HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017_12_06 Town Board Meeting Packet TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2017 THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE AT 5:00PM, IN CONFERENCE ROOM A TO DISCUSS: 1. Discussion-Town Center/VFW Building Signs 2. Review-2018 Larchmont/Mamaroneck Joint Garbage Disposal Commission Budget 3. Update- Food Waste Recycling Program 4. Update- Leasing of Electric Vehicles 5. Update-Weaver Street Fire House Construction Project 6. Update-Bus Shelter- Palmer Avenue & Richbell Road 7. New Business 8. Request for Executive Session 8:00PM CALL TO ORDER- COURTROOM PUBLIC PRESENTATION-2018 Preliminary Town Budget SUPERVISOR'S REPORT CITIZEN COMMENTS BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims 2. Other Fire Department Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1. Set Public Hearing -2018 Sewer Rent Fee 2. Authorization-Transfer of Funds-Highway Fund 3. Consideration of Certiorari APPROVAL OF MINUTES-November 13, 2017 REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL TOWN CLERK'S REPORT NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING-December 20, 2017 and January 3, 2018 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should contact the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. TOWN BOARD MEETING WORKSESSION AGENDA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2017 5:00PM -CONFERENCE ROOM A 1. Discussion-Town CenterNFW Building Signs (See Attachment). 2. Review-2018 Larchmont/Mamaroneck Joint Garbage Disposal Commission Budget (See Attachment). 3. Update-Food Waste Recycling Program (See Attachment). 4. Update-Leasing of Electric Vehicles (See Attachment). 5. Update-Weaver Street Fire House Construction Project 6. Update- Bus Shelter-Palmer Avenue & Richbell Road (See Attachment). 7. New Business 8. Request for Executive Session • , Ks Es,. . 4 , • _ . • . Town of Mamaroneck r0 @ m Town Center :, 740 West Boston Post.Ro ad, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-33. 53 •FOUNDED 1661 • - - TEL:.914/381-7810 • OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 to wnadmi nistrator @townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To Supervisor and Town.Board - Re: Signs for Town Center and Senior.Center Date: December 1, 2017 Attached is the latest rendering of the signs for the Town Center and Senior Center: . The font of the:lettering has been changed to reflect the Board's recent comments: • What is not reflected on the rendering is the addition of a solar powered LED light. fixture to illuminate the signs: Solar powered LED lighting was selected since there is no source of electric power close to.where the signs will be placed: Therefore we eliminate the need for costly trenching.and wiring for the sign lights. The Town's consultant on this matter Barton and Logiudice have estimated a total budget of$26,000 to$33,000 to furnish and install the six signs: The plan would,be for the contractor for the Town Center parking lot to install the bases for the signs and for - the sign contractor to install-the signs in the bases. Ifthe Board can come to a final decision on the sign design at the work session on December 6,we can move through our procurement process to order the signs. If you have:questions or need additional information prior to the Town Board meeting, please let me know. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator . . • • • , ltt ... . • a Jl p p p . • • aro s's: If<< c) � • . ~ . ° ° ;�,4 : ' • i • • fj • II h� , L� rl • wJ -.•:= . . . d . . . . ,,.. 9 I� = r� �y . . • • . . . . • • .. • ... .. . . _ _ _ : . . .-- .. . . Is Ir:ife. ,. . . . . . . • . . . .. . .. . . . • ,• . .. . . . . . . . • . . . ... . . ... . . •• . '�; i„..: , . . . . .. . .. • . . . . . ,. . . . .,. :• . . . . . . .i. ,. , .„...,.,..... , . .. . . . . • . . . . . . .. . . . . • • - - .. . • . • . .. . . ... . . . . . . • . . : . .. . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . •. .. .. . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . • •. . • •. . .. . . i .j3yj`• . . . . . . .. . . •• • • • . : ... •. . . , . . ... • . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NvoRKsEssioN • ( Larchmont Mamaroneck Joint Garbage Disposal Commission 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York 10543 To Supervisor Nancy Seligson-Sanitation Commissioner Mayor Lorraine Walsh-Sanitation Commissioner Re:2018 Preliminary Commission Budget Date:November 13, 2017,. Revised November 30, 20171 Transmitted for your consideration is the 2018 Preliminary Budget for.the Joint Garbage Commission The budget proposed for 2018 includes total appropriations of$3,845,700...This is an increase of$70,936 or 1.9-%.: Including the deduction for revenues and the application of surplus the net budget levy to be apportioned to the Town and Village is.$3,845,700 which is an increase of:$71,736,2%.: The budget as proposed continues all current sanitation services and as will be described later includes expenses for the new food waste recycling program and new website.: Budget Summary 2017 2018 Change Operations and Maint. $1,956,664 $2,002,000 $45,336 or 23% General Charges $1,818,100 $1,843,700. $25,600 or 1.4% Total Appropriations $3,774,764 $3,845,700 $70,936 or 1:9% Less Revenues $ 247,500 $ 246,700 ($800)or(<1%) . Net Budget/Levy - $3,527;264 $3,599,000 $71,736 or 2%. Budget Apportionment Garbage Collected through September 2017 Village of.Larchmont 2,606 tons-48% . Town of Mamaroneck 2,835 tons- 52% Total 5,441 tons Net Budget $3,599,000 • Village Share 48% $1,727,520 Town Share 52% $1,871,480 1 The original version of the budget called for an increase of$80,436 or 2.1%in total appropriations. Total revenues were increased by$10,000 from$236,700 to$246,700. The original net budget/levy was to increase by $91,236 or 2:6%. 1 Operation and Maintenance. The operation and maintenance portion of.the Commission's budget includes all direct expenses associated with the collection of solid waste and recycling material with the exception of the costs of employee benefits which are included in the General Charges portion of the budget. The operations section of the budget also includes the cost of operating the Maxwell Avenue Facility. :In the operation and maintenance category of the budget most line items remain unchanged or are slightly reduced. Below are accounts worth noting for 2018: Salaries- Full Time =This past year the Commission renegotiated a renewal agreement with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees for the years. 2017-2020. For 2018 the agreement calls for a 1.65%salary adjustment: There were no other monetary payments to be adjusted in 2018. In 2018, the total salary budget line for. full time employee's increases to $1,460,800, an increase of.$33,336 or 2:3%..The increase in the salary line is greater than the negotiated percentage increase because also included in the salary line account are provisions for longevity payments, an estimate for organic waste stipends and the monetary payment made to employees in lieu of providing optical insurance. The salary line includes compensation for the following personnel: 1 General Foreman 1 Deputy General Foreman 5 Motor Equipment Operators. 15 Sanitation Men There are no proposed changes.for 2018 in our full time headcount of employees: Overtime- The overtime budget for the Commission is proposed to increase by$2,000 in 2018 to$47,000. On a day to day basis the Commission incurs a relatively low amount of overtime for collection operations. .The largest percentage of overtime is expended for the operation of the Maxwell Avenue Facility on Saturdays and for Saturday and holiday collection of street cans in the Village. Based upon 2018 salary rates the breakdown of overtime is as follows: Maxwell Avenue Facility: $22,378 Street Can Collection-Saturdays and Holidays: 11.624; Total $34,002 Salaries- Part Time-The 2018 budget for part time personnel is proposed to remain unchanged at $60,000. Part time employees are used primarily between April and October of each year during our organic waste collection period. Part time employees are used to cover for full time employees on vacation or out on injury. leave: The use of part time employees is less expensive than the payment..of overtime for regular employees. 2 Diesel Fuel/Gasoline - For 2018 a modest$5,000 decrease has been proposed for diesel fuel. While it may appear from our expenditures to date that a larger budget decrease is possible,.I am always concerned that the cost of fuel is so volatile. World events or changes in the U.S.economy can noticeably increase petroleum costs on relatively short notice. Therefore my preference is maintain a stable budget appropriation year to.year County Landfill - The budget remains unchanged for this line item. .Since an increase is expected in the tipping fee by the County, our disposal expense could remain the same even with a reduction in solid waste collection. Service Contracts-The cost for service contracts for the Commission is expected to increase substantially in 2018. An estimated budget of$37,000 is expected which is an increase of.$25,000 over.2017. The expenses in the line item are as follows: General Environmental $14,400- : Clarity Drug Testing 3,500 Employee Assistance . 990* Scarsdale Security(Fire Alarm) 970* Mobile Radio Rental 8,100* Website Maintenance Fee 750* Recollect Maintenance.Fee 3,500* Suburban Carting- Food Waste 4,800*2 The expenses noted with an asterisks are new expenses for 2018. In addition to the new expenses,the costs for disposal of the contaminated water under the hopper has increased over the last years to about.$1,200 per month. General Charges. . The General Charges portion of the Commission's budget includes expenses for administrative personnel, employee benefits for all employees of the Commission and other administrative expenses. Contingency -The contingency budget has been reduced from $15,000 to $7,500 for 2018.. The reduction is due to the fact that the collective bargaining agreement with the Commission's unionized employees has been resolved. During the budget review process however I would ask the Commissioners to consider salary adjustments for the management and non-union personnel working for the Commission.The administrative salaries have not been adjusted in five years. 2 The contract with Suburban Carting is for the collection of up to 10 barrels of food waste per month at$400 per month. It is uncertain if the monthly rate would change if there is an expansion of the program. 3 . . Insurances & Employee Benefits: The news for liability and insurance for 2018 is generally very good:: Our general liability insurance cost for the coming year will remain:unchanged: That is in part attributable to the soft insurance market along with an excellent loss: experience. Employee.benefit costs will remain reasonably stable as well for the coming year Costs for dental insurance, lifeinsurance.and disability insurance will remain unchanged for 2018: :Medical insurance costs also:will remain unchanged for 2018: This is a unique occurrence that has come about due to a reduction in the number of total personnel to be • covered for 2018: Two of the Commission's retirees have passed away and a former. • employee that was-continuing to pay for health insurance through COBRA has discontinued his coverage.. Our worker's compensation insurance expenses have,also begun to stabilize. At this time.. we do have one employee out on a long term injury but generally our claims frequency had decreased::For 2018 our premium is estimated to be$563,200,an increase of 6% over last year:. Lastly, costs for the New York State Retirement:System will increase min.imally in 2018:: The appropriation of$240,00 increases our expense by only.$2,000.and is largely attributable to the employee salary adjustment for 2018. Recycling Equipment: In past years this line item has been for the purchase of the • standard recycling bins used for recycling collection. .The appropriation for 2018 has been .. : increased by$1,000 to $6,000 to have funds available for re-stocking of not only recycling bins but the other garbage and recycling cans.the Commission will be.selling. Also it may be necessary to re-stock the food waste kits and bags. Consultant:The new website includes the waste wizard/recyclopedia. Included in this feature is a listing of how todispose,,recycle or donate over 250 items.. To avoid this information from becoming stale and outdated it Will be essential to have the listing reviewed and updated annually. Therefore I have appropriated $4,000 for a consultant or intern to provide:this service. The Commission:will not necessarily spend this entire amount.to update the recyclopedia. Revenues' Revenues to the Commission other than the subsidies of.the Town and Village will . decrease this year from $247,500 to$246,700.. There is a reduction in revenue from employee health insurance.contributions: The $5,000 reduction is based upon the loss of contributions from a former employee under the COBRA regulations: 4 Modest revenue increases are expected in the miscellaneous category and for dumpster fees. Revenues accounted for in the miscellaneous category are derived from the sale of recycling bins. However with an expanded line of waste disposal and recycling products we anticipate an increase in the sale of these products. Rental income is derived from the rent paid by Nextel Sprint for the cellular antenna on the incinerator smoke stack. The rental payment remains the same for 2018 under the terms of the lease agreement:This concludes the presentation of the Commission's Preliminary 2018.Budget. As presented this is a responsible budget that continues the high level of sanitation services provided to the community. In addition the budget provides for improved communication to the community through the new Commission Website and Recollect System: Also . . provisions have been made for the new food waste recycling program:. Stephen V. Altieri Superintendent cc: Denis Brusciani-Secretary. Treasurer Connie Green O'Donnell 5 PRELIMINARY 2018 BUDGET' Acct: # Description 200 Operation/Maintenance 201 Salaries-Full Time 1,400,150 1,427,464 : . 1,042,003 1,460,800 201A Salaries- Overtime 41,594 45,000 34,250 47,000 202 Salaries-Part Time - 82,875 - 60,000.. . - 55,150 . _ . : 60;000 "- 203 . Materials/Supplies 12,716 `-: 13,000 6,837. 13,000. - 203A Dumpsters 31,858 - 19,000 12,650 19,000 . - 204 Equipment Repairs 7,544 2,584 20,000 - 205. Building/Grounds Repair; 4,760 10,000 2,270. 8,000 206 Electricity 6,595 7,500' 4,649 7,500 - 207 Water/Sewer Rent 456 700 396_ 700 208 Fuel Oil 5,665 6,000 1,783 5,000 - 209: Propane Fuel 210 Diesel Fuel 36,013 60,000 17,087. 55,000: 211 Gasoline 1,458 1,500 841 1.,500. : - 212. . County Landfill 220,917 220,000 - 147,312 220,000 . - 213 Organic Landfill 18,307 20,000 3,581 20,000 214 Uniforms 21,458.. 12,000 1,270 12,000 215. . Highway Tolls . 6,723 7,000 3,222 5,000 216 Service Contracts .- 16,492- 12,000 14,067 . 37,000. - 217 Exterminator .300 500. 225 • 500 218 Miscellaneous. 13,531 10,000 3,040 10,000 Total Operation/Maintenance 1,929,412 1,956,664 1,353,217 2,002,000 -1- 'PRELIMINARY 2018 BUDGET " I Acct.:# Description_ 300 General Charges 301 Salaries=Administration . 58,850 65,000 42,384 65,000 301A Clerical Help-Part Time - 5,000. 8,000 - 4,000 302 -. Contingent 30,000 7;500.. 303 Printing:& : .6,304 `10,000 7,009 7,500 - 304 Office Supplies • 2,733 1,100 8,149 2,000 305 Telephone : . 2,538 2,500 1,889. 2,700 306 Sewer Tax 2,015 3,500 5,203 5,500 _ - 307 Payroll Processing 1 9,090 : :8,500 : 5,818 8,500 - 308 Public Notices 308 - 182 300 309 Employee Retirement . 228,172 238;000 240,000 310 Insurance-Liability 85,209. 87;000 77,166 87,000 • 311 Insurance-Life . 710. : 2,000 296 2,000 - 312 Insurance-Health 579,627 650,000: 477,078 650,000. : - 312A Medicare Payments: ' 18,462 20,000 11,051. 18,000 : 313 Insurance-Disability - 606 1,000 272 1,000. - 314 Insurance:Worker's Comp 499,076. - 519,000 . 530,372 563;200 315 Insurance-Unemployment - 2,000 =. 2,000 : 316: Social Security 117,539 120,000 87,167 :124,000 - 316A Commuter Tax 2,638 3,000 2,637 4,000 - 31.7 Attorney 1,656 10,000 - 7,000 318 Recycling - - - _ - 319 .Recycling Equipment - 5,000 - 6,000 - 320: Dental Insurance 21;475. 22,500 18,482 22,500 - 321 . Consultant - : - 4,000 322 Auditor 8;675 10,000 7,931 10;000 323 Transfer to Capital . - - - - Total General Charges 1,650,685 _ : :1,818,100 1,283,086 1,843,700 - GRAND TOTAL I 3,580,0971 3,774,764 I . 2,636,303 I .. 3,845,700 I -2- PRELIMINARY 2018 BUDGET'. Larchmont Joint Commission REVENUES ,. Insurance Recovery 79,974 10,000 10,640 10,000 - Health Insurance Refund 46,817. 30,000 19,334 25,000 Inter-Government Charges - Rental Income 76,688 45,000. 33,878 45,000 Miscellaneous 1,830 : : ... .2,500 6,292 5,000 Interest Income 140. 214 Dumpster Fees 29,515 20,000 17,605 Refund of Appropriations= Prior Years .' 3,550. Applied Surplus - 130,000 130,000 - IMA- City of New Rochelle 9,661 10,000. - 9,700 TOTAL REVENUES 248,.176.I 247,500. 87,963 I 246,700 NET LEVY ' 3,447,060 I'3,527,264 2,343,111 3,599,000 TOTAL REVENUES INCLUSIVE OF NET LEVY -3 SUMMARY OF DAILY WEIGHTS The Enabling Act, Under which the Commission operates provides that a reapportionment of the 'cost of maintenance, operation and repair of the Plant shall be made as of the thirty first day of December annually on the basis of weight of garbage, refuse and substances delivered to the County facility from the Village and from the Town Garbage District, during the preceding year For the 2017 Calendar.Year the tonnage of garbage was Month I Village.(lbs.) - .Town (lbs.) • January 602,200 653,730 February . 466,040 490,380 March 556,480 . 585,180 April . 560,900. 612,420 May 610,220 659,380 June 697,600 786,080 July 563,680 591,320 . . August 602;920 642,040 • e S ptember 552,360. 649,680. October. November December - -.. TOTAL 5,212,400 • 5,6.70;210. Village 2,606 Tons • - Town 2,835 Tons w71 d_1 5,441 Tons • % Budget for 2018. Village Share - 1,727,520 Town Share - 1,871,480 NET LEVY 2018 -4- HISTORICAL.ANALYSIS OF WEIGHT AND PERCENTAGE OF REFUSE COLLECTIONS VILLAGE TOWN WGT. :WGT. YEAR (TONS) % (TONS) 2017 2016 -2,606 48.00%: . 2;835. 52:00% 2015 2,904.. 47:00% 3,264 53.00% 2014 .. 3,240. . : 48:00% 3;550: 52.00% 2013. 3,623.. 47:00%: : 4,107 : : 53.00% :2012. 3;645: : 47:00%: : 4,102 53.00% 2011: :- 3,769 46:80%: .. . . 4,271 53:20% :2010 • 3,795: 47.50% : :4,190 52.50% : 2009 . 3,670 : 47.50%. 4,052 52:50% .2008 4,516 48:60%: 4,772 5.1.40% 2007 5,467 47.50% 6,030. 52.50% 2006. : 5;316 47:40% 5;906 52.60% 2005 5,055 47.1.0% 5.;906 52.90% 2004. 5,260 47.30% . : :5,860. . 53 70% 2003 5,194 46.80% 5,893 : 53.20% 2002 4,800 : . . 46.8079 : 5;435 53.20% 2001. 5,1-01 46.40%.: 5,873 53.60% 2000= 5,368 46:10% 6,260. 53.90% 1999 5,270 46.10% 6;1.44 53.90% • 1998= 5,361 46.30% : 6 ;216 53.70% 1997 5;687 46.30% 6;577 7 53 70% 1996 5,825 46.10% 6,678 53.90% 1995 5,436 46:60% 6,199 . .. 53.40%: .. 1994 5,450 45.70% 6,465 54.30% 1993. 43:80%5,117 6;544 56.20% 1992 5,235 45.40% 6,317 • 54.60% 1991 : 4,839 44.60% : .6,001 55.40%; . -5- (Th 0 KSESS1ON • • . F"IE 3 ,GSr,OY•�RC�:,: o y9 Larchmont-Mamaroneck 3 . o °1es1 Joint Garbage Disposal Commission gr. .rouso[ounF 740 West Boston Post Road • Mamaroneck, NY 10543 • 914-381-7810 Memorandum To: Sanitation Commissioners Re: Update-Food Waste Recycling Program Date: November 30, 2017 The following is an update on the status of the food waste recycling program. At this time food waste is being collected at the Maxwell Avenue Recycling Center and on Saturdays at the Farmer's Market in Larchmont. Food waste kits and accessories are sold at: Maxwell Avenue, Mamaroneck Town Center, Larchmont Village Hall, and at the Farmer's Market on Saturdays. As of November 30 we have disposed of 53.5 cans of food waste. Based upon our weighing a number of cans we are assuming an average weight of 200Ibs. per can. This equates to 10,700Ibs or 5.35 tons. Below is a summary of revenues and expenses as of November 30, 2017: Revenues Complete Food Waste Kits 284 @$20.00 $5,680 Rolls of 6 Gallon Bags 116 @$ 2.00 232 Rolls of 13 Gallon Bags 35 @$ 5.00 176 Total Revenue $6,087 Expenses Purchase of Green Barrels $ 3,562 Purchase of Counter Top Barrels 1,538 Purchase of Compostable Bags 1,664 Printing of Brochure 388 Stickers for Recycling Kits 200 Suburban Carting Pickup Service thru 11/30/17 800 Purchase of Heavy Duty Containers (Suburban Carting) 850 Total Expense $ 9,002 Stephen V. Altieri Superintendent fli3; . . . . • • , V 1TE• `AV • Ok �y Town of Mamaroneck o ° W� pt m Town Center f 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 •FOUNDED 1661 • TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 saltieri@townofinamaroneckNY.org Memorandum To: Supervisor &Town Board Re: Update— Leasing of Electric Vehicles Date: December 1, 2017 At the Capital Project Worksession this past Tuesday, the consensus of the Town Board was to increase the authorization for the monthly lease of electric vehicles to $321.00 per month per vehicle. I have spoken to the leasing company and we have come upon another hiccup in the process. It would appear that the US Senate and House of Representatives current versions of the federal tax bill amendment includes the elimination of the tax credit for the sale of electric vehicles. The manufacturers of electric vehicles pass on the value of the federal tax credit into the monthly lease price which is how Nissan established the rate of $321.00 per month. In the absence of the federal tax credit, it is highly likely that the lease price will be higher than originally quoted. Since at this time the new pricing is unknown, my recommendation is that we wait until the final version of the tax bill is passed by the federal government. The 2018 Preliminary Budget does include an appropriation of $8,400.00 for the leasing of electric vehicles which will allow us to move forward with this project when we learn of the new pricing of the vehicles. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator r • z • , .4, •• ' s -• , • . •. 4 .• 3 Town of Mamaroneck 0 W m Town Center - z 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 FOUNDED 1661 TEL:914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX:914/381-7809 townadministrator @townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Board of Fire Commissioners Re: Update Fire Headquarter Renovation Project Date: December 1, 2017 On Wednesday, November 29, 2017 the Town publicly opened and read bids for the fire house project. The scope of this project includes the reinforcement and reconstruction of the apparatus floors at the fire house. The Town received two bids: ➢ Specialty Construction $1,135,000 ➢ Sisca N.E. Associates $1,398,923 The Town's consulting engineer on the project has estimated the project as follows in September of 2016. ➢ Construction Costs $618,200 ➢ 15% Contingency 92.800 Total Construction Budget $711,000 ➢ Engineering Fee $106,700 ➢ Special Inspections 20,000 Total Project Budget $837,700 The low bid is$424,000 higher than our original construction budget for this project. Our consulting engineer is contacting the low bidder to review the details of the bid more closely to evaluate the significant difference between the bid and the estimate. One of the factors in this bid may be the much higher than normal construction activity in Westchester County at this time. Capital Project#2017-29- Fire House Improvements was established for this project with a total project budget of$1,148,209. The project budget included not only the restoration of the apparatus floors but also the renovations to the basement level of the fire house. I hope to have more information for the Board at our work session as we look at what are the next steps for this project. Z.--. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator --,,„•,......„:„.... .,.. •.. . ,...,,„...„.,:„,.... r --, , . . . . . . . . . , . . • • , . ,. , • t t ; . : : .• t ,. " . . . , ,,.„, , , ,... ,,, -. 1 • , ... . : . , . . . ... . . . . . .■ .4 . . . • . . 1 • . . . . • ,--- I . .. . . . 1 . O. �# o Town of Mamaroneck - .: a Town Center . • 740 West Boston Post Road, ,Mamaroneck NY 10543=3353 FOUNDED 1661 TEL (914)381-7812 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX (91).381=7809 cgreenodonriell @townofmamaroneckriy:org • • TO Stephen::Alf eri,Town Administrator ,Nancy Seligson;:Town;Supervisor : Town Board':Members: • .FROM: Connie Green O Donnell; Assistant Town:.Administrator.. DATE: December:1;:2017; SUBJECT: Project;Update. Bus Shelter at Palmer Avenue & Richbell Road The.planning and approval process for the construction of the'bus shelter:is near completion' The.bus shelter-will.be located On the east side'of Palmer Avenue adjacent to the intersection•of Richbell'Road in front of the Larchmont Acres Apartments,as indicated on the,:attached"drawing: :° ' sr prepared;;b Signal.nal Outdoor Advertising LLC. =Also, attached are photos of existing shelters, y .g located in' neighboring 'municipalities,. which •:.depict :what 'the::_shelter :.will look` like. when constructed:' . Installation of solarpanels:on the roof of the bus.shelter is being evaluated as:the potential power • source for LED lighting.: In:the event.:solar energy.is not..feasible; electricity,will:be generated'via . .: • a connection with one of the utility poles in the vicinity.. Upon;issuance of the Westchester County : . • Work Permit, Signal Outdoor:Advertising: LLC will commence construction: It•is anticipated; weather:permitting, the bus shelter will be operational by the end of December. There is no cost:to the Town for.-the. construction of the bus shelter. .Advertising -revenue . generated by the shelter are shared:with the Town in accordance with the existing"Intermunicipal Agreement(IMA):between:the Town, and 'Westchester.County. Currently, the Town receives approximately $1`,000 in revenue:.per Year for the bus;shelter located on the Boston:Post:Road` at the intersection of Dillon Road It:is anticipated this.amount will double due.to the construction o ;:t.e Nis shelter on Palmer Avenue: • • Larchmont Acres West 0 418'T'■ Richbell.Rd ��* ��A Grass II T Y ! Sidewalk ,-.1.::." °'Sidewalk i..� `/ 110 4„►' v\,, ki„ it = co . . . '. wsa Grass ww y /. ` 113'CPI / / 115'CPI / '0'1 /` 138 /'. . Palmer Ave -......---.6 v p ti r 3000 Westchester Ave Suite 201 Palmer Ave 18' E/O Richbell Rd a Purchase, NY 10577 OUTDOOR P-914-801-0086 Scale: 1"= 12'-0" p .. �a "f ...'a-` 'arm J '"'.c i 11 F r r...to „..1, .t .t"�.,u°F? l• � "' k ,'Z •P''d 't-'10- , r l 4`+ "`Y '' y 6b .�d+ • s� {4�'Lfi f . 1�';r . `% '` t f � .vt � x•t ' " ,r r H ;r m . ., : „t;. '"' 1v^ , .0 sy ^ .."• ..,,,1-6°C. ' V.'1,"; r e:6utx•'-' --r - rIL _ . . .. a".....° { , 1' s � .. ' ' ra• rev .' - — wF•° V�YvtF 0.. I .rJl.r -- { ` qq Itt ipvL Li r • PSaveTogniner . . _ .. J�mr � .. gggip I .vfn;_I Photo 1 —Shelter on North Ave,New Rochelle(Provided by Signal Outdoor) 119. - . .. ,,,,,,:l. ,.- r sd ` ra„#, ./ J ''; . Fr - - r. �' y1R1 W;T" _— _ __ -1 y�r m1 4 ..;- '4f{t . .. r •- .) .... `�f:.- t- -,,i}4 •. i a'"' b ' - �, 1111 f . : ' .. 4 y —. Photo 2 Shelter on Mamaroneck Ave,White Plains(Provided by Signal Outdoor) •,, • ah, , • . . • •S, . .. .. . __ \, Iris Freed WHEREAS: At 97 years old, Iris Freed was recently recognized for her contributions to, and being an active and involved citizen in, our community. She has been a driving force behind various charitable organizations in the County for more than 30 years; and WHEREAS: She and her family moved to Mamaroneck in 1958 for the quality of the schools and she became an active member of the PTA while her two daughters were in school; and WHEREAS: Iris saw a need to help the hungry and in 1984 helped found Hope Community Services in New Rochelle opening its first soup kitchen which led to "Hope" becoming the largest emergency food pantry and soup kitchen in our region; and WHEREAS: Iris and the many volunteers realized that hunger wasn't the only issue needing support and Hope Community Services expanded to provide support for those seeking clothing, housing assistance, language skills, emotional support, immigration services and other necessities of daily life; and WHEREAS: Iris also has been a part of the WESPAC Foundation, advocating for peace and justice to those without a support system and has been active at Pet Rescue. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Nancy Seligson, Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, and the Town Board members hereby congratulate Iris Freed for being named the Top Honor Recipient of the Westchester County Senior Hall of Fame Class of 2017. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Town of Mamaroneck to be affixed this 6th day of December 2017. Nancy Seligson, Supervisor Ernest C. Odierna, Councilman Abby Katz, Councilwoman Jaine Elkind Eney, Councilwoman Attested to by: Christina Battalia, Town Clerk Page 1 of 2 A02750 Memo: NEW YORK STATE ASSEMBLY MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF LEGISLATION submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f) BILL NUMBER: A2750A SPONSOR: Paulin (MS) TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the public officers law, in relation to freedom of information requests and attorney's fees PURPOSE: To require the court to issue reasonable attorney's fees when an agency denies access to freedom of information requests and the petitioner has substantially prevailed and the court finds that the agency involved had no reasonable basis for denying access to the records sought. SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section 1 amends subdivision 4 of section 89 of the public officers law to provide that the court in a proceeding related to a denial of access to records pursuant to a freedom of information request may asses, against such agency involved in the denial, reasonable attorney's fees and other litigation costs reasonably incurred by the petitioner in any case under the provisions of this section in which the petitioner has substantially prevailed and when the agency failed to respond to a request or appeal within the statutory time. In addition, section one provides that the court in such a proceeding shall assess, against such agency involved, reasonable attorney's fees and other litigation costs reasonably incurred by the petitioner in any case under the provisions of this section in which the petitioner substantially prevails and the court finds that the agency involved had no reasonable basis for denying access to the records sought. Section 2 provides the effective date. JUSTIFICATION: When a public agency denies disclosure of information sought through a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request, one recourse for the denied party is to initiate a judicial proceeding to challenge the denial. A judicial proceeding to challenge an agency's denial of disclosure is a costly endeavor in both time and money. The full proceeding can take several months from the time of filing to the exhaustion of all appeals. In addition, the cost of hiring an attorney can.be significant depending on the length and scope of the proceedings. Often, people simply cannot afford to take a government agency to trial to exercise their right to access public information. This bill provides for an award of attorney's fees to prevailing parties in order to encourage compliance with FOIL and to minimize the burdens of cost and time from bringing a judicial proceeding. Specifically, this bill establishes a two- tiered approach. The first tier would permit a court to award attorney's fees when a person denied access has substantially prevailed and when the agency failed to respond to a request or appeal within the statutory time. The second tier would require an award of attorney's fees when a person denied access has substantially prevailed and the court finds that the agency had no reasonable basis for denying access. Under this approach, a petitioner would not receive an award of attorney's fees against a government agen- cy when such agency prevails. Rather, attorney's fees would only be awarded when the petitioner substantially prevails. The Committee on Open Government recommends this two-tiered approach in its 2016 annual report. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: A.9506-C of 2016, referred to ways and means. Same as 5.6949-C of 2016 passed in the senate. Similar to A.14389, same as S.5339 of 2015, vetoed. A.2121 of 2013 and 2014, referred to governmental operations. Same as 5.108 of 2013 and 2014, referred to investigations and govern- http://nyassembly.gov/leg/?default_fld=&leg_video=&bn=A02750&term=2017&Memo=Y 12/11/2017 Page 2 of 2 ment operations. A.94O7 of 2012, referred to governmental operations. Same as 5.6270 of 2012, referred to investigations and government oper- ations. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: EFFECTIVE DATE: Effective immediately http://nyassembly.gov/leg/?default_fld=&leg_video=&bn=A02750&term=2017&Memo=Y 12/11/2017 • '4• /Aft HL 0, NO ATTACHMENT PRESENTATION 1 NO ATTACHMENT •• . . • . . , F ; E . . •. .. • ., • ,• • • . • . • Town of Mamaroneck From: Tony Siligato-Town Comptroller /t Re: Fire Claims Date: December 6,2017 The following Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department claims have been certified by Chief Paul Tortorella and submitted to the Comptroller's Office for payment VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AAA Emergency Supply Co. Scott Pak repair,Easy wedge kits $ 263.12 AT&T Mobility Wireless service 10/12/17-11/11/17 $ 362.79 Amazon.Com Led Bulbs for sconces $ 193.44 Bound Tree Medical,LLC Medical supplies,batteries,scopes,gloves $ 999.75 Cablevision Cable services for 11/23-12/22/17 $ 212.70 CIT Xerox copier contract 11/21/17 $ 277.89 Foley Hardware Wire nuts&wire stripper $ 18.70 Fire-End&Croker Corp. Firefighting gloves $ 978.00 Goosetown Communications Speaker Mics for portable radios,pager batteries $ 1,202.45 KVI Uniforms&Equipment Career Staff Uniforms $ 740.41 Ready Refresh Rental for Water Coolers at FD HQ 10/19/17-11/18/17 $ 122.96 Town of Mam'k Fire Dept. Food for November 2017 Drill $ 88.51 Town of Mam'k PFFA Life Ins for the career staff of 12 for November 2017,3 pay periods $ 260.37 United Overhead Door Corp Repair overhead door including labor $ 309.25 UniFirst Corporation Cleaning supplies for building 11/10, 11/24,11/17/17 $ 183.00 Verizon Fire HQ service 11/10-12/9/17 $ 249.91 Villa Maria Pizza Food-wires down extended call 11/19/17 $ 31.12 $ - $ - $ - Total: $ 6,494.37 ‘1 . • • • , (--------'I . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .•. '•. • . ' '''. ;..,,, ''''''i'''‘'' ,:"•1. t.. .... . ., . . . . , . . ; 1. '-,.. ,i .i..1., 4 , .,, ' ' ' 1 S l, *...., . . . l . . , • ■•• , , ,, . . . '''' •"'" i '1" .• •• ?"' '''' 1 0 - l' .. • '.; . . . •... , . , .. .. . . . . .. /4: •r , . .. t .1. .', 1 ,,' ,,i..t• •,,,,___ . . , . e d II TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF .4c11.7.11147Headquarters C205 WEAVER STREET LARCH MONT,NEW YORK 10538 WEAVER 834-2100 EMERGENCY!�, it 834-2101-NON EMERGENCY _�` 834-2438 CHIEF'S OFFICE STREET 834-0922-FAX WWW.TMFD ORG deaLpsioN To: Board of Fire Commissioners From: Chief Paul Tortorella Date: December 1,2017 Re: Fire Report for the Month of November 2017 The following report outlines response to calls made during the month of November 2017. It summarizes the nature, the number of personnel responding and the total time spent. I have also attached a report showing a further breakdown of these alarms. Alarm Type Number Generals 26 Minors 25 Stills 4 Out of Town (Mutual Aid) l EMS 42 Drills 5 TOTAL 103 Total number of personnel responding: 628 Total time working: 48 hours and 05 minutes Respectfully Submitted c--------_i_,__ 7ee--' Chief Paul Tortorella . Incident Type Count Report Date Ranee: From 11/1/2017 To 11/30/2017 Selected Station(s): All Incident Tyne Description Count Station: EMS 321 -EMS call,excluding vehicle accident with injury 42 42.86% Total- Rescue& Emergency Medical Service Incidents 42 100.00% Total for Station 42 42.86% Station: HO 113 -Cooking fire,confined to container I 1.02% 130- Mobile property(vehicle)fire,other 1 1.02% 131 - Passenger vehicle fire 1 1.02% Total- Fires 3 5.88% 321F-EMS call,excluding vehicle accident with injury 1 1.02% 322F- Vehicle accident with injuries 4 4.08% Total- Rescue& Emergency Medical Service Incidents 5 9.80% 400-Hazardous condition,other 1 1.02% 411 -Gasoline or other flammable liquid spill 1 1.02% 412-Gas leak(natural gas or LPG) 4 4.08% 440-Electrical wiring/equipment problem,other 3 3.06% 444- Power line down 1 1.02% 445-Arcing, shorted electrical equipment 1 1.02% 463 - Vehicle accident,,general cleanup 1 1.02% Total- Hazardous Conditions(No fire) 12 23.53% 510-Person in distress,other 1 1.02% 511 - Lock-out I 1.02% 522- Water or steam leak 2 2.04% 531 -Smoke or odor removal 1 1.02% Total-Service Call 5 9.80% 600-Good intent call,other 1 1.02% 622-No incident found on arrival at dispatch address I 1.02% 671 -Hazmat release investigation w/no hazmat l 1.02% Total-Good Intent Call 3 5.88% 700-False alarm or false call,other I 1.02% 733-Smoke detector activation due to malfunction 1 1.02% 736-CO detector activation due to malfunction 4 4.08% 743 -Smoke detector activation,no fire-unintentional 9 9.18% 744- Detector activation, no fire-unintentional I 1.02% 745 -Alarm system sounded,no fire-unintentional 6 6.12% 746-Carbon monoxide detector activation,no CO 1 1.02% Total- Fals Alarm & False Call 23 45.10% Total for Station 51 52.04% Station: STIL 321 - EMS call,excluding vehicle accident with injury 2 2.04% Total- Rescue& Emergency Medical Service incidents 2 40.00% Page 1 of 2 Printed 12/04/2017 20:40:25 Incident Tvne pescrintion Count Station; STIL-(Continuedl 531 -Smoke or odor removal 1 1.02% 571 -Cover assignment,standby,moveup I 1.02% Total-Service Call 2 40.00% 621 -Wrong location 1 1.02% Total-Good Intent Call 1 20.00% Total for Station 5 5.10% 98 100.00% Page 2 of 2 Printed 12/04/2017 20:40:39 o-- to .: , . 4 at "y Ai, • • / O� 47 9,, Town of Mamaroneck o 0 Qn m Town Center f.;,. 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543=3353 •FOUNDED 1661 • TEL 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR _ FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator @townofmamaroneck:org Memorandum To Supervisor and Town.Board • Re: Set Public Hearing-2018 Sewer Rent Rate . Dater December-1,:2017 • Local Law#7 adopted in 2014 provides for establishing a sewer rent as an alternative to the ad valorem tax as a means of funding the operation and maintenance of the Town's sanitary sewer system:: Section 174-3 of the legislation requires that the Town Board annually set the sewer rent rate per- gallon based upon water consumption;. The rate is calculated by dividing the revenue required to operate the sanitary sewer system divided by the adjusted water consumption of all system users: The public hearing on this matter is proposed for Wednesday, December 20, 2017: For the meeting on Wednesday,December 6, 2017 the Board will be provided with further details on the rop osed sewer rent rate for 2018.. The Westchester joint int Water . • Works will be providing the water consumption data needed to calculate the sewer rent rate: • / Stephen V. Alfieri Town Administrator 1 • n 1 k i �� 3 I� t` tt r . f y { . : I . 1 T ,,_, ... ____, , . ., _ . K _J . . ` << Town of Mamaroneck , Sad `% 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 0 0 fli S n . ' •FOUNDED 1661 • HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. TEL:914/381-7825 Louis Martirano,Supt.of Highways FAX:914/381-8473 highway @townofmamaroneckny.org I N T E R O F F I C E M E M O R A N D U M TO: S. Alfieri DATE: November 8, 2017 Town Administrator TO: A. Siligato Town Comptroller FROM: L. MartiOP RE: Transfer of Funds Town tendent of Highways DB 5130- The Highway Department hereby requests a Budget Line Transfer in the amount of$13,000 to fund the purchase of a tire mounting and balancing machine to replace an outdated and unreliable ten-year old unit. This is a critical machine in the daily operations of the mechanic garage. ACCOUNT TRANSFER SUMMARY AMOUNT REQUESTED From: DB 5130.4006 Diesel Fuel $13,000.00 To: DB 5130.2102 Misc. Equipment $13,000.00 r r ffn • •A Quote rnim Number CRM-001-174743790 Date: 10/26/2017 Type Quote Valid Until: 12/25/2017 Customer# • Cust PO# Mlke Pinto/Tire Changer Ship Via DO NOT USE Terms Sales Rep Shawn Andrews/914-330-1263 • Fax/Mobile E-mail• shawn.e.andrews@snapon.com pelivery To: Bill To Mamaroneck DPW Mamaroneck DPW Mamaroneck DPW Mamaroneck DPW • 1 Maxwell Avenue 1 Maxwell Avenue Larchmont,NY 10538 Larchmont,NY 10538 • Mike Pinto NASSAU COUNTY CONTRACT#BPNC15000011. Mike Pinto/Tire Changer Item Description Qnty List Price Unit Price Total EEWH517B TIRE CHANGER SHPMT JB SYS V 1 11,261.44 8,671.31 8,671.31 EAA0329G53A MOTO ATV ADPTS 8IN AND 24IN 1 805.00 619.85 619.85 EAA0332G32A ROD WITH ROLLER FOR PBA 402936 1 154.00 118.58 118.58 SOEFREIGHT FREIGHT FOR SNAP-ON EQUIPMENT 525 1.00 1.00 525.00 SOEOFFLOAD OFF-LOAD OF SNAP-ON 1 150.00 150.00 150.00 EQUIPMENT Tax and freight shown are estimates. Sub Total $10,084.74 Applicable tax and freight will be charged to the Customers account Freight $0.00 The sale of product is subject to Snap-on Industrial's standard terms and conditions of sale. Placement of an order is Customers Tax Total $0.00 assent to these terms and conditions and Snap-on hereby objects to any additional and/or different teams which maybe contained in any Customer forms or other documents.No such additional terms will be of any force or effect Total $10,084.74 The sale of product is subject to Customer meeting Snap-on Industrial's credit approvals. Financing through Snap-on Credit LLC is available on most purchase&Ask your Sales Rep for more information. 'Please provide vendor and pricing information to customer service on this part number. • Total Weight 958.05 LB Federal ID 36-4070294 Page 1 of 1 .azapon J Quote • Number CRM-001-174749976 Date: 10/26/2017 • Type Quote Valid Until: 12/25/2017 Customer# Cust PO# Mike Pinto/Balancer Ship Via DO NOT USE Terms Sales Rep Shawn Andrews/914-330-1263 Fax/Mobile E-mail shawn.e.andrews@snapon.com Delivery To: To- Mamaroneck DPW Mamaroneck DPW 1 Maxwell Avenue 1 Maxwell Avenue Larchmont,NY 10538 Larchmont,NY 10538 • NASSAU COUNTY CONTRACT#BPNC15000011. Mike Pinto/Wheel Balancer I Item Description Ginty List Price Unit Price Total • EEWB568AP SHPMT B600P 1 8,606.81 6,627.24 6,627.24 EAK0221J31A 7 CONE KIT 1 499.82 384.86 384.86 00110612000 TRUCK CONE KIT 1 451.00 338.25 338.25 335/85S SPECIAL SPACER ADAPTOR 1 238.75 183.84 183.84 SOEFREIGHT FREIGHT FOR SNAP-ON EQUIPMENT 275 1.00 1.00 275.00 SOELIFTGATE LIFT GATE FOR SNAP-ON EQUIP 1 75.00 75.00 75.00 Tax and freight shown are estimates. Sub Total $7,884.19 Applicable tax and freight will be charged to the Customers account Freight $0.00 The sale ofproduct is subject to Snap-on Industrial's standard terms and conditions of sale.Placement of an order is Customer's Tax Total $0.00 assent to these tams and conditions and Snap-on hereby objects to any additional and/or different terms which may be contained in any Customer forms or other documents.No such additional terms will be of any force or effect Total $7,$84.19 The sale of product is subject to Customer meeting Snap-on Industrial's credit approvals.Financing through Snap-on Credit LLC is available on most purchases.Ask your Sales Rep for more information. 'Please provide vendor and pricing information to customer service on this partnumber. • Total Weight 503.90 LB Federal ID 36-4070294 Page 1 of 1 7/GJ/N7/ Nassau county-Snared Services 1-844 SPECBID ' r ,' .'• NASSAU COUNTY t. 2417 phone assistance I LONG ISLAND.t-,1 • BPNC15000011 BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER: BPO:IRC::BPNE15080011.;; r` PRINT DATE: 81/23/17 PAGE 1 To Contractor: 364070294 IDSC HOLDINGS LLC 2801 80TH STREET KENOSHA WI 53140 SHIP TO: • AS SPECIFIED ON INDIVIDUAL ORDERS PLEASE REFER ALL QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS ORDER TO: UNKNOWN ITB ID F.O.B Point Expiration Date Effective Date Discount Terms • SEE SPECS 02/28/2018 03/01/2015 ? N30 Terms:, TITLE: AUTOMOTIVE;:;tfAND:TOOLS AUTHORITY: AWARDED UNDER S/B # 5100-12094-277 AFTER PUBLISHED NOTICE. BUYER: TIMOTHY FUNARO REPLACES: BPNC12000018 PARTICIPATION BY POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS: The successful bidder agrees that all political subdivisions of New York State, and all other entities authorized by law to make such purchases, may participate in any award under this bid. These entities shall accept full responsibility for any payments due the successful bidder for their purchases hereunder. ITEM COMMODITY ID MAX QUANTITY U/M UNIT COST 1 075-35-000-001 EA N/A TOOLS, HAND, AUTOMOTIVE, SNAP-ON CATALOG %DISCOUNT: PRICE SYMBOL A,B,D,H,L,M,N,O = 25% DISCOUNT PRICE SYMBOL IWB = 23% PRICE SYMBOL R,S,T,W = 20% PRICE SYMBOL I = 14% 3 = 25% PRICE SYMBOL Y = 10% PRICE SYMBOL C = 25% THE FIRST.LETTER OF.-THE-PRICE GROUP WILL BE'USED-TO DETERMINE . THE PRICE SYMBOL. 1 075-35-000-001 EA N/A TOOLS, HAND, AUTOMOTIVE, SNAP-ON CATALOG NAME/NUMBER/DATE OF PRICE LIST: SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL PRICE LIST • IPL1601 (EFFECTIVE 01/03/16) hflps://www.nassaucountysharedservices.comNendcrbpncmanager.php?BPNCManagerlD=3ebN5TINPeOhv6MH+81gWIFeWiubSmhYg140ySIa5A= 1/4 Martirano, Lou From: Andrews, Shawn E <Shawn.E.Andrews @snapon.com> Sent: Friday,November 10,2017 8:49 AM To: Laise, Stefania Cc: Martirano, Lou; Pinto, Michael Subject: RE: New Account Information Attachments: Nassau County Contract No. BPNC15000011 Mar 12017 thru Feb 28 2018.pdf Hello Lisa, Thank you for the attached information. I will forward to Snap-on Industrial account maintenance now and get your profile loaded into my system. This should only take a day to complete. A few days ago, I sent Mr. Martirano an expired Nassau County contract by mistake. (Very sorry) Attached is the a copy of the current contract for your file. Also, The Re-mitt to address for Snap-on Industrial is: Snap-on Industrial 21755 Network Place Chicago, IL 60673-1217. However,any PO's or warrantee request should be emailed to me directly for processing. This way I can insure accuracy of the order regarding shipping instructions,scheduling install and training etc... Please feel free to email me if you have any questions and I will let you know when your account profile is complete. Have a great week end. Thanks, Shawn Shawn Andrews Account Manager Snap-on Industrial shawn.e.andrews @snapon.com Cell: 914-760-4242 From: Laise,Stefania [mailto:SLaise @TownofMamaroneckNY.org] Sent:Thursday, November 9,2017 2:51 PM To:Andrews,Shawn E<Shawn.E.Andrews @snapon.com> Cc: Martirano, Lou<LMartirano @TownofMamaroneckNY.org>; Pinto, Michael<MPinto @TownofMamaroneckNY.org> Subject:New Account Information Shawn: 1