 1,425 $ 36,750 $ 63,000 $ 99,750 paying 19 months 'Fee Increase$100 reg/$75 None No Savings for Seniors,Residents Srs/business ,Lot B-Seniors 6/1/20-12/31/21 46 $ 800 $ 1,267 $ 21,467 $ 36,800 $ 58,267 pay 19 months S '10%discount-Reg/business 10% Residents save 10%or$110 for "Defer 1J-months OR ,Lot B-Area Business 6/1/20-12/31/21 28 $ 630 $ 998 $ 10,290 $ 17,640 $ 27,930 paying 19 months 2020 Budget($107k annual over Appropriate 12 months from budget$79k,after Fund Balance in 2021 deferral/appropriation net 2020 TOTAL $ 2,330 $ 3,689 $ 68,507 $ 117,440 $ 185,947 shortfall$38k 'Issue 7 month permit through None Lot B-Regular 6/1/20-12/31/20 70 $ 1,000 $ 618 $ 43,283 $ 70,000 $ 113,283 Residents pay addtnl$35/Fee Dec 2020 and 12 month permit None Lot B-Seniors 6/1/20-12/31/20 46 $ 800 $ 502 $ 23,077 $ 36,800 $ 59,877 Residents pay addtnl$35/Fee 6 in 2021 'Fee Increase None Lot B-Area Business 6/1/20-12/31/20 28 $ 700 $ 443 $ 12,413 $ 19,600 $ 32,013 Residents pay addtnl$35/Fee $100 reg/$75 Srs/business 2020 Budget(5107k annual)net LUS$35 Admin Fee TOTAL $ 2,500 $ 1,563 $ 78,773 $ 126,400 $ 205,173 2020 shortfall$28k O Town of Mamaroneck 2020 Lot B-PERMITS-24 hr access Total Permit Fee 2020 2021 Annual for 19 Revenue Revenue 2020/21 Scenario Description Discount Permit Period N Permits Permit Fee months 7 Months 12 Months TOTAL Results N/A Lot B-Regular 6/1/20-5/31/21 70 $ 900 $ 1,425 $ 63,000 $ 63,000 $ 126,000 N/A Lot B-Seniors 6/1/20-5/31/21 46 $ 725 $ 1,148 $ 33,350 $ 33,350 $ 66,700 1 Current N/A Lot B-Area Business 6/1/20-5/31/21 28 $ 625 $ 990 $ 17,500 $ 17,500 $ 35,000 TOTAL $ 1,625 $ 2,573 $ 113,850 $ 113,850 $ 227,700 None No Savings or resi.ents, Lot B-Regular 6/1/20-12/31/21 70 $ 900 $ 1,425 $ 36,750 $ 63,000 $ 99,750 Residents pay 19 months "Issue 19 month permit 'No No Savings for residents, Fee Increase 'No None Lot B-Seniors 6/1/20-12/31/21 46 $ 725 $ 1,148 $ 19,454 $ 33,350 $ 52,804 Residents pay 19 months 2 discount "Defer 12 months ORA Appropriate None riate No Savings,Residents pay 19 PP P 12 Lot B-Area Business 6/1/20-12/31/21 28 $ 625 $ 990 $ 10,208 $ 17,500 $ 27,708 months months from Fund Balance in 2020 Budget($107k annual)over 2021 budget$73k,after deferral/appropriation net 2020 TOTAL $ 2,250 $ 3,563 $ 66,413 $ 113,850 $ 180,263 shortfall$41k AIM& -A1111110, None No Savings for residents, "Issue 19 month permit Lot 13-Regular 6/1/20-12/31/21 70 $ 1,000 $ 1,583 $ 40,833 $ 70,000 $ 110,833 Residents pay 19 months "Fee Increase$100 reg/$75 None No Savings for residents, Srs/business Lot B-Seniors 6/1/20-12/31/21 46 $ 800 $ 1,267 $ 21,467 $ 36,800 $ 58,267 Residents pay 19 months 3 "No discount None No Savings,Residents pay 19 'Defer 12 months OR Lot B-Area Business 6/1/20-12/31/21 28 $ 700 $ 1,108 $ 11,433 $ 19,600 $ 31,033 months Appropriate 12 months from 2020 Budget($107k annual)over budget$93k,after Fund9alance in 2021 deferral/appropriation net 2020 TOTAL $ 2,500 $ 3,958 $ 73,733 $ 126,400 $ 200,133 shortfall$33k Residents save 5%or$79 for 5% Lot B-Regular 6/1/20-12/31/21 70 $ 950 $ 1,504 $ 38,792 $ 66,500 $ 105,292 paying 19 months 'Issue 19 month permit "Fee Increase$100 reg/$75 None No Savings for Seniors,Residents Srs/business Lot B-Seniors 6/1/20-12/31/21 46 $ 800 $ 1,267 $ 21,467 $ 36,800 $ 58,267 pay 19 months 4 '5%discount-Reg/business 5% Residents save 5%or$55 for 'Defer 12 months OR Lot B-Area Business 6/1/20-12/31/21 28 $ 665 $ 1,053 $ 10,862 $ 18,620 $ 29,482 paying 19 months 2020 Budget($107k annual)over Appropriate 12 months from Fund Balance in 2021 budget$86k,after deferral/appropriation net 2020 TOTAL $ 2,415 $ 3,824 $ 71,120 $ 121,920 $ 193,040 shortfall$36k 10% Residents save 10%or$158 for "Issue 19 month permit Lot B-Regular 6/1/20-12/31/21 70 $ 900 $ 1,425 $ 36,750 $ 63,000 $ 99,750 paying 19 months "Fee Increase$100 reg/$75 None No Savings for Seniors,Residents Srs/business Lot B-Seniors 6/1/20-12/31/21 46 $ 800 $ 1,267 $ 21,467 $ 36,800 $ 58,267 pay 19 months 5 "10%discount-Reg/business 10% Residents save 10%or$110 for 'Defer 12 months OR Lot B-Area Business 6/1/20-12/31/21 28 $ 630 $ 998 $ 10,290 $ 17,640 $ 27,930 paying 19 months 2020 Budget($107k annual)over Appropriate 12 months from budget$79k,after Fund Balance in 2021 deferral/appropriation net 2020 TOTAL $ 2,330 $ 3,689 $ 68,507 $ 117,440 $ 185,947 shortfall$38k "Issue 7 month permit through None Lot B-Regular 6/1/20-12/31/20 70 $ 1,000 $ 618 $ 43,283 $ 70,000 $ 113,283 Residents pay addtnl$35/Fee Dec 2020 and 12 month permit None Lot B-Seniors 6/1/20-12/31/20 46 $ 800 $ 502 $ 23,077 $ 36,800 $ 59,877 Residents pay addtnl$35/Fee 6 in 2021 "Fee Increase None Lot B-Area Business 6/1/20-12/31/20 28 $ 700 $ 443 $ 12,413 $ 19,600 $ 32,013 Residents pay addtnl$35/Fee $100 reg/$75 Srs/business 2020 Budget($107k annual)net LUS$35 Admin Fee TOTAL $ 2,500 $ 1,563 $ 78,773 $ 126,400 $ 205,173 2020 shortfall$28k TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK PUBLIC HEARING PRELIMINARY 2020 TOWN BUDGET and PRELIMINARY TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE DISTRICT #1 BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board and the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Town of Mamaroneck, on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at 8:00 PM, Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York, to consider the Town's Preliminary Budget and the Mamaroneck Fire District Preliminary Budget for the calendar year commencing January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020. All citizens are invited to attend and provide written and oral comments and ask questions concerning the Preliminary Budgets. The Preliminary Budgets can be inspected by the public from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, beginning Monday, December 2, 2019, in the Town Administrator's Office, Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The 2020 Preliminary Budget may also be viewed on the Town's website www.townofmamaroneckNY.org PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE,that the proposed salaries of the members of the Town Board are as follows: Supervisor, $39,807 Town Council (4) $6,369 each and the proposed salary for the Town Clerk is $101,566 and the Town Justices (2) $22,070 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Stephen V. Altieri Budget Officer To be published: Wednesday 27, 2019a- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and pursuant to a resolution of the Mamaroneck Town Board adopted on November 20, 2019 a Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at 8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible at the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider the 2020 Sewer Rent Rate. Section 1—Purpose. Article 14-F of the General Municipal Law authorizes the imposition of sewer rents as a means of raising funds(a)to operate, maintain and repair a municipal sanitary sewer system,and (b)where not prohibited by General Municipal Law§453 (3),to expand such system. The rents will be used to operate, maintain and repair that sewer system and if deemed appropriate by the Town Board and not prohibited by General Municipal Law§453 (3),to expand such system. The Town Board finds that a sewer rent more equitably distributes the cost of the sanitary sewer system because it is a function of usage computed based upon water consumption and is charged to all the users of that system, including tax exempt properties. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written comments at or prior thereto. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Published: November 27, 2019 � LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New York,a Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at 8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible at the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider a law establishing a yield sign on Country Lane. Purpose Regulate traffic at the point where Country Lane ends and Country Road begins. The full text of this document can be viewed on the website or copies can be obtained at the Town Clerk's office during regular hours, Mon-Fri, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, In June, July and August until 4:00 PM at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written comments at or prior thereto. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Published: November 27, 2019 (/ r a Local Law No. -2019 This local law shall be known as the "Yield Sign on Country Lane" Law. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 1 -Purpose: The Town Board finds that for traffic safety, motor vehicles traveling west on Country Lane should yield to traffic traveling west on Country Road. This law calls for the installation of a yield sign to accomplish this result. Section 2-Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: Section 219-12 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is deleted and the following is substituted in its place: §219-12 Yield intersections The intersections described below are hereby designated as yield intersections and yield signs shall be installed as follows: Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel At Intersection with Country Lane West Country Road Fifth Avenue North Madison Avenue Forest Avenue East Daymon Terrace Glenn Road West Rockingstone Avenue Howell Avenue West Carleon Avenue Murray Avenue North Weaver Street Seton Road East Rockingstone Avenue Section 3-Sign(s)to be Erected and Painting to be Done: An appropriate sign or signs shall be erected on and/or above, and/or striping shall be painted on the surface of Country Lane indicating where a yield is required by this law. Section 4-Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. / Section 5—Effective Date: This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. November 22.2019 Town of Mamaroneck From: Tracy Yogman -Town Comptroller (14/ Re: Fire Claims Date: December 4, 2019 The following Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department claims have been certified by Chief Joseph Russo and submitted to the Comptroller's Office for payment: VENDOR DESCRIPTION Am n AAA Emergency Supply Co. Fire Extinguisher inspection, recharge and repairs $ 447.50 Amazon.Com Supplies-batteries,light fixture lens, pens 104.05 Argento&Sons,Inc. Cordless leaf blower 1,308.84 Cablevision Cable services for 11/23/19-12/22/19 195.08 Fire-End Croker Corporation Nameplates 43.75 Grainger Toxic metal removing wipes 263.73 Konica Minolta Business Color Copier lease 11/2-12/1/19,Color&print copy costs 10/2-11/1/19 168.46 Center for Disaster Medicine Tactical Emergency Casualty Care(TFCC)Course-four firefighters 1,400.00 Nick Bruno Electric Replace exhaust fan in second floor bathrooms 1,283.00 Uni First Corporation Cleaning supplies 11/15, 11/22/19 168.62 Verizon Fire HQ service 11/10-12/9/19 264.20 Villa Maria Pizza Food for Drill 11/19/19 167.26 Total $ 5,814.49 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEFcril/77 Headquarters 205 WEAVER STREET LARCH MONT,NEW YORK 10538 WEAVER 834-2100 EMERGENCY 834-2101-NON EMERGENCY —1a/�✓� 834-2438 CHIEF'S OFFICE STREET 834-0922-FAX WWW.TMFD.ORG ZeLpsoN To: Board of Fire Commissioners From: Chief Joseph Russo Date: December 2, 2019 Re: Fire Report for the Month of November 2019 The following report outlines response to calls made during the month of November 2019. It summarizes the nature, the number of personnel responding and the total time spent. I have also attached a report showing a further breakdown of these alarms. Alarm Type Number Generals 31 Minors 32 Stills 5 Out of Town (Mutual Aid) 9 EMS 57 Drills 3 TOTAL 137 Total number of personnel responding: 950 Total time working: 59 hours and 53 minutes Respectfully Submitted, / Chief Jose Russo rioT-1(-_3 o 90 Town of Mamaroneck Z- W m Town Center z n ~FOUNDED 1661 7 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: (914) 381-7812 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: (914) 381-7809 cgreenodonnell@townofmamaroneckny.org TO: Stephen Alfieri, Town Administrator Nancy Seligson, Town Supervisor Town Board Members FROM: Connie Green O'Donnell, Deputy Town Administrator DATE: November 27, 2019 SUBJECT: Request to Approve Out-of-Title Pay—IT Department As you know, the IT Director's position is open due to a recent resignation. We are in the process of recruiting to fill the position. However, until a candidate is appointed, we are recommending that Attila Papp,Junior Network Specialist, be compensated for his fulfilling the majority of the IT Director's duties and responsibilities. The effective date would be December, 2, 2019 and would continue for a brief period, not to exceed one month, after the new IT Director commences employment. Based on the current budgeted annual salary for the IT Director, which is $118,050, we are recommending that during the interim period, Mr. Papp be compensated at a rate that would be equivalent to 75% ($88,537.50) of the budgeted salary. The plan is that he would be in charge of the daily operations of the IT Department, including supervising two part-time employees, interacting with the IT consultants and responding, when necessary, to IT related issues on weekends and in the evenings. As for the ongoing IT projects, unless they are deemed to be critical with respect to the Town's operations, they will be placed on hold until such time the IT Director's position is filled. ACTION REQUESTED: That the Town Board approve Attila Papp's out-of-title pay effective December, 2, 2019 at an amount equivalent to an annual salary of$88,537.50.