HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018_03_21 Town Board Meeting Packet TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 2018 5:00PM TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE IN CONFERENCE ROOM A TO DISCUSS: 1. Discussion -Waiver of Penalties - Sweetwater Condominiums 2. Hommocks Conservation - Kayak Launch Study* 3. Update - Honeywell Energy Performance Contract* 4. Continued Discussion - Comprehensive Plan 5. Proposal - Restoration of the Delancey Cemetery* 6. Reorganization - Planning Board Membership 7. Primer- Community Development Block Grant Program* 8. New Business 9. Request for Executive Session 8:00PM CALL TO ORDER-COURTROOM RECOGNITION - LVAC Member Alex Rapp for Meritorious Service PUBLIC HEARING-Conversion of a Temporary Partial Exemption for Cold War Veterans Law* SUPERVISOR'S REPORT CITIZEN COMMENTS BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims* 2. Other Fire Department Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1. Appointments - Boards & Commissions 2. Waiver of Penalties- Sweetwater Condominiums 3. Authorization - Declaration of Surplus Vehicles 4. Authorization -Westchester Joint Water Works Capital Projects* 5. Authorization - Snow Removal Contract-Westchester County Roads 6. Authorization - IMA-Westchester County 911 System 7. Authorization -Transfer of Funds - Senior Center Trust Fund* 8. Consideration of Certiorari* APPROVAL OF MINUTES- February 28, 2018 REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL TOWN CLERK'S REPORT NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING- March 21, 2018 & April 4, 2018 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should contact the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. * Updated Agenda Items WORKSESSION ITEM 1 WORKSESSION ITEM 2 417 7 f z 9 itTown of Mamaroneck Wv "' Town Center •FOUNDED 1661• 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 saltieri@townofmamaroneckNY.org Memorandum To: Supervisor & Town Board Re: Kayak Launch Study— Hommocks Conservation Area Date: March 14, 2018 Attached is the feasibility analysis for the Kayak Launch at the Hommocks Conservation Area. The author of the report, Jay Reichgott, will be at the meeting to review it with the Town Board. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator REICHGOTT ENGINEERING Waterfront I Building Investigation I Special Structures March 14, 2018 Ms. Jill Fisher Superintendent of Recreation Town of Mamaroneck 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543 RE: Kayak Launch—Feasibility Study Dear Ms. Fisher, As requested by the Town of Mamaroneck Reichgott Engineering has performed a "Feasibility Study" to examine the possibility of creating a Kayak Launch on Town Property adjacent to Hommocks Park. Our study was based on information on the area of interest and adjacent buildings provided to us by your office. It was further founded on publicly available aerial photography and tidal data, and site investigation performed by our personnel. Background Information and Description of Area of Interest: Although it contains the Villages of Mamaroneck and Larchmont, which have extensive lengths of shoreline along Long Island Sound,the Town of Mamaroneck "owns" only a relative small length of shoreline. This lies to the southwest of Hommocks Road and extends westward until it reaches the boarder of the Village of Larchmont at the terminus of Locust Avenue. The shoreline fronts on the "Hommocks Inlet", a small tributary bay of"Monroe Inlet" leading off of Long Island Sound. It joins the larger bay near Cedar Island. The upland limit of the inlet is defined by a large storm water outfall. Hommocks Inlet is the remnant of the outfall of an unnamed historic stream system that drained the adjacent uplands. This system has been enclosed and incorporated into the local storm drainage system. The exposed portions exhibit a small area of high marsh vegetation and a large area of intertidal mud flat. At high tide is covered with several feet of water, while at low tide only a small channel that conveys the stream outflow remains. This channel, during times of low to normal flow has a depth of several inches only. The floor consists of typical muds with small gravel bars and rock outcrops. There the remains of several previous shoreline "improvements" that are the remnants of the former industrial past of the inlet. While no formal study was made of the existing flora and fauna, the intertidal area was noted to support populations of shellfish and crabs. Access to the are of interest is provided via Hommocks Road, with parking available at the existing gravel "nature preserve" parking lot. There is also the possibility of access and parking at the terminus of Locust Avenue, although it must be noted that this is located completely Reichgott Engineering,LLC I 98 Pomona Road,Suffern,NY 10901 I 845 354 1544 I www.reichgott.com within the boundaries of the Village of Larchmont. Travel over the area of interest is limited to walking trails and wooden bridges. Review Criteria: In order to be considered "Feasible" the Kayak Launch must successfully meet several criteria. For the purposes of our review these included the following: • The Launch and associated facilities must be located within the boundaries of the Town of Mamaroneck • There must be easy access to the waters of Long Island Sound at all tide levels. • There must be sufficient parking and staging areas for Paddlers. • There must be clear and easy access between the parking area and the Launch. • Operational Simplicity and Minimal Maintenance. • Simplicity of Construction and Acquiring Environmental and Other Permits. • Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act. It should be noted that financial considerations have intentionally been excluded from this assessment. Once operational feasibility is established such consideration will inform and guide the further design process. Feasibility Analysis: The investigation of each of the criteria identified above revealed the following: • The Launch and associated facilities must be located within the boundaries of the Town of Mamaroneck: While it is possible to meet this criterion, it requires access and parking be limited to Hommocks Road. The most promising location for the launch itself is in the low-water channel adjacent to the existing outfall at the head of the inlet. Reichgott Engineering,LLC I 98 Pomona Road,Suffern,NY 10901 I 845 354 1544 I www.reichgott.com -2- • There must be easy access to the waters of Long Island Sound at all tide level: While it is nominally possible to access the Sound at all tide levels, the reality is that "paddlable"water is only available in the highest portions of the tide cycle. (see Tidal Analysis below.) This will limit "enjoyable" paddling to only a few hours, centered on each high tide. From the middle of the ebb tide to the middle of the next flood tide, the launch will be, essentially, unusable; except, perhaps,to access the narrow low water channel in order to travel out to the sound. The most common configuration for a Kayak Launch in tidal waters is to have a small floating stage with a deck height several inches above water level. This is accessed by an articulated gangway connected to the shore or to a small pier structure. Environmental regulation in New York State currently prohibit such a float from resting on the bottom making it impractical for this location. A hardened ramp leading to the water is the only configuration that seems viable. It must be noted that such ramps and terraces will support marine growth which can create "slip and fall" hazards. • There must be sufficient parking and staging areas for Paddlers: The existing parking area for the "Nature Preserve" is large enough to contain approximately six to eight vehicles. While additional design studies will be required to determine the number of spaces actually required, if this proves insufficient it appears a relatively simple matter to expand the parking area. There is a large grassy area adjacent to the most likely launch location. This will suffice as a staging area for likely paddlers. There are currently no restrooms or other improvements closer the to proposed location than the Hommocks Rink. • There must be clear and easy access between the parking area and the Launch: There are existing walking trails between the parking area and the most likely launch location. The route is approximately 500 feet long and includes improved and unimproved trails and a short wooden bridge. While not an excessive portage distance, this may not be "clear and easy" to all paddlers. • Operational Simplicity and Minimal Maintenance: Assuming a solid ramp/terrace configuration, no significant improvements to the existing parking area and trail system, and minimal additional amenities, the Launch will be simple to operate and will require minimal maintenance beyond trash pickup. Reichgott Engineering,LLC I 98 Pomona Road,Suffern,NY 10901 I 845 354 1544 I www.reichgott.com -3- t • Simplicity of Construction and Acquiring Environmental and Other Permits: Assuming a solid ramp/terrace configuration, no significant improvements to the existing parking area and trail system, and minimal additional amenities, the Launch will be relatively simple to construct. Permits will be required from United States Army Corps of Engineers, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and New York State Department of State. While the creation of a kayak launch is a use typically simple to permit, its placement, adjacent to some of the only"natural" shoreline habitat in the area, may complicate the process. Permits may also be required from the Town of Mamaroneck, but it is presumed that these can be acquired without significant difficulty. • Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act: With environmental regulations preventing the use of a floating stage, and with the access to the launch being across unimproved trails, it may be difficulty to make the launch compliant. Allowing access via Locust Avenue would significantly simplify achieving compliance, but would violate the requirement that the launch and its supporting facilities be wholly on Town property. Tidal Analysis: Although the tidal patterns of the western portion of long island sound are complex, those at the project site closely parallel the tide elevations and timings reported for Mamaroneck Harbor. For the purposes of scheduling activities at the site it is thus convenient to use the tide predictions published for that locations. A link to these predictions is available at the Village website. Based on our field observations, it appears that the local elevation of Mean High Water,the average height of high tide, is approximately 2.9 feet. By comparison, the elevation of southwest corner of the observation deck is 8.5 feet and the marsh grass shelf directly below the corner is 4.1 feet. The pathway near the outfall at the head of the inlet has an elevation of approximately 8.5 feet. (All elevations are based on North American Vertical Datum of 1988. (NAVD88)) The tidal range in this portion of Long Island Sound is approximately 7.2 feet. The local elevation of Mean Low Water is thus,theoretically, negative 4.3 feet. This tidal difference can be seen in the available aerial photographs of the inlet at high and low tide levels included at the end of this report. More importantly, it means that the only water available for use by Reichgott Engineering,LLC I 98 Pomona Road,Suffern,NY 10901 I 845 354 1544 I www.reichgott.com _4- s boaters at the lower tide levels is that provided by the outfall stream. The flow of this stream is dependent on local precipitation and is highly unpredictable. It should be noted that this tide analysis is based on a very limited set of observations. Additional tidal elevations should be included in the next phase of design development. Schematic Launch Configuration: Based on the limitations of the site,the only viable launch configuration appears to be an armored ramp cut into the existing shoreline near the outfall at the head of the inlet. It is recommended that the ramp be placed to the north of the existing outfall, between it and Hommocks Road. In this solution,the existing shoreline protection, which consists of stacked boulders, would be removed in the area of the proposed ramp. The shoreline would be cut back at a slope of approximately 1V:3H and the new surface protected with articulated concrete blocks placed over geotextile fabric. It is estimated that the ramp will be approximately 10 feet wide and 30 feet long, with a vertical elevation change of approximately 10 feet. The edges of the cut would be stabilized by the reuse of the original stone removed. Waterfront trails adjacent to the launch would be relocated as required. Typical installation photos of articulated block installations are provided in the case studies attached to the end of this report. A schematic location sketch plan of the ramp is also provided. ROM Cost Estimate: For the proposed launch configuration described above, we estimate the following ROM costs: • Excavation and disposal of approximately 60 cubic yards of soil -- $ 18,000 • Placement of 300 SF of geotextile and articulated concrete block-- $ 30,000 • Construction of side walls-- $ 15,000 SubTotal $ 63,000 25%Contingency $ 15,750 "Soft Costs"@20% $ 23,625 TOTAL $102,375 (This estimate does not include additional design tasks,Town overhead, or ongoing maintenance costs.) Reichgott Engineering,LLC I 98 Pomona Road,Suffern,NY 10901 I 845 354 1544 I www.reichaott.com -5-- 4 "Next Steps": Based on our review of the criteria established it is our Opinion that locating a Kayak Launch along the Hommocks Park shoreline is technically possible but likely impractical. Should the Town of Mamaroneck choose to pursue the project further the following additional tasks are required: • Topographic and Benthic Survey of Project Area • Development of Construction Drawings • Completion and Submittal of Environmental Permit Applications • Bidding and Construction. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or concerns regarding our findings or if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, �pF NEHr r0\ BEIC \ The Office of Reich Ott Engineer'; . C`�`' HQO 91 :.t..,1 *) 17 t 4.„,,,,, r ,0„,„, ,,,..k,„ cc _.„,....-.. a/ ay H. eichgott, P.E. yci�o o828AA �?j President A 00FESS O7/ Reichgott Engineering,LLC I 98 Pomona Road,Suffern,NY 10901 I 845 354 1544 I www.reichgott.com -6« Hommocks Inlet -- High Tide , Image Date 9/2017 , ,y. • Hammocks Rd ,v0 f. e�4 ' \ ss N /•' ,, i/ if rtt Q - - , A • '. oogle Earth 500 ft Hommocks Inlet -- Low Tide Image Date 6/2010 r r THommocks Rd ��" .1-'..,'; 5 S 4 t J t ..' df ` ' j5 ' 1 .' 'f s v r, 5 A. .y t, 'i' ._, `.('r -:'•"4"-',-(' r 'Ai r'j ' A.,, b a ii Alk f r,'Ii-41.'t.,,,,- ,,,,,,,.," S r .55� 5„ ...1...5 + r'+rt i F r'� 1 q 3; { r ` s lI ! 4 .,, °a 1�`, A S,dF 'wl�y r_ ; ' �,.,r. ytq'`}'r`r 1 .. Y , �, S._c �R yy.� M t • o x J , t ( • QS/0 • i e x 1 4,',./ .f' 7 `/ 4 '1 eta .,,,,,i,-;::: ,a*`-� t; r 't E /may. �- ��„ .F �C � �4 •�► l `�' .y • `- eer j',. lr' . 1-,,,,b,.,t' Z ) a <. ��L „.' 't , ,s „_tei,i 4010p'.F - ;- z: .,..t,- i',.,7!;',7:�. '`i t' 't+ -u, k�. i� ',; ;'�..n I 500 ft Google Earth • r Hommocks Kayack Launch • Proposed Schematic Layout "' t r•1 • t. q3, y +R�• �. , - .1:66.4..,,,,x4,4.- ; , .` S"c• � ` 1 - rya ` fi=t MS`S • 1 ',c .1Ik . ... , \--N_ - •1,-,c....-.,-,.': - Approximate ; �r ‘ v-, it Launch Location• 4 • lb\ ,.--4...... --, . -, . ,,-• f Google Earth 200 n Mill Creek Conservancy Cincinnati, Ohio Channel Lining , Owner: A till • Mill Creek Conservancy District t; -�r,, _ .• ir" _• s • rC Engineer: :' `.`-- U.S.Army Corps of Engineers ,� �: Contractor: F Sunesis Construction Company l - '`' _, Technical Description: {I __.,7_,_--' ,... + - �l• I 'i.J -1. SRI _ • Product:ArmorLoc`-Class I i "' '.""""''.,• _` "" 5011 M -, � .i • y`- - -4 • Area: 79.500 sf I--‘..i "" ra -.. Installation: a ' - Winter 2002 . I: `I. +- ..,yam',` �-. ,` ` •., �.`.~. ..` .' ` • �r - -,. _ _ . .. . .rte �� z -7.4 Nr..--1 The Mill Creek Conservancy District needed to protect a stretch of creekI `" 2,500-ft. in length.This area handled a significant portion of stormwater .e- runoff runoff which came from the northern downtown section to the Ohio River, , _ approximately six miles away. `�' � ,-/ The project included the slight clearing and widening of an existing intercityO channel to provide a greater capacity of controlled water flow. The U.S. - Army Corps of Engineers permitted and designed the protection method. <s?- The solution included ArmorLoc 5011 articulating concrete block(ACB) -,r - ;-_ mats to be hand-placed along the stream banks. Turf Reinforcement Mats .fir, were used in addition to the hard armor and placed above the heavy flow ' r:, ~ y> ' ' _ line and woody vegetation. A total of 79,500 sf of the hand-placed ACB revetment mats were installed. --,- - , _,,, e' _ Natural soils were backfilled into the ArmorLoc units' open cells providing a the perfect environment for healthy vegetation.With the ease of installation, :o ti t only three months were needed to complete the entire project. I e., Ct4 NTEC H' .......44... ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS 800-338-1122 I www.ContechES.com ©2018 Contech Engineered Solutions LLC Sunny Point Marina Sunny Point, North Carolina Boat Ramp Owner: United States Army Engineer: Criser Troutmen f Contractor: ' _ �� Intercoastal Diving ` irTechnical Description: ILL . Product:ArmorFlex Class 50S . Area: 1.780 sf Installation: • June 2003 �4 y The United States Army needed to find a cost effective solution that would limit the downtime of a 20-ft.x 88-ft. boat ramp at Sunny Point Marina.After reviewing several options,ArmorFlex Class 50S was found to be the best f•— solution. - The articulating concrete block mats allowed the installation to take place in _ y;-+ _ the water and would not have to cure before being set in place.After %y, • the boat ramparea and gatheringthe materials on site, the entire prepping 1,760 SF of boat ramp was installed in approximately two hours. 41- - 4 y s' ArmorFlex 50S is used as a cast concrete alternative on hundreds of boat ramp projects across the country.ArmorFlex allows for any differential settlement without cracking and its durable running surface can withstand daily traffic of loading and off-loading boats. JAL A , : • l' CNTECH' ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS 800-338-1122 1 www.ContechES.com ©2018 Contech Engineered Solutions LLC WORKSESSION ITEM 3 OA S9 I 13 Town of Mamaroneck wO ?1 Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 •FOUNDED 1661 • TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Update Honeywell Energy Performance Contract Date: March 16, 2018 The Town continues to audit the energy savings from the Honeywell Performance Contract. Over the last two years the annual energy audit reports produced by Honeywell have shown savings shortfalls totaling $70,000 over the two year period. Honeywell is in agreement with the shortfall amounts and is prepared to make a payment to the Town of Mamaroneck in consideration of the shortfalls. Of the primary categories of improvements that were part of the original contract, the energy saving shortfalls appear to be for street lighting. The Town has retained the services of Celtic Energy to conduct a more in depth audit of the street light system to determine if the savings shortfall amounts provided by Honeywell are accurate. We have reason to believe that there could be additional shortfalls in the savings based upon the performance of the street light equipment and the computer system that controls the lights. Celtic is working with the Highway Department on the street light audit which had been delayed by the recent bad weather and recovery activities by the Town. The street light audit should be completed in April at which time we will share the results with the Board. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator WORKSESSION ITEM 4 Attachment documentation can be found in previous Town Board meetings WORKSESSION ITEM 5 o v,„ Town of Mamaroneck W z Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 FOUNDED fu TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 saltieri@townofrnamaroneckNY.org Memorandum To: Supervisor&Town Board Re: Proposal— Restoration of the Delancey Cemetery Date: March 14, 2018 Recently, I met with Mr. Michael Tripicco from the Mamaroneck Historical Society. He indicated that the society would like to embark on a project to restore the Delancey Cemetery located on Palmer Avenue. Mr. Tripicco indicated that the society is not looking for funding from the Town, although they would like us to assist them by providing a survey of the property. At this time, I am not certain whether or not a survey of the cemetery exists. Mr. Trippico has provided attachments outlining the details of the restoration project and background material on the Delancey burial ground. I indicated to Mr. Tripicco that before he could move forward with this project I would need to discuss it with the Town Board. Stephen V.Altieri Town Administrator MAMARONECK HISTORICAL SOCIETY P.O. BOX 776 MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 10543 March 13, 2018 The Mamaroneck Historical Society has formed a "Burial Grounds Committee". The purpose of this committee is to restore the Delancey Burial Grounds on Palmer Avenue, as follows: a) To restore to as close to original, the cemetery grounds and stones. b) To keep the stones and grounds as free as possible from vandalism. c) To rebuild the original low stone wall that surrounds the grounds. The beginning of the process is to have the Town of Mamaroneck provide us with the exact boundry markers of the Cemetery. Second is to start to probe the property lines to find where the original low stone wall was, and to see about rebuilding that wall.Third would be to explore the possibility of up- righting all the head and foot stones (that are still there), and placing them where we think they belong, and then cleaning all the above. The Delancey Cemetery on Palmer Avenue is our first target. This Burial Ground is from one of Mamaroneck's founding families, and it is also the most visible to traffic, as it is right in view on Palmer Avenue. The restoration would be pleasing to the eye and we would hope to mark it with a diorama as well as a historical marker(the marker is already there). We ask for the Town Boards approval of this project, and will work closely with Mr. Steve Altieri with whom I have spoken with. Best, Michael N.Tripicco Archivist-Mamaroneck Historical Society MAR 1 4 2018 Trwm c:' :'AM;'hQNECK A-.M;iN.:3 r F;,.;Oh OFFICE DeLancey Family Burial Ground Mamaroneck(Mamaroneck Village) Right: Looking west along the remnants of the rear _- _ — wall of the DeLancey Family Burial Ground in 2008 . f ` i A piece of the headstone of Elizabeth Floyd r " DeLancey (1768-1820), wife of the cemetery's founder, John Peter DeLancey, can be seen at the AL "a bottom left hand corner of the photo. w 16...„.,....,.. "`"' • `„ ` Location: South side of Palmer Avenue `' - :, - i between Delancey and Heathcote avenues. firte; f "ter' ;e ile Dates of Activity: 1806-1905. _ l., Inscriptions: WCHS Book#8(p.57). y Notes: Caleb Heathcote, one-time mayor of _�� .74 New York City, who was "known as the richest ,,.'‘%man in the colonies," purchased 1,000 acres of land in present-day Mamaroneck and Scarsdale = 1%1 i'" from John Richbell's widow, Ann, in 1698.1 .__ -, - _ ' Three years later,he received his royal patent to „«%� the "Manor of Scarsdale."2 Colonel Heathcote a a w - ` - built his manor house just east of Delancey r t ' Avenue between Cortlandt Avenue and the '� -: -rs` Boston Post Road on the hill which bears his r.-.-- = _ .� ''� name. His daughter and heiress,Anne,married James DeLancey,a future lieutenant governor of _� a New York and one of the founders of King's ?At, -.----CoY 'It College, now Columbia University 3 The ;-;-'•,-y = µ' ; ` DeLancey family lost their Mamaroneck home to 4" ; • ¢ ‘.:--,•:,1- a f�• - a fire just prior to the outbreak of the .• t " Revolutionary War. During the Revolution, the '+'r; ;t.r `r '� `.r DeLanceys remained loyal to the British crown. �- ` ' .„ ,;�` _.;�t.^.;__- - Although he served in the British Army =r f - .:40. °' . during the Revolution and left for England at the • • �� .. - close of that conflict, John Peter DeLancey, a ,.• n'_+• ; ;µ `'r ' „4! - grandson of Caleb Heathcote, returned to the 1.,: r u;y{� 1;' . % ;;t _ o, United States in 1789. Three years later he r . ' k� - . ; _ rebuilt a familyresidence on the site that had ^ - -..."04- 4:- been established by his grandfather.4 On « %' . +4?^:.,w . . 'Ai:. January 1,1811,this home was the scene of the marriage of John Peter's daughter,Susan Augusta,to author ia-.E.s:___ -_ Cooper.5 The"rights to burial"in the DeLancey's family vault at Trinity Church in New York City"had been cast-.-_" - result of the Revolutionary War, so John Peter decided to inter his deceased relatives in a plot on his owr. 2 --_- graveyard was reserved when Mr.DeLancey left his property to his sons in his will: ...a small piece of land now enclosed and used as my family burying ground...upon trust to hod the same forever as and for a family burying ground to be used for the purposes of burial by each and every[one]of my children and their families and decendants and to and for no other purposes whatever: James Fenimore Cooper's daughter, also named Susan Augusta, described the DeLancey homestead 2,, --.: remembered it in her youth,including the surroundings of the family's cemetery: The house stood on the brow of a low hill immediately above the highway to Boston,and facing a broad bay of the sound. The view was very pleasing when the tide was in,but dismal at low tide,when a waste of black mud covered half the bay.... [The] garden lay at the rear [of the house] at some little distance. Beyond the garden rose another low hill. On climbing it one came to the cider mill and the peach orchard [and] apple orchards, very extensive, with the finest kinds of fruit. Beyond all these 12 ... i r'-ards there rose a beautiful woods,the remains of the ancient forest,and within its shade there was an cre^enclosure,the family burying-ground,surrounded by a low stone wall? _s- Cooper's description of the DeLancey property explains why the inscribed sides of the tombstones face to :-t - _ a_-.:.• ati;ac-from nearby Palmer Avenue,a road that did not exist for most of the time when the burial ground was a-, _sed. The DeLancey family would have walked up Heathcote Hill from their home and accessed the burial — _ _ ,outh side. Today,traces of the cemetery's back wall can be found behind the north row of tombstones. The -_ _ _ _ in this cemetery were those of John Peter's son, William Heathcote DeLancey (1797-1865), the first F.. .. _ - = s 'r of Western New York,his wife,Frances Munro(1797-1869),and their son,Edward Floyd DeLancey(1821- - - - _".-_1-e remains of these three individuals were reinterred at Saint Peter's Church in Geneva,New York. As late _;- : DeLance}'s open tomb greeted visitors to the graveyard? Years of neglect have resulted in the _. .-__-_. .._ _f:r.ost of the stone wall which once surrounded the cemetery as well as damage to some of the tombstones. ` r- _ _ :trial ground is now maintained and kept free from overgrowth as the result of efforts made by the k .- --- .. =:i:orica' Society. Although its future is uncertain,the DeLancey home,which was moved from its original __ , - -_ - :L.,century,still stands at the corner of Fenimore Road and the Boston Post Road. f "-s` '' _ i " 7-4):.1;7'3'.1--:-',7*.4 Adikl!Ci/W,114-:ji?.,-.1.7;t4:r.'*.ilii..c:" t "±,,t �t74,41 `3r yt fr� a l , w i lac a►r +t Leff ':s heavily damaged box 21411k. iN; 00'1i/is, , tt1.1 > f � ,11.,..*-...,.. a+ —c,-_--,:--- —a-«s _,e graves of Thomas James e e f, ** � ; L ' 7 � !_ r` . _ _ _a,-.a -E3-18228 and his wife. Mary � '244 .."'"I:,-. 1',..1,' ,rt,.. j k ik,_•-...... ,s Itt --: '842,. It can be seen at the tA,, ..,......:,,,I,,, M r '•• r +��t'' -_-x' - -c-:T're chotos on the following page ' . nr b •. V`.R .+ ''r'p„ , ktic t Right and Bottom Right: The ! + _. i tip'` = + lig 'd. : _, �.vo-month-old Josephine Floyd ` �''r` ` � E!" 't -,..:- y. ears against that of her great- ;p .;_; t -S cemetery founder John Peter r 1-t-4.%Alf :_s- top right). Mr. DeLancey's -g: �.-:•= '%:. _.__. : cattom right)reads simply: ,r ;e,,t t- • 4.,,, I JOHN PETER DE LANCEY, a = ;-9;;..e,--t Born in the city of New York ' 1...i` ,�'''R 15th July, 1753, ,, " Died at Mamaroneck i.' -.T-Ar,-, 4-, 31st January, 1828 -':,4: ;° �1.f. t a: • t' ' ‘-•--',_'"")..:v. a !,^'_. • 13 . •• 7 . , '-- *It ' 1,4 i. . .. 'Nit 4 jiiii:4'. . ' • : , w..... A . f•• , . ..... •, ,. .....k. , .., 4 0.:.• ...., . •.., O.," . - . t•i. .4,7 r-, • • : .re.h.4" ' '4r '1'. ' ,..... • • • -. ! .44,4••°". -e..ir ... , r . , • . 4 ..z.": ...., .`.. '' '... . --e• tt.4At' '* ,it'4*''.'4•4!•-*i,.1 0,'''''$,'.....,•.•':' 0f,, •*a 4.r..,,. ... ...; ,-,- ...pitAe • . :-- . . . • . -.,..:_.,. -.4.itl . , r *.r. 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The telephone wires mark the ioc MW2.•,. - of Palmer Avenue. . , Left: The western portion of the DeLa-i. , . - Family Burial Ground in 1954. The tombs::-- .' - . .• ', --- ,--... '...;;., " , and footstone at left mark the grave .. ,k... cemetery founder John Peter DeLancey --e ,. , three tombstones standing in this photo be seen in the left half of the photo az z-e ' .7..<1,!.'», center of this page. • , - -,,,...,1 - ._.:... ..--4 , •-, ''' ' ' '' '•''t . .",":"*..t•-:'. ',: A,''-!"'lltgot r-2.i.,eW.'•:' • ..,- ._ " 14 MAMARONECK HISTORICAL SOCIETY-ACTION PLAN Date Initiated: March 19,2018 Focus: Establish Burial Grounds Committee Goal: Restore the Delancey Burial Grounds DATE ACTIONS DETAILS PERSON(S)RESPONSIBLE OUTCOME Review the goal for Delancey burial Mike Tripicco Communicate with Town ground and get town n approval to move 4/19/18 Manager Steve Altieri ahead. Articulate what the town needs to do to support the project: sprin clean-up of property and placement of boundary ---- Q €c L,we markers-date coordinated with Historical Society Mike Tripicco Probe the area to determine Identify small team tos_Eol.. and record (rov,eg_ err Lodi 4/19/18 location of the original stone possible location of stones wall GA1D Goiter') i�ruas -4 rir- ri� Responsibilities might include: Assemble committee to plan Research of grave history (Raftery book) 4/19/18 next steps and identify Identifying restoration companies to shared responsibilities for the consult with project. Consulting with local stone masons WORKSESSO r ka. NO ATTACHMENT WORKSESSION ITEM 7 479 Town of Mamaroneck o LU ? Town Center c 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 'FOUNDED 1661 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Introduction to the Community Development Block Grant Program Date: March 16, 2018 This memorandum is prepared to provide the Town Board an introduction to the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). I believe that only a couple of the Town Board members are familiar with the program. The Town has been an active participant and beneficiary of the program in the past and it would appear the program is going to make a comeback this summer. Therefore this is a good opportunity to provide background on the program. The CDBG program is a federal grant program of the Federal Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD). Established in 1974 the goal of the program is to develop and strengthen urban communities by providing grants for affordable housing, infrastructure improvements and social service programs. Grants awarded under the CDBG program must meet one or more of the following goals: • Benefit Low and Moderate Income Persons • Eliminate or prevent slums and blight • Meet an urgent need of recent origin Most of the grants awarded in Westchester County meet the goal of benefitting low and moderate income persons. When the program began in Westchester County a consortium of communities was organized. Known as the Urban County Council, the CDBG program was administered by the County Planning Department on behalf of all communities in the consortium except the major cities: White Plains, New Rochelle, Yonkers and Mt. Vernon. These cities have their own CDBG programs. The CDBG program in Westchester County was cancelled by the County government as a result of the housing litigation filed against the County by HUD. Communities in Westchester County still interested in applying for funds had to work through a New York State run CDBG program. That program is more difficult to obtain funds because communities throughout the State are competing with one another. We are fortunate that the new Westchester County government administration would like to bring back the CDBG program and reestablish the Urban County Council. As mentioned earlier the Town of Mamaroneck has been a beneficiary of the program. 1IPa E Starting in 1998 the Town has been awarded six grants for projects in the Town totaling $1.13million. The following is a listing of the projects and the grant amounts received: 1994 Hommocks Park Apartments- Underground Utilities $ 350,000 1998 Streetscape Project Boston Post Road $150,000 Between Larchmont Village and Richbell Rd 2002 Streetscape Project Washington Square $ 200,000 2006 Streetscape Project Boston Post Road $ 210,000 Between Larchmont Village and Dillon Rd. 2007 Richbell Road Playground Construction $ 75,000 2009 Senior Center (VFW) Improvements $ 150,000 Eligibility for the program is in large part based upon income limits in the community. Incomes are developed based upon US Census tracts for each community. Even though there are no low and moderate income census tracts in the Town as of the last census it is still possible to receive CDBG funds. Grants can be awarded based upon the income limits of those using the facilities for which the grant is sought. For instance the grants received by the Town for the Washington Square Streetscape Project and Senior Center renovations were awarded to the Town based upon the incomes of those that were using the facilities. Income surveys are done to establish low and moderate incomes for the projects. Therefore the Town remains very interested in participating in the CDBG program. The first step in re-starting the program is to reestablish the Urban Count Council. Communities interested in joining the Council must sign the CDBG cooperation agreement. The County will soon be sending the agreements to the consortium communities for review. One of the factors that led to the cancellation of the program was controversial language in the agreement committing a participating community to actively facilitate the construction of fair and affordable housing. Although we have yet to see the new versions of the cooperative agreements, the housing language may no longer be an impediment to the Town re-joining the program. In the time since the program was cancelled, the Town has adopted the Model Housing Ordinance and re-zoned sections of the Town to permit commercial and or residential development. In the past we have also been given credit for our Section 8 Housing Voucher Program. The Town therefore has met many of the conditions of the agreement. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator 2 1 P a , L WORKSESSION ITEM 8 NO ATTACHMENT PUBLIC HEARING # 1 LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and pursuant to a resolution of the Mamaroneck Town Board adopted on March 8, 2018 a Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at 8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible at the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider, "Conversion of a temporary partial exemption for Cold War Veterans" Law. Purpose By Chapter 290 of the Laws of 2017, the State of New York amended section 458-b of the Real Property Tax Law to authorize local governments to allow Cold War veterans to be eligible for the Cold War veteran partial exemption for as long as they qualify for the exemption. Before this amendment, the exemption lasted for only 10 years. The County of Westchester has passed a local law eliminating the duration of the partial exemption. This local law does likewise for the Town tax. Presently there are 36 persons in the Town who receive this exemption. The savings in Town tax for these veterans is less than $10,000 per year. The full text of this document can be viewed on the website or copies can be obtained at the Town Clerk's office during regular hours, Mon-Fri, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, In June,July and August until 4:00 PM at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written comments at or prior thereto. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK CHRISTINA BATTALIA TOWN CLERK Published: March 14, 2018 Local Law No. -2018 This local law shall be known as the "Conversion of a temporary partial exemption for Cold War Veterans to a permanent partial exemption for Cold War Veterans" Law. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 1—Purpose: By Chapter 290 of the Laws of 2017, the State of New York amended section 458-b of the Real Property Tax Law to authorize local governments to allow Cold War veterans to be eligible for the Cold War veteran partial exemption for as long as they qualify for the exemption. Before this amendment, the exemption lasted for only 10 years. The County of Westchester has passed a local law eliminating the duration of the partial exemption. This local law does likewise for the Town tax. Presently there are 36 persons in the Town who receive this exemption. The savings in Town tax for these veterans is less than$10,000 per year. Section 2—Amendment of current sections of the Mamaroneck Code: Sections 195-29 through and including 195-33 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby are repealed and the following substituted in its place: §195-29 Purpose. The purpose of this article is to create a partial exemption from real estate taxes levied by the Town of Mamaroneck on property owned by a person who(i)served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces during the time period from September 2, 1945 to December 26, 1991, (ii) was discharged or released therefrom under honorable discharge conditions and (iii) satisfies any other requirements set forth in §458-b of the New York Real Property Tax Law. This article makes the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck consistent with section 473.331 of the Laws of Westchester County. §195-30 Definitions. As used in this article: ACTIVE DUTY Full-time duty in the armed forces,other than active duty for training. ARMED FORCES The United States Army,Navy,Marine Corps,Air Force and Coast Guard. 1 §195-31 Application for exemption. An application for the exemption authorized by this article shall be made by the qualified owner, or all of the qualified owners, of qualified residential real property on a form prescribed by the New York State Board of Real Property Tax Services.The qualified owner or owners shall file the completed form in the assessor's office. The assessor shall determine the applicant's eligibility for the exemption authorized by this article as of the first taxable status date following the submission of a complete application therefor. The applicant shall be required to refile at such times and under such circumstances as may be set forth in §458-b (4) of the New York Real Property Tax Law. Any person convicted of willfully making any false statement in the application for such exemption shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in the New York Penal Law. §195-32 Amount of exemption;limitations. A. Qualified residential real property shall be exempt from taxation to the extent of 15% of the assessed value of such property; provided, however, that such exemption shall not exceed $54,000 or the product of$54,000 multiplied by the latest state equalization rate, or, in the case of a special assessing unit,the latest class ratio,whichever is less. B. In addition to the exemption provided by this article, where the Cold War veteran received a compensation rating from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or from the United States Department of Defense because of a service-connected disability, qualified residential real property shall be exempt from taxation to the extent of the product of the assessed value of such property multiplied by 50%of the Cold War veteran disability rating; provided however, that such exemption shall not exceed $180,000 or the product of $180,000 multiplied by the latest state equalization rate, or, in the case of a special assessing unit, the latest class ratio, whichever is less. C. If a Cold War veteran receives an alternative veterans' exemption under Article VI of this chapter, the Cold War veteran shall not be eligible to receive an exemption under this article. §195-33 Duration of exemption. The exemption provided by this article shall be granted for as long as a qualified owner owns a qualified residential real property. Exemptions provided by this article in existence prior to January 1, 2018 shall not expire on their tenth (10th) anniversary but shall continue for as long as the qualified owner owns a qualified residential real property, without the qualified owner having to file another application. Section 3—Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. 3 .__._.Y.. ., rQgc 1 01 L • 4 Chapter 195 Taxation Article VII: Cold War Veterans Exemption [Adopted 5-7-2008 by L.L. No. 2-2008[1]] [1] Editor's Note:This local law also provided for the redesignation of former Art. VII,Persons With Disabilities and Limited Incomes Tax Exemption,to Art. VIII. § 195-29 Purpose. The purpose of this article is to create a temporary partial exemption from real estate tax levied by the Town of Mamaroneck on property owned by a person who served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces during the time period from September 2, 1945 to December 26, 1991, was discharged or released therefrom under honorable discharge conditions and satisfies any other requirements set forth in §458-b1(a) of the New York Real Property Tax Law. Such section would conform the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck and to the new Article III in Chapter 473 of the Laws of Westchester County that was enacted by Westchester County's Local Law No.1 of 2008. § 195-30 Definitions. As used in this article: ACTIVE DUTY Full-time duty in the armed forces,other than active duty for training. ARMED FORCES The United States Army,Navy,Marine Corps,Air Force and Coast Guard. COLD WAR VETERAN A person,male or female,who served on active duty in the armed forces during the time period from September 2,1945 to December 26,1991,was discharged or released therefrom under honorable conditions and satisfies any other requirements set forth in§458-b1(a)of the New York Real Property Tax Law. QUALIFIED OWNER A Cold War veteran,the spouse of a Cold War veteran or the unremarried surviving spouse of a deceased Cold War veteran. Where property is owned by more than one qualified owner, the exemption to which each is entitled may be combined. Where a Cold War veteran is also the unremarried surviving spouse of a Cold War veteran,such person may also receive any exemption to which the deceased spouse was entitled. QUALIFIED RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY Property owned by a qualified owner which is used exclusively for residential purposes;provided,however,if any portion of such property is not used exclusively for residential purposes, but is used for other purposes, such portion shall be subject to taxation and only the portion used exclusively for residential purposes shall qualify for the exemption provided by this article. Such property must be the primary residence of the qualified owner; unless the qualified owner is absent from the property due to medical reasons or institutionalization subject to such time limitations,if any,as are set forth in§458-b1(f)of the New York Real Property Tax Law. LATEST CLASS RATIO The latest final class ratio established by the New York State Board of Real Property Tax Services pursuant to Title One of Article 12 of the New York Real Property Tax Law for use in a special assessing unit as defined in §1801 of the New York Real Property Tax Law. LATEST STATE EQUALIZATION RATE https://ecode360.com/9232564 2/16/2018 M ARE , FF1 M Town of Mamaroneck , From: Tony Siligato-Town Comptroller it Re: Fire Claims Date: March 21,2018 The following Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department claims have been certified by Chief Paul Tortorella and submitted to the Comptroller's Office for payment: VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AAA Emergency Supply Co. Scott waist strap,Shoulder strap,Regulator latch&cover,Scott Air pak repair $ 284.73 AAA Emergency Supply Co. Scott Pak repair,road flares,Fire Line tape $ 288.78 AT&T Mobility Wireless Service 1/12/18-2/11/18 $ 363.15 Atlantic Westchester,Inc. Hvac Service-replaced hot surface ignitor gym unit &hot surface ignitor unit#3 $ 738.98 Cablevision Cable Service for 2/23/18-3/22/18 $ 210.55 CIT Finance LLC Xerox Copier contract 2/19/18 $ 277.89 Con Edison Fire HQ gas service 1/30/18-3/1/18 $ 1,187.27 Cummins Power Systems LLC Repairs to generator-Battery Sensor $ 724.50 Fire-End&Croker Corp. Rental of Turnout Gear-3 sets-Franck,J.Leddy and A.Leddy $ 1,036.80 Galls,LLC Vertx Phantom LT 2.0 $ 49.95 Industrial Medicine Assoc. Pre-employment exam,drug screen $ 225.00 New England Uniform.LLC Ex Capt badge,lapel,hat badge,collar brass pair $ 241.00 New England Uniform.LLC Navey Belltop hats for Aubry&Hecker $ 92.00 Ready Refresh Water Cooler rental for 1/19/18-2/18/18 $ 122.96 Town of Mam'k Fire Dept. Flash Over Training-Scarsdale FD s.Kamsomtob,Ex-Chiefs Plaque-Noah Goldberg $ 219.75 Town of Mam'k Fire Dept. Food for storm 3/2/2018-House Call(Dunkin,Nautilius Diner,Village Pizza $ 409.89 UniFirst Corporation Cleaning supplies for building 2/23/18 $ 61.01 UniFirst Corporation Cleaning supplies for building 3/2/18 $ 61.01 UniFirst Corporation Cleaning Supplies for builiding 3/9/18 $ 61.01 Verizon Fire HQ Service 2/10/18-3/9/18 $ 250.93 VFIS LOSAP-Investment Deposit 1/1/18-12/31/18 $ 7,770.64 Villa Maria Pizza Food for Fast Drill 2/26/18 $ 67.17 Villa Maria Pizza Food for Special Drill-Storm Hot Wash 3/14/18,Food for Storm Standby 3/7/18-House Call $ 433.47 Westech Elevator Services,Inc. Maintenance for the month of March 2018 $ 175.00 WJWW 205 Weaver St Charges 1/25/18-2/25/18 $ 79.27 Westch CTY Dept of Emerg.Sery Career Fire Academy 2018 Spring Training Session-James Hecker&Nicholas Aubry $ 9,000.00 $ - $ Total: $ 24,432.71 FIRE COMMISSION ITEM 2 NO ATTACHMENT AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 1 NO ATTACHMENT AFFARS ! THE TOWN l 'I/ E:r Fc IV' 2 Documents under Work session 1 .....,1/4., K., - i.,...,41 ,,,. 4i a 0,.. II 1 , c ( e ,,fr ;'6'!, !,,,,,! tc, il i 'l t7i)41, v41 !,t;v1/41 A f v.„ „....... ,44....., , , ' $t+ 14 , IMVI 141t, it. •,kifi-'' It Town of Mamaroneck, NY Town Board Agenda Memorandum To: Stephen Altieri, Town Administrator From: Lou Martirano, Superintendent of High Date: February 16, 2018 Meeting Date: FEBRUARY 28, 2018 Subject: DECLARATION OF SURPLUS VEHICLES Authorization from the Town Board is hereby requested to declare the following eight(8) vehicles as surplus and to subsequently implement the Sale of Surplus Vehicles. The vehicles and equipment listed below are no longer required for town use. Once approved by the board, these vehicles will be sold through public auction. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1994 CATERPILLAR IT28 Pm/loader FLEET#174 VIN#3CL00776 Hours: 7000 Justification: unit outdated, replacement in 2018 CAP 1997 FREIGHTLINER 6W Dump Truck FLEET#223 VIN# 1FV6JLBBXVH827685 Miles: 57000 Justification: scheduled replacement; new unit purchased 2001 CHEVROLET Silverado Pick-Up FLEET#23 VIN#1 GCHK24U51 Z276807 Miles: 76000 Justification: scheduled replacement 2003 CHEVROLET 3500 4WD FLEET#205 VIN# 1GBJK34123E335761 Miles: 50000 Justification: scheduled replacement; new unit purchased(#250) 2008 FORD F250 Pick-Up FLEET#232 VIN# 1 FTSF21 RX8EC59450 Miles: 80000 Justification: scheduled replacement; replacement in 2018 CAP 2008 FORD F250 Pick-Up FLEET#236 VIN# 1 FTSF21 R88EE40420 Miles: 42000 Justification: scheduled replacement; replacement in 2018 CAP POLICE DEPARTMENT 2005 JEEP Grand Cherokee (Car 16) FLEET#27 VIN#1J4GR 48K85C668761 Miles: 195000 Justification: to be replaced by Fleet 28 2007 FORD Crown Victoria (Car 20) FLEET#10 VIN# 2FAHP71W97X1422360 Miles: 56000 Justification: replaced by new vehicle in service Action You Would Like the Town Board to Take: Approval of the Board to declare these vehicles as surplus for the purpose of implementing Sale of Surplus Vehicles AFFAIRS OF THE OWN ITEM 4 o o Town of Mamaroneck W m Town Center x 0 ~FOUNDED 1661 • 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 saltieri@townofmamaroneckNY.org Memorandum To: Supervisor &Town Board Re: Approval of Projects Westchester Joint Water Works Date: March 16, 2018 The Board of Trustees of the Westchester Joint Water Works has approved three capital projects which are explained in the attached memorandum. The projects require ratification by the Town Board because funding from the Town will be required to finance the projects. On the attachment, you will see a listing for projects #A-1344 and 1345. Each of those projects require funding by the Town of Mamaroneck in the amount of$63,700.00. The Westchester Joint Water Works is also seeking approval for Project A-1346. This is also a joint project for which the costs are shared by the three municipal governments. For this project, the Town's share is $546,000.00. The recommendation to the Town Board for financing these projects is as follows: • Project A-1344 - $63,700.00 to be transferred from the surplus funds of the Town's water district. • Project A-1345 - $63,700.00 to be transferred from the surplus funds of the Town's water district. • Project A-1346 - $546,000.00 funds to be borrowed through the issuance of a serial bond. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Altieri, Stephen From: David Birdsall <DBirdsall@WJWW.com> Sent: Friday, February 09, 2018 3:57 PM To: Altieri, Stephen; Robert Yamuder; Daniel Sarnoff;Agostino Fusco; Siligato, Anthony; Siligato, Anthony; Altieri, Stephen; MMacKenzie@harrison-ny.gov Cc: Paul Kutzy; Patricia Pace Subject: WJWW- New Capital Projects A-1343, A-1344, A-1345, A-1346 Importance: High All, On February 6, 2018,the WJWW Board of Trustees approved a local capital project for the Village of Mamaroneck for the replacement of 740 ft. of transite water main on Oak Lane (A-1343) in the amount of$400,00 (construction and engineering). Work related to this project is expected to begin within the next two weeks and with completion by early March. The Board also approved two joint capital projects at an estimated cost of$350,000 each (construction and engineering) related to the installation of a 16" PRV on North Barry Avenue (A-1344) and a 16" PRV on Mamaroneck Avenue near the 1-95 Bridge (A-1345)to regulate and facilitate the movement of water through the New 16" Water Transmission Main (N Barry Ave/Macy Rd) which is under construction and now expected to be completed mid-year 2018. Construction of these PRVs is now anticipated to begin in late February. The cost shares of these projects are as follows: North Barry Avenue PRV(A-1344): • Village of Mamaroneck (25.8%) - Estimated Cost Share: $ 90,300 • Town of Mamaroneck (18.2%) - Estimated Cost Share: $ 63,700 • Town/Village of Harrison (56.0%) - Estimated Cost Share : $ 196,00 Mamaroneck Avenue PRV(A-1345): • Village of Mamaroneck(25.8%) - Estimated Cost Share: $ 90,300 • Town of Mamaroneck (18.2%) - Estimated Cost Share: $ 63,700 • Town/Village of Harrison (56.0%) - Estimated Cost Share : $ 196,00 These two PRV projects are in addition to the joint capital project for the Purchase Street 16" PRV(A-1342)that was approved on November 28, 2017 and communicated to you previously in the amount of$350,000. It is anticipated that all three PRV projects will be completed by May 2018. In addition, the Board approved a joint capital project for the replacement of the existing 80 year-old,450 thousand gallon Kenilworth water storage tank with a new 2 million gallon water storage tank in the amount of$3.0 million to provide critical capacity to the water system. This project is expected to be completed by the end of 2018. New Kenilworth Water Storage Tank (A-1346): • Village of Mamaroneck(25.8%) - Estimated Cost Share: $ 774,000 • Town of Mamaroneck (18.2%) - Estimated Cost Share: $ 546,000 • Town/Village of Harrison (56.0%) - Estimated Cost Share : $ 1,680,000 1 ' Please put all applicable projects on your Board's agendas to be approved. As a result of the re-prioritization of WJWW capital projects, the Larchmont/Weaver St Plant Upgrade (A-1315) that was previously approved on 6/13/2017 for$3.3 million has been deferred indefinitely. I will be reaching out to all of you in March to schedule a time to begin to review WJWW's revised capital plan. In the interim, if you have any questions, please let me know. Regards, David David E. Birdsall Business Director Westchester Joint Water Works 1625 Mamaroneck Avenue Mamaroneck, New York 10543 (914)698-3500 Ext. 614 dbirdsall wiww.com 2 AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 5 4 4, 0• o Town of Mamaroneck m Town Center � ~FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 saltieri@townofinamaroneckNY.org Memorandum To: Supervisor & Town Board Re: Authorization — Westchester County Contract—Snow and Ice Control on County Roads Date: March 2, 2018 Within the Town of Mamaroneck there are 1.66 miles of county owned roadways. Specifically, Murray Avenue (.96) and Palmer Avenue (.70) are the county roadways within the unincorporated Town. There has been a continuing agreement between the County of Westchester and the Town of Mamaroneck for the Town to assume responsibility for snow and ice control on these roadways. Attached is a proposed agreement for the continued reimbursement to the Town of Mamaroneck for snow and ice control services. In the back of the contract are two schedules for reimbursement (schedule A and schedule B). The Town is entitled to the higher rate of reimbursement because it has an indoor salt storage facility. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD APPROVE THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER AND THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK FOR THE PERIOD 2015 THROUGH 2020 FOR THE TOWN TO REMOVE SNOW AND ICE ON COUNTY ROADS. FURTHER THAT THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator r Agreement No. 15-958, 1st Amendment • THIS AMENDMENT made this 1 stday of March , 2018 by and between THE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having an office and place of business in the Michaelian Office Building, 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains,New York 10601 (hereinafter referred to as the"County") and THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having offices at 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,New York 10543 (hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality") WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,the County entered into an agreement with the Municipality(the"Agreement") pursuant to which the Municipality agreed to provide removal of snow and ice from designated County roads within the Municipality to provide for reasonable passage and movement of vehicles over such roads (the"Services") for the period from October 1, 2015 through September 30,2020 at specified rates as set forth in the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the County has determined that clarification concerning the scope of Services is necessary,that an increase in the rates paid to the Municipality for the Services is appropriate, and that termination for convenience should be mutual; and WHEREAS,the parties now desire to amend the Agreement for the limited purpose of 1) clarifying the scope of Services; 2)increasing the rates payable to the Municipality for Services rendered; and 3)making termination for convenience mutual. NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and covenants herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The parties desire to amend the Agreement in order to clarify the scope of Services to be rendered. Accordingly, the following subparagraph shall be inserted after the first subparagraph of Paragraph"SECOND"of the Agreement: "The Municipality shall not be required to provide the following services: filling pot holes, removal of trash, removal of dead animals, grass and weed cutting, maintenance and repair of guide rails, or graffiti removal upon County roads as 3 identified in Schedule `D', unless damage to County property is caused by the Municipality, its employees, agents or contractors." 2. The parties desire to further amend the Agreement in order to increase the rates payable to the Municipality for Services rendered. Accordingly, subparagraph (iv) of Paragraph "THIRD"of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety. In addition, Schedules "A"and"B" attached to the Agreement shall be replaced with Schedules"A"and "B"attached to this Amendment. 3. The parties desire to further amend the Agreement in order make termination for convenience mutual. Accordingly,the first full paragraph of Paragraph"SEVENTH"of the Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following substituted in its place: "Either party, upon thirty(30) days written notice to the other, may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part when deemed to be in its best interest. Subject to the availability of funds, the Municipality shall be compensated for services rendered under this Agreement prior to the effective date of such termination:" 4. Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect upon the parties. 5. This Amendment shall not be enforceable until signed by both parties and approved by the Office of the County Attorney. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have agreed and caused this Amendment to be executed. THE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER By: Hugh J. Greechan, P.E. Commissioner of Public Works and Transportation THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK By: Name: Stephen V. Altieri Title: Town Administrator Approved by the Westchester County Board of Legislators by Act No. 2017- 140 adopted on the 17th day of July, 2017 Approved by the Board of Acquisition and Contract of the County of Westchester on the 5rn day of October, 2017 Approved as to form and manner of execution: Assistant County Attorney County of Westchester 3 MUNICIPALITY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER) On this 8th day of MARCH 2018,before me personally came STEPHEN V. ALTIERI , to me known, and known to me to be the TOWN ADMINISTRATOR of THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK the municipal corporation described in and which executed the within instrument,who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that he,the said TOWN ADMINISTRATOR resides at WHITE PLAINS,NEW YORK and that he is TOWN ADMINISTRATOR of said municipal corporation. Notary Public County CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (Municipality) I, CHRISTINA BATTALIA (Officer Other Than Officer Signing Contract) certify that I am the TOWN CLERK OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK (Title,Name of Municipality) (the"Municipality")a corporation duly organized in good standing under the LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK (Law under which organized,e.g.,the New York Village Law,Town Law,General Municipal Law) named in the foregoing agreement that STEPHEN V. ALTIERI (Person executing agreement) who signed said agreement on behalf of the Municipality was, at the time of execution TOWN ADMINISTRATOR of the Municipality, (Title of such person) that said agreement was duly signed for on behalf of said Municipality by authority of its TOWN BOARD (Town Board,Village Board,City Council) thereunto duly authorized,and that such authority is in full force and effect at the date hereof. (Signature) STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER) On this 1" day of MARCH 2018, before me personally came CHRISTINA BATTALIA whose signature appears above,to me known, and know to be the TOWN CLERK of THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK (title) The municipal corporation described in and which executed the above certificate,who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that she,the said TOWN CLERK resides at LARCHMONT,NEW YORK ,and that she is the TOWN CLERK of said municipal corporation. (title) Notary Public County SCHEDULE "A" WITHOUT "208" INCENTIVE For the period October 1, 2015—September 30, 2016 • $2,228.00 per mile for 2 lane roads • $2,938.00 per mile for 3 lane roads • $3,248.00 per mile for 4 lane roads For the period October 1,2016 — September 30,2017 • $2,339.00 per mile for 2 lane roads • $3,085.00 per mile for 3 lane roads • $3,410.00 per mile for 4 lane roads For the period October 1,2017—September 30, 2018 • $2,479.00 per mile for 2 lane roads • $3,270.00 per mile for 3 lane roads • $3,615.00 per mile for 4 lane roads For the period October 1, 2018—September 30, 2019 • $2,677.00 per mile for 2 lane roads • $3,532.00 per mile for 3 lane roads • $3,904.00 per mile for 4 lane roads For the period October 1,2019—September 30, 2020 • $2,892.00 per mile for 2 lane roads • $3,815.00 per mile for 3 lane roads • $4,216.00 per mile for 4 lane roads SCHEDULE "B" WITH"208"INCENTIVE For the period October 1, 2015 — September 30, 2016 • $3,441.00 per mile for 2 lane roads • $4,474.00 per mile for 3 lane roads • $5,011.00 per mile for 4 lane roads For the period October 1,2016—September 30,2017 • $3,613.00 per mile for 2 lane roads • $4,698.00 per mile for 3 lane roads • $5,262.00 per mile for 4 lane roads For the period October 1, 2017—September 30, 2018 • $3,830.00 per mile for 2 lane roads • $4,980.00 per mile for 3 lane roads • $5,578.00 per mile for 4 lane roads For the period October 1,2018—September 30,2019 • $4,136.00 per mile for 2 lane roads • $5,378.00 per mile for 3 lane roads • $6,024.00 per mile for 4 lane roads For the period October 1,2019—September'30, 2020 • $4,467.00 per mile for 2 lane roads • $5,808.00 per mile for 3 lane roads • $6,506.00 per mile for 4 lane roads AFFAIRS OF THE TO ' :.,...,' N ITEM 6 4 47 r \ 9 o z o Town of Mamaroneck °r "' m Town Center 'FOUNDED 1661 • 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 saltieri@townofmamaroneckNY.org Memorandum To: Supervisor &Town Board Re: Authorization — Intermunicipal Agreement Westchester County— Enhanced 911 Date: March 2, 2018 The County of Westchester currently assumes responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the Enhanced Emergency 911 System in Westchester County. Attached is a proposed extension agreement between the County of Westchester and the Town of Mamaroneck for the continued operation of the system. Under the terms of the agreement, the County assumes responsibility for the maintenance of the 911 equipment in the Town of Mamaroneck Police Headquarters. The Town's Police Headquarters serves as the primary public safety answering point in the 911 system. The Town's responsibility is to provide for the continuous manning of the 911 system in the Town. As you are aware, the Police desk is manned 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The partnership between the Town and the County for the E911 system has worked well and • therefore it would be appropriate to continue our arrangement with the County. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD APPROVE THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN WESTCHESTER COUNTY AND THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK FOR THE OPERATION OF THE ENHANCED 911 SYSTEM AND THAT THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT. Stephen V.Altieri Town Administrator IT-1524 AGREEMENT made this _ day of , 2018 by and between: THE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having an office and place of business in the Michaelian Office Building, 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains,New York, 10601 (hereinafter referred to as the"County") and THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having an office and place of business at 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,New York 10543 (hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality") WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,the County currently has a contract with Carousel Industries of North America, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Carousel Industries"), for the installation and operation of Enhanced 911 Service equipment; and WHEREAS,the County is currently receiving services from Verizon for the installation and operation of Enhanced 911 Service network(lines and trunks required); and WHEREAS, by Act No. 183 -2017,the Board of Legislators authorized the County Executive to enter into this Agreement and into similar agreements with 44 other local municipalities for the provision of Enhanced 911 Service for a five(5)year term commencing on October 1,2017 and continuing through September 30,2022; and WHEREAS, the governing board of the Municipality by Resolution adopted on the day of , 2018, has likewise authorized this Agreement. NOW,THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between,the parties hereto as follows: 1. Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP's). (a) Municipality will staff and operate a primary Public Safety Answering Point at its Police Headquarters or (b) Municipality will contract with the Appropriate State Police Agency or another Municipality to staff and operate a primary Public Safety Answering Point(whichever is appropriate)and if appropriate (c) Municipality will staff and operate a Public Safety Answering Point at its Fire or Police Department Headquarters or (d) Municipality will contract with the appropriate Fire District or Police Department to staff and operate a Public Safety Answering Point and (e) Municipality will be solely responsible for the cost and expense of providing the necessary space, heat, electricity, air conditioning,water, furniture, furnishings and remodeling, if any, for the primary and secondary PSAP's they operate or contract for as specified in Exhibit A attached hereto and a part hereof and (1) County will staff and operate Public Safety Answering Points at the County Fire Control and Training Center in Valhalla and the County Public Safety Headquarters in Hawthorne. County will be solely responsible for the cost and expense of providing the necessary space,heat, electricity, air conditioning,water, furniture, furnishings and remodeling, if any, for these County operated PSAP's. 2. Network and Terminal Equipment. The network(lines and trunks required) for the E911 system will be installed and maintained by Verizon at the sole cost and expense of County, while the terminal equipment will be installed and maintained by Carousel at the sole cost and expense of the County. In addition to responsibility for these non-recurring costs, County will be solely responsible for the cost and expense of the monthly rates and charges for all associated exchange services and private line service (including mileage charges), as contained in Verizon's tariff as in effect from time to time. Any E911 equipment leased by County will remain the property of County. The County intends to continue to recover all non-recurring and monthly charges by continuing to impose a surcharge on all telephone customers in the County as permitted by State Legislation and County Legislation. 3. Personnel. (a) Municipality will staff its Public Safety Answering Points with its own employees or contract for same. They will be responsible for receiving E911 calls; deciding what emergency services to dispatch;dispatching them; and/or, in appropriate cases, transferring calls to other PSAP's. Municipality will be solely responsible for the acts and omissions, if any, of its employees or contractors in the operation of Public Safety Answering Points and will not hold County liable therefor. Sufficient personnel will be provided or contracted for by Municipality to handle incoming calls adequately 24 hours per day, every day of the year. (b) County will staff its Public Safety Answering Points with its own employees. They will be responsible for receiving calls appropriate transferred by other PSAP's, deciding what emergency services are to be dispatched; dispatching them; and/or, in appropriate cases, transferring calls to other PSAP's. County will be solely responsible for the acts and omissions, if any, of its employees in the operation of its Public Safety Answering Points and will not hold Municipality liable therefor. Sufficient personnel will be provided by County to handle incoming calls adequately 24 hours per day,every day of the year. (c) County will also staff the position of E911 Coordinator with its own employee. The Coordinator will be responsible for working with Liaisons appointed by each Municipality to implement, maintain and enhance the E911 system. The Coordinator will be responsible for directing the efforts of Municipal Liaisons in providing Company with street names and numbers, and emergency services providers for each Municipality including updates of same. The Coordinator will also schedule all training of PSAP operators,to be conducted by Carousel Industries, on how to operate the E911 equipment and system. County will be solely responsible for the acts and omissions, if any, of its employee, while acting as the E911 coordinator and will not hold Municipality liable therefor. 4. System Integrity. (a) Municipality shall have the responsibility of discovering all errors, defects and malfunctions and assumes the duty of and will make such tests as, in the judgment of Municipality, are required to determine whether the E911 system is functioning properly at PSAPs. Municipality shall promptly notify County and Carousel Industries in the event the system is not functioning properly. (b) County shall have the responsibility of discovering all errors,defects and malfunctions and assumes the duty of and will make such tests as, in the judgment of County, are required to determine whether the E911 system is functioning properly at its PSAPs, County shall promptly notify Carousel Industries and Municipality in the event the system is not functioning properly. 5. Use of 60 Control. The primary PSAP (Municipality) shall answer the E911 phone lines in the following manner: "Nine-One-One (911)what is the emergency?" If the call is a primary fire or EMS related request and 60-Control(The Westchester County Department of Emergency Services' Emergency Communications Center(ECC))dispatches local Fire and/or EMS (Ambulance) Service,the primary PSAP will tell the caller to "stay on the line"and immediately transfer the ANI/ALI data and conference the caller to 60 Control or other appropriate secondary PSAP. The primary PSAP may stay on the line to collect and request specific information from the caller if needed. This process will avoid any potential delays in dispatching the appropriate first response, fire or EMS personnel. If a caller is contacting the PSAP via a seven digit(administrative) line and they are calling for a fire or EMS related emergency,the PSAP shall conference the caller with the appropriate secondary PSAP. 6. Insurance and Indemnification. In addition to, and not in limitation of the insurance provisions contained in Schedule "B"of this Agreement,the Municipality agrees: (a) to indemnify,hold harmless and defend the County against any and all liability, loss, damage, claim, suit or expense of any kind which the County may directly or indirectly incur, suffer or be required to pay by reason or in consequence of the fault, failure, omission or negligence of Municipality to carry out its duties under this Agreement. (b) The County agrees to indemnify,hold harmless and defend the Municipality against any and all liability, loss, damage,claim, suit or expense of any kind which the Municipality may directly or indirectly incur, suffer or be required to pay by reason or in consequence of the fault, failure, omission or negligence of the County, its officers, agents and/or employees, including the failure of the County to carry out its duties under this Agreement. (c) If a claim or action is made or brought against either party for which the other party may be responsible hereunder in whole or in part, such other party shall be immediately notified and shall be permitted to participate in the handling or defense of such matter. (d) Neither party shall be held in any way responsible to the other party for damages to the E911 System or interference with the services provided under this Agreement resulting from acts of God or other acts which are without the direct control of either party. 7. Term. This Agreement shall commence on October 1, 2017 and terminate September 30,2022. 8. Offer and Contract Voidable. (a) If this Agreement has not been signed by the Municipality at a time when any one of the other municipalities in Schedule"A" should refuse to execute an agreement similar to the one herein, or if the County refuses to execute the above-described agreement with Carousel Industries or Verizon,the County may withdraw its offer to execute the agreement herein with the Municipality. Upon written notification by the County to the Municipality that the County is withdrawing its offer due to one of the reasons described herein,this offer shall immediately become void. (b) If this Agreement has been signed by the Municipality prior to a time when any one of the other municipalities in Exhibit"A" should negotiate and execute an agreement similar but modified to the one herein,or if the County refuses to execute the above-described agreement with Carousel Industries, or if the County terminates it's agreement with Carousel Industries,the parties hereto agree that the Municipality shall be given the opportunity to amend this agreement with regard to the modified terms. 9. Non-Emergency Communication System. In the event a non-emergency communication system is implemented and utilized in the County,which system will allow callers to access local public safety departments by dialing a three digit telephone number,the Municipality expressly agrees to participate in such a system and to apply this Agreement to the introduction and operation of the non-emergency communication system. 10. Termination. The County may terminate this Agreement upon thirty(30) days notice to the Municipality. The Municipality may terminate this Agreement,with the prior written consent of the County, upon sixty (60)days notice and a showing by the Municipality that an alternative means is being provided. 11. Assignment of Agreement. This Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by the Municipality without first having obtained written approval thereof by the County. 12. Conflicts of Interest. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of Article 18 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, as amended. 13. Independent Contractor. (a) The Municipality agrees that it is and at all times shall be deemed an independent contractor and shall not, in any manner whatsoever, by its actions or deeds commit the County to an obligation irrespective of the nature thereof, and Municipality shall not at any time or for any purpose be deemed an employee of the County. (b) It is further understood and agreed that no agent, servant or employee of the Municipality shall, at any time or under any circumstances, be deemed to be an agent, servant or employee of the County. 14. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire and integrated agreement between and among the parties hereto and supersedes any and all prior negotiations, agreements and conditions, whether written or oral. Any modification or amendment to this Agreement shall be void unless it is in writing and subscribed by the party to be charged. 15. Invalidity. The parties intend all provisions of this Agreement to be in conformity with the laws of the State of New York and in the event that any court of competent jurisdiction shall rule to the contrary,this entire agreement shall become null and void. 16. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of New York. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in triplicate. THE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER By (Name and Title) MUNICIPALITY: By (Name and Title) Approved by the Westchester County Board of Legislators by Act No. 183 -2017 on the 16th day of October, 2017. Approved by the Board of Acquisition and Contract of the County of Westchester on the 22"d day of November, 2017. Approved as to form and manner of execution Assistant County Attorney The County of Westchester ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF ) On the day of in the year 2018 before me,the undersigned, personally appeared ,personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s)whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s)on the instrument,the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s)acted, executed the instrument. Date: Notary Public CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (MUNICIPAL CORPORATION) I, , (Officer other than officer signing contract) certify that I am the of (Title) the (Name of Municipal Corporation) a corporation duly organized and in good standing under the (Law under which organized, e.g., the New York Business Corporation Law)named in the foregoing agreement; that (Person executing agreement) who signed said agreement on behalf of the (Name of Municipal Corporation) was, at the time of execution (Title of such person) of the Municipal Corporation and that said agreement was duly signed for and on behalf of said Municipal Corporation by authority of its governing board,thereunto duly authorized and that such authority is in full force and effect at the date hereof. (Signature) STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF ) On the day of in the year 20_before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the officer described in and who executed the above certificate,who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that he/she resides at , and he/she is an officer of said corporation; that he/she is duly authorized to execute said certificate on behalf of said corporation, and that he/she signed his/her name thereto pursuant to such authority. Notary Public Date SCHEDULE "A" E-911 INTERMUNICIPAL AGREEMENTS MUNICIPALITY/FIRE DISTRICT 1. ARDSLEY, VILLAGE 2. BEDFORD, TOWN 3. BRIARCLIFF MANOR, VILLAGE 4. BRONXVILLE, VILLAGE 5. BUCHANAN, VILLAGE 6. CORTLANDT, TOWN 7. CROTON-ON-HUDSON, VILLAGE 8. DOBBS FERRY, VILLAGE 9. EASTCHESTER, TOWN 10. ELMSFORD, VILLAGE 11. FAIRVIEW FIRE DISTRICT 12. GREENBURGH, TOWN 13. HARRISON, TOWN 14. HARTSDALE FIRE DISTRICT 15. HASTINGS-ON-HUDSON, VILLAGE 16. IRVINGTON, VILLAGE 17. LARCHMONT, VILLAGE 18. LEWISBORO, TOWN 19. MAMARONECK, TOWN 20. MAMARONECK, VILLAGE 21. MT. KISCO, VILLAGE 22. MT. PLEASANT, TOWN 23. MT. VERNON, CITY 24. NEW CASTLE, TOWN 25. NEW ROCHELLE, CITY 26. NORTH CASTLE, TOWN 27. NORTH SALEM, TOWN 28. SLEEPY HOLLOW, VILLAGE 29. OSSINING, TOWN 30. OSSINING, VILLAGE 31. PEEKSKILL, CITY 32. PELHAM MANOR, VILLAGE 33. PELHAM, VILLAGE 34. PLEASANTVILLE, VILLAGE 35. PORT CHESTER, VILLAGE 36. POUND RIDGE, TOWN 37. RYE, CITY 38. RYEBROOK, VILLAGE 39. SCARSDALE, VILLAGE 40. SOMERS. TOWN 41. TARRYTOWN, VILLAGE 42. TUCHAHOE, VILLAGE 43. WHITE PLAINS, CITY 44. YONKERS, CITY 45. YORKTOWN, TOWN SCHEDULE "B" STANDARD INSURANCE PROVISIONS f Municipality) 1. Prior to commencing work, the Municipality shall obtain at its own cost and expense the required insurance from insurance companies licensed in the State of New York, carrying a Best's financial rating of A or better, and shall provide evidence of such insurance to the County of Westchester, as may be required and approved by the Director of Risk Management of the County. The policies or certificates thereof shall provide that thirty days prior to cancellation or material change in the policy, notices of same shall be given to the Director of Risk Management of the County of Westchester by registered mail, return receipt requested, for all of the following stated insurance policies. All notices shall name the Municipality and identify the Agreement. If at any time any of the policies required herein shall be or become unsatisfactory to the County, as to form or substance, or if a company issuing any such policy shall be or become unsatisfactory to the County, the Municipality shall upon notice to that effect from the County, promptly obtain a new policy, submit the same to the Department of Risk Management of the County of Westchester for approval and submit a certificate thereof. Upon failure of the Municipality to furnish, deliver and maintain such insurance, the Agreement, at the election of the County, may be declared suspended, discontinued or terminated. Failure of the Municipality to take out, maintain, or the taking out or maintenance of any required insurance, shall not relieve the Municipality from any liability under the Agreement, nor shall the insurance requirements be construed to conflict with or otherwise limit the contractual obligations of the Municipality concerning indemnification. All property losses shall be made payable to and adjusted with the County. In the event that claims, for which the County may be liable, in excess of the insured amounts provided herein are filed by reason of any operations under the Agreement, the amount of excess of such claims or any portion thereof, may be withheld from payment due or to become due the Municipality until such time as the Municipality shall furnish such additional security covering such claims in form satisfactory to the County of Westchester. 2. The Municipality shall provide proof of the following coverage (if additional coverage is required for a specific agreement, those requirements will be described in the "Special Conditions" of the contract specifications): (a) Workers' Compensation. Certificate form C-105.2 (9/07) or State Fund Insurance Company form U-26.3 is required for proof of compliance with the New York State Workers' Compensation Law. State Workers' Compensation Board form DB-120.1 is required for proof of compliance with the New York State Disability Benefits Law. Location of operation shall be "All locations in Westchester County,New York." Where an applicant claims to not be required to carry either a Workers' Compensation Policy or Disability Benefits' Policy, or both, the employer must complete affidavit form WC/DB-100 (revised 9/07), sign and notarize the form, and send to the NYS Workers' Compensation Board for (stamped) approval. The stamped approval (valid for 1 year) should then be provided to the County of Westchester with all other insurance documentation. If the employer is self-insured for Worker's Compensation, he/she should present a certificate from the New York State Worker's Compensation Board evidencing that fact (Either SI-12, Certificate of Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance, or GSI-105.2, Certificate of Participation in Workers' Compensation Group Self-Insurance). (b)Employer's Liability with minimum limit of$100,000. (c) Commercial General Liability Insurance with a minimum limit of liability per occurrence of$1,000,000 for bodily injury and $100,000 for property damage or a combined single limit of$1,000,000 (c.s.1), naming the County of Westchester as an additional insured. This insurance shall include the following coverages: (i) Premises-Operations. (ii) Broad Form Contractual. (iii) Independent Contractor and Sub-Contractor. (iv) Products and Completed Operations. All Contracts involving the use of explosives and demolition shall provide the above coverage with elimination of the XCU exclusion from the policy, or proof that XCU is covered. (d) Automobile Liability Insurance with a minimum limit of liability per occurrence of$1,000,000 for bodily injury and a minimum limit of$100,000 per occurrence for property damage or a combined single limit of $1,000,000 unless otherwise indicated in the contract specifications. This insurance shall include for bodily injury and property damage the following coverages: (i) Owned automobiles. (ii) Hired automobiles. (iii) Non-owned automobiles. 3. All policies of the Municipality shall be endorsed to contain the following clauses: (a) Insurers shall have no right to recovery or subrogation against the County of Westchester (including its employees and other agents and agencies), it being the intention of the parties that the insurance policies so effected shall protect both parties and be primary coverage for any and all losses covered by the above-described insurance. (b) The clause "other insurance provisions" in a policy in which the County of Westchester is named as an insured, shall not apply to the County of Westchester. (c) The insurance companies issuing the policy or policies shall have no recourse against the County of Westchester (including its agents and agencies as aforesaid) for payment of any premiums or for assessments under any form of policy. (d) Any and all deductibles in the above described insurance policies shall be assumed by and be for the account of, and at the sole risk of, the Municipality. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 7 Town of Mamaroneck o o w m Town Center C 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 •FCUNDFD 11E1 • TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Authorization-Transfer of Funds-Senior Center Trust Fund Date: March 16, 2018 On November 13, 2017 the Town Board authorized a transfer of funds in the amount of $7,500 for the purchase and installation of a new sound system at the Senior Center. However in the course of planning and accepting proposals for the sound system, the project was not completed in 2017. Therefore for accounting purposes, the November 13, 2017 fund transfer resolution must be rescinded and a new resolution adopted for 2018. However at this time, the request is to increase the transfer amount to $10,000. For an additional $2,500 the sound system installation can be supplemented with a permanently mounted ceiling projector. The ceiling projector will be tied into the sound system console for showing movies. In addition a computer can also be connected to the system for power point and slide presentations. The additional costs includes the projector and the labor and materials for installing the projector and associated wiring. There are sufficient funds in the Senior Center Trust to support the additional funding. ACTION REQUESTED;THAT THE TOWN BOARD RESCIND THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED ON NOVEMBER 13, 2018 AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF$7,500 FROM THE SENIOR CENTER TRUST FUND FOR A NEW SOUND SYSTEM AT THE SENIOR CENTER. FURTHER THAT A TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000 BE APPROVED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A NEW SOUND SYSTEM AND VIDEO/DVD PROJECTOR AT THE SENIOR CENTER. / Z./AZ' Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator 2018 BUDGET AMENDMENT -TRANSFER FROM TRUST FUND TO GENERAL FUND 3/21/2018 TOWN BOARD MEETING GENERAL TOWN WIDE FUND (FUND A): INCREASE BUDGET: A.0000.5041 TRANSFERS FROM TRUST FUND $ 10,000.00 A.6772.2104 BUILDING EQUIPMENT $ 10,000.00 * (REPRESENTS USE OF SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM TRUST FUND DONATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT OF SOUND SYSTEM AT SENIOR CENTER-VFW) * TRUST NC#T.0000.0111 (SR CITIZEN PROGRAM TRUST FUND) $ (10,000.00)