HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018_10_03 Town Board Meeting Packet TOWN BOARD MEETING WORKSESSION AGENDA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2018 5:00PM - CONFERENCE ROOM D 1. Discussion with Comprehensive Plan Consultants (See Attached). 2. Update - Parking Permits (No Attachment. The Town Clerk will update the Board on the status of parking permit sales for the upcoming year). 3. Discussion -County Legislation - Immigration (See Attached). 4. Review- 2019 Budget Calendar (See Attached. This matter is on the agenda to confirm dates for upcoming 2019 budget worksessions). 5. Review- Revised Sexual Harassment Policy (See Attached). 6. New Business 7. Request for Executive Session s' -Fp TOWN OF MAMARONECK 0 , p Town Center m (;) 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 •FOUNDED 1661 • TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 Saltieri@townofmamaroneckNY.org www.townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor &Town Board Re: Planning Consultants—Comprehensive Plan Date: September 28, 2018 At the Wednesday Worksession, the following is the schedule for the Planning Consultants to meet with the Town Board regarding the Comprehensive Plan: 5:00pm AKRF Planning Consultants 5:45pm BFJ Planning Consultants The consultants have been asked to make a short presentation and then respond to questions. If any of you need copies of the previously issued submittals from the planning firms, please let me know. frP Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator -— .a. • ,_ —•-••—"- _---- ..•"."...*.'":: — • ler - • ' ' 1 . e s t c iii e s t e r Immigra - V , Protection Act ( IPA ) Th•-. While this legislation does cover everything in the jurisdiction of Th law clarifies the Westchester County it does not • responsibil ies of Westchester cover the local municipal coulty.71 the Federal within it; however, whciie ot .r Goveriime t on issues of municipalities ,,fiffbilow thr E immigrationenforcement C.d.ty's lead IV . V. 111111,_ .. _ ,.. .... _ KEY \v"Alltr this law County Lail! This Act does not protect C nforcement Agencies, criminals. I •,:ct, it encourages in , ding Departments of victims andt:., itnesses to come Public Safety and forward to eport crimes and Corrq tion and Probation, will proves re Fltionships bet/Veen not Ommunicate, coordinate elle Co ty and immigrant orr,:ollaborate outside of what ' r mmunities. . sbmil it) /' is required by federal law '. i, iilk am lw - ,,., r ,„-f, .. . _ r-..,....., Ise. , ; HMI ,_ ,,, ttlf • '4":1 ' al n y C 'ft.' ., • School of Law I., . NEIGHBORS UNK NM IOU sawnaniam COMMON '-r"-* PACE UNIVERSITY . i s s .. ate i - r rf q ,-t- � s ct�� '�� i �... -v-i",_. er ak `Y'F k- Z i - k 4X4: i K.' ice'. e.,.,_;_,-11-..-----'-'" yin - ,- $ + "F�` s - 4. Sema_ _rr�g�:� � `1 -:*;,, • mmi ra .. .,,, r_ , . 1, ,.„-,„, ., ., r....., ....,..._,_“„� 1 _ ni _ , r _ . c '( N , -,,,z, .i \ at - On March 12th, 2018 the Westchester County F Legislature passed the Immigrant Protection Act (IPA). \, It was signed into law one wegk later by George ij,, --_ Latimer and will go into effect on May 20, 2018 What does the IPA do'',...;:4t 0 x y. y r. . o1 Services . • Guarantees that County services . shall be available to all eligible individuals regardless of status .-' t ._ • Individuals will not be asked their immigration status unless itis essential for the service being provided \ ., I o \1 ,r Pohcmg = j'* ., • Westchester County Police will not inquire l about citizenship or immigration status _ 0 -11 • Westchester County Police will not stop, i - z --- question, interrogate, investigate, or arrest i-':‘,.‘ ) b ,`1 someone based solely on immigration status h or assumed immigration status } .. _� -�- --- - , '. - . ... „ , . i .. este0.., , . Protection 4 -;Pf • i. What does the IPA doh` 4 Westchester Department of Correction • Westchester Department of Correction will use the same process for all bookings, transfers and releases regardless of an individual's status # _. • Westchester Department of Correction will not detain an individual based solely on his/her immigration status or at the request of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) • Westchester Department of Correction will not allow ICE to interview an individual in custody without either informed consent from the individual or a judicial warrant 1 Informcstion, Sharing • The County will give information to individuals about their rights: • right to refuse ICE interview • right to have counsel present at any interview • The County will inform individuals if: • Any information is shared with ICE about them ICE files a detainer eLS y.nl: eser ia 1 N. Protection Act ( 1 • • 5R?_, What the IPA does not do? a ' The IPA does not make Westchester a "Sanctuary County" mmasso. 1 0 The IPA does not shield anyone involved in criminal activities from prosecution or punishment While the IPA does not require information sharing with the federal government it doesn't prohibit it, even for instances that aren't federally mandated a The (PA only pertains to Westchester County and entities under its control (i.e. Westchester County Department of Public Safety, Westchester County Department of Corrections). It does not apply to either local entities like the Yonkers Police Department or state entities operating in the County like The New York State Police WESTCHESTER COUNTY IMMIGRANT PROTECTION ACT OF 2018 Section 1 Definitions of the meaning of certain words used in the rest of the law. Section 2 Services provided by the County are available to all eligible Individuals. No one will be asked to disclose his/her immigration status or citizenship unless that information is necessary to establish eligibility for a particular service. Section 3 County employees and agencies shall not ask about immigration status or place of birth, unless 1)some other law requires it, or 2)they are investigating a non-immigration-related crime. Section 4 County employees and agencies shall not threaten to contact federal authorities or officers or threaten to transmit information to them. Section 5 County employees and agencies shall not use County resources to arrest any individual based solely on that person's immigration status or citizenship. Section 6 County employees and agencies shall not stop, question,interrogate, investigate, or arrest any Individual based on Immigration status and/or citizenship, or country of birth,or an administrative warrant not signed by a judge. Section 7 County employees and agencies shall not communicate with ICE unless required by law, or to investigate a non-immigration-related crime,or if they have probable cause to believe that someone has committed the crime of illegal entry into the United States,or terrorism. However,this restriction does not apply to sending information about immigration status and/or citizenship to federal authorities or officers. Section 8 County employees and agencies must follow a federal law that says that any employee of the State or local government cannot be stopped from sending or receiving information about immigration status and/or citizenship to federal officers. Section 9 County employees and agencies should not allow ICE officers to use County equipment or office space, except in very unusual and serious circumstances. Section 10 ICE will not be allowed to interview an individual in County custody without 1) a warrant signed by a Judge, or 2)the voluntary consent of that individual after the Individual has been informed of his or her right to refuse the Interview. if such an interview is allowed,the individual may have a lawyer present during the interview. The lawyer can be either a free lawyer or a lawyer hired at the individual's expense. The County will not provide or pay for a lawyer. The County must develop and make available written information that explains to all detained individuals that they cannot be forced to participate in an Interview with ICE, and that individuals in County custody can refuse an interview with ICE, unless ICE has a warrant signed by a judge. The County must explain to detained Individuals that any information obtained from an individual may be shared with ICE and used against that indhridual. The County must also explain to detained individuals that they have the legal right to refuse to speak with ICE officers and the legal right to consult a lawyer, either a free lawyer or a lawyer hired at the individual's expense. The County will not provide or pay for a lawyer. Section 11 County employees or agencies cannot transfer or delay release of a detained individual because of that person's immigration status and/or citizenship, or because of an ICE detainer or request. County employees and agencies must use the same booking procedure and the same release and transfer procedures for all individuals. Section 12 A detained individual shall receive written notice when ICE sends to the County a request to delay that individual's release or a request to transfer that individual. Section 13 County employees and agencies shall not perform the duties of ICE officers or enforce federal immigration law or assist in enforcement of federal immigration law. Section 14 County facilities,funds, and/or personnel shall not be used to detain individuals in ICE custody. Section 15 County employees and agencies must describe in writing to the County Board of Legislators all changes to their practices and procedures with respect to interactions with ICE and federal authorities. 2 BUDGET CALENDAR - 2019 TOWN BUDGET* Thursday, June 21, 2018 Distribution of Operating & Capital Budget Worksheets/Budget Instructions to Department Heads Monday, August 20, 2018 Submission of Capital Budget Worksheets to Town Administrator's Office Monday, September 10, 2018 Input of Operating Budgets into KVS Budget System Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Submission of All Operating Budget Work Sheets Monday, September 17, 2018 through Departmental Budget Work Sessions Friday, September 28, 2018 Wednesday, October 17, 2018 8:00pm Submission of Tentative Budget to the Town Board Wednesday, October 24, 2018 5:00pm — 7:00pm Preliminary Review of Tentative Budget with Town Board - Conference Room D Monday, October 29, 2018 5:00pm — 8:00pm Budget Review Conference Room D Wednesday, October 31, 2018 5:00pm — 8:00pm Budget Review Continued if Necessary Conference Room D Monday, November 5, 2018 5:00pm - 7:00pm Capital Budget Review Wednesday, December 5, 2018 8:00pm Budget Hearing 2019 Preliminary Budget Wednesday, December 19, 2018 8:00pm Adoption 2019 Budget *Additional sessions may be added, if necessary. k 47 ,.k, vA 0 o Town of Mamaroneck W t� '1 m Town Center • 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 FOUNDED 1661 � TEL: (914) 381-7812 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: (914) 381-7809 cgreenodonnell@townofmamaroneckny.org TO: Stephen Altieri, Town Administrator Nancy Seligson, Town Supervisor Town Board Members FROM: Connie Green O'Donnell, Deputy Town Administrator DATE: September 27, 2018 SUBJECT: New York State Sexual Harassment-Related Initiatives The New York State Legislature recently adopted new legislation targeting sex discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. As part of the 2018-2019 state budget the Legislature included several sexual harassment-related initiatives. The pertinent provisions are as follows: D Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training and Policy Effective October 9, 2018, the New York State Labor Law has been amended to require that all New York employers, regardless of their size, provide sexual harassment training annually to all employees and provide employees with a written non-harassment policy. Prior to January 1, 2019, all employers must provide sexual harassment training to employees and annually thereafter. Employers are given the option to adopt the state's model policy or develop their own policy that equals or exceeds the standards set forth by the New York State Department of labor. In addition, employers must develop and publish a standard complaint form that is to be used by employees when submitting a sexual harassment claim to their employer. D Protection for Non-Employees Effective April 12, 2018, the legislation broadens protection under the State Human Rights Law for non-employees. Employers may be liable for sexual harassment of contractors, subcontractors, vendors and consultants in situations where the employer knows that the harassment is occurring in its workplace and fails to take immediate and appropriate corrective action to stop the harassment. D Bidders for State Contracts Must Affirm Compliance with Non-Harassment Requirements Effective January 1, 2019, companies that bid for New York State contracts must submit an affirmation with their bidding that they have complied with the state's annual sexual harassment training requirement and written policy requirement. ➢ Public Entity Sexual Harassment Awards Effective April 12, 2018, employees found responsible for committing sexual harassment must reimburse the public entity that paid the award for his/her proportional share of a final judgement within 90 days of the payout of the award. D Non-Disclosure or Confidentiality Agreements Effective July 11, 2018, the legislation prohibits non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements in settlements that involve sexual harassment claims unless the condition of confidentiality is agreed to by the complainant. Although the Town has had in place for several years a sexual harassment policy that includes procedures for filing a complaint, the Town is obligated to adopt a policy and complaint form that complies with the new state legislation. As a result, enclosed for your review are the Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy and the Complaint Form for Reporting Sexual Harassment claims. As permitted by the legislation, the format used for the policy and the form are almost identical to the model policy and form that were published by New York State a few weeks ago. With respect to the mandated sexual harassment training, the Town will be working with the New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal (NYMIR) to develop an appropriate program that ensures compliance with the legislation. • ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD ADOPT THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT PREVENTION POLICY AND COMPLAINT FORM FOR REPORTING SEXUAL HARASSMENT 41 THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK www.TowncfMamaror.eck.org I/ SEXUAL HARASSMENT PREVENTION POLICY The Town of Mamaroneck is committed to maintaining a workplace free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of workplace discrimination. The Town of Mamaroneck has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of sexual harassment and all employees are required to work in a manner that prevents sexual harassment in the workplace. This policy is one component of the Town of Mamaroneck's commitment to a discrimination-free work environment. Sexual harassment is against the law. All employees have a legal right to a workplace free from sexual harassment and employees can enforce this right by filing a complaint internally with the Town of Mamaroneck or with a government agency or in court under federal, state or local antidiscrimination laws. The Town of Mamaroneck's Policy applies to all employees, applicants for employment, interns, whether paid or unpaid, contractors and persons conducting business with the Town of Mamaroneck. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Any employee or individual covered by this policy who engages in sexual harassment or retaliation will be subject to remedial and/or disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Retaliation Prohibition: No person covered by this Policy shall be subject to adverse employment action including being discharged, disciplined, discriminated against or otherwise subject to adverse employment action because the employee reports an incident of sexual harassment, provides information or otherwise assists in any investigation of a sexual harassment complaint. The Town of Mamaroneck has a zero-tolerance policy for such retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, complains or provides information about suspected sexual harassment. Any employee of the Town of Mamaroneck who retaliates against anyone involved in a sexual harassment investigation will be subjected to disciplinary 411) action, up to and including termination. Any employee, paid or unpaid intern or non-employee'working in the workplace who believes he/she has been subject to such retaliation should inform the Deputy Town Administrator or Town Administrator. Any employee, paid or unpaid intern or non-employee who believes they have been a victim of such retaliation may also seek compensation in other available forums, as explained below in the section on Legal Protections and External Remedies. Sexual harassment is offensive, is a violation of our policies, is unlawful and subjects the Town of Mamaroneck to liability for harm to victims of sexual harassment. Harassers may also be individually subject to liability. Employees of every level who engage in sexual harassment, including managers and supervisors who engage in sexual harassment or who knowingly allow such behavior to continue, will be penalized for such misconduct. The Town of Mamaroneck will conduct a prompt, thorough and confidential investigation that ensures due process for all parties, whenever management receives a complaint about sexual harassment or otherwise knows of possible sexual harassment occurring. Effective corrective action will be taken whenever sexual harassment is found to have occurred. All employees, including managers and supervisors, are required to cooperate with any internal investigation of sexual harassment. All employees are encouraged to report any harassment or behaviors that violate this policy. The Town of Mamaroneck will provide all employees a complaint form for employees to report harassment and file complaints. Managers and supervisors are required to report any complaint they receive or any harassment they observe to the Deputy Town Administrator or Town Administrator. IIA non-employee is someone who is(or is employed by)a contractor,subcontractor,vendor,consultant or anyone providing services in the workplace. Protected on-employees include persons commonly referred to as independent contractors,"gig"workers and temporary workers. Also included are persons providing equipment repair,cleaning services or any other services provided pursuant to a contract with the Town of Mamaroneck. 1 This policy applies to all employees, paid or unpaid interns and non-employees and all must follow and uphold this policy. This policy must be posted prominently in all work locations and be provided to employees upon hiring. What is "Sexual Harassment?" ' Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination and is unlawful under federal, state, and (where applicable)local law. Sexual harassment includes harassment on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and being transgender. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome conduct which is either of a sexual nature or which is directed at an individual because of that individual's sex when: • such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment, even if the complaining individual is not the intended target of the sexual harassment; • such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment; or • submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting an individual's employment. A sexually harassing hostile work environment consists of words, signs,jokes, pranks, intimidation or physical violence which are of a sexual nature or which are directed at an individual because of that individual's sex. Sexual harassment also consists of any unwanted verbal or physical advances, sexually explicit derogatory statements or sexually discriminatory remarks made by someone which are offensive or objectionable to the recipient, which cause the recipient discomfort or humiliation which interfere with the recipient's job performance. Sexual harassment also occurs when a person in authority tries to trade job benefits for sexual favors. This can include hiring, promotion, continued employment or any other terms, conditions or privileges of employment. This is also called "quid pro quo" harassment. Any employee who feels harassed should complain so that any violation of this policy can be corrected promptly. Any harassing conduct, even a single incident, can be addressed under this policy. IIIExamples of Sexual Harassment The following describes some of the types of acts that may be unlawful sexual harassment and are strictly prohibited: • Physical assaults of a sexual nature, such as: o touching, pinching, patting, grabbing, brushing against another employee's body or poking another employee's body; o rape, sexual battery, molestation or attempts to commit these assaults. • Unwanted sexual advances or propositions, such as: o requests for sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats concerning the victim's job performance evaluation, a promotion or other job benefits or detriments; o subtle or obvious pressure for unwelcome sexual activities. • Sexually oriented gestures, noises, remarks,jokes or comments about a person's sexuality or sexual experience, which create a hostile work environment. • Sexual or discriminatory displays or publications anywhere in the workplace, such as: o displaying pictures, posters, calendars, graffiti, objects, promotional material, reading materials or other materials that are sexually demeaning or pornographic. This includes such sexual displays on workplace computers or cell phones and sharing such displays while in the workplace. • Hostile actions taken against an individual because of that individual's sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and being transgender, such as: o interfering with, destroying or damaging a person's workstation, tools or equipment, or otherwise interfering with the individual's ability to perform the job; o sabotaging an individual's work; o bullying, yelling, name-calling. • 2 Who Can Be a Target of Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment can occur between any individuals, regardless of their sex or gender. New York law protects employees, paid or unpaid interns, and non-employees, including independent contractors and those employed by companies contracting to provide services in the workplace. A perpetrator of sexual harassment can be a superior, a subordinate, a coworker or anyone in the workplace including an independent contractor, contract worker, vendor, client, customer or visitor. Where Can Sexual Harassment Occur? Unlawful sexual harassment is not limited to the physical workplace itself. It can occur while employees are traveling for business or at employer sponsored events or parties. Phone calls, texts, e-mails and social media usage by employees can constitute unlawful workplace harassment, even if they occur away from the workplace premises or not during work hours. What is "Retaliation?" Unlawful retaliation can be any action that would keep a worker from coming forward to make or support a sexual harassment claim. Adverse action need not be job-related or occur in the workplace to constitute unlawful retaliation. Such retaliation is unlawful under federal, state, and (where applicable) local law. The New York State Human Rights Law protects any individual who has engaged in "protected activity." Protected activity occurs when a person has: • filed a complaint of sexual harassment, either internally or with any anti-discrimination agency; • testified or assisted in a proceeding involving sexual harassment under the Human Rights Law or other anti- discrimination law; • opposed sexual harassment by making a verbal or informal complaint to management, or by simply informing a supervisor or manager of harassment; • complained that another employee has been sexually harassed; or • encouraged a fellow employee to report harassment. Reporting Sexual Harassment 411 Preventing sexual harassment is everyone's responsibility. The Town of Mamaroneck cannot prevent or remedy sexual harassment unless it knows about it. Any employee, paid or unpaid intern or non-employee who has been subjected to behavior that may constitute sexual harassment is encouraged to report such behavior to the Deputy Town Administrator or Town Administrator. Anyone who witnesses or becomes aware of potential instances of sexual harassment should report such behavior to the Deputy Town Administrator or Town Administrator. Reports of sexual harassment may be made verbally or in writing. A form for submission of a written complaint is attached to this Policy. All employees are encouraged to use this complaint form. Employees who are reporting sexual harassment on behalf of other employees should use the complaint form and note that it is on another employee's behalf. Employees, paid or unpaid interns or non-employees who believe they have been a victim of sexual harassment may also seek assistance in other available forums, as explained below in the section on Legal Protections and External Remedies. Supervisory Responsibilities All supervisors and managers who receive a complaint of information about suspected harassment, observe what may be sexually harassing behavior or for any reason suspect that sexual harassment is occurring, are required to report such suspected sexual harassment to the Deputy Town Administrator or Town Administrator. In addition to being subject to discipline if they engaged in sexually harassing conduct themselves, supervisors and managers will be subject to discipline for failing to report suspected sexual harassment or otherwise knowingly allowing sexual harassment to continue. Supervisors and managers will also be subject to discipline for engaging in any retaliation. Complaint and Investigation of Sexual Harassment or information about suspected sexual harassment will be investigated, whether that information was reported *Complaints in verbal or written form. Investigations will be conducted in a timely manner and will be confidential to the extent possible. 3 An investigation of any complaint, information or knowledge of suspected sexual harassment will be prompt and thorough, and should be completed within 30 days. The investigation will be confidential to the extent possible. All persons involved, including complainants, witnesses and alleged perpetrators will be accorded due process to protect their rights to a fair and impartial investigation. 110 Any employee may be required to cooperate as needed in an investigation of suspected sexual harassment. Employees who participate in any investigation will not be retaliated against. Investigations will be done in accordance with the following steps: • Upon receipt of complaint, the Deputy Town Administrator or Town Administrator will conduct an immediate review of the allegations and take any interim actions, as appropriate. If the complaint is oral, encourage the individual to complete the"Complaint Form." If he or she refuses, prepare a Complaint Form based on the oral reporting. • If documents, e-mails or phone records are relevant to the allegations, take steps to obtain and preserve them. • Request and review all relevant documents, including all electronic communications. • Interview all parties involved, including any relevant witnesses. • Create a written documentation of the investigation (such as a letter, memo or e-mail), which contains the following: o a list of all documents reviewed, along with a detailed summary of relevant documents; o a list of names of those interviewed, along with a detailed summary of their statements; o a timeline of events; o a summary of prior relevant incidents, reported or unreported; and o the final resolution of the complaint, together with any corrective action(s). • Keep the written documentation and associated documents in the employer's records. • Promptly notify the individual who complained and the individual(s)who responded of the final determination and implement any corrective actions identified in the written document. • Inform the individual who complained of their right to file a complaint or charge externally as outlined below. Legal Protections and External Remedies • Sexual harassment is not only prohibited by the Town of Mamaroneck but is also prohibited by state, federal, and, where applicable, local law. Aside from the internal process at the Town of Mamaroneck, employees may also choose to pursue legal remedies with the following governmental entities at any time. New York State Division of Human Rights (DHR) The Human Rights Law(HRL), codified as N.Y. Executive Law, art. 15, §290 et seq., applies to employers in New York State with regard to sexual harassment, and protects employees, paid or unpaid interns and non-employees regardless of immigration status. A complaint alleging violation of the Human Rights Law may be filed either with the DHR or in New York State Supreme Court. Complaints with the DHR may be filed any time within one year of the harassment. If an individual did not file at the DHR, they can sue directly in state court under the HRL, within three years of the alleged discrimination. An individual may not file with the DHR if they have already filed a HRL complaint in state court. Complaining internally to the Town of Mamaroneck does not extend your time to file with the DHR or in court. The one(1) year or three (3)years is counted from the date of the most recent incident of harassment. You do not need an attorney to file a complaint with the DHR and there is no cost to file with the DHR. The DHR will investigate your complaint and determine whether there is probable cause to believe that discrimination has occurred. Probable cause cases are forwarded to a public hearing before an administrative law judge. If discrimination is found after a hearing, the DHR has the power to award relief, which varies but may include requiring your employer to take action to stop the harassment, or redress the damage caused, including paying monetary damages, attorney's fees and civil fines. She DHR's main office contact information is: NYS Division of Human Rights, One Fordham Plaza, Fourth Floor, Bronx, New York 10458, (718) 741-8400, www.dhr.ny.gov. 4 Contact the DHR at(888) 392-3644 or visit dhr.ny.gov/complaint for more information about filing a complaint. The website has a complaint form that can be downloaded, filled out, notarized and mailed to the DHR. The website also contains contact information for the DHR's regional offices across New York State. United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) The EEOC enforces federal anti-discrimination laws, including Title VII of the 1964 federal Civil Rights Act(codified as 42 U.S.C. § 2000e et seq.). An individual can file a complaint with the EEOC anytime within 300 days from the harassment. There is no cost to file a complaint with the EEOC. The EEOC will investigate the complaint, and determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe that discrimination has occurred, at which point the EEOC will issue a "Right to Sue" letter permitting the individual to file a complaint in federal court. The EEOC does not hold hearings or award relief, but may take other action including pursuing cases in federal court on behalf of complaining parties. Federal courts may award remedies if discrimination is found to have occurred. If an employee believes that he/she has been discriminated against at work, he/she can file a"Charge of Discrimination." The EEOC has district, area, and field offices where complaints can be filed. Contact the EEOC by calling 1-800-669- 4000(1-800-669-6820 (TTY)), visiting their website at www.eeoc.gov or via e-mail at info(cileeoc.gov. If an individual filed an administrative complaint with the DHR, the DHR will file the complaint with the EEOC to preserve the right to proceed in federal court. Local Protections Many localities enforce laws protecting individuals from sexual harassment and discrimination. An individual should contact the county, city or town in which they live to find out if such a law exists. For example, employees who work in New York City may file complaints of sexual harassment with the New York City Commission on Human Rights. Contact their main office at Law Enforcement Bureau of the NYC Commission on Human Rights, 40 Rector Street, 10th Floor, New York, New York; call 311 or(212) 306-7450; or visit www.nyc.qov/html/cchr/html/home/home.shtml. Contact the Local Police Department The local police department should be contacted if the harassment involves physical touching, coerced physical confinement or coerced sex acts, the conduct may constitute a crime. 10/2018 5 THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK • www.TownofMamaroneck.org COMPLAINT FORM FOR REPORTING SEXUAL HARASSMENT New York State Labor Law requires all employers to adopt a sexual harassment prevention policy that includes a complaint form for employees to report alleged incidents of sexual harassment. If you believe that you have been subjected to sexual harassment, you are encouraged to complete this form and submit it to the Deputy Town Administrator or Town Administrator. Once you submit this form, your claim will be investigated in accordance with the Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy. If you are more comfortable reporting verbally or in another manner, we are still required to follow the Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy by investigating the claim as outlined at the end of this form. COMPLAINANT INFORMATION Name: Home Address: Work Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Job Title: E-mail: Select Preferred Communication Method: SUPERVISORY INFORMATION Immediate Supervisor's Name: Title: Work Phone: Work Address: COMPLAINT INFORMATION 1. Your complaint of Sexual Harassment is made against: Name: Title: Work Address: Work Phone: Relationship to you: ❑Supervisor ❑Subordinate ❑Co-worker ❑Other 2. Please describe the conduct or incident(s)that is the basis of this complaint and your reasons for concluding that the conduct is sexual harassment. Please use additional sheets of paper, if necessary, and attach any relevant documents or evidence. 1 3. Date(s)sexual harassment occurred: Is the sexual harassment continuing? DYes ❑No 4. Please list the name(s)and contact information of any witnesses or individuals that may have information related to your complaint: The last two questions are optional, but may help facilitate the investigation. 5. Have you previously complained or provided information (verbal or written)about sexual harassment at the Town of Mamaroneck? If yes, when and to whom did you complain or provide information? Employees that file complaints with their employer might have the ability to get help or file claims with other entities including federal, state or local government agencies or in certain courts. 6. Have you filed a claim regarding this complaint with a federal, state or local government agency? DYes ❑No Have you instituted a legal suit or court action regarding this complaint? DYes ❑No Have you hired an attorney with respect to this complaint? DYes ❑No I request that the Town of Mamaroneck investigate this complaint of sexual harassment in a timely and confidential manner as outlined below and advise me of the results of the investigation. Signature: Date: Instructions for Employers If you receive a complaint about alleged sexual harassment, you must follow your sexual harassment prevention policy by investigating the allegations through actions such as: • Speaking with the employee • Speaking with the alleged harasser • Interviewing witnesses • Collecting and reviewing any related documents You should create a written document of the findings of the investigation, along with any corrective actions taken and notify the employee and the individual(s)against whom the complaint was made. This may be done via e-mail. 10/2018 2 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2018 5:00PM THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE IN CONFERENCE ROOM D TO DISCUSS: 1 . Discussion with Comprehensive Plan Consultants 2. Update - Parking Permits 3. Discussion - County Legislation - Immigration 4. Review - 2019 Budget Calendar 5. Review - Revised Sexual Harassment Policy 6. New Business 7. Request for Executive Session 8:00PM CALL TO ORDER -COURTROOM SUPERVISOR'S REPORT CITIZEN COMMENTS BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1 . Authorization -Transfer of Funds - Fire Department HVAC Controls 2. Other Fire Department Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1 . Transfer of Funds - Hommocks Ice Rink - HVAC Controls 2. Approval - 2019 Annual Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing Agency Plan 3. Authorization - Renewal of Health Department Permits - Senior Nutrition Programs 4. Resolution - New York State Deferred Compensation Plan 5. Consideration - Revised Sexual Harassment Policy 6. Consideration of Certiorari aud--kowibrts - REIC6;14c-SrfrO/F THE COUNCIL TOWN CLERK'S REPORT NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS - October 17, 2018 & November 7, 2018 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should contact the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. � \'10 Town of Mamaroneck i x Town Center F 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 FOL ED IMI OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: Board of Fire Commissioners FROM: Stephen Altieri DATE: October 3, 2018 SUBJECT: In the Fire department building, a JACE module is used to communicate with all of the thermostats in the building for controlling heat and air conditioning. The module is about five years old and has failed. Also the software in the unit is no longer supported by the manufacturer. Therefore the proposal is to replace the unit at a total cost of$18,000. Included in the project is the cost of a five year warranty and the extension of wiring to include the thermostats in the lower level of the firehouse when it is renovated. REQUESTED ACTION: that the Board of Fire Commissioners authorize a transfer of funds in the amount of$18,000 to replace the JACE unit in the Weaver Street Firehouse in accordance with the schedule prepared by the Town Comptroller. ATTACHMENTS: Description o Authorization-Transfer of Funds - Fire Department HVAC Controls BUDGET AMENDMENT - INCREASE 2018 FIRE DISTRICT BUDGET to 10/3/2018 TOWN BOARD MEETING FIRE DISTRICT(FUND SF): INCREASE BUDGET: SF.0000.5995 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE $ 18,000.00 SF.3410.2104 BUILDING EQUIPMENT $ 18,000.00 * REPRESENTS ANTICIPATED USAGE OF FIRE DISTRICT UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE TO FUND THE ADDITIONAL EXPENSE ASSOCIATED WITH THE REPLACEMENT OF THE HONEYWELL WEB 8000 JACE MODULE(HVAC CONTROLLER INCLUDING RE-WIRING)AT THE FIRE H.Q.BUILDING. ORIGINAL BUDGET-SF.3410.2104 $ - BUDGET AMENDMENT-R.O.B. 10/03/2018 $ 18,000.00 REVISED BUDGET AS AMENDED 10/03/2018 $ 18,000.00 TOWN OF MARONECK REQUI: )N FORM REQUISITION NO. DEPT IT Department SHIP TO DATE OF REQUISITION: September 21, 2018 s EXTENDED . .,. RECOMMENDED` QUAN1TTY DESCRIPTION OF GOODS.OR SERVICES I BUDGET CODE UNIT PRICE PRICE VENDOR(S) 1 Hone well Web 8000 JACE Module ; 70?65. r,?/Cy $16,500.00 $16 500.00 Atlantic Westchester Ice Rink Sin•le Source 1 Hone well Web 8000 JACE Module — \ SF34'/O. 2JC $18,000.00 $18,000.00 due to existin• to include re-wiring for demo-ed basement area maintenance contracts on HVAC units IMMENIIMPMIM 111E11.1 TOTAL: $34,500.00 1' "ANC"- DEPARTMERT'HEAD IZATION /RE«UISITION APPROVED TOWN ADMINISTRATOR ORDERING COPY TO TOWN ADMINISTRATORS OFFICE giiti a n t i c • HVAC Services • Building Management e s t c h e s t e r Systems • Energy Solutions September 19, 2018 Rosalind Cimino Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck N.Y. 10543 Re: Mamaroneck Fire Department and Hommocks Ice Rink- Honeywell BMS System Dear Raz Pursuant to your request we have investigated the existing Honeywell BMS"JACE" modules installed at the above referenced. The Hommocks Ice Rink module has become inoperable and needs to be replaced.The Firehouse JACE module while it is functional, it is obsolete and no longer available.Therefore we have developed the following proposal options. Hommocks Ice Rink • Furnish and install one (1) new Honeywell Web 8000 JACE module. • Develop custom programming to operate Boiler Room and Air Handling equipment. • Re-install existing graphics screens if possible or develop new as necessary. • Verify operation and provide end-user training. For the net sum of$16,500.00 Mamaroneck Fire Department • Furnish and install one (1) new Honeywell Web 8000 JACE module. • Configure JACE Module to communicate with existing BACnet thermostats. • Reinstall existing graphics screens if possible or develop new as necessary. • Verify communication wiring and repair as required. For the net sum of$18,000.00 Both options include 5-Year Manufacturer software maintenance subscription. Not Included: Premium time labor or labor to install future software updates. If both projects are performed concurrently, the combined discounted pricing will be $31,050.00 Ifyou require additional information or wish to proceed, please advise. Sincerely, �y D D JJ i a�z JL c9- t rnicn'ti». Brian Hoffmann, C.E.M. Chief Engineer 264 Adams St.•Bedford Hills • NY 10507 AtlanticWestchester.com Q 914-666-8344 A 914-666-2268 • data sheet er". . 0 0 0f - Cf; ntroller co • Wit • PRODUCT DEFINITION The JACE 8000 is a compact,embedded Niagara The licensing model for the JACE 8000 controller Framework'-based controller and server platform for features standard drivers along with optional 10 and connecting multiple and diverse devices and sub-systems. field bus expansion modules for ultimate flexibility and It's designed as a Network Automation Controller expandability.The JACE 8000 controller is optimized for optimized for BAS applications.With Internet connectivity Niagara 4,which takes a"defense-in-depth"approach and Web-serving capability,the JACE 8000 controller to Internet of Things security and is secure by default. provides integrated control, supervision,data logging, In larger facilities,multi-building applications and large- alarming,scheduling and network management. It streams scale control system integrations,Niagara 4 Supervisors data and rich graphical displays to a standard Web can be used with JACE 8000 controllers to aggregate browser via an Ethernet or wireless LAN,or remotely information,including real-time data, history and alarms, over the Internet. to create a single,unified application. •SPECIFICATIONS TI AM3352: 1000MHz ARM'Cortex'-A8 with secure boot 1GB DDR3 SDRAM Removable micro-SD card with 4GB t ' flash total storage/2GB user storage Wi-Fi (Client or WAP) IEEE802.11a/b/g/n IEEE802.11n HT20 a 2.4GHz IEEE802.11n HT20/HT40 (C±:-5GHz VYKON Configurable radio (Off, WAR or Client) WPAPSK/WPA2PSK supported USB type A connector Back-up and restore support (2) isolated RS-485 with switch-selectable bias and termination (2) 10/100MB Ethernet ports 24VAC/DC power supply Runs Niagara 4.1 and later AihReal time clock powered by IIIFBatteryless n I '"1 c a ra Supports SSL and TLS encryption I G framework' EXPANSION MODULE AND 10 CONFIGURATIONS MAXIMUM EXPANSION MAXIMUM 10 (MODULES SUPPORTED) (MODULES SUPPORTED) • NPB-8000-LON (4) • 10-16-485 (16) • NPB-8000-232(4) • NPB-8000-2X-485 (2) C mss ru .„jj ca. mr3 con •••••••• o 179711== 1=11 1. " I2J7117= I2 O CC as- H . e as _ _ — :fir"; L, • - • C 0 2 4 rra Ag ;9;LJ E D MAXIMUM COMBINATIONS EXPANSION O 0 0 4; 232 or 232 or 232 or 232 or LON LON LON LON 485 232 or 232 or 232 or 485 LON LON LON 485 485 232 or 485 485 LON 485 485 485 485 Expandability is dependent on the type of expansion module used JACE° 8000 CONTROLLER MOUNTING & DIMENSIONS OJACE 8000 controller.Allow at least 1.5"(38mm) clearance around all sides and minimum 3" (76mm)at bottom for Wi-Fi antenna 0 Expansion module. Up to four(4)may be used. See"Expansion Module and 10 Configurations" 0 Distances between center of tabs from one unit to another unit 2.40'(81) 216'(55$) t a ,.� 6.74"(171.1) - ► =__ — j 0.3o4.16s ) = — 1,D J I � o 3.31' Io 1.77•(45) II433"(110) (�) 3.31' (84) 1 _ ,, 4.33" (110) 6.74' 2.13' 213' ' ''\ 1 (171.1) (54) (54) I H 6.38'(162) ►I H 2.07"(52.5) A 7.05"(179) f 2.41"(61.1)-� Compatible with(D/N43880)enclosures Suitable for mounting to a panel or to an EN50022 standard 35mm rail AGENCY CERTIFICATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS • UL 916 • Operating temperature:-20-60°C • CE EN 61326-1 • Storage temperature:-40-85°C • FCC Part 15 Subpart B,Class B • Humidity: 5%-95%— Non condensing • FCC Part 15 Subpart C • Shipping&vibration:ASTM D4169,Assurance Level II • C-UL listed to Canadian • MTTF:10 years+ Standards Association(CSA) C22.2 No.205-M1983 "Signal Equipment" • 1999/5/EC R&TTE Directive • CCC • SRRC • RSS • ROHS VYK•N• ,,TRITIUM ORDERING INFORMATION Part number Description J-8005 JACE`8000 for 5 devices/250 point core J-8010 JACE 8000 for 10 devices/500 point core • J-8025 JACE 8000 for 25 devices/1,250 point core J-8100 JACE 8000 for 100 devices/5,000 point core J-8200 JACE 8000 for 200 devices/10,000 point core DEVICE-10 Add 10 devices/500 points to initial order DEVICE-25 Add 25 devices/1,250 points to initial order DEVICE-50 Add 50 devices/2,500 points to initial order DEVICE-UP-10 Upgrade of 10 devices/500 points to existing license DEVICE-UP-25 Upgrade of 25 devices/1,250 points to existing license DEVICE-UP-50 Upgrade of 50 devices/2,500 points upgrade to existing license NPB-8000-2X-485 JACE 8000 controller—add on dual port RS-485 module NPB-8000-LON JACE 8000 controller—add on single port LON FTT1OA module NPB-8000-232 JACE 8000 controller—add on single port RS-232 module WPM-8000 JACE 8000 100-240V universal power supply 10-16-485 Remote 10 module,compatible with the JACE 8000 controller. Communication using RS 485, maximum 10 supported 10-16-485 modules:16 NPB-PWR 24V power supply for 10-16-485 NPB-PWR-UN Universal power supply for 10-16-485 JACE 8000s include a Niagara 4 license and Tridium's standard drivers.Please see Tridium's Niagara 4 drivers documentation for more details. To learn more about how to purchase, install and start using the JACE 8000 controller, contact your VYKON partner.The global community of certified Niagara professionals can serve your unique business needs across any industry or geographic region. VYK•Ne vykon.com by TRIDIUM Copyright 2015 Tridium Inc.All rights reserved. Information and/or specifications published here are current as of the date of publication of this document.Tridium,Inc.reserves the right to change or modify specifications without prior notice.The latest product specifications can be found by contacting our corporate headquarters.Richmond,Virginia.Products or features contained herein may be covered by one or more U.S.or foreign patents.This document may be copied only as expressly authorized by Tridium in writing.It may not otherwise,in whole or in part,be copied,photocopied, reproduced,translated,or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form. 2015-0013 V K Town of Mamaroneck Town Center f " 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 FOL'COED l kl OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO: Supervisor and Town Board FROM: Stephen Altieri DATE: October 3, 2018 SUBJECT: In the Hommocks Ice Rink, a JACE module is used to communicate with all of the thermostats in the building for controlling heat and air conditioning as in the Weaver Street Firehouse. The module is about five years old and has failed. Also the software in the unit is no longer supported by the manufacturer. Therefore the proposal is to replace the unit at a total cost of$16,500. Included in the project is the cost of a five year warranty. The Firehouse unit was more expensive due to the extension of the wiring for the thermostats that will be installed in lower level of the building. REQUESTED ACTION: that the Town Board authorize a transfer of funds in the amount of$16,500 to replace the JACE unit in the Hommocks Ice Rink in accordance with the schedule prepared by the Town Comptroller ATTACHMENTS: Description No Attachments Available BUDGET AMENDMENT - INCREASE 2018 GENERAL TOWNWIDE FUND BUDGET MY 10/3/2018 TOWN BOARD MEETING GENERAL TOWNWIDE (FUND A): INCREASE BUDGET: A.0000.5995 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE $ 16,500.00 A.7265.2104 BUILDING EQUIPMENT $ 16,500.00 * REPRESENTS ANTICIPATED USAGE OF GENERAL TOWNWIDE FUND UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE TO FUND THE ADDITIONAL EXPENSE ASSOCIATED WITH THE REPLACEMENT OF THE HONEYWELL WEB 8000 JACE MODULE(HVAC CONTROLLER)AT THE ICE RINK BUILDING. ORIGINAL BUDGET-A.7265.2104 $ - BUDGET AMENDMENT-R.O.B. 10/03/2018 $ 16,500.00 REVISED BUDGET AS AMENDED 10/03/2018 $ 16,500.00 TOWN OF ""MARONECK REQUI: )N FORM REQUISITION NO. DEPT.: IT Department SHIP TO DATE OF REQUISITION: September 21, 2018 E ENDED RECOMMENDEb QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF GOODS OR SERVICES BUDGET CODE UNIT PRICE PRIG " VENDOR(S) - 1 Honeywell Web 8000 JACE Module R 7226.5. ,2/01 $16,500.00 $16,500.00 Atlantic Westchester Ice Rink Single Source _ 1 Honeywell Web 8000 JACE Module -•)( 55F:31#0. 2g8 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 due to existing to include re-wirinq for demo-ed basement area maintenance contracts on HVAC units TOTAL: $34,500.00 DEPARTME EAD • - •-IZATION /RE UISITION APPROVED TOWN ADMINISTRATOR ORDERING COPY TO TOWN ADMINISTRATORS OFFICE At).911tic • HVAC Services • Building Management -''' ..Westchester Systems • Energy Solutions September 19, 2018 Rosalind Cimino Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck N.Y. 10543 Re: Mamaroneck Fire Department and Hommocks Ice Rink- Honeywell BMS System Dear Raz Pursuant to your request we have investigated the existing Honeywell BMS"JACE" modules installed at the above referenced. The Hommocks Ice Rink module has become inoperable and needs to be replaced.The Firehouse JACE module while it is functional, it is obsolete and no longer available.Therefore we have developed the following proposal options. Hommocks Ice Rink • Furnish and install one (1) new Honeywell Web 8000 JACE module. • Develop custom programming to operate Boiler Room and Air Handling equipment. • Re-install existing graphics screens if possible or develop new as necessary. • Verify operation and provide end-user training. For the net sum of$16,500.00 Mamaroneck Fire Department • Furnish and install one (1) new Honeywell Web 8000 JACE module. • Configure JACE Module to communicate with existing BACnet thermostats. • Reinstall existing graphics screens if possible or develop new as necessary. • Verify communication wiring and repair as required. For the net sum of$18,000.00 Both options include 5-Year Manufacturer software maintenance subscription. Not Included: Premium time labor or labor to install future software updates. If both projects are performed concurrently, the combined discounted pricing will be $31,050.00 Ifyou require additional information or wish to proceed, please advise. Sincerely, �1� JJ -&airL tel,o-i/ima/n/rr, Brian Hoffmann, C.E.M. Chief Engineer 264 Adams St.•Bedford Hills • NY 10507 AtlanticWestchester.com Q 914-666-8344 0 914-666-2268 t rr data sheet • controller PRODUCT DEFINITION The JACE 8000 is a compact,embedded Niagara The licensing model for the JACE 8000 controller Framework'-based controller and server platform for features standard drivers along with optional 10 and connecting multiple and diverse devices and sub-systems. field bus expansion modules for ultimate flexibility and It's designed as a Network Automation Controller expandability.The JACE 8000 controller is optimized for optimized for BAS applications.With Internet connectivity Niagara 4,which takes a"defense-in-depth"approach and Web-serving capability,the JACE 8000 controller to Internet of Things security and is secure by default. provides integrated control, supervision,data logging, In larger facilities,multi-building applications and large- alarming,scheduling and network management. It streams scale control system integrations,Niagara 4 Supervisors data and rich graphical displays to a standard Web can be used with JACE 8000 controllers to aggregate browser via an Ethernet or wireless LAN,or remotely information,including real-time data,history and alarms, over the Internet. to create a single, unified application. SPECIFICATIONS • TI AM3352:1000MHz ARM CorteXT"-A8 with secure boot 1GB DDR3 SDRAM Removable micro-SD card with 4GB flash total storage/2GB user storage Wi-Fi (Client or WAP) IEEE802.11a/b/g/n IEEE802.11n HT20;i)2.4GHz IEEE802.11n HT20/HT40 r,5GHz WHIM Configurable radio (Off, WAP, or Client) - WPAPSK/WPA2PSK supported USB type A connector Back-up and restore support (2) isolated RS-485 with switch-selectable bias and termination (2)10/100MB Ethernet ports 24VAC/DC power supply Runs Niagara 4.1 and later Real time clock powered by • Batteryless Supports SSL and TLS encryption n I a g f rw framework' EXPANSION MODULE AND 10 CONFIGURATIONS MAXIMUM EXPANSION MAXIMUM 10 (MODULES SUPPORTED) (MODULES SUPPORTED) • NPB-8000-LON (4) • 10-16-485(16) • NPB-8000-232(4) • NPB-8000-2X-485 (2) o iso a r7saI - _ 1771 1210 1 cc a a--x ig _a �� _ r _ m® .aa v111.= :1612 • a m O © 3 4 ® via rf6nqa MAXIMUM COMBINATIONS 4+5^ EXPANSION 4 232 or 232 or 232 or 232 or LON LON LON LON 485 232 or 232 or 232 or 485 LON LON LON 485 485 232 or 485 485 LON 485 485 485 485 Expandability is dependent on the type of expansion module used JACE' 8000 CONTROLLER MOUNTING & DIMENSIONS 4 JACE 8000 controller.Allow at least 1.5"(38mm)clearance around all sides and minimum 3" (76mm)at bottom for Wi-Fi antenna 0 Expansion module. Up to four(4) may be used. See "Expansion Module and 10 Configurations" 0 Distances between center of tabs from one unit to another unit 2.40'(61) 2.16'(55.5) IF.74' (171.1) Isi 6.34'(6.6),JI:D 116.165JJJJ0 p i1..} (.2)`f—� 3.31" 3.31"1.77'(45) I�.II 4.93•(110) (84) (84) 114.33' o- (110) 6.74'— 2.13' 2.13' ''.\.. . 1 a , (171.1) (54) (54) r 0--'-- i ,F. 6.38"(162) pi 2.07'(52.5) I{.- • 7.05"(179) • -2.41'(61.1)-+ Compatible with(D/N43880)enclosures Suitable for mounting to a panel or to an EN50022 standard 35mm rail AGENCY CERTIFICATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS • UL 916 • Operating temperature: -20-60°C • CE EN 61326-1 • Storage temperature:-40-85°C • FCC Part 15 Subpart B,Class B • Humidity: 5%-95%— Non condensing • FCC Part 15 Subpart C • Shipping&vibration: ASTM D4169,Assurance Level II • C-UL listed to Canadian • MTTF:10 years+ Standards Association(CSA) C22.2 No.205-M1983 "Signal Equipment" • 1999/5/EC R&TTE Directive • CCC • SRRC • RSS • ROHS Villant ::TRITIUM ORDERING INFORMATION Part number Description J-8005 DACE` 8000 for 5 devices/250 point core J-8010 JACE 8000 for 10 devices/500 point core J-8025 JACE 8000 for 25 devices/1,250 point core J-8100 JACE 8000 for 100 devices/5,000 point core J-8200 JACE 8000 for 200 devices/10,000 point core DEVICE-10 Add 10 devices/500 points to initial order DEVICE-25 Add 25 devices/1,250 points to initial order DEVICE-50 Add 50 devices/2,500 points to initial order DEVICE-UP-10 Upgrade of 10 devices/500 points to existing license DEVICE-UP-25 Upgrade of 25 devices/1,250 points to existing license DEVICE-UP-50 Upgrade of 50 devices/2,500 points upgrade to existing license NPB-8000-2X-485 JACE 8000 controller—add on dual port RS-485 module NPB-8000-LON JACE 8000 controller—add on single port LON FTT10A module NPB-8000-232 JACE 8000 controller—add on single port RS-232 module WPM-8000 JACE 8000 100-240V universal power supply 10-16-485 Remote 10 module,compatible with the JACE 8000 controller. Communication using RS 485, maximum 10 supported 10-16-485 modules:16 NPB-PWR 24V power supply for 10-16-485 NPB-PWR-UN Universal power supply for 10-16-485 JACE 8000s include a Niagara 4 license and Tridium's standard drivers.P/ease see Tridium's Niagara 4 drivers documentation for more details. To learn more about how to purchase, install and start using the JACE 8000 controller, contact your VYKON partner. The global community of certified Niagara professionals can serve your unique business needs across any industry or geographic region. VYK•N' vykon.com byTRIDIUM Copyright r4 2015 Tridium Inc.All rights reserved. Information and/or specifications published here are current as of the date of publication of this document.Tridium,Inc.reserves the right to change or modify specifications without prior notice.The latest product specifications can be found by contacting our corporate headquarters,Richmond,Virginia.Products or features contained herein may be covered by one or more U.S.or foreign patents.This document may be copied only as expressly authorized by Tridium in writing.It may not otherwise,in whole or in part,be copied,photocopied, reproduced,translated.or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form. 2015-0013VK Town of Mamaroneck, NY Town Board Agenda Memorandum To: Town Administrator Stephen Altieri From: Anna Danoy, Director of Community Services,Senior Programs & Housing Date: 9/12/18 Meeting Date: 10/3/2018 Subject: Annual PHA Plan and Administrative Plan Review The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that Public Housing Agencies prepare and submit an Annual Plan no later than 75 days prior to the beginning of the next fiscal year which begins on 1/1/19. There have been no substantial modifications to the PHA Plan, so no public hearing is required this year,however the draft 2019 PHA Plan and Administrative Plan must be made available for review and comment. The PHA Plan will be available at the Town Clerk's office as well as on the Town's website at http://www.townofmamaroneckny.org/438/Approved-PHA-and-Administrative-Plans I am requesting that on 10/3/2018 the Town Board review and approve the PHA plan for 2019. This will allow time to incorporate any changes to the plan that may be necessary in response to any comments received,in order to meet the HUD submission deadline of 10/17/18. oc �9 vo 0 -• m Town of Mamaroneck t • TOWN CENTER • ROOM 110 • FOUNDED 1661 • 740 West Boston Post Rd Mamaroneck, NY 10543 TOWN OF MAMARONECK PHA MamaroneckPHA@TownofMamaroneckNY.org September 12,2018 The Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing Agency(PHA)is required to submit an Annual PHA Plan and an Administrative Plan to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)once every five years,and to update those plans annually as needed.The PHA Plan must be updated annually by any PHA that administers 550 vouchers or more. A public hearing is required only when there are proposed changes to our policies and procedures. The next Five-Year Plan will cover 2020 through 2024. The purpose of the Annual PHA Plan(HUD Form 50075-HCV)for 2019 is to update the PHA's progress on the goals and objectives of the Housing Choice Voucher Program. From 1/1/18-8/31/18 the PHA has: ➢ Issued 36 new vouchers and leased 21 new families; ➢ Signed 11 new repayment agreements and collected$17,867 in repayments,50%of which is retained by the PHA. ➢ Provided housing assistance to 47o active tenants; ➢ Contracted with 27 new landlords who leased units to our voucher holders,for a total of 277 participating landlords. As there have been no changes to our Administrative Plan,there is no need for a public hearing this year.We are required to provide a brief Progress Report,which is on page 2 B.6 of the attached Streamlined Annual PHA Plan. The State or Local Official of PHA Plans must certify our plan's consistency with the Consolidate Plan for Westchester. A copy of this report has been sent to the New York State Homes and Community Renewal department for review and certification. Copies of all documents will be available for review on the Town of Mamaroneck's website under Housing Programs and Services at http://www.townofmamaroneckny.org1438/Approved-PHA-and-Administrative-Plans.Comments regarding the PHA Plan and Administrative Plan should be emailed to CommunityServices@townofrnamaroneckny.org no later than 10/12/2018. Streamlined Annual U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development OMB No.2577-0226 Office of Public and Indian Housing Expires 02/29/2016 PHA Plan (HCV Only PHAs) Purpose. The 5-Year and Annual PHA Plans provide a ready source for interested parties to locate basic PHA policies,rules,and requirements concerning the PHA's operations,programs,and services,and informs HUD,families served by the PHA,and members of the public of the PHA's mission,goals and objectives for serving the needs of low-income,very low-income,and extremely low-income families Applicability. Form HUD-50075-HCV is to be completed annually by HCV-Only PHAs. PHAs that meet the definition of a Standard PHA, Troubled PHA,High Performer PHA,Small PHA,or Qualified PHA do not need to submit this form.Where applicable,separate Annual PHA Plan forms are available for each of these types of PHAs. Definitions. (1) High-Performer PHA—A PHA that owns or manages more than 550 combined public housing units and housing choice vouchers,and was designated as a high performer on both of the most recent Public Housing Assessment System(PHAS)and Section Eight Management Assessment Program(SEMAP) assessments if administering both programs,or PHAS if only administering public housing. (2) Small PHA-A PHA that is not designated as PHAS or SEMAP troubled,or at risk of being designated as troubled,that owns or manages less than 250 public housing units and any number of vouchers where the total combined units exceeds 550. (3) Housing Choice Voucher(HCV)Only PHA-A PHA that administers more than 550 HCVs,was not designated as troubled in its most recent SEMAP assessment,and does not own or manage public housing. (4) Standard PHA-A PHA that owns or manages 250 or more public housing units and any number of vouchers where the total combined units exceeds 550,and that was designated as a standard performer in the most recent PHAS and SEMAP assessments. (5) Troubled PHA-A PHA that achieves an overall PHAS or SEMAP score of less than 60 percent. (6) Qualified PHA-A PHA with 550 or fewer public housing dwelling units and/or housing choice vouchers combined,and is not PHAS or SEMAP troubled. ems A. PHA Information.,` A.I PHA Name: Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing Agency PHA Code: NY117 PHA Plan for Fiscal Year Beginning: (MM/YYYY): 1/1/2019 PHA Inventory(Based on Annual Contributions Contract(ACC)units at time of FY beginning,above) Number of Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs) 647 PHA Plan Submission Type: laAnnual Submission ❑Revised Annual Submission Availability of Information. In addition to the items listed in this form,PHAs must have the elements listed below readily available to the public. A PHA must identify the specific location(s)where the proposed PHA Plan,PHA Plan Elements,and all information relevant to the public hearing and proposed PHA Plan are available for inspection by the public. Additionally,the PHA must provide information on how the public may reasonably obtain additional information of the PHA policies contained in the standard Annual Plan,but excluded from their streamlined submissions. At a minimum,PHAs must post PHA Plans,including updates,at the main office or central office of the PHA. PHAs are strongly encouraged to post complete PHA Plans on their official website. ❑PHA Consortia: (Check box if submitting a joint Plan and complete table below) Participating PHAS PHA Code Program(s)in the Consortia Program(s)not in the No.of Units in Each Program Consortia Lead HA: I Page 1 of4 form HUD-50075-HCV(12/2014) IPB. Annual Plan. B.1 Revision of PHA Plan Elements. (a) Have the following PHA Plan elements been revised by the PHA since its last Annual Plan submission? Y N O gr Housing Needs and Strategy for Addressing Housing Needs. ❑ Deconcentration and Other Policies that Govern Eligibility,Selection,and Admissions. E Financial Resources. ❑ Rent Determination. O g Operation and Management. ElInformal Review and Hearing Procedures. ❑ S Homeownership Programs. ❑ Self Sufficiency Programs and Treatment of Income Changes Resulting from Welfare Program Requirements. ❑ ff Substantial Deviation. IDSignificant Amendment/Modification. (b) If the PHA answered yes for any element,describe the revisions for each element(s): B.2 New Activities (a) Does the PHA intend to undertake any new activities related to the following in the PHA's current Fiscal Year? Y N ❑ glf Project Based Vouchers. (b)If this activity is planned for the current Fiscal Year,describe the activities. Provide the projected number of project-based units and general locations,and describe how project-basing would be consistent with the PHA Plan. 0 B.3 Most Recent Fiscal Year Audit. (a) Were there any findings in the most recent FY Audit? Y N N/A ❑gi ❑ (b) If yes,please describe: B.4 Civil Rights Certification Form HUD-50077 PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans and Related Regulations,must be submitted by the PHA as an electronic attachment to the PHA Plan. B.5 Certification by State or Local Officials. Form HUD 50077-SL,Certification by State or Local Officials of PHA Plans Consistency with the Consolidated Plan,must be submitted by the PHA as an electronic attachment to the PHA Plan. Progress Report. Provide a description of the PHA's progress in meeting its Mission and Goals described in its 5-Year PHA Plan. B.6 From 1/1/18 through 8/31/18 NY117 issued 36 vouchers and had 21 new admissions to the program.We have 1 full time staff member dedicated to managing the waiting list,briefing applicants,issuing vouchers and completing the lease-ups to increase voucher utilization. We have collected$8,933 in fraud recovery through 23 individual repayment agreements.There are 277 individual landlords renting to our tenants:27 of those are new to our urogram in 2018. B.7 Resident Advisory Board(RAB)Comments. (a) Did the RAB(s)provide comments to the PHA Plan? Y N There were no changes to the PHA Plan 0 I" (a) If yes,comments must be submitted by the PHA as an attachment to the PHA Plan. PHAs must also include a narrative describing their analysis of the RAB recommendations and the decisions made on these recommendations. Page 2 of 4 form HUD-50075-HCV(12/2014) Instructions for Preparation of Form HUD-50075-HCV Annual PHA Plan for HCV Only PHAs A. PHA Information.All PHAs must complete this section. (24 CFR§903.23(4)(e)) A.1 Include the full PHA Name,PHA Code,PHA Type,PHA Fiscal Year Beginning(MM/YYYY),Number of Housing Choice Vouchers(HCVs), PHA Plan Submission Type,and the Availability of Information,specific location(s)of all information relevant to the public hearing and proposed PHA Plan. PHA Consortia:Check box if submitting a Joint PHA Plan and complete the table.(24 CFR§943.128(a)) B. Annual Plan. All PHAs must complete this section.(24 CFR§903.11(c)(3)) B.1 Revision of PHA Plan Elements.PHAs must: Identify specifically which plan elements listed below that have been revised by the PHA.To specify which elements have been revised,mark the"yes" box.If an element has not been revised,mark"no." ❑ Housing Needs and Strategy for Addressing Housing Needs. Provide a statement addressing the housing needs of low-income,very low-income families who reside in the PHA's jurisdiction and other families who are on the Section 8 tenant-based waiting list.The statement must identify the housing needs of(i)families with incomes below 30 percent of area median income(extremely low-income),(ii)elderly families and families with disabilities,and(iii)households of various races and ethnic groups residing in the jurisdiction or on the waiting list based on information provided by the applicable Consolidated Plan,information provided by HUD,and other generally available data. The identification of housing needs must address issues of affordability,supply,quality,accessibility,size of units,and location. (24 CFR 003.7(00)and 24 CFR§903.7(aX2Xi)). Provide a description of the PHA's strategy for addressing the housing needs of families in the jurisdiction and on the waiting list in the upcoming year.24 CFR§903.7(a)(2)(ii) ❑ Deconcentration and Other Policies that Govern Eligibility,Selection,and Admissions. A statement of the PHA's policies that govern resident or tenant eligibility,selection and admission including admission preferences for HCV.(24 CFR&903.7(b)) 0 Financial Resources. A statement of financial resources,including a listing by general categories,of the PHA's anticipated resources,such as PHA . HCV funding and other anticipated Federal resources available to the PHA,as well as tenant rents and other income available to support tenant-based assistance. The statement also should include the non-Federal sources of funds supporting each Federal program,and state the planned use for the resources.(24 CFR&903.7(c1) ❑ Rent Determination. A statement of the policies of the PHA governing rental contributions of families receiving tenant-based assistance, discretionary minimum tenant rents,and payment standard policies.(24 CFR§903,7(d)) ❑ Operation and Management. A statement that includes a description of PHA management organization,and a listing of the programs administered by the PHA.(24 CFR§903.7(e)(3)(4)). ❑ Informal Review and Hearing Procedures. A description of the informal hearing and review procedures that the PHA makes available to its applicants.(24 CFR&903.7(8) ❑ Homeownership Programs. A statement describing any homeownership programs(including project number and unit count)administered by the agency under section 8y of the 1937 Act,or for which the PHA has applied or will apply for approval.(24 CFR§903.7(k)) ❑ Self Sufficiency Programs and Treatment of Income Changes Resulting from Welfare Program Requirements. A description of any PHA programs relating to services and amenities coordinated,promoted,or provided by the PHA for assisted families,including those resulting from the PHA's partnership with other entities,for the enhancement of the economic and social self-sufficiency of assisted families,including programs provided or offered as a result of the PHA's partnerships with other entities,and activities under section 3 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1968 and under requirements for the Family Self-Sufficiency Program and others. Include the program's size(including required and actual size of the FSS program)and means of allocating assistance to households. (24 CFR§903.7(I)(i)) Describe how the PHA will comply with the requirements of section 12(c)and(d)of the 1937 Act that relate to treatment of income changes resulting from welfare program requirements. (24 CFR§903.7(Il(iii)). ❑ Substantial Deviation. PHA must provide its criteria for determining a"substantial deviation"to its 5-Year Plan.(24 CFR§903.7(r)(21(i)) ❑ Significant Amendment/Modification. PHA must provide its criteria for determining a"Significant Amendment or Modification"to its 5-Year and Annual Plan. Should the PHA fail to define`significant amendment/modification',HUD will consider the following to be`significant amendments or modifications': a)changes to rent or admissions policies or organization of the waiting list;or b)any change with regard to homeownership programs. See guidance on HUD's website at:Notice PIH 1999-51.(24 CFR§903.7(r)(2)(ii)) If any boxes are marked"yes",describe the revision(s)to those element(s)in the space provided. B.2 New Activity. If the PHA intends to undertake new activity using Housing Choice Vouchers(HCVs)for new Project-Based Vouchers(PBVs)in the 11) current Fiscal Year,mark"yes"for this element,and describe the activities to be undertaken in the space provided. If the PHA does not plan to undertake this activity,mark"no." (24 CFR§983.57(b)l)and Section 8(13XC)of the United States Housing Act of 1937. ❑ Project-Based Vouchers(PBV). Describe any plans to use HCVs for new project-based vouchers.If using PBVs,provide the projected number of project-based units and general locations,and describe how project-basing would be consistent with the PHA Plan. Page 3 of 4 form HUD-50075-HCV(12/2014) B3 Most Recent Fiscal Year Audit. If the results of the most recent fiscal year audit for the PHA included any findings,mark"yes"and describe those ipfindings in the space provided. (24 CFR 4903.11(c)(31,24 CFR 6903.7(p)) B.4 Civil Rights Certification. Form HUD-50077,PHA Certifications of Compliance with the PHA Plans and Related Regulation,must be submitted by the PHA as an electronic attachment to the PHA Plan. This includes all certifications relating to Civil Rights and related regulations. A PHA will be considered in compliance with the AFFH Certification if:it can document that it examines its programs and proposed programs to identify any impediments to fair housing choice within those programs;addresses those impediments in a reasonable fashion in view of the resources available;works with the local jurisdiction to implement any of the jurisdiction's initiatives to affirmatively further fair housing;and assures that the annual plan is consistent with any applicable Consolidated Plan for its jurisdiction.(24 CFR 6903.7(0) B.5 Certification by State or Local Officials. Form HUD-50077-SL,Certification by State or Local Officials of PHA Plans Consistency with the Consolidated Plan,including the manner in which the applicable plan contents are consistent with the Consolidated Plans,must be submitted by the PHA as an electronic attachment to the PHA Plan.(24 CFR§903.15) B.6 Progress Report. For all Annual Plans following submission of the first Annual Plan,a PHA must include a brief statement of the PHA's progress in meeting the mission and goals described in the 5-Year PHA Plan.(24 CFR 903.11(c)(3),24 CFR§903.7(r)(II) B.7 Resident Advisory Board(RAB)comments.lithe RAB provided comments to the annual plan,mark`yes,"submit the comments as an attachment to the Plan and describe the analysis of the comments and the PHA's decision made on these recommendations.(24 CFR 6903.13(c),24 CFR§903.19) This information collection is authorized by Section 511 of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act,which added a new section SA to the U.S.Housing Act of 1937, as amended,which introduced the Annual PHA Plan.The Annual PHA Plan provides a ready source for interested parties to locate basic PHA policies,rules,and requirements concerning the PHA's operations,programs,and services,and Informs HUD,families served by the PHA,and members of the public for serving the needs of low-income,very low-income,and extremely low-income families. Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to average 4.5 hour per response,including the time for reviewing instructions,searching existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed,and completing and reviewing the collection of information.HUD may not collect this information,and respondents are not required to complete this form,unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Privacy Act Notice.The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to solicit the information requested in this form by virtue of Title 12, U.S.Code,Section 1701 et seq.,and regulations promulgated thereunder at Title 12,Code of Federal Regulations. Responses to the collection of information are required to obtain a benefit or to retain a benefit The information requested does not lend itself to confidentiality 8 I Page 4 of 4 form HUD-50075-HCV(12/2014) 111/11 Town of Mamaroneck, NY Town Board Agenda Memorandum To: Town Administrator Stephen Altieri From: Anna Danoy,Director of Community Services,Senior Programs&Housing Date: 9/20/18 Meeting Date: 10/3/2018 Subject: Meals on Wheels&Nutrition Site Health Department Permits for 2019 The Town of Mamaroneck is required to renew our Health Department Permits to operate the Meals on Wheels program and the Nutrition Site program annually. • I am requesting that the Town Board authorize you to renew these two permits in order to continue these essential senior citizen services. I \ estchester ilo govcorn George Latimer County Executive Sherlita Amler,M.D. Commissioner of Health PERMIT RENEWAL FOR FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT OWNERS AND OPERATORS Please be advised that your permit to operate a food service establishment expires soon. According to provisions of Section 873.301 of the Westchester County Sanitary Code, applications must be received not later than 60 days prior to the date of expiration. In order for you to continue to operate your business, you are required to do the following: 1. Submit your"Renewal Application for a Permit to Overate" Answer all questions, and do not leave anything blank. Please include your email contact information. Be sure to date and sign application. Please do not detach or attempt to reassemble the forms for any reason as this will delay processing. Change any information that is incorrect. Note: If the owner's name that appears on the Renewal Application is not yours, or if ownership has changed even if by"name"only, you cannot use this form. Please contact your Regional Office for instructions and an original application. 2. Worker's Compensation/Disability Insurance • SEE PAGE 2 OF THE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR ACCEPTABLE FORMS. Any questions concerning the forms or procedure should be directed to the local NYS Workers'Comp Board Office or the Bureau of Compliance, NYS Workers'Comp Board at 518-486-6307. If you do not provide Worker's Compensation or Disability Insurance, you are required to submit Form CE-200, which can be done online at www.wcb.ny.gov. 3. Corporate Ownership If ownership of the business is a corporation, you must file the enclosed "Certificate of Resolution". The person who signs the Renewal Application must be the same person named and authorized in the Certificate of Resolution. The corporate seal must be affixed to the document. If your corporate officers have changed since you last filed your application, submit a list of names and addresses of the new corporate officers. 4. Source of Food Supply Form and Food Managers Certification Course Answer questions concerning your major food suppliers and the Food Managers Certification Course. The Westchester County Sanitary Code mandates that all operators of food service establishments attend an approved Food Managers Course and re-certify every five (5) years. If you have any questions concerning this requirement, contact your Regional Office. (over) 0:i usi RECYCLE Moore Health qi 25 oo 25\loots Avenua Mount Kisco,New'Cork 10510 F,1,1)11, n• ('II I) •1 3•3000 I'..\ ,91 I '+I) 5970 5. Application Fee 100 Every application for a permit shall be accompanied by a NON-REFUNDABLE application fee as specified on the renewal- see"Total Fee Due" printed on Renewal Application for a Permit to Operate. Applications that are received after the permit expiration date will incur an $80.00 late fee. In addition, Operators may be subject to closure and legal action with additional fines. Cash Payments are NOT Accepted Please make checks or money orders payable to: WESTCHESTER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT BE SURE APPLICATIONS ARE COMPLETE SUBMIT ALL REQUIRED PAPERS PROMPTLY TO AVOID DELAY Return the completed application and all Supporting documents to: Westchester County Health Department Bureau of Public Health Protection 25 Moore Avenue Mount Kisco, NY 10549 0 (914) 864-7330 Permit to Operate Renewal Application Westchester County Department of Health 10•siness/Location Information (Please modify only if information has changed.) Business Name MEALS ON WHEELS- T. MAMA. /V MAMA Facility Code:01-M093-A Address 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD Business Phone (914)381-7840 MAMARONECK, NY 10543 Business Fax ( ) - Location Village of MAMARONECK Business Website County WESTCHESTER Business Email Mail To THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Permit Number 01-M093-A ATTN: COMM. SERVICES OFFICE Permit Expiration Date 740 W. BOSTON POST RD. November 30, 2018 MAMARONECK, NY 10543- Fee Exempt Permitted MEALS ON WHEELS-T. MAMA./V. MAMA./V. LARCH. Operation ID: 687265 Operation SOFA Food Service-SOFA Prep Site-State Office for the Aging In Operation: • Year-Round C Seasonal If Seasonal: Expected Opening Date Expected Closing Date Month/Day Month/Day Capacity: ? Days/Hours of Operation: Permit Applicant Information (Please modify only if information has changed.) Legal Operator or Operating Corporation: THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK rson in Charge TOWN ADMINISTRATOR STEPHEN ALTER! Tale First p,(�Last Address ATTN: COMM. SERVICES OFFICE 740 W. BOSTON POST RD. City,State,Zip MAMARONECK NY 10543- Primary Phone (914)381-7840 Ext r Cell Fax (914)381-7855 Emergency Contact 0 Other Phone ( ) - Ext r Cell E-mail adanoy@townofmamaroneckny.org Location Owner: THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Address ATTN: COMM. SERVICES OFFICE 740 W.BOSTON POST RD. City,State,Zip MAMARONECK NY 10543- Primary Phone (914)381-7840 Ext r Cell Fax (914)381-7855 Emergency Contact 0 Other Phone ( ) - Ext r Cell E-mail adanoy@townofmamaroneckny.org I Page 1 of 2 Facility Name/Code: MEALS ON WHEELS-T MAMA/V.MAMA 01-M093-A (rev 4/13) Permit Application to Operate Renewal Westchester County Department of Health Application II o •rkers'Compensation and Disability Insurance n Submit copies of the following documentation with the application to document compliance with the Worker's Compensation Law: A.Workers Compensation and Disability Insurance Coverage is PROVIDED Workers Compensation Form C-105.2—Certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance OR Form U-26.3—Certificate of Workers'Compensation Insurance OR Form SI-12—Certificate of Workers'Compensation Self-Insurance OR GSI—105.2—Certificate of Participation in Workers'Compensation Group Self-Insurance AND Disability Benefits DB-120.1 -Certificate of Disability Benefits OR Form DB-155—Certificate of Disability Benefits Self-Insurance B.Workers Compensation and Disability Insurance Coverage is NOT PROVIDED Form CE-200—Certificate of Attestation of Exemption from NYS Workers'Compensation and/or Disability Benefits Coverage Return Completed Application Please return completed application to: Westchester County Department of Health Make checks payable to"Westchester Mount Kisco Central Office County Department of Health" and 25 Moore Avenue include the permit number. Mount Kisco NY 10549 (914) 864-7330 Fax: (914)813-5970 fIignature of Individual Operator or Authorized Official (Entire section must be completed by all applicants.) would like to receive information and official correspondence related to this permit at the email address below: (Yes L/No_) GI da no y 0tou;►i o,f m a►na.l-o nc y , 01, "Operation without a valid permit is a violation of New York State Law and/or State Sanitary Code." J Signature �/ Print Name `J+eph.44'1 V• AI-t1 G'7 Title I d it VI�1 Gti1'1L✓N51YJdil Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit issuance recommended? QYes ONo Permit Effective Date Permit Expiration Date Conditions of approval Signature Title Date I Pig.2 of 2 Facility Name/Code MEALS ON WHEELS•T MAMA IV MAMA 01-M093-A (rev 4/13) 01/2009 • CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION FOR AUTHORIZATION The Undersigned, 01 S/ 1IIa Bi0611 a oft1cr Name of Corporation /0 a)11 D f- k Q i iZJ v fr't.e c , a corporation Duly organized and validly existing under the laws of(State) Ne - A-- Hereby certifies that the following resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors, of said Corporation, at a meeting duly called and held on the day of 20 . Be it resolved that the Board of Directors, or President if there is no Board of Directors, of(Name of Corporation) tL)c1 G F(Ci- -t Q IU? (k._ With offices at: 7-4-1U IL). US`rtt�'l >v 5t rzdvai&, ( 10;4 3 Hereby authorizes (Name if person authorized): . �1 �.J e4.-1 To execute and deliver to the Westchester County Department of Health, for and on behalf of said corporation, and application for a permit to operate a (type of operation): 011 t tiS to execute and deliver any and all additional documents which may be appropriate or desirable in connection therewith. The undersigned further certifies that said resolution has not been revoked, rescinded or modified and remains in full force and effect on the date hereof. In WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has duly executed this certificate This day of , 20 • OFFICER'S SIGNATURE: Affix Corporate Seal TITLE: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF COUNTY OF ): ss: On this day of , 20 , before me personally came to me known, and known to me to be the of the corporation referred to in the within Certificate of Resolution, who being by duly sworn did depose and say that (s)he is of said corporation and that (s)he signed his/her name thereto. NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY 11) 2/2004 • WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BUREAU OF PUBLIC HEALTH PROTECTION Supplement to be Completed as Part of the Application SOURCE OF FOOD SUPPLY ITEM FIRM ADDRESS CITY, STATE MEAT O€t'te 'er : Ihtloba.vd 5 Cupet ted km API 'UM& 6x A$1 FISH !dg✓eent.U(LGi CT 0 (Og DAIRY Nexii 1 PeAfi I PRODUCTS kid Por' C�i'A-� ski til\{ o s CANNED PRODUCTS • BEVERAGES OTHER FOOD MANAGER'S CERTIFICATION COURSE (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Have you taken the Food Manager's Certification course Yes ❑ No If yes, name of person who took course: /14 Q4 9a qtabyLi., Social Security number of person who took course: Institution where course was taken: NSA fi 5t4v (9 /l1 ortu �k K-fi uJ Laa plot! Date of course: ! lig LX)I - N y S \/ .estchester „. ovcorn George Latimer County Executive Sherlita Amler,M.D. Commissioner of Health PERMIT RENEWAL FOR FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT OWNERS AND OPERATORS Please be advised that your permit to operate a food service establishment expires soon. According to provisions of Section 873.301 of the Westchester County Sanitary Code, applications must be received not later than 60 days prior to the date of expiration. In order for you to continue to operate your business, you are required to do the following: 1. Submit your"Renewal Application for a Permit to Operate" Answer all questions, and do not leave anything blank. Please include your email contact information. Be sure to date and sign application. Please do not detach or attempt to reassemble the forms for any reason as this will delay processing. Change any information that is incorrect. Note: If the owner's name that appears on the Renewal Application is not yours, or if ownership has changed even if by"name"only, you cannot use this form. Please contact your Regional Office for instructions and an original application. 2. Worker's Compensation/Disability Insurance SEE PAGE 2 OF THE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR ACCEPTABLE FORMS. Any questions concerning the forms or procedure should be directed to the local NYS Workers' Comp Board Office or the Bureau of Compliance, NYS Workers' Comp Board at 518-486-6307. If you do not provide Worker's Compensation or Disability Insurance, you are required to submit Form CE-200, which can be done online at www.wcb.nv.gov. 3. Corporate Ownership If ownership of the business is a corporation, you must file the enclosed "Certificate of Resolution". The person who signs the Renewal Application must be the same person named and authorized in the Certificate of Resolution. The corporate seal must be affixed to the document. If your corporate officers have changed since you last filed your application, submit a list of names and addresses of the new corporate officers. f' 4. Source of Food Supply Form and Food Managers Certification Course Answer questions concerning your major food suppliers and the Food Managers Certification Course. The Westchester County Sanitary Code mandates that all operators of food service establishments attend an approved Food Managers Course and re-certify every five (5) years. If you have any questions concerning this requirement, contact your Regional Office. (over) RECYCLE Department of Nealth 25\[core Avenue \luunt Ki.co,New Durk 10519 i_1:phonr- 011i 5000 i.i' (91 1 1 ,110 / 5. Application Fee Every application for a permit shall be accompanied by a NON-REFUNDABLE application fee as specified on the renewal- see"Total Fee Due" printed on Renewal Application for a Permit to Operate. Applications that are received after the permit expiration date will incur an $80.00 late fee. In addition, Operators may be subject to closure and legal action with additional fines. Cash Payments are NOT Accepted Please make checks or money orders payable to: WESTCHESTER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT BE SURE APPLICATIONS ARE COMPLETE SUBMIT ALL REQUIRED PAPERS PROMPTLY TO AVOID DELAY Return the completed application and all Supporting documents to: Westchester County Health Department Bureau of Public Health Protection 25 Moore Avenue Mount Kisco, NY 10549 ' (914) 864-7330 Permit to Operate Westchester CountyDepartment of Health Renewal Application p 3usiness/Location Information (Please modify only if information has changed.) Business Name TOWN OF MAMARONECK SR. NUTRITION PRO Facility Code:01-M092-B Address 1288 BOSTON POST ROAD Business Phone (914)834-8840 LARCHMONT,NY 10538 Business Fax ( ) - Location Town of MAMARONECK Business Website County WESTCHESTER Business Email Mail To THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Permit Number 01-M092-B ATTN: COMM. SERVICES OFFICE Permit Expiration Date 740 W. BOSTON POST RD. November 30, 2018 MAMARONECK, NY 10543- Fee Exempt Permitted TOWN OF MAMARONECK SR. NUTRITION PROGRAM Operation ID: 687267 Operation SOFA Food Service-SOFA Satellite Site-State Office for the Aging In Operation: • Year-Round 0 Seasonal If Seasonal: Expected Opening Date Expected Closing Date Month/Day Month/Day Capacity: 160 Seats Days/Hours of Operation: Permit Applicant Information (Please modify only if information has changed.) Legal Operator or Operating Corporation: THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK arson in Charge TOWN ADMINISTRATOR STEPHEN _ ALTIERI Title First M I Last ,-Jdress ATTN: COMM. SERVICES OFFICE 740 W.BOSTON POST RD. City, State,Zip MAMARONECK NY 10543- Primary Phone (914)381-7840 Ext r Cell Fax ( ) - Emergency Contact ❑ Other Phone ( ) - Ext r Cell E-mail adanoy@townofmamaroneck.org Location Owner: THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Address ATTN: COMM SERVICES OFFICE 740 W BOSTON POST RD. City,State,Zip MAMARONECK NY 10543- Primary Phone (914)381-7840 Ext r Cell Fax ( ) - Emergency Contact ❑ Other Phone ( ) - Ext E Cell E-mail adanoy@townofmamaroneck.org 10 Pape I of 2 Facility Name/Code: TOWN OF MAMARONECK SR NUTRITION PRO 01-M092-B (rev 4/13) Permit to Operate Westchester County Department of Health Renewal Application workers'Compensation and Disability Insurance i Submit copies of the following documentation with the application to document compliance with the Worker's Compensation Law: A.Workers Compensation and Disability Insurance Coverage is PROVIDED Workers Compensation Form C-105.2—Certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance OR Form U-26.3—Certificate of Workers'Compensation Insurance OR Form SI-12—Certificate of Workers'Compensation Self-Insurance OR GSI—105.2—Certificate of Participation in Workers'Compensation Group Self-Insurance AND Disability Benefits DB-120.1 -Certificate of Disability Benefits OR Form DB-155—Certificate of Disability Benefits Self-Insurance B.Workers Compensation and Disability Insurance Coverage is NOT PROVIDED Form CE-200—Certificate of Attestation of Exemption from NYS Workers'Compensation and/or Disability Benefits Coverage Return Completed Application Please return completed application to: Westchester County Department of Health Make checks payable to"Westchester Mount Kisco Central Office County Department of Health" and 25 Moore Avenue include the permit number. Mount Kisco NY 10549 (914)864-7330 Fax: (914) 813-5970 ignature of Individual Operator or Authorized Official(Entire section must be completed by all applicants.) y< I would like to receive information and offipal correspondence related to this permit at the email address below: (Yes k No_) a o1 a h o y ©-16,t J vi vi-ma z4on.L it(•o4z9 "Operation without a valid permit is a violation of New York State Law and/or State Sanitary Code." Signature ./ Print Name . k10-i1.t.,t4, V- A 1�� TrtleTr un1 i1 d -- t Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit issuance recommended? ❑Yes ❑No Permit Effective Date Permit Expiration Date Conditions of approval Signature Title Date Papa 2 of 2 Facility Name/Code TOWN OF MAMARONECK SR.NUTRITION PRO 01-M092-B (rev 4/13) 01/2009 CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION ��pp / Tp FOR AUTHORIZATION The Undersigned, 01Vl5hi4-'A 'bLa of-aft Name of Corporation 'i)1A,rYl u /L(GLt tirDI&E t k_ , a corporation Duly organized and validly existing under the laws of (State) ]\7' /ol1L_ Hereby certifies that the following resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors, of said Corporation, at a meeting duly called and held on the day of 20 . Be it resolved that til e Board of Directors, or President if there is no Board of Directors, of(Name of Corporation) I D an'I .. / 4J Jt,(I2r? G'-.Q L C4 With offices at: .4 qo i u, n r'1 PDSf 1-)Gf r kAUJCe t/IL-- F '( I t ({3 Hereby authorizes (Name if person authorized): c� /'1 i Pi /PI-7 To execute and deliver to the Westchester County Department of Health, for and on behalf of said corporation, and application for a permit to operate a (type of operation): t tri'4-7 4rYi ,1 . to execute and deliver any and all additional documents which may be appropriate or desirable in connection therewith. The undersigned further certifies that said resolution has not been revoked, rescinded or modified and remains in full force and effect on the date hereof. In WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has duly executed this certificate This day of , 20 OFFICER'S SIGNATURE: Affix Corporate Seal TITLE: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF COUNTY OF ): ss: On this day of , 20 , before me personally came to me known, and known to me to be the A of the corporation referred to in the within Certificate of Resolution, who being by duly sworn did depose and say that (s)he is of said corporation and that (s)he signed his/her name thereto. NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY 2/2004 WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BUREAU OF PUBLIC HEALTH PROTECTION Supplement to be Completed as Part of the Application SOURCE OF FOOD SUPPLY ITEM FIRM ADDRESS CITY, STATE MEAT tute.ve-if P-74 bed vd Zs Cap boxj--d FISH cla9rant.01044-10 ��,CI- DAIRY ► Pew-' 7 eet- PRODUCTS r-440/V,11 1VU (,GtP s e{, 105 3 CANNED PRODUCTS BEVERAGES OTHER FOOD MANAGER'S CERTIFICATION COURSE (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Have you taken the Food Manager's Certification course 'Yes ❑ No If yes, name of person who took course: HQ- 1 Social Security number of person who took course: Institution where course was taken::ij( 'NO�--f O61.24:5, -bjc tacto_Reuas i,/ Date of course: I I IS 1 a)t 1 / o �-7 o w ';912) Town of Mamaroneck z Town Center • [ • 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 FOUNDD 7601 � TEL: (914) 381-7812 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: (914) 381-7809 cgreenodonnell@townofmamaroneckny.org TO: Stephen Altieri, Town Administrator Nancy Seligson, Town Supervisor Town Board Members FROM: Connie Green O'Donnell, Deputy Town Administrator DATE: September 27, 2018 SUBJECT: New York State Deferred Compensation Plan Resolution The members of the 457b Plan Committee have received feedback from union employees, as well as management and non-union staff. All parties are in agreement that the administration of the 457b Plan, currently handled by Voya, should be transferred to the New York State Deferred Compensation Plan (NYSDCP) which is administered by Nationwide. The NYSDCP assets total roughly 24 billion dollars and there are more than 227,000 plan participants. In Westchester County alone there are 110 entities participating and statewide there are more than 1,900 participating in the plan. Their fees are significantly lower than those charged by Voya. As for service, we anticipate they will be as responsive, if not better than Voya, to employee inquiries. Although not identical to Voya, they offer an array of investment options. In addition, moving to the NYSDCP the Town will no longer incur the expense for the annual plan audit, the requirement to send out a Request for Proposal every five years will no longer apply, the fiduciary oversight will rest with the NYSDCP, not the Town and the legal and regulatory compliance will be handled by the NYSDCP, along with the periodic performance review of the plan investment options. In order to commence the conversion process, the Town Board is being asked to adopt the enclosed resolution. It is anticipated that the changeover will take approximately three to four months to complete. Representatives from the NYSDCP will be conducting employee meetings and for those plan participants who are not able to attend they will be sent the enrollment materials. We are anticipating a smooth transition. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD ADOPT THE NEW YORK STATE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck wishes to adopt the Deferred Compensation Plan for Employees of the State of New York and Other Participating Public Jurisdictions (the "Plan") for voluntary participation of all eligible employees, and WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck is a local public employer eligible to adopt the Plan pursuant to Section 5 of the State Finance Law, and WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck has reviewed the Plan established in accordance with Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code and Section 5 of the State Finance Law of the State of New York, and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Plan is to encourage employees to make and continue careers with the Town of Mamaroneck by providing eligible employees with a convenient and tax-favored method of saving on a regular and long-term basis and thereby provide for their retirement. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck hereby adopts the Plan for the voluntary participation of all eligible employees, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officials of the Town of Mamaroneck are hereby authorized to take such actions and enter such agreements as are required or necessary for the adoption, implementation, and maintenance of the Plan, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Administrative Services Agency is hereby authorized to file copies of these resolutions and other required documents with the President of the State of New York Civil Service Commission. 0 f , Mamaroneck Town Police Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3319 TEL: 914/381-6100 FAX: 914/381-7897 Office of the Police Chief September 28, 2018 From: Chief Paul Creazzo To: Board of Police Commissioners Subject: REQUEST FOR SALARY AUTHORIZATION Salary authorization is requested for the position of Probationary Police Officer at an annual rate of$57,708.00 The department wishes to appoint Peter D'Errico of Monroe, New York to the position of Probationary Police Officer. Mr. D'Errico has been employed as a sworn Police Officer for the Town of Blooming Grove Police Department since January 2016 and prior to that he was a New York City Police Officer for 3 years. The hiring of Mr. D'Errico is contingent upon his being approved by the Westchester County Personnel Department and his meeting the screening requirements set forth by the Town of Mamaroneck. • Mr. D'Errico will fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Police Officer Michael Locatelli in July 2018. Pending your approval, the anticipated appointment date for this position will be prior to October 31, 2018. Respectfully submitted, Paul Creazzo Chief of Police JPrinted on Recycled Paper o _ �' Mamaroneck Town Police IL Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3319 TEL:914/381-6100 FAX:914/381-7897 Office of the Police Chief September 28, 2018 From: Chief Paul Creazzo To: Board of Police Commissioners Subject: REQUEST FOR SALARY AUTHORIZATION Salary authorization is requested for the position of Probationary Police Officer at an annual rate of$57,708.00 The department wishes to appoint Sean Lynch of Mamaroneck, New York to the position of Probationary Police Officer. Mr. Lynch has been employed as a sworn Police Officer for the SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York since 2015. The hiring of Mr. Lynch is contingent upon his being approved by the Westchester County Personnel Department and his meeting the screening requirements set forth by the Town of Mamaroneck. Mr. Lynch will fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Police Officer Mill Lau in July 2018. Pending your approval,the anticipated appointment date for this position will be prior to October 31, 2018. Respectfully submitted, Paul Creazzo Chief of Police ` Printed on Recycled Paper