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2019_10_02 Town Board Meeting Packet
TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2019 5:00PM THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE IN CONFERENCE ROOM D TO DISCUSS: 1. Discussion - IT Audit 2. Update - Comprehensive Plan 3. Discussion - Commuter Parking Law 4. Update - 2020 US Golf Open/ Ee c - 'Sc . 5. New Business — 4(1-'0 6. Request for Executive Session 8:00PM CALL TO ORDER-CONFERENCE ROOM C SUPERVISOR'S REPORT PRESENTATION - International Women's Hockey Day PUBLIC HEARING - Public Housing Agency Administrative Plan Local Law Rules for Obtaining an Operating Permit CITIZEN COMMENTS BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims 2. Other Fire Department Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1 . Authorization - Renewal of Leaf Disposal Agreement 2. Authorization-Agreement LMC-TV - Food Waste Reduction Program 3. Salary Authorization - IT Office 4. Report of Bids -TA-19-09 Town Center Restroom Renovation 5. Consideration of Certiorari REPORT OF MINUTES REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL TOWN CLERK'S REPORT NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING- October 16, 2019 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to(attend the meeting should contact the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. TOWN BOARD MEETING WORKSESSION AGENDA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2019 5:00PM - CONFERENCE ROOM D 1. Discussion- IT Audit (No attachment). 2. Update—Comprehensive Plan (No attachment. Discussion of next steps to initiate public engagement portion of the plan). 3. Discussion—Commuter Parking Law (See attachment). 4. Update— 2020 US Golf Open (No attachment). 5. New Business 6. Request for Executive Session w/ s z 1 -Z- lei Comprehensive Plan Meeting September 30, 2019 Steve Altieri, Nina Peek, Peter Feroe, Nancy Seligson Steering Committee Purpose: • Help guide consultants with outreach and review work • Role of Committee is not to generate input for the Comp Plan, but to review responses • Reflect what was heard and communicated • Synthesize information • Meet after work or weekends 1 - 2 times per month for 8— 12 months • Review documents in one week turnaround • Example assignment: Review AKRF notes and edit draft Comp Plan chapters Structure: • 9 members • Possible subcommittees by subject: Housing, Mobility, Recreation, Community Character/Economics • Overlay Sustainability into all subjects and issues • Adopt Ground Rules Candidates: • Town Board Member • Planning Board Member • Traffic Committee member • Sustainability Collaborative Member • Recreation Commission Member • Melissa Kaplan • Zoning Board Member • Staff Liaison—not member • Etc. First Steering Committee Meeting Deliverables: • Approve outreach process and plan • Schedule meetings and outreach Proposed Timing: • At October 16th TB Meeting: o Appoint Steering Committee o AKRF presents introduction to Comprehensive Plan including why, process, timeline and opportunities W/Ss o ''9 MOTION OF SECONDED BY z Town of Mamaroneck C E m County of Westchester K r 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 COUNSEL TEL: 914/381-7815 FAX: 914/381-7809 wmaker@townofmamaroneck.org MEMORANDUM To: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Christina Battalia, Town Clerk From: William Maker, Jr., Attorney for the Town Subject: Parking within walking distance of Larchmont RR station law Date: September 27, 2019 I attach a proposed local law which has been revised in accordance with the Town Board's comments at its September 18, 2019 work session. The attachment is actually a redline of the current Code section 219-20. For ease of review, I again attach a copy of current Code section 219-20. You will see exclamation points in the cells for France Place, Huguenot Drive and Rochelle Road. The exclamation points are meant to draw attention to the fact that on those streets the current law prohibits parking on both sides of the street during the same hour. There are question marks in the cell for Preston Street where currently there may be no parking signs during certain hours. If so, Preston Street should be added to Code section 219-20. If I am mistaken, Preston Street can be removed from the proposed law. ,t tot Printed on Recycled Paper Local Law No. -2019 This local law shall be known as the "Parking Prohibited on Certain Sides of Certain Streets at Certain Times" Law. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 1 —Purpose: The Town Board finds that the proliferation of parked cars in the section of Town that lies within walking distance of the Larchmont Metro-North Train Station has caused congestion on the streets. . . . . . . . . • . : - •. . : - . : ' . . . To establish control and restore safe conditions to this area of Town, the Town Board enacts this local law that amends the current law to prohibit parking for one hour of each weekday on each side of each street in this area certain sections of North Chatsworth Avenue and Rockingstone Avenue and on each side of Maple Hill Drive, Mountain Avenue and Overlook Terrace. Section 2-Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: Section 219-20 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is repealed and the following substituted in its place: § 219-20. Parking prohibited certain times. No motor vehicle shall be parked, unless otherwise indicated, upon any of the public highways or parts of public highways described below, between the hours specified below. Name of public Direction of highway Travel Hours Days Location All roads in All 3:00 a.m. to All On public Unincorporated 6:00 a.m. highways, Town of except those Mamaroneck public highways designated in § 219-21 Alden Road South 9:00 a.m. to Tuesday West side from 12:00 noon Boston Post Road to Copley Road Name of public Direction of highway Travel Hours Days Location Burton Road North 9:00 a.m. to Wednesday East side from 12:00 noon the driveway entrance of the southernmost parking garage to the beginning of the section where parking is prohibited at all times. Burton Road South 9:00 a.m. to Thursday West side from 12:00 noon Palmer Avenue to the beginning of the section where parking is prohibited at all times. Colonial West 7:30 a.m. to School Days, North side from Avenue 9:00 a.m. and except holidays Murray Avenue 2:00 p.m. to to Daymon 3:30 p.m. Terrace Colonial West 7:30 a.m. to School Days, North side from Avenue 9:00 a.m. and except holidays the driveway of 2:00 p.m. to the home at 85 3:30 p.m. Colonial Avenue to Daymon Terrace Copley Road North 9:00 a.m. to Tuesday From Alden 12:00 noon Road to the southern property line of 10 Copley Road Daymon South School Times School Days East side from Terrace Senate Place to Colonial Avenue Dillon Road North 9:00 a.m. to Tuesday East side from 12:00 noon Boston Post Road to Edgewater Place Echo Lane North 10:00 a.m. to Monday through East side from 11:00 a.m. Friday, except Murray Avenue holidays to Hillcrest Road 2 Name of public Direction of highway Travel Hours Days Location Echo Lane South 2:00 p.m. to Monday through West side from 3:00 p.m. Friday, except Hillside Road to holidays Murray Avenue Edgewood East 2:00 p.m. to Monday through South side from Avenue 3:00 p.m. Friday, except Murray Avenue holidays to Judson Street Edgewood West 10:00 a.m. to Monday through North side from Avenue 11:00 a.m. Friday, except Murray Avenue holidays to Judson Street France Place!!! Both 10:00 a.m. to Monday through Both sides 11:00 a.m. Friday, except holidays France Place!!! Both 2:00 p.m. to Monday through Both sides 3:00 p.m. Friday, except holidays Hillside Road East 2:00 p.m. to Monday through South side for its 3:00 p.m. Friday, except entire length holidays Hillside Road West 10:00 a.m. to Monday through North side for its 11:00 a.m. Friday, except entire length holidays Huguenot Drive Both 8:00 a.m. to Monday through Both sides from !!!! 10:00 a.m. Friday, except North holidays Chatsworth Avenue to Barnard Road Laurel Avenue East 2:00 p.m. to Monday through South side for its 3:00 p.m. Friday, except entire length holidays Laurel Avenue West 10:00 a.m. to Monday through North side for its 11:00 a.m. Friday, except entire length holidays Lester Place Both 9:00 a.m. to Wednesday South side for its noon entire length Maple Hill East 10:00 a.m. Monday through South side for its Drive to 11:00 Friday, except entire length a.m. holidays Maple Hill West 1:00 p.m. Monday through North side for its Drive to 2:00 Friday, except entire length p, m. holidays Mountain East 10:00 a.m. Monday through South side for its Avenue to 11:00 Friday, except entire length a.m. holidays within the Town of Mamaroneck 3 Name of public Direction of highway Travel Hours Days Location Mountain West I:00 p.m. Monday through North side for its Avenue to 2:00 Friday, except entire length p.m. holidays within the Town of Mamaroneck Murray Avenue North 8:00 a.m. to School Days East side for a 4:00 p.m. distance of 150 feet north from Forest Avenue Murray Avenue North 9:00 a.m. to Second Friday of East side from 11:00 a.m. each month Leafy Lane to Myrtle Boulevard Murray Avenue South 8:00 a.m. to School Days West side 4:00 p.m. commencing at a point 365 feet north from Bryson Street for a distance of 140 feet toward Forest Avenue to a point ending 245 feet from Forest Avenue Murray Avenue South 8:00 a.m. to School Days West side from 9:00 a.m. and Bryson Street for 2:30 p.m. to a distance of 198 3:30 p.m. feet toward Forest Avenue Murray Avenue South 8:00 a.m. to West side from 9:00 a.m. and Forest Avenue 2:30 p.m. to for a distance of 3:30 p.m. 175 feet toward Bryson Street Murray Avenue South 9:00 a.m. to First Friday of West side from 10:00 a.m. each month Leafy Lane to Myrtle Boulevard New Jefferson North 9:00 a.m. to Second Tuesday East side for its Street 11:00 a.m. of each month entire length New Jefferson South 9:00a.m. First Tuesday West side for Street toll:00a.m. of each month its entire length 4 Name of public Direction of highway Travel Hours Days Location North North 9:00 a. m. First Thursday of East side from Chatsworth to 11:00 each month Myrtle Avenue a.m. Boulevard to the northern boundary of 40 North Chatsworth Avenue North South 9:00 a. m. Second Thursday West side from Chatsworth to 11:00 of each month the northern Avenue a.m. boundary of 35 North Chatsworth Avenue to Myrtle Boulevard North North 10:00 a.m. Monday through That section of Chatsworth to 11:00 Friday, except the east side Avenue a.m., holidays from the point where the WS Residential Area (as defined in § 219-62) ends to Echo Lane where parking is permitted at other times North South 1:00 p.m. Monday through That section of Chatsworth to 2:00 Friday, except the west side Avenue p.m. holidays from Birch Road to the point where the WS Residential Area (as defined in § 219-62)begins where parking is permitted at other times Overlook South, then 9:00 a.m. Monday through West and south Terrace East, then to 10:00 Friday, except sides for its North a.m. holidays entire length 5 Name of public Direction of highway Travel Hours Days Location Overlook South, then 12:00 Monday through East and north Terrace West, then noon to Friday, except sides for its North 1:00 holidays entire length p.m. Palmer Avenue East 8:00 a.m. Monday through South side from to 5:00 Friday, except the driveway p.m. holidays entrance to Mamaroneck High School for a distance of 90 feet toward Richbell Road Preston Street North 9:00 a.m. to Monday through East side for its 99997 10:00 a.m. Friday, except entire length holidays Preston Street South 12:00 noon to Monday through West side for its 99999 1:00 p.m. Friday, except entire length holidays Richbell Road North 9:00 a.m. to Wednesday East side from 12:00 noon Palmer Avenue to the boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck Richbell Road South 9:00 a.m. to Thursday West side from 12:00 noon Palmer Avenue to the boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck Rochelle Both 2:00 p.m. to Monday through Both sides from Road!!! 3:00 p.m. Friday, except Huguenot Drive holidays to France Place Rockingstone North 10:00 a.m. to Monday through From North Avenue 11:00 a.m. Friday, except Chatsworth holidays Avenue to Valley Road Rockingstone South 1:00 p.m. to Monday through From Seton Avenue 2:00 p.m. Friday, except Road to North holidays Chatsworth Avenue Senate Place North 8:00 a.m. to School days East side for its 4:00 p.m. entire length 6 Name of public Direction of highway Travel Hours Days Location Sheldrake North 8:00 a.m. to School days East side from Avenue 9:00 a.m. and Forest Avenue to from 2:30 p.m. Holly Place to 3:30 p.m. Thompson North 10:00 a.m. to Monday through East side for its Street 11:00 a.m. Friday, except entire length holidays Thompson South 2:00 p.m. to Monday through West side for its Street 3:00 p.m. Friday, except entire length holidays Valley Road North 9:00 a.m. to Friday, except East side from 12:00 noon holidays Rockingstone Avenue to Birch Street Valley Road South 9:00 a.m. to Thursday, except West side from 12:00 noon holidays Rockingstone Avenue to Forest Avenue Washington South 9:00 a.m. to Second Monday East side for its Square 11:00 a.m. of each month entire length Washington South 9:00 a.m. to First Monday of West side for its Square 11:00 a.m. each month entire length Section 3 — Sign(s) to be Erected and Painting to be Done: An appropriate sign or signs shall be erected on and/or above, and/or striping shall be painted on the surfaces of the streets identified in sections 2 and 3 of this Local Law indicating where and when parking is prohibited or limited by this law. Section 4—Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. Section 5—Effective Date: This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. September 27,2019 7 alae of Public Highway Direction of Travel Location From the boundary line between the unincorporated Town of Mamarone and the Village of Larchmont for a distance of 7o feet east Palmer • •nue West North side from Blossom Terrace for a distance of 49 feet toward i bell Road Palmer Avenu- West North side from Blossom Terrace to Weaver Street Palmer Avenue West North side from the point on the north side of Palmer A ue which is 150 feet east from the boundary line between the unincor rated Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont for a dis ce of 175 feet east Plymouth Road West South side from Weaver Street to Winthrop Ave e Rockland Avenue Both Both sides for a distance of 30 feet from We er Street Rockland Avenue Both Both sides from Eton Road to Winged Fo• Drive Sackett Drive Both From December i to March 31,on bot•sides between the point where Sackett Drive terminates at Weave treet and the point where Althea Lane terminates at Sackett Driv- Senate Place West South side for entire length Taylor Place North East side from Myrtle Bo -yard to the dead end Washington Square West North side from Madi •n Avenue for a distance of 20 feet toward North Chatsworth Avenu: Washington Square West North side fro orth Chatsworth Avenue for a distance of 20 feet toward Madi •n Avenue Weaver Street -oth Both sid• or entire length West Brookside Drive So West de for entire length alongside the Brook Winged Foot Drive North E side beginning at Dundee Road for a distance of 55 feet toward enimore Road Winged Foot Drive North East side beginning at Rockland Avenue for a distance of 115 feet toward Fenimore Road Winged Foot Drive South West side beginning at Rockland Avenue for a distance of iso feet toward nimore Road Winthrop Avenue So E. side from the corner of Plymouth Road for a distance of 20 feet Winthrop Avenue .uth West •e from Plymouth Road to Boston Post Road Wood Street North East side •r entire length B. No motor vehicle shall be parked in front of or within ree feet of a public or private driveway on .e north side of Palmer Avenue between Richbell Road and Blossom Terrace. [Added 6-19-2019 by L .No.8-2019] §219-19 No stopping or stand' g. A. No motor vehicle shall stop upon any• the public highways or parts of public highways described below: Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel Location Hommocks Road Both ,From Boston Post Road to Old Hom .cks Road Weaver Street 1North I East side between Heather Lane and Co..-r Lane Weaver Street South West side from Maple Hill Drive to Edgewo.g Avenue B. No motor vehi shall stand upon any of the public highways or parts of public highways described below: Name o •ublic Highway Direction of Travel Location Coo.-r Lane Both From Weaver Street to Mardon Road I I.ymon Terrace South East side from Senate Place for a distance of 15 feet toward Fo . t Avenue Senate Place West South side for entire length §219-20 Parking prohibited certain times. No motor vehicle shall be parked,unless otherwise indicated,upon any of the public highways or parts of public highways described below,between the hours specified below: Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel Hours Days Location All roads in unincorporated All 3:00 a.m.to 6:00 a.m. All On public highways,except those public Town of Mamaroneck highways designated in§219-21 Alden Road South 9:00 a.m.to 12:00 noon Tuesday West side from Boston Post Road to Copley Road Burton Road North 9:00 a.m.to 12:00 noon Wednesday East side from the driveway entrance of the southernmost parking garage to the beginning - Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel Hours Days Location of the section where parking is prohibited at all times Burton Road South 9:00 a.m.to 12:00 noon Thursday West side from Palmer Avenue to the beginning of the section where parking is prohibited at all times Colonial Avenue West 7:30 a.m.to 9:00 a.m.and School days,except North side from Murray Avenue to Daymon 2:00 p.m.to 3:3o p.m. holidays Terrace Colonial Avenue West 7:3o a.m.to 9:00 a.m.and School days,except North side from the driveway of the home at 85 2:00 p.m.to 3:3o p.m. holidays Colonial Avenue to Daymon Terrace Copley Road North 9:00 a.m.to 12:00 noon Tuesday From Alden Road to the southern property line of 10 Copley Road Daymon Terrace South School times School days Y East side from Senate Place to Colonial Avenue Dillon Road North 9:00 a.m.to 12:00 noon Tuesday East side from Boston Post Road to Edgewater Place Echo Lane North 10:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday East side from Murray Avenue to Hillside Road Echo Lane South 2:00 p.m.to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday West side from Hillside Road to Murray Avenue Edgewood Avenue East 2:00 p.m.to 3:oo p.m. Monday through Friday South side from Murray Avenue to Judson Street Edgewood Avenue West 10:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday North side from Murray Avenue to Judson Street France Place Both 10:00 a.m.to 11:oo a.m. Monday through Friday Both sides France Place Both 2:00 p.m.to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Both sides Hillside Road East 2:00 p.m.to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday South side for entire length Hillside Road West 10:0o a.m.to 11:0o a.m. Monday through Friday North side for entire length Huguenot Drive Both 8:00 a.m.to 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday Both sides from North Chatsworth Avenue to Barnard Road Laurel Avenue East 2:00 p.m.to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday South side for entire length Laurel Avenue West 10:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday North side for entire length Lester Place Both 9:00 a.m.to noon Wednesday South side for entire length Murray Avenue North 8:oo a.m.to 4:00 p.m. School days y East side for a distance of 150 feet from Forest Avenue between Murray Avenue North 9:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m. Second Friday of each East side from Leafy Lane to Myrtle Boulevard month Murray Avenue South 8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. School days Y West side commencing at a point 365 feet north from Bryson Street for a distance of 140 feet toward Forest Avenue to a point ending 245 from Forest Avenue Murray Avenue South 8:oo a.m.to 9:00 a.m.and School days Y West side from Bryson Street for a distance of 2:30 p.m.to 3:3o p.m. 198 feet toward Forest Avenue Murray Avenue South 8:00 a.m.to 9:oo a.m.and School days Y West side from Forest Avenue for a distance of 2:30 p.m.to 3:3o p.m. 175 feet toward Bryson Street Murray Avenue South 9:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m. First Friday of each month West side from Leafy Lane to Myrtle Boulevard New Jefferson Street North 9:00 a.m.to moo a.m. Second Tuesday of each East side for entire length month New Jefferson Street South 9:00 a.m.toll:oo a.m. First Tuesday of each West side for entire length month North Chatsworth Avenue North 9:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m. First Thursday of each East side from Myrtle Boulevard to the northern month boundary of 40 North Chatsworth Avenue North Chatsworth Avenue South 9:00 a.m.toll:oo a.m. Second Thursday of each West side from the northern boundary of 35 month North Chatsworth to Myrtle Boulevard Palmer Avenue East 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday South side from the driveway entrance to Mamaroneck High School for a distance of 90 feet toward Richbell Road Richbell Road North 9:ooa.m to 12:00 noon Wednesdays East side from Palmer Avenue to the boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck Richbell Road South 9:00 a.m.to 12:00 noon Thursdays West side from Palmer Avenue to the boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck Rochelle Road Both 2:00 p.m.to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Both sides from Huguenot Drive to France Place Senate Place North 8:00 a.m.to 4:oo p.m. School days Y East side for entire length Sheldrake Avenue North 8:oo a.m.to 9:00 a.m.and School days East side from Forest Avenue to Holly Place from 2:30 p.m.to 3:30 p.m. Thompson Street North 10:00 a.m.to moo a.m. Monday through Friday East side for entire length Thompson Street South 2:00 p.m.to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday West side for entire length - - R / Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel Hours Days Location Valley Road North 9:00 a.m.to 12:0onoon Friday East side from Rockingstone Avenue to Birch Street Valley Road South 9:00 a.m.to 12:00 noon Thursday West side from Rockingstone Avenue to Forest Avenue Washington Square South 9:0o a.m.to moo a.m. Second Monday of each East side for entire length month Washington Square South 9:00 a.m.to 11:oo a.m. First Monday of each West side for entire length month 19-21 Parking allowed from 3:oo a.m.to 6:oo a.m. A mor vehicle may be parked between the hours of 3:00 a.m.and 6:00 a.m.on the following public highways or on parts of public highways described b except on .ose sections of those public highways where parking is prohibited at all times: Name of Public way Direction of Travel Location Alden Road South West side from Harmony Drive to the point where park' is prohibited at all times Baldwin Avenue East South side,except where parking is prohibite all times Burton Road Both Both sides,except where parking is pro ' ed at all times Cabot Road North East side,except where parking is ibited at all times Carroll Place North East side for entire length Copley Road North East side from Alden Ro .for a distance of 15o feet toward Kenmare Road Dillon Road North East side from Par :nd Avenue to Edgewater Place Garit Lane Both Both sides f• ntire length Laurel Avenue .. South '.-from Thompson Place to the dead end Lester Place Both S•. side for entire length Locust Terrace East South side from Parkland Avenue to Edgewater Place Murray Avenue Both Both sides from Myrtle Boulevard to the northern boundary of the Murray •venue Bridge New Jefferson Bo Alo :the entire median North Chatsworth Avenue 1 orth East side•om Myrtle Boulevard to 4o North Chatsworth Avenue North Chatsworth Avenue South West side fro he driveway of 35 North Chatsworth to Myrtle Boulevard Palmer Avenue East South side from th .riveway entrance to Central School to the boundary line between the Villag .f Mamaroneck and the unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck,except wher .arking is prohibited at all times Palmer Avenue West North side from Blossom Terra -to Richbell Road,except where parking is prohibited at all times Plymouth Road West South side from Winthrop Avenue for at.' tancet of so feet toward Weaver Street,except where parking is prohibited a II times Preston Street Both Both sides between Edgewood Avenue and Myrt :oulevard Richbell Ro.• Both Both sides from Palmer Avenue to the Village of Mam. ag •neck boundary line Rocky' :e Road Both East side for entire length ompson Street North East side for entire length §219-22 Time limit parking. No motor vehicle shall be parked for longer than the maximum time permitted,upon any of the public highways or parts of public highways described below: Time Limit Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel (hours) Hours/Days Location Baldwin Avenue East 3 9:00 a.m.to 2:00 p.m.,Monday South side,exclusive of paid parking spaces through Friday,except holidays Boston Post Road East 3 8:oo a.m.to 5:00 p.m.,Monday South side from 2533 Boston Post Road through Friday,except holidays between the boundary line of the unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck and Byron Place Village of Larchmont North 3 All/all East side for entire length Cabot Road Both 2 8:oo a.m.to 5:00 p.m.,Monday Both sides for entire length through Friday Carleon Avenue Both 3 9:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.,Monday Both sides from Palmer Avenue to Howell through Friday Avenue Hawthorne Road Both 3 9:00 a.m.to 5:oo p.m.,Monday Both sides for entire length through Friday , Hommocks Road South 1 C,-- p TOWN OF MAMARONECK 16 - z- 19 LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New York, a Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, October 2, at 8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible at the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider: the adoption of the Public Housing Agency (PHA) Plan and Administrative Plan. Purpose The Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing Agency (PHA) is required to submit an Annual Public Housing Agency Plan and an Administrative Plan to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) once every five years, and to update those plans annually as needed. The full text of this document can be viewed at www.townofmamaroneckNY.org or copies can be obtained at the Town Clerk's office, Mon-Fri, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written comments at or prior thereto. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Published: September 2, 2019 ?-e.J\ G(oS-e— MOTION OF SE ONDED BY SECONDED BY J MOTION OF KFEKS ES r'W OTION OF ECONDED BY Lamy S t *L 0`` 4'-7 o ` 7o ©m Town of Mamaroneck ' TOWN CENTER ROOM 110 • FOUNDED 1661 • 740 West Boston Post Rd Mamaroneck, NY 10543 COMMUNITY SERVICES CommunityServices@TownofMamaroneckNY.org August 12, 2019 The Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing Agency (PHA) is required to submit an Annual Public Housing Agency Plan and an Administrative Plan to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)once every five years, and to update those plans annually as needed.The purpose of the Annual PHA Plan (HUD Form 50075-HCV)for 2020-2024 is to state the Town's proposed goals and objectives of the Housing Choice Voucher Program for the next 5 years. • Increase leasing to 550+vouchers by maintaining an active waiting list, issuing 5-10 vouchers monthly, and encouraging applicants to look for appropriate housing within the guidelines given; • Prevent income discrepancies by continuing to use online databases including HUD Ely, credit reports and other sources of information to ensure tenants report all household income; • Enter into repayment agreements with tenants who fail to report additional income as required by HUD; • Continue to add new landlords to the program throughout Westchester County; • Continue using the Small Area Fair Market Rents to encourage applicants and tenants move to areas of opportunity with decent, safe and affordable housing; • Provide training to local brokers to ensure they are aware of the guidelines and process for assisting applicants and tenants to find suitable housing. The Administrative Plan is a document containing all of the policies, rules and regulations of the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Where permitted, the Town of Mamaroneck PHA may include additional policies and procedures used to administer the Voucher program.The Administrative Plan Guide published by Nan McKay and Associates serves as the basis for the Town of Mamaroneck PHA's Administrative Plan. There were no changes to the Administrative Plan for 2020-2024 except for statutory or regulatory changes required by HUD.The Administrative Plan is available on the Town of Mamaroneck's website at http://www.townofmamaroneckny.org/438/Approved-PHA-and-Administrative-Plans The Town of Mamaroneck PHA welcomes feedback and comments regarding the 2020-2024 PHA Plan and Administrative Plan. Comments should be e-mailed to CommunityServices@townofmamaroneckny.org no later than 9/27/19. 5-Year PHA Plan U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development OMB No.2577-0226 Office of Public and Indian Housing Expires: 02/29/2016 (for All PHAs) Purpose. The 5-Year and Annual PHA Plans provide a ready source for interested parties to locate basic PHA policies,rules,and requirements concerning the PHA's operations,programs,and services,and informs HUD,families served by the PHA,and members of the public of the PHA's mission,goals and objectives for serving the needs of low-income,very low-income,and extremely low-income families Applicability. Form HUD-50075-5Y is to be completed once every 5 PHA fiscal years by all PH As. — A. PHA Information. A.I PHA Name: Town of Mamaroneck PHA PHA Code: NY117 PHA Plan for Fiscal Year Beginning: (MM/YYYY):01/2020 PHA Plan Submission Type: ®5-Year Plan Submission 0 Revised 5-Year Plan Submission Availability of Information. In addition to the items listed in this form,PHAs must have the elements listed below readily available to the public. A PHA must identify the specific location(s)where the proposed PHA Plan,PHA Plan Elements,and all information relevant to the public hearing and proposed PHA Plan are available for inspection by the public. Additionally,the PHA must provide information on how the public may reasonably obtain additional information on the PHA policies contained in the standard Annual Plan,but excluded from their streamlined submissions. At a minimum,PHAs must post PHA Plans,including updates,at each Asset Management Project(AMP)and main office or central office of the PHA. PHAs are strongly encouraged to post complete PHA Plans on their official websites. PHAs are also encouraged to provide each resident council a copy of their PHA Plans. ❑PHA Consortia: (Check box if submitting a Joint PHA Plan and complete table below) Participating PHAs PHA Program(s)in the Program(s)not in the No.of Units in Each Program Code Consortia Consortia PH HCV Lead PHA: MOTIO•I OF SECONDED BY LK (r5. 1E4(./Is ifvJ S (j jdti Z J i6 (r-LA) r B. 5-Year Plan. Required for g_ll PHAS completing this form. B.1 Mission. State the PHA's mission for serving the needs of low-income,very low-income,and extremely low-income families in the PHA's jurisdiction for the next five years. The mission of the Town of Mamaroneck PHA is to enable families whose income is at or below 5o% of the median income of Westchester County based on family size to live in decent, safe and affordable housing within our jurisdiction and surrounding communities through the issuance of Housing Choice Vouchers. (Prge 1 of 4 form HUD-50075-5Y(12/2014) U S ` - ,,( p 1Vh t- l/-I-tp Cl,r, re . B.2 Goals and Objectives. Identify the PHA's quantifiable goals and objectives that will enable the PHA to serve the needs of low-income,very low- income,and extremely low-income families for the next five years. 1.Maximize the utilization of the available housing assistance funding to assist as many families as the Annual Renewal Funding will support. • Issue vouchers monthly until the maximum number of families that can be assisted is reached • Utilize all means available to accurately verify family income to ensure households pay the appropriate share of the rent. • Execute and collect on repayment agreements with families who fail to report income • Review household composition and voucher size at the time of the annual recertification,and when participants request to move,to ensure that the household resides in an appropriately sized unit,and that the rent for the unit under contract is reasonable. 2.Encourage families currently receiving assistance as well as new Voucher recipients to access housing in low impact areas through participation in the HUD Small Area Fair Market Rent Demonstration Program. • Provide information to current families and new Voucher recipients to enable Housing Voucher Program participants to access housing in neighborhoods of opportunity where jobs,transportation and educational opportunities exist • Provide information to landlords about the benefits of the Housing Choice Voucher Program and encourage them to rent to more Voucher holders B.3 Progress Report. Include a report on the progress the PHA has made in meeting the goals and objectives described in the previous 5-Year Plan. Maximize the utilization of the available housing assistance funding to assist as many families as the Annual Renewal Funding will support. • Issue vouchers monthly until the maximum number of families that can be assisted is reached o From 1/1/2015-7/31/2019 the Town of Mamaroneck provided 25,648 unit months leased at a cost of$26,351,044 with an average HAP of 1,027 per month.Due to the high cost of housing in Westchester County,finding apartments is difficult even with the use of the Town of Mamaroneck Small Area Fair Market Rent guidelines. • Utilize all means available to accurately verify family income to ensure households pay the appropriate share of the rent. o Use of EIV and authentic original documentation has improved the accuracy of reported family income resulting in fewer repayment agreements in the past 5 years. • Execute and collect on repayment agreements with families who fail to report income. o The total amount collected from repayments from 1/2015-6/2019 was$105,014 • Review household composition and voucher size at the time of the annual recertification,and when participants request to move, to ensure that the household resides in an appropriately sized unit,and that the rent for the unit under contract is reasonable. o Unit size and rent reasonableness is reviewed at every annual reexamination,and moves to a new unit. 2.Encourage families currently receiving assistance as well as new Voucher recipients to access housing in low impact areas through participation in the HUD Small Area Fair Market Rent Demonstration Program. • Provide information to current families and new Voucher recipients to enable Housing Voucher Program participants to access housing in neighborhoods of opportunity where jobs,transportation and educational opportunities exist o All applicants,and tenants who wish to move,are provided information on the Voucher Program including a list of Small Area Fair Market Rents in Westchester County,maximizing opportunities for housing in areas of opportunity. • Provide information to landlords about the benefits of the Housing Choice Voucher Program and encourage them to rent to more Voucher holders o Our Landlord Packet includes information given to the tenant when searching for a new unit,and that information is also located on our website at http://www.townofmamaroneck.orq/428/Housina-Programs-Services Page 2 of 4 form HUD-50075-5Y(12/2014) B.4 Violence Against Women Act(VAWA)Goals. Provide a statement of the PHA's goals,activities objectives,policies,or programs that will enable the PHA to serve the needs of child and adult victims of domestic violence,dating violence,sexual assault,or stalking. The Violence Against Women Act(VAWA)provides protections for victims of domestic violence,dating violence,sexual assault,or stalking. VAWA protections are not only available to women,but are available equally to all individuals regardless of sex,gender identity,or sexual orientation.' The U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)is the Federal agency that oversees the Town of Mamaroneck Housing Choice Voucher Program's compliance with VAWA.If you are receiving assistance under the Town of Mamaroneck Housing Choice Voucher Program you may not be denied rental assistance,terminated from participation,or evicted from your rental housing solely because you are or have been a victim of domestic violence,dating violence,sexual assault,or stalking. If you,or an affiliated individual of yours,is or has been the victim of domestic violence,dating violence,sexual assault,or stalking by a member of your household or any guest,you may not be denied rental assistance under the Town of Mamaroneck Housing Choice Voucher Program solely based on criminal activity directly relating to that domestic violence,dating violence,sexual assault,or stalking. Affiliated individual means your spouse,parent,brother,sister,child,or a person to whom you stand in the place of a parent or guardian(for example,the affiliated individual is in your care,custody,or control),or any individual,tenant,or lawful occupant authorized to be living in your voucher-assisted household. The Town of Mamaroneck PHA Policy and Plan for Victims of Domestic Violence can be found on the Town of Mamaroneck's website at Notice of Occupancy Rights under the Violence Against Women Act Model Emergency Transfer Plan Certification of Domestic Violence,Dating Violence,Sexual Assault or Stalking Emergency Transfer Request for Certain Victims of Domestic Violence,Dating Violence,Sexual Assault or Stalking B.5 Significant Amendment or Modification.Provide a statement on the criteria used for determining a significant amendment or modification to the 5-Year Plan. None B.6 Resident Advisory Board(RAB)Comments. (a) Did the RAB(s)provide comments to the 5-Year PHA Plan? Y N El (b) If yes,comments must be submitted by the PHA as an attachment to the 5-Year PHA Plan. PHAs must also include a narrative describing their analysis of the RAB recommendations and the decisions made on these recommendations. B.7 Certification by State or Local Officials. Form HUD 50077-SL,Certification by State or Local Officials of PHA Plans Consistency with the Consolidated Plan,must be submitted by the PHA as an electronic attachment to the PHA Plan. Instructions for Preparation of Form HUD-50075-5Y Page 3 of 4 form HUD-50075-5Y(12/2014) 5-Year PHA Plan for All PHAs A. PHA Information 24 CFR 6903.23(4)(e) A.1 Include the full PHA Name,PHA Code,,PHA Fiscal Year Beginning(MM/YYYY),PHA Plan Submission Type,and the Availability of Information,specific location(s)of all information relevant to the hearing and proposed PHA Plan. PHA Consortia:Check box if submitting a Joint PHA Plan and complete the table. B. 5-Year Plan. B.1 Mission. State the PHA's mission for serving the needs of low-income,very low-income,and extremely low-income families in the PHA's jurisdiction for the next five years.(24 CFR 6903.6(a)(11) B.2 Goals and Objectives. Identify the PHA's quantifiable goals and objectives that will enable the PHA to serve the needs of low- income,very low-income,and extremely low-income families for the next five years. (24 CFR&903.6(b)(l1) For Qualified PHAs only,if at any time a PHA proposes to take units offline for modernization,then that action requires a significant amendment to the PHA's 5-Year Plan. B.3 Progress Report. Include a report on the progress the PHA has made in meeting the goals and objectives described in the previous 5- Year Plan. (24 CFR 6903.6(b)(2)) B.4 Violence Against Women Act(VAWA)Goals. Provide a statement of the PHA's goals,activities objectives,policies,or programs that will enable the PHA to serve the needs of child and adult victims of domestic violence,dating violence,sexual assault,or stalking. (24 CFR 6903.6(a)(3)) B.5 Significant Amendment or Modification.Provide a statement on the criteria used for determining a significant amendment or modification to the 5-Year Plan. B.6 Resident Advisory Board(RAB)comments. (a) Did the public or RAB provide comments? (b) If yes,submit comments as an attachment to the Plan and describe the analysis of the comments and the PHA's decision made on these recommendations.(24 CFR 6903.17(a) 24 CFR 003.19) This information collection is authorized by Section 511 of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act,which added a new section SA to the U.S.Housing Act of 1937,as amended, which Introduced the 5-Year PHA Plan.The 5-Year PHA Plan provides the PHA's mission,goals and objectives for serving the needs of low-Income,very low-Income,and extremely low- income families and the progress made In meeting the goals and objectives described In the previous 5-Year Plan. Public reporting burden for this Information collection is estimated to average.76 hours per response,including the time for reviewing instructions,searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed,and completing and reviewing the collection of Information.HUD may not collect this information,and respondents are not required to complete this form,unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Privacy Act Notice.The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to solicit the Information requested in this form by virtue of Title 12,U.S.Code, Section 1701 et seq.,and regulations promulgated thereunder at Title 12,Code of Federal Regulations.Responses to the collection of information are required to obtain a benefit or to retain a benefit The Information requested does not lend itself to confidentiality. i Housing providers cannot discriminate on the basis of any protected characteristic,including race,color,national origin,religion,sex,familial status,disability,or age. HUD-assisted and HUD-insured housing must be made available to all otherwise eligible individuals regardless of actual or perceived sexual orientation,gender identity,or marital status. Page 4 of 4 form HUD-50075-5Y(12/2014) Pik 44)- 1 6 , -Z- (Q LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New York, a Public Hearing will be held on October 2, 2019 at 8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible at the Town Center,740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider: "Rules for Obtaining an Operating Permit" Law Section 1—Purpose: The Town Board determines that the Mamaroneck Code should be updated to provide a more modern regimen for requiring operating permits for certain types of uses and for places of public assembly. This modernization can be accomplished by utilizing provisions of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR§1219.1 et. seq.). The full text of this document can be viewed on the website or copies can be obtained at the Town Clerk's office during regular hours, Mon-Fri, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, In June, July and August until 4:00 PM at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written comments at or prior thereto. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Published: September 26, 2019 e-QJ) 1,() MOTIF SEC LADED BY MOTIOF SE NDED BY 141 K F EKS K F EKS Local Law No. -2019 ..4 p This local law shall be known as the "Rules for Obtaining an Op:r4ogispit" Law ECONDED BY BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaronec 1.4( T Section 1—Purpose: The Town Board determines that the Mamaroneck Code should be updated to provide a more modern regimen for requiring operating permits for certain types of uses and for places of public assembly. This modernization can be accomplished by utilizing provisions of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code(19 NYCRR§1219.1 et. seq.). Section 2—Repeal of a current chapter of the Mamaroneck Code: Chapter 82 of the Mamaroneck Code hereby is repealed in its entirety. Section 3—Adoption of a new chapter of the Mamaroneck Code: Chapter 147 of the Mamaroneck Code, currently marked as Reserved, is amended as follows: Chapter 147 Operating Permits § 147-1. Purpose This chapter is designed to provide a more modern regimen for requiring operating permits for certain types of uses and for places of public assembly. This modernization is accomplished by utilizing provisions of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR §1219.1 et. seq.). § 147-2. Operating permits. A. Operating permits shall be required for conducting the activities listed below and for the buildings listed below: (1) Manufacturing, storing or handling hazardous materials in quantities exceeding those listed in Tables 2703.1.1(1), 2703.1.1(2), 2703.1.1(3) or 2703.1.1(4) in the publication entitled "Fire Code of the State of New York" and incorporated by reference into Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code(19 NYCRR§1219.1 et. seq.) by19 NYCRR§1225.1, (2) Hazardous processes and activities, including, but not limited to, commercial and industrial operations which produce combustible dust as a by-product, fruit and crop ripening, and waste handling, (3) Use of pyrotechnic devices in assembly occupancies, (4) Buildings contained one or more areas of public assembly with an occupant load of 100 persons or more, (5)Parking garages as defined in§ 147-2 I., and (6) Buildings whose use or occupancy classification may pose a substantial potential hazard to public safety, as determined by the Building Inspector. B. Any person who proposes to undertake any activity or to operate the type of building listed in § 147-2 A. shall be required to obtain an operating permit prior to commencing such activity or operation. C. An application for an operating permit shall be in writing on a form provided by or otherwise acceptable to the Building Inspector. Such application shall include such information as the Building Inspector deems sufficient to permit a determination by the Building Inspector that quantities, materials, and activities, as the case may be, conform to the requirements of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR §1219.1 et. seq.). If the Building Inspector determines that tests or reports are necessary to verify conformity, the applicant shall pay for and provide such tests or reports to the Building Inspector, who may reject any test or report that he/she decides was not performed properly or cannot be used to determine conformity to the Uniform Code. D. The Building Inspector or his/her designee shall inspect the subject premises prior to issuing an operating permit. E. If more than one activity listed in § 147-2 A. is to be conducted at one location, the Building Inspector may require a separate operating permit for each such activity,or the Building Inspector may, in his or her discretion, issue a single operating permit to apply to all such activities. F. Unless sooner revoked or suspended, an operating permit shall remain in effect for one year from the day on which it is issued. Regardless of the day on which an operating certificate is actually renewed or reissued,the expiration date of any reissued or renewed operating certificate shall be the day that is one year after the day when the most recent prior operating certificate expired. The reinstatement of an operating certificate after it has been revoked or suspended shall not extend its expiration date. P . G.If the Building Inspector determines that any activity or building for which an operating permit was issued does not comply with any applicable provision of the Uniform Code, such operating permit shall be revoked or suspended immediately. H.The fee specified in§A250-1 shall be paid at the same time that an application for an operating permit,for an amended operating permit, or for reissuance or renewal of an operating permit is submitted. (I)Condition assessments of parking garages. (1)Definitions. For the purposes of§147-2 I.: (i) the term condition assessment means an on-site inspection and evaluation of a parking garage for evidence of deterioration of any structural element or building component of such parking garage, evidence of the existence of any unsafe condition in such parking garage, and evidence indicating that such parking garage is an unsafe structure, (ii) the term deterioration means the weakening,disintegration,corrosion,rust,or decay of any structural element or building component,or any other loss of effectiveness of a structural element or building component, (iii) the term parking garage means any building or structure, or part thereof,in which all or any part of any structural level or levels is used for parking or storage of motor vehicles,excluding: (a) buildings in which the only level used for parking or storage of motor vehicles is on grade, (b) an attached or accessory structure providing parking exclusively for a detached one-or two-family dwelling, and (c) a townhouse unit with attached parking exclusively for such unit, (iv) the term professional engineer means an individual who is licensed or otherwise authorized under article 145 of the Education Law to practice the profession of engineering in the State of New York and who has at least three years of experience performing structural evaluations, (v) the term responsible professional engineer means the professional engineer who performs a condition assessment, or under whose supervision a condition assessment is performed,and who seals and signs the condition assessment report, (vi) the term unsafe condition includes the conditions identified as unsafe in sections 304.1.1, 305.1.1 and 306.1.1 of the 2015 edition of the International Property Maintenance Code(a publication currently incorporated by reference into Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR§1219.1 et. seq.) by 19 NYCRR§ 1226.1), and (vii) the term unsafe structure means a structure that is so damaged, decayed, dilapidated, or structurally unsafe, or is of such faulty construction or unstable foundation, that partial or complete collapse is possible. (2) To obtain or renew an operating permit for a parking garage or to have an operating permit for a parking garage reissued, the applicant must present to the Building Inspector a condition assessment of the parking garage performed by a responsible professional engineer. (3) The Building Inspector shall not issue, renew or reissue an operating permit for a parking garage if the condition assessment shows that the parking garage is in an unsafe condition or is situated within an unsafe structure. (4) The Building Inspector shall revoke or suspend any operating permit for a parking garage if the Building Inspector determines that the parking garage either is in an unsafe condition or is situated within an unsafe structure. § 147-3. Amendments to the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR§1219.1 et. seq.). For the purposes of this chapter, references or citations to the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR §1219.1 et. seq.) shall mean not only that Code as it currently exists but as it may exist from time to time in the future due to amendments or recodifications thereof. §147-4. Fire safety and property maintenance inspections. A. The Town Board may appoint a person to act as Fire Inspector. Fire safety and property maintenance inspections of buildings and structures shall be performed by the Fire Inspector if one is appointed, or by the Building Inspector or other code enforcement officer designated by the Building Inspector to perform such inspections at the following intervals: (1) Fire safety and property maintenance inspections of buildings or structures which contain an area of public assembly or are occupied as dormitories shall be performed at least once every 12 months. (2) Fire safety and property maintenance inspections of all multiple dwellings not included in § 147-4 A (1), and all nonresidential buildings, structures, uses and occupancies not included in § 147-4 A (1) shall be performed at least once every 36 months. B. In addition to the inspections required by § 147-4 A, a fire safety and property maintenance inspection of any building, structure, use, or occupancy or of any dwelling unit, may also be performed by the Fire Inspector, if one is appointed, or by Building Inspector, or other code enforcement officer as may be designated by Building Inspector to perform such inspections, at any time upon: (1)The request of the owner of the property to be inspected or an authorized agent of such owner; (2) Receipt by the Building Inspector of a written statement alleging that conditions or activities failing to comply with the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR §1219.1 et. seq.) or the Energy Code(defined in§ 147-4 E)exist, or (3) Receipt by the Building Inspector of any other information, reasonably believed by the Building Inspector to be reliable, giving rise to reasonable cause to believe that conditions or activities failing to comply with the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (19 NYCRR §1219.1 et.seq.)or the Energy Code exist;provided,however,that nothing in this subsection shall be construed as permitting an inspection under circumstances where a court order or warrant permitting such inspection is required, unless such court order or warrant shall have been obtained. C.Nothing in this section or in any other provision of this chapter shall supersede,limit or impair the powers, duties and responsibilities of the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control ("OFPC") and the New York State Fire Administrator under Executive Law 156-e and Education Law 807-b. D. The fee specified in A250-1 of this chapter shall be paid prior to or at the time of each inspection performed pursuant to this section. This subsection shall not apply to inspections performed by OFPC. E. For the purposes of Chapter 147,the term"Energy Codes" means the following provisions of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code:Residential code(2015 IRC),Building code (2015 IBC),Property maintenance code(2015 IPMC),Mechanical code(2015 IMC),Plumbing code(2015 IPC),Fuel gas code(2015 IFGC),Fire code(2015 IFC),2017 NYS supplement and Energy conservation construction code(2016 NYS). Section 4-Amendment to an existing chapter of the Mamaroneck Code: Section A250-1 of the Mamaroneck Code hereby is amended to add the following to it: Code Section Subject Fee or Deposit 147-2 A. Operating Permits: Retail establishment with 10,000 or more square feet of gross floor area $200 Places of assembly for 100 or more occupants $200 Self-storage facilities $200 plus$20 per floor for each floor above or below grade Storage and maintenance garages $100 Pyrotechnic devices in assembly occupancies $100 147-2 I. Parking garages $100 147-4 Fire Safety Inspection $100 147-4 Property Maintenance Inspection $100 147-4 Multiple dwellings $200 plus$20 per floor for each floor above or below grade Section 5-Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. Section 6—Effective Date: This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. September 13,2019 (A) - 2 - 1 / Town of Mamaroneck � } From: Tracy Yogman-Town Comptroller `'' (1 " J"� Re: Fire Claims V Date: October 2, 2019 The following Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department claims have been certified by Chief Joseph Russo and submitted to the Comptroller's Office for payment: VENDOR DESCRIPTION Amount AAA Emergency Supply Co.,Inc Scott 804721-01-4.5 Carbon 30 Minute Cylinders w/valve $ 4,236.96 Single hose strap,50"nylon webbing with seat,Air Compressor system,valve,zip nut,labor, fire extinguisher inspection,recharge,GMI-Calibration,installed new 02 sensor,GMI part, AM Emergency Supply Co.,Inc hydrotest only with 0 Ring overhaul,refill Scott Air $ 2,129.55 Wall plates,bulletin boards,hose for Multi Gas Meters,connectors for meters,binder sheets, Amazon replacement paging speakers $ 657.61 Bound Tree Medical LLC Medical supplies $ 350.50 Chatsworth Cleaners Uniform cleaning-outstanding 2018 bills $ 144.78 Chatsworth Cleaners Uniform cleaning-Aug 2019 $ 39.42 Fire Companies.Com,Inc Platinum Package-hosting&maintenance of website 8/1/19 $ 209.97 Home Depot Supplies- shelves repaired from const.,shelf bracket for repair $ 231.21 Hampshire Club LLC. Inspection Dinner 10/18/19(deposit) $ 1,000.00 Konica Minolta Business Solution Color&print copy costs for Firehouse 8/2-9/1/19 $ 25.62 KVI Uniforms&Equipment,Inc TMFD Patch full color,sew patch,embroideries $ 406.50 New England Uniform Dress uniform-Corey Owen $ 392.00 Sound Shore Pest Control Exterminating services on 8/23/19 $ 65.00 Town of Mam'k Fire Dept. NYSPFFA Conference 9/23-9/26/19-Keith Napolitano $ 100.00 Tony's Nurseries Mums,cacti,mulch,2 propane tanks,etc. $ 241.85 Uni First Corporation Cleaning supplies 8/30,9/6,9/13/19 $ 292.05 Uni First Corporation Cleaning supplies 9/20/19 $ 227.89 Villa Maria Pizza Food for Drill 9/4,9/17/19 $ 207.43 Villa Maria Pizza Food for Fast Drill 9/23/19 $ 83.78 Westech Elevator Services,Inc. Maintenance for month of September 2019 $ 175.00 Westch Cty Assoc of Fire Chiefs Annual membership dues $ 300.00 WJWW Water charges 7/26-8/25/19-sprinkler stem 34.18 Total $ 11,551.30 • . L✓ MOTION OF SECONDED BY APPROVED BY REt ?ONERSOLUTINCOC OF BOARD OF FIRE (37L8 , DATE I 0 /Z ..)-6L A-D T1_ Town of Mamaroneck W m Town Center n F•FOUNDED 1661• 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@townofmamaroneck.org MOTI F SE (r)BY Memorandum. /— ��—� To: Supervisor &Town Board Re: Authorization — Renewal of Leaf Disposal Agr em Date: September 27, 2019 Attached is a proposed renewal agreement between the Town of Mamaroneck and Moriarty Service located on Valley Place in the Town. Previously, the Town used to dispose of leaves at the southernmost part of the Hommocks School parking lot. That arrangement created a series of potentially hazardous conditions whereby the trucks utilized for leaf collection and disposal were commingled with vehicles entering the Hommocks School. Therefore, the Town developed an alternative arrangement with Moriarty Service to utilize their transfer facility located on Valley Place. Valley Place is located at the Town/City of New Rochelle boarder off of Fifth Avenue. The renewal agreement calls for all of the same terms and conditions as previously agreed upon by the parties. There will be no change in the fee charged by Moriarty for the use of their facility between October 15, 2019 and January 15, 2020. The additional cost beyond the fee to Moriarty is the per ton fee paid to Westchester County for the disposal of leaves. Based upon the expectation that we will collect approximately 2,500 tons of leaves the disposal fees to be paid to the County will be $67,500.00. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD APPROVE THE AGREEMENT WITH MORIARTY SERVICE FOR FALL LEAF DISPOSAL AND THAT I BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT. Stephen V.Altieri Town Administrator •. MORIARTY SERVICES �,, 24 VALLEY PLACE LARCHMONT,NY 10538 91457&5412 September 26,2019 AGREEMENT BETWEEN MORIARTY SERVICES INC AND THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK FOR THE DISPOSAL OF FALL LEAVES This letter of agreement between Moriarty Services Inc.and the Town of Mamaroneck provides for the terms and conditions under which fall leaves may be delivered by the Town to the Moriarty facility at 24 Valley Place,Larchmont,NY. 1. All materials delivered shall comply with the requirements for the disposal of fall leaves set forth by the County of Westchester Department of Environmental Facilities. 2. Moriarty Services Inc.shall operate the site at 24 Valley Place in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. Moriarty Services Inc,shall maintain applicable permits to operate as required by Westchester County and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. 3. Moriarty Services Inc.shall make 24 Valley Place available for disposal of fall leaves between October 14,2019 and January 15,2020 at those times and days when the Town of Mamaroneck is conducting leaf disposal activities. 4. Town vehicles shall enter the facility to deliver fall leaves.The leaves will be loaded into trailers operated by Moriarty Services Inc.and transported to Moriarty composting facility. All loaded trailers shall be weighed at a certified scale. Weigh tickets shall be provided to the Town on a monthly basis. Moriarty Services Inc.hereby agrees that the Town shall be billed for no more than 2500 tons of leaves disposed. The Town and Moriarty Services Inc.agree that amount can vary by no more than 2%. 5. The Town shall maintain a log of all trips into the transfer facility. 6. The fee for the use of the facility and services described in this agreement shall be$20,000.00. The use fee will permit the Town to make an unlimited number of trips into the Valley Place facility between October 14,2019 and January 15,2020. The fee for the final disposal of the leaves shall be the then current fee as charged by the Westchester County Department of Environmental facilities up to the maximum tonnage as specified in Section 4 of the agreement. Billing for final disposal shall be accompanied by weigh tickets or other certification of the tonnage of leaves delivered for final disposal. 7. This letter of agreement may be terminated by either of the parties upon 45 days notices to the other. John Moriarty Stephen V.Altieri 440-r- 2- 0 o� o Town of Mamaroneck G ' 2 r I I _ Orr r M Town Center •FOUNDED 1661• 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914 38 - :I• ownadministrator@towno � ���,,•�: rg MOTION F Ire p' r '.'" Memorandum To: Supervisor &Town Board Re: Authorization –Agreement LMC-TV Food Waste Reduction Program Date: September 27, 2019 The Food Waste Reduction Grant Program includes public service announcements that will be produced and televised by LMC-TV. The total estimated value for this part of the program is $4,800.00. Four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) shall be paid to LMC-TV for production costs for 5 public service announcements. In addition, $800.00 is for in-kind services provided by Beth Radow for writing the scripts for the public service announcements. The $4,000.00 expense is covered by the Food Waste Reduction Grant and the $800.00 of in-kind services is the Town's match to the grant. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD APPROVE THE AGREEMENT WITH LMC-TV IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOOD WASTE REDUCTION GRANT, AND THAT I BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN. A— A Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Agreement This agreement entered into on ,2019 between Larchmont Mamaroneck Community Television, Inc., a corporation with offices at offices located at 740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck, New York 10543 (LMC) and the Town of Mamaroneck, a municipal corporation with offices located at 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York 10543(Town). Whereas, the Town has received a grant from the State of New York to conduct a Municipal Food Scraps Reduction, Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling Program (Grant), and Whereas,for the success of the Program, the Town wishes to engage LMC to perform the services described below. Now, therefore,intending to be bound,the parties agree to the following: 1. Over the next thirty-six months,LMC will produce five public service announcements based upon scripts written by Elizabeth N. Radow. 2. For performance of the services set forth in paragraph 1, the Town will pay LMC the sum of eight hundred and no/100ths($800.00) dollars for each public service announcement. Larchmont Mamaroneck Community Television,Inc. By: Town of Mamaroneck By: Stephen V. Alfieri, Town Administrator Ao-t-4- 3 090 Town of Mamaroneck ( d W ` ;"'`` Town Center ~ • 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 FOUNDED 1661 TEL: (914) 381-7812 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: (914) 381-7809 cgreenw»o€mamarfner}ny org MOTION OF S�CONDED BY TO: Stephen Altieri, Town Administrator A Nancy Seligson, Town Supervisor E . Iii TAP� Town Board Members FROM: Connie Green O'Donnell, Deputy Town Admin' ator DATE: September 25, 2019 SUBJECT: Authorization to Appoint a Junior Network Specialist - IT Department Authorization is requested to appoint Attila Papp, who currently works part-time in the IT Department, as a full-time Junior Network Specialist. As required by Civil Service, Mr. Papp passed the test for this title and is reachable on the list. If appointed, he will be required to serve a fifty-two (52) week probationary period. It is being recommended that Mr. Papp be appointed October 3, 2019 at an annual salary of$60,352. The stated salary is in accordance with the CSEA Agreement. In the 2019 budget it reflects an annual salary of$43,000. However, we found that salary not to be competitive for this position given the skills needed to perform the duties assigned, therefore it was adjusted accordingly. Mr. Papp was hired as a part-time IT Intern in 2017 while attending Pace University. He recently graduated with a Masters in Computer Science. His job responsibilities include, but are not limited to, resolving help desk tickets and deploying, maintaining and troubleshooting workstations. If hired full-time, he would be trained on software application and server configuration and support. These functions are currently being performed by Roz Cimino, the IT Director. According to Ms. Cimino, Mr. Papp has had a positive impact on the overall operations in the IT Department. Mr. Papp is a conscientious and independent worker, detail orientated, reliable and professional in his dealings with co-workers and office staff. He works well under pressure when troubleshooting issues and learns new tasks quickly. If needed, he is always willing to work evenings, weekends and when emergencies arise. According to Ms. Cimino, he would be an asset to the Town if hired full-time. ACTION REQUESTED: That the Town Board approve the appointment of Attila Papp as a full-time Junior Network Specialist effective October 3, 2019 at an annual salary of $60,352. NI- J,L 4. .s. 0 o Town of Mamaroneck t O- Z " z _ r" Town Center ~FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 t.v or@towno. `; �'4° -, l'.s rg u ./ . - . --,(-8/ Memorandum" To: Supervisor &Town Board / i.-di VI S Re: Report of Bids—Contract TA-19-09 Town Center Restroo Re ovation Date: September 27, 2019 On August 22, 2019, the Town Publicly opened and read the one bid received for the above referenced contract. Bid documents were picked up by six potential contractors however, only one bid was received. The scope of the contract included the renovation of the four public and four non-public restrooms in the Town Center building. The original bid received for the renovation of all of the restrooms was $598,000.00. Our opinion was that the bid was too high for the scope of work proposed in the bid documents. Since we only received one bid, the Town entered into a discussion with the contractor to determine if adjustments could be made to the contract to lower the price. Based upon our discussions with the sole bidder, the contract could be reduced to $438,000.00 however, the scope of the revised contract would only include the restoration of the four public bathrooms. After review by staff and the project's architect we continue to be of the opinion that the cost of the restoration is still unreasonably high. We will review the project scope again and rebid the project toward the end of the calendar year. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD REJECT THE ONE BID RECEIVED FOR CONTRACT TA-19-09. 411 & j Stephen V.Altieri Town Administrator