HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019_01_02 Town Board Meeting Packet TOWN OF MAMARONECK
1. Discussion - Comprehensive Plan
2. Review-Vehicle & Traffic Resolutions
3. Review-Town Fee Schedule
4. Review- Organizational Meeting Agenda
5. New Business
6. Request for Executive Session
1. Fire Claims
2. Other Fire Department Business
1. 2019 Organizational Agenda _
4. Report of Bids -TA-18-09 Cleaning of Police Uniforms
Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend
the meeting should contact the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810.
Discussion Guidelines for Comprehensive Plan Interviews
Wednesday January 2, 2019
1. How is update of Comprehensive Plan affected by removing certain issues? Does it diminish
effectiveness of Plan?The TB is considering extracting several more urgent issues from the Plan
such as commuter parking, FAR,Site Plan Review.
2. Outreach, engaging and working with the public
a. How much information do we have to prepare for the public to get adequate
b. Should we prepare surveys? Focus groups?Town Hall style meetings? Facebook/social
media outreach?Comp Plan committee?
c. How much time should we give the public to respond?
3. Land Use
a. Empty store fronts
b. Community gardens
c. Affordable housing
4. Transportation
a. Traffic calming primarily at schools but also at major intersections-Weaver Street
b. Alternatives, i.e, bicycles,commuter shuttles
c. Complete streets
d. Bicycle accommodations
5. Recreation
a. Evaluating current and future needs
b. Enhancing existing facilities
c. Alternative/additional facilities
d. Alternative Programming-Seniors
6. Municipal Services
a. Sanitation—service changes, enhancements, improvements
b. Highway Services-leaf collection
c. An evaluation of resident response to current municipal services
7. Comp Plan Time Frame and Cost
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WHEREAS,the Town of Mamaroneck Vehicle and Traffic Chapter 219, § 219-44 stipulates that from
time to time by resolution or local law,the Town Board shall establish the fee, days, times and methods
of payment for permitted use of the parking lots.
RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby establish the followi i_ =- days, times
and methods of payment for Town Lots A through G as follows:
Lot A(formerly Lotl): (i)Daytime permit fee from June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019 will s."
$725.00 per year(ii)Meter permit fee from June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019 will be$ 80.00 p
year(iii) a meter fee of$.60 per hour is required of Meter Permit holders from 5:00 am to 6:00 p
Monday through Friday(iv) Permits are required beginning Monday at 5:00 am through Friday at i:00
pm(v)payment for metered permits is required from 5:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday vi)
parking without a permit is allowed beginning Friday at 6:00pm and ending Sunday 6:00pm(vii)
parking is allowed on any day from 3:00 am to 5:00 am(vi t i
FOR TB CONSIDERATION: 3:00 am to 5:00 am parking is allowed from Saturday at 3:1!.ok,0_, �o
Sunday at 1011.2ssigiforanoc-$----,_. �
Lot B (former y Lot 3): (i)24 Hour Parking Permit fee from June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019 will be
$825.00 and $675.00 for Seniors 65 years of age and over(ii)24 Hour Parking Permit holders may
park 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, including all holidays (iii)Area Business Parking Permit fee
from June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019 will be$575.00 per year.
Lot C (formerly Lot 4): (i) Overnight Parking Permit fee from June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019 will
be$450.00 per year(ii) Overnight Parking Permit holders may park beginning at 7:30 pm Monday
through Thursday, and must vacate the Lot by 7:30 am Monday through Friday(iii) Parking is
permitted weekends beginning at 7:30 pm on Friday and ending Monday at 7:30 am.
Lot D (formerly Lot 5): (i)24 Hour Parking Permit fee from June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019 will
be$825.00 per year, and $675.00 for Seniors 65 years of age and over(ii) 24 Hour Parking Permit
holders may park 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, including all holidays.
Lot E(formerly Lot 6): (i) 24 Hour Parking Permit fee from June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019 will be
$825.00 per year, and$675.00 for Seniors 65 years of age and over(ii) 24 Hour Parking Permit holders
may park 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, including all holidays.
Lot F (formerly Lot 7): (i)Town of Mamaroneck Highway Employees and Larchmont Mamaroneck
Joint Garbage Disposal Commission Employees may park in this area at all times.
Lot G(formerly Lot 8): RESERVED.
RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby establish a service fee
of$35.00 for semi-annual permits and a Tag replacement fee of 10.00, and
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby allow parking except when said Lots are
being, in whole or in part, closed for repairs, maintenance and/or improvement,upon reasonable notice
being given to the permit holders.
WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck Vehicle and Traffic Chapter 219, § 219-56 stipulates
that from time to time by resolution or local law, the Town Board shall establish the fee, days,
times and methods of payment for parking on designated public highways.
RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby establish the following fees, days,times
and methods of payment for parking on designated public highways as follows:
Twenty six (26) parking spaces on Myrtle Boulevard are designated and limited to three (3)
hour parking from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Saturday, except holidays, for a fee
of four minutes for$.05, eight minutes for$.10 and twenty minutes for$.25.
Twenty six (26) parking spaces on Madison Ave are designated and limited to three(3) hour
parking from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm,Monday through Saturday, except holidays, for a fee of four
minutes for$.05, eight minutes for$.10 and twenty minutes for$.25.
Ten (10) parking spaces on Maxwell Avenue are designated for Ten (10) hour parking, 24
hours a day/7days a week, for a fee of$.50 per hour.
Eight(8)parking spaces are designated on Baldwin Avenue where payment is required in the
amount of$1.00 per hour from (TB to CONSIDER: making this consistent with Lot A) 5:00
am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except holidays, Payment shall be through the pay
stations located in Lot A.
On motion of , seconded by , it was
RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the following fee schedule for
the year 2019 as follows:
Code Section Subject Fee or Deposit
§50-3C Alarm system user permit,per calendar year or part
thereof $30
§50-4D(1) False alarm penalties,per calendar year:
Second $15
Third and fourth $50
Fifth through 15th $100
Each subsequent occurrence $250
§55-6A Mechanical amusement device license fee,annual:
Per device $50
Per premises $125
§58-7A Dog license fee for each neutered male or spayed
female dog $20 plus State surcharge of$1.00
Dog license fee for each unneutered male or un
spayed female dog $25 plus State surcharge of$3.00
§58-7G Failure to respond to an enumeration $50
§58-8 Redemption of impounded animals:
Fee for impound $10 per day
First impoundment of an animal within same calendar
year $40
Second impoundment of an animal within same
calendar year $50
Any subsequent impoundment of an animal within
Code Section Subject Fee or Deposit
same calendar year
§82-4 Dance hall or dance license fee,annual $200
§95-30A Erosion and sediment control
Filing fees:
Surface water and erosion control permit for a parcel
with an existing one-or two-family dwelling $250
Surface water and erosion control permit for the
construction of a new one-or two-family dwelling on
either a vacant parcel or on a parcel where more than
50%existing residence is demolished $400
Surface water and erosion control permit in all other
cases $400
Fee for applicant-requested modification(no work has
commenced) $100
Fee for applicant-requested modification(work has
commenced) $150
Permit fees:
Surface water and erosion control permit for a parcel
with an existing one-or two-family dwelling $200
Surface water and erosion control permit for the
construction of a new one-or two-family dwelling on
either a vacant parcel or on a parcel where more than
50%existing residence is demolished $300
$400;and where controls exceed$5,000 of
anticipated costs,then 6%fee additional for
all costs in excess of$5,000.This 6%is not
Surface water and erosion control permit in all other part of the engineering fees for site plan
cases approval
Stormwater pollution prevention permit $500
Inspection fees:
Minimum inspection fee for a parcel with a one-or
two-family dwelling $100
All other residential parcels $150
Code Section Subject Fee or Deposit
All other cases $250
NOTE:If work is commenced prior to the permit being
issued,all fees for the project will be doubled
§99-6A License fee for use of public property,per day Minimum$500;Maximum$5,000
§99-6B License fee for use of private property,per day $150
Blasting permit application(A bond in the amount of
$100,000 as well as public liability insurance naming
§106-20A the Town of Mamaroneck as a coinsured in an
aggregate amount of not less than$2,000,000 is to
accompany application.) $350
Supplemental blasting at the same site $100
§106-49 Discharge compliance certificate application $75
§106-56 Building fees:
Filing fees(applies to all permits issued by the Director
of Building Code Enforcement and land Use
$100.00 FILING FEE PLUS$15.00 PER
Residential THOUSASND.
$100.00 FILING FEE PLUS$20.00 PER
Commercial THOUSASND
Original certificate of occupancy:
One-and two-family dwellings and related accessory
structures $100
Commercial and all other buildings $100
Temporary certificate(plus bond as required by
Director of Building Code Enforcement and Land Use
Administrator) $300
Copy of certificate of occupancy $25
Original letter of compliance $50
Duplicate letter of compliance $25
Code Section Subject Fee or Deposit
$100 filing fee,plus$15 per$1,000 of rock
Mechanical rock removal permit application removal cost
Second rock removal permit application for the same
lot $125
Each additional rock removal permit application for
the same lot $150
To raze any structure:
Residential demolition $100,plus$15 per$1,000 of demo cost
Commercial Demolition $200,plus$15 per$1,000 of demo cost
Total valuation of construction or other activity to be $100,filing fee,plus$10 per$1,000 of
undertaken: construction costs
A fee of fifty percent(50%)of the original
permit fee be paid for each six(6)months
Permit renewals: extension.
NOTES:Fees for all permits issued after construction has started or where it has been completed shall be double the calculated fee.
To move a building:Treat fees the same as for new construction.
§114-7A Wetlands permit application $200
§117-6 Garage sale license application $20
-The following Parking
Permit Fees are to be
removed from the fee
schedule and
established by
resolution per the
Vehicle&Traffic Law _ e. '- •• $725
$80,Plus$0.60 per hour from 5:00 a.m.to
Commuter Lot 1 Meter Permit annual 6:00 p.m.
._ .. $575
Fee to add second car to daytime,meter,ar
Code Section Subject Fee or Deposit
lot 3 24 hour Permit annual $825
Lot 3 24 hour Permit,semi annual $430
.. _ ._ .. $355
Lot 4&Lot 1 Overnight Permit $450
§154-7A Peddling license,vehicle $125
§154-7B Peddler's license $125
§158-6 Plumbing fees:
$75,plus$15 per$1,000 of plumbing
Residential plumbing fee installation
$150,plus$20 per$1,000 of plumbing
Commercial Plumbing Fee installation
NOTE:For purposes of fee,gas appliances shall be considered as a plumbing fee
Fuel oil equipment:
Each oil burner, hourly rated capacity up to 2 gallons $100
Over 2 gallons and up to 10 gallons $150
Over 10 gallons $200
Storage tanks:
Up to 275 gallons $100 filing fee plus$100
Over 275 gallons and up to 550 gallons $100 filing fee plus$125
Over 550 gallons and up to 1,000 gallons $100 filing fee plus$150
Code Section Subject Fee or Deposit
Over 1,000 gallons and up to 2,000 gallons $100 filing fee plus$350
For each 1,000 gallons over 2,000 gallons $30 per thousand
Removal or abatement of tank in place:
Up to 550 gallons $100 filing fee plus$75
Over 550 gallons $100 filing fee plus$100
NOTE:Removal of underground tanks requires a$1200 bond
Sewer connection $50
Gas piping permit and test: $100
Each gas-fired heating appliance $50
Each other appliance $25
§167-8B Photocopies,not to exceed 9 inches by 14 inches $0.25 per page
§167-8 Blueprint or plan photocopy $2 per square feet
Blueprint or tracing reproduced onto Mylar or sepia $6 per square feet
Digital topographic/Tax Map CD $100 per map page
Town Code/inserts(no cover) $360
Zoning pamphlet $20
Zoning,election or Town Map $3
§175-8 Signs:
For erecting,placing or painting a new sign $150
For altering, reconstructing,enlarging or relocating on
the same premises as existing sign $100
Temporary signs as approved by Building Department $60
Temporary signs as approved by Town Board $200
§175-17 Filing fees: $25
Code Section Subject Fee or Deposit
For the cost of publication and mailing for each public
hearing convened for a sign variance application $100
Each additional application $50
§177-15 $350,plus$25 for each parking space
Site plan approval application required by the Zoning Ordinance
6%of the total performance bond or$2 per
linear foot of road surface,whichever is
Engineering fees higher
§187-5 Filing Fee $200
§187-6 Restoration deposits:
Street openings up to 100 square feet $1,200
Additional deposit for street openings in excess of 100
square feet $10 per square foot over 100 square feet
§190-22 Subdivision of land:
$300,plus$150 for each additional lot
Up to 2 lots shown on application
§198-Reserved Taxi drivers Reserved
§198-3 Reserved Taxicab and livery license Reserved
§198-7B Reserved Replacement of taxicab license or badge Reserved
§207-6A Tree removal permit application:
1 to 4 trees $75
Each additional tree $15
TBD Residential parking permits $25 per motor vehicle per year
TBD Residential Parking Permit issued in the months of $10.00
April,May,June,July,August or September
§240-61A Special permit fees:
Application fee $300
Renewal $150
Code Section Subject Fee or Deposit
§240-91 Zoning Board of Appeals application
Area variance,first request $200
Each additional requested variance $100
Use variance $300
Zoning variance extension $200
Fee for advertising hearing by Board of Appeals $50
§250-1 Bowling alley $250
Bounced check fee $20
Property tax fee(charge to tax service entities for
property tax payments without tax bill) $5 per parcel/tax bill
Accident report $0.25 per page
Complaint report $0.25 per page
Auctioning permits,per day $5
Auctioneering permit $100
Certified copies of vital records $10
Town of Mamaroneck
From: Tony Siligato-Town Comptroller Q
Re: Fire Claims j, 3, j)
Date: 01/02/2019
The following Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department claims have been certified by Chief Joseph Russc
and submitted to the Comptroller's Office for payment:
AAA Emergency Supply Co. RIT Firefighter Escape Training-Volpe&Nabi $ 230.00
Amazon Supplies:New chair for Intern,Rope,Belts for Vaccum cleaner,Dishwasher soap,Tie-downs, $ 785.03
shower curtains,toilet paper, Frames for Ex-Chiefs Portraits
Atlantic Westchester,Inc. Replace Control Board on Gas Furnace $ 820.71
Bound Tree Medical,LLC. Medical Supplies
$ 606.21
Cablevision Cable Services for 12/23/18-1/22/19 $ 210.55
Fire-End&Croker Corporation Gloves $ 84.15
Proftech LLC Calendars(Desk,Wall&Diary) $ 131.13
R.G.Brewer Inc. Supplies-building $ 28.86
Rickert Lock&Safe Co. Repair to Secretary's door
$ 225.00
Sound Shore Pest Control Exterminating Services on 11/26/18 $ 65.00
Seagrave Fire apparatus,LLC 1999 Ladder Rental-Rent due January 2019 $ 7,500.00
Town of Mam'k Fire Dept. Batteries for Scott Pak Testing $ 115.71
UniFirst Corporation Cleaning Supplies 12/7/18 $ 68.44
UniFirst Corporation Cleaning Supplies 12/14/18 $ 68.44
United Overhead Door Corp. Reset power,replaced photo sensor
$ 625.50
Verizon Fire HQ Service 12/10/18-1/9/19
$ 255.44
Villa Maria Pizza Food for Special Drill 12/13/18,Fire Standby 12/21/18,Fast Drill 12/13/1E $ 391.92
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Total: $ 12,212.09
OF 130ARD OF FIRE coMMISS10t4E 0 l
On motion, by ` ,the following was
approved, �(_--
WHEREAS, various sections of Town Law and Public Officers Law require that certain officials
execute an Official Undertaking, and
WHEREAS, we, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck require the Supervisor,Town
Clerk,Tax Collector,Town Justices and Town Comptroller execute an Official Undertaking as
required by law, and
WHEREAS, Nancy Seligson, of the Town of Mamaroneck, has been elected to the Office of
Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, and
WHEREAS, Christina Battalia,of the Town of Mamaroneck, has been elected to the Office of
Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck, and
WHEREAS,Jean Marie Brescia,of the Town of Mamaroneck, has been elected to the Office of
Town Justice of the Town of Mamaroneck, and
WHEREAS, Ronald Meister, of the Town of Mamaroneck, has been elected to the Office of
Town Justice of the Town of Mamaroneck, and
WHEREAS, Anthony Siligato, of Bardonia, NY, has been appointed to the Offices of Town
Comptroller and Tax Collector for the Town of Mamaroneck.
NOW,THEREFORE,the respective Officers above, do hereby undertake with the Town of
Mamaroneck that we will faithfully perform and discharge the duties of our office, and will
promptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received as a Town Officer, in
accordance with the law, and
RESOLVED,that the Town of Mamaroneck does and shall maintain coverage, presently with
the New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal;$1,000,000 limit per occurrence and $2,000,000
aggregate limit,for the Supervisor, Town Clerk,Town Justices and Town Comptroller/Tax
Collector,to indemnify against losses through the failure of the Officers,covered thereunder,
to faithfully perform their duties or to properly account for all monies or property received by
virtue of their positions or employment, and through fraudulent or dishonest acts/committed
by the Officers covered thereunder.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
King `�
Fiddelman A
Elkind Eney e/
Katz e
Seligson .Lau,(
Town Supervisor Dated Town Justice Dated
/ /
Town Clerk Dated Town Justice Dated
Town Comptroller
Tr Dated, Tax Collector Dated
�J 1 ,
Town of Mamaroneck
rpt T;c, Office of the Town Clerk, Town Center
4 m 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY
'q ° 10543-3353
Christina Battalia, RMC, CMC TEL:914/381-7870
Mamaroneck Town Clerk FAX:914/381-7813
DATE: December 27, 2018
TO: Town Board
FROM: Christina Battalia
SUBJECT: Organizational Meeting Agenda—First Meeting of the Year—Resolution of
Official Undertakings
Town Law§ 25 and Public Officers Law§ 11 outlines the requirement that"each Supervisor,
Town Clerk, Collector, Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, Town Justices, Constable, Town
Superintendent of Highways, and such other officers and employees as the Town Board may
require, before entering upon the duties of his or her office, and within 30 days after
commencement of the term for which he or she is chosen, shall execute and file in the office of
the Clerk of the Town, an official undertaking, conditioned for the faithful performance of his or
her duties, in such form, in such sum and with such sureties as the Town Board shall direct and
approve and such approval shall be indicated upon such undertaking". Failure to file an
undertaking in time will result in an automatic vacancy in office. Town Law further stipulates
that "in lieu thereof, with the consent and approval of the officer or governing body authorized
to require the undertaking, to procure a blanket undertaking from any duly authorized
corporate surety covering officers, clerks and employees". A number of years ago the Town
Board discussed the Town's insurance policy indemnifying the Town against losses caused by
the failure of officers or employees to faithfully perform their duties, but to date the Town
Board has not approved the form, manner of execution and sufficiency of surety of a blanket
undertaking, to be filed in the manner as individual undertakings, to be filed by each officer.
As part of your packet I have drafted the resolutions for the Organizational Meeting of the First
Town Board Meeting of the year, which includes a resolution for the official undertakings.
Please note, that Connie has verified the amount of insurance coverage the Town currently has
with NYMIR that I have listed in the resolution.
Christina Battalia
Organizational Meeting of the Mamaroneck Town Board,
January 2, 2019
On motion of51r ,seconded by , it was unanimously I
RESOLVED,that (Jay Reynolds) is hereby reappointed as Civil Officer of the Town of
Mamaroneck to serve a term of office of one year, effective January 1, 2019 and
terminating on December 31, 2019,and
RESOLVED,that(Frank Cioffi) is hereby reappointed as Civil Officer of the Town of
Mamaroneck to serve a term of office of one year, effective January 1, 2019 and
terminating on December 31,2019,and
RESOLVED,that the foregoing appointments shall be effective immediately upon the
appointees taking and subscribing the oath mandated by section 25 of the New York
Town Law.
Ti 'above,resolution was put to a roll call vote:
nd Eney
On motion of \� , seconded by ET , it was unanimously
RESOLVED,that the 2019 regular meetings of the Town Board be held at
740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck beginning at 5:00 PM on the
following dates:
January 2, and January 16 July TBD
February 6 and February 20 (confl w/Court) August TBD
March 6 and March 20 September 4(confl w/Court) and September 18
April 3 and 17 October 2 and October 16(Confl w/Court)
May 1 and 15 November 6 and 20
June 5 and 19 December 4 and 18
RESOLVED,that said meetings, dates and places may be changed at the
pleasure of the Board upon notice being given.
On motion of , seconded by
S r , it was unanimously
RESOLVED,that The Journal News is hereby designated as the official
newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck for the purpose of publishing legal
notices during 2019.
On motion of I) , seconded by 4 , it was
RESOLVED,that the following banks and trust companies are hereby
designated as depositories for funds of the Town of Mamaroneck for the
year 2019 to be:
NYCLASS Investment Pool
The Bank of New York Mellon
JP Morgan Chase Bank, Mamaroneck
Wells Fargo Bank NA, Mamaroneck
Sterling Bank, Mamaroneck
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
King ✓ /
Elkind Ene/
Katz \/
On motion of ,seconded by (." , it was
RESOLVED,that all authority heretofore granted to withdraw funds from and to draw checks,
drafts and other orders upon the Town of Mamaroneck accounts maintained at the aforesaid
banks hereby is rescinded and revoked and hereafter such withdrawals, checks,drafts and
other orders shall be authorized by signatures or facsimile signatures of the Town Supervisor
or Deputy Supervisor and Comptroller or Deputy Comptroller and Deputy Receiver of Taxes;
RESOLVED,that all withdrawals,checks,drafts and other orders relative to the Community
Services Discretionary Fund located at JP Morgan Chase Bank shall be authorized by the
signatures of Anna Danoy,Director of Community Services and Public Housing, and Stephen
V.Altieri,Town Administrator, and
RESOLVED,that all withdrawals, checks, drafts and other orders relative to the Town of
Mamaroneck PHA accounts at JP Morgan Chase and the Town of Mamaroneck PHA account
at Sterling Bank, shall be authorized by the signatures of Anna Danoy, Director of Community
Services and Public Housing,Anthony Siligato,Town Comptroller,and Nancy Seligson,Town
Supervisor, and
RESOLVED,that all withdrawals,checks, drafts and other orders relative to the Town Clerk's
account at JP Morgan Chase Bank, shall be authorized by the signature of Christina Battalia,
Town Clerk.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
King (--
Elkind Ene
On motion, `� , seconded by ,th- . lowing was approved,
WHEREAS,various --ctions of Town Law an P blic icers Law requires that certain officials
execute an Official Un. aking, and
WHEREAS,we,the Town Boa • of the T- n of Mamaroneck require the Supervisor,Town Clerk,
Tax Collector,Town Justices and . Comptroller execute an Official Undertaking as required by
WHEREAS, Nancy Seligs. ,of the Town of .maroneck, has been elected to the Office of
Supervisor of the To , and
WHEREAS, istina Battalia, of the Town of Mamaron- k, has been elected to the Office of Town
Clerk oft a Town of Mamaroneck, and
WHERERAS,Jean Marie Brescia,of the Town of Mamaroneck, has • -en elected to the Office of
Town Justice of the Town of Mamaroneck,and
WHEREAS, Ronald Meister,of the Town of Mamaroneck, has been elected to the Office of Town
Justice of the Town of Mamaroneck, and
WHEREAS,Anthony Siligato, of , NY, has been appointed to the Office of Town
Comptroller for the Town of Mamaroneck.
RESOLVED,that the respective Officers above,do hereby undertake with the Town of
Mamaroneck that we will faithfully perform and discharge the duties of our office,and will
promptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received as a Town Officer, in
accordance with the law, and
RESOLVED,that the Town of Mamaroneck does and shall maintain coverage, presently with
Insurance Company, in the sum of$ ,for the Supervisor,Town
Clerk,Town Justices and Town Comptroller,to indemnify against losses through the failure of the
officers,covered thereunder,to faithfully perform their duties or to properly account for all
monies or property received by virtue of their positions or employment, and through fraudulent
or dishonest acts committed by the officers covered thereunder.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
King Aye
Fiddelman Aye
Elkind Eney Aye
Katz Aye
Seligson Aye
Town Supervisor Dated Town Justice Dated
Town Clerk Dated Town Justice Dated
Town Comptroller Dated