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2019_05_08 Town Board Meeting Packet
W f- 1R •FOUNDED Hbt- TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, May 8, 2019 TOWN CENTER COURTROOM 5:00PM THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE IN CONFERENCE ROOM C AND THEN TRANSFER TO CONFERENCE ROOM D TO DISCUSS: 1. Mamaroneck High School Civics Class - Survey Presentation 2. Update - Property Assessment Program 2019 3. Discussion- Community Development Block Grant Program 4. Discussion- Request for Proposals Comprehensive Plan 5. Discussion- Right-of-Way Policy 6. Discussion- BLD Diner Site 7. New Business 8. Request for Executive Session 8:00PM CALL TO ORDER— COURTROOM Supervisor's Report Citizen Comments Board of Fire Commissioners - Fire Department Business Affairs of Town of Mamaroneck 1. Authorization- Senior Citizen Program & Senior Servigm- 3acts 2. Salary Authorization- Building Department 3. Consideration of Certiorari Approval of the Minutes Reports of the Council Town Clerk's Report Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting -Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Meeting Adjournment Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should call the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. • , c f TOWN BOARD MEETING WORKSESSION AGENDA WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 2019 5:00PM -CONFERENCE ROOM C 1. Mamaroneck High School Civics Class-Survey Presentation (No attachment). 2. Update-Property Assessment Program 2019 (See attachment). 3. Discussion -Community Development Block Grant Program (See attachment). 4. Discussion- Request for Proposals - Comprehensive Plan (See attachment). 5. Discussion- Right-of-Way Policy (No attachment). 6. Discussion- BLD Diner Site (No attachment). 7. New Business 8. Request for Executive Session Flow of Information Survey F 7.°I°#7r-i'ginl Civic OCRAe lit.)Research E Action CALLE HARWIN, HALLE MYERS, JACOBI KANDEL, KATE COUGHLIN, SAMANTHA MURABITO, SYDNEY GRODIN responses to date Communication With Local Government This survey created by MHS students in Original Civic Research&Action seeks to better understand how residents access information from their local governments.Thank you for your participation. Which of the tri-municipalities do you live in? Village of Larchmont Village of Mamaroneck Town of Mamaroneck,Unincorporated Area I don't know What street do you live on? Shun Do you receive information from your local government? Yes No Local government tries to communicate with its residents in many ways. Which forms of communication do you receive and use? (Check all that apply.) Local government facebook Emails from local government officials Local government websites Printed or electronic newsletters from local government officials LMCTV Local newspaper(eg.Larchmont Ledger,Mamaroneck Review) Burbio Community Calendar WVOX radio Board meetings Robocalls from local government officials I don't receive news How satisfied are you with the amount of information provided to you by the local government? 1 2 3 4 5 Not at all Very satisfied When seeking out information about local government,which of the following k sources do YOU utilize?(Check all that apply) Friends and Neighbors,i.e.word of mouth Nextdoor Town websites The Loop The Patch Journal News(LoHud) Monthly/Weekly publications,e.g.Larchmont Ledger,Sound&Town,etc Facebook Grassroots and community groups Local political parties Do you feel adequately informed about local government's policies, processes, and priorities? 1 2 3 4 5 Not at all Yes Explain your thinking (optional) r;Urt �:sr er :eR Would you download and use an app that keeps you informed about your local government? Yes No Maybe What kind of information would you like to see on this type of app? (Check all that apply) Sanitation schedule(garbage&recycle information) Local tax due dates/notifications Recreational sports schedule and registration Local business openings and events Town/Village board meeting briefs Town/Village sponsored events Local weather alerts Road closures Police alerts Fire department reminders(changing batteries in smoke detectors,fire prevention info) Infrastructure work and updates Other. Would you like to have the ability to give feedback to your local government? *- Yes No Do you have anything additional you would like to share on this subject? Short answer text sCL — .1 T-Mobile ^ 8:40 AM @ 1 92% .� T Mobile 8:41 AM @1 92% EN Village Calendar = < Service Requests MAY 201 9 _\ Fire Hazard _a4> Service Requests sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1%1 Pay A Parking 1 0 Graffiti Ticket 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 f!► Hazardous Conditions U Waste Collection 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 MyVOP ' Noise Complaint 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Thursday El Village News _ — Other May 02,2019 26 27 28 29 30 31 53o Storm Water Drainage and W lSanitary Sewer System Village Calenda Streets and Sidewalks Wed 27 Mar 2019 Subscribe Zoning Board of Appeals + ,,� 27 pp � Trees and Parks _ i App Feedback Tue 17 Dec 2019 0 Vehicles and Parking 17 Planning Board Meeting a+ 12-17-2019 • " I haven't the slightest idea who the elected officials are, or what issues are at hand . don't know where to find any current info. Because I ' m not informed , I never end up voting. I 'd like to know which politicians support the issues that I believe in." Feedback from "Do you feel adequately informed about local government's policies, processes, and priorities?" ,, NEED MORE INFORMATION " Feedback from "Do you feel adequately informed about local government's policies, processes, and priorities?" "This survey made me realize that I never hear from my government. I hear from my vet, my car dealership, but not my government:" Feedback from "Do you feel adequately informed about local government's policies, processes, and priorities?" " I think local officials are receptive to feedback from residents who reach out but I think increased engagement from more residents would be beneficial to all " Feedback from "Do you have anything additional you would like to share on this subject?" 5 17 0 3 A) Of people said they want an app Less than 10 % of people said no to an app Which of the tri-municipalities do you live in? - Do you receive information from your local government? Would you download and use an app that keeps you How satisfied are you with the amount of information informed about your local government? provided to you by the local government? 1 - Not at all satisfied ix. 5 - Very satisfied Maybe Yes • z a Do you receive information Do you feel adequately informed about local government's from your local government? policies,processes,and priorities? N 1 i Yes IIII MI 1:i When seeking out information about local government,which of the Local government tries to communicate with Its residents ki many ways. following sources do you utilize? Which forms of communication do you receive and use? 600 600 400 400 200 7.00 II 1111111 $ 0 0 0 111 ? III 111111110 duos..`�a`�e a\P°�,tN e d°��\vac,os\ .009 eP20% oi: G� 04' �`oatis- gyp,,... ,las y,"' t yds' v.?" ote oc:c4 Q ... oda 4�te, �a� roc N © c �r Dor ,, was \pc- \pc ct..„c..:0 tO' voct" 0.0 ,��ti\ 444 VPS Would you download and use an app that keeps What kind of informa`:ion would you likc you informed about your local government? to seg? on a local government apa? Town/ Village _0 spons_ Fire_-0 depart.. Local weather alerts Local tax due dates/.. Recrea. Town! Vtllage 9 board. infrastr -t0 Local busrne_.. Road Sall ctosixes 0 100 2E+0 Do you feel adequately informed... explain your thinking -� "Their emails often don't give enough information" 4 "There are certain aspects of local government about which I would like to be better informed." 4 "I feel informed about the day-to-day happenings and policies but not sure I know/understand the priorities and overall strategies/goals. I would also like more transparency about road maintenance, etc. perhaps with published schedules about planned fixes." -4 "Agendas for various meetings are not widely publicized. Controversial topics are publicized by word of mouth." -� "I would like to be more consistently informed" -4 "The website isn't up to date and not user friendly" 4 "You really have to dig for any info" Any additional info to share? 4 "Make Town governments more prevalent to the community and have them all communicate more with the residents." -4 "I don't even know who my local officials are or the makeup of the local government" 3 "The current Town of Mamaroneck emails are bothersome in that they give a line or 2 of info as a teaser (often not enough to discern what the message is about) and force you to click and wait to connect to a website to see the full message. Not effective or user friendly in my opinion." 4 "Good survey. Citizens need more and easier ways to interact with local government.: 4 "Dissemination of government announcements are inconsistently sent through social media." 4 "I hope your work can bring the village tech into this decade. Thanks for your initiative" STAR CHANGES for 2019-BASIC The School Tax Relief (STAR) program provides eligible homeowners in New York State with relief on their property taxes. CURRENTLY, if you are a BASIC STAR recipient, you receive the benefit in one of two ways: • the STAR credit program (open to any eligible homeowner whose income is $500,000 or less)—you receive a check in the mail from the Tax Department to apply to your school taxes • the STAR exemption program (now closed to new applicants)—you receive a direct reduction on your school tax bill in the form of a property tax exemption NEW- The income limit for the Basic STAR exemption is now$250,000. If your income is more than $250,000, you must switch to the credit program to continue receiving a STAR benefit. New York State Department of Taxation and Finance (DTF) will notify these residents directly via mail with instructions and timing. Who must switch • If your income is more than $250,000, you must switch to the STAR credit to continue receiving your benefit. • all with income of $250,000 and over will be directly notified by DTF with instructions • If your income is $250,000 or less, you have the option to switch. • If you currently receive your STAR benefit as a reduction on your school tax bill (the STAR exemption), you may receive a greater benefit if you switch to the STAR credit; you'll receive a check instead. • The value of the STAR credit may increase by as much as 2% each year, but the STAR exemption cannot increase. How to switch to the STAR credit 1. Notify your assessor that you wish to withdraw your STAR exemption. 2. Register for the STAR credit online www.tax.ny.gov/star Details to follow as NYS DTF/ORPTS releases more information to Assessors www.TownofMamaroneckNY.org STAR CHANGES for 2019- Enhanced The School Tax Relief(STAR) program provides eligible homeowners in New York State with relief on their property taxes. • Enhanced STAR provides increased savings and is available to qualifying senior citizens ages 65 and older in both the credit and exemption programs • the income limit for the Enhanced Star benefit is $86,300 or less for the 2020-2021 school year New for 2019, if you are applying or reapplying for the Enhanced STAR exemption, you must also enroll in the Income Verification Program (IVP). TOM residents currently enrolled in the Enhanced STAR program have already been notified and mailed the appropriate forms (9/2018 1st mailing, 3/2019 2nd mailing, 4/2019 3rd mailing and reminder phone calls) • In the first year (2019), your assessor will verify your eligibility based on the income information you provide. ✓ In the following years, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance will verify your income eligibility. • You will not need to reapply for the exemption or provide copies of your tax returns to your local assessor. Benefits include: • You only need to enroll once, and you'll receive the exemption each year, as long as you're eligible. • The comfort of knowing you can't miss the renewal deadline. • You will no longer need to share your income tax returns with your assessor's office. YOU HAVE THE OPTION TO SWITCH ➢ If you currently receive your STAR benefit as a reduction on your school tax bill (the STAR exemption), you may receive a greater benefit if you switch to the STAR credit; you'll receive a check instead. ➢ The value of the STAR credit may increase by as much as 2% each year, but the STAR exemption cannot increase. MORE information can be found at www.tax.ny.gov/star or www.TownofMamaroneckNY.org 104 7 FOUYD 7EE7 ' Town of Mamaroneck Assessment Update 2019 For the 2019 assessment roll, GAR Associates once again assisted the Assessor's Office with the assessment update. All neighborhoods were analyzed, but as the chart below indicates,the confirmable data showed that only the neighborhoods highlighted in yellow require adjustment in order to maintain equity throughout the Town. Although analysis of commercial neighborhoods (properties) indicates some trends there does not appear to be sufficient statistical information to support changes to the current assessments at this time. There is no evidence of land appreciation based on the information available. 2019 Update of Assessment Roll aggregate ratio within equitable range #of subjects total sales (95%-105%) typical nbhd Nbhd Nbhd Name in nbhd 1-1-17 to 12-31-18 min sale price mean sale price max sale price 1-1-17 to 12-31-18 Adjustment '055100 Harbor Heights 420 32 $ 415,000 $ 652,516 $ 862,500 no 1% '055200 North Central 477 25 $ 160,000 $ 554,614 $ 760,000 no 6% '055300 Unincorp North 786 36 $ 650,000 $ 1,516,382 $ 4,790,000 yes n/a-equitable '055400 Larch Gardens 742 43 $ 512,000 $ 1,132,822 $ 2,450,000 yes n/a-equitable '055500 Middle Town 454 28 $ 495,000 $ 702,123 $ 995,000 yes n/a-equitable 055600 Orienta/Hommocks 448 29 $ 645,000 $ 1,456,231 $ 2,625,000 yes n/a-equitable 055700 Larch Manor 700 54 $ 740,000 $ 2,096,939 $ 4,150,000 yes n/a-equitable '055777 Water View 95 5 $ 1,057,500 $ 2,156,500 $ 2,795,000 yes n/a-equitable 055800 Larch Village 873 94 $ 480,000 $ 1,219,383 $ 2,906,000 yes n/a-equitable 055888 Water Front 264 24 $ 1,250,000 $ 3,416,063 $ 16,000,000 yes n/a-equitable 055900 Unincorp South 941 68 $ 555,000 $ 1,289,310 $ 2,300,000 yes n/a-equitable 055911 Unincorp Central 652 50 $ 435,000 $ 1,164,323 $ 2,620,000 yes n/a-equitable O 9 2 ?i i 9 Town of Mamaroneck m Town Center 790 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TEL 914-381-7810 FAX 914-381-7809 saltieri@townofmamaroneckny.org www.townofmamaroneckny.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Community Development Block Grant Program Date: May 3, 2019 This past year Westchester County re-entered the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). Under the prior County administration, the decision had been made to withdraw from the program due to the conflict on housing settlement matter. The CDBG Program is a Federal Program that provides funding for projects that benefit low and moderate income populations. Now that the program has been revitalized the Town has an opportunity to apply for funding. For 2018 the CDBG program in Westchester originally received $2.5million. As a result of the efforts of the New York Delegation to Congress, the program received an additional $lmillion. As a result, the CBBG program has re- opened the application process to receive additional applications. Generally, the funding is targeted to either specific programs or areas of a community where 51% or more of the population earns less than 80% of County median income. Within communities, the Federal government designates what they call low/mod block groups. The areas are based upon census tracts. Attached is the most recent low/mod block group map for the Town of Mamaroneck. The areas shaded in dark green are considered low/mod areas in the Town. We have been considering several potential projects that would appear to be eligible under the CDBG program. The projects are listed below: 1. Renovations to the Senior Center and the surrounding parking lot 2. Streetscape/Infrastructure Improvements- Fifth Avenue between Madison Avenue and the New Rochelle border. 3. Streetscape improvements on the Boston Post Road near the New Rochelle Border. A prior streetscape project at this location was funded through CBBG a number of years ago. 4. Small scale housing projects through the renovation of existing housing into two or three family housing. iA, Printed on Recycled Paper The Senior Center Project would be eligible because of the income limits of most of the participants in the program. The two streetscape projects would be eligible because both are located in the low/mod block groups identified in the Town. For the housing project idea, the Town would need to identify properties in the low/mod areas. The Town Board may also have additional ideas for projects. If the Board wishes to submit an application the following next steps would be needed: ➢ The Town would meet with the County in the next couple of weeks to clarify the eligibility of our suggested list of projects. ➢ Prepare the application(s) by the first week of June so that a public hearing can be set to discuss the projects publicly. ➢ The Town must hold the public hearing on the proposed project(s) no later than June 19, 2019. If our applications are approved the funding would be available in either 2020 or 2021. The Town can submit up to four applications and each cannot request more than $250,000. However, with the timeline being rather short the reality is that we could likely not prepare more than two applications for submission. If you require additional information before the May 8 meeting, please let me know. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Low/Moderate Income Block Groups Town of Mamaroneck 3I/ niiiiio,'' , E r r.frAl Or A .6 .,* 6 .4',:•?:,71P .,' P o Cp op ft 1 itc Aar 0 a,f¢ ek ,,\j,r }� 4100 . .' . --'7*- ' 0/104 1 0A . .,, J0 . 0. . ,.. q\ cife 40,- . '' QI . .e4:,-:. . . 4• -.9111r - 11 ,2 L*4.... l'4°,,,S .,,,S .. / , : ,;',,,,, . -. z,. * . •WI W • esu 'P ` .;�. 0ea�� > hO Q 0 ��0y Crgv 110 Q S 1 1214 I I I M t 4 4. is •.P ,ii----;',. Tram 69 c- iCe .tire1 t'06,13669'61„.01 , ay6 °` S; 1 BG 4 r�� Fld",'e �0� 1 a 49 a• ` ~ . 90 . ,iy Sue .rD� Cnera � � SS5'�`���..� ` ,'4o1,�a Eapy�wlsRd • 5�� C p0 1 v I P .0 �/� t CY 1 A 3e oy �` oq; a. • 10 I e . ' . 4 .4,tit .t. oole.:- > . 1 -- - . st- 8°' 0 ',I' 41(e?A4 t, , . .° yritt9iatAN4*.4 /461r'_ ' . ..' ?i,;cs' 4 7.165 ,0141,0 #4.?t, i;i1VAITH 1100) ' ' Iiiik', . iiii.0! '":!!!!!!!:1111,!:::i0111111111111P414111! . �^*. • pee . Nt � 411k�/iiil!!0 ' lk Q Lc3Ct-o �� 041 Orchard A e. . 14 dr VifiZrieto . ,, 4.,1, �. #4-*1.44tv9rA-, ,,...„sft.$-,..-., .-„,,,v.-t too. ,,.: p,ct lip-84, • s I , . i. „ . . . ., , ... . „.. , , . ,,..., . , , . . . h ` . crr t _ • r _ t Municipal Border w' t Census Tracts r .. Q Census Block Groups Low/Mod Block Groups 0 01 02 04 Aqh Uncapped Low/Mod Percentage ..r=, 11-'-'`-''"`1 Maes nwlim low/mod population>51 Westchester County Department of Planning.March 2019 s REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) for the Town of Mamaroneck for the Preparation of a Comprehensive Plan A. Introduction The Town of Mamaroneck seeks proposals from qualified planning consulting firms to prepare a comprehensive plan for the Town. The Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) is intended to provide a vision and establish policies that will guide the Town's future direction in a number of areas while providing a blueprint for preserving the character of the community. The plan will be a critical guide for the Town Board,Town staff and Town Boards and Commissions to chart the direction of the community over the next five to twenty years. When completed the Plan must provide guidance to the Town for meeting the community's needs both now and in the future. The Town has a strong record of stewardship of the environment. The expectation is that the Plan will build upon that record by reviewing existing policies and where applicable developing new policies and tools for sustainability. This is the first time that the Town of Mamaroneck has created a comprehensive plan to guide future policy and planning decisions. Therefore,the Town is requiring a very robust public outreach program that will be further detailed in this RFP. B. Background and Community Description The Town of Mamaroneck is a suburban community located in Southern Westchester County on the shores of Long Island Sound approximately 23 miles from New York City. The Town is comprised of its unincorporated area and the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck. A portion of the Village of Mamaroneck, known as the Rye Neck section, lies in the Town of Rye. The Town government provides all local government services to the unincorporated area of the Town. Although the Villages have their own autonomous governments,the Town does provide a select menu of services to Village residents. The Plan will address some areas of shared services including housing and recreation, but the majority of the Plan, and especially the land use portion of the Plan,will relate only to the unincorporated area of the Town. According to the 2010 US Census, the population of the entire Town including the Villages is 29,156; the unincorporated Town population is 11,977. The Town is serviced by Metro-North Railroad with stations in the Village of Mamaroneck and Village of Larchmont. Residents in the unincorporated area utilize both railroad stations. In addition to Metro-North Railroad, public transportation is available from Westchester County Bee-Line Bus service operating three bus routes in the Town. Request for Proposals-Comprehensive Plan Both Interstate Route 95 and the Hutchison River Parkway are easily accessible from the Town. Geographically, 1-95 divides the unincorporated area of the Town. Other major automobile routes in the Town include Route 1 (Boston Post Road), Weaver Street(NYS Route 125), Palmer Avenue (Westchester County Roadway)and Murray Avenue (Westchester County Roadway) The Town of Mamaroneck is a residential community comprised primarily of single family homes. Other residential development in the Town consists of multi-story rental apartments, and condominiums and cooperative apartments located in two distinct areas of the Town. The Washington Square neighborhood, located in the southern portion of the Town is comprised of seven multi-story, multi-family buildings.The oldest of the buildings date back to before WWII. The newest, is a condominium development of 149 units that was recently completed. This neighborhood is located near 1-95 at the unincorporated area border with the Village of Larchmont and near the Larchmont train station. The other multi-family district is located on Richbell Road at the Town's border with the Village of Mamaroneck between the Boston Post Road and Palmer Avenue. This neighborhood is located in the central portion of the Town. Although the Town does not have a traditional defined downtown,the Boston Post Road corridor serves as the Town's major commercial district. The Boston Post Road corridor consists of retail outlets and service businesses. Residents of the unincorporated area utilize this commercial district as well as the downtown business districts of the Village of Larchmont and Village of Mamaroneck and the Mamaroneck Avenue corridor. A smaller commercial district is located at the southwest section of the Town near the New Rochelle border. This second district is located on Myrtle Boulevard, Madison Avenue and Fifth Avenue. Within the unincorporated area are the Winged Foot Golf Club and Bonnie Briar Golf Club that together comprise over 427 acres of land. In 1994 the golf course properties were re-zoned in a new district entitled the Recreation Zone. These properties cannot be developed for residential or commercial purposes. There is also 310 acres of dedicated parkland including approximately 7 miles of conservation trails. Most of the Town including the two Villages are served by the Mamaroneck Union Free School District. A portion of Mamaroneck Village is served by the Rye Neck School District. In the northern section of the Town's unincorporated area, near the Village of Scarsdale border approximately 260 homes are served by the Scarsdale Union Free School District. C. Scope of Work The preparation of the Plan is to be divided into two phases. Phase 1 will encompass the community engagement component of the Plan and Phase 2 the 21Page Request for Proposals-Comprehensive Plan preparation of the Plan itself. SEQRA Review and Plan adoption are outside the scope of this project. The Plan will address some areas of shared services including housing and recreation, but the majority of the Plan and especially the land use portion of the Plan relate only to the unincorporated area of the Town. Phase 1 —Community Engagement The Town is expecting the community engagement component of the Plan development process to be comprehensive, reaching the town's various stakeholders, including town officials and staff, residents and the civic and business communities. The proposed community engagement should include the elements outlined below and will be refined in collaboration with the Town once the consultant has been selected. I. Initial visioning session with the Town Board and designated Town staff The purpose of this visioning session is to help set the baseline for the types of questions and input to be obtained from the community and to discuss and confirm members to be appointed to the Steering Committee.The Town Board will approve the final questionnaire. II. Appointment of a Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee The Steering Committee will include representatives from the Town's boards and commissions as well as a representative of the resident, business and civic communities who will guide the development of the plan in collaboration with the consultant. Members representing boards/commissions will serve as liaisons and will be expected to keep their boards/commissions informed on the progress of plan development throughout the process. The Steering Committee is expected to consist of 8-10 members. III. Town Hall meetings The consultant will conduct three robust"Town Hall"style meetings during the plan development process to solicit input from Town residents, including: . a. An initial visioning meeting; b. An initial meeting on plan policies; and c. A meeting on the draft plan IV. Individual meetings with Town Boards and Commissions a. Town Planning Board b. Town Zoning Board c. Coastal Zone Management Commission 3IPage Request for Proposals-Comprehensive Plan d. Traffic Committee e. Town Recreation Commission f. Sustainability Collaborative g. Housing Authority V. Individual meetings with neighborhood associations a. Larchmont Gardens Civic Association b. Howell Park Association c. Pinebrook Association d. Co-op Board VI. Meetings with the following groups a. Local realtors b. Student group from Mamaroneck High School c. Members of the Mamaroneck School Board and School Supt. VII. Online survey The consultant will develop an online survey to solicit input on the vision for the Comprehensive Plan to be widely distributed in collaboration with the Town and the groups highlighted in IV-VI above. VIII. "Meeting in a Box"engagement The consultant will create a "meeting in a box"toolkit that can be used by civic organizations (such as farmers market, places of worship, schools, etc.)to solicit input into the comprehensive plan process,which can be shared back with the consultant and the Town. IX. Use of Social Media and Town Web Page a. The consultant will develop a Facebook Page and Twitter account for the comprehensive plan to receive comments and to update the community on the progress of development of the Plan. b. The consultant will develop a web page within the Town's website to share progress on the development of the plan and post documents. c. Other media that should be utilized for the public outreach phase is the local cable television channels operated by LMCTV. The Town welcomes other suggestions from the consultant on how best to implement the public outreach to the community. Phase 2-Preparation of the Plan The purpose of the Plan is to develop policies that balance social, economic and environmental considerations to prepare for smart growth of the Town both now and over the next five to twenty years. The Plan must also address issues of sustainability and resilience as the Town considers how best to address the impacts of climate change and changes in our regional and local environment. In 41Page Request for Proposals- Comprehensive Plan this regard, the plan when completed should be a blueprint for smart growth in the Town. While the Town is composed primarily of single family homes, it is also fortunate to be a community with a diversity of housing types. Therefore, the Plan must establish policies that balance the need for housing choice with the need to maintain the Town's existing suburban character. The Town envisions a policy-based Comprehensive Plan focusing on the following topics: • Preservation of community character • Future land use and development, including homes, businesses, open space and recreation • Mobility, including vehicles, pedestrians and transit-accessibility • Government and community services Although the above are the primary areas of focus, it is conceivable that the public engagement process could lead to adjustments in the areas to be studied. In the past there have been other significant studies prepared by the Town that have concentrated on various topics. The previous studies are listed below. The consultant is expected to review these studies and recommend how the policies developed in those studies can be incorporated in the Plan. The intent is to incorporate these plans into the Comprehensive Plan. • 1986 Master Plan for the Boston Post Road and Palmer Avenue Corridors • 1986 Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Larchmont Local Water Front Revitalization Plan o Amended in 1994 and in 2018 • 2013 Town of Mamaroneck Hazard Mitigation Plan • 2014 Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Plan Preservation of community character Maintaining the character of the Town is an important mission of the Plan. The size of new homes and their overall mass has become an issue in some neighborhoods. Therefore, the plan must address the question of how best to structure land use policies and regulations to consider future residential development. In connection with the review of the land use regulations, the Town's current design guidelines are to be reviewed by the consultant. One of the The intents of this review is to incorporate new green infrastructure techniques into both residential and commercial site plan reviews. Future land use and development 5I1 , Request for Proposals- Comprehensive Plan Homes: The Town has developed as primarily a single family residential community with some multifamily housing in Washington Square and on Richbell Road. Developing workforce housing in the community is of importance to the Town government. In that regard the Town, in 2013, amended its zoning code to permit the development of residential housing in areas previously zoned exclusively for businesses and service businesses. The B-R and SBR zones were created along the Boston Post Road corridor and along Madison Avenue and Fifth Avenue near the Town's border with New Rochelle. The Plan should develop policies and guidelines to assist the Town in the development of work force housing and other strategies to provide more affordable housing in the community. Businesses There is concern about the number of empty storefronts in the Town business areas. The Town's commercial corridors should be evaluated in the Plan in order to determine the best options for the future of these corridors in terms of commercial uses, residential uses or a combination of both that best fit the community. Open Space and Recreation The Town currently offers a wide variety of recreation programs for all age groups in the community. In terms of recreation facilities, the Town offers: • Hommocks Pool Facility-this is a facility that is owned by the Mamaroneck School District with the Town sharing in the use • Hommocks Ice Rink-A Ttown owned facility used for ice related recreational programs, and public skating. During the summer the facility is used for our summer camp program • Memorial Park- an open park with a playground facility and tennis courts. The park is also used for concerts and sports programs for young children • Senior Center-the Town recently purchased a former Veteran's of Foreign War Post. The building is used primarily for senior citizen programming. The Town also includes passive open spaces that are informally used for recreational purposes. The Plan should provide assistance to the Town in developing strategies to evaluate the optimum use of our facilities and for the evaluation and development of new programming unconstrained by existing facilities. Mobility There has been a noticeable increase in traffic volumes throughout the Town's unincorporated area over the years. The Weaver Street Corridor (NYS Route 125) is a main east-west roadway for traffic traveling from New Rochelle and 6I , e Request for Proposals-Comprehensive Plan Mamaroneck to Scarsdale and White Plains. Three of the Town's public schools are adjacent to or very close to this corridor and are also generators of traffic. The development of policies and guidelines for how best to address the increased traffic in this area is an important component of the Plan. While the Plan must address vehicular movement,the Plan must also develop policies for better and more convenient pedestrian movement in the Town. The intent here would be to reduce the dependence on automobile travel. For instance, how can we make the Town more walkable? The Plan should develop policies and guidelines to incentivize increased use of bicycles and electric bicycles to reduce dependence on automobile travel.The concept Is to develop a more specific complete streets program for the Town. Because of its proximity to New York City, a significant number of residents in Mamaroneck commute by train. This has created an ever growing demand for commuter parking. With limited open space to develop more parking,the Town is looking to address, in the Plan, alternatives to traditional parking lots for commuters. The comprehensive plan is an opportunity to address this issue on a more global basis. Government and Community Services The Town currently offers a full menu of municipal services to the community. However, the environment in which the government operates is changing. The recent legislation making permanent the local property tax cap and changes in the Federal Tax Law have in some cases changed the public's expectations of what their property tax obligation should be. This makes municipal planning and budgeting more difficult as the Town endeavors to determine what services are most essential to the residents. The Plan should develop strategies for the Town for prioritizing municipal services for future planning and budgeting. D. Specific Tasks to be Completed in Developing the Plan I. Completion of all of the tasks outlined in the Phase 1 Community Engagement portion of the Plan. II. Provide recommendations on strategies and policies for the Town to address the areas of focus outlined in the RFP and through the community engagement process. III. Incorporate where applicable the previous studies and plans listed in the RFP into the revised Plan. IV. The consultant will be responsible for preparing all documentation needed for compliance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review(SEQR) regulations unless the Plan is designated a Type 1 Action requiring an EIS. Then the SEQRA review will be negotiated separately. 7IPage Request for Proposals-Comprehensive Plan E. Time Une and Budget I. The Town's goal is to complete the community engagement and preparation of the plan in a nine to twelve-month time frame. II. The community engagement phase of the Plan should begin in the fall of 2019. III. The Town has considered that a budget of$75,000 to$125,000 is appropriate for the completion of both phases of the Plan. F. Selection Process Responses to this RFP will be reviewed and ranked as most qualified to meet the Town's needs for preparation of a comprehensive plan. The selection process will include interviews with the Supervisor and Town Board and members of the Town Staff. The selection of a consultant will be based upon the technical skills and relevant experience of the candidates, as follows, with a maximum possible score of 100. I. Technical Capability-The relevant knowledge and ability to provide the planning services necessary to conduct the public engagement and prepare a comprehensive plan. (25 points) II. Project Understanding and Approach-The consultant's understanding the scope of work required for this project and the approach to be used by the consultant to prepare the plan (25 points) Ill. Project Experience-The experience of the consultant to provide similar type services in similar type communities. (25 points) IV. References-Please provide at least five (5) references for comparable projects (25 points) G. Submission Requirements: This submission shall be limited to five (5) double sided pages. I. A description of qualifications consistent with the scoring criteria listed above. II. A brief description of the staff that will be assigned to the Town's project including the primary point of contact or project manager. Brief information on proposed sub-consultants should be provided. III. A brief listing of no more than five (5) projects undertaken over the past five (5)years of a similar type work and scope related to the development of a comprehensive plan. Information should include location, project cost and relevant information. IV. A brief description of approach to be used by the consultant to complete the project. V. Municipal references shall be provided for comparable projects including • Name of client • Contact person and contact information • Description of the projects prepared for the client 8 [ Page T Request for Proposals-Comprehensive Plan VI. The consultant should comment upon their estimated fee for the project and their ability to effectively complete the project in the time frame listed in the RFP The Town of Mamaroneck reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals submitted and to waive informalities and negotiate changes in the scope of work, services to be provided and fees proposed. Once a consultant has been selected,the Town will commence final contract negotiations with the most qualified planning firm or individual to establish a final scope of services, total fee and project schedule. If the Town and the selected consultant cannot agree on a final scope of services and/or fee,the Town, at its sole discretion, can start negotiations with the second ranked consultant H. Submission Deadline All proposals must be received in the Town Office by 3:00pm, 2019. Consultant's interested in responding to this RFP shall submit ten complete copies of their submissions. Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed as follows: Mr. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL-COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Submissions may NOT be submitted by e-mail,facsimile or other electronic format. For additional information or questions regarding the request for proposal contact Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator at 914-381-7810 or saltieri@townofmamaroneckny.org. Wage TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF VI MHeadquarters 205 WEAVER STREET LARCH MONT,NEW YORK 10538 WEAVER 8342100 EMERGENCY , 834-2101-NON EMERGENCY '� 834-2438 CHIEF'S OFFICE STREET 834-0922-FAX 1WWW.TMFD.ORG /1/p, pig To: Board of Fire Commissioners From: Chief Joseph Russo Date: May 1, 2019 Re: Fire Report for the Month of April 2019 The following report outlines response to calls made during the month of April 2019. It summarizes the nature, the number of personnel responding and the total time spent. I have also attached a report showing a further breakdown of these alarms. Alarm Type Number Generals 24 Minors 24 Stills 3 Out of Town(Mutual Aid) 3 EMS 36 Drills 4 TOTAL 94 Total number of personnel responding: 735 Total time working: 43 hours and 34 minutes Respectfully Submitted, Chief Josep Russo Incident Type Count Report Date Ranee: From 4/1/2019 To 4/30/2019 Selected Station(s): All Incident TN De Description Count Station: EMS 300-Rescue,emergency medical call(EMS)call,other 1 1.11% 31 -Medical assist 1 1.11% 321 -EMS call,excluding vehicle accident with injury 32 35.56% 321F-EMS call,excluding vehicle accident with injury 1 1.11% Total-Rescue& Emergency Medical Service Incidents 35 97.22% 510-Person in distress,other 1 1.11% Total-Service Call 1 2.78% Total for Station 36 40.00% Station: HO 130-Mobile property(vehicle)fire,other 1 1.11% 132-Road freight or transport vehicle fire 1 1.11% Total-Fires 2 3.92% 322F-Vehicle accident with injuries 6 6.67% 324F-Motor vehicle accident with no injuries 1 1.11% 331F-Lock-in(if lock out,use 511 ) 1 1.11% 353F-Removal of victim(s)from stalled elevator 1 1.11% Total-Rescue&Emergency Medical Service Incidents 9 17.65% 400-Hazardous condition,other 1 1.1 1% 412-Gas leak(natural gas or LPG) 4 4.44% 424-Carbon monoxide incident 1 1.11% 440-Electrical wiring/equipment problem,other 2 2.22% 445-Arcing,shorted electrical equipment 1 1.1 PA Total-Hazardous Conditions(No fire) 9 17.65% 500-Service Call,other 1 1.11% 511 -Lock-out 1 1.11% 522-Water or steam leak 1 1.11% 531 -Smoke or odor removal 1 1.11% 555-Defective elevator,no occupants 1 1.11% Total-Service Call 5 9.80% 600-Good intent call,other 1 1.11% 611 -Dispatched&cancelled en route 1 1.11% 622-No incident found on arrival at dispatch address 2 2.22% 651 -Smoke scare,odor of smoke 3 3.33% Total-Good Intent Call 7 13.73% 700-False alarm or false call,other 2 2.22% 733-Smoke detector activation due to malfunction 1 1.11% 735-Alarm system sounded due to malfunction 1 1.1 PA 743-Smoke detector activation,no fire-unintentional 7 7.78% 744-Detector activation,no fire-unintentional 2 2.22% 745-Alarm system sounded,no fire-unintentional 5 5.56% 746-Carbon monoxide detector activation,no CO 1 1.11% Page 1 of 2 Printed 05/01/2019 18:27:35 Incident Type Description Count Station; HO-(Continued) Total-Fals Alarm& False Call 19 37.25% Total for Station 51 56.67% Station: STIL 5-Service Call 1 1.11% 554-Assist invalid 2 2.22% Total-Service Call 3 100.00% Total for Station 3 3.33% 90 100.00% Page 2 of 2 Printed 05/01/2019 18:27:44 MOTION OF SECONDED BY o� �9 KFEKS ° Z TOWN OF MAMARONECK xx Town Center •FOUNDED 1661 • 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 Saltieri@townofmamaroneckNY.org www.townofmamaroneck.org MEMORANDUM To: Supervisor &Town Board From: Stephen V. Altieri,Town Administrator Subject: Authorization—Senior Citizen Program &Senior Services Contracts Date: May 3, 2019 It is time to renew the Town's contracts with the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs for funding for the Town's Nutrition and Transportation contracts. Below is a listing of the contracts to be considered: 1. III C 1 Nutrition Site Funding: County: $17,608 Town Match: $ 5,870 Estimated Additional NSIP* Funding: $ 5,791 This contract is for the operation of the Nutrition Site at the Senior Center. This past year, the Town served 3,026 meals. 2. III C 2 Home Delivered Meals Funding: County: $42,032 Town Match: $14,011 Estimated Additional NSIP* Funding: $17,775 This contract covers the Meals on Wheels Program and this past year the Town delivered 6,707 meals. 3. III B Transportation Services: County: $ 8,172 Town Match: $ 5,679 This contract covers transportation services provided by the Town to the Senior Center, shopping and medical appointments. Senior programs provided by the Town cover residents of the entire Town including the two Villages. I have not included copies of the contracts because of the volume of paper involved in reproducing those contracts. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD APPROVE THE CONTRACTS LISTED ABOVE, AND THAT THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACTS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN. Stephen V. Altieri MOTION OF SECONDED BY oK S o ' o Town of Mamaroneck W •61 t m Town Center �'FOUNUEU 16h1 . 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: (914) 381-7812 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: (914)381-7809 cgreenodonnell@townofmamaroneckny.org TO: Stephen Alfieri, Town Administrator Nancy Seligson, Town Supervisor Town Board Members FROM: Connie Green O'Donnell, Deputy Town Administrator DATE: May 2, 2019 SUBJECT: Authorization to Appoint an Assistant Building Inspector Authorization is requested to promote Joseph Russo,who currently holds the title of Code Enforcement Officer, to the position of Assistant Building Inspector. As required by Civil Service, Mr. Russo passed the test and is reachable on the list. It is being recommended that Mr.Russo be promoted effective May 9, 2019 and in accordance with the CSEA Agreement be paid an annual salary of$91,502. Mr. Russo started working for the Town in 2005 as a part-time Fire Inspector. In 2007 he was appointed as a full-time Code Enforcement Officer in the Building Department. In addition, Mr. Russo has served as a volunteer firefighter almost 40 years for both the Village of Larchmont and the Town and currently holds the position of Fire Chief at the Town. According to Richard Polcari, the Building Inspector, Mr.Russo has proven to be an asset to the overall operations of the Building Department. Mr. Russo is a dedicated and conscientious worker and professional in his dealings with the staff, as well as the public. He has taken the initiative to close open building permits and has been instrumental in the scanning of file documents onto Laserfiche in an effort to improve the accessibility of Building Department records. In this new role, in addition to his current duties, Mr.Russo will be responsible for performing fire inspections and issuing operating permits that are mandated by New York State law. Pending the Town Board's adoption of the fee schedule for these services, additional Building Department revenue will be generated as a result of performing the fire inspections and issuing operating permits. It is anticipated that the annual revenue will more than cover the salary differential which is$3,761. ACTION REQUESTED: That the Town Board approve the appointment of Joseph Russo to the position of Assistant Building Inspector effective May 9, 2019 at an annual salary of $91,502.